Engineering a city 1000m IN THE SKY in Cities Skylines 2...

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bridges are for life not just for bridas except they're not because today is the absolute last day to order your knitted sweater to guarantee delivery before the big day please don't miss out hello fellow engineers and welcome to an autal Utopia where engineering dreams and Architectural nightmares become a reality and last time we built this very very efficient pedestrian only area in our city it's surrounded by moates but there are no cars here only tra and oh look and people have actually arrived and dogs oh and dogs have been upgraded they're no longer shiny dogs were shiny for so long when I first started playing this but yeah pedestrian area went kind of weird though it's quite strange that there's 1 2 3 4 five six petrol stations along this little strip oh and I was about to say yet no cars can oh it just disappeared yeah I was about to say but no cars can get to them and then a truck appeared but then it disappeared because it heard what I was saying but anyway the only way you can actually get to this place is via the train station and we built a big old train Network last time you can see there's currently a train arriving oh and and a train leaving as it pulls in look at all the people getting off people and dog there's so many dogs I found out in my my patreon only the realistic City I'm building you can actually follow citizens that you can add them to a list and like spy on them see what they're up to and stuff uh sadly they can you see that button disappears with dogs but look how many dogs there are I mean to be fair if there's no if there's no cars about is pretty safe place for dogs although I guess they still could get run over by trams right anyway oh no what's going on it what's going on it what sort of house oh and you have not enough water oh that's probably why this place has high rent it's a company there and they sell vehicles you're sort of in you're in the wrong sort of area to be doing that oh look I need to delete my trees here as well hang on let me just delete all these cuz they're they're going to annoy me otherwise oh man there's so many so many bushes here can I not like just select an area why do I have to Mouse over every single one I guess that just shows how lazy I am as a gam of these these days right anyway that is now tree free the trouble is why don't we have water I'm I'm thinking actually I've expanded Utopia quite a lot yeah look water availability is low so where do we currently pump water from again I cannot remember it was such a long time ago I built one of these things oh over here was a year in the lake could I get away with just adding another pump then I don't want to overdo it and drain this Lake cuz it's it's a lovely Lake yeah anyway that's twice the water being pumped looks like that's sort of fixed most my problem oh hang on what's going on there's loads of queuing traffic oh no that's not queuing traffic what is that there's loads of parked traffic everyone's just parked everywhere okay I think I think we may need some some parking spaces question is though have I actually unlocked parking no I haven't so let's unlock parking areas that's my final two remaining progression points then we can get some car parks on the goat so large parking lot oh and that's another Milestone we're now a busy town things are looking good 1.6 million and Lo progression points that is beautiful all right and hopefully a lot of these cars will move off the road and into the car park can I charge in here as well a parking fee ooh I've just thought of something if I up that 50 Quid to park your car you may think well Matt no one's no one's going to park there you're never going to make that money back and I say yes I am because look what I discovered I can swap parking spaces with wide sidewalks grass even trees and look when I do the parking disappears so if I just go around replace trees with all the all the parked cars and people won't have a choice but to pay me lots of money to park I'm noticing though as I as I place trees the cars are just moving up wait stop parking everywhere yeah look there's like no parking and as I add trees they just keep moving up wait stop it stop trying to outsmart me all right so I've now gone through and got rid of parking spaces almost everywhere yes the first suckers I mean the first customers are finally in 50 Grand a piece and you're parking motorbikes I mean to be fair you probably shouldn't take up one do we not have like a motorbike space cuz we can cram more of them in if we get motorbikes parking together I mean and the smart look how short the Smart car is you can get two of them in there that's an extra 50 Quid yeah oh man there's parked cars everywhere I'll tell you what let's get another another parking lot in there again got to got to make money and everyone at the moment they're all parked on the side of the roads but there are there's quite a lot of like walking walking traffic about so maybe here rather than replacing with trees let's replace with like wide sidewalks can you see like the cars the park cars are disappearing now people have a lot more space to walk I'm sure they'll all thank me for this all right okay nice that should help me get a bit more money I'm only losing 2,000 an hour at the moment which isn't actually that much and I got 2.7 to spend despite like some of the incredible Feats of engineering I've built like this over here so yeah I feel like I'm I'm probably going to do what a lot of countries do when they find themselves with lots of money build like a statement sort of feature and what I would love to do actually like public transport oh we can get a we can get an airport oh we can't afford an International Airport that's eight points we might be able to do that later so let's unlock the normal airport but I would really like an international airport that will allow like other visitors to come to us whereas I think airport just allows us to travel like within the city uh so let's see how much does an airport cost oh 750 Grand that ain't bad and it adds like some Citywide bonuses attractiveness and office efficiency that's cool what's a internation 4 million okay that's uh that's quite expensive still what I'm thinking we we shove an airport down in nutopia oh man it's really it's really large yeah perhaps from our Junction here we should do an airport somewhere so maybe if I buy I mean I need somewhere that's relatively flat which is definitely not here but also somewhere with no trees I mean to be honest terrain defamation absolutely free so let's buy these two plots I reckon purchase and let's get on the level terrain tour I'm going to go with down there and just really cut into the mountain all right then I'll just soften this slope a little bit go check what pad's barking at right and then shove our first airport down like B that so now we very much have an airport uh we just need a road connection which should be easy cuz we got a big old highway here so we'll bring this road over here shovel around about at the end so people can turn around realize we still don't have a road connection oh is that cuz this is a Highway does this need to be a proper road yeah that's better okay okay perfect absolutely perfect yeah next up this place needs electricity water sewage all that sort of stuff I think because we're connected via just Highway they don't actually carry services in the road so if I just connect from here like over to over to there we now have pipe networks and then for electricity make sure to set elevation to negative so it's underground and then just go from that road over to that road and now we have power and now we have an airport nice now the thing with having a single airport means no one can go anywhere like there's there's literally no point so I'm going to have to build another airport and that is where my big statement feature comes in now what I want to do I basically I want to I want to go find somewhere on the map that's not really part of anything so a bit like where we had we had no outside connections like via road to our our new sort of pedestrian area can only get there via train I want this one you can only get there via VIA flight so I think what I'm going to do I'm going to build a a city in the sky basically I can buy seven tile that's not actually very many seven is it okay what if I what if I start with four tiles let's purchase those we now own this land it's a prime spot ignore ignore the tornado in the background remember our city will be up in the sky it will be above the tornado so you actually you get to look straight down on the middle oh that's actually quite cool isn't it look at that anyway let's just make sure sure we could fit an airport in here if we we needed oh man airports they're quite large I think it will be fine though so yeah what I'm going to do landscaping tool shift ter rain tool and then we're just going we're going up oh boy so let's see exactly how high you can build in this game oh wow it's quite a lot higher than I thought it was going to be oh wow okay that's gone that's gone way past my screen oh my good okay that's really tall that's a proper Sky City okay so yeah we're now going to level terrain toour we'll right click up there just to set the level we then increase our brush size and then oh my goodness yeah we'll just paint this right to the edges yeah when I said we'd be above the tornadoes I bet you didn't think we'd be this T like honestly look it's above the clouds it's literally above the clouds oh this is my best idea yet yeah I really want to expand this right out to the edges cuz we got to really make the most of this space cuz that airport is going to use up a lot of a lot of space up here but yeah okay that is done I'm now wondering like what sort of place should this be man the camera the camera is not liking this at all what sort of area should this be I mean I need to name it I need to create a district and name it first so let's just select this entire area we call it the taller you are we going to ban heavy traffic up here maybe we'll make this a gated community as well why not yeah we need to try and squeeze an airport up here blooming out that takes up some room but we'll Wang that there lovely right okay now I'm I'm really I'm really regretting building this height it's so hard to get the camera to do what I want it to right oh no we need Services now I could try and connect this to to the outside world I feel like I want to be self-sufficient up here though in fact rather than that name what's the engineering equivalent of Heaven heav engineer perfect but yeah we are fully self-sufficient in he engineer what do they call it again heav engineer so first off let's get some roads up here right what does heav engineer have in it I mean it's going to it's going to need a bridge and in order order to get a bridge we're going to need something to bridge over so I guess let's shove like a little hole in the middle so we've got a hole I then need a bridge over the top now cuz I have the San Francisco P I have the Golden Gate Bridge but you can't do like a short span it's like Mega spans only and I think oh man it will barely fit but it could be worth it it could be so worth it I do have other other choices though I could do like a bridge that actually fits not sure I'm that Keen on that one what about this one six Lane divided extra dozed Road that's like the malow viaduct oh yeah okay that's quite nice that's actually quite nice so we then need a six Lane Road and I'm thinking like we need we need like a circulatory so if we come oh maybe I could do like a little bow tie I'd need like another bridge over the top of this aha there we go the bow tie that we needed and yes I may have snuck a big old Red Bridge in what are you going to do about it anyway from the airport I'll then put a four lane road in so like that now we then just got to we got to sort out the services so we need electricity now what would be a good way to get electricity up here I'm thinking maybe something down the pit would be good like sort of out the way like this is prime prime real estate up here this is where all the good views are down here this is where we're going to put like we're sort of like a YouTube channel like imagine YouTuber we're up here getting all the fame all the glory editors you're down in the pit just like being in my cell there's no windows you got the impossible job of making me look funny but technically it's where the magic happens so what can we what can we fit down here I wouldn't mind something like like a geothermal plant maybe let's let's see can I unlock a geothermal plant what do I need I need three so I can do yeah emergency battery unlock geothermal unlock that's all my points gone now we have a Geo oh no it's huge why is it so big why is it so big do I need to make my pit bigger I think I do oh wait is it just going to clash with like Bridge peers right hang on let me delete this bridge let me make the pit a bit bigger oh man we actually we need the full span of the Golden Gate now let's just see oh that will fit in easily okay that's good that is actually quite good oh wait why doesn't it work oh it's got to be on groundw oh there's no groundw up here oh well that was a massive waste of time all right well let's get a smaller hole in again then then I guess a gas power station the trouble is haven't I banned like heavy Vehicles so how is this thing actually going to get fueled I do not know still probably probably just details don't need to worry about those too much but yeah I'm going to do let's do a gravel road out of here yeah unfortunately we can't get our bridge in there the peer overlap is there no there's no other sort of bridge we can do oh that's annoying still I guess we can sort of make this thing a roundabout and that will still make me reasonably happy right so we're down to just one bridge but I've done all the roads like that it sort of represents like the sun rising cuz people like the sun you can see we've got some pretty pretty good retaining walls to get down to here I think that's just so people can deliver the the gas to there or something I don't know but right if we press play the chimneys are now burning which means we should have electricity yes we have electricity we just don't have water or sewage so with water I'm just going to go with a water tower there's no groundw near here again not doing outside connections we're self-sufficient now usually you shove water tower that like the reason they're on stilts is they work through gravity so water flows down into your pipe Network however they're quite they're quite ugly aren't they so an alternative choice I have is to put it down here I the thing is though though in the game it will probably work the fact this is an engineering Heaven makes me think I shouldn't exploit the game I should try and do things somewhat realistically so what I'm thinking I need an area with no roads I think I'm going to delete that and that then I can connect them up like under that span probably but I need I need an edge connection because what I'm thinking sewage pipe like that again sewage just goes off the edge because we we don't care what's down there like peasants down there this is engineering heaven but if I do this layout it's sort of really efficient right and oh boy there it goes I love that like it it just Falls so far that like it just it just disappears like that liquid just turns into gas in the air filling the air beneath with lovely poo particles I mean technically we're just fertilizing that grass down there maybe maybe I need to shove like a farm down there they like fertile soil but yeah that is everything sorted right so now all I need to do is make sure my airport is connected so I think I do that by coming to the airport yeah look there's a passenger airplane line tool so I can basically say right go from this terminal down to that terminal and then from that one back to this one nice now we have a line up here should I do all of these or should I keep them open I guess I should just do all of them then there's more chance of planes arriving right all right sorted but we now have a connection from down there up to here so I guess we just need to give people a reason to come up here other than the bridge oh look a plane arrived how many passengers are on oh zero zero how's there only zero passengers right tell you what though we are keeping an eye on this I want to see like how it's oh what the hell they're just spawning up here you're not meant to SP oh are they just spawning cuz they they're not actually in use yet let's see how this takes off anyway I am intrigued so there's a queue behind it I think we're waiting I think that is the plan's Landing yeah we're waiting for planes to land cuz we don't want to crash into them but oh my god look how many are coming up just threw the TAC okay we're off we're off okay so let's see how do we actually take off all right ready we're off we are off and then take take off oh my goodness we fell through the floor oh wow this is like are we sure we're flying it feels like we're falling okay we're good now we're definitely flying now that plane is right up my ass that must be like a BMW plane yeah that's definitely a BMW badge on the front of that plane but anyway then we land down here and then this is hopefully where we'll pick up some passagers look how close he is I'm going to flash my brake lights no ah ah no he crashed oh oh that feels weird all right don't see any passengers down here yet like car park completely empty it's like a ghost town I hope cars can actually get down like these steps or maybe I need to like try and fix that right here comes someone now oh a it's a garbage truck I don't think you're going on holiday in that are you anyway let's just see what happens with the step is it going to be okay it slows down okay all good all good people can definitely get to the airport but yeah we just need we need a reason for people to come here maybe people should live here I wouldn't mind like some some like tall buildings and stuff if I'm honest what if we get some commercial and medium density housing how is that affecting stuff okay demand is dropping significantly can I get like a low rent housing up here as well okay that's good I might make this like sort of a sporty area as well we can get some like get a skate park here now skate parks they have to go like under bridges and stuff don't they so skate park under there so the cool kids can be cool without being spied on by their parents we get like a tennis court some other sort of court if you want to be sporty this is the place to come no I'm out of money oh no how have I spent so much money on this place thought my parking was going to generate me loads of money let's go check on how is our parking doing oh no what's going on traffic jam oh there's traffic jams everywhere and our car parks are empty okay maybe I should lower the parking a little bit 20 quid is that better oh to be fair this one's full up how much does this one cost oh this one is 50 Quid oh man traffic is so bad maybe we need to get some like public transport on the goat yeah this is not good I also need to try and keep up with demand as well like there's a lot of demand for everything yes it will ruin traffic but I need I need cash really need cash right now so let's just build what everyone needs right how's our industrial Zone going oh there's loads of room over it let's get industring how much 23 Grand an hour okay I got to I got to look at my budget what is going on service upkeeps 2.4 million right where's all the cash going electricity a million quid is that cuz I built that gas thing all right I've added a bit of a service feet so hopefully we'll get some some money back oh I can see that gave us like 10 grand what if I then just reduce the B oh look at the budget yeah we can go to 50% efficiency surely then we're down to 400 Grand transportation again let's just lower the budget we don't need that many trams what else is using up a lot Healthcare do we need health care probably what about production and stuff right wood we we're in a surplus of wood so we're getting cash for that oh same with Co look how much coal we're producing and stone maybe I need to do more of these cuz we're using we're using a lot of grain so maybe I do want to try and get a farm down here now the land is now so fertile I mean yeah this is going to this is going to fill up into like a poo Reservoir a PIR that's fine oh look up here we've actually we got buildings there's there's 17 dogs in this place the question is where are all the residents they're all just indoors do I trust that they're all just indoors don't know oh by the way look I'm down to just 8 Grand an hour I'm spending now so I think whatever I did worked and what I did was built more buildings and reduce cost so we'll keep doing that if I can get more citizens oh we're actually losing the population why are we we losing population birth rate is lower than death rate how do I get people to get it on editor play some like funky music yeah that's the stuff all right people in your houses can you hear that time to make babies please all right maybe it's because I need to expand British fille to try and get like more low density houses and maybe people don't want to they don't want to live in like the the big Posh buildings so we'll buy that plot there then just keep expanding British Ville by doing loads more coldi sacks all right that's quite extended now you can then get a load of low density housing in there so literally just fill in a load of it all right now the trouble is to access all these houses you still have to drive all the way through town so I'll probably have to extend my arterial Road like along this Coast or something and do like another entrance but that's fine more important thing we've just unlocked the film actor Mansion yes so whil I just finish painting the edge of these we can then have a look what does that do plus for well-being within 1 kilometer oh I was going to shove that up here in fact I'm still going to shove it up here so yeah we want our Mansion to have a good view so let's put that there oh what the oh it's all snowy up here it's so high that there's snow wao look there's snow everywhere on the map oh except for except for that random strip what is that oh look there's no there's no medical stuff up here I'm going to have to build one of those aren't I oh no that's more money that I don't really have here oh we're up to 11 gr tell you what actually why didn't I think of this earlier just increase taxes a little bit so educated people you're going to be taxed slightly more commercial I think you can afford it up to 14% industrial as well yeah that getting us I mean not a load I was about say a load more money a little bit more money yeah aside from that just trying to satisfy all this demand let's get some shops up here as well actually bit of commercial on the goat then maybe I can put some low density residential I didn't really want to up here I wanted to put loads of like special buildings and tourist stuff I just I don't have the cash to do what I want I mean to be fair I've built I've built one of the tallest things you've ever seen and it has a very very cool bridge on it as well but yeah it did cost me 2.7 million uh and and Counting yeah for now I think that's a good place to leave inopia hope you guys enjoyed I'm hoping next time we can fill this place in a bit more I mean hopefully actually see some people like walking about oh there's a man with two dogs oh man what's your name Ralph Pierce he has two dogs sheber and Queeny oh man I'm jealous of you but o o what's that an oil truck oh yeah going to the gas power plant question how how did you up here where did you get access from cuz we only have passenger planes coming up here all right I tell you what we will before we go we will just follow him yeah he's sending oil to the plant that's fine all right and now he's empty he's leaving so let's see how he got up here exactly so he went oh wait what he went from a petrol station oh okay I guess that makes sense anyway peace love and heav engineer bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 439,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2, engitopia
Id: SYr8uGR2SOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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