*Jennifer's Body* is INSANE (and fun)

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how's it goin troublemakers welcome back to another movie commentary Monday when I record a movie commentary and posts it every single Monday I received a lot of requests to watch and will be called 365 days so that's why I decided to watch Jennifer's Body this week because who still thinks I take recommendations who's felt who is out here thinking that dueling you should watch this alright No thank you I'll watch it I want to watch Beach Megan Fox has been in the news a lot recently and by in the news I mean coming across my Twitter feed is that's terrible that's how I get my news nowadays and this is not even like articles that I'm clicking on it's just titles of articles I did watch one clip of her on Jimmy Kimmel years ago saying Michael Bay put her in a movie when she was 15 and he just like stripped her down and made her do some like pole dancing in a strip club and she was 15 pretty gross Michael she's also now dating Machine Gun Kelly people used to say that I kind of look like Machine Gun Kelly so Megan if you're watching this and your relationship with mr. machine gun doesn't work out give me a call I'm like a knockoff version I genuinely don't know what this is about I think she's a vampire or some sort of like demon or something and she eats people Megan Fox you can eat me any day or if you want me to eat you mmm let's just watch the movie gross whoops what is happening someone's picking a scab and all of a sudden weird there's a horse in the backyard who brought the [ __ ] horse are you allowed to just have a horse in the backyard I don't know what I'm most disgusted by back when it was okay to have Fall Out Boy posters on your wall but do they still make good music shut up no I thought Megan Fox was a scary one in this movie holy [ __ ] is Amanda Seyfried maneater was that like an ending sequence did you just show me like the end but at least I had my fan your fans mostly from perverts and Chester's but still Chester's is that the name of Simpson 2009 oh that's the kid from from Scott Pilgrim very underrated movie I would say underrated it's properly rated people love it I think they're trying to wear us out keep us sluggish so there won't be an uprising it even says so on my chart I hate movies that open with narration like can you just show me [ __ ] it's just a runtime saving move so instead of showing you something I'd taken like five minutes till I get the information into you they're just like yeah 30 seconds of voiceover I like toasters I'm not sure toastin can provide sufficient energy during the day I recommend more complex she's like I recommend getting some carbs and she's like [ __ ] your carbs this is sparta [ __ ] carbs are the best foods the Turner down kick this healthcare professional oh this is a funny screenshot too it used to be normal well as normal as any girl under the influence of teenage hormones I hate that teenage girls they technically it's not a normal waterfall it goes into this hole and it doesn't come out scientist guys dropped all kinds of things down there but nothing ever surfaces maybe it's another dimension okay someone's falling down this little wormhole whirlpool just two months ago me Jennifer and my boyfriend chip were completely normal there's Jennifer and her body we told Liz be gay [Music] okay I'm down to see a little lesbian romance I'm honest that that's not bad yourself there's something cute okay okay okay those jeans are hello I can I want to see your front but my rock look well I can see like your womb did he say I can see your womb is that what is that the word that he said I can see like your womb yeah I can see your stomach I guess see your vagina I can see your pubic there's like a number of things you could have said instead it bothers me that you chose womb and now I want you to die why does that Megazine just say [ __ ] on it hey you read that new article in [ __ ] oh you mean that magazine that has no cover slowdown chip if stuff in common that's why we're Biff's oh god I hate 2009 this is it doesn't even feel like 2009 feels like 2004 which is earlier for those that don't know how years work yeah okay Joe jealous that place is disgusting everyone in there has a mustache yeah he knows he knows that real men shave their mustaches and then keep all the rest of their facial hair poison yourself in that [ __ ] Oh Chris Pratt what are you doing here Freddy Pratt what the [ __ ] is he what you're not even out of the Academy at Roman two more months hey that's awkward watch Chris Pratt's mouth and listen for him to say anything Hey okay never cut Chris press dialogue it's a rule Oh God here's the hot guy let me confirm I was about to say who's the hot guy that you're gonna turn Chris Pratt down for and I was gonna make fun of this guy and then all of a sudden it's Adam [ __ ] Brody aka Seth from the LC oh please don't eat Adam Brody these are less smart phones hi all right hello sir something I'm Jennifer check you player and syringe really see you pickin you are professionals you know they're playing at a bar for like 15 people there's like no one here we're professionals we get all these big gigs playing for 15 people for $50 but we also get free drinks so if you calculate the amount of drinks that are in this this place that we could drink we're getting paid in the thousands really yeah but you know I think it's really important sometimes to try and connect with our fans in them my shitty air it is - okay okay ah okay I'm gonna say this now cuz I'm gonna forget if I hold onto it any longer Megan Fox is good she's a good actress I always felt like she got done dirty because of the the whatever happened in the transformers thing I'm gonna make a whole video on that I'm gonna do a beer and a movie on to the Transformers series and in my beer in the movie videos I usually have like a thesis that is a separate from the movies and I want to focus on Megan Fox's and Michael Bay's relationship and whatever happen behind the scenes so I gotta do a bunch of research on that but Adam Brody as well I feel like he is such a good actor but I have heard that he's kind of a douchebag offset but I just want to get that out there I just want to get my feelings out there guys don't reject my feelings it's cool it's definitely a virgin okay hey that's my best friend that you're talking about only because he thinks that you're a virgin I heard them talking I'm not even a backdoor virgin more things oh oh is that a thing in their front doors and back doors virgins there's rooftop virgins whoa get it I couldn't even go to Flags the next day I had to stay home and sit on a bag is she talking about her back door coming off the hinges I feel like this movie wants to be edgy like it's always like trying to be edgy by like dropping curse words extra hard I hate this [ __ ] song I don't want to see you get eaten my guy I don't care that you're a douchebag you just got a screen presence I like it [Music] I know Adam Brody's voice well enough to know that that's not his voice singing ah she's a lesbian she is a lesbian I'm pretty sure nope okay she's less lesbian now good I judge a person's lesbian this based on how long they hold hands with other people oh why did this fire spread so fast was that boy crushed okay we need to analyze the sequence okay they spend a couple of shots showing the fire like riding up this curtain which is fine but then all of a sudden it's like on top of a beam and moving fast okay let's watch this let's watch this okay is there alcohol like a trail alcohol on the beam why is the fire spreading so fast and also our case I guess there's a lot of drinks that make sense nice acting my guy fire but there's no panic here explosion on the goddamn ceiling why would there be people are on fire someone got trampled [ __ ] on fire I can't I want to explore what this man is doing he's like no there's a fire what if I grabbed this stool and throw it some somewhere are they locked inside or something is he trying to like throw it to smash a window open or something checks cashed her last name is check isn't it huh maybe there's some symbolism there or I'm just reaching I don't know I want to watch this guy I know where to go outside out of the bathroom what's the front door barricaded I don't understand why they could've all just left no one should have died there were 30 people there and a woman got trampled to death dangerous out here you want to head someplace safer with my van all right he's a complete douchebag he's definitely getting eaten wait it does she have powers maybe I misjudged this movie I thought she was a vampire or something gonna die so hard I try melody lane burg down you're okay right oh he's a good boyfriend if a character for gos sleep to like check on the well-being or to help out the heroine of the story you know he's a good guy but if he's just sleeps through it and he's like yeah I talked to you in the morning he's gonna die they took her in there spooky fan did you get the make and model I don't know chip and 89 rapist she's still in there we have to go find her I'm forgiving a lot of your edge but when you try to make an edgy joke and it's just not funny at all did you get the make and model of the van I don't know an 89 rapist Jesus fries there's somebody here oh geez and fries dog doo I can't bro I need time away every like 20 minutes I'm gonna just take a breath it's just trying so hard to like be quirky and I don't mind quirky if it's natural cork but when you're just like oh cheese and fries not natural we know as she wanted to say Jesus Christ cuz it was scary that's what people say like oh Jesus Christ that scared me but she's like oh cheese and fries cuz I'm a good girl I wouldn't say I wouldn't take Jesus's name in vain Catholic girl Christ Irish mesme fries however I did get a really good laugh out of that fire sequence so I don't know I'm kind of into this oh it's gonna be Chris Pratt bet mmm not bad but maybe I was too confident in that bet but I think it's me Chris Pratt oh it's no one you got thing dog ditched [ __ ] oh it's gonna be the girl it's gonna be Jennifer's Body okay now you call the police right someone rang your doorbell so there's someone here and now you hear noises from inside your home you call the police oh yeah leave your phone behind why would you need that Sammi Jennifer right who else would break into her house and she's not gonna die that's the problem was showing like flash-forward scenes it's like you know she's got immunity basically okay are you this dumb she heard like clear shuffling noises and she's like I must have been the sink faucet when does the faucet shuffle dummy what what the [ __ ] was that [Applause] I'm so confused I'm so glad I never watched the trailer for this or knew anything about this cuz this is the best thing ever what the [ __ ] that's like some music video effects he's scared are you afraid what am I saying vampire I know I see I knew it Oh gross this eight frames per second [ __ ] just know I hate this flash drive sequence that was horrible are you my friend I've known all my life it is you I couldn't tell at first because I didn't my glasses on I'd been up all night scrubbing the carnage off the linoleum her tears make me laugh I don't know why I hope she cries some more dark JK Simmons I have a hand and he's he's got a disease oh you you got a skin infection my guy look at this he's gotta know he's got what is this he's got a [ __ ] potato peeler for a hand is that offensive I don't don't come at me if I say something offensive what did Megan Fox just say both look like total Gaylords you should find a Chinese chick to buff your situation okay don't come at me JK Simmons what what is happening I'm expecting Brad Pitt to be the [ __ ] principal what no I hate this missing frame [ __ ] it doesn't look good even for effect Oh guilty just breathing she just say word I just hate who he is he's 2009 me that's the problem I heard you there last night and the fiery trenches was calling various I'm calling grey only talk to the dead Colin gray how is that not a mixture of Christian gray and Edward Cullen oh I like this I like this who is it what does this mean oh I really like that I wish I had a better payoff though like if he was like some demon and that he just started running and the camera came back oh that was such a cool shot liked it for it was just a cool shot for no reason but like I appreciate it but they could have done so much more cool stuff with it it wasn't my best friend you know I was there you know what he said that he always thought you and me would make a totally banging couple he said banging when you're as hot as Megan Fox I believe it too you come with me just for a little while it's what Craig would have wanted yeah he's like yeah no I think you would have wanted that it's exactly you know what I think I even remember him last week saying something about this so yeah in case I die go on have sex with Megan Fox I think he said something like that yeah is that Twilight is this a parody what is this any other time I'd be happy to see that but now I'm just alarmed I have so many questions where are her parents her parents where are any parents they're still alive oh okay we got a mystery of foot's I thought Jennifer has always been like this secretly eating people or something I feel bad for this kid because he had no protection this is what happens people when you are not protected one way to protect yourself is with noir VPN this video is sponsored by Norwegian I've worked with Nord numerous times now and I will continue to do so because everybody at this point should be using a VPN and Nord is consistently ranked at the top of VPNs and maybe you didn't notice from my Gucci necklace but I will only have the finest of things it's no secret that you can use Nord VPN to unlock shows and movies that you wouldn't be able to otherwise watch let me give you an example of 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another month for free still not good enough for you well damn cheese and Fries don't be so greedy that's a good deal I'll leave a link to get that discount in the description otherwise you can just go to Nord VPN comm / Dylan is in trouble thank you again to Nord for sponsoring oh hey parents oh she's a crack parent oh you dream about people trying to nail you to a tree with hammers and big stakes and [ __ ] Oh like a Jesus types it's just like JC we're okay oh so she didn't eat him she just killed him well you're gonna scare buddy really sad when she said you're gonna see him real soon I thought she was gonna like digest him yeah their souls we're gonna hang out in her stomach or something I don't know I am having the best days that's like Jesus invented the calendar Jesus didn't invent the calendar whatever this movie is trying to be mean girls which is weird cuz Amanda Seyfried was in that to playing the piano knock it off Camille you knock it off keep your penis cheese you knock it off keep your penis cheese yep that's worse than cheese and fries oh if this move you don't even half over mm-hmm cannibal psycho takes down the biggest guy in school come on it's free tarted oh look another 20 minute mark gonna take a few had a thought as I was peeing and touching my penis about Chris Pratt so they made it a point to set up the fact that he was a cop or a cop in training why make him an officer of the law in training he's got to come back into play cuz why I'll set up the fact that he's a police officer there's no need to set that up there's no need to have a conversation about how he's so close to graduating from police school the [ __ ] it's called enough of our little world of [ __ ] oh wait what does that say welcome and science to majors I can't wait I'm so happy Adam Brody is like the puppet master in this whole thing because I thought he was just gonna get eaten easily like the first victim but no he's gonna be coming back otherwise I show this and also why are they playing in a small town there's no need to the tragedy at melody lane create Judy's new I don't know if I'll go out with a yeah what I okay so he's the next victim right there's a midnight showing of Rocky Horror at the Bijou I don't like boxing movies it's not a [ __ ] boxing movie um [ __ ] okay forget it one's really nice he's into maggot Rock he wear his nail polish so she hasn't like guys that are into a rock and wear a nail polish give it 10 years Megan you're good I like it well I think he's really cool you do wait Colin I'll text you my address cool I knew it I know he was the next victim because he had a good rapport repartee repartee with Amanda Seyfried who has a boyfriend it wasn't gonna work only one guy can be nice to the main girl and that's the only guy I gets to survive all the rest of them got to die it makes it easy for the viewers to be like okay those two are gonna get together cuz he's the only guy that was nice to her that's left that's it okay so she's really into guys that are into Amanda Seyfried interesting she had no interesting Colin until this girl what's her character name until Amanda said she was like coming into Colin and then Megan Fox is like yeah I'm into Colin so you're gonna come over tonight I went to Super Target and picked up more condoms that's so unsmooth so yeah I got all these condoms that I gotta use up before they expire you want to come over did he dress up but keep his lip ring that's what he checks he checks his lip ring to make sure he looks good as if the lip ring could be adjusted in a way that will make him look better what if he lived that'd be the ultimate misdirect she just doesn't kill him I'm actually really excited to find out how this ends oh one nut is not worth this hey Zoey supposing two he's always like this I can't scare me didn't scare me nope they try to jump scare didn't work the girl I feel like all condoms are the same but they just put it on their packaging like oh this one's good for the girl this one's this one has extra pleasure this one's extra thin it's the same exact condom just repackaged that is my experience it's condoms that's why I don't wear them ever it's like a rebellion I don't want to fall into their into their marketing gimmicks you know so that's why I don't wear it my mommy and daddy kinky do you know my last name hi I don't want him to die he's turning her down basically it's like you don't even know me you want to have sexual relations with me without even knowing my last name it just feels shallow and vain I'm into it he's resisting Megan Fox right now like he's giving it a little bit but watch him pull back nope watch them pull back and do this with his hands I realized I made fun of him for doing this I do this all the time [Music] one of two endings she ends up in a psych ward maybe she's just actually crazy no they can't in the movie would it's all in her head that's horribly nasty what you just showed me why is she also involved this is weird the mystery it's hooking me stop we know what she saw we just saw it why are you doing a flashback two scenes we saw we don't need to be reminded Jennifer was the murderer I totally didn't know that I forgot about it because they happen more than three minutes ago and I have the mind of a goldfish I'm not gonna bite I'm gonna have to take another break but this one's a little bit different from the first - excuse me a minute hmm people those are jokes right people think I'm serious about that like oh my god I can't believe you got a boner watching the movie come on people wasn't really hot kiss though Oh Oh doc I was kind of joking about the lesbian stuff early on these are like real kisses he's always been I want to call the police what does that even mean slow down tardy slip you sound like a sped eye what is it top I have the cops in my back pocket maybe I'm [ __ ] a cadet remember and those guys from low shoulders totally evil Wow yes mystery revealed where are we going you don't have to talk I love Anna Brody but even sure she's a [ __ ] virgin man yes I'm a virgin I'm a virgin I've never I've never even done oh [ __ ] they were trying to sacrifice the virgin and it didn't go according to plan cuz she's not a virgin Amanda cipher told them she's a virgin interesting okay actually sorry I don't do this almost ever but I feel like I want to go back to what he was saying what did Amanda over here that's the one I don't know you sure she should I grew up that's the one they're searching for one it won't show it off but they do not give it up schools definitely a virgin okay now I know girls like that I don't know well nothing so excuse me so they're looking for a girl to sacrifice okay I should have looked at the time marker where was I oh do they need to sacrifice someone in order for fame oh that's interesting because they got signed to a major label after this or they throw into the wormhole is that what happened I don't know if we should go through with this do you want to work at moose hoof coffee forever go and fetch me the ritual brother we're going to have to butcher you and bleed you and then dirtier is gonna wear your face relax weaken him in the face the rest is gonna happen though [Laughter] I just thought of something oh my god I hate I hate how they did this I hate this whole part if he would have to stab her instead of stopping to sing the song you didn't need an extra joke there and it wasn't that really funny and then you'll have to shoot it in [ __ ] 4 frames a second for reference films usually shoot 24 frames a second it looks smooth like that the more frames you lose the choppier it gets okay and that's gonna come back hey that guy looks familiar yeah yeah I think I know who that is is that on it yes yes he didn't get crushed I knew it I knew that didn't look right is your host family know you're alive does anyone know you're alive I see a transfer student that can't speak English I think it's because he's responding with nods oh they just didn't want to give him a line that's so much I always pointed out you can pay an actor or less if they don't have a speaking role like was the budget that low that he couldn't have been like no just give him a couple extra bucks come on they did a big memorial assembly for Colin at school people need to know they Jennifer did it right he definitely would have told people that he was going on a date with Jennifer because she's so hot he'd have to brag about it to people plus he has his phone messages so I did some research paranormal research yeah couple hours of research and she comes to the bottom of all these like ancient rituals yeah okay but I play to the heart clear to the heart sure sweetie bro I can't wait Hanna Brody to come back Oh Chris Pratt - what do they try to use Chris Pratt's character just to say that Amanda Seyfried couldn't go to the police I shouldn't do that because when I block the light the camera is like oh we need to put more white on him I'm pale enough camera don't help are they using Chris Pratt's character being in the police academy as just like a reason for Amanda Seyfried not to go to the police he said I got him in my back pocket the police what because you had sex with one cadets mmm Edie and Colin were intimate liar and by that I mean they were working on a semi-regular basis you didn't need to clarify thanks Meg though I care about you so much more than I've ever had the guts to admit she's so hot how do you not believe it to play our dance for free oh my god oh my god a da brownies coming back please well yes Adam Brody Brody Otto Brody singing he's not committing he's not committing to it yeah no back away my guy I'm sorry hey I mean it would have been better if he had said no before kissing her a bunch but hey man at least it's better late than never she's so slow she's still in the woods she come catch up in time [Music] holy [ __ ] you are such a player hater you're a jerk Wow nice insult Hannah Montana don't insult someone's insults when your insults are insultingly bad you steal my toys before lemonade on my bed he's forgotten about Matt just got his neck bitten off and he's like clawing to survive and his girls like you know what I'm gonna go on to an insult battle yo mama is it just to take me off both ways why is the pole so sharp who sharpened that pole to the hearts to the hearts why is Amanda Seyfried just standing there it's pissing me off you know what it's gonna take to beat her I don't care I'm sorry this guy just does not have enough charisma to make me care about him he's a good deed be like a good friend character for a movie Scott Pilgrim good good role for him there I might be mistaken about this I don't think I am the movie whiplash originally this guy was the main character in the short film it was like a 20 minute short film when Damien Chazelle got a bigger budget they were casted in with miles teller because miles teller has like presence and charisma could have cast it out of Brody as well because he has those two things - yeah smash your phone against the ground maybe that'll make it work I think I died before you got here I woke up when I heard your voice that was so corny that I wish you had just stayed out the entire time how do you get Chris Pratt and Adam Brody for your movie and then make this guy the lead here we go okay so she's still sick but she's healed why doesn't she just go eat we got maybe six seven minutes left for credits what about the band you're just not gonna do anything with the band [Music] boxes it's for cutting boxes I don't get it I don't get that line is that is that a joke it's for cutting boxes is her last name no it's not box I don't get it stab her in the heart you researched for like 30 minutes you should know how to kill her okay I thought that was what was given her powers or something back to this [ __ ] oh it was oh and then someone's gonna come in she's gonna get arrested they're shot she ends up like this psych ward what did she say so the band just gets away with it then cuz she's now someone's gonna have to come in now right yeah what about the band is that for the sequel there's no Jennifer anymore it can't be Jennifer's body too but if you're bitten by a demon you just might absorb some of the demons abilities okay so that's why she when she kicked that woman before she's kind of like flying a little bit are we gonna do the band thing we saw a time we have three minutes be quick but ah yes interesting okay yeah yeah yeah knew that had to come back into play and what else so why you had a teased following this rock band mm-hmm tonight's gonna be their last show all right all right oh wait no shoulder okay yeah why bring the band back for the school show then that felt like a waste I wish they would have resolved that mostly because I just want to see more Adam Brody I'll see if there's any talk about a sequel it sounds like the creator has no interest in making a sequel okay 20 crazy details behind the making of Jennifer his body you guys want to know the number-one crazy detail behind the making of Jennifer's Body the film premiered at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival oh my god that's so crazy I'm so glad I clicked on this article it was so informative thank you guys for watching don't forget to go to noir VPN comm slash Dillon is in trouble hook yourself up with a little deal and I will see you in the next one sue [Music] Wow I pulled something in my throat guess we're going back to Tootles
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,871,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jennifer, jennifer's, body, jennifer's body, jennifers body, megan, fox, megan fox, kelly, amanda, seyfried, adam, brody, chris, pratt, ending, soundtrack, trailer, reaction, review, edit, song, sacrifice, needy
Id: LeGWXvdkd7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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