How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World | Made Me Cry For The Third Time! Movie Reaction

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how to train your dragon 3 the hidden world yes what's up it's jv and welcome back to the third how to train your dragon how to drain you how to train your dragon 3 hidden world this came out in 2019 so it's relatively new it's only uh two years old so uh we're all caught up this is the last movie of the series i'm so sad that it's like coming to an end because i love it so much and um so much has happened it's it's just been an incredible journey so this is the last one i don't know what else could happen and the second movie had me i was the first movie i was crying the second movie was like even worse um with the loss of his father and i just wanna know how he's gonna deal with that now and what other what other threats could challenge them but i think so the title is called hidden world so i think they're gonna find like a dragon island or something like that so i'm really excited to get on board we just hit let me check the analytics we just hit 5750 subscribers guys you everyone watching you guys have been amazing the support has been incredible i've been gaining about over a hundred subscribers a day since starting to do these uh animated movies so i it's just been incredible i'm so happy so i want you guys to subscribe because when one day if when i hit 100 000 i want you guys to be like i was there when he was only at five thousand so that'll be cool so hit the subscribe button really helps out the channel and it helps me figure out where the channel is going in terms of movie reactions which ones i'm gonna do so over on patreon we just hit 85 patrons on patreon so the support there has been incredible as well we're almost at our goal of 100 so we need about 15 more so that has been incredible as well and uh people on patreon actually i did a poll i did a free poll a couple weeks ago about what movies to do next and let's see who's in the lead shrek three is in the lead shrek has three movies i think one two and three i haven't seen any of them so shrek is in the lead with 17 votes it's free to vote so if you want you're not a patron if you want to go vote you can just just uh sign up to patreon like with your you know just easy sign up and then you can vote we also have the incredibles with 14 votes i really want to see that one and two monsters inc coco toy story is in second place one two and three i haven't seen those as well there's a lot of there's a lot of fun movies here so check out patreon right 85 i need 15 more to hit my goal alright that's it let's uh let's let's let's do this the last movie of the series here we go right now subscribe hit the like button let's go cool i like that when they change up the these the dreamworks thing it was a full moon and there was a half moon inside of that one pirates yara we got dragons captured i have a feeling hiccup and his crew are going to free these guys oh he's huge now oh my god that sword is freaking awesome whoa [Music] he's like a superhero or like a vigilante what dragon armor oh look at his armor there she is astrid where i wanted him and now he's right where i want it look at their armor i love it it's so cool oh his mom's there his mom's like overseeing the whole thing [Music] that's it good job guys get out it's a raid free the dragons and get out oh shoot what happened oh there's one left oh is that a night fiori it is it's another night fury but it was like camouflaged they caught a night fury these guys left it behind no wow look at that one the big antlers oh my gosh that's so awesome looking this is perk oh my god there's so many dragons [Music] they have like dragon what are they called you know cats have like scratch things welcome to paradise man that's so many dragons do they i don't know if they have enough space they need to expand and please call me valkyr it has been a year valka a year one year okay it was toothless that was pretty sloppy astrid does have a point yeah rely a little bit too much on your dragons and they do enough on one another oh my gosh watch out guys see this place is too small man oh oh my god oh what the hell where do you suppose we put these ones that will make room no man they need more they need more room the the animation is incredible look at the light the lighting effects look if you need a beard to cry on what's the report two more trapper barges spotted in the strait so we go after them jon snow one day you're gonna pick a fight you can't win who's the big bad what's gonna happen whoa look at this place man what flying contraptions they got oh the dragons are carrying it these guys look insect like these dragons who is this his uncle or something there he is i'm a bad guy you look kind of like insects it's cool i like it along with your dragon army i see you can thank the young chief of burke for that stoics so it's a whole bunch of bad guys gathering the dragons in one place why bother me oh they got like scorpion tails night fury not possible whoa look how scared he got slipped through your fingers look he's the one that exterminated them all he kill it with one little arrow oh it's breathing will bring me the night fury okay it was still breathing but damn this is dark son oh it's dead it's my job as chief to protect her hiccup and one day when you're all grown up not gonna cry will be passed on to you never to be seen again but those sailors who turned back tall tales of a great waterfall and dragons guarding the entrance to a hidden world hidden world here we go it's the next hiccup one day i'll find the hidden world and seal it up so that people and dragons will fight no more so there's a hidden okay he's gonna find it oh this is how it looks now wow getting pretty good at gliding on your own bud yeah he can glide on his own now okay and the more dragons we bring back here the bigger of a target we become yeah very true they have a dragon army basically though but they don't want to use it for that it could be the answer to all of our problems how by moving the dragons there all of us whoa yeah i think we need a real solution hiccup uh oh yeah that's a we're gonna leave but they have to leave to protect it's a tough decision [Laughter] it looks so good i can't i can't get over how amazing this looks how much they've improved from one to two now three sure don't bother to wait for us oh crap oh crap oh he's using the the female as bait like he said so you guys were saying it's kind of uh he designed it after his cat the writer or director or something not director i forget but somebody i up who helped create this designed toothless after his cat whoa it's like so much smoother than toothless like less spikes it's a trap look out toothless no oh it's purple jesus oh my gosh she almost killed him no need to kill us she's scared of humans can he fly on his own what what was that what the heck happened a light fury light fury yeah yours is better light fury did it just kind of teleport no dorsal plates yeah no dorsal plates did it teleport or did it just create a smoke screen and then fly off relationships are nothing but pain light fury that wasn't bait what what happened he's jealous i'd rather shovel poop all day than watch that all right gross yeah all the dragon poo i was wondering about that so many dragons he's licking it licking the shadow none as high profile as this one lots of pressure oh they switched this voice actor from tj something tj miller i forget his name war don't worry little hickey i'm here yeah they switched them you're really bad at pep talk yeah he's horrible hiccup is already amazing he's like the best warrior in the whole town well besides astrid wasting my time here nothing's accidental when it comes to old grimmel he lives for the hunt hey hiccup where are you going i mean toothless where you going let me go outside just wait light shade is there she can camouflage oh the guy holy oh crap that's what he shot the other dragon with do i say chief i am the night fury killer i've hunted every last one but yours every last one what [Music] oh they tricked him yes you think you can come into my home yes oh i had a feeling and we have defended our way of life from far worse than you get this guy knock him out tie him up i'm afraid you're mistaken you've never seen anything like me oh crap this insect guys oh man they got acid too yeah yeah yeah oh she's got a shield good thing dragon ready when i return or i will destroy everything you love oh man i thought they had him he destroyed his dad's place oh our enemies are getting smarter more determined we're not just overcrowded we are exposed and vulnerable they need to move i don't see a way of staying here any longer oh crap these guys don't want to leave they gotta leave yeah this place isn't big enough off the map take the dragons to a place where no one will find them he's talking about a quest for the hidden world the hidden what the hating world it was a fairy tale like a story my father left me to protect it but burke is more than this place yeah yeah the people the dragons i say burke is wherever we go i'm with him yeah yeah what right away holy crap i thought i was gonna like they're gonna go scout it out and look around they're they're gone the sheep even have like dragon scale armor [Music] [Laughter] is it so is it a disguise from the dragons so they don't get eaten that's because the world is actually round there you go the moon is round yeah small and stupid i know people that believe the moon the earth is flat it's great the sun is around all the planets around the moon is round i can't believe that was a thing that started to come back i think it just it shoots that it it hides and then it camouflages but it's still there it isn't teleport it has ability to yeah i can camouflage whoa whoa whoa [Music] what the heck oh she thinks that hiccups and i mean toothless is in danger and night furies cannot fly long distances without rest whoa their flight paths must include stops when hiccup blows it as chief i'm next in line number two because i'm clearly vulcan number two better show me some respect hide us from the rest of the world though though i wish it were possible i fear it can't last hiccup but they got found greedy humans always find a way thanks uh-oh last night it meant a lot don't thank me yet hidden worlds so they're not they're at new berk now to find the hidden world are they still going to want to go she's here light fury's here see she can camouflage more of a cloak than a camouflage like on star trek i guess most people will know the term camouflage i wonder if toothless can do that i think they have different abilities oh no hiccup don't go too far away from base and he can't fly on his own yet he can glide but he can't fly right is that why he's running oh [Laughter] he's embarrassing himself come on play a cool hiccup i mean toothless i keep saying mixing up their names the meeting dance or something do it you can do it want to this and do the dance thing with your feet he's the alpha oh his smile i love his smile yeah yeah do the horse dance thing oh yeah go do it do it oh he's standing up he's doing exactly what hiccup is doing that's not what he meant he doesn't know how right whoa she's scared ugh [Laughter] here comes the bat i sleep upside down like bats so cool hey guys it's jv from the future here just to let you know on patreon right now for early access you can get rise of the guardians i just watched that it's an incredible movie so underrated i didn't even hear about it so go check it out it's out on patreon right now along with despicable me that's also out for early access on patreon a lot of you guys don't know that you can get movies early and the full reaction on patreon right now i'm about to record toy story 2 and despicable me 2 and the incredibles i'm gonna do tomorrow so all those movies are coming this week to patreon for early access so go check it out it's september 1st the perfect time to sign up for patreon so enjoy how to train your dragon 3 and i'll see you over on patreon no no no it's gonna break no stop toothless she's like leave me alone [Music] oh he's gonna draw remember he could draw that sand is so good can he actually draw this time usually he's just scribbles yeah he can actually draw this time look at that now [Laughter] don't step on it it's okay you can step on it oh he can't fly can he he needs assistance to fly yeah he can't a human he looks at his tail and he's like upset how do you fix it oh he's gonna create something yes fire when ready [Laughter] also that's how you make it fire proof there you looking go toothless so it it mimics the other side yeah bring around my sun down at the latest sun down at the latest go go you could fly now that's all it took was one night but he didn't want it before you can do it yes he can fly on his own she's gonna get captured please don't get captured no this guy crap oh no she's gonna get captured she's gonna get captured come on guys get out of there there's three of these guys yes boom go crowd jumper go four wings can't catch you okay phew wow that is a freaking painting that's so nice oh my gosh sucks i didn't get to see this in a theater [Laughter] she looks at the tail see [Music] a tornado whoa it's a storm no you can't do it oh [Applause] oh he did it oh my god he did it wow it's all that electricity he can camouflage too and he also has electricity powers or was that because of the storm oh ho-ho-ho [Music] this is the waterfall right is this the waterfall that they were talking about that uh hiccup's dad was talking about definitely that's it [Music] trade it up found a nice new time of it's place it's like a worried father move that butt to the left a little bit oh my gosh they're all following you oh that's how he gets his poison his track darts yeah wing suit so toothless isn't with them oh man they're going in without toothless crap i don't know about this oh my god he's got retractable retractable wings now oh they could sense it look at those oh these dragons are amazing there's they're like velociraptors mixed with scorpions and he knows that they're here oh he's gonna turn it on them again oh my gosh fools well unlike you when i was a boy and i came up on a night fury i killed it where it slipped oh so this could have been him they're dragon killers drugged into obedience with their own venom not even your precious alpha could control them oh they got to and only me allow me to demonstrate drugged into obedience with their own venom so if you take off whatever that thing is on their head then they should just be able to be subdued because they're unstoppable these things go go damn get them to shoot the cage so you can escape go go go fast go club jumper yes we got away yeah yes he takes that stupid baby everywhere the heck was that i let us write a date what happened they left her behind chief oh no ruff got left behind oh my god they left her behind married to that round head astrid but snotlout looks like they're basically my hair right up the tracker or something i'm stranded on some glaciers even the dragons are like get over her away from me i'm allergic to fish you should know that that's all they have at that stupid new island oh no hey please i thank you god they're just gonna follow her now follow her she's so annoying but that's not why he let her go oh there it is the hidden blend [Music] it's like in the middle of the ocean just this like how is this possible it's not possible but it's cool wow that's where the dragons come from i love these flying shots because the camera has to be moving too right like the virtual camera but it's just really nice oh oh there's more dragons whoa oh these are there's like underwater ones this is insane oh my gosh they can't live here there's no way little tiny baby ones wow reminds me of subnautica any subnautica fans this place is huge but it's not livable like human-wise you know is this the center like the oh the alpha wait wait wait wait wait like welcoming him they're like the king and queen of the dragons [Music] yeah he's like the king oh my god whoa there's those things too [Music] now that's the king whoa and the queen by his side the bowing oh oh yeah he knows he found his home like he can't come back now they can hang out but come on toothless get get there get there flashback stoic oh gosh oh no this is running are you gonna get us a new i mom want another your mom is the only woman for me but with love comes loss son it's part of the deal there's no greater gift than love he's sad they have to have a talk it's okay but you belong there with her we don't and that's all right they're close by yeah they they're close by they can visit and stuff that's it where you followed i never looked back hiccup shoot shoot shoot look out oh crap he's here he's here damn oh no oh it got him he did all that how did he put him in that so fast that doesn't make any sense put him in that both of them in that so quickly must come to an end come on yes no reason for her to die too hey hey hey she's threatening her they could totally take him not with her life on the line you tried your best but you are nothing without your dragon so is he he's nothing without those dragons one two three four five of them what are they doing what are the other dragons doing what are you gonna do about it probably something stupid that's the hiccup i know that's marriage material at last faithful [Laughter] [Music] how are we gonna get our dragons back yeah how they're gonna do this all the dragons are following toothless so you got gliding suits all of them you guys are the best i've got i'm with him one compliment let's go swing suit baby yeah tuck yes got him gotta get those dragons though those are the real danger break out yes he's like go look at their their new island in the back what superhero pose [Laughter] perfect i want the toys of these guys where's jon snow he should be part of these guys no come on yes yeah thanks now light it [Laughter] get your sword back he lost his sword he threw it away [Music] oh oh no he follows oh shoot he's controlling her now yes let's go after his girl surprise they're good look at them teamwork i need to make a good video game of this they're like the x-men like they're working so in sync you're right on time yes oh he is here jon snow and uh okay good where is he bringing him into the storm [Laughter] [Laughter] holy crap oh my god they're gonna eat them like piranhas astrid is super strong he knocked that guy out with one punch oh yes nice toothus is so determined man he's trying to get his girl back nothing's gonna stop him not even these guys oh there's so many of them there's four [Music] [Applause] oh he's gonna do the electricity thing do it he's like thor oh he electrocuted all of them whoa there he is dodge it oh no fighting over a dragon that's your plan pull it out of here and then go save them this is save him oh his wing is broken his wing is busted oh what the hiccup come on oh he's ripping off the wings what are you doing come on light fury oh that was close man that was so close yeah toothless hey good morning bud what is it he's gotta go oh no he's gotta go you live so close though he can always come back right and hang out i was so busy fighting for a world that i wanted i didn't think about what you needed you've looked after us for long enough time to look after yourselves even all the dragons even these guys oh man all of them go on bud lead them to the hidden world our world doesn't deserve you yet [Music] even the elders dragons all of them they're all going away they were happy living with the vikings right new burke they kind of moved for nothing i guess they can always go back if they want actually they don't have the dragons to get back to burke but this is a better they said it's an upgrade so oh man so much for not crying on the third one are they going to be okay without the dragons their mobility mobility's gone and stuff you know they seem to be doing all right i love the architecture it's really nice they still have dragon stuff i guess they never come back the dragons never come visit come on they're getting married toothless he has the symbol for the chief of chief yes [Applause] where's toothless he didn't come to the wedding i guess not damn it there's no way of them get going there either she has storm stormfly symbol there were dragons when i was a boy grim sky dragons that posted on the cliff tops like gigantic scary birds holy crap well-organized package have kids preposterously huge sea dragons oh look at them oh my god others say they were nothing but founders to begin with oh i'm okay with that i can't take this this is too much oh my god dude this had kids too hey there bud remember me he's not going to eat your father how's the [Laughter] hold your hands out like this that's it oh my gosh this is so awesome [Laughter] his little sword her little ones yeah yeah they're like black and white some of that cool yeah stormfly came back too but we burkians we know otherwise and will guard the secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace [Music] how to train your dragon the hidden world that's it oh man that's it the trilogy's over wow and then you're seeing they're showing all the like clips from all the movies here what an amazing adventure that was so so well done i could see why everyone loves this movie and it's been talked about so much the ending was perfect we got a time jump of hiccup and first we got hiccup and astrid getting married and then the before that the dragons had to leave and that was super sad all the dragons left and we see astrid and hiccup get married time jump about three or four years later they have kids and they met up with toothless and his family took this as a family now they both have kids oh my gosh it was so so well done they didn't leave us hanging at the end right like they didn't just say tooth is left roll credits no they gave us some a bit you know a bit more than that which i loved you know it gave us closure on the whole series but i also kind of think that they left it at the end saying they'll return when like we get along and stuff so there could be a part four but i don't know i think that this is the perfect way to end end a trilogy and not keep going and kind of like overdo it i think it was like the best way and most like well-rounded trilogies like one of the most yeah like the usually the first one is good the second is is like you know there's there's inconsistencies but this one it seemed like like all of them were were amazing and uh we got a really good end to the trilogy we got a really really good closure the animation was beautiful the the voice acting was great we got to hear uh gerard butler back as um as stoic he was back in it that part really got to me when he was ex talking to hiccup about love and with love comes loss and then i just had like a flashback to all the people that i've lost in my life so that kind of like got to me um and at the the main villain he was okay i kind of like um it wasn't it was kind of like he was there to to tell for for story purposes you know he wasn't the best main villain but that didn't really matter um what mattered was the growth of toothless in this one for me how to see like from toothless was just a boy well not a boy but a young dragon and him growing up to become a father at the end and same with hiccup hiccup became a father as well and their bond together was so was was so great um and they even met up at the end which is brilliant and he introduced his kids to toothless and stuff and it was really good there was so much i could go over it was his new camouflage ability and he fixed his tail with the the prosthetic that he made so he can fly on his own um yeah just and then they found the hidden world that place was so cool i i want to watch that again but like on my tv that part was like the colors and the dragons kind of like get like highlight like they have this neon glow to them and then when i was when they were exploring that place i was like there's no way humans are gonna live here they're not gonna come they're gonna probably live on that island but i thought that they would kind of cohabitate like they'd visit but then people would know where they were you know if they were tracking the island new new burke um and dragons were going back and forth to to their hidden spot then they would their place would would get known and then humans would go and try and take over like they usually do so they had to be a part even hiccup going there was a danger as well but they're gonna protect the secret until until humans stop fighting amongst ourselves which i don't think will ever happen but it was great i loved it i absolutely loved it i'm sad that it's over i know there's like a netflix show you guys were saying um and i might check that one out too but next we're gonna check out so if you're watching on youtube patreon will have a bunch of more animated movies up already so definitely check that out i'm not sure what i'm gonna do yet i might do the shrek trilogy next or i might do toy story trilogy or the incredibles i'm not sure but if you're on youtube check patreon to see what i'm doing i'm definitely continuing with this animated animated movie train i want to watch a ton of animated movies because i haven't seen a lot of them so i'm also doing classic movies as well mixed in there so if you want to be part of that check out the patreon page that's where you and right now there's 85 patrons right now so my goal is 80 is my goal is 100 so we're almost there at 85 so please check out my patreon page just where you can go to get the full reaction and early access to more animated movie reactions and uh if you can't do that right now just subscribe to the youtube channel uh i'm currently at 5 000. let's do a camera 5 753 subscribers on patreon so i mean on youtube that would be amazing if that was on patreon but on youtube we're at 5700 really close to six hundred six thousand so subscribe if you haven't so you don't miss anything and hit the notification bell because i drop movies two to three movies a week on this channel and it's there's gonna be a lot before you know it so you're going to want to subscribe all right so i'll see you on the next one i'm out of here peace [Music]
Channel: JV's Galactic Adventures
Views: 27,906
Rating: 4.9805355 out of 5
Keywords: dreamworkstv, dreamworks animation, official trailer, trailer, official, dragon, hiccup, toothless, gerard butler, jonah hill, christopher mintz-plasse, t.j. miller, kristen wiig, animation, movie, film, how to train your dragon, how to train your dragon 2, teaser trailer, dragons 3, how to train your dragon trailer, httyd, httyd3, dragons 3 trailer, jay baruchel, america ferrera, cate blanchett, kit harrington, craig ferguson, f. murray abraham, reaction
Id: spyRbU19rE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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