FORREST GUMP (1994) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel today's movie reaction it is voice Gump we're recording this on the 3rd of May probably about a week hopefully only a week week and a half before you guys are seeing it mhm because we we're getting ahead we keep saying this we're saying on our main videos patreon I hope you're enjoying this video as well CU you'll be getting it the day we're recording it cuz again we are getting ahead aren't we and we're going to be consistent don't you worry about that when you see his we would have been consistent um PA scump I've heard about it I've never seen it yeah I've never seen this movie but I know the like life is a box of chocolate I know that and then there's run forest run yeah and there's another one which I said to someone the other day I have no idea I think there's one more oh oh it's going to annoy if he says it in it obviously I'll click it if there is another I think there is I've never seen the movie but I never quote I think it's such a cultural thing where you know like life is a box of chocolates johy so bad at it probably so bad at it uh smash that like button we'd really appreciate it because we're consistent now smash that subscribe Button as well we would really appreciate you absolute Legends are you ready I am let's get straight into Forest Gump remember on patreon the full reaction will be up there so check out patreon in the description let's get into it what have we got forward scump we are ready nudity violence alcohol smoking I've never seen that much before have you no it's normally like one or two things isn't it this is an important [Music] feather I wonder if we'll have a moment flashback to feather in the future or something you know yeah cuz a proper focusing on it to start off with or it's just way to introduce it here he is that's for Gump is it yeah I've seen the meme I honestly have not seen this movie before I've just seen the [Music] memes wait he Ked out in a suit with them trainers I know oh would you ever sit on a bench with someone else on the bench no embarrassing you'd go and find another bench wouldn't you my name's forest forest she don't care do you want a chocolate my mom always said life was like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get those must be comfortable shoes I bet you could walk all day and she was like that and not feel a thing gaming blisters to me I wish I had shoes like that my feet hurt M always said there's an awful lot you could where they going where they've been I've worn lots of shoes I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes is that like supports on them how do it feel he ever seen there's no Bend crooked as a politician now when I was a baby mama named me after the great civil war hero General Nathan Bedford Forest she said we was related to him in some way and what he did was he started up this club called the C clucks Clan they' all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or Spooks or something they'd even put bed sheets on their hes and ride around and anyway that's how I got my name Forest did not expect Forest Part was to remind if God intended everybody to be the same he'd given us all braces on our legs mom always had a way of explaining things so I could understand ma' good message don't let anyone ever tell you qu mile did you hear what I said Forest you're the same as everybody else you are no different your boy's different m gum his IQ 75 show you something M seems like a good mom yeah seems like she doesn't want is like disability or something stop right here she just cares about himate requires he not going to some special school to learn how to retread ties there must be something can be done he's listening to it all as well school he is we don't want to see any body Left Behind is that a Mr Gump Mrs gum is he hitting on her he's on vacation she were hinting but what can she do so he gets in oh yeah so he's going to quote unquote normal school bad words oh my your mama sure does care about your schooling son he copied no clue what I was doing man I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well are you coming along mama said not to be taking ride some strangers this is busted school I'm forest for Dorothy Harris well now ain't strangers anymore he's so clever he I do worry about him going to school with the especially back then kids are so mean they are I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world sit here if you [Music] want I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life oh he's got crush she was like an angel just like you sit down aren't you she's about six stupid or something stupid stupid I mean they do have no filter kids do they but she's not being mean on always together she like peas and carrots and now of her best friends y move Forest you could do it I showed her how to dangle good but just stay a little longer oh she was my most special friend kids are cute all there up does he still speak to her I wonder my mom always told me miracles happen every day hey dummy are you rarded or just playing stupid run away forest run forest run away hurry get the B hurry up oh run forest run run I didn't realize it came from her saying it it's leing as well is he going to do it I don't think you can with the support they restrict it don't they oh maybe you don't need off oh he's done it he's running [Music] oh go on lad go on Forest now you wouldn't believe it if I told you that I can run like the wind blows that day on if I was going somewhere I was running and the giv up it's rapid as well is it he is his mom going to say that when he gets yeah I think she'll be happy for him yeah he's not stopping where's he going now remember how I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home her mama had gone up to heaven when she was five and her dad he was a very loving man he was always kissing and touching her and her sisters and then this one time Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school J you better get back here girl where you at no he he's arm didn't he dear a bird so I can fly away so sad is police say Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more she went to live with her grandma just over on Creekmore Avenue no it's sad it's a broken home it's now she's got out of that situation hey stupid qu it run for run she it again she not one in the car where's he going to run to this [Music] time there you go he's using his brains now getting on the field oh mid game I got to go to college too a took oh my they got on the [Applause] team that way just he's still going he just keeps going my bus is here is it the number nine no it's the number four it was nice talking to you she was I mean I mean you don't expect to have a full chat but she was quite rude weren't she yeah got shot I was in college did you go to a girl's college or to a girls and boys together college cuz Jenny went to a college I couldn't go to but I got every chance I got so sad oh no is that Jenny in the boy oh it's going to break his heart if it is [Music] that's one way of doing it stop it I want to reach people on a personal level be able to say things just one to one you don't know what to do they have you ever been with a girl Forest sit next to them in my home [Laughter] eom well this was a plot twist I didn't expect I didn't he didn't either did that never happen in home no she's just mortified I don't care even put me on a thing called The All America team where you get to meet the president of the United States now the of the United States he's big time now big big time put you in this little room with just about anything you want to eat a drink I must have Dr me about [Laughter] 15 way congratulations how do you feel I got to pay Forest G now can you believe it after only 5 years of playing football I got a college degree son mama was so proud congratulations son have you given any thought to your future hello I'm forest forest gone nobody gives a husky [ __ ] who you are P ball you're not even linggot get your fagg ass on the in oh he's not going to enjoy this is it I'm surpris I'm surprised her M was so Keen like I don't know if she was Keen but I'm sure she was against it oh no people call me Bubba just like one of them old red neck boys can you believe that my name is for scun people call me Forest skunk so Bubba was from Biol laat Alabama and his mama cooked shrimp Bubba Shrimp and her mrim shrimp now for some reason I F in the Army like one of them round not really hard I think he seems to like routines doesn't he cuz he likes his routine he actually quite fits in I guess yeah and Authority as well yeah he'd been told what he needs to do when St this is a new compy record if it wouldn't be a waste of such a damn fine inlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS private gum giving him praise and show shrimp creole shrimp gumbo pan fried deep fried stir fry there pineapple shrim still lemon shrimp coconut shrimp pepper I wonder if gp's going to get fed up of him talking about sh turns out Jenny had gotten into some trouble over some photos of her in her College sweater and she was thr school yeah but that wasn't a bad thing cuz a man who owns a theater and offered Jenny a job singing in a show not just singing is it from Round of Applause to the Luscious Bobby Dylan oh she's going to be mortified when she sees him ain't she he's loving it isn't he he's proud of her is it because she's singing up there hey stupid jerk I'm singing a song here oh he's about to get beat uput you doing doing me down he's just trying to help he can't keep doing this so byebye Jenny they sending me to Vietnam this is hold up just if you're ever in trouble don't try to be brave you just run okay just run away she Len too don't she Jenny no why is she doing this to him I WR you all the time I think she's in a dark place herself you know I wonder what forester's job is I'm interested is he a gunner see what he does yeah or do he just run to distract himine now they told us that Vietnam was going to be very different except for all the beer can and barbecue that looks [Music] great bet he's so funny I'm Lieutenant dant Taylor welcome to Fort Pon what's wrong with your lip I was born with big gum sir Lieutenant Dan sure knew his stuff somebody in his family had fought and died in every single American war God damn it kicks ass defitely I guess you could say he had a lot to live up to I could say he's destined to die then from yeah that doesn't sound good I do sound good at all two standing orders in this plon one take good care of your feet two try not to do anything stupid like getting yourself killed he's got a bit of a sense of humor I I got to see a lot of the countryside wow we would take these real long walks I'm waiting for him just to set off running I am he going to do it soon it's got to it's got on it surely check out that hole and there was always something to do one day it started raining and it didn't quit for four month wow yeah it's a bit miserable can't be nice how Force hey Bubba I'm going to lean up against you you just lean right back against me this way we don't have to sleep with our heads in the mud that's have to do that yeah I got a very important question to ask you how would you like to go into the shrimping business with me okay I I tell you what I'll be the captain we can just work it together split everything right down the middle man I'm telling you 5050 he got a new best friend all the shrimp you can eat and he knows his shrimp as well so it's in a good hand he does oh well sent her letters not every day but almost I wonder if she read them her how did he get her I think they do get postal services in she all over the place oh she must have stayed there then I wish they'd end up together I I hope we do in the end I hope we do by way I did not expect this in this movie from to be me the jungle military no switched a lot I didn't expect this one day just like that somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out oh bring back the [Music] rain that came out of [Music] nowhere I we're kind of waiting for we got to down he knows what to do in the situation though I thought you were going to be like a bit overwhelmed yeah I [Music] did that he's off he's back in America he stop running he'll be weird hey up Jenny I Ran So Far So Fast that pretty soon I was all by myself which was a bad thing Bubba oh I'm oh no he's left him Bubba was my best good friend I had to make sure he was okay he's going back BBA rest he's a good guy is it he is on my way back to find Bubba well that was this boy laying on the ground and every time I went back looking for Bubba somebody else was saying Help Me Forest help me you should just say have people Lieutenant Dad Dad you doing leave me here get away just leave me here get out liutenant yeah that's the lieutenant here he ain't dying today then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me there b me forget about me get yourself out did you hear what I said God damn it put me down get in a minute with everyone else pull me out of there godamn you where the hell you think you're going I got an air strike inbound right now they're going to NP the whole [Music] area I hope bub is okay it's not looking good is it no okay for I'm okay oh oh come on come on come on it's been shot on his leg as well has it yeah no the Earth's coming in get out of there run run for he's made it he's made it I think that was stressful if I had known this was going to be the last time me and Bubba was going to talk I'd have thought of something better to say hey Bubba hey Forest Bubba was going to be a shrimp and Bo Captain but instead he died right there by that River in Vietnam no do you think he opens Bubba Shrimp for him about that maybe do you like Bubba Shrimp is a real thing no I know I get that but they seem to be aing toward this is the movie jumped up in [ __ ] oh oh he was still talking weren't he bit me directly in the butt talks and guess what a good friend of mine was in the bed right next door Lieutenant D I got you some ice cream what's he do you think he wanted to not Retreat from the battlefield he wanted to just be over oh he's got his legs oh he's lost his legs Harper so that's probably why I must be so hard but he doesn't understand does he I'm forth G wait he's got all them letters oh they've been sent back a she's not got one did she send them back or do you think they just no I reckon they just not posted them you know how to play this come on let me show you a secret to this game is no matter what happens his ice cream Take Your Eye Off the Ball we love a good game with table tennis don't we no good at table tennis yeah he's getting good people said even Lieutenant Dan would come and watch me play a yeah I don't think he wanted to be helped I don't think he did but I played ping pong so maybe the ping pong turn I don't think it will maybe I'm on the floor just happens it's all part of a plan I should have died out there with my men but now I'm nothing but a God damn triple see that do you know what it's like not to be able to use your legs he does yes sir I do you cheated me I had a destiny I was supposed to die in the field but he doesn't know what he wants either does he so good might come of it though I reckon they'll become friends I was liutenant Dan Taylor it must be so hard though mentally for him you [Music] still BFC G yes sir son you've been awarded the medal of honorow Lieutenant D President Johnson awarded four Medals of Honor to men from each of the armed services America owes you a Deb of gratitude son his M's cute wounded where were you hit in the butt talk sir well that must be aight I'd kind of like to see that that's weird he did ask he did ask he did he did ask he did there was this man giving a little talk and he like to say the f word A Lot F this and he's got no idea what's going [Music] on is it like end war or something like that yeah maybe here man come on come on did [Applause] you oh my look how many people I think it is an end War thing I think it is isn't [Music] itam is that the real Soldier yeah is it he's sabotaging it what you doing this you can't anything he's probably telling a whole story in it probably that's it that's all I have to say about that my name is forest forest gun to Jenny Jenny I know just run in the middle of about I know so don't like Jenny anymore no nobody knows what's going on and K in their own communities as they sleep in their bed yes we are against all these racist andial dog mistake [Music] don't mess with [Music] Jen stop it he should not be hitting you Jenny come on Forest he's right oh no where they going but now they're been kicked out aren't they he's just looking after every time things like this I would never hurt you Jenny I know you wouldn't forced I wanted to be your boyfriend that uniform is a it just look Smart in it yeah you look handsome in it Voice is so much better foot in it compared to everyone else go Jenny I have two for Jenny things got a little out of hand it would never hurt you you know that think you might I think you go home to Greenbow Alabama you telling Gump Forest we have very different lives you know she's not helping herself is she I want you to have this this his Metal of Honor Forest I can't keep this I got it just by doing what you told me to do why are you so good to me you're my girl stop it where's my Medal of Honor um I can't run as fast as Forest maybe one day run James run no she don't help herself does she just stay she doesn't I'm waiting for him to be on my moon just h in the background I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the Communists let's play pingpong so I was in the special services we were the first Americans to visit the land of China in like million years or something like that somebody said World Peace was in our when I got home I was a national celebrity Forest Gump right here Forest Gump John Lennon can you uh wow what was China like in the land of China people hardly got nothing at all no possessions they never go to church no religion too from the S it's EAS if you try dick imagine there's W on the song it didn't click for me it didn't click Lieutenant D they gave you the Cong medal of oh no yes sir they surely did they gave you an imile Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel and because he didn't have no legs he spent most of his time exercising his [Music] arms that's one way to it's hard coming out anyway but without legs as well I stayed with Lieutenant Di and celebrated the holidays maybe there is an arc here where yeah I think so it comes around every time I say that it gets worse and worse but maybe before you go why don't you get your ass down in the corner and get us another bottle of rip yes sir still follows his orders as well I got to buy me one of them shrimp boats soon as I have some money I made me a promise to Bubba the Vietnam as soon as the war was over we'd go in Partners he'd be the cat Mo Shrimp Boat and I'd be his first mate but now that he's dead that means I got to be the captain he's going to create Captain yes sir definitely a promise is a promise Lieutenant di I tell you what Gilligan the day that you are a shrimp boat captain I will come and be your first mate he's definitely going to lock up I got my boat man it's funny but in the middle of all that fun began to think about Jenny wondering how she was spending her New Year's night out in California is I cut under right oh it's a Bruce should have listened to Forest what you stupid or something your friend stupid or something what did you say Don't Call Him stupid he's sticking up for him get out he stood up for him though they were horrible but he did stand up for [Music] him I'm sorry I ruined you New Year's Eve party Lieutenant di she tastes like [Laughter] cigarettes how can you not like him I know so so cute it he is Lieutenant's turning as well he didn't want to be called crippled just like I didn't want to be called stupid could be that as well him just thinking about the crippled side of it yes sir as you were I have your discharge papers service is up son oh it's just done that does this mean I can't play ping pong no more 4 arm you does now what did he do just like that back to my service in the United States Army was over so I went home running home I'm home mama oh I know I know but mama had all sorts of visitors we've had all sorts of visitors Forest everybody wants you to use their pingpong stuff oh wow one man even left a check for $25,000 if you'd be agreeable to saying you like using their paddle I didn't stay home for long because I'd made a promise to Bubba and I always try to keep my promise so I went on down to batry to meet Bubba's family and make that introduction are you crazy or just plain stupid stupid is stupid does m blue I guess I'm waiting for the lieutenant to be on there as well now he's got to get him on on it think you will he said the day you get a sh shrimping p i he were joking wer he but now bu told me everything he knew about shrimping but you know what I found out shrimping is tough I only caught five couple of boy you can have yourself a cocktail hey you ever think my neighbor so boat it's bad luck to have a boat without a name Bubba Shrimp I'd never named a boat before but there was only one I could think of the most beautiful night Jen I in a long while but I thought about her a lot and I hope that whatever she would Jenny's troubled isn't she yeah it's just going downhill is [Music] it oh no [Music] yeah she off is it bad that I was just thinking about how devastated for be she needs to find help she's struggling I mean if he's not good at catching shrimp at least it's a nice day out oh oh here he is look he's there he came to him as well what he [Music] doing um the bow going in what are you doing here well thought I'd try out my sea legs you ain't got no legs Lieutenant D yes I know that I told you if you were ever a shrimp boo Captain A promise is a promise I am a man of my word okay yeah but don't you be thinking that I'm going to be calling you sir no no sir oh no the boat it's my boat still no shrimp Lieutenant D well maybe you should just pray for shrimp [Music] for shrimp so I went to church every Sunday no shrimp where the hell's this God of yours then God showed up uhoh it bought it on himself I was scared but Lieutenant Dan he was mad living for it [Music] this he's came through here speaking with local officials this reporter has learned in fact only one shrimping boat actually survived the storm after that shrimping was easy no one else getting shrimp bubble gum shrimps what they got we got a whole bunch of boats 12 Jes this whole movie that's it bub shmp bub shm there boy are you telling me you're the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp corporation yes sir we got more money than David Crockett oh wow why has he got the my why he got bad shoes on don't know we were sitting next to a millionaire tumble maybe what the hell well Forest I never thanked you for saving my life he never actually said so but I think he made his peace with God I think he yeah he got happy didn't he was cute and thanking him phone call yeah well you have to tell them to call him back he is indisposed at the moment his M sick ha forced Jo got you straightened out didn't we boy oh he was the shoes guy ah what's the matter Mama I'm dying forced why are you dying Mama it's my time I didn't know it but I was destined to be your mama she good job at it as well you did good mom what's my destiny mom life is a box of chocolates Forest you never know what you're going to get understand them she were perfect for them weren't she she had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday didn't you say you were waiting for the number seven buz there'll be another one along shortly a college graduate the city Falls of greenbo Alabama decided to get together and offered me a fine job so I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan though he did take care of my bubba gum money he got me invested in some kind of fruit company and so then saying so I gave a whole bunch of it to the four square gospel church and I gave a whole bunch to the biat fishing Hospital what guy oh just a legend and Lieutenant Dian said I was nuts I gave Bubba's Mama Bubba sh 50% you know what and cuz I was a gillionaire and I like doing it so much I cut that grass for free no so he does all his Lawns and then goes just a football fi is that she was there how she come back there cuz she knows he's loaded oh it's just I hope it's not just for the money here but she's never asked for money before from him just troubled isn't she hello Forest hello Jenny Jenny came back and stayed with me oh that's her house I can't be made far away from it Ben if I can walk to it he ran there remember oh yeah he did yeah yeah might a lot of bad members in there must be super hard to seeing it again do you think F gets it I don't know I I don't think I don't know if he understands or not I never really knew why she came back but I didn't care it was like olden times we was like peas and carrots again I like that peas and carrots and she gave me the best Gift Anyone could ever get in the World running running shoes that's why he wears the shoes I B them same shoes and it was the happiest time of my life oh I say he does know why she came back but he's happy that's that's what matters as well isn't it he probably doesn't know when she's going to go again that's is it just waiting like is she going to go is she going to stay will you marry me I did not see that coming you don't want to marry me no he does why don't you love me Jenny I'm not a smart man but I know what love is I think it's more about her though for her yes they go demons you still asleep in his little room maybe we do get married tell you what in the middle of the night someone someone walking with a white dress initia they out would freak me out do you know what I mean oh yeah should walk into our room in a white dress no who where's she going now are you running off too I'm not running she leaving him after that we said didn't we we don't know when she's going to go I think they all them shoes aren't they yeah was taking him for a spin that day for no particular reason I decided to go for a little run I thought you were going to say he was looking for Jenny when I got there I thought maybe I just run across greenbo County and I figured since I run this far maybe I just run across the great state of Alabama and that's what I did what I ran clear across Alabama for no particular reason I just kept on going I ran clear to the ocean did he run to California I figured since I gone this far I might as well turn around just keep on going I win and so you just ran yeah yeah so normal as she do it's such a normal thing to do for more than two years now a man named Forest G A gardener from Greenbow Alabama always asleep has been running Across America she they just couldn't believe that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason why are you doing this I just felt like running I just felt like running another time I was running along somebody who had lost all his money in the t-shirt business and he wanted to put my face on a t-shirt but he couldn't draw that way and he didn't have a camera don't stop him though nobody likes color anyway that's how he printed it that's quality have a nice day well some years later I found out that that man did come up with an idea for a t-shirt he made a lot of money off a Bard my mom always said you got to put the past behind you before you can move on I had run for three years years a long time 14 days and 16 hours I've stopped behind him as well I'm pretty tired I think I'll go home now no way now what are we supposed to do and just like that he just run all into middle of nowhere my running days was over oh so I went home to Alabama not a bad stin for years AG at 22 one day at a blue clear sky I got a letter from Jenny wondering if I could come down to see her and that's what I'm doing here oh she Henry Street is just five or six blocks down that way it's talking to you I was scared for a second man hey how you doing I got your letter but why letter say what I mean yeah it's messy right now I just got off work you're doing better though yeah thank you all so I kept scrapbook of your of your clippings and everything there you are I got oh that is cute is it Yoo hey hey is that their son from they yeah oh and then he did run for three years didn't he his name's Forest like me I named him after his daddy he got a daddy named Forest too your his daddy Forest did not expect this he the most beautiful thing I've ever seen is is he smart he's very smart oh he's one of the smartest in his class oh cry what are you watching she thinks she'll let him stay with don't know I think they get together Forest I'm sick Jenny you and little Forest could come stay at my house in Greenbow I'll take care of you if you're sick would you marry me Forest okay oh B just like that we're getting married wow Lieutenant D hello Forest you got new legs new legs yeah titanium alloy it's what they use on the space shuttle magic legs magic legs yes do you oh it's cute is it [Music] is a I love you you died on a Saturday morning I had you placed here under our tree little Forest is doing just fine teaching him how to play pingpong he's going to be a pro here wrote you a a letter and he says I can't read it supposed to so I just leave it here for you oh this movie makes me I miss you J oh oh you're balling oh that's voice Junior going to scho no only only if he says the stranger line know you understand bu the school now don't you of course and you Dy hero and I'm forum the Fe from the start not gone stay wow enjoy that that was not what I expected I you prob Bing your eyes out as well then yeah it would mean it wasn't what I expected to be one bit I didn't expect all the different careers and definitely and literally just all basically been just telling a story as well and like like I said before I knew the memes of run for I it was other people con scouting like that um obviously life is a box of Chocolat just a meme I'd heard yeah didn't get it but um wow yeah it was it was good but it was not expected very good uh time actually flew by didn't it um a lot of focus was on him ring as well which made sense with like to say the whole run boys run thing um what a guy as well I know it seems like a proper just a good guy but good guy but get stuff done as well get stuff done um and yeah I was I was good a lot of plot to us in that I did not I didn't expect the kids yeah I didn't expect the kid I was just I expect them to maybe get married and like live together but I didn't expect I didn't expect the her dying either yeah I know that was kind of like a sad ending towards I didn't need to happen didn't Happ it could have lived happily ever after couldn't then um but yeah good movie glad you enjoyed it I hope you guys enjoyed watch it along with us if you have on the patreon you'd have watch all of it with us good two hours good two hours if you watch it my YouTube channel as well you hope you've enjoyed the edit and what should we do have a fantastic day smash that like button and subscribe button first and we'll see you Legends in the next one peace
Channel: James & Millie
Views: 25,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Beesleys, The Beesleys Movies, Movie Reactions, Movies, Reactions, The Beesleys Reaction
Id: n1G2N0Qv-C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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