Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Movie REACTION!

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hey guys madison here about to do film friday at number three and this friday i will be watching indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark i'm so excited it's again it's one of those that it's like how has she not seen this movie when i am such a big george lucas fan obviously star wars massive star wars fan massive george lucas fan massive spielberg fan so how have i never seen this i don't know it just never happened but i'm really looking forward to this and you guys chose the movie this week because i did a poll and i think it's safe to say that raiders was the clear and far away winner which i was not surprised by at all it's definitely the most popular movie that was on the pole the others were a bit more niche i noticed some of you saying these are some odd choices and that was that's kind of my intention like i like having popular movies but i also like having the less popular movies as options because a lot of times there are more hidden gems or ones that aren't just as widely known as others and i talked about last week how you guys gave me so many great suggestions i got some more um but i've got a very extensive list of movies that y'all have recommended to me and so it's kind of like whoa where do i even start so i'm just trying to put movies on the polls that catch my attention and catch my interest personally um so there might be just really random choices on there like there's no theme to my polls or like the movies aren't supposed to be connected in any way it's just me going huh that sounds interesting or i'd like to see that so i put it on there just my whole disclaimer for the future but today i will be watching indiana jones and i'll be posting another poll tomorrow on saturday for the next movie that i'll be watching for film friday number four so be watching out for that i'll keep the same movies on there but keep adding new ones as options keep winning each week if that makes any sense i'll keep adding new movies into the cycle so that y'all can keep picking whichever out of the four i keep it limited to four options because if there's too many it's going to get too wide not widespread too thin if you have if you give people too many options to choose from so i'm keeping it to 4hb keep an eye out for those polls and vote for which movie you want me to watch next but for now let's watch indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark lucasfilm um ouch he's like whoa no no no no no no no no i hate spiders so much no no no no wow okay [Music] yeah there's definitely gonna be a trap it's a trap what if that had been like six inches higher yeah never never give them the idol [Music] yeah that's what he gets i mean this is one disaster after another dr jones again we see there is nothing you can possess which i cannot take away it's not a classic villain if they're not evilly cackling oh my gosh this is reminding me of jack sparrow and dead man's chest when he's running from all the natives indiana jones did it first [Music] oh my gosh that's totally a callback [Music] yeah i never realized that pirates was referencing indiana jones i'll turn an angle [Music] gotta love that classic john williams score no there's a big snake in the plane john oh that's just my pet snake reggie i hate snake shark i hate him show a little bath [Music] if there's anything worse than spiders it's snakes this movie is like a prey on all of my phobias contains a central pass passage and three chambers or six and the undisturbed chamber and the grave goods that were found in another in the area give us uh you studied under professor ravenwood at the university of chicago yes i did you have no idea of his present whereabouts uh just rumors really somewhere in asia i think i haven't really spoken to him for 10 years we were friends but uh did a bit of a falling out i'm afraid um see over the last two years the nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all kinds of religious artifacts hitler's a nut on the subject he's crazy he's obsessed with the occult and right now apparently there's some kind of german archaeological dig going on in the desert outside of cairo what do you mean commandments you talk about the ten commandments yes the actual ten commandments the original stone tablets that moses brought down out of mont hara been smashed if you believe in that sort of thing they put the ark in a place called the temple of solomon in jerusalem where it stayed for many years until all of a sudden bush is gone the city of tennis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year wiped clean by the wrath of god and if you put the staff in a certain place at a certain time of day the sun shone through here and made a beam that came down on the floor here and gave you the exact location of the well of the souls it's like nothing you've ever gone after before oh marcus what are you trying to do scare me you sound like my mother we've known each other for a long time i don't believe in magic a lot of superstitious hocus pocus [Music] who is that that's cool i like that [Applause] so what are you doing here in nepal i need one of the pieces your father collected i learned to hate you in the last 10 years i never meant to hurt you i was a child i was in love he was wrong and you knew it you knew what you were doing now i do this is my place get out mohan it's a worthless bronze medallion marion you got to give it to me maybe i don't know where it is well maybe you could find it see you tomorrow indiana jones not a very warm welcome aha [Music] and time to leave that out draw a line the bar is closed nobody tells me what to do in my place let me show you what i am used to take your rounds off let her go oh there we are showed samples yeah i'll tell you what until i get back my five thousand dollars you're gonna get more than you bargained for that was a great scene when did they find the map room three days ago they have not one brain among them except one he's very clever he's a french archaeologist [Laughter] bella they are near to discovering the will of souls well they're not going to find it without this if it is their ataris then it is something that man was not meant to disturb death has always surrounded it it is not of this earth did the monkey just tell on them oh dear she's just hitting that guy [Applause] wow oh don't bring a frying pan to a knife fight [Music] didn't even take the knife that's actually a genius hiding spot [Music] are you kidding me the monkey is a traitor i've never hated a monkey so much in my life [Music] dang [Applause] andy shot first he's like honor principal what otter principal oh my [Music] was that guy laughing oh goodness okay she wasn't in there why do you still have that monkey get rid of that monkey the monkey is a traitor the monkey is a villain i'm a shadowy reflection of you don't take only a nudge to make you like me to push you out of the light now you're getting nasty buried in the sand for a thousand years it becomes priceless like the ark men will kill for it men like you and me you want to talk to god let's go see him together i've got nothing better to do next time indiana jones it'll take more than children to save you so with just genuinely kidnapped or is she working with the bad guys i'm kind of suspicious hmm well now i feel kind of bad and was the monkey a traitor after all or was it sensing that marion was a traitor because it genuinely seemed to like indy it's a little miniature city down there this is too easy there's either going to be a catch or someone's about to come in there and get him [Music] i thought you were dead i know where the arc is marion you are here well i'm coming with you jones get me out of here come here she can't leave me here i'll take you out of here now they'll start combing the place for us oh that sucks i know i feel bad for doubting her i mean the germans were really going after her in her bar but i thought that maybe after that something some shady dealing went on although it still might happen now because he just left her and she's gonna be tipped sorry indy no that's a big nope right there my worst nightmare right there snakes yeah why did it have to be snakes i would very much like to see you in it a better one where did he even get that from i don't have much time a local boutique yes please burn all of the snakes yes she's smart [Music] we meet again [Music] i was not expecting that to be used as a hanger oh well oh dear [Music] traitor you get your hands off of me the girl was mine she's of no use to us only our mission for the furore matters how are they going to get out of this one i thought we burned all these snakes why are there still so many i keep seeing more of them through that wall too many snakes [Music] hindi [Music] oh [Music] whoopsie davey that is terrifying that's not a good way to go [Music] oh no wow that would hurt so bad ah that would hurt so bad yeah get a taste of your own medicine buddy oh my gosh you're making a mess look after each other i am already missing you you're my good friend what'd you say jones jones poor marion i mean touch me she can't catch a break oh my gosh hello inside the ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations you want to see it open as well as i we are simply passing through history this this is history captured again someone's gonna touch the ark and die like it's gonna happen did he switch the stuff out at some point or is there just nothing in there [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was even more dramatic than i expected we trust you found the settlement satisfactory well the money's fine the situation is totally unacceptable well gentlemen i guess that just about wraps it up where is the ark they didn't learn that was so much fun i absolutely loved it classic harrison ford i loved seeing john ruiz davies i did not know he was in this that was an exciting surprise marion was a fun character i actually wanted to see more from her like she kept getting kidnapped i wanted her to be like more involved and get to do more stuff i don't know if she's in the other indiana jones movies but i hope she is because i really liked her she was a lot of fun and she was so chaotic i loved that about her like her first scene she's out drinking this guy and that actually ended up coming back later when she was trying to escape from belloc and i thought that was good um i just loved seeing simple setup and payoff scenes like that the action was so much fun the jump scares kept getting me there were so many of my phobias in this movie especially spiders and snakes but just seeing all the him going through the obstacles and trying to get to the idol at the beginning was so much fun i loved the epic car chase near the end it was so long but i never got bored it was so much fun and of course that ending sequence was just pretty amazing i yeah it was way more dramatic than i even expected it to be uh i got chills honestly like there was no treasure in there the only thing in there was the presence of god and god was like i'm gonna kill all you today so but yeah the the army learned nothing and apparently they took the ark so i don't know if that comes back in a sequel uh but i can imagine somebody trying to go in there and steal it or it like someone opens the box and it like kills somebody or something i feel like something is going to go wrong there again oh man it's so like true to human nature though like if something crazy like that happened and a professor came back and said yo you do not want to take this like it killed a bunch of people when they tried to open it and the people would be like no sounds fake i think we should take it because greed power and then bad things happen all over again because humans don't learn but yeah that was just so much fun and amazing john williams score i've of course heard the indiana jones theme before but just getting to hear the whole score in its entirety was a joy a joy to experience this whole movie was a joy so thank you to all of you who recommended it to me and who voted for it on the poll i had so much fun watching this movie and maybe i'll watch another indiana jones movie in the future who knows so stay tuned guys for the poll i'll be posting tomorrow with more movies for you guys to choose from it'll be film friday number four next week so be sure to vote for next week's movie thank you guys so much for watching as always i hope you enjoyed it and see you guys next week bye
Channel: Madison K. Thames
Views: 27,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indiana jones, raiders of the lost ark, raiders of the lost ark reaction, movie reaction, harrison ford, karen allen, marion, indiana jones reaction, movie, reaction, discussion, review, movie review, doing talking
Id: 9JB97oj-r9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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