Eleanor (France) A-Z Challenge

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Bona Bona Bona bum all right so we were playing Eleanor today let us talk about Eleanor so great works and Eleanor city's cause - one loyalty okay cool so we're gonna have like want to do a great works based game so we're gonna want to do culture almost certainly we also get ground tourists we build wonders a little bit better we also get the guard in Patiala which not that useful but we get the Chateau which is pretty good and butts up a Paul Craig nice to see you buddy dish Aunt Jane is the auspice pogchamp how's it going buddy ivo trabajo g8o 9gd Pablo Yara deejay in Waze how's it going man vinyl cables hey God man hey Ryan a multi-year afford loggy the agency challenge is basically playing every leader in order from A to Z cookie badger he caught the beginning I know Narayan nice to see you buddy hey person looking forward to this one my favorite style game to play I was literally looking for a new any new content five minutes ago welcome to the new content extravaganza Xander v3 heavier Blakeley hi Heather Sony addition as conditioned Jana would you recommend all the DLCs I would they should be going on sale and a multitude if you're waiting Luke has gone drill sergeant Dimitri's is this my new skyrim OST sure mario bros who has gone Miriam David has gone is this good morning can you do domination victory by flipping all the other same scandals for the challenge ah maybe seven seas map Vladimir panini johannes rush ed Orion how's it going and Dre dosoo Oh God males from yes culture victory yeah we'll probably go culture victory I love your vids caught my first stream good to see you buddy Gregor's be and röszke will you win by loyalty probably not happy hey how's it going buddy jolin's Pierre Pierre oh I want to see all your loyalty you'll get none of my loyalty what's the a dizzy challenge basically just playing every leader in order from A to Z we have done everyone from Alexander and we're now on Eleanor miss you potato thanks Lance early golden age and rider rush will do some interesting stuff I think this game right so what kind of map do we want to play on I kind of want to do Pangea as Eleanor I feel like Pangaea works a dwarf in blues Ralph Joey get your bag AIDS hell yeah I get peaceful domination victory mm-hmm maybe I don't know if that's what I want to do we're gonna do Pangaea standard map sighs sparse resources abundant don't like Eleanor's hairstyle for France it's not that big of a deal kooky badger hekima Storm Dennis teaming clanking of disaster intensity sure chump potato saved me from boredom I save everyone from boredom seven seas we did a seven seas game with the Netherlands recently so I'm thinking Pangaea can you do continents I can't will would win with Eleanor on it sure if it's for educational person reasons we'll do continents are you a fan of paradox yes what's your favorite kind of potato I don't really have a favorite kind of potato the one that I'm currently eating will generally be my favorite what do you think virus it's one three three seven here hoggers I think you wanna do new world age or old world age marathon game speed no I will never play a game on marathon it's it's just painful please do all the wonders are you a fan of paradox yes on Pangaea peaceful domination challenge with all the wonders that's gonna be really difficult yes Luke I am a fan of paradox that is a third time you've answered i cost ask that question the third time I've answered it Pangea for loyalty pressure hello friends I'm need to save you think the best way to learn to play earth my lakes lakes lakes makes makes I think we're gonna do continent somebody asked for continents sea level I think I'll do LOI sea level for a little bit of extra land I think I'll do a wet world for lots of chopping because that could be fun hey Gabrielle Abigale paler hello you're the best thank you Tom and Arthur Abu guys ski boogity boogity I don't have to say your name air tour but thank you so much for becoming a member of the channel I appreciate that sure let's dude no world age couple people asked for new world age lots of mountains in that time she is actually great my for Eleanor it's not separate but easy new world more interesting Earth's TSL no we're doing continents haven't decided our start position let's do legendary we never do let's do legendary abundant let's have lots of real good stuff temperature gonna leave a standard map size is standard everything else a standard or ad I'll go to sixteen city-states that'll make things interesting are you going to flip cities via loyalty maybe if I find an opportunity to do so easily then yes if I don't have a good opportunity I probably won't bother ami ba ba ba hey potato hey ami I Casper is he a paradox fan I don't know is he storm winds Mike Brown bring all the pigs I probably have a slammer somewhere in a box if they're a high delay there's about a 30 second delay I love watching you play to where Timothy us thank you so much Bradley Hill ah potato how does Eleanor count for ATZ as a single leader separately I'm gonna be just playing her twice in a row I think this is a pretty good game set up let's get started turn off culture victory no has it been windy over there potato it's been crazy windy God man 63 and Russia named that I can't pronounce thank you both for becoming members of the channel I really appreciate that great beasts of the Stone Age to man taking his first upright steps you have come for why not do England first then France because the French one appeared in the list first cradle of civilization what is the aid of the challenge playing every civilization leaders in order from A to Z alphabetically of two lands patron of true win by relics potato maybe comer know we will be playing a difference if inspire the hearts of your subjects that they will cheer you and flock to you by potato eleanor is always fun your compassion she'll Aliya I love potatoes hi show cap are oh yay a potato is frame hi potato hi cat Jack arrow are we heading for violence free domination no Russian name is les Neve Konstantin Levin of Constantine thank you so much for becoming a member of the channel should they add an economic victory I think they could it would be interesting oh this is an interesting starting location so I think to open with I'm gonna Scout towards the water over here let's talk about our opening moves here um it's a farm triangle there which is interesting I could move away from the coastline which would let me settle the coast or I could move towards the coastline settle on this sheep okay this is probably one of the worst places I could settle where I am right now if I move towards the coast I give up go to tile or I move away from the coast I give up good tiles in the beginning but I gain better cities down the road tempted to actually settle on this floodplain right here because that'll give me access to two good early game tiles and leave open for me to be able to settle on this wine early which would be really really good and then I can get these cities to cooperate so with that in mind we're gonna move to that gives me 2 to 2 tiles let's do it when I opened with a scout boost for masonry nice on the sheep that's absorbed the world on the sheep is cool but I want to be off the sheep actually in this game I'm gonna research animal husbandry because I'd like to get those sheep improved pretty early and it also leads to archery although this is a cultural game so there is something to be said for going for holy sites you can settle anywhere you want to as long as behind your ass to you in ten minutes sure thing Gabrielle I will do that if I remember we go from Clanton good food tiles yep exactly this is an OK spot to start I think ideally if the cotton had been on the river that would have been perfect but this is pretty reasonable no music I play without music because the music gets claimed a lot by like Content ID and stuff too close to all the useless water tiles these are far from useless these are great tiles especially if I get mausoleum if I go like harbor mausoleum and these tiles are great and I'll get a lot of them ideally I would have ideally I would have settled on the water or this would be a water tile but you know this is the best we can do know music has a copyright weird yep Bradley Hill how do you know what the optimal decisions are usually its system from a lot of experience we're gonna head here go to the next turn we're working on a scout pop onto the hill we're doing a little bit of scouting what tile am i working I'm working the sheep which is what I want to be working because it's the to food to production tile I don't know figure a TDD AI is gonna ruin this one I mean you could say that about all my games question do I I think I have to clear this and not bother scouting anymore so I'm gonna do the double Scout opener it's a little bit of a rare or opener but I think it's fine to do we're gonna hit this once then heal looks like we found candy and we were the first to meet candy and we also found a tribal village right there would you play against spiffy and saxy I may not be down okay we're working two to two tiles beautiful do a little bit of scouting we're going to heal I really need you to not stand on that tribal village kind of upset that you did that take that that's a lot of gold will be able to purchase a builder extra fast we're gonna hit it one more time and then rest a little bit you're gonna come up this way scatter this direction then I'm gonna go set alert the holy site I need to save so watch my mind here to learn how to get my ass whooped within a hundred times yep sub spots - hi Andrew point through you blew through Zander have saved my xbox sort of broke like 12 what is the difficulty setting up we're playing on DeeDee DeeDee difficulty as always doing the Scout thingy tactic you talked about yes exactly do you have to finish a game that every save in the game to do that a tizzy yes if this another diplo game uh no it is not it's not currently diplo game this could actually potentially be a petra city right here so i'm thinking of settling on the wine and then doing a [Music] theater square here at some point with like petra and pyramids I love Petra pyramids it's a great combo so I think this might be something we do here French Eleanor is my favorite farming triangle with builder farming triangles aren't worth it in the early game that's going to take forever it won't we have chops we have a stone shop three four forest chops so we have two stone chops and four forest chops so we should be able to do this no problem if we save up our gold for it any tips were particularly saves you would recommend for someone new I think Rome is a really really good save for new players because they get a lot of extra value for no like work as a player because you just start with that Monument what is the Scout thingy strategy it's where you go scout scout settlers in order to try to meet as many city-states as possible in the early game I'm gonna take +1 production and I'm also gonna take discipline so that my units do more damage so this guy can be able to clear this Hill hit it one more time then he'll then kill it although I could kill it then he'll so to open let's see I'd like to get a trader early for my second city and I haven't met any other Civ so I'm not under major pressure to get craftsmanship here I'm gonna want my early monuments I would like to get the mahabodhi temple this game which means this might have to be a this might have to be a maha bodhi here it's kind of what I'm thinking of looks like a countenance map this is a countenance map who is Eleanor and what's she doing in the game she is the leader of the French civilization the stream you said the standard over for me somebody tell loggy loggy i'll type it hey brother potato I'm watching you diplomacy stream cool the only sales victories that she would sign to Germany and culture with Pericles so let's kill this military tradition boosted let's attack there for some experience it skill let's get you moving we're gonna take the battlecry promotion I like battle cry because it's more flexible the bonus found another continent lovely boost for foreign trade we did not find a natural wonder which kind of sucks should get heal than kill cause you'll get the extra XP it's only one experience for your attacking a barbarian when you already have a promotion I'm gonna put you on that hill and then heal a bit there is astrology we're gonna place our holy sight right there but we're not gonna build it yet we want to finish this settler cuz you've already invested into it pretty heavily bad things will follow if you don't remove the ruler goodbye to pin this game bad things will happen we'll see alright so we have a strategy I'd like to pick up animal husbandry I like revealing horses I'm being able to build pastures would be good on these sheep tiles I'd like to purchase a settler and then not-too-distant future if I could right so we'll be there in a couple turns we have our Pantheon beautifully we can go for the second settler double settler wunderbar wunderbar looks like a dream start it's not a terrible start so I definitely want to settle there where else do I want to settle this desert will basically be entirely claimed by this petra city that's this settler I think I'd like to maybe move to others as a barber camp there so I want to avoid that until I can bring my warrior to bear on that got a lot of space to yourself yes you might be on your own continent it could be possible but I I doubt it I doubt I'm completely alone so I'm thinking there could be a really interesting city right here on this grassland Hill this could be my mausoleum city actually my place is here however here mausoleum there I can do theater square here and then another city up here on this could put its theater square there so this is kind of what I'm thinking right now I'm thinking harbour here City on this hill then a mausoleum here with a theater square here on a theater square here this is the kind of configuration so that would be another city like there this would completely locked down this northern area so I think that's my early game settling decisions made up now let's get our religion should we prioritize sadly that's what I did getting to early settlers is good and then I'm gonna spend a bit of time making sure that I secure a religion cuz religions tend to go pretty early on deity let's keep you healing not the reef oh no well shoot this is perfect too I guess I guess we could forego the harbor adjacency perfection here and put it there that doesn't feel very good to me but I guess it will do because it preserves this really good culture configuration more barb camps cool cool cool candy what's your mission you want me to send a trade route well I'm gonna try to explore because I do want to do that the question is do I go builder or trader first settle on this delete that pin in this city we're going to immediately get a builder because I want to start trying to I'm gonna send this builder to my capital to build up my capital a little bit and then use my capital to build up other cities okay lovely move the settler up one I guess I guess I could settle here put the mausoleum here and this would be slightly better I missed out on the plains he'll settle but that'll be fine yeah this is marginally better who oh I'd love to clear that if I could plus one new pop okay I did not get the clear it's unfortunate looks like we've got a bit of a barbed problem blocking us so let's settle in place traitor for early faith I have plenty of faith the question is if I'm building a builder here do I go for the trader I'm gonna try an early trader this game this city is gonna go for the monument because I want that culture would save the chop that's a good point it is slightly better because it also saves the chop animal husbandry there's horses we did indeed find horses so I'm gonna improve that because that gives me something to sell to the AI you're alone on the island I'll that would be cool all right so there's Anibal husband you're gonna pick up mining get my basic tile improvements online sailing would be another good one it's kind of fill out our map here a little bit I was a barber camp up there that's really annoying I'm gonna have to go deal with that so we've completed the holy site there's a few sips going from religion I think I could safely go for a shrine this game and so I will even if I'd really like to be building settlers right now but I'm gonna go for the shrine it's more cost-efficient long-term one more turn I can purchase the trader yes so let's get that trader it's 170 gold but it'll pay itself off fairly quickly with this trade route with candy now that we have foreign trade I think I'm gonna head to state workforce great bath has been built that's not what I meant to do I was can i click on this over here so I'm gonna trade with condi that'll give me an envoy more importantly it'll give me gold that'll pay itself off over time what about prayers the secure religion I don't see a huge amount of competition for great profits right now so I'm probably gonna do shrine plus a prayer and that's sort of the plan can I kill you knowledge of bronze working and a promotion on the Scout Movement cost three there's mining let's pick up masonry so we can get started on the pyramids let's start cleaning this up too go here take your I think I'm alone on this island whoa I am genuinely alone this hasn't happened in a very very long time it's actually a bit of a bad thing because now it means I need to redirect for sailing to get galleys do you try to squeeze in as many cities as you can I would generally try to squeeze in as many good cities as I can there's the shrine I think I'm gonna do at least one holy site prayer and we'll see how that works out although I'd love to get the monument first I'm gonna be switching away from craftsmanship here once that build is started doing his thing I don't think it makes sense to attack there we've got our builder let's improve that that'll give me a horseback-riding then we'll do both the Sheep I'm gonna do another builder yeah I like the extra builder here I can further improve my capital get yourself a bit of experience a campus next to the theater square and reef yeah here's actually a pretty good campus too right there eventually holy site prayers completed in here I'm now on par for religion I'm gonna do one more holy site prayer because I want to make sure I secure a pretty early religion this game may be just in my mind I guess I mean I think that's a pretty reasonable opinion because it was a very very different game from the other games so I can understand why you would say that but I disagree I think it was a good game right from the get-go hmm thank you for reminding me I can switch off craftsmanship let's go ahead and put some turns into early Empire right I don't want to go for the holy site in here ah see I think getting a builder and sending it over to here to get the pyramids going is a good move so like builders are a way to basically transport production around the map why are you then Gally okay there's another posture giving our capital more production Stonehenge's has been built so someone did found a religion or will next turn don't step on the bananas there's craftsmanship finished beautiful do I want to change this I'm gonna go ahead and plug in a GOG no sorry maritime industry so I can build galleys faster the holy site then rather to rugs last this kinda you can explore for relics that's true so meeting houses and warrior monks are gone religion wise I could probably justify one more holy site prayer and that would secure my religion but I'm gonna get it in eight turns anyway is that eight turns and we have a look here this / or that I'm gonna get it in seven turn so I think it's worth it now to get a monument and then go back for settlers once I have early Empire but you must get trapped in you okay the fog busting so after this builder will go for galleys you stay fortified there there's candy good or am I just bad candy is okay so the double Scout open airy really didn't pay off this game which makes me pretty sad not the end of the world I'd love to take this tile I've really gotta wait till Magnus is here though let's put one turn into a monument before we get working on things I'm gonna take exodus of the evangelists in here I'm gonna do double galley because I want to explore stay fortified he might attack me again I'm not sure Yeah right there is masonry unlocked we can harvest stone let's get pyramids working on pyramid 28 turns I'm gonna wait for Magnus okay thanks Frederik hey what's up guys desync here watch the a I take exits get put for profit points now with a golden age can you quickly go over the general strategy quickly general strategy is just to get a strong robust early game economy and then build as many theater squares with high adjacency as possible that is the entire strategy I'm gonna unlock iron because irons a good source of early game science if you find it okay there's early Empire I'm gonna go ahead and take out urban planning and plug-in colonization to start getting my cities down okay we'll get a religion and three turns with the work on state workforce did you try the ps4 version I have I don't have a ps4 so I haven't tried the ps4 version but I mean I would play it if it was like a thing alright let's go ahead and appoint Magnus into Marseille in 5 turns we can start shopping with these builders I've got another builder on the way to help chop out the pyramids I might only do two chops for the pyramids like maybe this and this or maybe doesn't this something like that and then save the rest of the shops for Petra so I think I want this Scout over here to fog bust because I plan to try to settle without military units is it possible to see more or less place instead of streams I think I'm gonna be doing a mixture of both this is kind of easier today to do a stream so that was really all the thought that went into it I'm gonna settle up here so we're fog busting why are you building so many theater squares and holy sites because I'm going for a culture victory faith and culture are really really useful for going for a cultural victory Madonna has already been built that's unfortunate that's a good one okay let's found our religion we should call this religion tater tater thoughts there you go okay so our objective is to generate tourism we have access to candy so reliquaries could be pretty good here do you only do a tizzy on stream yes that's the entire point of the a disease challenge is to be a livestream challenge time you do well streams at one point five more point two five speed so I can watch it like I do your mega streams talk and play a bit faster sure thing alright so let's talk about these beliefs so first of all we've got feed the world feed the world is pretty weak here ideally so my goal is to spend most of my faith on rock bands and natural ists so I want to avoid things that require me to spend faith now reliquaries could be a really interesting choice this game because we have candy and not only that but we can go for the mahabodhi temple and for mont saint-michel because we have flood plains here in the capital which would allow us to surround a theater square like this with two wonders mont saint-michel where are you mont saint-michel there you are so we could go for both of these things and then we could like put a government Plaza in here somewhere right this is the kind of configuration that we could potentially look at this is a pretty good configuration in my opinion leaves me open to potential other things so I think in this game we're good we're gonna try we're gonna try a reliquary game night tater thoughts can I be a dictator thought you can all be tater thoughts I'm gonna be reliquaries even though I would normally think it's not very good I think it's gonna make the game more interesting for me now if we're gonna be doing that then I think we would like to secure holy order because then we can generate relics more cheaply we're also gonna want to get Sue's vanity of candy he wants me to get a great Admiral yikes first time catching a live video of yours hey welcome to the livestream crawl music encourages hauling so I crouch down the road as follows rock bands back which need faith yeah but I'm gonna be building holy sites anyway one more turn for Magnus I ideally don't want to chop until the very last second and I also want I don't want to chop until I have political philosophy in an ideal world as well show alia has become a three-spot II thank you so much she'll appreciate it thank you for becoming a member of the channel Michelle must be near Marsh if you read the description of Mont saint-michel it says must be built on flood plains or Marsh this is flood plains right here plains flood plains I had a DD with her recently maybe read out of power loyalty producing ability with her her loyalty ability is pretty strong I'm gonna go ahead and pick up in gallon now and a point of Pingala into the capital we're also going to get started on political philosophy we'd like to get them a hot body temple I have 200 gold what do I want to do with that 200 gold sudden I do you up of the account named Natalie cloud yes actually I do remember Natalie cloud she would always ask me about my she would always ask me about my my stolen videos like are you doing a 1000 subscribers special she was there like since I had like five months of subs if I remember tchau if you're asking Kai you know if you're asking for a good guy what what is tater tots you don't want to know all right let's pick a pottery it will be good to pick up writing this game I'd also like to get celestial navigation we did actually find iron here which is kind of an awkward spot realistically what map type is this this was continents so infrastructure with gold I think I might purchase my monument in here with gold I like that plan because it gets me political philosophy faster do I want to go for another settler thanks for sharing your videos I appreciate that Chris like lost so glad to see it playing is perhaps my favorite leader looking forward to this gameplay helga TWRP upgraded his membership to a quintuple spuddy thank you so much helga TWRP i appreciate that man finally got a last livestream talk still evades my sieve game has improved ridiculously because of them you're welcome mr. old Andy this is so painful oh my god that's a kick in the teeth dude that's really bad but we can we can actually we can work around that fart just fine by doing this you just reach we just shift things around right okay so we just kind of ship things around we're always being adaptable keep throwing some that makes me think that live stream is freezing it's cuz I'm reading chat you should improve the cotton um no I don't think so so the reason why I shouldn't improve the cotton is because it would require me to unlock irrigation and it would also be a plantation improvement which only gives me extra gold which doesn't make this tile workable why am i working an unworkable tile wait so I want to be working food although the sides here is really good couple farms in here wouldn't be a miss your attempt in the stream wasn't kicking my ears my bad apologize Bret G has become a true buddy thank you so much Brett g4 becoming a 2.5 buddy man I really appreciate that dude okay so if we harvested in here how much production is left on the pyramids we have calculator time do-do-do-do-do-do so that's 220 - 57 160 production left so we need a little bit more I'm not gonna buy this tile just yet now I want to be careful with my exploration because I don't want to reveal any any things until I have a super idea candy I don't want to reveal any natural wonders I'm such a big fan buy a building with the gold we have two builders already I were about to get the pyramid so I'm not worried about builders at the moment I think I would much rather get the I would much much much much much rather get the monument in here let's go to the sound you hang on there you wait there two six seven why are you guys all posting numbers wait what oh right you do it you're doing math with me okay we're gonna purchase the monument this does waste 11 production but it gets me +2 culture right now and I +2 culture right now the speed up how close how fast we get to things like drama poetry theology all that stuff we can start building important districts okay political philosophies on the way there's pottery pick up writing fortify their scouting pengal has established Paris giving me a little bit more of science of culture which is great and worries ahead of Adam they are dumb okay we met the Vikings let's say hello to them wait until you find other saves and they're already at mausoleum ah I mean I'm already at mausoleum it's like right there the AI usually doesn't build mausoleum which is why I'm not rushing for it and if I don't get it it's not the end of the world right it's a nice-to-have thing so I could I can't send him a delegation but what I can do to sell him all my resources I think I'm gonna try to get just all of his gold right now like he'll give me 90 maybe 95 94 he'll give me 94 gold for that and then with that I can send them a delegation and then I can do mutual open borders he'll take some money from me but that's fine because I'll be able to sell him horses he'll give me three gold returned and eight gold raw and he'll give me three gold and Aiko Aiko raw again that's good so that that actually just like really turned our economy around our economy was struggling narrow up to 11 gold paterno me of a hundred gold in the bank which means we can buy this tile right here for 65 gold so now we have two chops worth 50s for production which is a hundred and something which means actually if I chop now I would finish it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna reset my government on purpose by doing the government reset exploit coming in here oh do they fix that I think they fix the government reset exploit did they interesting monument me try that again no they didn't fix it they're gonna pull out colonization I'm gonna plug in corvy and then I'm gonna harvest and harvest from there's the pyramids so both of these guys get their build their charges back so they're still on three and then I got another builder who's on four charges so I'll be able to roam these guys around and do some improving now safely I'd like to get this fish online look to get this I want to get both the fish online so I'm gonna send you there I'm gonna send you there and you're gonna come over and get these elephants online actually you should get those online while you're there I wish I knew sell wine to Norway I will wait do they have one I already sold wine to Norway I think didn't I you see this is settled on wine so I already sold them wine exploits are lame it's a very very small exploit and it's good to teach people exploits because they will be used against you in multiplayer so now I'd like to unlock celestial navigation I'd also like to unlock currency I think celestial navigation is my priority though there's the pyramids now we can get to work on something else we can delete that pin I think I'd like a holy slide in here it will be good to also get a campus early is this the city I want to build my government Plaza and I think this is the city I want to build my government Plaza in 1 2 3 4 chops available so I could give up 1 chomp to get the goal but so I'll get the granary I'll chop out the granary with this builder and then get the government Plaza so that seems fine stay fortified there how much more do you value the early production versus long term production production now is always worth more than production later and almost every dimension of analysis you can think of okay there's a galley I'm gonna extend this one to explore north and around the island this way now this city I'd like to be building the campus in here but if I'm gonna do that I'm gonna want to do it in a very particular way so I'm gonna buy this tile but neon I'm gonna swap that tile to Marseille I'm going to harvest that tile that'll finish the granary and then I can get to work on the government Plaza in here get that Caesar and status before you Scout yeah I'm being mindful of it then we'll improve these elephants okay plus one store there's political philosophy we are going to plug in I'd like to plug in autocracy here you look about policies I have available autocracy is really really powerful in the early game I'm gonna take our talk receipt I gotta take out corvy I'm going to plug in colonization I'm going to plug in urban planning and I'm gonna plug in conscription and maritime industries okay so next up I'd like to pick up an envoy to get to his vanity of candy and then I want to head over to the mahabodhi temple and then I want to head to mausoleum and then I want ahead maybe to feudalism but then I want to go from one state Michele so there's a lot of lot of stuff I want to get my hands on right we're gonna pick up a camp here there we go let's go ahead and sell those to Norway for gold per turn not amazing but I'll take it every little bit of gold I can get right now is a huge advantage what does the A to Z challenge mean it quite simply means doing every sieve in the game from A to Z by leader name okay so we could pick up gold here I might put this in Leon let me see let me think about what I want to do here how do I want to do my trade routes I'm gonna put this in the on there's the Netherlands it's honor to meet you there's her capital let's go ahead and sell her this I want to get gold out of you ideally would you give me like 120 would you give me like 130 this is somewhere between 120 and a hundred and thirty and I'll sell her ten horses as well like that she took a chunk of her gold which we can then use to send her a delegation so I'm gonna want to get a settler down towards the south end of this island which is where this warrior and this Scout are going to come in handy as is this Scout I think settling somewhere right here would be good any chance you can explain what a farm triangle is sure thing so a farm triangle is quite simply placing three farms in a triangular formation so that would be like putting a farm on this wheat on this wheat and then on this tile and the reason why it's really good is because at the feudalism Civic you can see here farm improvements now gain plus one food from every adjacent to farm improvements so if we were to take three examples I'm gonna need to use my um paint skills hell yeah okay pink paint repay pay pay pay pay pay pay pay pay pay pink does anyone remember how to transparent copy how do I do transparent copy does anyone remember how to do it there's a way to do it transparent selection okay let's make a grid so I can explain this it's easier than this way so if we imagine we have these tiles okay if I put a farm here here and here I will only get a total of plus three okay because I'll get plus one food here I'll get plus one food here and I'll get plus one food here okay but if I take one of those farms and put it in between these two when I have the feudalism civic I'll get plus one I'll get plus one I'll get plus one but I'll also get another plus 1 because this farm in the middle is beside two other farms so this actually becomes a plus two that means a plus four total okay so the most efficient arrangement you can do is to actually move two of these and put them all beside each other so that all three farms provide you with plus two plus two plus two that's so that's really all it is so by placing your farms in a triangle you actually double their yield once you have the feudalism civic so that's that's what a farm Chronicle is that's where it comes from it's from feudalism so usually I don't bother about building farm triangles until I'm about to get feudalism or - or until I already have it so for example here's a prime farm triangle here this is another prime farm triangle and this is actually like a combined four fire triangle that you can combine together let's see where could I find more potential farm triangles now it's really only these two spots here in here in an ideal world you want a farm triangle to be between two cities so they can kind of share it replaceable parts also gives extra hexagon adjacency yeah but this comes so late into the game that it doesn't really matter why would you not do them for in a diamond so that is the same concept but only slightly more expanded you can do that but that's um okay are we gonna have to reopen paint now so here's why that's not good a farm triangle perfectly matches the criteria to double the output of your farms whereas a farm dongle Dimond which die angle of Jesus which is a totally valid way to do things has surplus farm adjacency because if you get a farm diamond you ideally want to start adding even more farms to that to get even more farm adjacency so the farm triangle is like a minimalist perfect unit of farms okay go settler jump in the water jump in the water this builder needs to improve that mmm that iron right there and then go wait for a chop order chop oh right so we got a settler in the capital we're pretty close to getting mysticism we're pretty close to getting drama and poetry in terms of what I would like to do in my capital I think I'd like to get a farmer a builder and then build these farms out here so I can continue to grow my capital really really big name the next city die angle die angles oh Jesus yeah I messed that one up alright so gonna trade my county again are we gonna trip it County we're gonna try to power some si my se is actually a better trade route here but I really like the gold so I'm gonna keep trading with candy let's get a friendship with the Netherlands just so that we she won't declare war on me there we go brilliant all hail the mighty dongle alright next city will will name it die angle so I'm trying to scout very conservatively here because the more I scout without being Susan of candy more I might miss out on a relic okay improve that fishing boat and then I want to get this fishing boat up and then that'll finish celestial navigation for me she linked those up I like to say there's mysticism victory type we're most likely going to be going for a culture victory so we'll improve that then we'll improve that next turns and envoy we can take control of candy now now that I'm Susan of candy I feel much more confident in exploring hello please tell me that's not Petra that's jebel barkal okay it'll kind of looks like Petra we're gonna want to get our hands on a campus soon because we need to get the mathematics so you head there let's improve that iron my religion looks to be naturally spreading I could spread my religion for eros core I might do that let's make sure we're actually managing diplomacy properly hey open borders with this guy let's also sell him some horses do I have open borders with Norway do I have open borders with the Netherlands managing diplomacy is important so I'd like to head towards Petra now we're gonna make our way over there is there anything I need on the way I'd love to pick up the wheel actually yeah I'm gonna pick up the wheel first because I'm about to mine a resource that's the wheel and ironworking boosted this guy has one charge left he's gonna get prepared to start chopping for Petra as is this guy's gonna go there you're gonna go there and you're gonna go there well actually on the way you're gonna build a farm and so are you I have 200 gold in the bank she's pretty good I'd like to I'd love to settle right there but that's not gonna be an option all right let's let's have a look at our cities here and plan out some settlements right if I settle here or here I think I might settle here and then that'll be a farm trying or a national park or I could settle there and screw the National Park and take control of more water is there a strategy to not send these delegations early to other save sometimes you do sometimes you don't just like with the Mongols just not I usually just always sell I send them because the higher the relationship you have with another sieve the better chance saves that they won't just straight-up murder you gang gets not never got a delegation I can't send him one now so it's too late I haven't mind the second iron oh that's right thank you for reminding me reminding me I crack me up sometimes you'll probably be in a golden age' next era yes which is why I'd like to get more faith income man all right let's talk about the settling strategy so ideally I think a city here on a city here to take advantage of that Petra adjacency oh man I kind of wish I'd built my pyramids where the Patrick is my Petra here that way I could get to theater squares in between them if I had been thinking about that that would have been the right move so I think we'll settle here let's settle here this one will never will never be a very good city but that's fine one two three and then I'll settle there one two three and then I'll settle there one two three and then I'll settle there that's the current short-term settling plan so I'm going to probably settle the furthest one of those first a free settler isn't really free it isn't really free it does come at a cost but it's still really good okay government plans are completed I do I want to go for ancestral Hall this game I really actually have been really growing on audience chamber audience chamber has been growing on me I gotta say oh that's a good call actually oh I can't do that I can't do that thing that someone's saying because cities cannot claim tiles that are directly adjacent to another city so I can't put the theater square here and here it is it would be a really good idea if both these wonders were shifted out one tile and that yeah so I'm like unfortunate that just doesn't work but it was a good it was a good idea click on the settler I mean it's just a hockey I just press the hockey's did like toggle through them one through nine or whatever okay I'd love to get the holy sign it's actually a pretty decent Holly site right there three is the minimum distance between cities yes exactly the reason why I'm counting three is three you can't have it cities closer than three tiles away from each other so one two three tiles in between one two three tiles in between so that's these are the closest thus these cities can be settled right one two three this is the closest possible way that these cities could be settled together I really like I really like ancestor hall but I'm gonna go audience chamber this game I'm also gonna promote Pingala I want connoisseur I actually really want researcher right now because my culture is pretty strong and my science is pretty weak I nettled I got that I'm up to 14 science per turn and I should be able to make my way towards mathematics pretty easily I will want to build a theater square pretty soon I'm about to unlock them I think the Netherlands is being murdered by Mongolia because I'm hearing things die all right builder completed in the capital you're gonna place a farm there that'll give me the boost for irrigation you're going there you're going there you're improving that build a complete I have 300 gold in the bank the question is what do I build I could go for the early harbour but I think I'm gonna go for the harbour and Leone instead so I'm probably gonna sink one turn into a granary and then go for the theater square in the city stich you're a godsend answering questions in chat I appreciate that man I get the same questions all the goddamn time oh no you're an hour late well that's the beauty of a live stream Sara you can just rewind all right there is drama and poetry beautiful and if you play it on 2x speed you'll catch up pretty quick I'm gonna place my theater square here because that's where I want it I'm gonna prioritize the theater square I want to get that finished if I can I think I'm gonna prioritize getting this on line to a nice farm triangle for the future and then I might purchase the watermill I'm gonna prioritize growth in here a little bit more 8 turns to grow or do I want to prioritize production 7 turns yeah they got prioritize production in here there's no chop from the Capitol unfortunately so I won't be able to chop out mahabodhi so I'll have to build it so I'll need to save gold to purchase my temple but it's just too slow to grow it shaved so many turns off growth to work the wheat hey nice so we got our very first relic which is amazing because we do have the reliquaries belief so we're getting 20 for tourism per turn from that against three different civilizations out of the seven in the game oh sorry I missed a subscriber Cantrell Malloy became a 2.5 buddy thank you so much and johannes shop became 2.5 buddy as well thank you so much what victory condition is he doing looks like we're going for a culture game so far french-fried he's going for tourism using faith in cities probably culture unless something drastic happens mongolian horse makes what's your favorite way to eat potatoes i actually like doing them kind of oven oven fries basically what you do is you you chop up some potatoes you boil them in water to blanch them you let them cool off on a tray then you coat them in olive oil and you put them into a oven at 220 degrees for about an hour or two and they come out like little shards of potato glass they're beautiful so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be very conservative in my exploration now I don't want to find more natural wonders until I have room for more relics so I only have room for one right now so I'm gonna be waiting until I have my temple to do more exploration really I want you to stay here to fog bust you're not moving anywhere I'm being very conservative in how I play right now I'm gonna put a farm here that's gonna give me the triangle that I'm looking for for when feudalism appears which will allow me to get a really big and strong City why not divine inspiration as a follower belief what does that one do again divine inspiration world wonders provide +4 faith um because I don't need faith generation is really what it comes down to and I think it was already taken actually one of these already took it I think participant ISM had already taken it okay that stones gonna have to get harvested but you're gonna go stand there got choppers in position let's go improve that wheat and then we'll get you over here okay the swordsman is an issue and I do not have a tissue so we're gonna be falling back hello Otto manse nice to meet you exchanging information I'll cop looks like these guys all spawned on the continent together I'm gonna send him a delegation I'm gonna get no I don't to make a demand excuse me want to do open borders mutual very good and then I want I would like to sell him although I need to maybe keep some of that I'll sell him ten iron and ten horses or eight gold and three gold returned fueling my economy bike wheeling and dealing stay right there wait faith is needed for rock bands and natural ists in the late game yes as well and we're also going for a bit of a relic build here we're gonna try it out because we got pretty lucky and I'm gonna go for maha bodhi and mont saint-michel if I can get them I don't know if I'll be able to get them but I'll give it my best attempt ok monument in AM Bois just finished and boys and boys let's go for the harbour in here I want a trade route the 19 turn build the city is gonna be kind of neglected for a while I guess I could go for the granary first neglecting my city's is not ideal but sometimes is the right move I'm gonna go for Harbour first in here but I'll go mine you make rani granary monument granary monument we'll send help to those cities once we have Petra so Petra is like my big priority right now and then it's my how about you Mont saint-michel so you have one bill charge I'm gonna send you over there so I do need more gold if I could get it Oh die angle that's why I should rename the city to the die angle let their theology rename Bordeaux to the die angle so ideally what I do here is purchase this temple I need another hundred gold I'm getting 25 gold perturb there's three turns of the theater square so in reality I only need a little bit of gold let's see is there a way I can get that little bit of gold from you well I can I can always wait a few turns before I before I really need to get it let's get to work on mathematics we should get that fairly quickly now that we have mahabodhi temple I'd like to head towards the mausoleum I'm also gonna pick up military tradition because this gives me slacking and support combat bonuses then we'll go for defensive tactics I have a super idea candy that's good look at the mini-map it's a Great Britain I mean that's feels like a bit of a stretch but okay wait there you wait there you're waiting okay this is as far as I'm gonna explore now your delegation is most welcome shouldn't it be Lidda angle sure la Dian go Letty angle no no it's gonna be a space Scylla mode all the olives are nothing else yeah typical Salam Suleiman silsila once Allah does Allah tries to lift force okay and that's as far as I feel safe because I don't want to reveal a natural wonder without actually getting the relic for it there's not civic now speaking of things I'll need I'm gonna want early holy sites in my cities if I can get them so I'm thinking holy site right there and holy site right there you might say you can put there holy site right there let's get you onto that tile to defend so all these builders are just waiting for the Petra are we actually building settlers we are building one settler so that's fine this is a culture victory attempt and we are playing on a continent map okay there's the theater square we have the amphitheater as an option what we're gonna do is look to get the extra ten gold to purchase the temple so that we can immediately start the mahabodhi temple so we're gonna go in here we're gonna talk to the Ottomans I'm just gonna be looking to get like here's 20 these here's ten of these how much would you give me that looks like he'd actually give me enough so I'll just take that deal so then I come in here I purchased my temple which means I can immediately get to work on them what oh I don't own the tile okay I was panicking there that I messed up thankfully I did not maha bodhi is on the way we are going to want to edit our government I'm gonna just pull out colonization and plug in corvy that'll take that down to 22 turns do I harvest this 48 production I think we can hard build this the city is really good production hmm yeah the city's fine the way it is I do wish it had a granary delay by two turns for a granary no not worth it the kid thought mahabodhi temple all the same fortify you have support combat as well so if we look at this guy's combat strength he loses on the offense but he should win on the defense defense rah rah rah this is a countenance map for all the people asking can you start exploring again because you have another relic slot yes I can there's Vilnius villainess Vilnius and I was actually the first person to meet them that's huge Wow okay do I already have tourists I should be getting close yeah look at that so much we could see on the defense we succeeded in staying alive Oh send the delegation again gets good call make his acquaintance be friends with him I've got four builders in position for the Petra build once this audience chamber is finished I feel like I get Petra and way too many of my games it's such a fun wonder to go for the dome with the excellent elegance one of the city-state quest for Vilnius and candy candy is to recruit a great Admiral Vilnius is to trigger an inspiration for games and recreation which I'm not gonna be able to do because I need to build a water mill and I don't have the gold for it I mean maybe there's a hail-mary like if I can get enough gold to purchase a water mill I can do that I would need another 200 gold so I need to somehow acquire 200 gold which I don't think I can do right now like even if I gave all of this what if I gave you 20 iron actually I can how much 350 okay 3 to 5 ok 315 317 319 321 320 320 gold ok so I just got a water mill I can buy that in my capital actually since I already have wheat in here now the city will grow really really quickly but more importantly I got another envoy oh shoot it needs to be a research construction oh there's no way well I just got a free water mill because I misread the tooltip whoops derp is the had a complete brain fart moment it's like my brain parsed that information wrong we will go for the Petra after the audience chamber look to put a foothold City on the new continent that's not my priority right now my priority right now is to get the important wonders I can settle later if you look at my culture in science I'm actually not too far behind so I'm not under pressure so I can take my time I already have a defensive settlement here protecting the southern half and you've realistically only need six cities to win a game more just helps and in order to do that I would have to redirect away from mathematics and go for shipbuilding so we shan't be doing that just yet and I'd like to get my cities over here built up so where is my next dangle jangle what I could do is once this Patra is finished I'm probably going to settle this city and use all this chopping in here to settle the other cities so that's the plan I finished a settler in here I really want to go for the mausoleum this city is actually way behind where it should be for mausoleum so it's gonna need help in the form of chops and stuff like that kind of messed that up it's not a big deal didn't you just change the tack path I did let's go ahead and take connoisseur for the extra culture on Pingala now we're up to quite a lot of this do you have the wonderfulest Inc building policy card plugged in I do and i'm also in autocracy which gives me 10% production towards Wonder's so I'm getting very high wonder production right now so this harvest right here is which should be worth more I have the wrong City working this tile are you working at all you're not working that tile so I'd like to purchase that tile I'll do that next turn swords gonna get lower Jesus will use the Scouts to get new stuff from the cotton new continent yes that is the plan these Scouts are gonna head to the east when the time comes right now I was using them to defend my cities I'm boys we're gonna go for the harbor the city needs a builder really really bad I can't afford to get a builder over there though just cuz like I'm so busy well you know what build a builder help other cities first okay let's buy this tile and now we can see that this chop is worth 78 production now I know for a fact Patra is like 400 production so that means I currently have in store in these builders 78 plus 78 I need to do some quick quick maths that's 7/8 times 250 times 1.25 so I have currently half of the one-ders production tied up in chops right here so I just need to get one more tile in a reasonable amount of time and I should be able to finish this really really quickly a big problem is this city doesn't have tile improvements like if there was two mines here the city would be really chunking along so this actually frees up this builder since I only need three chops to finish this if I go 78 x 3 x 1.25 that's 300 production so yeah I'll only ever need 3 chops for this so I can save one of my Builder charges for like these horses over here which I can then sell to the AI and stuff and use my goal to get more spec more stuff next time can you take Susan in Vilnius very nice start of the era I could take Susan to Vilnius but I want to make sure I hold Sue's vanity a candy so that's like really important to me so I'm gonna hold on to my envoys especially since I don't have any amphitheaters right now so here's our golden age so this is actually a really big moment for us this golden age uh is another way that we're gonna get a bunch of settlers from monumentality especially since we can do pen brush invoice Exodus the Evangelist and monumentality we're gonna skip free inquiry this game because we don't have harbors a commercial hubs up right now but we're instead gonna do these three the exodus of the evangelists is going to give us +4 great profit points which is going to convert into faith which we can use for monumentality pen brush and voice is going to give us culture from every district we already have so if we come over here look at my culture it should jump up to 32 that's a pretty nice significant jump and yeah so next I think I'm gonna wait until I have this governor title and I have provision on Magnus so that I can start spamming out purchasing settlers it'll only delay it by a few turns but it preserves the population in here so I think that's worthwhile doing if you haven't if you haven't changed recently recently please change your password YouTube channels are falling left and right that just it needs gaming to Minnesota beauty of protect yourselves I use a very cryptographically secure password very very very very cryptographically secure I think the only way you would have to have like a ridiculous brute-force attack or a keylogger to get my password my password is so cryptographically secure I don't remember it take that as you will so let's think about what's going on right now religion wise so there's probably some motivation to vote down Buddhism from other players because it's currently winning the religious victory and it really depends like let's have a look at the faith run right now I don't think any of these guys are making enough faith to where they think they're gonna try to win a culture a religious victory right now so we're regards to this I'm gonna vote down Buddhism once and then I'm gonna vote down making units cheaper to build with production because the AI usually votes for that one so hopefully I predicted correctly here a thousand-year flood and candy yikes okay so whoever is doing Buddhism why would you choose wait why would you guys want Buddhism to win why why would you vote to make Buddhism stronger you idiots why don't you stream on Twitch I don't stream on Twitch because my audience is on YouTube and they don't really come over to twitch and twitch wasn't really offering a lot for my channel I've explained this like a million times I will say that twitch wasn't offering a lot for me like in terms of growth or anything like that so I just opted to move my streaming to YouTube because it was like there's a whole bunch of reasons it's easier to manage the YouTube channel if my coz then I don't have to like download my vods from to it I don't like download my bots on Twitch like carefully manage and you know sync the audio and then upload them to youtube right it's just it's way easier to stream to twitch okay looks like somebody's getting a emergency Ottomans okay see what I'm in the a I don't get fight are you planning on releasing an art museum for Archaeological Museum video soon not yet not soon but it is something I plan to do alright let's settle here oh I just myself shoot I know I need this chopped right here cuz I just took this chop away from Marseille so this city it's gonna do granary Monument monument Ronny I think we'll delete that pin so let's purchase this tile I need a little bit more gold and then take this tile Norway what's up buddy what about my iron that's meant to be 21 really you give me 5 gold per turn but not 100 gold okay deal dealer no deal I take deal let's see if anyone else wants to buy horses yeah but wait a turn or two on horses actually there's Kabul we were the first to meet Kabul - interesting horse is improved that's gonna give me even more things to South Dai hey ma happy said I we used to play league and we're together my ig EMA Zaleski I remember you a Leske I let you through more person stitch you love your channel every friends on steamos key and I'm pretty sure I'm in like the same couple like a couple of Facebook the same Facebook groups as you are there's mausoleum we're not ready to build it though 81 production so I really need enough gold to buy this tile so that'll be 130 how much is this I need a little bit I need a little bit need a little bit of money how much would you pay for this gonna be a cold would you give me a hundred gold let me see here to buy my wine you already have wine alright Ottomans I will offer you my wine so he'll give you a hundred and seventy gold plus like maybe two gold per turn three two girls per turn got it so that means I should be able to get Petra soon like next couple of turns soon I'll check the numbers right now let me get my calculator so it's 81 times 3 times 1.25 that means I have three hundred and three production and chops I have no technology ready to research so now as a safe time to chop I'll go get the Petra in two turns beautiful no I'm gonna pick up irrigation and I should pick up actually realistically so you should be able to jump at the water don't explore oh my god I'm gonna need an archer I don't know if love playing six potato you might need to buy the mountain as well no I don't need to buy the mountain uh you already got the relics honey read your name is the elect the election Wrangler and immediately thought of Russia I think you're Eddie biscuit a lot of paper not taking C's right any one of those city-states on the other islands faith how did these guys give me faith they would give me a diplomatic favor okay so let's say I took diplomat let's say I took C's vanity of Vilnius I would get +1 diplomatic favor right now and then nothing else I would get no with their bonuses because I don't have any amphitheaters so holding on to my own voice in a situation where I'm currently not getting benefits from spending them makes sense to me I'd like to get feudalism I want to get monarchy for Mont saint-michel build two campuses grow a city to ten pop and build two temples we're not gonna do any of those building six farms might happen man how much do I value into feudalism it would severely delay Mont saint-michel feudalism is real good I'll delay it mahabodhi temple is eight turns away Granada I might put one point into well this also be uploaded yes all of my YouTube live streams are automatically uploaded that's the beauty of YouTube Live Gold give me gold thank you let's get a friendship with Genghis Chingiz can thank you so much beautiful beautiful beautiful oh I need Sue's runny they've Grenada to get around here that's annoying and I can't gets his vanity of Grenada equally annoying potential set settles over here as well everything potato evening tell great great catch live you would see what is on that land sousou's raining them would do some exploring for me yes that's true you see the problem is if I lose super on TV a candy it's like a pain in the ass I'll do it since he guys is so persistent but there's Geneva I was the first to meet you neva - it was kind of worth it to do I guess but now I'm worried about candy being taken from me brilliant right brilliant there is Petra you also have irrigation you can promote Magnus and start buying settlers correct I completely forgot to do that thank you for reminding me I got a bit distracted there's Magnus now I really want a theater square I also really want a holy site but theater square is my priority I think let's get that theater square it's a plus for theater square I can't release it to I can't justify delaying that ever it's like that good get these little Scouts going you're just gonna Auto explore you two out of the weeds god damn it I hate Quadra rings man best move is to attack it and then run away pretty much how I approach all of my problems okay this guy's dead unfortunately just attacking I'm run away pockets and remove petra pin No okay choose research so I think I'd really like to pick up apprenticeship here which means I'm gonna want to build one more mine which means I'm gonna buy a settler and then I'm gonna purchase a builder in my capital and put it right there rip rip arre no I'm gonna need archers to prove that cotton now now it's worth it improve the cotton because we can sell it to someone for big gains six gold returns beautiful Ottomans how would you like some elephants eight gold pattern thank you jingis how would you like to buy my wine you've broke get out of here Norway by my wine for gold that's not enough almonds Bama Juan one gold fill helm Kaiser Wilhelm ena of the Dutch Wow nobody wants this what the give me that for gold I'll take it Kaiser Wilhelm II know of the Dutch you know I'll sell to you you have horses you have horses you do not have horses weird like the place could be a non Pangaea map you just get caught with yourself quiet screaming remove the Ruhr Valley pin every time every time I get asked to remove a pin I'm gonna make a new pin maybe your wine sucks what the is this wine shaming going on here alright I need an archer I don't want to build it so I'm gonna purchase it modern problems require modern solutions if you can buy an election you can buy an archer btfo bloomberg boys okay there is horseback riding and recorded history let's pop this in here shibam delete that pin Callay kaleil alele it's gonna need some help I'll hit you with maikelele I think it would be good to get the yang and plunk her down in rhymes nay I shall plonker into math see you and then I'll reassign Magnus into rhymes and when this is done we'll start chopping settlers out boom there's a friendship boosted I can change my government am i still building wonders I'm building one wonder for now so I'll leave corvy in don't give me that much power I'll screen I'll fill your screen with spins can you please add more rare pins no I'm just a contrary and I'll just do the opposite whatever you guys want especially if I think you're trying to tell me the opposite of what you really want to make me do what you really want trying to wrap your noggin around that one remove city pin yes okay I did it there you go move the mahabodhi temple pin it's already gone so I can infer that you want me to add it back which is not something that I'm going to do is actually a farm triangle right here it's actually not it's actually a huge farm quadrangle we're gonna dangle the quadrangle but I think I'm gonna do a double chop down here in Leon to get the Harbor finished and I get to work on oh my god I can actually get a temple of artemis what temple of artemis how many camps do we have each cap past your implantation would provide thingy it's actually not a bad spot do I want to do that yeah you get the F out of here Harbor we're going for the Temple of Artemis okay builder completed in here let's go for the Harbor waiting for you to establish okay I definitely want to get these mines online now that I'm getting apprenticeship why do you make all the cities so close together make a bunch of crappy cities instead of making decent cities the closer you settle your cities the more cities that you can get the more cities that you can get the better because your ability to generate resources is dependent on the number of cities that you have not on the quality of those cities oh shoot I didn't mean to purchase out there ouch oh well Wow that's actually can we take a moment here to witness what just happened a tornado family blew through my entire empire wiping out every productive tile in my capital simultaneously crippling my holy site and cooking me out of mahabodhi temple when I was one turn away from finishing it that's the most horrendous natural who told me to put natural disaster at level four who who did that name your name who was it name your name and feel your shame how dare you that's gross that's genuinely just gross okay so we're gonna hold on to our chops here I didn't let go of the chops am i right free builder I'll take it get in there quick so if we think about Calais and what we want to do with it I'm thinking harbor right there that's pretty good then theater square here at some point and then I'll probably put a holy side in between well no do we have a reef nearby we do not I'll probably just do holy sight like there and then that'll be this city it'll just have a little bit of reduction a little bit of holy site a little bit of culture a little of fates right just do all the normal things you mess with the pin God's payback for the pins and it's probably almost certainly what happened there oh my god I need a builder in this city to rebuild I can't even afford to do what I wanted to do hold your chops storm Dennis true let's do mutual open borders and you give me even more thought you back for all the exploits I used to help me losing this fight you fall back in here arie improving tiles I already improved feels by admin purchase that get out of here let's go water mill granary monument in here slowly building that city up I want to go into the water here but I'm scared of getting murdered so we're gonna start walking down to the south you don't listen to chat how do you get amenities in your cities do you go for I just basically ignore amenities until the late game in all honesty I have put zero effort into amenities right now and I'm doing fine I swear to God if I lose my hot body temple I'm actually gonna cry and like uninstall the game and delete the BOD so no one can ever see my shame what changes would you like to see for save seven I think it's a bit early to like make Paul on that I feel like we're a long ways out from seven it's still so much left of like save six is life cycle major floating like oh my god now my theatre square has just been zonked good god I need another builder in here where are you thoughts about yield figure monarchy reduced after cities been captured even after the war ends been trying to think about how to make domination wins less snow Wally I mean I feel like the loyalty mechanic does that pretty well it already does the thing that you're suggesting so how much production is left on the Artemis I need more relics big-time big-time need more relics so you make all those cities such as clay they will make make a melody and housing problems in the future even in the middle game they're bad enough city but you think it's still worth it yes so there's the mahabodhi temple so this is a fully evangelized religion and we get a bunch of eros floor so like this or it just like a lot like obviously there's a diminishing return on the number a cities that you get but like there's absolutely no reason to space my cities out further than they are right now because every single bonus in the game scales with the number of cities not with the quality of those cities so like if my goal this game is to generate as much culture and tourism as possible the particular strategy that I'm using involves well pretty much now actually going for walls right we're gonna start like researching and building walls at this point of the game the amount of culture and tourism I can potentially achieve scales off the number of cities that I get because if I have if I have two cities I can get twelve tourism from them if I have three cities I can get eighteen so every city that I add to my collection my collection increases the possible amount of a yield that I need for my victory that I can achieve does that make sense the quality of your cities actually doesn't really matter that much in save six like it really doesn't matter that much not as much as in say earlier games because you have a lot of tools to make up for the low quality of your cities trade routes moving builders around so let the angle it's going to work in a harbor I want those trade routes and gold and stuff now one thing that worries me is that somebody is earning great writers and it's not me so I need to start earning more great writers and building more theater squares hey Beto how come the game going back to see it from the start cheer see that a yen was a lisanna what's your favourite victory condition I really like tourism tourism is the one that I really like also somebody left the heating on I'm gonna be back in like two seconds no boy I was watching I like watching a jenna Marbles video earlier that's the one where she's talking to her dog she's like Kermit you're a nasty boy just whatever it is the way but the way she says nasty boy makes me laugh oh it's more you see it's Korea in this game yeah Curry's in this game has a radiator right underneath it so whenever someone turns to heating on I get roasted dude okay let's evangelize twice right you've accessed Fred's new apostles why not use them before improving your religion there's no need to use them I'm not interested in spreading my religion okay so we have holy orders let's see here let's think about what our next move is so in terms of religious building good ones to get our the diary myrrh is good for just raw faith production as is the stupa because it gives you amenities I really like the stupas I'm gonna take the stupa in terms of this I think church property is a great belief here close to gold from your religion fantastic we've a fully evangelized religion once we have the Mont saint-michel we all have a very reliable way to convert faith into relics I'm curious do I already have I already have a tourist look at that so a big priority for me now is exploration I need to meet more people like it's a big big big big big priority that's fifty nine production I think now is the time to chop and surprise these city-states got their own little island bit weird military training faith yikes that's a swordsman coming for me and I don't feel safe going into the water with Quadra rings running around so I might try to escape out this way this barbarian encounter is being annoying okay Marseille is building a water mill that would make this into it actually a pretty decent farm for growth cartography time I can't afford to go for cartography it's too many turns that I'm not researching walls with such a low science my science is incredibly low right now so I have to really really really prioritize but there's the Temple of Artemis which is cool that's always nice a bunch of amenities right let's get that Harbor it's purchased the granary in here this city needs help in order to get the mausoleum Coliseum would be amazing and the city together then we'll be in Marseille if I could get it up to a population of reasonable size take your boat off Auto Explorer okay there's civil service I can get my alliances now I'm gonna start working on those tribal villages I'm gonna wait get into the city run that way alliances I'm gonna make an alliance with Ginga scan how would you like a military alliance okay Ottomans how would you like an economic alliance thank you so that'll make sure that these guys are friendly with me these guys will be upset cuz I'm I lied to their enemies but it's whatever can't be friends with everyone a normal what you want to be oh my god it's so windy do you know how nice that breeze is it's actually a little bit too nice I think it's gonna blow my window off its hinges Jesus Christ [Music] Culture Alliance whatever has your South influence no I don't wanna get a cultural Alliance that anyone who's close to me because then they might settle here I can I could I can deal with this this isn't a problem for me alright okay so what the mausoleum in here how many farms do I have to have enough one more farm for feudalism put that right there chop the stone where the mausoleum is gonna be placed so I'm setting off a very specific timing where I'm waiting for the second the harbour is finished to do that chop that's why I had that builder over there okay I could build a stupa I'm gonna go for the amphitheater it's now time I started focusing on getting my actual great works I need to start getting as many of them as I can take a moment to heal still Suzman of candy let's go into the water and explore you explore up here might be some natural wonders up here will you ever do a face camp I've done face cams like a bunch of different times it's like sometimes I don't feel like doing it mm-hmm all right so big thing is I could go for the amphitheater in here but this is the Liang City and it's also the Petra City so this city got so much help sent to it in the early game it's now time for it to give back to my empire and build units for other cities so I definitely would like in this city to get my hands on at theaters I have a date it's gray sorry to get my hands on a campus right there it's not a bad campus it might be slightly better to put it there it's a slightly better campus because it has a slightly higher potential I also want to holy site in here so I'm kind of just planning out the tiles I want my cities to make sure I don't lock anything that I really really want I think I might put a harbor in that Lake like so [Music] jury's out and a lot of decisions there we can start a hammer in this guy but my Archer while I'm simultaneously running away with my warrior ok this builder tiles in my capital are mostly improved which is exactly where we want to be the other reason why you want to avoid the other reason why you want to build as many cities as possible is because it takes a very long time to grow a city you need so much food and so much investment that it's often better just to build a lot of really small cities can't you do a FaceCam please uh no not today I don't feel like it sushi only if I feel like it I pitied you have the worst possible location to play as Eleanor how long does it usually take to edit your Let's Plays about as long as it takes to play them so if it's like a 6 hour game probably takes about six hours to edit because I edit very quickly I'm very very good of it now that I've done it for so long the city is gonna grow in four turns so we'll be able to place another district what will this district be it'll probably be the harbor in here can you cover her tourism buffs what do you mean remove your mont saint-michel pin I haven't built it yet ts favorite sibs theme song in six uh-huh I really like the Australian waltzing matilda one I don't know why either the Australian waltzing matilda or the arabian sorted in is it the modern era techno kind of song they have our the Ottomans are really good music too I like them all actually I don't know I just like the waltzing matilda because it's one that i have heard before there's a very very popular song Irish Irish folk song called based around the waltzing matilda it was about Irish soldiers who fought for Australian Gallipoli against the Turkish Ottoman Turks I think so I think it was it at least I didn't the first time I heard it was an Irish song I don't know if it was like actually an Australian folk song uh we don't mention Alexander scream start chopping settlers that would run and rhyme yeah it's probably a good move potato have you consider that same basses in your capital for that cheesy double of relic tourism in that city it could potentially go here somewhere I haven't decided against it but it's not what I'm looking for right now all things a good time right now I'm focused on getting Mont saint-michel will you not forget about the harbour card this game oh god did I forget about it oh my god yeah well well well guess we know the answer to that question the answer was I forgot about it already God that change just always throws me for a loop um okay so I want to harvest their settlers here now the trick is I want to have the settler production card in so if I harvest this that's a hundred yeah okay so help rhymes with the Builder well rhymes his job is to chop out satellites that's really what rhymes exist for to use all this chopping area here for a field for builders for a very satellite sorry I can't purchase a settler in here just yet but I want to I'm gonna wait on these chops until I have the settler card plugged in I'm gonna wait one more turn on that shop okay we ran into Lisbon I was not the first to meet Lisbon Lisbon is a very valuable city-state's though I might send them an envoy as soon as I get one sorry Stella sometimes I forget this this 50% settler card yeah I do that all the time dude okay harbour in here we want to build a mausoleum but before we put the mausoleum on the stone it's 42 turns of production what will instead do in here is we'll harvest the stone for 61 production and now it's only 35 turns for the mausoleum right 35 turned mausoleum isn't terrible Leone will eventually be a good City I'd like to purchase the lighthouse in here because that's gonna give the city growth and then I'll be able to purchase a trader in here for faith gold I'm gonna wait for the gold on that one because I need my fate to purchase um settlers waiting on by travel why do you always have silliman in your games I have no idea I just pure look I think the Turkish people just I think I just get along with Turkish people so they just want to be in all my games dude alright we'll take all pine as well okay I'm gonna take you listen because it's only two turns and then we'll go for divine right lighthouse I'd like to ideally purchase this lighthouse so I'm going to take the time to just hard build a trader in here then I'm gonna put one envoy into Lisbon because plus four gold is very very valuable this is like a superfast Scout now okay you settled there make sure we swap in the settlor card I still have corvy where is veteran see and I'll put in conscription as well so now that I have that I can harvest here get a settler with two chops of a builder beautiful and I can also purchase a settler didja to do and I'm so worried about not using the few percent that I've forget to plug it out when I'm done settling yeah I often forget to plug it out too as well as from plugging it in Luanne we'll go straight for a harbor in here but first I'm gonna go for a granary monument because these are the basic buildings eventually I'll get builders down here my Empire will my empire will suck for a while this is generally the suck stage of an empire so now I want a faith purchase another builder to send down there oh there we are we have a faith purchase builder I can head to rhymes 40 turns for a settler it's not gonna take 40 turns cuz you plan to chop it there's feudalism I'd love to plug in that fill that card but I'm gonna wait until I've chopped out this settler envoy I'm gonna hold on to that envoy for now jump in the water see if you can make your way around oh Jesus okay I'm for Theatre in the capital two turns until we get the Mont saint-michel started I'm going to place the harbour there's the settler this settler will ideally go down here but I think I'm going to start settling over here on this island there's like this city over here is a really really good what's the word what's the word for a city that you settle for national parks National Park City I guess I really want a Quadro room so I might purchase that with my gold upgrade the warrior for era score to help you with the barbs uh-huh era score wise I don't need the era score right now okay there's the Qamar let's go ahead and stop with our hospitality hello comer I assume that you made Buddhism so I'm gonna go ahead and send him a delegation I'm gonna get open borders request gold off him and I don't I can't sell him anything so that's fine but we've met another Civ that's another save that we're generating tourists against which is all goodness I really need to find more of these national wonders dude it's actually kind of annoying that I haven't found them okay let's try to turn rhymes into a useless City what can we do so we're gonna put it a Harper they're up probably do some I'll probably do an industrial zone in here actually which means like aqueduct there industrial zone here this will be a production city that provides factory adjacency to everywhere so with that in mind luxury districts will include things like a holy site eventually and a theater square like there and then potentially a entertainment park like there so that's kind of like the plan for the city so then we can improve every tile that isn't that you get me you dig you're kind of stuck until you can get the cartography here's the problem with that I have no choice because my strategy requires me to get Renaissance walls reasonably early before before I get to military research okay so I'm kind of stuck I don't have a choice I have to go for this I know that I need cartography but I need to at least get castles then I can maybe make my way towards character right so I'm aware of my exploration was right but I'm also aware of what the solution is and why I'm not doing it it's like I'm not just blindly making that decision I've already thought about it definitely worth it when you go to mausoleums exactly okay there's divine right there's also some engineers who give use tourism there's divine right I think I'm gonna plug in divine right for now because of that 50 percent influence we lose the 10 percent towards wonders but that's fine [Music] but we can plug in gothic architecture right we can plug in gothic architecture and we can also plug in charismatic leader to get extra influence and then we can plug in lime so we can start building walls it's not it's not right now that we're gonna be building walls that's sort of one of the things we're going to want to work on over the next little while so now that we have this I want to pick up Reformed Church because my ideal government is theocracy right now monarchy is fine but ideally theocracy yeah I thought about the canal here's the problem with the canal here the canal isn't unlocked until this phase of the tech tree and it's really really expensive I'd rather just place the aqueduct and get the adjacency early I don't really care about actually like moving units out of the city I just want the adjacency so I think the industrial zones gonna be the first thing we work on here district wise and then the harbor so I'll place both of those well I'll make sure I prioritize the granary and now that we have castles I'd like to unlock engineering which means I would like to unlock build ancient walls somewhere so can I build those there we could do a to turn ancient wall here we've got another builder all right let's start trying to find cities that are neglected and that need help I'm gonna use my gold here to get a lighthouse and then I'll get something in there for that all right so this trade route wise I think farms up here makes sense a whole stack of farms and here definitely makes sense because that'll give these cities a bunch of growth play the Ottomans next let's not have the A to Z challenge works we go in the order of leader names is there a great Admiral that I see pass ocean tiles I think so but he's probably already gone how have I not gotten my great writer yet did somebody beat me to a great writer no it just hasn't manifested yet Yosemite in the south of the map that's the one we already found there's Jerusalem I'll put one envoy into Jerusalem don't go that way now that I'm quite driving and making my life hard the sex pot BOTS have arrived Oh God took them long enough to find me eh don't forget to start the Wonder in Paris I want to wait to the harbor's finished first do i yeah cuz then I can purchase the trade route so let's get a trade route in Paris I can't just get it yet need another turn okay you got ancient walls in here which gave me the boost for engineering that I wanted great I really want a lot of things I really want the Intelligence Agency and I really want the amphitheatre I'm gonna prioritize the Intelligence Agency I really should have more amphitheaters built just kind of a slow start here why do the barbarians never build galleys yeah it's kind of annoying I agree I wish they did build galleys studies so I don't want to work any of these you have a look so do I want this hill for the capital or do I want it for rhymes Capital is fairly limited in tiles whereas Rimes has access to a decent amount down here to the southwest so I'm gonna prioritize the capital getting that tile speaking of the capital getting a tire let's improve that before the capital to get it even more production uh-huh okay two turns until growth brilliant farm triangle so here's the important thing this for the farm triangle people this farm has plus one food on a plain style once I place this farm it's gonna get another plus one so now it's a three food tile but one production right that's that's the power of the farm triangle is it makes these growth styles really really powerful I'm gonna take this for Leon because it doesn't have a lot of good tiles and growth is a good alternative to like anything else just get a lot of population you can make up for a week game declare fried chips become her oh that's a good point I did miss that I was a little bit focused on things they don't need to buy anything well actually they would buy a little bit of iron so gonna seldom 8-iron he has no money whatsoever diplo favor I'll get three diplo for a few thank you speaking of Diplo favor it might be worth it to sell it see Wilhelmina how much would you pay for ten Diplo favor you'd give me three goal that's not enough what about the Ottomans Ottomans what would you give me for ten diplo favor you'd give me three goals not enough I want to get at least five gold for ten so six gold from the Genghis onehans and six gold so I think Genghis is the best deal right now so how much gold do you have you have 40 gold so I think that should be around 80 diplo favor 81 diplo favor for 40 gold per turn let's also check our resource reports sorry this one who has or does not have resources so it looks like Harold Silverman and Wilhelmina will buy iron since the Wilhelmina first will sell you six iron you'll give me one gold fraternal I think of it Sullivan he was looking for about 36 iron we'll give him 20 and then we'll give him 16 okay looks like he doesn't want of any more or he doesn't have enough money does he hey there you go and who was the last one was it Norway by my 4-iron q so my guess what I'm Parvati is that the captor causes have been raising it costs ambitious they fix the issue by not letting it happen it's a good point that is like good I would guess that that is the correct answer okay he's happy I killed Barb's right nice I heard another barber camp appear of course okay harbour completed in here and again I want my lighthouses as much as I can they're gonna result in trade routes lots of gold all that stuff so ideally now I would maybe start trading with other players like I want to start looking for lots of gold trade routes Amsterdam is a good one I'm gonna move these to my capital though harbour completed in here let's purchase the lighthouse oh yeah let's get that lighthouse this place once a builder I'm gonna get a coastal theater square maybe this is all good seaside resort territory though that's a big problem here so I might do an off coastal theater square for great work holding Quadra I'm being annoying of course as usual so Caillat I think I'm gonna give these two tiles to Calais to give it like an actual workable tile but just put a bunch of farms in these cities you're heading this way onto land screaming again I've never seen silliman happy good old farm triangle walls dr. meatball yeah walls are a priority but they're not like a right now priority I mean I guess I'll vote Buddhism because that's what they did last time and I'll vote for me I don't know I guess they voted for me because I'm their friend kind of makes sense now Protestantism won this makes no sense all right whatever whatever right there's a traitor now I could do internal trade routes for gold sorry for production and stuff or I could do external for gold and I think external for gold is the right move have a look where's my most profitable Amsterdam's pretty profitable for 13 gold but I do want to make sure that I'm trading with a variety of different people so I'm gonna trade with Genghis Khan here and more trade routes are coming this city would like an internal trade route at some point question is how long a less that left on this era so I've got nine turns in this area I think I get faith purchase one more settler notice how I I have spent basically zero production on settler oh I forgot to take this card out yeah yeah I forgot to take that card out damn it I was like look how little production I spent on settlers and look how long I've had this settler production care it's not in the dumbass okay we have a harbor fully built in here next up we would like theater squares I guess are the thing right the more theater squares I can get the better attack kill chimera mission is buy his relics if you're desperate for them that's a really good point actually he has no he's no relics I'm not desperate for relics I was just expecting to have more than one at this stage of the game you know what I mean friendship Norway Research Alliance so mostly just looking to be allied with as many people as possible to maintain positive relations with the for tourists already looks pretty good considering I haven't even started really generating tourism religious okay mmm ideally in the late game I would put a real there what pastor for now is fine will retail our entire empire later welcome welcome welcome welcome well Congress okay I'm a part of the Emergencies it's fun there's buttresses oh I need this I can delay siege tactics for a bit so I'm gonna pick up cartography now and ideally maybe send a couple of scouts out this way to the west there's a friends what we'll do here just go straight for the harbor the harbor is this really really powerful so I like to go for an early kind of annoy that this got pillaged after repair it and so there's gonna be a bit of awkwardness here with regards to loyalty but I should pick up another governor title and I'll be able to plug them in there no problem now the continent discovered where are these national what is what color are your eyes the tail black like my soul comfort gaming tips stay for the sexy voice IDI need to get a de ba that looks like either a Scottish name or sometimes no I've never seen that name before but interesting name where is all the box today I don't know I'm pretty sure max YouTube stuff is a bot got him under UX seems like your if I could start islands with just you and county so unfortunate why that's how for alexsteiger boy I don't think anyone has relics I'll have a look through Ottomans no relics Genghis Khan no relics comer no relics the Dutch no relics Norway no relics but we haven't met every 7 the game especially because we know Korea's in this game because they have more science than Mongolia right now Jesus so if I harvest this or do I want to put a lumber mill on it I think this tile is going to be a holy site so it's probably gonna get harvested so I'll harvest it now rather than later put lumber mills and stuff down around here could be a nice this is actually really good seaside resort territory seaside seaside seaside I can never find this goddamn thing I can never ever ever ever there you go all along there go to one would never have thought of that myself it's a really really bad joke you're very easily entertained I'm sorry why do you always get Korea because the game hates me later in the game where is the plan to invade city states with garden pervy out nope no plan for that so I wanted to grab Victor to pop him in here I also want more trade routes they're gonna buy the lighthouse and I'm by traders I can buy one more settler which I will do it's the last settler I'm purchasing and then I'll spend the rest of what little faith I get on thingies could I get six more eros core let me think about how I get six more Eretz glory I don't think there really is a way to get six more eros score here swap out settler card Oh God thank you Jesus um I like urban planning which city builds the theater square next to the mausoleum oh that was meant to be a moi but I've messed that up didn't I I totally did I guess Leon can do it now although this is still better so I messed this up my bad I had a brain fart moment this should have been they should have in a theater square I forgot about this I just my brain poorly registered now you make mistakes it's not a big deal did you mess with the theater square yeah I did Horace Plus sword would only be two and I don't even I don't even have iron working will research it I mean we'll give it a go how do I not have a great writer yet what is happening this is a joke I guess I didn't really prioritize it yet but still how did he get it first I have definitely have more culture districts than him sweet baby Ray's don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me another save their first hi adjacency district it's a good one I've got no districts coming online though so not gonna happen Gold purchase trader all right let's see if we can get this settler over to this continent here the theater Square won't be a mistake if you never finished finished mausoleum yes it's true there's theocracy this is the government I actually want so I want veteran Seon limes that's perfect I want Gothic architecture and urban planning and then I also want hmm serfdom perfect that's the perfect government and now when I get builders they have seven build charges which is perfect so ideally I want to look to trade more sips so I want to get a city settled somewhere over here so I can trade with Qamar it's kind of like one of my big motivations I also need to get a scout down here so I've got a lot going on here I think I'm just gonna prioritize getting gold right now I'm not worrying too much about it like he just maximize our gold income then making snowball backhauls into other things traders pay themselves off really really quickly I really want mass production and I really need to unlock siege tactics so I don't think I can delay siege tactics much more once I unlock once I start getting towards like Diplomatic Service which is next this is where I want to start building my walls ideally after I have my theater squares online but you know it's not been a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination Netherlands friendship I'm good good call hello Netherlands all right beautiful beautiful I'd like to buy this q9 kolp return seems like a good deal get you healed up hello Gandhi honor to meet you how would you like a delegation how would you also like open borders there you go oh god what have I done stop you can get a friendship with the Netherlands I have one saddle tandra for era score I don't think there's enough time I have three turns to get them over to that Tundra so if I improve you that's one area score I could buy a horseman that's another era score the only other way I could maybe get it if I was able to circumnavigate the world in time but I'm not going to so I won't get a Golden Age this time which sucks but it's not the end of the world it would have been nice to get the Golden Age but I don't mind that much all right these mines definitely need to be turned on I'm gonna turn them on for neon oh there is something to be said for my savior to get these mines we'll leave it for now maybe I'll get one tomorrow say it's not even working them nevermind take that top so we're gonna settle here we're going to immediately place Victor into the leather shell and then we're gonna immediately get to work we're gonna purchase a monument so I'm gonna work on the water mill and then purchase the monument and then the granary that's the goal in here so I'll purchase that monument next turn oh it's even more loyalty pressure aligns with India in the Netherlands now I want to be careful about declaring all my alliances especially cultural ok ground are you completed here so the theater square represents like a really high value district right now so let's get that online delete that pin what about becoming scenes Randy one thing I could do is levy how long do I have if I levied so if I can get enough gold this turn to levy a city state six hundred and thirty four fifty to levy and military and build a horseman I think I can do it so let's let's see if we can't get enough gold let's have a look here how much would you pay for ten you would give me six so I want all of your gold thank you who else has gold Gandhi how do you feel about diplo favor okay you don't feel that strongly about it so I'd have to give you almost twice as much so the 450 I can use to get candy I can levy that and I can actually probably put these to use exploring right so I've levied candy which gives me one error score so now I just need to get enough money to purchase a horseman oh shoot I already researched courses oh god damn Nicolay happy maybe next but it's the harbor and holy site for adjacency well it's getting adjacency from here and I can always put a waterpark there later so this is just better for the harbor because I can put a water pack there later don't you get error score for Diplomatic Service yes but I only have one turn left wish me look at my finals ah good luck on your finals Aidan so I need to get my hands on 800 gold collectively I don't think that's not much gold in here is there 300 300 maybe maybe I can make it happen right I need all your gold how much do you pay for 30 okay so if you give me all of your gold for like 24 okay then you you don't have much you you don't have much gonna prioritize taking from the people with a lot I want all your money I want all your money so I could definitely give like a luxury plus some Diplo favor to get 300 gold so now I need 120 more gold Netherlands come on there's the eight hundreds we can purchase a courser and then we go 66 out of 66 with one turn to go on the medieval era nice yeah like if you think I'll have a like if I'm trying to buy a coiler for 800 gold trying like min/max how much air is core and you think I don't have a swordsman like I would always go for the swords in first so I think that's a bit silly to suggest me to build a swordsman this is actually a great trade I'm gonna take it extra amenity I didn't have to do anything for our lives off the games Poland have to get in Sandwich between Laos our own time areas on na continent on a continent feels bad man that does feel bad most had fought Golden Age you've ever seen the world it was I feel like we made it pretty well uh so actually hmm so there's really a choice here between money mentality and reform the coinage reform the coinage at this point would mostly be used to get builders although I could continue to settle there is room for it but I don't have the faith cane to really justify settling and I want to start using my faith when someone saint-michel finishes to pick up to pick up apostles who will have the martyr ability that I can send to go get killed in places so what do you guys think I'd like I'd like to hear some arguments from chat about monumentality versus reform the carnage I don't think I take Exodus II evangelists and I don't think I take eccentric honest even though I am about to be settling other continents can you play tall and save six now you can does Gandhi have a relic it's a great question Gandhi does not have a relic Azteca here monumentality how is the religion doing the religion is doing fine it's spreading itself I just don't have to worry about it at all right it takes care of itself I'm on an I'm on an isolated island I have to put zero faith into maintaining my religion it spreads itself I'd have to worry about it and only if I start saying enemy religious units well I have to start worrying about it just like Ottawa explore all these units of I levied by the way let's do what you can't why don't move the archer into the city with loyalty issues garrison units don't help with loyalty unless the city has been besieged damn can you stand over it no more money so I feel like this is still good because I'll be able to purchase builders with gold where I need them especially over here in my say and the movement speed on the builders is really nice too I agree but the extra gold is great so like really this is like this is this is really like if we analyze this I have plan to I plan to spend zero faith on builders and settlers right now because I have all the cities that I need it's turn 100 in 25 ideally I need to start actually working on my wind condition I've settled all the cities I need so the question really is now am I going to get more money from the trade routes using reform the coinage or am I gonna save more money on all the builders that I purchase and I feel like Harbour is like a big thing for me right now so I'm gonna take the gold so up 159 and if i refresh we're up to 190 so that almost increased my golden comb by 33% I think I was absolutely worth it it was almost fifty gold total so I think I was worth it even if it means my builders are hilariously slow now so my needs help a diplomat so there is spy I'm gonna plug in my Cavalli anism so I can build my spies in a reasonable amount of time I almost have Intelligence Agency ok La Rochelle has an established governor I'm gonna start picking up now humanism so I can build a chateau as well as archeological and art museums keep exploring there's the Aztecs nice to meet you ok this is capital all the way over there let's go ahead and establish a resident embassy we'll go ahead and get mutual open borders with him he'll ask me for six gold do not denounce him let's check if he has a relic he does not he has a literal absolute outrageous amount of cities on the Aztecs right now holy oh my god that's an absolute beast of an Aztecs I thought that was gonna be Korea for sure he must have snow bald like crazy Gandhi is building Mont saint-michel please no okay operation save Mont saint-michel is a go I have one shop that I can use I need a builder cannot delay I need a trader in the city to speed that up I need a builder I need a trader okay I need more money hey as thanks how much do you pay you pay almost nothing Ottomans please tell me you have gold Aztecs what do you want they usually want luxuries okay so I need to buy a build around a trader this turn so I need a little bit more gold jingis how's it going buddy I have nothing you want give me just a little bit of gold this will hopefully make a difference we're gonna chop that I'm gonna place that trader in here because we're I would say that we're pretty neck-and-neck here if we look at their Mont saint-michel and my one it's kind of hard to tell but yeah I'd say they're pretty equitable like they've got I've got this little six part okay and if I come over to my one yeah like we're we're neck-and-neck so maybe this will be what I need to break it do I have the card plugged in yeah yeah yep I should not have built this however that might have been a mistake to stop for the harbour I thought I was pretty safe and on on pyre for it but I might have it up okay production didn't shave any turns off it so my roof is filled in and you can see the garden his roof is not filled in and you can't see the garden on his one so I'm ever so slightly ahead I think ok over here in rhymes I'm gonna place the aqueduct but we're gonna work on the industrial zone first can I take any productive tiles no I cannot focus on production and move magnets is not enough time lumber mill knowledge of mass production so ideally I want to pick up these two luxuries the pigs and the tea to make pig tea I'm gonna be pretty upset if I don't get Mont saint-michel this game because I actually feel like I invested a lot of energy into getting it okay so I've got little blue pavilions around my one I think I'm ahead yeah I'm definitely ahead so I'm definitely winning the Wonder race and that'll shave another turn off it so unless he gets like a crazy amount of production from somewhere I feel quite confident we're gonna win the Mont saint-michel race so there's our first spy I think we're gonna be stealing no Aztec doesn't actually make that much gold from his cop you don't make that much gold we're looking for gold stealing Istanbul is the place to go I want that spy but I also want the amphitheater so I'm gonna go spy on potater put your Scout on Mont saint-michel and declare war I'm already friends what am I can't declare war on someone I have a friendship with unfortunately it's a good idea but I can't do it I'm potater great finally starting to get my amphitheaters I feel really really good about that can you come up here and deal with that so harbors trade routes are great taking actually putting two into Lisbon would give me control of them it would explore the world and potentially get me a relic nice so we got the relic blow to the martyr beautiful super happy about that the Galapagos are over here I need more holy sites I've been really neglecting my holy sites but like finding time to build them and this wonder heavy game has been tough 6 out of 65 ok I'll harvest there maybe I should build this by somewhere else you should let that Spearman stay there why pigs and spices do I have either of those I would also pick up Turtles I have Turtles near my capital but I never picked them up there right there I really want those pigs oink oink how did I get a relic because I'm Susan of candy Marek Buckman you definitely had not constant eyeful he Susan counties yeah so I I'm Susan of candy and when you discover a natural wonder when you see one of candy you get a relic there's medieval fairs beautiful governor title I don't want or need any of these I might take grants for extra great people from my capital and then curator for even more tourism potentially down the road buy up a cap on that wonder you mean that island yeah that's fine as long as we as long as we're careful about how we land we should be able to settle just fine and not like lose anything I think people are way too scared of barb camps they're really not that scary they're just kind of annoying okay you've got a five charge builder here it's definitely gonna help that out harvest what's the worst natural wonder clips it over like Marik Bookman said easily the worst one easily my troops are merely passing by you weirdo I literally don't have troops on your border oh maybe I'm wrong actually I have guys exploring nearby yeah maybe I would be concerned too I guess you need an open border there are no Explorer I'm not even paying attention to him go through damn we tried need more temples for those relics lots yeah that's exactly what I'm saying I need to build more holy sites head east I just didn't really build up a strong religion this kid I like I have a good religion but I didn't like emphasized holy sites right now I've been kind of focusing on wonders there's the mausoleum at halicarnassus this is actually a really important part of our game plan because it means we get really really good yields off these coastal tiles which means we can trade some of these inner tiles away once we have shipyards in this city can basically live off the coast Saint baggles cut that drawl I could get that in 22 turns down look here on thingy st. nobody's building it so I might go for that too I don't get the production tourism all our our culture all that stuff but I do get three relics lots and 100% religious tourism from the city and this is my holy city I think I'm gonna erase well actually this cheap tile is better so once I have siege tactics I'm gonna go for mass production then card talk well so once I have sea tax are going to the cartography mass production what are shipyards mausoleum at halicarnassus being finished is a huge moment for me I really need Holly sites but I also need to get signs up but I think the holy sites are like direct tourism right so the holy sites going there we'll just get to work on it go for it venetian arsenal I have zero plans to build a navy this game zero plans to build a navy so I'll never ever ever go for Phoenician Arsenal unless I think it's just like I can get it and not hurt me so yeah I don't I don't plan to build a Navy at all so completely unnecessary George you'd stay there's Mont saint-michel we did win the race so now I'm gonna start pumping I'm gonna delete this pin I'm gonna start pumping faith in two apostles to go send them to die ideally somewhere like down here a lot of things to fight so let's get some apostles there extra cheap we can start generating relics Mont saint-michel can hold two look at that boy right there look how many faiths and stuff we could fit in there look at this faith gained from like a zero like a zero holy site run I'm gonna try to avoid building too many holy sites but I'll get at least two more for now I want a minim I want to minimize my investment in holy sites and maximize my return from the little investments I've put into them harvest the sheep before you start to wonder sheep harvesting is only worth food so it's not that big of a deal to give it up I mean the city would have been slightly bigger but to delay the start of the wonder for waiting for oh my god I'm gonna leave the amphitheater broken and I'm gonna leave this wheat tile broken for promotions do you get actually Priscilla tiser is really really strong here press satellizer Priscilla Tizer I know how the hell are you supposed to say it I get grief on that one no matter what I say debater a debater debater debater jebaited jebaited okay alliance resident embassy I think I had a military alliance with chingus I think I had an economic with the auto man's I think I had a cultural with the Duke another guy in lines with the ditch actually look how many of these bad boys he can fit into something Mont saint-michel that's right so I have room for two more relics which I'm very happy about military emergency failed I'm for theater completed in this city I'm voise working on that um okay let's get the whole lease site [Music] take Priscilla tiser because it's a really powerful one that's gained sources in Istanbul before we start spying on them proselytizer Casella tiser yeah something it's a living song it's one god I'm never on song oh my god I finally get a unit over here the Norway's hard-driving is gonna clear it for me a dude nice one do I care about spreading to this city not really I want to go just like spread into other people's cities be annoying mine right there settle piggy get tea and Turtles nice what happened to naming your city dongle there it is liddie angle is right there nice okay you're good you're good you're good not like a lot of these cities down here need builders I've been kind of neglecting them heavily and I'm gonna start moving like a swath of buildings down from Marseille is it worth it to build up by them here okay so I think it's time for Magnus to start doing his world trip Magnus is going to be a reassigned to Avignon Avignon is going to purchase a builder I have a thousand gold in the bank I'm gonna use that to get an archaeological museum know what I'm gonna use that for probably Dubai builders will see get into the water Victor's city needs religious conversion oh that's right ah I'm not worried about it characteristics of humanism the chateaux enlightenment naval tradition would be good I think I'm gonna go like enlightenment natural history so a lot of these tiles are gonna go is this gonna be a national park right here it's got to be it's like perfect perfect National Park so we'll place the pins for that preemptively so we know that this is gonna be a national park this is probably going to be a seaside resort we're kind of planning long term tourism here is the seaside resort buttons why could I never find it there so this is not then we could build all of our districts over here on the left side so I'm thinking there's definitely room for an entertainment complex here there's definitely room for a Holi side and it's theater square however if I'm gonna do that I may as well put that there like this this makes a really nice sort of cooperation station you don't I'm saying which means anything that isn't here can be so anything that's covered by a pin can be chopped basically is what I'm establishing here with these pins but I want to wait for it Magnus the great what do you do again how triggered do you get if someone were to call you Scottish not very just like my my ego isn't fragile enough that like being mistaken as another culture it's a big problem for me it's just it's mostly just a meme so I want to think it was but I need to have at least amphitheaters in my cities before I kind of justify going for ancient walls you are ready to go waiting for Magnus magnets probably should have been doing his world tour a long time ago I just kind of forgot about it tbh sure I'll sell you iron for oranges let's get some more apostles two more let's get up onto the land okay waiting for Magnus I have 2,000 gold in the bank Lydia angle these are all really really good see these two are really good seaside resort tiles so let's make sure we prioritize and plan those out before we do anything else so we don't cover those up and then probably a holy site like there this will be a now what are those things called you don't think you put on a mountain makes this makes a funny thing you do you wear skis ski resort that's the one it's kind of planting this out now for a late-game tourism optimization definitely want a national park in and around here somewhere he has some empty slots in Michelle there there I've got two empty slots for relics right now and I'm working on two more and then another three from st. Basil's so I feel like I'm pretty good on slots lake retba beautiful there's the robes of the guru gonna take it easy on getting these guys killed until I have those slots open so that'll take a bit of time so in the meantime I'll probably just look for like chilled out things purchase my team it's a granaries oh you're right that's something I meant to do I always forget to do that I have a bad memory I grew in has all that you do not monument granary then we get your raw hen monument grander he forms an armada nice as a candy envoy County envoy sounds like something you'd buy in a in a candy shop make sure we get our hands on a builder for for 20 gold get those luxuries monuments granary guess what you're working on that's right it's la ba one more turn for Magnus ok tile improvement wise I think we're looking pretty good back over there repair that I got my apostle and possible a possible big translator fine how does a great merchant give two relics lots it's a great question I have zero commercial hubs which is definitely a mistake but a welcome one really okay steal gold from the Ottomans just put you to sleep in that city it's very very windy okay making good time easy arrow score from the first time out I maybe might do that is the holy site in here I really wanted Archaeological Museum but I also need a room for my relics so that's a priority for me I need to get my temples online time to harvest BAM finished that I'm gonna purchase the lighthouse in here maybe I should have purchased that I guess I'll build a trader now I've got that goddamn candy shop song stuck in my head I blame you chat indulgences when their works killed the bad man so I need to find religious units to throw myself at spreading the tater tots okay we got another spy deli might be a good spot Madurai Tanakh titler yeah for drew girls in ten active on den ngoc diddlin how close am I to getting an artist I'm getting closer and closer to getting an artist this is gonna be my first art museum light has hard built eleven turns seems good scouting cut damn it what is this terrain who made this get that T so this is where I'm gonna start thinking a bit more about amenities at this stage of the game now that some of my cities are actually starting to have amenity problems you need cristo redentor it's only for seaside resorts music real expensive for tourism penalty yes I know that cristo redentor is one of the core wonders that you build in a culture victory which is why I'm going to natural history and then I'll go for Cristo Redentor that's gonna be one of my major goals this game is to get to cristo redentor definitely i think i don't think there's ever been a culture game that I did where I didn't go for cristo actually I haven't been checking the great thingies so great engineers how do I not have a writer yet this is a joke I actually need to stop messing around the culture and really get more great writer points because I have zero great works of writing right now and that's completely unacceptable I might actually have to run these theater square festivals might throw yourself at him tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna purchase this temple and we're gonna do theater square festivals I need those great people if we can get both these guys killed that'll be another two relics the Enlightenment and usually throw yourself at him throw yourself at him it's the Holy Grail beautiful shibam if I can get one more relic we're in the money look at all that faith look at all that faith that's all from relics dude it's crazy look at this faith actually gonna purchase these things in here because I really need to get my theater squares online I really need to get my campuses online too but I cannot delay theaters I've been screwing around delay in theater squares for way way way way way too long so unfortunately I have to purchase those holy site buildings and hopefully that'll just have to be enough room until I get st. Basil's this traitor is gonna look for gold Amsterdam 31 gold pattern beautiful then theater Square so I just learned in why the relics push we just kind of got lucky early we found candy we found candy early and we got Caesar on any of them and so I kind of have just been holding out to seize money to them to try to generate relics and then I decided because I had the potential for early relics I decided to go for reliquaries and also holy orders so that I could convert faith into relics pretty easily and then we went for the mahabodhi temple in the Mont saint-michel so that all of my apostles have the martyr blade so not only so I can generate a lot of relics basically which is a way for me to generate tourism and as you can see I already have twelve tourists out of 94 which is you know pretty good at this stage of the game in my opinion so yourself and I'm sorry just really expecting you expected regarding potato streams Baron Haussmann be sure the crafts on didi and the immortal city-states always start with walls yes well lighthouse lighthouses are critical for a coastal game like you just you cannot have you can't lay harbors in a coastal game but that's the downside of being in a coastal game right because if you have to build harbors you can't build your theater squares as fast right it's a necessary evil do I put a whole bunch of arms what's likely going to go in here eventually is a ton of seaside resorts that's like the possibility that I see here if I put that there and if I can get some sort of appeal generation like Eiffel Tower maybe we can pull that off so I won't fill this in with firearms cause eventually rip them up in a few turns man rhymes is just really crappy needs help all these cities down here to the south need help in the form of like builders and I've been delaying that a long-ass time like I've been delaying it so long this is probably like the fourth time I've talked about it killing yourself beautiful so that's all the relics that I can obtain right now until I get a temple or st. Basil's Cathedral theater square plus two and production plus one okay city center buildings building faster isn't terrible it's actually the perfect time for me to now start building ancient walls not only am i only a couple of Technology's away from conservation that we're going towards we have lime lime slug in orly maze whatever people say it is so I'm getting 300% 300% production towards walls right now so now is the perfect time to build walls it's kind of what I was hoping for excuse me I'm having a throat moment rip Amsterdam f-for the Dutch yeah oh they died it's actually not good but they are the dead and not much I can do about it looks like the Ottomans took a bite out of them as well with the Hague the hagu trade international okay this will make the victory harder it will make the victory slightly harder make it 200 gold pattern you leveled up quartermaster is a great promotion I'm gonna hold these guys on the edge until I have more relic slots which I will have soon st. Basil's is coming through I think I can actually purchase a temple in here and that will allow me to send one of these guys to their deaths okay all right meheeco meheeco meheeco do I want to harvest this bunny Enya been Union I will harvest abhinaya then it's two turns until growth beautiful let us place the holy site in this city golden nuggets so I lost by two tourists yes because the Netherlands was killed game thinks I'll win in 47 turns I don't think that's gonna be the way that things shape up but this is a very interesting I'm having fun so far I would love to build these things I loved about all the aside we'll get around to it all eventually okay gain sources looking for those there it is silk texts beautiful be she's a beauty back in the water boys stay alive there you go get that harbour doing a little quicker you know what I forgot to do I need another builder over here without having you're my very first great writer good god I've been waiting for this I have a thought I have a thousand faith holy I should have prioritized the parcels this game oh I you know what I changed my mind when huh i 100% changed my mind about relics if you can get an early way to generate relics it's insane and in fact this strategy of going like maha bodhi mont saint-michel is actually pretty reliable because it's very similar to the diplomatic victory strategy because it involves maha bodhi and whatever you call it the thingy this is actually a pretty viable way to do things i have not been giving enough respect to religious tourism for a very long time and now i feel a little bit dumb for it you know make you seaside resort ecampus no take this tile our goal here is to harvest out a city worth having how you still a lot of the skimmers up when I was at a convention that closed four hours ago obviously I already started streaming like three hours ago man oh yes we can cross the ocean the great expanse so if two eleven pop in this city which is objectively insane the city doesn't have enough tiles to work with eleven pop I need to start stealing tiles for the city to simply be able to work enough let's get harvesting Oh what are you doing here no no no okay get down here become an orator go to here become an orator so I've got four potential relics in the bank right now and up to three I think three more from natural wonders so I'm gonna need more holy sites let's see here about to get our first artist I'm gonna cancel some of these now to be another great work st. Basil's is almost done don't forget to purchase a temple in Avignon I will do so once we have the holy site finished in there all right so magnets need to get moved over here let's get to work on ancient walls it's like a big priority for me here now that we're working on colonialism you go here have it's not you go here go there we're gonna harvest out this then we're gonna work on the holy site yep commercial hub might not be the worst thing ever to build we could just have this city's commercial hub projects I like that plan but first to get the holy site lighthouse completed then crew in holy sight right there so the best you get Magnus over here up this city out wasting money by losing out on in southern cities losing out on tithe it's really it's six gold per turn it's I mean I guess I could probably divert these guys over right I could like hey look they'll convert that city right but it's really not something that I care about six gold per turn and the grand scheme of things is not much especially when the religious pressure here is like not in my favor I mean I guess technically if I converted these cities it would be in my favor sure and it's a fair criticism but it's not something that I'm like making a huge priority of I guess if I was concerned about playing like super hardcore optimally I would be but I'm more about like just executing a general strategy and then having a good time while doing it what's the religious victory looking like it's good question looks like Islam excuse me it looks like Islam is currently in the lead our two players dead no fortify we knew your alliances yeah I will I'm kind of mentally focused on a lot of different things right now so Norway establish establish resident embassy of borders give me some gold thank you okay there we go then I'll get a Research Alliance but you seems fun the actual details of the alliances don't matter I guess the only Alliance that really matters is the woman Mongolia and that should really be something other than a military alliance because he's with who I'm trading with the most he doesn't want to Cultural Alliance he might do a religious one no he should he should want a religious one for their alliance is sorted I also like to wait on my alliances to get them all down at the same turn that way I don't have to constantly remember it ayyyy Geoffroy twelve me of school tomorrow is a good evening see you later Jasper I'm probably gonna be wrapping this up here in a little bit I might go a few more turns harvest on and then I'm gonna purchase the lighthouse and then work on ancient walls and I'll get a trader in here as well I'm gonna harvest not then I'll harvest these two to hopefully get the holy site and the commercial hub built and then I can use gold to build the city and then I can move Magnus to the next city like let the angle the die angle lady and girl who will need alliances when I command all your appliances why not making this led the angle Mountain sort of part of the National Park instead of a ski resort uh I guess that is an option technically I was more thinking a national park right here I don't know if I mentioned that but a national park right here it takes advantage of coastal takes advantage of coastal appeal it's close to a mountain and I feel like this is just better and then if I really really so I was thinking more a national park like right here between these two cities and then maybe another one like right here if that gives you an idea of where my head's not in terms of national parks I just I haven't actually put the pins down because they kind of clogged the map up so I don't like to put the ball down as you put a few down but this might help people understand the general game plan accepted like national parks over here this will be seaside resorts around here the seaside resort seaside resort like all these will try to be seaside resorts this will be to forests stuff like that right I mean I'll put those pins down some people know this is the current plan really eventually we'll put a lumber mill there like this right is the current Norway is a non domination victory village a bunch in the early game settle crazy across oceans are they in balloon if the science when how realistic doesn't sound it sounds it sounds like I was actually you know what very funny that you talk about it because I was thinking about what would be a really interesting edited video and that would be maybe doing a pillage run as Norway where I just like my entire economy is based around building units to pillage other players I thought that would be really interesting I really want to place the holy site in here I'm gonna work in a medieval walls while I wait for Avignon so let's harvest this that'll finish that then the overflow will finish this and then this will finish that so we've got all of our districts built in here which is a huge advantage because now this city can just work on things right it has crappy tiles but it's built it has everything it needs to be useful let's work on the shrine in here now let's reassign Magnus to lead the angle what would be a good map setting for a high appeal map or is it completely random generally you're gonna want like more coastline that's good having a lot of mountains is good so a new world age can be really good for it you're gonna want a wet world with lots of you know foliage like forests and jungle and stuff like that that could be a really good way to increase the viability of it I'm going for yeah I'm going for a cultural victory by focusing on religion and relics right now we're waiting for st. Basil's Cathedral and we're also waiting for the Temple in Avignon to get more relics cuz right now that the hard part is is just getting enough room for relics cuz we didn't prioritize those early let's do market now so I've got a couple of parcels knockin around I'm gonna send this one to go die ancient walls and nonce I want to make sure I'm trading with as many individual AIS as possible so I'm a jury is a good one medieval walls in here we're getting colonialism wouldn't it be better to build a market and purchase all the holy site buildings in lady angle yeah that's what I'm doing good call okay my throat is starting to get somewhere from talking all day like last for nearly four hours so I'm probably gonna do just a couple more turns hey you're watching the Tate alive nice to see you buddy colonialism is on the way there is our very first artist who will straightaway be going up to a moie theater square festival finished in here I'm gonna go for the Archaeological Museum now although I I actually can't delay a compass anymore God the city needs to build so many things excuse me okay the listening post to have a better chance wait did I do that right I think I did that wrong oh well it's whatever is convert convert go get yourself killed so let's make sure you let the yang go owns all the right tiles it does we're gonna want to build it down here I'm gonna want probably two more buildings in this city I need a nice cup of Yorkshire tea to recover your voice I don't know if that's gonna help all right Samba theater go what no no I was so close I was so close no it's not fair I was so close man I was so close goddamn it goddamn it Hey I was so close man I almost had it I got snatched away from me snatched I got snatched did and I'm not okay with it what are we gonna do so in terms of this city I don't think it's like I have 400 production overflow here I should probably build one of these Taj Mahal lots of eros core [Music] ten turns vataj or agia sofia I'm gonna do is Sofia who got it I don't know like when I first started building it no one was building it you son of a Mongolia I mean I can't blame him for building it there I could be mad about it but I can't blame him look at IO Sofia okay okay okay okay okay okay let's get those Rena song oh I'm actually not in a rush to get them more holy sites more batterer all right musi you know boys I'm Bois and boys and boys I'm boys and I'd say it I'm bar builder we need more builders milord good god runaway no wait for the chop shall not chop unless it's time to chop our Chum spread your religion get the city growing growing go like to go take it like a domination snitch I don't like doing switches I like to like grind my face into the dirt doing the same victory type over and over I just forcing myself to try the fruit force into a game doo-doo-doo-doo doodly-doo doodly-doo bit late for riding I'll go for printing I guess medieval walls shipyards go to be a ten percent production boost after ten turns which isn't bad let's do it [Music] workshop John aqueduct get go delete delete delete okay I lost open borders with the Aztecs what's up bud alright I think we've gone long enough let's go ahead and save the game Eleanor France oh one exit to desktop let us open up paint we shall draw a kitty cat I was requested by someone I think it was Gabrielle she asked me to draw a kitty cat I'm really bad so this is how I would normally draw a kitty cat I would draw like a little circle and then I might give it a spiky thing and then I'm giving another spike a thing draw a face it's kind of a chubby cat and then I give it a little triangle nose shibam i give him a little cute little meow-meow face this is what a kitty cat looks like to me you gotta give him the whiskers I just made that cat look away worse than it did before and then the kitty cats got a kitty cat ybody kitty cat kitty cat and I mean I meow meow and I meow meow meow cat I'm a kitty cat he's got like a big sausage for a tail this is one long boy let me tell you long boy with little legs I drew a kitty cat it can be orange I'll put him on a rug he's on a rug on some floorboards it's gotta be it's gotta be parallel did I'm shocked that people is still surprised when they join my stream and like why is potato painting it's what we do every time the stream is finished we go into paint and we draw pretty pictures together I expect all of you right now are out home painting as we speak and if you're not disappointed I'm actually ruining the picture but I don't care ruined this is like Bob Ross levels of ruining your picture he's like he's against like a wooden area right you can kind of tell that I'm going for that then if I fill this no not like that I need that much but I'd the brown you me this custom color oof give me that nice orange see he's in a wooden house he's a good kitty and he meow meow meows any meow meow meows cat he's a kitty cat Hey look I drew a cat I am painting good to hear that you're all painting that's my kitty cat drawn how do I share happy little cat he is a happy to look out I'll give him a pink little tongue he's a pink little tongue there you go honey blue pink ears there you go and I'll give him horrifying red eyes the devil cat the cat's got evil in him Johnny what are you talking about he's just a cat Mary I tell you he stares into my soul the cat I think he's been smoking the reefer cats can't smoke reefer Mary you need to calm down you're getting the vapors all right cat I'm a kitty cat meow meow meow meow yeah cat I'm a kitty cat gotta make the rug look a little more ruggish or perhaps rugged we got him boys I put a couple knots in the wood too like this no squirrels and stuff this reminds me of like early early two-thousands animation on Newgrounds everything looked like this it was just awful nothing was like layered it was all like hand-painted shitty things the only thing that moved was like the cat mount and it was like three frames at the dude drew there look everything looks scuffed like this alright that's it we're gonna save it 20 2002 16 shibam into the library of pictures we've drawn I love you all very nice and I'll see you guys next time bye bye
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 327,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kiXsYU_1rRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 39sec (13419 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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