COCO made me CRY.. FIRST time watching and Movie Reaction!

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i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna cry probably gonna cry aren't i so yes today we are checking out coco disney's original film i don't know if it's a musical or not i have heard so many wonderful things about this movie and i've never seen it and i don't have a good reason as to why i just miss it in theaters and i never checked it out after that and i've been saving it for you guys on the channel i saw a couple of my good friends on youtube watching it over the past few months uh specifically rebecca rose and a few others i love disney pixar original movies and i think that they're so beautiful so wonderful and i know this was an oscar winner and everything in between so i'm excited i hope you guys are too but before we get into it if you guys could go ahead and hit that subscribe button and that like button leave a comment in the comment section down below about what's your favorite disney movie also go check out my patreon page at movies in depth for full uncut links movie commentary tracks on every single movie and tv show covered on the channel with also exclusive content over there as well and let's just get right into this see a long time ago there was this family disney you and i do not have a good relationship when it comes to starting off movies with stories up is a prime example he left with his guitar and the mama she didn't have time to cry over that walk away musician hey we love female empowerment come on music had torn her family apart but shoes help them all together oh that's so sweet literally held them together by the feet [Music] you can see there's definitely still some bad blood on that side of the family with that picture how are you oh my god this animation is stunning geez louise this looks beautiful we have some more no gracias he asked if you would like more tamales you've got to learn that i don't ask if you want something i ask if you'll eat it faster i understand it but at some point you might have to move past the music thing that dog behaves 10 times better than either one of my dogs but when he played music he made people fall in love with him why do i feel like that was his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather whoever that was at the end of the day [Music] remember me i can already tell i'm gonna be obsessed with these visuals these colors are just stunning popping off an animated screen until 1942 oh my god he went out by a bell some people were saved by the bell some people weren't i'm terrible did the la cruz become the world's best musician by hiding his sweet sweet skills no why do i really want cheech marin in this movie for some reason i think i need it are you serious with the shoes you're supposed to create shoes not smack people with them just showing me his guitar shame on you i would never do anything to cross her whatsoever she would beat my ass into the next century like did you see the whip she had on that thing imagine if she chucked it at you whoo you will come home now that sucks imagine being in his place where the one thing that you love is the one thing your family hates it happens a lot in today's society in so many different facets but that plaster is crawling with mariachi yes and you wonder why i was there choose a musician's shoes did those stick up on the ceiling like pencils having this talent show and i thought i might sign up nope don't do it abuelita's gonna make sure that you get a shoe up the butt before you get over there we've put their photos on the ofrenda so their spirits can cross over the day of the dead has always fascinated me so much i took spanish in college and high school and i've always loved that cultural significance of that there's a lot of really good documentaries on it on the name oh if she passes away tonight during the day of the dead oh i'm going to die no no don't do that to me i love movies where like the dog is the best friend oh it's so good kids got skills i've tried to learn guitar over the years and it is not easy and you have to develop like really big calluses all over your fingers it takes a lot of practice and a lot of time that's clever adding their own characters music as being the background music for the film or the tv show that's really really ingenious reach for that dream grab it tight and make it come true definitely he's the family member removed from everything i've seen the movie posters i'm also assuming he's the guy that he meets in the day of the dead world or whatever that is where she would put this table in the courtyard you went outside with your guitar during the daylight oh that was a bad choice my friend on the family tradition and uh oh is there like cakes or cookies up there what if i'm no good at making shoes and what if he doesn't want to make shoes [Applause] that's tough i called it i'm gonna be a musician [Music] oh no oh no he was so excited though you want to end up like oh no she's going to break it she's going to break it how could you do that to your little kid i know i need a guitar just for a little bit get out of here can someone help him fulfill his dream please look at that that is so beautiful it's sad but oh my gosh the imagery is just stunning [Music] oh my gosh he's going to steal the guitar there's better ways of getting it my friend i promise i'm sorry get smart though can't knock him the imagery is so good oh it's so good oh i just got goosebumps on that oh this is going to be so good i already know it then oh no nobody here now he's going to be able to see all of his ancestors of course this dog can still see him remind me how i know you where your family mijo oh this is so cool she's stuck on the other side we're gonna need some help from uh zac efron and hugh jackman in the greatest showman oh that is so cool oh and it's all the little flowers that they're supposed to be laying the pathway oh that's such a good idea they have dragons what eyes so what happens if they stay over on the other side no photo or no friend uh no crossing the bridge wow so if they don't put their photo up they can't go over to the other side oh that's actually really sad though that means like if you don't have any family that loved you or supported you then you can't go over anything to declare yes see we have a little bit of a problem is that the office of family reunions oh my god this is so creative that my photo is on your friend well uh you see it kind of broke and it fell me again i love that they all know the future family lineage as well dead to this family uh you're all how did he get over here so get your family's blessing but you gotta do it by sunrise because everything has a price of sunrise to sundown i give you my blessing to go home and to never play music again technically she can add any condition she wants well that seems like some real small fine print in the day of the dead you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me it took you two seconds two seconds and you oh yes he literally said two seconds i asked for your blessing we know who wears the pants in that family he's family listen to your mama and he can give him his blessing that's why he goes looking for him found that living boy excuse me i just had that little boy you need to clean up your act amigo oh he just needs a friend oh god that is one buff spirit guide is that a griffin yeah miguel you better hurry up then i put up your photo when i get home such as my boy this is such a love letter to the entire culture of the day of the dead skeletons don't walk like that it's how you walk no i don't oh my god that was such a good idea i shot it like a bow and arrow and who spirit have you guided it to me i don't think he's a spirit guide uh he's just a dog looking for food that monkey can shoot fire good guy give him a banana what if everything was on fire like oh we did not sign up for this in the union contract thank you very much you it's your great great grandpa how come he didn't invite you well because i think he was assuming that he was i don't even know if he knows that he has a family you know i can get a guitar i know a guy do you know a guy or do you know a guy who knows a guy there's a big distinction there this video is brought to you by movies in depth i just wanted to take a quick second to tell you about the sponsor of today's video my patreon have you ever wanted to see more of this face first question is why but if the answer is yes then i have the perfect solution to you over on movies in depth you can find full uncut reactions to all the movies and television shows covered on this channel and also exclusive patreon content over on there as well for future tv shows and movie commentaries thank you all so much for letting me tune in for just a second and let's just get right back to the video size seven and a half pronated miguel when you do shoes your entire existence you can probably just spot a shoe size from looking at a footprint hey save something for me how are they able to drink and eat didn't it just go right through the time you promised to bring back my van or my mini fridge oh how many times have you done this my favorite no not like his femur you stole his femur those aren't the words there are children present [Music] so what happens when they fade away when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you you disappear from this world we call it the final death that's so sad imagine just not having any family or friends and then that takes you away forever you told me you hated musicians you never said you were one that is a pretty clear distinction i wonder if that is the scenario that if you die early on in life you see a kid forever you die later in life you stay old forever i've never performed before what you said you were a musician you can still be a musician without an audience my best grito um yeah i'm with the dog on that one listen to marco you got this normally in movies like this when we've already heard him play good once that means this time he's going to bomb you say put them on your hands i got goosebumps that's good come on kid find him you're at a place where there's music being played i probably would look towards the stage first thing [Music] the tongue literally wrapped around his head that was good good job keep your dumb photos stay away from me oh that's so sad you're not a spirit guy you're just a dumb dog oh you never go against the dog come on we each made a sacrifice to get what we want now you must make a choice this is an ultimate decision and i've faced this in my own life as deciding how do you follow your passion but also respect the ones that you love [Music] i also feel like he's going to be fading even though he has such a massive following it doesn't matter when the ones that loved you the dearest stop following you i need a favor congratulations takeoff how'd they get him in i didn't even see him in the group oh they put him in the tuba [Music] definitely seems like a party that fits his style he will listen to music everything that they're setting up is paying off so so well all the different moments that they need to have they wouldn't listen but i i hoped you would my boy with a talent like yours how could i not listen still an issue though that he doesn't realize he has a family that reaches that deep but it's sweet yes he decides oh my god he got his costume back no no i need all my own stunts again it's sweet but it all seems superficial and you my great-great-grandson are meant to be a musician there's a lot of conflicting ideas happening right now it's hard for me to like say anything on it because this hits really really close to home that is so beautiful you're being forgotten and whose fault is that hector please those were my songs oh that's tough oh no it's because you never told anyone that i wrote them that's crazy this is so clever such good storytelling such good writing poison that night ernesto no you killed him we'd been performing on the road for months i got home sick taylor cruz what have you done salute or something i drank what did you do de la cruz security take care of miguel he'll be extending his stay wow daylight cruise do whatever it takes to seize your mom wow what a turnaround jeez i i thought he would be self-centered and maybe it wouldn't work or something but i had no idea he would go that far i wish i could tell her that her papa was trying to come home my coco wait a second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa was he his actual oh no is he his actual great great grandfather weird destiny what are you doing to me oh that's so good oh that's so good remember me don't let it oh disney you are destroying me stop remember i genuinely could not see any of these stories developing like everything that i thought was one thing is the other thing so it's opposite day in this movie all right [Music] me he's never gonna be able to get her in his arms because second she's gone he's gonna be gone yes we knew the dog was going to come in handy at some point best friend get over here oh god what's about to happen here oh no you are a real spirit guide who's a good friend we always stand for the dog no matter what oh that's so sweet he gave him a little wave i didn't want to listen but he was right come on we stick up for hector in this universe it's coco she's forgetting you that's why he walks weird just because he's getting weaker oh this is so good and painful i can't forgive you but i will help you so good it's such a good story i'm betting at the end of the day she'll still let him play i'm betting that's that's my call why is there an apricot and a cactus with a face on it for murdering the love of my life i'm the love of your life i don't want to forgive you for anything oh my god the giant bobble heads shrek is screaming you said love of your life i don't know what i said i think we all heard it yes let's go baby get her off the stage she's about to run his whole image in front of everybody [Applause] i like that they're all wearing sunglasses still for the security this is so cute and so creative i love it i forgot what that so sweet and so cute oh you little big turd muffin you're a coward i am ernesto de la cruz the greatest musician of all and also a piece of oh no he dropped the photo no just desserts that's what we like to call in this universe that's a tradition i can get behind for this oh sorry i think we have some saving to do the music oh it's so perfect died by the bell final death by the bell [Music] no i'm like on the edge of my seat i have no idea what's about to happen so coco's about to die but can he get to her in time this was his guitar right he's gonna sing remember me isn't he i'm gonna lose it do not do it mama wait remember [Music] well it's already happening kid oh this is so beautiful it's fine we're all fine she's singing it's fine we're all fine elena what's your own mika why oh my god does she have a photo of course she kept the rip part of the photo it's fine i'm not gonna cry again no no no [Music] [Laughter] forget you writer oh and they put the guitar up for him oh it's so sweet oh this movie this is like top tier ester enjoy your visit and they're back together it's fine [Music] like a cat and a dog oh that's so cute and sweet i love it oh it's so sweet oh we're fine we're all good all right so that was disney pixar's original coco as you can tell i'm a complete mess it is it is obscene how much i bawled at that movie that has not happened to me since the first time i ever watched up for the first time where i was just destroyed but this one it's kind of weird it's a sad cry but it's also a really really happy cry it's like you're really happy for everything that happened and i'm going to be honest this movie had so many twists and turns i expected it to be like a traditional disney story line from beginning to end maybe a couple twists but i honestly saw nothing coming i didn't see that that was his actual grandfather i didn't see that de la cruz was a murderer i didn't see that they would finally get together at the end i kind of saw that they would finally let music back in but that was about it everything else was just so beautiful so well done this movie was perfect i love it it's easily top three best disney movies top three easily that movie's going into the lineup for movies to me to read watch every year and just have a good cry it's hard for me to even talk about it right now it's fine we're all fine but if you like what you saw here today and you want to see more if you could go ahead and hit that subscribe button and that like button i truly truly appreciate it also follow me at the social medias twitter instagram both on times go check out my patreon at movies in depth if you want to see the full-length reaction to this and all other exclusive content q a's names at the end of the videos so on so forth go over there and check it out leave a comment in the comment section down below what was your favorite moment from coco and besides all of that i'll coco you all in another one you
Channel: Movies in Depth
Views: 85,480
Rating: 4.9763975 out of 5
Keywords: coco movie reaction, movie reaction, coco reaction, disney pixar, coco, coco movie, watching coco, reacting to coco, first time watching, movie commentary, first time watching coco, disney, disney pixar reaction, movies in depth, disney songs, try not to cry, day of the dead, reaction to coco, coco movie reaction cry, coco remember me reaction, movie commentary channels, coco movie commentary, dia de los muertos, remember me, pixar movies, movie commentary reaction
Id: yQz12IZt5f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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