COCO Movie Reaction (Maybe the best animated film I have ever seen!)

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to my channel i'm kazzy this is your first time here it's so nice to meet you thank you for being here with me i thank you so now i'm going to watch the movie coco i've never seen this and i've heard it's amazing i know it's won multiple awards uh it was it was recommended to me and suggested and requested by a patreon on my patreon account he requested coco his name's lewis or louie i'm not sure how to pronounce your name um i should have asked you i'm so sorry about that i know you spell your name l-u-i-s so it could be louie it could be lewis i'm not sure in any event thank you so much for recommending that i watch this movie i'm very excited to see it i've heard lots about it i'm just so happy someone recommended that i watch this it's fantastic okay so please join me now for the movie coco thank you for being here here we go i love pixar's little introduction so cute but he also had a dream to play for the world uh she rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes very cool she could have made candy or fireworks or sparkly underwear for wrestling [Laughter] but my family still tells her story every year on dia de los muertos oh and her little girl she's my great grandmother mama coco oh mama coco how are you [Music] actually my name is miguel i tell her pretty much everything i just want like this [Laughter] [Music] this side but not on this [Music] [Laughter] see i see no music no music no music i think we're the only family in mexico who hates music miguel reminds me of my brother [Music] [Laughter] until 1942 oh brushed by a giant bell i want to be just like him oh miguel but i don't want you to get crushed by a bell like if he could play music maybe someday i could too oh that's his dream to play music i asked for a shoe shine not your life story oh yeah [Laughter] they're setting up for tonight the music competition for dia de muerto my family would freak you're too scared then well have fun making shoes oh miguel what did the la cruz always say seize your moment exactly show me what you got muchacho i'll be your first audience oh i love this come on miguel miguel oh oh oh what did he say to you he was just showing me his guitar shame on you you keep away from him oh she's scary you will come home now oh miguel that plaza is [Music] never name a street dog now go get my shoe now go get my shoe oh i was just shining shoes a musician's shoes you have to have talent to be in a talent show what are you gonna do shine shoes oh my god oh there's great grandma coco we've put their photos on the ofrenda so their spirits can cross over ah eyes coming home no mama who are you she doesn't remember her but she remembers her dad papa and that dog is so cute with his tongue [Music] [Laughter] get in here come on oh dante i wish someone wanted to hear me well look at this this guitar he's built look at his little altar [Music] oh wow this altar for ernesto that musician that he looks up to is so cute wow he's really good miguel is really good it's up to me to reach for that dream grab it tight and make it come true make it come true miguel do it do it a shoemaker through and through that's my boy his family loves him so much but making shoes not his passion daunting the food that's there for his his dead relatives oh no [Music] so that's his wow that's his relatives what are you talking about i'm gonna be a musician [Music] just listen to me please end of argument [Music] forgotten or just let him play i don't care if i'm on some stupid ofrenda no don't do it oh no oh man come you'll feel better after you eat with your fat no you just really really hurt him i know they have good intentions but that's so hard that's his dream to be a musician and he's so talented [Music] now he has no guitar though musicians gotta bring their own instruments you'll find a guitar kid i'll put you on the list i'll go ask that mariachi guy go ask the mariachi guy that was gonna let you play his guitar the other day when you were shining his shoes great great grandfather what am i supposed to do seize your moment oh i love miguel so much oh [Music] [Laughter] oh look at that there's a guitar hanging on the wall oh no oh miguel i want you to get the guitar but i don't want you to get in trouble who cares grab the guitar just do it worry about trouble later [Music] [Music] wow wait is miguel dead oh wow so he can hear he can hear and see all of the uh spirits is he also a spirit is it is he alive miguel look at he can see all the spirits i think she's getting [Music] oh dante can still see him what's going on [Laughter] she just knocked over his bones again [Music] oh my gosh look at that all the relatives are walking down come on vegan it's okay oh it's so beautiful dante can just like come and go through the spirit real world into the living world look at him no problem that's so cute god this is so beautiful it's beautiful [Applause] [Music] oh that is stunning oh i thought it might have been one of those made up things that adults tell kids like vitamins [Laughter] it's not nice to stay right [Laughter] oh how cool welcome back to the land of the dead welcome to land of the dead oh my gosh this is so cool enjoy your visit right here yes oh that is so cool oh shoot looks like no one put up your photo no photo on a friend uh no crossing the bridge you know what i'm just gonna zip right over oh he has no photos so he can't go visit next it's archer oh so they have to put up photos and food out for their relatives to come visit [Laughter] the guy's jaw drops off okay so obviously miguel is not dead he's alive that's why some of the spirits are freaking out when they see him in their world what is going on you the rivera family well your curse your curse we do not speak of that musician he is dead to this family uh you're all i'm sorry get your family's blessing and everything should go back to normal but you gotta do it by some right your hand [Music] i give you my blessing to go home to put my photo back on the ofrenda and to never play music again fine [Music] no skeletons but now you can't play music though miguel mariachi oh he's gonna do it anyway oh oh he's right back in the office the same path he did he's family i need to visit the restroom uh should we tell him there are no restrooms in the land of the dead [Music] oh you like de la cruz he and i go way back so i'm letting you off with a warning [Laughter] he's my great great grandfather brad we can help each other oh he's only got his arm [Laughter] i need my spirit guide her spirit guide pepita look at that who has that pedal miguel oh awesome look up up up oh no dante will eat anything oh he's getting sick from it you know he's a he's a busy man still a cruise he's a busy man i'm walking like a skeleton blending in no skeletons don't walk like that it's how you walk no i don't stop it [Laughter] monkey [Music] is that frida the alley britishers of this world can take many forms they are as mysterious as they are powerful oh so cool maybe he's just a dog [Laughter] dumpsters emerge from the papaya and the dancers are all me and they go to drink from the milk of their mother who is a cactus is also me and ernesto de la cruz rises to the [Music] you know anything about this party if you're not on the guest list you're never getting in chorizo ask how he died there is that music competition at the plaza de la cruz winner gets to play at his party you know where i can get a guitar look at his fingers are already starting to change this skeleton i know a guy that's right he only has limited time to stay in this world before he can't go back to his own world the land of the living how are you gonna play with your fingers like that so how far is this guitar anyway we're almost there i love that how they the skeletons fall apart and then they just go back together again people are all your family we're all the ones with no photos or friends no family to go home oh that's sad prized beloved guitar will bring it right back like the time you promised to bring back my van oh you see my good napkin where's my femur where's my femur you okay amigo but what happened to him i'm fading actor i couldn't even play that thing if i wanted to he's fading oh [Music] so wait what happened when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you you disappear from this world oh wow hey it happens to everyone eventually it's really sad it's really really sad he was forgotten nobody remembered him to pass down his stories so he was forgotten about that just made me so sad [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] what you said you weren't a musician i will be once i win i'll go i can't go out and play one song how can i call myself a musician that's true i need to prove that that i'm worthy of it oh that's such a sweet sentence that's such a bad time i know this guy needs to get his photo out into the world of the living so he can be remembered now give me your best gritto oh yeah oh come on kid look at dante hiding behind the skeleton guy you can do this grab their attention you can do this miguel [Music] that was awesome [Applause] [Music] his family's there they might see him please be on the lookout for a living boy earlier tonight he ran away from his family they just want to send him back to the land of the living you could have taken my photo back this whole time they hate music i need a musician's blessing taking you to your family let go of me you don't want to help me you only care about yourself keep your dumb photo [Music] oh no no no no no no no hey marco where did you go no miguel you gotta help him still stop it why does dante want you to go back oh okay stop stop oh dante's trying to tell you something miguel you're just a dumb dog no miguel why was dante pulling him in the other direction dante seems to be the all-knowing dog hey musician to musician i need a favor the competition winners congratulations oh he got in with them cool it's you you you are that boy that the one who came from the land of the living why have you come here i'm miguel your your great great grandson i need your blessing so i can go back home and be a musician just like you i have a great great grandson [Applause] [Music] her eyebrow fell off miguel i give you my blessing you said you take back my photo you know this uh man i just met him no but you have to try you have to keep your promise miguel hector please miguel please take his photo take his photo miguel you are being forgotten and whose fault is that hector please those were my songs you took what if i'm being forgotten it's because you never told anyone that i wrote them did that gross rule all his own songs stole this guy's songs stole hector's songs you died and i i only sang your songs because i wanted to keep a part of you alive yeah but you never even said that he was the one who wrote them we drank together and you told me you would move heaven and earth for your a meal that's toast but in the movie poisons to drink did daylight crews did ernesto kill hector we'd been performing on the road for months i got homesick and i packed up my songs to our friendship i would move heaven and earth for you me amigo salute you walked me to the train station but i felt a pain in my stomach i thought it must have been something i ate oh my gosh he killed his friend his writing partner you poisoned me you're confusing movies with reality oh my all this time i thought it was just bad luck i never thought that you might have so killed hector and then took all of his songs security you took everything away from me i just wanted to go back home no oh man i apologize where were we you were going to give me your blessings oh miguel don't do it you've got to do the right thing here you better go help hector i would hate to have you think that you murdered hector for his songs you don't think that do you i no everyone knows you're the good guy no oh no no no you need that picture security he'll be extending his stay but i'm your family you have to be willing to seize your moment i know you understand that's total bs man [Music] oh no i was not expecting this at all look at his hands and look at it i just saw his shoulder there look at his arm there's hector oh i'm so glad they found each other i told them i didn't care [Music] oh no no no no no i don't she's forgetting me no no oh please god no my coco coco coco [Music] wait a minute is that is that his great-grandma coco the one who doesn't remember anybody is that you weird oh wow that's his great-great-grandfather hector is his great-great-grandfather not ernesto wow oh that's so beautiful but she's the last person who remembers me the moment she's gone from the living world you disappear from this one oh my gosh dante are you up there dante is that you right here howling yes yes oh no the spirit animal you look good imelda has to hear the true story what actually happened to hector he was on his way back to you and your daughter but then he was killed see dante knew that hector was his relative the whole time and not ernesto [Music] oh what's happening to oh dante's turning into the real spirit guide that's so cute is he okay [Laughter] oh that's so cute oh dante's been his spirit guide the entire time and his grandma just thought that he was like some street dog so cute should be on our friend he's part of her family he left this family de la cruz murdered him yes good good i can't forgive you but i will help you so how do we get to the lacrosse good healing family lineage this is so amazing this movie wow i'm blown away [Applause] look at all these people that are there to see ernesto play and meanwhile he's a fraud i mean he's talented obviously but he stole all of his songs from somebody else all the fridas [Music] oh dante well that's for murdering the love of my life she's talking about me i'm the love of your life i don't know i'm still angry at you the photo [Music] get the photo get the photo get the photo security are you there you said love of your life i don't know what i said you are in 30 seconds [Music] oh no she's going up onto the stage i think isn't that oh no [Music] [Applause] dante that's so cool yeah i knew i was just going up onto the stage i give you my blessing to go home to put up our photos and to never forget how much your family loves you you're [Music] there's a spirit animal dante oh no too hard to let him destroy everything he's a living child ernesto he's a threat actors i am the one who's willing to do what it takes to seize my moment whatever it takes oh dante go get him go get him dante oh no oh where's dante oh there he is i'll get her get him get him oh good good good oh no the photo oh thank god oh his great great grandma's spirit animal caught him but the photo's gone oh no good you deserve it ernesto what did he get did did miguel get the photo good you deserve it ernesto good good happy to see that good boy oh hector's not gonna last [Music] i promise didn't expect this movie to have so many sad parts play for her miguel play for her coco please don't forget him play for her miguel play for her if you play for her she'll probably remember what are you doing to that poor woman it's okay man what's gotten into you play for her miguel play a song for her i'm a coco pick it up play it for her i kept his letters and a photo [Music] is it a photo of him it is right it is look at that one year later the letters actor wrote home for his daughter coco favorite song another ordering hector [Music] oh [Music] say that i'm crazy or call me [Music] he didn't disappear [Music] enjoy your visit he gets to go that's so awesome oh they're together [Music] oh there's coco [Laughter] that's so wonderful that's so amazing [Laughter] wow dante and his great great grandma's spirit animal [Music] oh there's dante oh and they're oh [Music] oh there they both are the other spirit animal too [Music] oh what up wow anna what a beautiful movie thank you so much louie lewis still making me cry thank you so much for recommending that i watch this this is um this is one of the best movies i've ever seen uh definitely the best animated film i've ever seen it's so original you know i've never seen anything like this it was just i just thought it was such a beautiful story and like nothing else i've ever seen and maybe there are other movies out there that are like this but i've never seen them that was incredible i know this movie won multiple awards and i'm not surprised it deserves it this was such a beautiful beautiful story and it didn't it was like nothing i expected and it also even when i was watching it from the beginning i loved it i mean it just it really it captures your attention right from the get-go but it just keeps your attention the whole time but there were also so many twists and turns to the story things that i wasn't expecting at all you know the fact that ernesto wasn't really his great-great-grandfather and then it was hector and ernesto murdered his actor and and ernesto took all of the glory and the fame and and you know was this just this horrific human in in real life and it just there were just so many emotions in this movie too i wasn't expecting that i wasn't expecting to be so moved by an animated film that's the truth i know a lot of animated films are really beautiful yes they are for sure and i know that i've watched a lot of them and they are they're excellent but this was exceptionally moving for me for me anyway thank you so much for suggesting that i watch this louis or lewis however pronounce your name i'm so sorry that i don't know how to pronounce your name properly uh i'm so happy that you recommended that i watched this and that this was your request on my patreon account what a beautiful incredible outstanding brilliant movie thank you so much i am so happy that i got to watch this i will recommend this to every person i know it's so good thank you if you guys liked my video would you please give me a thumbs up if you liked my reaction to this i would appreciate that and if you like what i'm doing here on my channel please uh subscribe to my channel you can also hit the bell as well the bell will let you know when i'm uploading new content and um yeah if you want to come join me over on my patreon account i do all my all of my reactions there with no edits so you can just watch my full watch loans over on patreon i'm also over i'm also on instagram and twitter if you want to come and join me over there as well and uh yeah that's that's about it just thank you so much for joining me and watching coco i'm so stuffed up right now my nose is running i'm sorry [Music] i'm very stuffed up from crying in this movie but what a is such a moving beautiful film thank you so much for joining me and watching coco take care you guys be safe love to all of you bye [Music] but we never looked back
Channel: Kazzy Reacts
Views: 151,724
Rating: 4.960073 out of 5
Keywords: Youtubers, reactor, reaction channel, reaction videos, react, reacting to, trending, popular movies, movie reactions, tv shows, tv show reaction, movie, film, film reaction, best reactions, best reaction, best reaction channel, trailers, movie trailers, movies 2021, new movies, movie trailers 2021, cinema, movie clips, clip, reaction video, honest reaction, kazzy reacts
Id: zei0sq7Klkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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