Struggling Through First/Last Episode of The Big Bang Theory

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hello troublemakers welcome back to another episode of first and last we watched the first episode of a show the last episode no episodes in between i did this with how i met your mother i think the video turned out very nicely so today we're going to take a look at another sitcom the much maligned the big bang theory maligned if you don't know what the word means is speak about in a spiteful critical manner the reason i check the definition is not because i want to check to make sure i didn't use it incorrectly and sound like an idiot in front of you all because i would never sound like an idiot in front of you oh i forgot my fake nose ring damn but i said the reason i defined it for you is because the big bang theory has been hated on now i remember watching some of the early seasons when they would just pop up on my television back in the archaic days when you had to watch whatever was on and i thought the show was decent but the show gets a lot of hate so i had to think about it for a little bit and i came to the realization that the big bang theory the reason it gets so much criticism is because the show makes people feel bad inferior even because the show is about smart people and it makes sense for smart people like me to enjoy the smart people show while a dumb dumb idiot would not and in fact i'm sure a lot of you just weren't on my level capacity you don't have my mental capacity's capacity capacities those of you whose brain isn't as big as mine you wouldn't understand what the big bang means so let me explain it to you in scientific terms see the big bang was this big scientific cosmic event that killed the dinosaurs so now you're on my level here it is on hbo max which i have a subscription to because i'm currently watching olive friends because i'm going to make a beer and a movie on friends but first i have to watch all 10 seasons which is a chore a fun chore so here we go pilot we're gonna watch pilot and then the second episode and then the last two episodes excuse me hang on one across is aegean 26 across is mcm biolum which makes 14 across part of prince mm-hmm see it's funny because she's not happy with him because he's doing her work for her but it's just one thing that as smart people do we just want to help other people out with our intelligence i totally relate to this if you look at someone's crossword puzzle and instantly solve every answer it's just like relatable is this the high iq sperm bank those exist iq gate kept sperm oh my god i feel like i could donate and make so much money they would pay me so much for the quality of mine leonard i don't think i can do this what if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve for the area under a curve are you still mad about the sperm bank no you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs i thought he was about to say yeah do you want to hear interesting thing about sperm mel's gonna be like yes i do oh wait the outer oh isn't this always out of order i think i've seen like episodes for like season three or four or seven or not i don't know how many seasons is this but isn't this always out of order wouldn't it be funny in the last episode then if for however many seasons this went in fact let's check oh my god 12 seasons wouldn't it be funny if after 12 seasons they fixed the elevator in the last episode just as they're moving out new neighbor evidently oh hi hi hi hi hi maybe we can have coffee sometime great great great great they've really nailed the awkward part down huh we're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica we already watched the season two dvds not with commentary these guys appreciate a good commentary i like them i'm gonna invite her over see this is the the picture of the show it's like smart people like scientist level smart but all socially awkward interact with like hot sexy neighbors hi hi hi hi we brought home indian food you're inviting me over to eat what do you guys do for fun around here well today we tried masturbating for money ah that's a good joke just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges that's just a joke it's a spoof of the born oppenheimer approximation that's funny the spoof of the alpha farmer's experimentation i'd i'd tell you guys about it but we just we should just continue this this is really impressive it's okay it's not that impressive it's pretty average stuff actually by holy smokes you mean a derivative restatement to the kind of stuff you can find scribble on the wall of any men's room at mit sure i agree but do you guys mind if i start ah what do you mean start they didn't know you were here they didn't know you were coming so they ordered indian food for themselves these guys don't look like they're wasteful nor do they look like they would really share they would each order individually what they prefer so they invite her over did she just get free reign she gets first pick out of all their food that they ordered for themselves so now they're gonna eat less they're not even gonna eat their main courses how does this work plot plot hole for a show by intelligence they have some pretty big food plows well just sit somewhere else see he's quirky he has his own particular spot he doesn't know where to sit now because she's sitting in his spot because he's a quirky genius he's such an interesting character i wish they had a show about him as a as a kid or something you know that's the story of penny until i fell in love with a jerk yeah what's happening four years that's like as long as high school took you four years to get through high school no i hate his lying cheating guts i still love him what did that crazy yes stupid shower doesn't even work a shower works you guys are really sweet harmless i would say is probably the better word they're very harmless that woman in there is not going to have sex with you i bet we have 12 seasons of flat to get through that's not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop that i wouldn't participate i that yeah he's this is a glass door i feel like sound is getting through this pretty easily especially apartment doors apartment doors don't seal very well and you can hear she's not running the shower yet so there's no sound diffusion what's the word here there's no interference that's not a special word that's a pretty standard word i gotta i gotta we're excited there's no sound interference to block their conversation from her ears these are two guys talking about wanting to have sex with her when she discovers your luke skywalker no more tear shampoo it's darth vader shampoo hello enchante [ __ ] i'm gonna cringe so hard hey leonard the hair products are sheldons can i ask you a favor it's okay if you say no oh i'll probably say yes it's just not the kind of thing you ask a guy you just met all right hurry on with this misdirect what's the favor oh fade to black that's great she asked me to do her a favor she's got to know her power doesn't she oh two nerdy guys who are drooling over me well sheldon's not drooling the other guy is you can ask so much of them why can't she get her own tv that's a good question she just wanted to avoid having a scene with him sheldon there's not going to be a scene there will be a scene two of us and one of him yeah but you guys the two of us can't even carry a tv you guys work with leonard and sheldon at the university oh that's his thing he can't speak to women oh he speaks english he just can't speak to women yeah that's his that's the that's the really why what's the word i'm looking for oh my god i've used so many smart words in this video just talking sometimes i just i use so many that i run dry uh uh what was the sentence i just said i forgot what i was supposed to be thinking about oh no it's all unraveling gimmick that's the word i was looking for but i don't remember what the context was gimmick something gimmick juice box but yeah here's the thing like they're just running through all these like geek culture stuff like oh the star wars shampoo isn't mine oh you want a juice box so look at all my look at my board basic science maybe not basic to you guys but basic to me and other smart people how many times can you do that you know what maybe that's the criticism of the show i don't know because i have only watched like maybe like a dozen episodes how long can you keep that going i don't know it's funny for the first time though we're here to pick up penny's tv get lost what's your plan it's just a privilege to watch your mind at work i'll do the talking good thinking i'll just be the muscle ah when he took their pet dog he took their pants if this was a high school plot i'd be fine these are people in their late 20s early 30s there's no way that guy took these geeks pants in their 30s thank you so much for going and trying your dinner is on me okay our babies will be smart and beautiful oh god not to mention imaginary i know a wonderful little sushi bar that has karaoke well that sounds like fun baby [Music] it really is a good concept you have four nerds well i would say three of them are like intimidated by the beautiful girl and then you got the fourth guy who just kind of is like weirdly the straight man but he's also like very uniquely weird they all got their own quirk it works oh who could that be episode two here hey surprise to see you here people order cheesecake and i bring it to them you kind of act as like a carbohydrate delivery system i sho oh shut up please forever have i reached the limit did i hit the point where i'm like oh guys stop with your cringiness now i know how you guys feel watching my videos that actually might not be a joke haven't you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless russian no i haven't get used to it uh i'm getting ready for each kind of sick of him already oh no don't take it personally it's his pathology he can't talk to women he can't talk i do like this there's room for growth now we can watch him grow as a person as a human being something tells me he doesn't change furniture delivered yeah yeah if it gets here and i'm not here tomorrow could you just uh sign for it and have them put them in my apartment here's my spare key thank you great caesar's ghost look at this place explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid i mean she just moved in to be fair they're gonna snoop through her stuff and find something hang on oh he's gonna clean what are you doing that's not a plot hey guys this just arrived we just brought this up just now was it hard i would be suspicious especially because you walk in and they're like playing with your things like why are you still i don't know i i'll be wary of these people going forward into the future they're snoopers oh he's not oh oh that's funny that's if sheldon's at 2am went to penny's house to clean up her apartment while she's there okay cheap nerd humor it's cheap oh yeah he went to clean up her apartment in the middle of the night he's like so neurotic that's funny super creepy but that's the funny part i couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room and immediately adjacent to that hallway was this yeah yeah yeah yeah but what do you do when she wakes up and she finds her apartment cleaned for god's sake sheldon i have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time i open my mouth you have a sarcasm sign oh sick geeky bastard you came into my apartment last night while i was sleeping yes but only to clean ah that's so oh and they were snooping through your stuff too and you got home yesterday oh i'm going to march yourself over there right now and apologize what's funny dude that wasn't sarcasm i am truly sorry for what happened last night and i hope that it won't color your opinion of leonard who is not only a wonderful guy but also i hear a gentle and thorough lover oh no okay i like the show she was good uh-oh turn your pelvis a boner joke huh i'm not surprised it's it feels like the show's leveled it's fine you won oh he's depressed what's his problem his imaginary girlfriend broke up with him oh stop being cr stop with this [ __ ] okay you are 30. don't be slapping notes under doors here's the thing uh how do you justify this honey yeah just as oppenheimer came to regret his contributions to the first atomic bomb so too i regret my participation in what was at the very least an error in judgment we're okay it's good that they reconciled i was worried that by the end of the episode they were gonna reconcile that i wasn't gonna know how they reconciled so now she'll forgive him they can go on the slow march towards relationship where eventually they'll become each other's boot things they'll become each other's confidants they'll become each other's honeys and since we're on the topic today's video is sponsored by honey one thing i think i've proven in this video is that 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checking out it'll do its thing you just sit back relax and just save again it's dylan as always because they've sponsored me before and that's because they love me and i love them right back but that that's because they saved me money and i love money thanks honey now let's get back to the big bang theory all right that's funny good job good joke all right impression after the first two episodes it's pretty funny so good you can see why this works guys right how to get your haters brains out of here i had to swallow the spit was just like mounting up but i finished my sentence see i always finish before i swallow okay so i do know that i think he yeah he got a girlfriend can he talk to girls probably by this point yeah but here we go episode 23 the change constant something's changing people are moving uh-huh what do i think what do i think what do i think uh what's up so it's playing 19 minutes god dang i think penny and sheldon are together i don't feel like they got married and then divorced and then back together i'm gonna look for signs of that because that's just a gut feeling that's where i'm going i think all the guys have girlfriends uh but sheldon got a great job promotion so now he's on the move he's heading he's leaving the city he's going to new york no he's going to serbia to study serbian things things that only are discoverable in serbia that is what happened i couldn't locate serbia on a map i'll be honest though previously on the big bang theory ah yay your new neighbor penny what have you previously i just watched this previously 12 seasons ago i literally had to check to make sure this wasn't episode three of season one but there are a couple of twos here this isn't one three it's one two two three i sometimes i just talk and i'm like why are they doing a recap of all 12 seasons though our babies will be smart and beautiful finally caught a break they're doing a 12 season recap i love this daddy you're talking to me i am oh yay oh wow marianne oh they did get married husband and wife where did they get what is this grunge wedding they're on a roof what is this even what does this even do it's like a vent where are the guests like if you're gonna have a wedding why not like make it like a real-looking wedding this looks like a tv wedding will you marry me ah but they divorced will you marry me oh wow oh they he got married too we did it what did they do six times ten to the eighth atom's a radium if the half-life radium should happen to pass three times ten to the eighth atoms of radium and a little bit it's impossible to determine when you'll arrive at zero there's like wheels on the bus if the bus had an unknowable number of parts we're gonna need more coffee it feels like six seasons for six seasons they've been very hit and miss they were fun the first two episodes but they're all older now and they're just not into it but the other characters would react like oh the sheldon guy but now they're like sheldon shut the [ __ ] up that's the reaction that they just had to shout and be quirky all right i think the characters are over sheldon and my guess is that they've been that way for six seasons which i think is where the hate came in the nobel committee will be making the calls to inform the winners at any minute really he did say if he fell asleep we were allowed to slap him away oh boy when did they run out of jokes guys we could slap him how long have you not had jokes i know we've had a recap but there hasn't been a single thing that i've been like oh amusing the first two episodes were chock full of fun things you have your whole life to smack them around this is my time oh god they're really sticky with this joke go it's happening is this dr cooper and dr fowler congratulations it is my view that you've won the nobel prize but thank you for getting up so early to call oh please we have two little kids we've been up for an hour did anyone get to slap sheldon where is the jokes where are the jokes they're so dry the change concept constant that refers to the theory that the more things change the more they stay the same no that's not right the the change constant is a theory that says that the only consonant is change not many people know that or could have figured that out based on the words another little education lesson for you i'm gonna wait for the first joke i'm gonna wait for the first joke that amuses me uh i am thinking of a number it's a cube of a cube of a pronoun an infinite number of possibilities you got somewhere to be we won what if i'm dreaming did you hear that audience roller for a fake slap on the television there's no way that had to have been a running gag for years the way it was set up in this episode i don't think it has been but if it was we're like someone finally gets to slap sheldon and they've all just been raring to do it for years but he's always prevented it then i will allow that but that would no no if that was just set up now then no wait one minute hbo max you came prematurely i'll forgive you cause i've been there myself but you really should be here right now what was i saying oh yeah yeah if maybe if i had spent like 12 years with these characters and they've been all striving i've seen the highs and lows of them chasing his dream of winning a nobel prize maybe like that would hit harder but just them being like oh we won this award fictionally it's not not real because it's a television show this doesn't hit you think after spending 40 minutes with these characters i'd be more invested oh it's a congratulations text from my meemaw and my sister and my brother wait they don't tell you when you win a nobel it shoots up your phone battery he says congratulations and he loves me nothing about me oh it's your dad i'm good where are we 6 38 so about a third more than a third of the way through the episode not one single joke that has even lightly amused me like every minute and a half there was something in the first episodes how does this feel okay is dr cooper coming back he just went and turned around and walked away and the audience was like oh he's such him that's that's so him he just he walks away that's so funny this is not this is this commentary is gonna be split down the middle the first half was just me enjoying the show the second half is me hating the show sheldon and amy are now officially superstars the word we're gonna use to describe them is quirky so not mr and mrs wackadoodle that's so sheldon just walking away wait did he have a girlfriend another recap i don't remember my picture's all over the internet and i look terrible well that is an unfortunate angle that's not up funny you just won the nobel you should be proud of this moment it's stupid and shallow but i just can't help it are we trying to do like a like a lesson of the week episode where it's like i don't i didn't think i cared about how i looked but now i do but it's okay i come to accept myself at the end of the episode what are we doing what is happening why do i hate this so much suppose i could get a haircut and some makeup and a new wardrobe this is the lesson if you don't like the way you look ladies put on some makeup get a haircut change your appearance what the hell are we doing here what do you think i like you better the way you were she looks beautiful this is the lesson part this is not who you are you should just be your natural self screw what society thinks of you you should love you for who you are on the inside i'm so sad right now there's only seven minutes left of this episode and i haven't there's not even a single joke that has baby go hmm that's good i like the way i look well i don't that was really rude i'm sorry amy are you even delivering the lines that they don't care sheldon that was rude say your [ __ ] lie so we can go home let's hurry on through this man she's changing it's the last straw i can't take anymore oh the elevator's fixed was that the reveal can you believe it they finally fixed the elevator hey two-thirds two-thirds of the way through this episode the show finally did something slightly entertaining either fade you're black yeah you're right you don't want to stick on it too long right you don't want to enjoy it for too long before you cut to black is this the thing at the end he's going to get on the elevator and be like oh change isn't so bad my wife is actually being about stop you're allowed to get a haircut but i should have done it gradually maybe 300 tiny haircuts over a 10-year period guys i slapped sheldon a lot of dreams came true today this is a huge day for me and i'm allowed to enjoy it without worrying how it's going to affect my husband is it me or did i just get the us in here holy [ __ ] all this change is just too much i'm playing a drinking game every time you say the word change i take a slug not unless you change a subject now i said it where you know you're the one you're also married you have a successful career oh what does she do what does she do i wonder what field is she in is she an agent she's an agent that she's an agent not like a a federal agent but like an agent for actors although imagine if she was just in the fbi and she has been the whole time she's been studying these scientists who were secretly dealing drugs oh my god they use their science brains they use their science brains to make it in the drug industry ah that's breaking bad thermostat has to be set to his comfort level and i'm always chilly is that why you wear hoodie all the time yes i've always worn hoodies because i'm i run cold come on baby we're almost there one minute left oh yeah he's gonna ride the elevator not a single joke worked in this entire episode whoa yeah the elevator did work when i moved into the building but conversely she cut him off from talking to me continued wow i can't wait to see the end of that elevator ride i'm so excited for the next episode stockholm syndrome last episode well it's important that all of our friends get to share this moment with us tom you can tell others you had a front row seat to history although technically i think your seats are in the second row there's no way we go two full episodes without one joke working we have a mission find one joke that works no she's pregnant figure it out why don't we just tell julia haven't you wrapped my head around it i have my head is wrapped oh they're not even divorced wrapped your head around you should have wrapped your head if you didn't want me pregnant there was a joke there they didn't go for it something else had been wrapped wouldn't be in this situation yeah there it is do you wanna i can't get more pregnant we'll see about that okay and we're back to the garbage jokes somebody just peed in the big girl potty it was her right all right did you go shopping in the discount bin for writers how were these jokes so bad besides the one that i thought of that one's fine i'm trying to get my speech down to 90 minutes i think you need to do some editing like oh well is this penny's apartment this is pennies all the part oh okay the main guy who i've forgotten his name wow the main guy and penny live in the original apartment and then sheldon and his wife live in pennsylvania department but these are scientists and they're they're in their 40s i guess it's los angeles but i feel like you should be owning you've won the nobel prize you should be owning a home in sweden punctuality is taken very seriously at the beginning and end of all business and social meetings shake hands with everyone present men women and children you're all encouraged to pair off and practice this once we're in the air and the seat belt time is off i'm not gonna drink why are you pregnant no i just you know i don't i don't like to drink when i fly please i've seen you drink in the shower that's not bad you guys have showered together that's not a badge why is this such a suffering i was having such a good time first two episodes that was flying oh that the elevator then breaks again oh wait what get in we're getting it oh weird montage transition oh okay well done yeah you're proving to be an invaluable part of my entourage cool holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god [Laughter] good me too i was just looking at the map that's the fourth time she's been to the bathroom in the last two hours if it's viral we're all susceptible he thinks you're sick oh should we tell him well if we don't he might try and jump out of the plane it doesn't answer my question that's funny okay i'm sorry the show has like dulled my brain into this like malaise maybe that's what they've done over 12 seasons is they just slowly eroded in quality but they also eroded your brain so you just sit there and just kind of passively uh at the screen finally when they had a good joke i was like uh for the rest of the time i'm just like uh you're right i can't catch that she's just pregnant how about congratulating us you are a selfish jerk to hell with you and your nobel prize you've known this man for so many years decades you didn't congratulate my wife when you found out she was pregnant go to hell dog you know he's weird you know he doesn't fit social norms he doesn't act in a way that's usual this is not unexpected why are you having a hissy fit come on we didn't seriously expect him to react like a normal human being no but that's what i'm saying just this once he'd care about someone else's feelings oh do you dog this is like the most important week of his life can you just like lay off him oh he's always been weird but he's acting weird now but i didn't want him to act weird i wanted to act in the way that i want him to act even though he's never acted like that before also he has a lot going on but still i want him to act away shut the [ __ ] up leonard me talk i got sick of myself i was talking as you and i got sick of me do you know how high the bar is for me to get sick of me i'd love me what is the show doing to me maybe we should go back to la we just can't be this far away from the kids yeah well pull it together this is a big day for me going home we'll join you i hate to say it but i think everyone is being incredibly selfish no one is happier than i am to win the nobel what if she divorces him right now that's how you end the show they're abandoning us because you broke their hearts we really doing lesson of the week episodes last week sheldon had to learn that change sometimes happens and you have to just grow with it this week we're watching sheldon have to like realize what's truly important in his life it's not the work it's the people you broke their hearts you just didn't say hey congratulations you're having a baby i hate oh i hate that you know the only person i'm not angry at is sheldon and that's the person that i'm supposed to be angry at the show is like trying to direct its anger at childhood and make you be like sheldon you can learn a lesson but i'm like everyone else is acting like little babies you never mean to why is she oh god the show's almost over they're having like serious marital issues now only reason people tolerate you oh my god does that include you sometimes yeah oh my god i don't even know what they're talking about as angry as i am at sheldon i still want to see him win that medal why are you angry at him contrived that's the word they're like oh we need them to like get angry at each other but then they're going to come back together and be happy for the ending but they didn't know how to do it and then they just created this complete [ __ ] plaque is this the thing you just could be like you know what i had this big speech plan but instead i love my friends and then they all forgive them and then they hug and then the show ends and then we all clap not because of the journey was great but because we're glad it's over i wouldn't be up here if it weren't for some very important people in my life i love you all thank you okay yay just a slow pull out here which is the which is the riskiest kind of pull out uh i it just it went downhill at some point you know what happened i think they ran through the concept and then they had nothing else they had like the awkward guys and then the hot girl who didn't really understand them because they just are on two different wavelengths once they started to understand each other and then they weren't socially awkward anymore you needed to find a new sense of humor but you didn't or maybe it's just not my sense of humor you guys liked it if you watched all the seasons and you have like a different opinion or you have a same opinion especially if you have the same opinion reaffirm me in the comment section my favorite kind of comments i'd actually really like to hear your opinion was there ever like a turning point where it's like there's a big drop off season eight season nine i can see that happening don't forget to go to save some money join honey thanks for watching i'll see you next time hey turtles
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,066,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o6JmUcNxz_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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