Despicable Me - GRU VS MEGAMIND! Movie Reaction

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despicable me what's up it's jv and we're back checking out despicable me this is a i'm not sure what company this is yet i'm sure i'll find out exactly when it starts it's not a i don't know if it's pixar or dreamworks but um it's despicable me it came out in 2010 it's 81 percent of rotten tomatoes so uh there's three movies as well there's three so we're gonna check this one out we're gonna do the trilogy hopefully this one get this one gets well received on youtube we'll do the whole trilogy can't wait to do that the animated movies have been killing it over here so i want to thank each and every one of my new subscribers and my new patreons subscriber check we're at 6149 on the road to 10 000 subscribers so if you haven't yet hit that subscribe button it's gonna be dropping a ton of animated movies two to three a week on this channel and we got 94 patrons we're almost at 106 more guys when we're at 100 patrons that's my goal so thank you so much like subscribe let's check out despicable me together right now oh this is where these guys are from elimination entertainment okay universal has their own studio animation studio illumination never heard of it steve carell steve carrell i'm a huge fan of the office and steve corral is is the main character i guess oh my god michael scott what yeah all right now i'm super excited oh she's on a leash the kid oh my god okay that's why hey justin that's my name oh my god justin [Music] catch him catch him he's flying look at his dad he doesn't even know [Laughter] it was a blow it was fake the whole protect their bodies time have a great wild child the big beer the world's villains so are they like established as the world's villains and there's their heroes as well i'm getting uh mega mind vibes like he's a bad guy yeah yeah yeah oh take it sick that's okay that sounds like pharrell are they gonna be okay in that freezer whoa holy crap look at the rocket on the back he lives right there that's such a weird vehicle i love it oh my god it's so bizarre 2010 so 11 years ago polar a panda bear skin oh man that is dog what the heck is that the crocodile what will he do next grew strikes again cookies for sale having a bad bad day it's all over the news some fella just stole a pyramid this ain't he makes all other villains look lame whoa whoa whoa the heck is happening he's whoa super secret laboratory minions assemble okay okay didn't these guys have their own movie as well they sound like sim characters [Laughter] so it's a language because they can understand each other what are these things aliens did he make them whoa there's so many of you guys you them heard about this other villain who stole the pyramids apparently it's a big deal i got the captions on am i upset no i am not a little but i like that it's a familiar voice oh my god oh from las vegas oh i was like that's almost as good as the pyramid not really so they're friends these two in a secret laugh shrink ray i haven't told you what it is yet oh [Laughter] can they die these things [Music] what the moon you're gonna destroy the planet like that that's not a good idea throw off the gravity or in like oceans or something i don't know it's a bad idea i just get another loan from the bank they love me what the heck does he make this stuff or that that scientist guy makes this stuff it's cool this is very different than anything else i've seen it's different than mega mine that's for sure because the megamind would just make a shrink ray um he wouldn't have to steal it you're never gonna get adopted ada you know that don't you what the heck jerk she makes them work sell cookies for her i think we can do a little better than that don't you we wouldn't want to spend the weekend in the box of shame would we the box of shame oh my gosh she's got like little workers box of shame oh my god that's horrible what the heck i just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid his mom was it a villain whose ex chops black belt okay i'm out of here oh okay she can't do something so he's trying to make his mom proud that's like the root the root of it all maybe make his parents what the proud how are there no cops what's going on here this guy should be arrested [Music] it's a very strange universe bank of evil bang oh it was a bag of evil i thought he was going to the regular bank look at the statues oh jeez oh hold it up oh oh he's got to propose his plans and then get alone someday i'm going to go to the moon oh i'm afraid you're too late son nasa isn't sending the monkeys anymore oh that's how you make a villain who's this guy vector that's me because i'm committing crimes with both direction and magnitude oh yeah this is gonna be the bad guy or his his nemesis fires live piranhas wow let's say this apple is you if we don't start getting our money back get the picture the point is there are a lot of new villains out there younger than you hungrier than you younger than you really said that young fellow out there named victor he just stole a pyramid oh he was the one that stole the pyramid vector as far as getting money for the rocket get the shrink ray then we'll talk yeah get the shrinkway first this guy stole the pyramid how the heck did he do that oh geez top secret research facility east asia whoa the shrink ray shrink the elephant cool how much smoke it makes [Music] whoa did it work oh it worked the sound it makes grab it grab it go oh again twice secure the shrink oh crap oh someone's stealing it off of him oh this guy look at this ship so cool so long bro he started it though he froze his head like he started it you shouldn't have done that look at these ship designs holy crap how you gonna make a toy out of these whoa hole both sides you can't miss with this oh no his ship is shrinking get out the minions get out of there is it too small for me oh god okay so he's still okay you started it group shrunk his head home for girls this is vector's fortress oh it's got the pyramid back there i like the color scheme everything's like orange and white and and teal he's playing a wii 11 years ago it's hard to tell what year it is by just watching it because it looks so good security alert tablet oh kind of scared me there oh security system is insane he's got a shark oh oh holy so you can't die everyone's kind of like indestructible on this show in this movie all the cookie girls oh good luck little girl wait wait um do you have coconutties yeah coconut they got in all the way into his lair that's his way they come out with this shrink crate this is his way in you have made a list of some of your personal achievements [Music] [Laughter] they're even good with computer stuff [Music] given the medal of honor and oh my gosh calm down hold your breath for 30 seconds 30 seconds that's it [Laughter] 30 seconds that's not impressive but fight fight fight fight fight fight and he's got a cavity that can only be filled with children he wants to oh i just got it he wants to adopt them you have a face [Music] oh well it's working thank you please tell margot edith and agnes to come to the lobby that's all it took one compliment their house is made of gummy bears oh gosh they're so excited and they're just gonna go to gru's house a villain that's him girls i want you to meet mr gru he's going to adopt you and he's a dentist uh he's these girls are gonna make him nice right okay girls let's go let's go that's all that's it just go in i want to adopt three girls okay that's it oh oh toilet okay who's on the phone that's what i want to know is the banker guy all the grass is dead guy who pretended he was a recorded message no that was someone else she's very protective of the the other two girls she's the oldest this is not a place for children can i hold your hand whoa what the the dog and the dog has a cat dog it's a monster watch out he's a coward what kind of dog is that he's uh [Music] i don't know i don't know look out oh my gosh no stay away from oh that's the juice box hey it's dark in here she just thought she was dead yeah the juice box god damn this is not a place for kids they've provided everything a child might need pee and poo poo water food uh candy agnes at least they don't have to sell cookies like like servants anymore so this guy does all the inventing [Music] these are the cookies he wanted the robot cookies cookie robots i said oh he thought he said boogie robots [Laughter] okay i'm on it okay i'm on it despicable me i mean groot grew grew has got to make all this stuff i would like it if he was making the stuff i guess i'm spoiled by mega mind oh the the door to the secret lair come on they're gonna go in it i don't think he's a dentist they're gonna go see the minions we've been working on this for a while it's a anti-gravity sin that's pretty cool oh no oh shoot i meant to close that the effects were off uh so far no no they don't oh my god where'd that guy go um dart gun fart gun fish gross what circumstances [Laughter] those cookie bots now those are cooking robots can i drink this no no no no no i want to explode ah get back in the kitchen will you play with us no don't touch on any of that stuff i'm so scared for these kids are they because if you this do oh her unicorn it has been disintegrated by divination it cannot be fixed that girl shot it you have to get the little girl a new unicorn toy boy [Music] [Laughter] what are they gonna bring back jerry and stuart they're gonna go searching for one dressed up as people oh my god look at their little little car thing they're in a store what is happening [Music] she's got a wig on he's got oh my god this little diaper i can see why these guys got their own movie they're so funny you guys gotta find the unicorn stuff it's just like wandering around that's all the only word i can make out oh they're just playing with the minions [Music] sweet dream they're sleeping in like hollowed-out bombs they got the toy right oh my god they made it it's a toilet bowl cleaner with the cold ice cream cone on the top at least they tried he's still going hopefully by the end we'll see him get rescued or something he's gonna go into the atmosphere and do they need to eat and sleep i don't know we are going to deliver cookies come on no dance class first go one two three i love mommy he's a dance class kicked her out there you go almost over it's almost over almost over what he's going to give them back when this is done cookie bot os loading version 1.7 name one person who ordered more cookies that's shark from the sewer that's it for so many oh oh oh oh they're online are you wearing pajamas these are pajamas this is a warm-up suit defense vault door oh his defenses are down vault doors open here we go whoa holy crap yeah go go go go go oh shoot why'd they close it oh those idiot bots cookie bots why did they close it up after uh he's just still eating it what the hell like like a glow stick cracked open cool oh quiet down fish got a giant great white shark oh my god [Music] yes yes they got it they got it whoa oh goodbye come on you leave them there that's pharrell again i guess he did the whole soundtrack that'd be cool if he did he's gonna leave them goodbye sorry dude they can't ride without an adult come on gru you can't just leave these kids here so mean this is the turn he's gonna start to uh appreciate them that's so steep oh my gosh holy i felt it holy crap that was so steep whoa this is kind of cool actually come on anticipate the shot come on oh got it what she hit it she hit it what was that yeah yeah she hit that better luck next time do you know who you're messing with you're messing with groove okay my tournament was messing with one of the world's villains whoa [Laughter] oh my god [Laughter] knocked over yeah destroyed his whole business [Laughter] i can imagine my daughter charlotte saying that he's having fun me perkins the bank guy perkins now the rest of the plan is simple i fly do the more flight paths i grab the moon [Laughter] the minions are like his kids kind of oh gosh they're out again you don't seem terribly focused finish it finish the presentation oh look flashbacks i threw a picture of me landing on the moon what a horrible mom i'm the macaroni prototype wow okay so he can make stuff what into a well a younger villain vector goodbye gru [Music] that's it it's cut off no more loans crew you got to make money somehow look at these guys they're all just hang out and like play video games it's so cool but he has to pay these guys right because he said the no races we have no money so how will we get to the moon the answer is clear we won't i have fired up my resume uh as i suggested all of you do as well he has like an army of workers here he can do something did you see that i'm in the middle of a pep talk they have a little bit of money in their piggy bank oh my gosh they can sell cookies hey they got money hey boss look look yeah oh my gosh they got tons of money [Laughter] there's a crown with jewels all over it i like that they're so loyal to him they're like here we got money another pharrell song what a deal he got the whole movie usually you get one song in a movie hey they got dance class oh his shirt [Laughter] look at his little buns [Laughter] look at his little [Music] dressed butt he looks like a girl yes he does oh swan lake steel moon ah they died of pink skulls swords [Music] she likes this stuff that one mr perkins your son is here send them in oh vector's his son oh my god the moon is as good as ours even the squid is like rolling his eyes and without a bedtime story we'll just keep getting up and bugging you all night long oh fine you're gonna read the bedtime story the mona lisa is in there you should drink drink your milk drink the milk ah cool oh they're actually getting tired so is he close your eyes sleep in peace until you rise though while you sleep we are apart your mommy loves you with all her heart the end okay good night that got to him a little bit move the date of the heist please tell me this season oh it's on the same day as the dance recital if you don't do something about it then i will oh shoot what do you mean by that so he wants it as much as gru like to be like this great villain but he's like behind the scenes but oh everything's coming back so it's temporary don't worry i'll be back keep clinking well the little guy too he's there i'm here for the girls i hate to call that you wanted to return them no no no did purchase a spanish dictionary what is it what did he say i don't even know shoot i didn't like what you said what does he say does anybody know can you write it in the comments please [Music] oh they're scrubbing it off no oh they get punished too they're in the box of shame number one two and three they're all getting ready the spacesuit that's what it was his dream from when he was a little kid it's my dream too i want to go to space one day one day i want to go to space like even like orbital flight you know or if there's like space tourism i am the greatest criminal mind of the century dance recitals oh my gosh where's that coming from his backyard oh no vector ruin everything he left the gun was piranha gun yes good nice defense nah he's got some kind of flight suit or something parachute yeah damn oh oh okay good i thought he was gonna fly back oh i was like the flight suit won't be able to go back up and catch up to the rocket he's doing it i thought vector was gonna screw everything up i don't want him to actually take the moon but whatever i'm rooting for him even though it's a bad thing he's gonna shrink the moon it's working what powers that thing yeah the tides and stuff right it's gonna affect the world [Music] [Laughter] whoa you can still make it to the recital swan lake grab it you can still make it oh it's coming back like how big it the thing is if it's bigger it takes less time to come back and if it's smaller well that means the elephant would have came back quick we have to warn him and fast they came back he can't get back into orbit because the ship is already down like you need it's a separating ship so it's not like you can just fly back up there to return the moon to orbit oh my god look out um those kids would not be okay but everyone's made a rubber in this movie so it's fine oh what sorry buddy the show's over how how what happened football state champion how late was he oh his dad the dad oh he's their dad they called him dad well is what oh v he kidnapped them bring the moon dodge him you can shoot his own place whoa what the holy crap he's super fast like the flash oh my god sick little karate kick at the end he's really fast going after his girls punch this thing [Laughter] he wants the shark escape pod oh no what that's so cool it looks like a spaceship it looks like a freaking flying saucer oh here's this guy yes hang on bro i thought i kind of thought this guy was gonna turn out to be the bad guy but he's actually he didn't he's good he just wanted the moon really badly what the larger the mass of an object the quicker the effects of the shrink that's what i said that's what i said the mass so the moon's gonna come back even quicker i figured that out based on how much time is left oh just gotta get gotta get it back to orbit fly up guys get it out of here girls yeah but you have to jump now jump okay that's so far they can't make that jump oh is that like a hit on her shirt from that green eggs and ham character [Music] cool yeah come on you can do it margo you can do it oh shoot vector oh shoot you fell oh my god i got like the the height butterfly things go go go go oh oh no grab her grabber oh crap oh all the minions [Laughter] minion rope uh okay well oh yeah he has a deployable thing who is this mysterious hero a hero now i love that ah the unicorn horn is his nose hey that one looks like me no what are you talking [Laughter] relation about a person's living or dead is completely coincidental they made him laugh oh they made him cry he never should have said goodbye from those three little kittens that changed his heart yeah that was a good one i have daughters i have two daughters guys so you know yeah i love you i love you too dammit [Music] [Laughter] yeah the minions are like his little kids this guy he's recording it cool [Music] great gru-ray disc i have two daughters and bmo's a girl so i'm a cat so i kind of have three daughters you know kind of [Laughter] everyone stops uh he's dancing with his mom he's still there always with that guy cool the moon is back how big it is wow all right that was really freaking good oh my god that was really good wow despicable me i finally got to see it the minions are amazing i love the the the minions originally yeah by pharrell um so there's a little bit more here is this part of the i think this might have been a 3d thing in that like you know when movies were like 3d especially in 2011 3d movies were a big deal and that might have been like part of it for that so okay let's talk about it so i really liked it um steve carell was amazing he was he was great i like how he can still be like he's such a diverse actor like he didn't sound anything like michael scott from the office he was like totally different um i don't know if i should you guys want me to react to this too this little piece here it was definitely for a 3d movie you could tell because if they're trying to do the whole thing like in your face but um yeah i really liked it the dynamic with the with his with the adopted girls so first he just wanted to use them to get into a vector's layer and then steal the shrink ray but then obviously over time he developed a relationship with them and it was gradual it wasn't like too quickly and then we have like an hour and 20 minutes i think to to this whole movie was an hour and uh an hour and 35 minutes so it got to be quick but the transition from him uh not wanting the kids and then to to embracing them and then making him laugh was really nice yeah that was definitely for the 3d um and then so he he was second guessing taking the moon like he didn't even want to really steal the moon and and like that the doctor that worked for him the scientist guy was like we've been working on this for years so he's been planning and working on this for years and then because of the girls he was ready to give that all up because of the recital and the bond that he he uh he had with them so uh that was really cool and then there was some resistance with the scientist doctor who uh was like we come on like we they're distracting you this isn't you come on we got to do this and then he called the adoption woman and sent them back and then they did the moon mission but then after i was like is that guy going to be the bad guy now like the the doctor but then he kind of he he realized what was how he got they got the moon and it was going to grow again and then he kind of flipped back he was like he still liked the girls like because the groot's like grew is like uh they have the girls get and he like was into it he like wanted to get the girls back so um you know there was he just the doctor guy was really focused on getting the move because he put so much time into it uh i really liked how the minions first the girls gave their money in the piggy bank and then the minions are like come on like we gotta go like they were so supportive of guru and uh that was really uh heartwarming and to bring it all back around when he finally like gave them a kiss and hug goodnight to the three girls like i was saying in the beginning the minions are kind of like his kids but he didn't really treat them like that he treated them like workers kind of but at the end they were like they know they wanted a kiss on the head too and he actually did it and um so they're kind of like his children as well plus the the three girls that he adopted and he even said i love you to the girl at the end that got me because i do have two awesome daughters one's three one is six months old and i have the cat she's like five or six years old i think no she might be seven years old now um but she uh she's awesome too she's always by my feet here you guys have seen her before so i kind of have three daughters as well and um i can't like i said for all these animated movies i can't wait for my daughters to grow up a bit more so i could watch these with them that's gonna be really cool so despicable me one i really enjoyed it the end they always in the end part of the movies it always gets me over the edge and uh i did shed a tear to this because i have daughters i think if if the whole daughter thing didn't happen if they're like boys i probably wouldn't have cried but uh i really liked it i'm looking forward to part two and three and also i'm pretty sure that there's a minion movie because i remember seeing something like that and it's obvious watching this you're like of course they'd get their own movie they're like amazing but they don't speak english so that's gonna be i don't know how they're gonna do it they speak kind of like their own language kind of like the sims uh so if you want to check those out despicable me 2 if you're watching on youtube despicable despicable me 2 is out on patreon right now for early access so go check it out and you get the full reaction not the edited down youtube version the full thing lives there there's a ton of other movies as well you get early access to we are at 94 patrons over there so definitely be part of that family i'm trying to grow like a really nice community here of every people who love the same stuff there's also a discord chat you can join and talk to people in there and become friends i'm really trying to build like a really nice community for everyone to come and hang out and just be friendly to each other and uh yeah i'm i might even start a p.o box you guys can send me stuff so then i'll open them i'll do like live streams on youtube once a month or something and we'll do like a whole unboxing thing let me know if you would be interested in something like that and i'll get a po box for you guys uh to send stuff so that's it like and subscribe comment share the video and i'll see you next time i'm outta here peace [Music] you
Channel: JV's Galactic Adventures
Views: 14,876
Rating: 4.99157 out of 5
Keywords: animation movie, our minions, despicable me, memorable moments, despicable me 1, funny scenes, movie scenes, despicable movie scenes, funny clips, gru, movie clips, movie reaction, steve carell
Id: rZz3bClGfcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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