Civ 6 India - Chandragupta Livestream (A-Z Challenge)

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I don't know what's going on I don't know why YouTube does this I was like I opened the screen and I was kind of fiddling around with it and then I walked away but then people start appearing in the chat it's not starting in seven hours starting right now I don't YouTube is weird man YouTube is weird let's make sure our mods are turned off actually real quick while crazy conspiracies are we gonna discuss tonight there is only one conspiracy Epstein didn't kill himself hey Annie hey Lamar Lepke Emmanuel Jimenez has gone buddy Heather Blakely good to see you too then the cool thing what victory we go in for and have a calf and ago we won Catherine these ruffed hello stinky fart Christian Gonzales named you first city t theories XD sure thing energetic Akitas what's happening surprise start I know these lifts the kebab play up to the jail like a pork who not the best save huh it's not even conspiracy that's a fact maybe he's still alive John Shaw Ironside William cook Alexander caster pays gone animal right activists are illegal that's an interesting name the Peruvian lamas control the Australian emus that's a fact not a conspiracy theory Owen Fitz ISM hey her own good to see you buddy Congo red jr. you look familiar madam Erdogan Caleb Brewster what expansion to expand except for rise and fall both what I don't understand the question they're both good the Jose Mesa has gone buddy Scott Ryan for having a cousin scream to start Jabba the Hutt nem owed 70s vent cutting again got it family name feels bad as I say it wrong coating is it cutting cutting good thing Moravian rocks mr. Haven rocks okay yeah you're gonna go domination scam would love to see this gustav arkinson johansson domination probably domination will be the way to go will you stream every day I can watch you till I fall asleep I'll try to stream as much as I can Jack Wilson animal running through religious victory what obtain a lover the vid that's printing the put none do you ever stream on Twitch we stopped streaming on Twitch we used to stream on Twitch hey potato is back that's right I fed a bend here am I was going to work my thesis for potato is streaming good to see you Ahmed then coding it's German and people have problems with oome doughten coating isn't normal like if that was English it would be cutting but isn't it Oh II so it'd be coating spend coating coating no I thought it was Swedish Caleb Brewster do I think domination might be okay well domination i think is really watch I interrupted does well because he has the territorial expansion that gives me plus T movement at +5 combat strength for the first turns after declaring it war of territorial expansion if guarding domination can you do a Lakes not punchy without ocean could be cool for your elephants yeah sure let's do a lake licks map I like that idea lakes map go and well max out city-states too just for funsies I'm only gonna do six six players because I don't like things he'll do no disasters diplomat Viktor you never made it important to me what do you think I think it's boring personally did you take a trip somewhere I hope you enjoyed your time off I did not take a trip uh TR hello piss me a good evening chat hello TR or I get to learn more about how to how to get to deity by watching like something that learns will be really awesome I actually really like that idea we might do lakes for the Netherlands although she's really far down the list right Chang declare a Gupta we're gonna playing on a lakes map that is small with normal resources will do normal world age normal start position normal temperature will do wet rainfall and a high sea level maybe that'll give us more lakes then we'll play on DD almost played on Prince by accident there everything else will be just fine yeah the Netherlands is like way last so it'll be a while before we do that one settle your first city on the baddest place you see that sounds really bad did YouTube ever get back to you about gifting spotty ship YouTube I haven't had the meeting with the YouTube rep yet but I will have that meeting and we will talk about that thing this looks all fine what's going it started no disasters I know I just trying out different settings beat my first CD game last week and no smart small part thanks to your vids thank you so much doom a good to hear from you how quickly can you win a prince game probably pretty pretty quick we always played with disaster level force that's Simon zero when we play together like they're on an island something only to realize the enemy I know it's happened to me once or twice the cradle of civilization it is no bueno me amigo come on album saying that right no no es bueno me amigo at this point is Lemay's limes meme or is it just a sore spot I don't this is the mean I got annoyed in that one particular instance because it was the only topic of conversation accidentally started the game on prints a couple of days ago didn't figure it out for like 50 turns until I realized I hadn't been bashed by anyone yet and watch civilization do you recommend for beginners Rome is really easy to play are there still volcanoes just noir options I think so interesting bug challenge oh plus 500 does not work only +2 movement work interests and we have to try that out if you play Sweden you can win prints in like 100 senators just what you need for freezing night save stream and Bailey's coffee and no pointed ops damn this is a very interesting start location so kind of bad that I turned off floating cuz that's what having a great slip line area but we could do the big mean this is like a perfect industrial cities thing problem is we can't settle on this tile or this tile and that's where we need to settle so the city would have to be moved off let's think about what tiles we're gonna work I think I'm gonna move on to the rice and settle the rice that way I preserve this to two tile and I get plus one food from the rice in my capital city center like this right this works better for me preserve the mountain or the hill around there now in terms of our open opening strategy opening strategy is going to be getting a fairly small army do I want to go for a scout I think a scout is gonna be a right move here you could either you can make an argument for a slinger you could definitely make the argument for a slinger here the Scout would let me get my settler out one turn sooner if I went for a scout instead what the slinger I think is just better in the early game can we have yields on please yeah I turned them on don't worry so opening strategy is definitely going to involve getting to the very firmly which means we're probably gonna go some form of animal husbandry early so we'll get to work on that I might go into writing we have good campus locations but we probably want to put a campus right here it's looking like a good spot for one early signs plush farm field map do I sound muffled hold on for one early signs plush farm field map do I sound muffled hold on do I do I still sound muffled do I still do I still sound muffled that's a bit weird I'm like really really close to my microphone sound muffled that's a bit weird I shouldn't I shouldn't sound muffled is that like a thing whenever I'm here I'll boost the microphone volume just a scooch all right so we chose a bad path to explore it's not the end of the world not to have a potato stream on my birthday and happy birthday international men's day sounds fine making it just feels own complex I think the problem is there's a lot of these sugar tiles around so making the industrials though industrial zone complex is gonna be difficult in this area so I don't think that's gonna actually happen it's a really bad scouting path that I took here this is absolutely atrocious in terms of scouting path not we did find Zanzibar and we were the first to meet Zanzibar which is really good because it's plus four gold per turn now we might be able to scooch down through their territory what map are you playing I'm playing on a lakes map now let's have a quick look at Zanzibar they want a trade route which is actually something we can do I need you guys to get out of my way please I need to get down through here there's no way I'm scouting back up this way grab ourselves an opening settler since we're not under threat I see no enemies nearby one a scout as much as possible I want to get through here I need these guys to get off one of these tiles there's animal husbandry and we also found Grenada we were not the first to find Grenada and they want a great merchant so let's swing back this way now is ever a good play to build a great bath because I'm yeah it's an okay play I just don't think it's worth it in my opinion in most of my games so did we find a pasture tile we did not because if we if we find a pasture tile then we can push to horseback riding without getting riding but I'm gonna head to writing as a sort of potential necessity do a bit of exploration because we have not found a path to tile what is that and Alcazar very cool there is Canada now canva is interesting because we can't declare a surprise Wars but once we have the military training card we can't declare a war of territorial expansion so we are gonna want early stuff here I'm not gonna send him a delegation I am going to come in here they've got three population in the capital let's buy that deer - all the horses are here okay well actually that kind of changes things a little bit now it doesn't really change much just means we're gonna wanna you save this gold for an early builder I caught by this tile it will be better than the tile that we are working by +1 production so I will +1 production is worth it so Canada isn't a very aggressive save in the early game so I'm not under a lot of pressure we will just go ahead and take discipline and god-king so I don't need the extra production to make sure that I'm safe I do want that early trader when I have a little okay that's what I was really worried about I was about to say I haven't seen a barbarian encampment and that's making me worried can you get out of the way god damn it horrible Civ to be next to in a domination game I don't think so I think we'll be able to take him on pretty easily because we're trying to Koopa now the hard part is finding a place for our compass and I think this is the new location right there a lot of horses down here which is good there is pottery I need this stuff to go away to work on writing I'm gonna settle the gems I think hey Thomas and Thomas sands thank you so much for the 22 Norwegian Kroners or whatever they are called I don't know I think that's Norwegian money I kind of want to settle the gems it's not ideal but the problem is I have these Scouts in the way so I'm gonna get myself another slinger I'm gonna settle the gems my warrior got kind of caught ideally my warrior would be a little bit closer to my capital but I just got really bad terrain to walk through so I want it so the Scout came from dis direction so I want to get around the Scout and push him the other way if I can I exaggerate but there's always a safe that gets checked my city's a turn 100 mostly city-state conquest settle one tile above the gems um so I want to settle on the gems to sell them to D to Canada for money because then I'll be able to use that money to purchase a builder go for another slinger just getting some early slingers here to be able to get rid of Barb's then I'm gonna take these gems I'm gonna talk to Canada say hey what's going on he'll give me four gold and six gold nice one that'll get me closer to purchasing a builder I heard a bar become prepared there's a barbarian alrighty see if I can push this Scout away throw an attack at him see if he'll run this way to the south that's what I was hoping they get our third settler second settler rather so he'll likely try to cross the river and then the warrior will get him or a slinger will get him so I think he's dead I mean we'll get the boost for archery which will push us towards horseback riding like we're hoping for and he forward settled me which is annoying because I was planning on settling down here but that's just gonna mean I have to kill him you must name a city James this can be James okay we found another barbed comp I'm gonna scout up this way to the north he settled like perfectly to kind of block this area which is very annoying because it's like a super block with this city state stuff going on - it's like the perfect block attack there and this way I'm hoping this guy steps out to come fight me take a moment to heal got the kill on that slinger we only need one more kill to get the boost for ironworking which is definitely a boost that we want this city is going to work on the campus I think the 17 turn campus which is really good let's go ahead and purchase that bill there now we can improve the diamonds once we have mining let's grab mining first throw a sling you kill beautiful clear the barber camp Happy Days looking good so far I want to put a farm on a rice tile because that'll get me the booster irrigation which gives me my plantations on my step well we are gonna want to go for holy sites at some point this game may be not fully decided upon that and we don't really want to be going to war until maybe military training so we're gonna be kind of playing a kind of passive early game building up military infrastructure its foreign trade we can buy ourselves a trader now we'll be looking to trade with Zanzibar take the battlecry promotion keep exploring no name is siti Jamestown sure potato UH one doubt I had from your video about the district do you get the 40% on your first district no you do not settler city next to the marble I was thinking more here this would get me more loyalty pressure and sort of secure this line which is what I want to do I want to I want to push him this way while I expand out this way to the east so there is foreign trade we're gonna swing back up for State Workforce there's our first tile improvement we'd like to get this mine online as well and then we want to improve this quarry or no you know what we want to improve the horse and so we'll save up for the buying of the horse tile you take a moment to heal so now we trade with Zanzibar that'll get me an envoy as well as boosting currency I lost my connection to chat what hello you guys hear me can I hear you Banda Brunei I was not the first to meet Bondi Brunei they wanted boost for mysticism I will get that soon hello yeah I can see you guys now that's weird is mining put a mine down there I have another copy of gems to sell should I meet another player alrighty let's kind of take a moment there I want my monuments soon I'm gonna cross the river so they have river defense and he should still chase and then I'm gonna come up and get these horses on line why the switch from YouTube to twitch I've made I've explained this a few times actually a few different times about why I made the switch and it's really just to do with having all my content on one place so people have an easier time finding me and engaging with my content let's pick up bronze working that's gonna be an important district for us you head up there we will of course buy that because we won't get it otherwise it's another resource we can sell to the AI it's come this way and have a look and see if any more settlers are coming from Canada Canada's not a fan of me but he hasn't announced me so he can't declare warned me so I have plenty of warning there's quite a few pastures here in my empire is also quite a few quarries see Pantheon partly on Pantheon Pantheon quarry first I disagree because we want the boost for horseback riding to get our very early to kill Canada so it's the o free settler absolutely there's absolutely no competition there in a domination game which is the current plan now how we navigate through that domination plan is gonna be an interesting endeavor there's another barber camp up here so I'm settling here purely for loyalty and defensive reasons to be able to and also to have loyalty when I actually attack Canada so that's kind of the logic here I'm doing a bit of exploration no I found my very first tribal village I believe and very light on those this game pop in a pasture we can change our government next turn there's craftsmanship boost it that all synced up very nicely and now we have some really great stuff happening we probably don't need to work this much food realistically I would rather the I would rather grow to turn slower and have the extra two production a matheus did grant or Mathias de grant thank you so much for becoming a member of the YouTube channel dude I really appreciate that our campus is being worked on we have another settler coming very good I want my monument after this because I need to get to military training as soon as possible wonder what this guy will that he might attack me there's craftsmanship we can change a god-king for production we're gonna take the attack he'll be attacking across the river and we have a defense that we have a promotion available I want to keep an eye on Canada but one of my units the rest of the stuff doesn't really matter that much now we're gonna pick up state workforce because we're only a few turns from finishing the campus which will boost state workforce and then we can get our government Plaza online we will probably build an encampment here in Jamestown so I'm going to take a swing okay he stole that thing let's go ahead and fall back to here settle here in Delhi definitely raise Halifax yeah no I don't think there's any need to raise in a domination game no need to raise in a domination game in my opinion we're gonna go straight monument in this city because we want to get as much culture out as possible now now that's a priority for us let's have a peek at him his army is pretty weak we should be able to hit up at virus in a well-timed attack they probably want to talk here they'll retreat which gives me an opportunity to cross the river safely and then look for kills okay another settler this one I would like to send down here to secure this area so he doesn't feel like expanding this way alternatively how many settlements do you usually get in the domination game it depends on the sieve I'm playing and the current state of the game right now I'm going for a more settler heavy strategy oh and Comerford thank you so much for becoming a member of the channel dude I really appreciate it potato when you take an idiot of can you name it change like poop done sure you'd have to remind me when I do that Delhi is not a good name name the city James Appa loose all right sounds good to me so in terms of where I want to settle this city there's a few considerations we're looking for strategics and we're looking for luxuries so I don't I'd see the only one I see over here is marble marble is already in range of Jane topless I could potentially settle on this rice here or I could settle near here I could also just settle up towards the desert to get a pyramids which I'm actually liking the pyramids play quite a lot right here I could settle on this tile get a pyramids or perhaps even better it's like it's settled here and get a pyramid so now this does kind of close off a lot of these cities or like someone suggested I could get more horses to sell or but I'll probably be using them myself mostly so I'm kind of tempted with this spot right here I think I think four cities is probably good until we have our government set up and so I'm really thinking that rice but my problem is I'm going into a dark age so this loyalty is gonna be even worse and I would like to reinforce James Opelousas loyalty so I'm thinking this is just like a good City location because there's a lot of forest and a lot of like to one tiles which are three three yield which are like good baseline tiles for a city to work on go ahead and kill that we might be able to get a barber camp up here too if we can I would like that exploration is happening okay he hasn't announced me so I'm under no threat yet swing him once why not wait till iron is revealed if there is iron revealed on this guy's in position and shifting slightly will work I did think about that but it's it's just not a huge priority for me because iron isn't gonna be what I'm using to go to war i'm gonna be using horsemen enviro to go to war so iron just isn't a priority for me at this current moment in time alright so there is the barbed comp I'm gonna stand right here you're providing scouting information so it looks like he settled West hey there's bronze working you need to run away you're taking too much damage I want to bait the spearmen over here make a dedication we will go of course take free inquiry and did we find iron I do not see iron at all this makes me want to settle here to grab those horses don't see ondas aren't there and there might kill those city-states later so I'm just going to settle in place work on monuments I have clear that's it's a Sahara Al Bayda knowledge of astrology is boosted looks like there's not a whole lot of religion pressure this game so we could do that but now we're gonna work on horseback riding the capital is going to get to work on an encampment here this encounters going to go right there in two turns there's the Congo honor to meet you plus the era score and lovely monument in here any tiles I can swap to help the city out production-wise I could buy a tile I could purchase a builder see in terms of tile improvements kind of make a significant improvement to my empire with builders let's see not really I could chop and do things in there James done if you read this he's named a city James in your game I've already named a city James a potato dude James and a gar that sounds know James City we already have a Jamestown do we need a James City alright so there's the Congo to the west so this gives me more information about my expansion and stuff like that that I have planned a state workforce is in three turns we will build the government plans after this science-wise I'm a little bit behind right now but that's okay the Varro doesn't take anything and we're probably just like once we finished this we'll take the valley promotion that'll heal this guy back up he'll attack again and then we should be able to kill him if he attacks again I'm gonna refuse this deal because I plan to go to war with him very soon I don't wanna give him horses because that'll make him have an easier time defending they state workforce beautiful we attack there now he can't attack us without dying perfect choose an exhibit early Empire into political philosophy into military a training they want me to research the construction technology that's gonna require like wheel into quarry into water mill which is kind of a difficult thing to pull off but I will try it so I'm gonna want to get a builder to improve a quarry so I'll do that over here will you go to the ancestral Hall or war throne war throne for sure there's masonry boosted so we can go for masonry I'll probably go wheel into construction we might be able to get there sometime maybe not it's gonna be very open the air so the reason why I'm exploring with these military units is cuz I'm not under threat my only neighbor is Canada and Canada is not an aggressive Civ so I can just simply have a relatively large advantage I'm gonna want to attack him early let's do that I'll take that deal now I can get a governor title so that's something we should consider but to get our second governor title and we want to have them established I think I'm gonna take Pingala here and establish him in James because that's where my campus is it's gonna help me out a lot I really would like to pick up irrigation so I'll go irrigation will masonry construction we got this online I could shop government Plaza on this tile I would buy this government players on this tile go there and chomp that okay so a warrior came out of the woodwork let's not mess around with that oh I know what we'll call this city James are bad there is the encampment so now we could go for the stable but I think it's time we started producing varoom actually I want to pick up military tradition first so I've got five turns before it's sufficient to produce varoom let's take those five turns and do what with them ideally build a government Plaza so what I'll do is I will sink turns into a stable oh I could have saved money by buying this in the right city then we'll go here we'll chop out the stable and then build the government Plaza in my capital we're gonna start bringing my slingers home now because we're getting close to when we want to go to war now you your job is to build up a financial infrastructure and so that involves going for things like builders if I build builders means I don't have to purchase them man it's like a long walk to get that I'm not worried that I've lived without love okay there's that we can build this if we want to get a golden age so now I'd like to get a road down to Toronto if I have a road to Toronto then I can more easily engage in warfare we'll harvest this that'll finish the stable a little bit sooner more importantly I can place the government Plaza get that underway and then in two turns I guess we'll do something like this maybe I'll harvest maybe I'll chop up woods in here I'll harvest the deer to finish this a little bit quicker tell you what we'll do stable first this this this this okay looking good for a variety next city to be named Joe town uh who would name is city after Joe what's wrong with you okay we got our Monument in Chains which gives us a lot of culture I'd like the campus to try to stay competitive in terms of science I'm a little bit behind in science so getting that online is good we will be get out of my way please please please please - please okay kind of out of my way but not really military training we'll swap in the man waiver card as I like to call it we could plug in Strategos Congo has gone for a lot of great general points right now we're going to harvest the deer because we want to finish that and then I want to purchase another builder and I'm going to harvest we want to keep that lumber mill but I'll harvest this forest because I can put a mine on it Nathan's gym it's early Empire normally I would plug in the settlor card but I don't need it right now because we're looking for other things I'm gonna put one turn into a filter in here and then we'll switch to the water mill we're gonna promote Pingala with sites when I we use Pingala to make sure we're not too far behind the AI in terms of science and then we're making 18 with the completion of the library that'll be 20 probably about twenty one twenty two and then we're kind of like really really on power once we finish the government Plaza we'll give him the culture boost but you mean we're now on pirate EA on sites we're a little bit behind in terms of science but I think where our infrastructure is starting to look really good once we have construction I don't know if I'm gonna get it in time for it to matter here and I really am n't so since I'm not gonna get construction in time for it to matter what we'll do is we'll go for the wheel into currency and by getting currency that'll give us the goat the ability to generate gold that we need to fuel our army I need to get you home somehow someone here we're gonna be building the water mill purely for the tech boost will console app builder he's got another settler oh god please Canada talk to me hey what's up you know there's open borders that you like yeah this is why we don't have open borders kids right wherever that settler goes I'm gonna steal it I can't declare a surprise war ah because I need to get to this technology to clear my wart no I was gonna try and steal it oh well rip not the end of the world okay now is the time to start producing var ooh we're also gonna purchase a builder in here I want to get a couple of these rice tiles online sugar tiles rather you're gonna become an archer you're gonna become an archer you're gonna become an archer - but I need these guys to go wait make sure it's a denounce first I will when I'm closer to getting ready to declare war you can see now we're holding our own in terms of science let's go ahead and promote Pingala now we should be holding our own in terms of culture as well all right now we're on par with the AI in terms of culture and science on a four city build when the prove this plantation chopped this out go for the war throne then we're looking really really nice ah charles johnson thank you for becoming a member of the channel dude as some of you live in the UK i'm don't live in the UK I live in Ireland which is not a part of the UK plus one ERA score there is currency and there is political philosophy we're gonna go ahead and take autocracy here because of the plus one yield and also is a really nice because we can plug in Strategos and we can plug in could do conscription could plug in a GOG agog a just whatever it's called so that I can build other military units sooner I've got another builder finishing in here they will always be a part of the UK cool guess what I have I have the power here Britain filthy Brits all right uh all right what's next so we have this the follow up will be nice so that means we want ironed we have iron where am I getting iron from from a city state so the follow-up to the VAR room is the tank so what's our follow-up to this it'll probably be coursers so coursers are over here in castles so that's going to involve going through masonry into construction place that plantation sell it to the Congo give me gold did I ever sell you this yet I did Canada just get a little bit of gold out of Canada before we declare war on them god I need you to move remember he did bring up the gospel no deal he really does have the power what country of Europe you know nothing about you have art above James it's all the way out of range though there is the builder Varro I think three Varro will be sort of when well the real trigger pull will be when we finish military training so let's go ahead and denounce him now it's like a chop here to get this virus sooner and then put a mine there and then improve that posture like bottom new Canadian city fire right that's fine we'll kill him don't you worry we're gonna wait become an archer is 1:30 EST a typical stare time nope just kind of whenever I feel like it refuse his demands so we'll get a Varro in here as well put a mine on that tile got ourselves a little army we're gonna wait one turn to harvest here you come this way excellent the viral finishes how close we do a great general this is a classical era great general it's what I really really want so tell me what you're okay we're going to get to work on the warlords throne we're gonna harvest it out to shave - turns off of it then they'll put a mine there that'll give me the boost for industrialization then I'm gonna come here I'm gonna place that pasture we are almost ready to actually begin the war in earnest a little bit of a this is a very slow start I will say in terms of actually getting into war but it has a big advantage doing it this way because our war infrastructure is really really strong you can see we're on par with the AI in terms of science gold and technology and all that sort of good stuff there's a boost for apprenticeship yeah I've lived in line for two years and be honest culture is almost identical you guys combined earn everyone yeah I know like the people like the peeps the people are more or less the same but they are different countries do you ever lose to the into end game very very rarely why is Pingala nice to take early because Pingala right now with these three promotions is providing me in this city with thirteen point eight science and nine culture compare that to my capital it's making six point eight and seven point four compare that to over here one point two three point two right so this is just a lot of early science and culture that lets you keep on par with the AI without massively having to expand your empire this allows me to do a very aggressive for City play Jayne's 'ln does the new name of Halifax well think about it so this catapult being inside the city is a bit of a pain in the ass but I'm probably too clear I'm declaring the war into turns like we know that we know I'm declaring the war in two turns because that's when I get military training and that's when trying to go up two unlocks his unique casus belli hey belly so in terms of advancing our Empire the next thing we need is to start taking care of our gold income and that's going to involve the commercial hub so in this city I'm gonna work on a commercial hub right there you guys just hang on he wants to buy horses I won't be at war with him for a while so I'm okay with selling him horses the troops are merely passing by there's military training who is Susan so Grenada he is Susan Oh Grenada which is really really annoying cuz it means I'm gonna need walls or something to help stop that be the way that it is now we can declare war war territorial expansion it's a 25% reduction in grievances which is really really useful it also is not a surprise war a BAM and now we can begin the process of cutting down the units so we killed that already you're going to step to the left you're gonna come forward and kill that you're coming this way and now that we have military training we're gonna come back pick up this envoy then work on defensive tactics we have an envoy available to us we are Susan of Zanzibar so these guys should fight each other I can't levy the military it's too expensive I would love to be levy the military I would love to be in control of Grenada if I could but that's not gonna happen I'm gonna hold on to my own voice here so as expected we took a little bit of damage we should be able to tidy this up too pretty quickly pretty easily take him out chariots must go you head there now the really cool thing is if we unlock this are gonna build ancient walls in James bod even though it's the worst city to build but I want it for the boost because I want to efficiently navigate my way I'm gonna go ahead and work on apprenticeship for the plus one production on mines because that's a lot of production I'm gonna take seams rounded II back of Zanzibar cuz I need this I need Zanzibar over here to tie up Granada's troops basically the city is now surrounded and we can start to hammer it I'm gonna pillage this hot well should i pillage the holy site I will pillage the holy site this guy's gonna come through and pillage my stuff if I'm not careful so let me do this there's machinery booths did perfect we're going to send you to James Ovilus all right how facts should fall if we get the right units on the job how the Fox now belongs to me we will keep the city we will rename it to first city down turned 74 looking ok I'm gonna trade with Bondi Brunei it's a relatively safe trade route that kind of goes through a little bit of fog of war more importantly it gives me 6 glove per turn shoot that man I know there varo is available so this city I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the granary to let it keep growing I would like to also build an encampment I don't have very good spots for an encampment I guess here is fine this might be more of an economic City though there's a plus three commercial hub there my capital is about to finish its warlords throne which will let it produce more units cuz it'll free up its production it's called them war elephants playing all saves in that order it also named say I may be on an Android game to him don't cross my store I really love it if you give it a try ah if I get time I'll try out basically a you know anything people ask me to but again it comes down to that if I get time things let's come in here we're going to hammer that unit kill that warrior shoot that Archer you're gonna come forward to hit that guy you come down here then we will recruit our very first great general and run it all the way down here there you know what I should have actually unlocked I should have definitely unlocked ironworking because I do have this guy so we're gonna come back from that I want to get machinery as well okay there is warlords throne and I could get a terracotta army I don't think that's worth it right now right now what I want are more units to fight in my war take a moment to heal here then we'll push on Toronto so you are gonna heal up you're gonna kill there you come here you hit that finish him off beautiful this is the power of the Indian well supported early war it's basically trivial to knock a save out of the game where you from your accent is oddly nonspecific I'm from Ireland but my accent is nonspecific just because I've kind of trained myself subconsciously to talk without an accent it wasn't like a wasn't really super plant it's just the way things kind of turned out so we're just going to take a moment here to rest up you get in the face of the city shoot it ideally we do want to get these guys highly leveled because they can do a lot of heavy lifting for us the virus sound effect is very do you still live in Ireland yes I do name Toronto to Pyongyang that's a bit of a weird one but I mean I'll think about it arrows storm so right now I'm kind of prioritizing experience pop in here pillage that beautiful Toronto we're gonna go ahead and appoint victor to be able to sit in toronto to give me the loyalty that i need we'll keep that city and I will just get to work on repairs his accent is a drunken Irishman nice meme so we'll have to kind of deal with these cities over here too and they look like a pain in the arse one of steel builders if we can [Music] like sins happen said you definitely have an accident that's half American half Irish first time being here I love it so far is again this is not what I don't know why I do it it's like some I think I have to like untrain myself to talk this way but this is not how I normally sound in my life I don't know why I do it it's just like a subconscious thing you just I don't even think about it anymore okay so economy wise were in good shape we have captured two cities so far in terms of what we'd like to do I definitely would maybe like to get a saddle or two to forward settle to Congo otherwise what I could do is I could go for another campus to get ahead technologically if I get ahead technologically then no one will be able to stand up to me if I'm gonna get ahead technology I should really harvest that stone which would be a builder purchase but I want to save my gold for upgrading units it's kind of the hard part of playing this victory type I can also get terracotta army for level ups one of your videos where you got sick the Irish accent came out crawling up the internet has made most accents blurred and mixed start drinking get into vaping and slowly reduce nicotine concentration until zero excited to see you when you get Cleopatra Egypt's always been a favorite of mine I'm kind of excited to play Egypt to Egypt Egypt is a fun save even if they're not really that great in in terms of like how good like being a good save so I definitely need more units and um we're getting close to getting crossbowmen I would love to get a camps out right here is it worth it to just sacrifice this stone chop I don't think it is I think I'll have to get the builder in here and now that I actually got the great general I think I can swap that out and plug in what's the next great scientist three boosts not great not great at all Twilight valor could be a bit of a meme I don't heal outside my territory anyway so we're in the process of building ancient walls they'll be done in one turn so we can get to work on this and we'll get ourselves a couple of catapults as well so we've got a lot of things that we want to get our hands on I think I'm gonna be heading up towards the vine right here this game but I'll pick up feudalism first because that is given me plus to build charges on my builders if I so wish now this city James Fox has some actually interesting infrastructure here so they might be able to play around with this is gonna be a domination or at least a war focused game that's so far my plan is domination I don't have any other plans right now I could get a settler that's too long what might be good is to get a builder Oh God probably want to get some kind of infrastructure so if I can get monuments monuments online will keep me ahead culturally so you can see now I'm actually ahead of my peers there is that City taken make sure that we say keep city we've got four turns it's a rebellion let's reassign you to there to Ottawa rebellion in 21 turns rebellion in eight turns let's get you over here before we hit the city we have a builder we actually got the Adhan ax which is interesting I should have actually had you in range of this guy just barely aren't taking Victoria this oh we are that means I should be able to reassign you to victorious loyalty now it's completely in my favor and we actually don't have to finish Canada off if we don't want to we could now send the crusade on the way to there my one misgiving with that is I'd love to have a settler go with these guys so I can upgrade them when they get there because by the time I get over here to the to quango and also I have to crush my way through a district here which is a real big pain in the ass to try and swing pastures if he builds walls on the way it's gonna be a tough one he is in the process of building the Hanging Gardens which would mean I might be able to get away with this and I could go for the Colosseum in here actually he built the entertainment complex go for pyramids let's do the basic repairs first so how many turns ago did I declare war I have two turns of mass movement so now we have to ask ourselves a question do we want to stay on a domination game it's in a bit of an awkward spot pretty much everyone in the game is gonna be out here somewhere so I think we're gonna stay in the domination game and then gamble on more people be in this direction rather than having to go through the Congo because the Congo looks like a pain in the ass to get up to that you have to go through all this horrific terrain and then go through a narrow path so I'd rather attack them later rather than now let's go ahead and turn you into a sword z-man now this builder where are you gonna go Ottawa is a pretty good city it's yields are crushed right now because it's disloyal but that won't be a problem in a little while why are you starving there you go now you're not starving I'm going to send this builder up to probably James the facts and then we'll make a decision about what we do at them is the extra movement a sieve bonus yes if we go up here the change recouped it when you declare a war you get +2 movement +5 combat stats for the first 10 turns if you declare war of territorial expansion and then the other stuff is really not that important other than the Varro because like the extra movement on the Varro is what makes it viable we I wanted that bill there I'm not gonna get him now keep bullying Canada four-unit XP while going towards catapults to take down Congo I'll definitely keep at war there's also a settler here actually capturing this settler opens up options for war with the cop with Congo see I know I know how big the map is right I know it's just all this thing I know there's four or they saves after Canada and I know they're all gonna be over here which I should easily be able to get to and kill them so I'm gonna stay see if I can steal that settler six six six people open there's more than that the loss of rabbit thank you so much for your five dollar donation I will take your words into consideration okay so we got our walls in here this city is mostly built infrastructure for tech boosts I think next we're gonna go ahead and give this city some live gold is gonna be really really important for me this game so commercial hub is the right move being able to fund your army and be able to upgrade it to keep it up to date is a huge part of a domination game that some people occasionally overlook so I'm gonna send this swordsman out exploring his job is to find if there's another save over here if there's another route to the Congo then when I'm further along in the game I'll be able to make more decisions looks like candy and another city-state has been defeated let's make sure we get a bit of XP in this Archer let me take Quebec we move not promotes I reassigned Victor to Quebec now I want to promote into James appleís where I'll build builders from keep the city have a builder who got some cities to name guys you guys are slow with the old naming ceremonies you Inc the last city is indeed up here frames dropping for anyone else I have dropping a few frames too not too many think 30 minutes you do James Lynn Jamesville new James II James City James Toria I like James Toria James story it makes sense to me James Bob we already have a James Avada James topia James River st. James Jimmy Cooney Letterkenny oh I like a letter Jimmy letter Jimmy is a good one my discord is cursed I blame you I blame you more vez it's all you what the huge that why don't you just rename the twitch notify roll and switch it that way it actually works and then you'll just be like I don't know what you talked about it always worked and you could just do that let's come here while chomp bot will go to the next turn James pun James hey I like that one that's a good one Toronto you've been renamed oh I think you already submitted that I just forgot about it but yes did did you remind me of my discord cuz I will do the prehistoric mod game thing just like I need to be reminded because I'm a dumb-dumb okay my work this time you should totally be starting so I can check nope you have to find out next time I'm gonna pick up a Prentice ship here for the plus one production I have a fair few mines throughout my empire build a free-standing a stream makes things really awkward in YouTube more but otherwise I would totally do that for you can't you just force the bot like an ounce of video I don't know if you can do that okay um so we have a lot of really good things in here I want my campus I think I had built this builder specifically to get that so I'm gonna take a moment here to get a granary to let the city grow a bit in here I want the market for the trade routes I want to be trading with city-states for gold I started the James name who dislike the stream everyone how dare you click the dislike button on my stream I come here fifth of my name to provide you entertainment for free and you just like it I'm thinking of getting an account in here really pass the early game you don't need to build units you just need to purchase upgrades to them but an encampment or two can make sense this is a very slow encampment so maybe builders would just be better well this is the city that I spawn builders in so I will just put a commercial hub in here gold gold gold everyone just likes right now okay the crossbowmen is an issue because it's inside the city let's kind of back up here let's see if we can do something about that no it's not what I wanted oh that's not what I wanted either okay I'm just like completely messing up miss clicking here left right and center okay we have a crown a granary in letter Jimmy let's work on the pyramids put up beside the theater Square potato the new league preseason starts tomorrow progress name is city you concurred with the borrower only counts as one not sure the third the James I mean is a friend not you just like ours are probably all canady Canadians that's right only Canadians would not like this because I'm pooping on their their precious culture classical era crossbowmen yeah it is I could probably have them by now as well I just wanted to get apprenticeship first but look at that Keith there's no way he catches off this is just like I mean at this point this is just like an execution right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cancel the granary that way nothing is in my queue so I can harvest this right this will take seven turns I harvest the stone but BAM and that wouldn't take five turns so I can get my campus on line a little bit quicker I'd like to settle the iron too if I could take a step back improve the posture is that a one tile Artemus probably where is it did they build an Artemis am i blind LeBron G like that one it's a good name okay I'd like to pick up the vine right so that's gonna involve going through drama and poetry well first I'll probably pick up mercenaries for the 50% unit goal discount upgrade goal discount thingy alright marketer for gold gold gold gold gold is the most important yield at this stage of the game Twilight valor can probably go now extra bill charges make sense rest of this still makes sense futile contract is good French Canadians don't count we don't talk about throwing shade all right there is our golden age it's actually a heroic age it's really cool there's a Prentice ship let's go ahead and pick up free inquiry commercial hopes provide go science adjacency really really powerful pen brush and voice culture from every specialty district this is gonna hugely skyrocket us and culture and science and then we're gonna be able to turn our faith into builders see that now we're making 40 something can I make this something 46 62 look at that look at that it's real good so now to take maximum advantage of this I'm gonna want a faith purchase builders to chop out my commercial hubs if possible and by chopping out my commercial hubs I will then get more science which means I get more technologically advanced than the people in the in the game and therefore if so facto these V other fancy-schmancy words that people say I will be in a position to win the game I'm in the video game okay we actually have an accountant over here so let's get to work on the stable the city is still suffering from success why are you suffering let's get a couple of lumber mills in here I need to buy builder next turn crossbowmen is an issue if the catapult steps into the city I'm happy if the crossbowmen does I'm not happy need to find a way around these Lakes so the crossbowmen stepped in the city and it shot the archer which makes me kind of okay with this units of the heavy cavalry promotions the only thing I care about 100% production to City Center buildings ideally cool so heavy cavalry one like I'd hoped you're gonna fall back take these three techniques for free they're not amazing but they'll do no Jameson I'll do Jameson soon don't you worry I James Bond James is a let's take a look let's take stock of these tiles it's a very very weak City in terms of production so this is gonna be an economic city this is gonna be an economic city like the vast majority of my other cities so I'll just slowly build a builder in here in James Toria we will of course faith purchase a builder now in James the facts we want to chop out this commercial hub as soon as possible because these commercial hubs are worth science to me they're basically as good as campuses right now to me so if I can get those finished I can then also start churning out gold and science which will allow me to basically crap on the a I know good farm was actually there's a good farm triangle right here that I'd like to get done I think we're on a way to turn on smashing that city all right that's bad okay the Congo declared warned me that's fine the fact that there's too was not expecting it to get to crossbowmen which makes my life incredibly difficult might live a viral here but it's okay Your Honor II there's the commercial hope finish to get to work on the market for the gold domination victory that's the current plan I don't know if that's what we're going to do depends on how well things go things are going pretty well I'm currently ahead in science and culture based on everyone that I know bother harvest jungle I want to keep woods around if I can on flat tiles okay I was hoping that he wouldn't die but he did so now I am Assad so you step one tile this way you come this way you hit there should be able to kill the city next turn as long as this guy doesn't die because he has a promotion promotion seller so I think much of Republic actually might be the right move here for a war game I do really want the Chiba regard but we'll go from merchant Republic I'm not worried about the Congo declaring war on me because I'm not planning on to go to war with him next right so he can be at war with me that's fine I'm spending a lot of time in infrastructure and I'm not spending enough time on units um so I think now is the time to get those catapults if I can have them pre-built they can be upgraded to bombard zon the move I got kind of my archers got kind of bogged down which is not idea but there's not really much archers can do against this kind of a thing I'm gonna place a step well near a holy site ideally for the right there all right this city is doing well lumber mill was the wrong City I thought you owned that jungle it's okay okay so he survived perfect smash smash there's kind of the dead they did not stand the tough the time we'll take marauding is really really great in conjunction with barding I'm gonna go rout marauding most likely then I'm gonna use my great general to explore see if I can find someone else we'll keep this city we are in a military emergency which is a pain in the ass but I don't see where the other players are there are in theory two other three other players that I have not met and I guarantee you Korea is gonna be one of them because it's just gonna be one of those games it's go ahead and pick up neither James Ketchum sure thing will name Hamilton after James okay oh there we were to call this one James James and were we Rick James is my favorite that's a good ass meme from the 90s take a moment to heal get your ass out of here go there lumber mills I almost have faith for another builder lumber mill therefore James of facts alright so I'm trying to find those other saves I can hear murder going on in the fog of war where the hell are these saves are all the way over here there's gonna be a very difficult game thankfully I do have a settler to bring with me I don't to go to war with the Congo yet because my army is in the wrong place would take way too long to walk over there I was hoping that there would be another save here there was not so where are we going now we are up here in James let's go ahead and get the granary in here then get the watermill mass expansion go III was actually a fairly decent farm triangle in here now I want to purchase another build the farm triangle wouldn't be amazing but I do want to prayer I want to build up James of facts if I can it's a good City James about is another good city that I can use to produce an army please no is this deity yes it is it is deity difficulty heart remove that put a thingy on it please stop go away all right there is the grounder in LeBron James I'm thinking I need to hold on to my gold gold is my most important yield it's gonna have the city mass-produced builders for me which makes me want to move the young to LeBron James said he's gonna mass-produce builders okay looks like we're going to war with the Congo what we're gonna be looking for is peace with him so peace and six turns then ten turns later we declare the war so start moving units in that general direction nice little step well there ideally that would have been beside a farm but it's no beggars can't be choosers choosing beggars are not fun to be around nice farm triangle the city's now well-fed which means they can justify working a lot of these high-production tiles that it will be taken over like this of this so since you're now a high production city let's get that market up I'm gonna purchase a trader in here so that I can maybe trade with Granada got two envoys like it takes these rounded II about ever nigh that'll give me even more goal to feel my Empire okay city is starting to look very nice as plenty of food definitely needs a granary to grow please stop well this exploration plan was a bust busting makes me feel good ghost busting so we want to trade with Granada again mainly so that we have a road all the way across our empire I've always overlooked Russia since I thought they seemed boring them try them now there's a lot of like a lot of I think a lot of people overlook Sims and the vast majority of the saves in this game are actually quite playable but you're going to harvest this forest cuz I need farms Kongo just declared war on Mali now that's a big deal because now I know Molly's in the game alright so there is nighter that's gonna involve heading up towards coy sirs pick up courses that'll get me up towards bombard as well so I'll probably go castles into stirrups might be a good idea to pick up education you'll notice we're ignoring the top half of the tech tree that's because this is the naval half of the tech tree so we don't care about the vast majority this stuff up here in the north the only downside is it means we're not gonna have an Air Force unless we do a text which which means we need universities to follow up this age it would be good to grow this city but also be good to get builders in here I think I'm gonna go for the growth option if I can grow the city you can work more tiles so on and so forth cross the Granada has been boomed trade with Jamestown instead that'll help you grow and do all the things that you need to do I'm gonna spend my gold on let's get LeBron James on the map but a trader next turn I'll get the pyramids which is cool holy crap that's a lot of nighter from the heights of these pairs the pyramids beautiful free builder and every building it's a bell church shibam I'm very happy about the amount of Neider that I found I'm gonna trade with Jamestown again those should be external trade routes for gold but they are not you go ahead and build me a build trader so I don't have to purchase it I'm not gonna be able to take Savannah da Granada I can take bonus Aires which more importantly will reveal more of the map to me I should maybe put an extra couple of saves on this map actually now that I'm looking at it we got our very first catapult that's gonna start heading out this way how am I gonna kill Grenada it would it would actually killing Grenada gives me a bridge to the next area so Grenada might be a place that I kill well think about it there's the water mill so James over here is doing really really well they could use a builder let's faith purchase a builder up here and then we will hire build a builder as well okay in cities like run on top of the world's combined night it reserves I know it's like insane I don't want to spend gold to get more nighter I'm just gonna let the city's naturally grow to them but James Apple is for example could use a lumber mill you have your basic stuff intact you are ready for expansion in some way what do I want to do in here I could get an industrial zone there is a +2 industrial zone I have to spend money I don't want to spend the money I would rather get another encampment and if I put that there that gives this campus plus one adjacency I don't want to spend that money but I will if my priorities line up let's take a moment to heal on these guys we're not a rush okay so we've improved a lot of tiles in here James upon James you really need more food so I'm gonna prioritize food tiles do you really need all these farms no you can take the hill you take that you take the hill that way you have a really good food tile to help you grow to your maximum potential one of these buildings needs to put lumber mills there now the really great thing is because I have a great general my catapults are gonna be much better than they would normally be I'll be able to step in and shoot the city on the same turn in theory when I harvest this these guys will become crossbowmen once I have exploration and can use my money for that end put a farm there and then we'll put a thingy there let's get that on line all righty build a completer than James upon James how are we looking here you don't have a whole lot of productive tiles you do this is an economic city it's not gonna be able to produce much has a holy site I could put a campus there would really like the thingy how long is left in this age there's enough turns to get a commercial hub and for it to matter so we'll get that underway no reason not to get a step well here it's for food and one one faith which is something I can use in this era completely getting boost you but you can still win what's a sickle they spend it by still is a great ever I think every Civ has some good or bad parts of them but I would say you can win a game at any save in almost any direction you wanted to it's just like really the question is how good are they and is it worth your time to play them now this city there's a lot of empire management's at this point in the game this particular city it's gonna farm builders for a while we're trying to just improve so you can get that kill I'm gonna step you back I'm gonna shoot there you're also gonna shoot for experience and then you're gonna kill so I got a bit of XP on my my guy my dude granada's gonna be a tough nut to crack without bombard so that's why I'm gonna head to bombard it's here this is just terrible terrain but I think the Congo is the best target unfortunately I was hoping there would be someone around here but you know that terrain just didn't reveal that it was gonna be friendly in that way I do have another option for a trainer I'll quickly grab that traitor do that exploration in one turn I'm looking forward to that let's get some of these tiles improved down here this city of Granada does not do a lot of damage there's exploration swing in merchants Republic make some changes here so two important things that I want to have I want to have professional army and I want to have Caravan Suri's for gold I also want to have Merchant Confederation for gold gold is like one of the most important yields to me right now I really want serfdom then I really would like conscription if I can get it am i building units conscription isn't bad so gold is kind of like my big thing right now autocratic legacy would be amazing if I could plug it in but I don't think I can and then the only other thing is if I plug that here I have room for another one of these and I think veteran sea could be a good car to plug in to build up my armor ease is a nice save worth playing in the Diplo victory ah kind of step you there you'll kill this you'll come here you're going to heal you're going to promote now that it's cheap you're gonna come forward we'll start working on Grenada things are looking up from male house now we really want mercantilism to build lumber mills on those juicy juicy tiles but I also want chivilary said one goals per turn okay stable complete it in here let's get the armory harvest for this builder come this way now you have your builder let's get that University done just kind of managing our empire trying to keep ourselves technologically ahead cross the road we got the watermill in James appleís we have the commercial hub I'd like more compasses to kind of hold my own in the next era scientifically it's not an amazing campus in here so I'm probably just gonna go for a encampment the best place for that is probably on this river right there this will secure me more great generals as well as other things it's kind of stepped forward here two times to the two-time champion good applaud I had a comer I hate some area Jamie's name because I wanted to see but the name of a friend periods are complicated yeah we finished the pyramid sorry I haven't read in chat for a while but it's been focusing on the game because it's just a lot of like really kind of brainless decisions of like taking our city-states and stuff like that this city should be surrounded now excellent [Music] actually have you come back this way at all alright catapult completed let's get the armory I also want some of these things I really would like the Grand Master's Chapel let's go ahead and secure the Grand Master's Chapel we'll smash the city next turn just like I plan to smash your mom next turn got him all right Master wizard what's up you can still name Grenada James field in confidence in the James above James Tory is one of the best oh my god this is literally perfect Hughie hold on this is like genuinely a perfect Hughie never ever seen anything like this in my life the actual god Hughie we have to build it trader completed in here so I'm mostly looking for gold and I think that's gonna be Bondi Brunei because if we can have enough gold to keep our army up to date let's step up here now the walls are weaker we could do a lot of damage so we're going to take Grenada for ourselves hit the ground agree for growth it's on you to turn build okay what's going on in here a lot of good things find out brunei and petra no petra no Petrino but we can't work on something like a skirmisher I'd rather get a horseman tonight it's a Scout unit well it's kind of weak skirmishers faster and safer to use I think the city is garbage production in 2010 scouting the map won't be relevant right now so I think I would be far better off just doing like a unit that might actually build into something so I will go the horsemen because it's cheaper it'll be done faster and that actually can form a part of my military rip potato is is dealing on the last turn wait what if I don't get the Huey it's fine like it's just like you have to go for it when you see it though right I feel like you can't just let that pass you by when you see the opportunity I could probably use a couple of stepwells I might even steal this step well through the city has a growth tile said he definitely needs a lot of growth all right so murder is a go you can step forward two tiles and still shoot this will rip the walls down and my archers can take hits take the city Granada it now belongs to me this opens up a much easier path to get to the Congo and we have a settler here so we could settle somewhere like here to also have a much easier path Oh God I just take up that got a little bit sick in my mouth yeah that was not nice I didn't do something the buying this game do you recommend it yeah I would absolutely recommend it James talked Callie a game story is big well if we finish it we call it James - a collie var would operate should be called Jameson that was the most awful like hiccup I'm burp at the same time and all that did was make acid come from my stomach into my mouth and I was really awful oh ye alright so what we want to do with James effects a name in the city it's called a stick-up it was pretty awful let me tell you right now I did not enjoy that experience so I'm kinda tempted this is a productive city this is not really well no it might be but all this neither but I've kind of want to reinforce the already productive city so I might take this tile for James effects then get ourselves and comment it like right there let's take a moment to heal on these five boys repair the monument granary water mill mmm I won't sneezed and burp at the same time never again dude just don't even talk to me that was awful um [Music] attempted to move Pingala into my capital we are going to promote Pingala and then reassign them to the capital we'll lose five turns of really good signs but we'll get them back over the long run cuz the capital has way more population potential however stop because it's on a hill put that there we've got to build charges to play with this guy Koree probably isn't the worst idea kahn attempted to harvest the quarry it's only 68 production it's probably better improved I got a name is James hiccup now tell ya special session doesn't seem to relate to me okay nice we met them yes so I actually hate seeing low tower on my games because he's always a pain in the ass to kill although he looks really weak right here in front of the France okay so we're all ready we're doing really well let's make sure that we get the experience that we need on these catapults you already have a promotion actually so I don't I didn't need to do that and I will take grapeshot and shrapnel the reason being is it makes them much harder to kill they already do a bunch of damage to City so why do you need them to do more we want to go barracks in here I'm going to not promote anyone that's fine you hang out there probably fine to just have a few farms along this river I have enough faith to purchase more builders where could I really use it you know what over here could use a builder it's about the finish a builder but another one wouldn't be bad and probably could use a builder in Grenada although I would need a little bit more faith step housing usable early game for the raw yields are awful yeah stepwells are just not that great the reason I'm putting them in here is because this city just doesn't really have a lot of options for growth but so by doing this I get a little bit of extra faith that lets me purchase a couple of more builders and I can use that faith later to purchase military units so it's just like faith is kind of useful as India and it if you play correctly and this just opens up the city to have more workable tiles it'll grow fast I mean you can work more tiles I mean you can build more builders for me so for all those reasons what are we going to rename Grenada I really need you to not exist right now and thankfully you don't no no no no I messed up I forgot these units can't occupy the same tile that's annoying hey you know the governor title not that I need it because I have nothing to spend my governor titles on none of these things really do a lot for me the only one you could maybe make an argument for is for going to tax collector on rayna in my second most populated city which is James Bond James excuse me I'm hiccuping and burping at the same time it's not it's no bueno but we'll think about that one stop building up Jameson I just wanna say potato your videos got me through the semester thank you so much I appreciate that Sharon M I appreciate it so it looks like we're surviving pretty well over here do we have promotions nope don't have a promotion on you that's gonna get you to fall back to here you step forward you step forward all right we've got the University in here where did you come from get out of here crossing mine so I'll be able to rapidly develop this city it's true I am a merchant Republic so I do get gold from having governors and cities but I don't think that's really that important to spend my governor titles plus I just want to really reinforce the people that you don't need to spend your governor titles cuz whenever I have a governor title available people lose their and I really want to make it so that people understand that it's not that important Huey toach Cali excuse me I would as we built on Lake adjacent to land so this is actually better in theory no I didn't realize it had to be adjacent to land the literal God Huey is ruined we'll still do it if if this was a piece of land it would have been perfect okay let's go ahead and pick up bombard bombard is gonna be important for the war with the Congo I want to get as much experience on my catapults as possible headed to the city get healed up you come to there we have to actually finish the James the Toa Kali to rename the city guys okay barracks because it's cheaper working on theology cool cool cool lumber mill on flat land [Music] let's wait one turn could be a farm triangle in here I might do that okay so what is an important district in this city city potential for production actually so it might be good to get the encampment online let's go ahead and place that plantation I'll keep the plantation cuz it's worth gold mm-hm barracks in here this man killed my mind I'm mildly upset about that an aqueduct in here would be cool but even cooler would be an encampment perhaps what is this city gonna be used for I could also get a theater Square the +21 over here give you that little bit of extra culture that'll be going away soon so a chevron is the best Huey shape yes so I'd really like to hit this city before it gets walls up so if that at all is an option I will take that option firm firm my Empire is incredibly well-developed I'm very happy about it it's looking really good so I can get the armory I suppose my temples aren't really that important let's just get basic horsemen I can use these to scout the eastern side of the map Granada really needs a builder to help it develop this will probably just be another gold city so we'll just use this to develop into producing gold to trade routes it's not a bad spot for a step well mine here who has one bill charge left so if I chop with you then I can put a farm in there nice one making progress we are making gains as they would say very very small army is all you need the real use of gumbo so there is wait did I leave a swordsman around somewhere he died over here that's right he got brutally murdered by barbarians snow barbarians and I thought do I want to wait the four turns to get bombard I think I could take Quang going upgrade there it's a really good farmland in here far from ideal territory but it's fine you've done your job over here as of you ah this is what I really didn't want okay so I kind of talked the city while he has walls so we'll talk you through we'll talk you guys through what we plan to do here we only have to sit here for a few turns it's going to partially involve chopping this tile so I'll need to settle this tile by that tile shut that tile which means I need to have this builder on the way bound ever nothing that's unfortunate uh-huh it's just too awkward to punch my way through this so I'll have to manipulate the terrain some Jameson is now really well built up the timing was incredible this is why I initially didn't want to attack over here because I had a feeling they would get walls up and lo and behold they did just that you know what ten turns a piece at this point if I had thought of piecing about earlier I would have but I forgot to pee smell I know I'd meant to but at this point it would actually be slower to pace them out so I'm just gonna go whole hog and throw it in Guild's into nationalism we're gonna need to start producing more units now I'm gonna pick up another viral another virus so I need at least three more Varro here to combine I'm gonna need three of those as well there's my three viral picked up I'm not changing my government I mean close to nationalism so we want units to combine no I already I already talked through the logic of why I'm doing things the way that I'm doing them I appreciate your feedback so we're gonna buy that tile because if we chop this tile we can plant a bombard here and a bombard here and she'll this district he's a viral to cover that to make sure both of these guys are inside I would like a Renaissance great general why am I not getting another great general I feel like I definitely have the most but I got one and Congo got the next and Congo got the next and Francis let's just all of these were snatched up from me so I'm just gonna purchase the monument in here to make it safe one of my districts were pillaged my trading district so this is actually a huge priority even over the theater square all right good work another builder I'll be upgrades straight from Vero to helicopter I will probably go to tanks Rivero don't upgrade to helicopter alrighty harvest that you will both become bomb birds genuinely surprised now that we have bombard our next upgrade is what a viral upgrade into I forget they've grade into tanks so we would like to get down to military sites it's gonna be a big upgrade to us as well this is a on a hill so we'll harvest every step restarting Sione achok Ibaka reading cool creamy reason of entropy jogini Castagna vandal walk let's just take a moment to heal on this farm bird and the next time I'll move both of them into position to rip this down make sure we harvest up let's get the armoury you completed your market beautiful let's get to work on a crossbowmen because I'm gonna need them to upgrade my Crossy so that's one out of three crossbowmen built I can no faith buy units as well once this air is out right now it's still better to Bible this but I've pretty much maxed out and built up my empire I actually kind of stole your Builder so let's give you another one just looking for tiles that can be improved just constantly tanks are in fact two elephants with kind of strapped to the back to change my mind I'm not gonna try to change your mind because it's true so like I predict that this is gonna slow us down a bit but it shouldn't completely stop us in our tracks it's more of just a speed bump they make units cheaper please trade city-states please give you the extra yields so producing units is really cheap and sending trade routes to trade city-states is better why do I have plus one movement on these guys does anyone know why I have like this guy applies to classical and medieval era these are Renaissance era units so why do they have plus one movement speed bump you know like I said it's a speed bump apparently they still count as wait what plus one moving from great general I am a little bit confused about this right now is there a heroic age benefit I don't think so no these guys are faster first time watching a stream live well welcome to the live stream appreciate it man thank you for showing up alright so here are two of my three no here's all three var ooh ready and waiting because units are now half price they got finished all in the same turn I'm also gonna want to get my hands on another crossbowmen another crossbowmen having a night or two to upgrade into a queer is here wouldn't be terrible or mass producing an army oh let's see here I could attack there but I'm not going to because it's a really bad move get out of here farms for days great generals no matter their era that their combat bonus applies it's not a bug cuz that's not how it's supposed to work do you have a special mod for waypoints or is that built-in no I do not run any mods I've run one mod let me read let me rephrase that I won so I gained to the tip of favor okay I've run one mod and that is a UI mod that lets me hover over cities to see what they're working it's the only model run because that's nice to not have to click on them and do this right I can just do that and kind of get an idea of what they're doing bam bam thank you ma'am yeah that's a bit weird this great general should not be giving these guys movement or combat strength but it is I'm not complaining but it's not right it is not the correct way that things should work okay so I got the armory in here it's build a couple of bomb birds to fill out my army as well I'm always dubious about building more units because the more units you have to micromanage the longer each turn takes which makes a domination game take forever just do this sort of a thing bogans saying you just don't do homework I watch potato Mac whiskey when I'm doing homework you just kind of have it on in the background the great John's work on the upgrade units looking at the original on upgraded unit I don't think that's how that's supposed to work right this seems like a bug of some kind so you have a promotion grapeshot and this should be killed the district is now dealt with and we can slowly push our units in more important to get the bombard moving I think can you go thank you got ourselves a courser to try and explore up this way skirmishes are now cost of like what is going on with this mop dude it's so hard to traverse it might be good to pick up mercantilism first and then go for nationalism so I can place these jungle lumber mills it's sitting around waiting to be able to do that for a while let's get that and some ask the question should I so maybe it applies only to accommodate the text of the great general is +5 combat strength and +1 movement to classical and medieval land units within two tiles so these guys should not be getting the bonus I think it's very clear that I'm correct here that this is not how it should be working I'm getting all the crappie great scientists too with the original kata help us from that era yes but when the unit upgrades it should not keep that I understand that guys I understand why it might be happening my point is that it should not be happening holy how hard is that to understand all right we're gonna change trade with James Ellis what is this I'm gonna have to pick up embarkation here I was hoping to skip at this game it's a book but it's repeatable okay so I lost a viral which sucks so I'll need another one I need to be able to embark i can't delay it any longer it's been far too long now here's here's why i think it happens i think it has to do with some code that the developers put into the game that units preserve their buffs when they're promoted i think that's what it's related to because if you remember units and used to not preserve any buffs they had when they were promoted and they specifically coded that in never commented on your stuff naughty barber but definitely one of my favorite people to watch on youtube thank you so much I appreciate that gnarly thank you a bug okay I really need this elephant to not die this is why I hate attacking through these one tile mountain passes or whatever it's just always horrific especially what I haven't really act like the Varro is starting to go out a date now it's not really as strong as it used to be imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder if you're playing an underpowered sieve and you love it rub your nose in it weird are you talking across a river the shrapnel promotion I should you know what I should have done I can't actually nevermind but we can now embark that's gonna help things out a little bit where's my Horseman over here this doesn't feel like a lake this feels like a goddamn ocean right here okay so we're gonna head back to pick up military science we got John back armory completed let's go ahead and get a library in the university to stay ahead technologically I don't think spies really matter that much this game bombard swill I need to be careful not to over build military them or I'll my economy and have way too many in stock trade and just have obsolete units so I need to be very careful about how I balance that whatever just popped out there Depot flake Mac wouldn't have seen me playing in high C levels ah I did play in high C levels I kind of regret it of course you're gonna be an issue Varro completed armory it's gonna be a commercial hub come forward a tile we'll be able to capture that city next turn Joan of Arc come over here come this way I look at the potatoes they see a lot of resources that sort of thing James Baker wish I could say to watch my pop and see would you have an in-depth guide to district adjacency bonuses you know what that's a good idea I didn't I thought that was like a fairly straightforward topic but it seems I mean if you're asking the question I imagine then people are probably struggling with it right so I will look around to do that give you ideas on what you should be looking for in district adjacency most important lesson about district adjacency is sometimes district adjacency isn't as important as placing the district down now and starting to build it that's one thing I see people kind of hanging around waiting to get the best adjacency or spending a ton of really really important goal that needs to be spent elsewhere to get better at Jason see like buying a tile or whatever and placement is good let's take away who's close to a level neither of these guys quango belongs to me thank you for quango these things don't matter to me what does matter to me is getting another traitor amped thinking just resolve each other you can get trapped in bad district habits you never even noticed the awkward damage agencies yep the people don't read patch notes that's a problem you've need to refashion or general ponens did not stack yes I know that however these are great generals from different eras this is classical and medieval this one is Renaissance and industrial so while I still have classical and medieval era units in my army I want to keep sunsoo around because he is buffing them once I no longer have those then I will get rid of him this is like a nightmare map nightmare map for conducting war because I'm building Knights get it I just I need to know more I don't know anything about this map it's bombard the right choice here yep yep yep yep ayyy James Baker thank you so much for becoming a member of the channel thanks and suggestions everyone maybe one day I can stick around I appreciate that man I was answering some questions in chat uh he was answering will the bug allow for stacking I don't think so never fight a landowner Asia why YouTube anak twitch because YouTube is where my audience is people don't like this is this is where people find my videos this is where people find me and I figured I'm gonna simplify everything I've already explained this like a million times but basically I said I'm gonna make it easier to be a follower of me by having all of my videos and livestreams in one place so you don't need to go like multiple different websites and do any of that stuff that sort of stuff really annoys me personally when you have to go to like eight different websites to get the information you need so if you want to watch me live stream you can get on YouTube if you want to watch my youtube videos you can get it on YouTube get it all in a one stop shop about a bing bada boom also means I don't need a patreon because we can do all that stuff through YouTube now so I was like alright I can get rid of the patreon and now it simplifies my entire life are you liberating candy Candy's a religious city-state and it's out of my way and not required for me to win the game so it's most likely a no let's just get you to fall back to here this is another series of unfortunate districts placement dedication I have a regular golden age monumentality again would allow me to turn my faith into useful cities essentially good later my fate in the builders my builders build of my cities I've got an armory in here it might be good to get some military engineers to follow behind my army and build roads when I need them is that really not good I don't think so probably better off just like building a bit of basic stuff like bombard you do need to be careful about how much I'm building of those some because I have to like anything I build has to be useful and upgraded like the vast majority of this army has been useful anything else that's still making its way to the front line has never been useful once that's production I've invested into it that is I'm not getting the benefit of that's usually why I'm a bit wary of over building military I'm building a lot of military right now so I'm probably gonna switch off from military here soon one turn from the Huey this map is actually horrific oh my god kinda gives you relics is practically not worth it but relics ah but the wrath of here's the thing the three or four turns I would spend killing candy I could just go kill a different player or I start making my way towards that player right and so it says it's just not worth my time in terms of terms of like actual man minutes and in terms of actual like game turns this it's not like what do I get from liberating it right if I was going for a religious victory maybe liberating candy would make sense but I'm not so so it doesn't there's Huey what were we gonna rename this to Huey James O or something I don't remember you could have your simplest military start to head east for the settler here's the thing so like if we look at the distance I know it's had to judge but it's most likely like most of the AI are here on this terrain is actually just as bad I have roads already built up heading this way like this is why I set these horsemen to scout right I still don't see someone until like here so now now that I actually see them it might be worth to descend my surplus military over here but I need to know what the terrain looks like because it might be better to just attack them from this direction cuz they're about here which is about yay far away from here in Miami you know what I mean what does this James name I don't know this is somebody somebody asked me to name a city James so we just started naming all the cities James because people kept requesting it so I'm like alright it doesn't bother me James every stream needs a meme everything is a meme no peace this is the hard part of like this rough terrain is just really difficult to move an army through so we're trying to find a way to get to the other saves in the game to kill them does it make sense to go towards upgrading crossbowmen yes but right now I want to get the military academy first filled canons are fine because I don't need the upgraded crossbowmen right now are usually I try to avoid doing things that I don't need to do things that are not necessary I usually try to delay or skip in favor of other things like right now like right now my crossbowmen aren't in a fight at all so like and they don't really help taking like right so upgrading them doesn't matter they're still strong enough to do the fighting so I can take the time to get military academy sooner so I can start building army cores and stuff like that sooner I want to teleport this trader over to quango because I want to try and get a road to reinforce the road the whole Road thing also matters otherwise this city has become too much micromanagement so I will just bomb that in there then we're gonna come in here pick up triangular trade I also set up my government to like minimize how much micromanagement I need to do that way I can just focus on getting through the war so like this does give me gold just makes it cheap to upgrade my army like a better fighter swapping these in and out as needed but if I just keep them plugged in I can kind of just play with a very straightforward strategy I don't have to worry myself too much more micromanaging oh that was the wrong direction I'd meant to scout east like look at these mountain ranges dude hey we found lautaro and this we actually want to attack him last because he has the +10 carbide strength versus golden ages so we want to have the maximum advantage possible before we attack him this is weird no voting okay I thought he was bombarding it down when he was empty tomb am I missing something with that in common why bombard it if it has no walls because the encampment exerts zone of control which means I would have to move my units very slowly through this one single tile by killing the encampment I can now move two units through this gap at a time right and now I can stand on this and use it to bombard the city so it's just like yeah it took me couple turns to kill it but it ultimately will speed up my whole war so I want to trade with Grenada because I want a road that goes that way you must be name is city - James Sparrow hmm there you go armory completed in here so we got our armory in James Ellis what else do we want to get in here I don't think a campus is super important I don't think that well maybe a campus is important so James Abad I think I really want gold want to minimize how much units and stuff I'm building if I can auto explore I gotta have the city's farm skirmisher is just to reveal the map a bit then in here because the temple let's get the meetinghouse repair the barracks head this way so I need a road through here because this is all slowing down my reinforcements that's why when I ever I have a trader available I try to put it in my furthest city and then trade back through my empire so reinforcements can come in a timely manner it's just horrific terrain to fight into really really horrific you can auto explore as well okay if I make skirmishes he goes lake games backups well it's unlikely that we all get to SpecOps it's more that I just need to like if there's anything on the map that I should know about maybe the spec ops will find it for me and I just need something to do with this city because that city is kind of service to requirements at the moment nope I need to deal with this have a crop you really cannot attack there all right go there go there go forward shoot city come forward shoot city come forward shoot city come forward shoot city come forward shoot unit fortify come forward bombard completed in here it's got temples for faith we can use we can use faith to purchase units just handy this will give me true for each specially district and an envoy ok haven't played around but envoys for a while I've got six stacked up definitely want ngoz cigar mu reason for that being if I come into my capital here I can now purchase units for a very very cheap price much cheaper than they normally cost three hundred and sixty for a skirmisher that's usually how much like a chariot cost these are really really cheap them but Nakata Karamu is a good one to keep a hold of especially now that we're gonna be getting military academies that'll make them even cheaper okay it's gonna send some units on auto explore it's too much micromanagement at this stage of the game and I'm just not interested in micromanaging my units particularly if they're not important for my wind condition which is killing the congos capital I might skip this city if there's enough cities out here West I might leave some of the Congo intact kind of not sure what I want to do exactly on that front you heal up you must win I think there's absolutely zero doubt that I'm gonna win the question is more how quickly am I gonna win isn't wheeler and the reason why I know I'm gonna win is because I could literally switch to a science victory right now and win the game cuz I have the highest science in the game of all those saves that I have met it's gonna University in here so III don't think there's a single like doubt that I will win the game it's more just like how quickly and efficiently can I get through it don't forget to use on voice for exploration that is a good point for example I could grab Muscat oh yeah my Varro was killed it's unfortunate [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doodly-doo so that would be a good time to work on upgrading my crossbowmen so I will get to work on the logistics after this in here I want to get a harbor but in the meantime I'll get a entertainment complex seems good this bombard is under a little bit of threat but it does have two defensive land it's important these people don't know this but these work in defense as well so this guy is like really really tough on the defense so these guys might do a lot of damage to me but he will probably almost certainly survive I would be very shocked if he died I'll put it that way based on his combat strength even though he is a technically kind of weaker unit on those ones are do you have melee units on the way to replace your Varro are not right now I have a couple of nights and stuff but I'm not too concerned all right so let's promote you with the loyalty thing and then we'll appoint Imani and plug her into here loyalty secured make sure you repair the monument all of the things are getting repaired so I think we can skip past here and push down because I can see another player just here I think that's loud Tyrone did you do a godly warfare in the different parts for war in Civ um I really only follow one path well I guess there's a couple of different ways you can do it but I really kind of just follow the build up a few cities and then push when you're about on par with the AI and use your like player advantage to beat them the player advantage is that I I'm not a mediocre Lea programmed robot man not yet anyway get on its sights yeah boy okay also one really important thing is probably watching this and noticing that I get through my turns really really quickly and I do a lot more in my turns than you do that's because I know just from playing the game a ridiculous amount like what are okay decisions and I usually I'm just happy to make okay decisions I think people agonize way too much about making the best decision when like 99% of the time an okay decision is gonna see you through I need a melee unit let's make it happen with the super chief purchasing from the gods of our moon other cities and countless is damaged ok I'm ok spending a thousand gold to get rid of that way too many iterations I mean if it AHS can be the Grand Master one-eyed sieve you what's up it's not frozen oh no I was just talking to someone off-screen it's like I'm not gonna park you here that'll give him -5 combat strength he'll probably attack me but that's fine you must name City James to your very demanding you can't have potato pizza you can't just medic to works however beautiful gay see this this is the kind of terrain that I hate where your entire army has to pass through a single tile gap I still don't know where the last player is like where the hell are they I know I'm pretty sure it's Molly but where the hell is Molly does somebody own Molly's capital maybe no he still exists least-favorite sieve-like people ask me these questions all the time I don't have a least or most favorite sieve I just cuz it's just not really the way that I think about SIVs I just kind of play and then that's what I do I just I just play the game I don't think about like all in my face because like the no sieve has really hooked me [Music] well there's France you are trapped pillage the road so yeah like no sieve has hooked me with a really really cool concept I think there is the Mali honor to meet you so he's over here right he should be an easy kill his science is actually really really strong let's reduce the combat strength in this area to fall back to allied territory any rebalances you'd like to see at this point these are difficult questions to answer off the top of my head without like a specific theme there's a couple like small things that are like you know just kind of sell you but I but I would say I'm fairly happy with the game I don't have like I'll have any major complaints about it like I it's a fun game and I enjoy it and it's not really I don't think there is like huge bounce problems now for a single player I mean but in terms of multiplayer that would be a far more interesting conversation with somebody who plays multiplayer I don't I don't play multiplayer so I can't really have a conversation well I guess I could but it would have to be like informed by people who play multiplayer it's like it's something I can't really speak on game bounds wise I'm like fairly happy with the way things are like you know most strategies are pretty viable on single-player which is the way that I play that's the sort of way that I'm gonna be thinking about bounce is through the lens of single player they call them Netherlands or Holland I think we call them both depending on things take the city soon so I know where every sieve is now that's gonna make my life a lot easier human nature all right there is nationalism now we want to get the mobilization ASAP which is gonna involve going organisation into mobilization got ourselves another bombard don't need any promotions right now don't know tea builders alrighty then we can start combining units soon like so to make them stronger I want to combine units with lots of promotions but units with no promotions I mean I fingers autocorrected sillies can you circumnavigate where there are oceans yes the circumnavigate just means to navigate around right it doesn't mean by sea although it is associated with the sea just because of the world that we live in requires sea based circumnavigation losing the odd unit here there is fine we can rebuild we can replenish [Music] many forums are finally making it here we're gonna want another round of reinforcements to come out soon it's Chad a male version of Karen no Chad is the male version of a Stacie I believe in the meme literature you'll find it written chapter 47 of in cells omegle Oh umbrella belongs to me you mean chapter 69 ah got him I started I see the main community side that's a bit resonated with me remember the job didn't have mental health problems and history of neglect abuse it was this Matty Golding what are you talking about here the Joker we talk about the Joker movie I think he did a really good job of portraying the the specific condition that he was meant to have in the movie I know if you guys saw the like the laughing part he got that down from what I saw god I can't read what it's me it's called but it actually exists I saw a video of a real nice guy and I was like he definitely is this is source material all the chapters nice a pizza a compa that they yeah pick a potato on pizza actually exists and I've heard it's not bad I heard it's okay it's fits pretty pretty juicy pretty juicy busi just like Gary Busey the Highlander of Hollywood as we like to call him here all right time to piece out the Congo hey what's up Congo how would you like peace I have your capital city I don't care about anything else give me all your stuff seed your cities up BAM alright so we have this capital we don't care about him anymore we got his capital the pseudobulbar affect yeah that was it nothing release took a term I just I was contacted by mother day socialism what do you mean modern-day social justice nonsense I don't know what you talk like I watched that movie I saw none of that I really think it really just comes down to internet nerds being too hypersensitive about like progressive like progressive representation and media that's really what I feel like it boils down to because I watched that movie I didn't see any like shoehorning or anything like that just going to eat so we can't eat no more combined units together it's like I know man that says what I feel like it whenever I see like I remember I watched one video did I nearly died laughing this guy was like there's a gender robots in apex legends and he was like so mad that like one of the characters who's a robot didn't have a gender he was like this is just the liberal agenda trying to eradicate masculinity I was like this is your hill to die on right here the robot doesn't have a gender oh man I was like all right buddy I was a good one the a gender robot that's a that's a good meme alright what are we doing here in this city I think we're gonna need a couple more bombards throughout my empire to resupply I also get some felled cannon let me have the cash to pull it off or flush with cash so take a moment here to upgrade our units before we declare war look I need my robots to have genitalia I just need it there was a study that white robots are racist what that has to be a meme what the hell was this problem ah kind of jealous have another selfie poems that they have the energy get upset about genderless robots I mean like here here's the thing it's okay to be passionate about this but like it's okay to be passionate about like if you really don't like a gender robots alright cool that's your thing right but don't make it about like society is collapsing done you just don't like it okay don't made on't lie just don't be honest about why you don't like it you just don't like you know you're just you just you're looking for a reason the outrage it's like cool sure you be mad about that thing like here's the thing I get mad about things all the times that don't matter but that's cause like that's like recreational time it's like you know it's like if this anger that I'm feeling right now this is me having fun which is kind of like not a great idea to really participate in too much cuz you'll end up like just being only angry all the time then you're just holding out on dudes every other day nobody cares about Jenna's people who's tied when it's the focus sounds like the guy wasn't looking for a problem but then it was the name of the note who got super angry at the a gender robot I don't remember I I didn't I don't really it could have been like this a million of those YouTube channels right where it's just like some dorky dude it's like women in video games come in what's the problem snake snake there's too many women in our video games me to execute a hit on Anita sarkeesian alright I'm on it snake alright whatever um what was I doing Public Works potato add here drop some truth bombs who cares can we just I just love like my favorite thing is my favorite thing is it's like they always go about why can't games just be about playing the games it's like they can be you just you just play them and you have a good time and welcome to that thing that you want it's like it's that easy yeah you just you just play games and I'm like yeah but they're always putting their agenda in it's like so what art has always had an agenda and stuff like that it's like yeah well big whoop do you do like what you want you want someone to like pot your belly and give you biscuits for noticing someone has an agenda well don't who carries alright uh montañesa declare war territorial expansion of miami no wisent main character sounds like forest diversity to me I know I mean it's like the entire point of diversity is that hey you know what media might be more interesting if we have different characters than just some like old white dude who bangs like young women let's let's try that and then everyone is like it's literally the apocalypse I can't believe they're trying to raise maleness and it's like no those movies can still exist well we want to try something new now and the best example is it's probably like the the art the art the art scene as a transition from like modern to postmodern so basically you know there was only one way to do things back in the day and that was like you know whatever was the style it had to be this particular way and the whole idea of post-modernism was to be like now you know what I want to do things that are different and that was the entire point mister like the rules don't matter I'm like that's that's the entire point of like postmodern movies and post gender ISM and all this stuff it's like I'm supposed to be about all these rules and stuff they actually just don't matter because we can do all the things that like the rules claim that they exist for without the rule so I was like what's the point of the rules if the rules don't matter or something I don't know how I don't know if I explained that adequately but it's like a very simple low lowbrow take what are we talking about now the whole areas going to suck until a mountain passes probably winning by then say no who's the ideal second leader of Russia probably Catherine I think uh she's like the stereotypical stereotypical but she's like the go-to Ryan this city is just gonna do holy sigh prayers for faith make your way over there I have six envoys to play with I could take a ball no I can't that's eight I think I'll put three into Muscat there's no water bottle representation in the media if you don't like the games agenda beat your way beat of your way run to tell him and then imma watch the Midway I thought you were pretty decent evidence that I think that the gate was pretty hey Ivan the Terrible I mean like I just I don't don't understand the debate cuz like the only thing that matters to me is like what I'm playing a game is like am i enjoying the experience it's like that's all I think about so when people like come at me like we need to stop the social justice warriors or we need more representation and games I'm like okay cool what are the games fun though like that's the only question I have I'm like you guys can do all that like I just want to play um I'm having a great time and that's all maybe that is kind of a selfish way to be but I mean it's just the way I am it's like I could make an effort to change and sort of go a different direction sure well just like I only have to give me a reason to care I'm not gonna stand in your way I'm not gonna go out of my way like in a huge burden some way to help you - I just hate there's so much fraction they'll they think a lot of people enjoy more screaming - still those people it's really just about like how I like to think about it it's like everything has become like a conspiracy theory the only thing that matters is like I know I have the answers and then to try to convince people that you have the advances it's like the definition of motivated reasoning gone wild at a mass scale so I want both of those cool it's like everyone like is being fed these weird answers and like the really complicated thing is just so much like bad bad money and when I say bad money I mean money that's pushing the wrong ideas like you have like billionaires pushing misinformation about climate change because they own shares or stakes and in oil companies and it's like that's not right you you're not allowed do that you're not gonna pretend the facts aren't the facts just because you have financial incentive not to I don't think that's cool it's like I'm that sort of stuff so we're actually pretty close to winning I just need to find the capital of this guy ya know it's all weird and strange for real I've got about actively participating thank you very much for shut up and celebrates that Opie because even the kind of modern era accounts and stuff they're just handy to have around because they lower the combat strength of Units and like if you combine them together they're still pretty strong right I'm not actually using the elephants to fight I'm only using them to capture your cities you'll notice that the most damaged thing that I'm doing is the bombard services so at this point I think the vast majority of my cities are just gonna do this sort of stuff cuz I've already won the game and that were just closing out never really go get mad they passed miles you give me to get round I agree with you the caveat is that the story focus games to put to ideas were part of the game as a propaganda like wait and see more importance of the game plan form yeah but even analyzing those propaganda like games if that's what like if you're a person is into story games I feel like analyzing a game with an agenda is going to be more thought-provoking than some game that doesn't take a stance right it's gonna be more interesting because you're gonna be like I actually disagree with this and I'm gonna play it out differently like it's just you know and then you can like you're welcome to criticize them but like don't act like the world is ending because one of the characters is in an RPG is gay or something you know what I mean it's like these things are like demonstrably not a problem as an impressively early uh it's not that early it's it's an okay wind speed I would say it's like reasonably reasonably fast I got really lucky and I had like a really good start my did a for city opener I got lucky that I had an AI right beside me so I could do a for city conquest opener and he built a bunch of cities that I captured so it was like it was okay it was an OK game I like stances but not propaganda I mean I think propaganda is something should be aware of because then you can start like like okay if you don't like propaganda can you give me an example of a video game that I had propaganda in it you know what I mean like that's that's something you gotta like if you say you don't like something you got to show me an example of it where it actually occurred because otherwise you're more interested in saying you don't like it then actually fighting against something that exists which tells me you have an agenda right if people are always complaining about like that's a good example is like the immigrants are taking our jobs well like when have the immigrants taking your jobs I would like to see the evidence let's see then you can kind of deduce from that when they don't have any evidence that it's really not about the immigrants taking the jobs and it's really just about hating immigrants like that's the fundamental idea there it says that that is like a really easy so the shoehorn believes to think it they're allowed to shout off Tom Clancy every Tom Clancy nonsense has pro-military propaganda sure do we expect less or more than that whenever like I say class there's no problems with care and thinking the only interest but it has a sexuality it's not really you stand out character that's a legitimate criticism like that's a legitimate criticism he's like yeah I don't really care about this character sexuality or gender but like this is the only facet of their character and it felt shoehorned in like that's a fair and legitimate criticism but here's the problem people take that criticism and say this is the liberal agenda this is the fall of civilization this is you don't buy my man pills because the feminists are taken it's like that's like that's where we gotta like be like alarm you know what I mean am i doing a conquest I'm just murdering everything and the game has become trivial so I'm just like reading chart now I'm so far ahead that I could do whatever I want and still win directed to to it's important caller do I forget Kathy blonde that's true it's a fair point it's good I gots a good point I didn't think about that gay characters can be bland I retract my previous statements sometimes characters are just bad and you know what sometimes writers are just bad at writing characters it's a fair point nothing wrong with black characters it's a great point that I hadn't thought of now you can make the argument that well if a character is bland what the hell is it doing in the story but you've got a point it's characters can be bland but that just brings us to why are there blond characters in the story was that an Alex Jones oppression I can neither confirm nor deny my Alex Joan impression city is surrounded can you please sign name in the city - Newt Newt done did you Jim so I'll probably take Todd any and then go looking for this guy's capital over here did I take France's capital no France is up here so I need to take whose capital I need to take France and loot arrows capital help your bombard it's got five minute you know what playing India and they got their special war declaration thing that gives a unit's extra movement that's that's mainly it actually that's like the end of that sentence all right so then we go to hit lo taro and then France got it he will piece me out in four turns in the meantime in the mean time let us run our army west would you rather see a sieve expansion or a sieve seven I'd like to see another expansion I I think that the value that I get from expansion is just incredible I think this game is a lot of life left I think I'd really like to see them open up the DLL for modders that would be like a huge step in this game's development because civilization civilization games go through like three phases of development right there's the sort of launch era then there is the sort of post expansion era and then there's the post expansion modding boom right once they release the DLL and all the mods have become really really cool and I kind of want to get to that post expansion mod boom era right now we're in the sort of middle area where expansions are still being released or at least it feels like that to me maybe I'm wrong almost have myself some oil some juicy juicy oil also green curry characters like arcade everyone can follow together instead of characters like a Parvati and that arose two super blonde uh I didn't I didn't hate Parvati I thought she was okay like I didn't I didn't think she was terrible I think she was just like kind of naive well I guess I just never really took the time to understand her perspective really is how I felt about Parvati because I was kind of like I'm here to do my own be quiet space wench or something I don't know it's good example why Shia where the snowballing is real yeah like this is why it sounds like people are asking well why don't you conquer city says this is Cobra cities like to go so easy why do you to exploits it's like because it's turn 153 and I own the entire map oh my god right-click should not select units civilization developers please fix that that's the one thing I would buy an entire expansion if it's fixed that one thing that's gonna plug in something doesn't matter oh shoot I actually needed that car to be different it's fine giant map domination with Molly you see this is just not fun this is my problem you guys make suggestions that are not fun the bigger the games like I don't really enjoy war that much because it's trivial I know an interesting to move units around them up I'm much before I much much much preferred science culture science of culture games over domination just because I find moving units to be like tedium in carnage okay so we do have some oil we will be able to get these bad boys up I got a did good the game needs a fat buff I don't think it's I see people always go well yeah is just dumb I don't think that's the issue I don't think it says with the AI is dumb I think it's just like the fundamental mechanics just make it hard for an AI I feel like obviously the AI isn't able to cope with them well maybe more a more simpler approach what we just have the AI play by slightly different rules so really this is just about spamming out gold cuz it's the only thing I need to sustain my army now but the AI is dumb I agree although sometimes they do intelligent things but I'm not sure if that's just like random chance or if they actually did a smart thing it's hard to tell sometimes I have to korban everything I wanted whether walk like the one unit per tile even more insane seven you see more stacking two bouncers what would be really cool is if you could build like units like a Lego right it sounds like a dumb statement let me flesh it out right if you could like combine I know like archers and horsemen to make horse archers right you could just Lego your way to victory that'll be neat or you couldn't bind like spearmen and cavalry to make a Lancers like that we could be cool if you could just like combine basic sort of things I don't know i'm just spitballin here leggo leggo my eggo what is an eggo sir please don't proposition me while I'm working I have planes plus swords dude sword planes give that man a job right now but more more I was thinking like I don't know what I'm thinking what I want more than anything is for the civilization developers to take their take their development chumps towards a fantasy Forex game I think they would do an incredible job hey Lao taro wait I can't do territorial expansion I count against France and then I'll use that war of territorial expansion against France to go to war a colonial war on the map ooh poo nope where's this capital so I'll split the army up I'll send to bombard this way to bombard this way like as far as both of the amount of interaction that does go between writers people all walk with us you know the queer people I just people right what are you what are you talking about it's a GPU wants us there if they do find someone assume they do in the futuristic world setting like beyond Earth that we need you've conquered the entire world just took like cook I deserve there's no business districts I one of the main means the AI gets left behind there are harlot City planning while you're in time to create some drunkards on the tank I would like a post-apocalyptic Forex game that would be neat you got to build your units like Mad Max fury road you got to scavenge and Scrabble around for resources for X game in the Fallout universe they'd probably it's probably hard to do that to be honest where is your capital reveal your secrets here's the thing like the a in my opinion the AI doesn't need to be like good for me to enjoy the game it just has to be like okay like if the AI is okay I'm having a good time like the AI presents like I don't know about you guys I don't play these games for like the challenge level if that's the reason you play then I can kind of understand that you're a bit disappointed about oh my god what are these warrior monks holy crap they're strong too bad your city's made of paper so we near the end of the game yes we are very very near the end of the game very very very close to winning I just have to I just have to conquer two more cities first well I have to find them I'm pretty sure the capital of the Lao tower was appear the capital of France is somewhere in here so once I find them I will get to the murdering theirs Tolu to Laos we have found to Laos Golden Age Mapuche is tough I mean not when I'm literally 10 times more science than him it's not that bad it's just kind of annoying he's like a little wasp you know scrambling out my window die potato I think if I think the safe way I was good enough I think I understand another self today no typically I want to so I want to keep it to like one stream at one stream per game someone save per stream just because it simplifies everything for the viewer when the vod's are uploaded later that's really what it comes down to for me alright my dream is one day I can make enough money to make my own crappy 4x games and stuff like that now that would be neat oh all right just like steve-o alright let me go ahead and grab you plug you in their loyalty is gonna be a bit of an issue but we can smash to Laos the prime directive is murder magma poo who keep sitting keep sitting do you like and legends I really really want to like endless legends but I just I I struggle to get into it I need to spend I need to spend more time with the game and really really play it it's kind of old now though so maybe it's a bit kind of long in the tooth and maybe not worth my time we'll see let's go ahead and make friends at Cahokia at least Civ AI is better than endless AI is the end to say I reason up bad what really needs to happen is maybe they just be like some sort of scaling difficulty I think I think there's a I think there are a couple of ideas that you could work on to improve the AI to just make them appear intelligent appear more intelligent because they like in my opinion the AI doesn't really need to be like super duper overwhelmingly amazing it just needs to be good enough to upper offer a bit of a challenge to the player like and you know not make the game completely trivial there's a snare track mod star truck start rock star trek mod the French designed are designed to look as I just got new expansions and costly work with the game steel yeah I'm blown away by that disable of unit stacking hit them a I really heard that's why maybe armies army stacks should come back um what I thought was like in the early game was it the early game is I thinking um in the early game units should stack like based on their unit weight and then as you get later in the game and I was like each individual unit gets quote-unquote heavier and has more people because like army start mobilizing then units should have to start spreading out someone like the early game you would have like stacks you know skirmishing and battling their way back fourth and it would be like a groupie units of your composition would matter and then in the late game you've got these huge like arms like carpet armies just covering them up going back and forth I don't know it's it's a tough problem to solve like in a single conversation it's a tough problem I'll give him that it ain't easy being cheesy but BAM we have found Patti uh another DLC but I'm sure if you would have as many viewers with it ah I think people would be interested when I get as many viewers because sieve seems to be the thing that I'm really built on but I don't know I don't mind occasionally doing other games I like to let's be real sometimes you just get bored of the game that we're playing I want to see something different right and if I'm wrong with that it's just more of a craving although I actually just don't get bored of this game which is weird normally I get really really bored of games really really quick this game has really gripped my attention for an extended period of time which is quite rare in my experience for games to do that for me I'm not complaining I'm just you know so there's nagulu gramma poo we should be able to rip that down in a couple of turns I might need to buy another melee unit we'll see about that if this guy gets too chewed up and spit out by the war machine like these units over here they're not necessary so I'll just fortify them hopefully you guys understand why I wasn't building military because they would have never made it to the front line I agree to stack the stack to do more boring stacks of doom were boring but you if you if the composition of your stack like maybe depends like if you have more cat-like like cavalry in your stack maybe they're better for looting but they're kind of vulnerable to being caught by other like cavalry and spearmen or something you don't I mean like you could have these interests and unit interactions it doesn't have to be all one way or the other so I need to purchase myself a Mele unit in here I'll just grab a queer Aesir holy crap Paris is a tough nut to crack but let me tell you I've been cracking nuts since I was a wee lad probably should have upgraded these guys into artillery but it is what it is cool I wish they had an economic victory citizens anyone had three expansions maybe you never know I think it would be really interesting if they did kind of change things up when you hit the industrial area will you be so far ahead that's no longer fun in this game dude I'm like a handful the turns from winning that ship sailed long ago west Jane's and East James I think we gave up on renaming cities we already we already win and the hard thing about like explaining safe to people is not like a lot of the stuff that I did back on like turned 60 matters right now that's why I'm winning the game but like you don't see the manifestation of that until like now and the fact that I'm winning on turn 161 City is now surrounded shibam ship Busey what was the pro strat today do a for city settle into aggressive viral push using our territorial war hopefully people will actually learn a lot from this one because I think I showed a lot of really cool ideas about how you now how you kind of chained your bonuses together with a coherent game plan based on the map that you're presented Paris is gonna be an absolute turd burglar of a city to take its turd burglar a slur I don't know this is the fun word to say okay start next combina stomp them with heffalumps yeah basically because i started next to canada i didn't have to invest in any early military although i did invest in early military but i didn't have to be defensive with them which allowed me to understand my map position and develop a strategy to go poop on the rest of the world i call my son turd burglar I thought I made it up you it's like listen if there's one thing I've learned in the world that I personally have made up zero things and everything I know is stolen from someone else's knowledge let's get ourselves this artillery up although I will say one thing I started saying fail as anyone remember is like early 2000s the word fail came into fashion in a big way I started saying fail when I was like six and I'm not saying I started that failed trend but I was definitely at the head of it so I would have been like it would have been like 1995 I started saying fail and that got real popular that got real popular in like the 2000s and I was so mad because I knew it was gonna go out of fashion might potentially be a third expansion in the books oh no no no I'm not gonna give you a politician's answer I think there will be I'm gonna I'm calling a shot um I'm I'm open to swinging a Miss alright I think there will be another expansion there you go call the shot let's see if it works see how it plays out for me alright called a shot maybe I miss maybe I hit who knows either way I call the shot the doc said fail when you were born rude I know you could try study game in the industrial era I was born that's all she wrote folks though its face may change throughout the ages history is written from the hand of the victim by your actions this day you ensure our people tomorrow did you play on a small map because you know you want to go for domination yes I do not find domination on large maps to be fun because it just becomes tedious because there's a point in the game where you have more science more cities more army than anyone else but you still have like 2 hours of grinding through people cities to go and I just I find the game is far more interesting on 6 to 8 players how do you skip them out on units I always click them individually so frustrating ok listen up guys this is the most important piece of knowledge that I will ever impart onto chat ok no I killed all their capitals you just have to capture the capitals in you win ok next time you start civilization 6 I want you to go into game options I want you to go into key bindings I want you to change the next action button to like Z that's I have it a Z ok and what I can do then is I just if I have a whole bunch of Units that I know I don't care about I just pressed Z + spacebar like I just bounce between them I just bounced between Z and spacebar and then like I could just cycle through units incredibly quickly um how do I show this so like we load up my autosave here I like to keep my mouse for very specific functions that aren't related to like certain I don't like I don't like using my mouse for hotkeys my left hand has it's an array of buttons that I can press and I should use all of them new forms of communication so let me show you how quickly I can cycle through my units because I have this hockey I owe you beer for that one all right let me show you okay but here's the really important thing then the next unit this isn't the next unit key right that's these keys this is my next unit key right you can see how I'm passing through units okay this is the next action key which is different from the next city key right this is my next city key I can cycle through all of my cities one by one and this is really useful if there's a building that's really important to my Empire I can cycle through all of my cities and make sure oh I need a university here I can just kind of quickly cycle through now because I have a lot of knowledge of the game I can kind of quickly pick out which cities like I just saw a library in here I can kind of add a glance in only a couple of frames pick out which cities I need to mess with alright anyway so this key what it does is it just basically clicks on this bottom-right area of the screen for you that's what the next action key does so I don't have to go down here with my mouse I could just click this this will pop up then I know all right I'm gonna interact with this like well what's not next technology that one then I go choose production BAM alright I'm gonna get that and then I go here right yeah that's fine I press Z but BAM and then I'm like oh I know I don't need to move any of these units so I'm just gonna spam Z and spacebar and there you go my turn is over so that's how like playing quickly like I completed a 160 turn domination game in three hours and it's largely because I use dot dot Z hotkey right it's just the most important hotkey in the game for me anyway that's it we won and so that's partially why I don't really like domination the game is over fire too quick and you win like Aeons before you actually get the payoff like I won that game on turn like no 80 or something but I had to play another 160 turns doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo domination is only okay draw James how you doing why do you have a wire cut on your desktop because I play well I don't play it much but I play it whenever whenever the mood strikes where new expansion comes out or like wow classic came out it's kind of give it a ramble alright cuz it's kind of fun to screw around in it's not James it's Chad how are you doing somebody requested a sombrero for James James now has une that's French unn wait what is the Spanish for one oh god I've forgotten all of my Spanish words draw Mexico I know it looks kind of like this or something right it's like that's well let me it's more like it's kind of like this it comes down this way and then there's like a little thing that goes this way kind of and then I remember there's like a little nub it looks kind of like that right I feel like that's close maybe maybe I gave Mexico more land than it deserves yeah I get I kinda I kind of gave it like maybe Mexico should end like here so I gave I gave I gave Mexico too much land okay let's fix that Mexico looks like this Mexico that's Mexico right oh I forgot I forgot it's nub I forgot the nub but I should California how could I forget the nub I even thought about the nub hold on I shall return the nub to Mexico there you go Gabrielle I don't need your lip right now okay and it's called the nub Baja California is the colonial name enough Baha Baha yeah that's fair it's called where's my mouth oh god it's over here duh no buh bah ha England is just a wonky try rectangle you're right no it's definitely called Baja California I even thought about it's like wait does Mexico have all of the nub or does it own like I couldn't remember if like they had all of it or just like this bottom part like just this bit couldn't remember draw a pencil [Music] hey it's okay come together I'm gonna cheat with my lines No there I have drawn a pencil just the tip dispelled Brad what do you like the French like wait how do you spell bread ryu bread route i gotta keep forgetting the our red neighborhood I thought it was pan yeah isn't it pan or shocker lies like chocolate croissant or something man who looks who knows what Wyoming looks like okay I'm pretty sure I got like an 80% chance of being right if I just draw a rectangle because like there's a good amount of US states that are just rectangles this is why oming unless Wyoming is the chef's hat that looks kind of like this did I I knew it was a rectangle what isn't why I'm just a rectangle I'm even I'm not even from America I got it right then now you're not there sliced secrets out no the bread luminary new world sandwich mm-hmm world sandwich I remember there was a great thing that was done they put a slice of bread on the periapsis and apoapsis of the earth so you made an earth sandwich but I feel like that doesn't count because I feel like a sandwich is only a sandwich if the bread can somewhat contain the thing that is inside the bread right I don't feel like like you can't just put like a dog in between two slices of bread and be like I made a dog sandwich like this is inedible okay first of all you can't pick it up alright second of all the dog isn't cooked on his hair everywhere so I made sure you made an earth sandwich woohoo but you got it you got to make it like a thing you're gonna know this is the good part you're right you guys are allowed to ask me anything including if you want me to draw things the Sandwich Islands will be the hub of the bread conspiracy but a burger doesn't need the bonds to touch no the button the buns don't need to touch the bread doesn't need to touch it just needs to be like the bread that the the sandwich bread part of the sandwich needs to be mechanically able to at least like contain the items inside the sandwich I feel in order to fur to qualify as like a proper sandwich if you staple a piece of bread on to a tree in the forest doesn't really exist no because bread doesn't exist that's the second level of the conspiracy draw your favorite save leader sure the question mark because I don't have a favorite say later by the only person who writes cursive in paint because it just feels natural it's like if I go like I know hell Oh whereas I can just be like hello would you do a disaster livestream but notice Lee sometimes have to restart you know what it's actually a good idea that's actually a really good idea I like that idea I will maybe do that maybe we'll do like a review of save files someone is partying in the background my brother is playing guitar hey there I can't cursive with my human hands I can't imagine cursing and paint with my bloody right James and times new roman' no no no how do I uh that's why global warming exists we're cooking the earth in order to make a proper earth sandwich he's onto his guys clothes down all the coal factories find generic it caught Kitka dock and dumped him into our organization I mean Georgia then because I was what Patito gets when he was a random I like to disaster save a file stream idea they should be a Texas sieve the Texas just always wants to be a part of everything just want to be their own way is the game finisher was or was a part one game is finished we did it in one one a done stew ward if I said you foetus my wedding to my from my wedding to my ex does that count as a disaster [Laughter] yes but I wouldn't share that publicly personally speaking potato mix sippy hey Joe figured it out nice and Joe is that it is that all she wrote no more things wanting to draw I know Texas is weird look wait where's my mouse Texas is weird looking because it's like it looks kind of like that ish that's the kind of shape I'm going with let's find out Texas I was pretty I feel like I was pretty close I maybe should have done this a little bit more and then this should have been like less aggressive but I feel like I was pretty close and this maybe they should have had a little swoop on it but I feel like I was pretty close from memory about a subdivision of a country I don't live in Kermit the Frog I don't remember what he looks like I know he has like a mouth she's like the worst Kermit in the universe this is this is sir Matisse rogue I know you have like little tassels on his hands oh my god what if Kerman had legs cami toes have legs don't be stupid potato but escape sir met sir mr. Fogg what happened to India we won the game PDF his books JPEG his images is the game finished I was finished all right My Little Pony draw some fire around him Kermit the destroyer the Kermit is bet it and I could do listen I'm bad at art alright I see if we can make him green sir met Sir Matt the Frog needs to be green I've lost my mouse might my screen resolution is so hot cut down where's the hole we're gonna find the mole that's releasing the paint that's over here serum it the frog now he just looks awful undo ctrl Z undo okay I'm not doing my little pony I don't watch that show I don't know anything about it all I know is that like weird people watch it looks like plankton draw stalks that was easy you just do like you get a brush you go up down up you're gonna make this thicker you gonna make this thicker and you make this the thickest and then you make this an arrow chunk chunk chunk you connect this to here you connect this to here connect this to here and then you fill with black Mexico is kind of taking a bite out of it what are the A to Z bean tune in next time to find out I love you all thank you guys for watching appreciate you so very very much thank you guys for watching and supporting and subscribing and doing all the cool things that you guys do and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 330,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fn4zvhgXfqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 25sec (13465 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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