Christine Caine : Listen To This Before It's Too Late | Message 2020

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was a novelty and I was I was looking for potatoes but I haven't found any potato farms and Tracy doesn't know what one looks like so I'm like I wanted to take pictures so I put it on my Twitter and my blog to tell everyone I am does any one Twitter here okay well make sure you get on Twitter because I'm gonna write I'm gonna make you famous in the next couple of days all over and my facebook but someone's got to tell us where a potato farm is so I can take pictures that's all that matters but I don't know you'd okay but you don't want to love about a chick steel posture sitting in the front row freaking out because I'm doing Sunday but I promise you I'll be very right brained on Sunday it'll be five points right half of the brain all in sequential order it'll all make sense I'll stick to the timeframe it'll be very good but today it's Friday night and it's a chick deal you couldn't care less about anything so I can talk about anything we could go around the mulberry bush and you just want to know about my dad I didn't ask the disc do you have the pictures of my family here where are you I'm think I'm looking at somebody I don't know cuz it's so tall is there anyone behind that desk I'm not flowing in word of knowledge oh there you are is there a picture of my family did they send one to you you're checking okay but I think that yeah well if they're not here by tomorrow you'll have it I'm married to this single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet earth he's hot and taken and he wanted to come up and meet you but that'll happen another day he's fantastic his name is Nick and Nick is the 12th of 13 living children I'm telling you these mother had 15 full-term pregnancies in 17 years I know there was like no television in that part of Australia so anyway this woman's got to do what a woman's got to do so quickly quite glad she didn't stop at 11 but anyway so and we have to and in case you're wondering it's Alpha and Omega are my two and I have my little Catherine Bobby and Catherine Bobby is seven and my little Saphir Joyce who is three and they're both named after two of the most influential women in my life Catherine my mum's name is Catherine and Bobby's my pastor who I've been in one local church for 21 years I'm passionate about the house of God and the local church the pastor Bobby has been my pastor who I love with a passion and saphir Joyce is named after my spiritual mum Joyce Meyer and the reason do that well no I didn't have to but Joyce is on TV when I'm pregnant telling the whole TV world that I'm having a little Joyce and I'm thinking imagine if I have a boy he's gonna have a gender identity issue and so then it kind of just happened that I I did a bit in and their names and their temperaments and go together I got to tell you so just say the least I said Thank You Joyce I'm giving her to you but they are the delight of my life and potatoes falling from heaven wasn't sure about that but anyway we're a laugh a lot in the next couple of days and I'm gonna begin my message is tonight and you want to be here right on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning because I'm gonna continue you know I didn't fly 25 hours across the world so that we can be late we are here God's gonna speak to us God's gonna transform our lives and I want you to come to make sure we're gonna have a great session after that I think 11:30 ish and then it - am i right I'm probably wrong done listen to my times check your timetable no and then at 5 o'clock you're gonna want to be back because we're gonna have some testosterone in the house as well and I love the estrogen and but after a while I needed some of that deep primal male grunt kind of kinda you know that thing and so after today I'm sure you're gonna go back and bring your husband's and say you gotta come it's gonna be awesome and so Whitchurch your own God it just gets better and better and better I'm gonna start here tonight and by Sunday at church it's gonna be off the chain so you don't want to miss out and you want to make sure you're at everything pumped up fired up and ready to go let me just get into the word I am three years ago like I said On January the 10th I went to the labor ward to have my little um Sofia Joyce inand survived always say you know people when I went to the first time the labor would seven years ago all my word of faith friends who I love because I'm so would have faith but they gave me that super natural childbirth book thing and it was the book and the tapes I recommend you don't get them and so I got it and my husband's and believe in God you know for the supernatural that pain free labor that whole thing and I'm thinking you know I travel the world I preach the gospel you know pain is part of the curse so I am NOT going to have any I'm just going to pop my little baby out go to church the next day it's all going to be a done deal and so those of you that have been there done that got the t-shirt know that I was in delusion and anyway I went to the label what I found out what the supernatural part of the trip super natural childbirth deal is it's that you come out alive and I'm telling you I'm sorry for all the men in the house you came at your own peril and so I also did discover the fourth part of the Holy Trinity in the labor ward there is definitely God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit and God the epidural and so I want to set you free right upfront and um you know I promised myself after the first time I am NOT leaving home without one I'm like shove it in drugs legally legal I don't care anyway so it's got nothing to do with anything let me go back to the labor ward three years ago and so I'm there and I have a little severe choice January the 10th I'm so excited and then I'm I'm realizing that we've got our women we had back then we had our Women's Conference on March the 10th and I was speaking at the closing night of our Women's Conference and we had it then at the Acer arena which is a 20,000 seat stadium you know the largest indoor stadium in Australia and there's a lot of chicks in one room and I wanted to make sure I was doing the closing night that you know I kind of got my pre-pregnancy body back and I like I didn't want to turn up at the conference and all the chicks are going you know have you had the baby yet and so I kind of was like really keen that you know I wanted to make sure and yeah I know you think that's extremely carnal because you're like come on Christine you're doing the closing night the Lord looks at the heart but he's the only one and so I'm telling you go do 120 thousand chicks are not looking at my heart even now you're checking out my boots my dress anyway so it's all about that and then we get to the word so I got myself a trainer and I said my trainers name's Lisa I said Lisa you got to come and I was telling her what gonna do I said I've got 8 weeks to get back into shape before I do this this chicks deal and so I run normally so at 5 or 6 miles a day about five or six days a week so I I said you know I know I can't run now I checked myself out of hospital after two days of you know a c-section I don't know if you know much about those but I found out a lot about that and I'm sort of like shuffling out of hospital and I said Lisa I know I'm only shuffling at the moment but if you just wait give me a few days you know I'll be able to maybe like walk a bit more and then in a couple of weeks I'll be able to slow jog and then in a few weeks I'll be able to jog a bit better and you know by about five weeks I should be back up to five miles and she's not laughing at me like you know what he been smoking Christine you know kind of what's going on and she goes Christine do you know what they just did to you and I really didn't know what no and then she proceeded to tell me I'm telling you ladies ignorance is bliss and so don't even go there cuz do you how much they cut off what anyway she goes to Christine your core is so weak she goes do you realize what they've cut and that you need to strengthen your core if you prematurely begin to run or lift or do any kind of eggs exert yourself in any way your core is so weak that maybe for a couple of weeks you might be able to pull it off but whether it's now whether it's five years from now whether it's ten years from now at some point your body is going to collapse and if you want to keep doing what you're doing 20 years from now then you need to strengthen your core and do nothing more and I didn't even know I said what's a core you know and apples got a call like what is your issue she goes Chris that's the part of you it holds together your whole skeletal system you're standing running jumping sitting moving every movement you make stems from your core so everyone now just put your shoulders back breathe in that's right there here's your core okay that's how you should sit all night and she goes you need to strengthen that so she rolled out this little blue mat at least of my trainers a bit new age she's fantastic but you know we're on a journey and so she rolls it out Shikata believes that were all gone to Nirvana innatron reading a piranha hugging her well holding a rock kissing a tree you know so we're all kind of it and I'm lying on that mat little yoga mat deal and she's like Christine can you kind of feel it I'm liking Lisa I'm feeling nothing look at this personality type I'm not feeling anything and I'm paying you a lot of money to not feel anything so can we get with the program but you know what as I like lay on that mat as I lay on that mat the Holy Spirit spoke to me over those six weeks in a big big way and actually answered some things in my life that I've been wondering for a long time I've been doing what I'm doing by the grace of God planted and sent out of one local church for 20 years but I've wondered I said God what is it going to take to reach our world I couldn't understand for many years I'd asked him why have we not done the job yet we've got Christian television we've got Christian books we've got Christian music we've got more access to resources than we've ever had more revelation more teaching or anything than we've ever had why have we'd the church not got the job done yet the interesting thing is cuz you know I couldn't work it out and I said you know God I I travel the world I'm dragging my family around the world and we're all kind of waiting for the next evangelist to come to town to win our world to Christ and the truth is if I try to go everywhere in my lifetime I'm not going to be able to do that there's got to be a a better plan there's got to be a better way there has to be a more effective way of us doing what God has placed us on the earth to do and really over the tonight tomorrow and Sunday it's really all I'm going to talk about because the truth is that when I was lying on that mat a huge key dropped into my spirit that pretty much has changed the way I do a lot of things and the way I communicate a lot of things I know for some of you you're a bit of shocked that I might even take this term because you think unreal a chick from Hillsong she's gonna sing but the truth is only if I was gonna sing shout to the Lord tonight you would all cry to the Lord so it's not going to happen that we don't all sing it or listen to Traci sing next to me I think it's just like an angel I I make a joyful noise unto the Lord that's really about where it comes we don't all sing let me just tell you incidentally in our church there is a church behind the music a strong powerful local church there has a revelation of what the church is on the earth to do the music simply the arrowhead I think the God's using to break things open for a bigger message that God's got but that's another time another sermon but the point is that lying on that mat I felt the Holy Spirit say to me Christine in the same way that we have a physical core we also have a spiritual core and the reason why my body struggles on the earth to be the lights to be the salt that we're called to be is because our inner world our inner spiritual core is weak and what many of us try to do is we go to church and we come to conferences we get fired up we get pumped up we get some revelation and we run ahead trying to put it into practice and we can last maybe a week maybe two weeks maybe three days but then we find ourselves falling back into destructive patterns of behavior how we used to be and our whole spiritual journey is more like a yo-yo we come here we get fired up let's go win the world and you know we go back and we may be nice to our husband for two days and then back we are into our normal routines and a whole Christian life is let's get saved on Sunday let's get our little spiritual IV drip in and let's try to survive for another few days and then pastor I'm I'm back in I've barely made it this week thank God and can can you shove another IV drip and get me saved again and most churches on the earth just spend their weeks with the pastors trying to get the Christians saved so forget a lust in a broken world imagine if we clicked into how to keep ourselves safe so we could get into the house of God and prophetically get a word from God and allow the church to be the church on the earth so I said Lord well then what do you mean we've got a physical and a spiritual core and you don't even need to turn there we're also familiar with this scripture he said if you go to what we've labeled the Great Commandment he said it's all there the Lord took 613 mosaic laws put them together in a couple of verses in Matthew 22 verses 37 to 39 he said what is the greatest commandment here it is said I'm gonna sum up all those 613 rules and I'm gonna make it so simple for my church he said this is it love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind and then guess what I've got a second commandment which is just like the first can't separate them they're both linked and love your neighbor as you love yourself so let me take 613 mosaic laws and let's break them down into two love God love people if you did that church you'd get the job done and it all sounds great but if it's that easy love God love people why haven't we done it yet why haven't we avenged evangelize the known world yet if it's that simple it's because I sincerely believe most Christians do love God with all our heart all our soul all our mine except we love him with a broken heart our wounded soul in our tormented mind and see when you love God with a fragmented inner core spiritually God said you could have loved me with everything but he brought it down to these three things cuz out of these three things stem everything else your heart muscle your soul muscle in your mind muscle and daily just like daily I still have to get on my mat and strengthen my core do my ab work do my push-ups do my weight work then there are three muscles spiritually it doesn't matter how much I grow in my life with the Lord that I must always strengthen and that's my heart muscle my soul muscle in my mind muscle because if any of these muscles get weak then a whole life and our whole body collapses because if those muscles are not strong and we don't love God with our whole whal with a complete whole heart so mine then it impacts how we see him if I see God through a broken heart a wounded soul a fragmented a sorry a fat and IA and a tormented mind if I see him through that then that impacts how I see myself and how I see myself totally impacts how I treat other people you know it's interesting when Nick and I were engaged and you know it took me by the hand once I thought he was gonna say something so romantic - Meeny great he goes honey literally this is what he said to me goes honey do you know what my greatest goal in life is and I went what babe and you guys had one day I want to be able to love you almost as much as you do some of you will get that soon - which never being one to be short for words I went honey it is in your best interest that I love myself this much and he said what do you mean I said well what's a great command he said love the Lord your God with all your heart soul of mind I win and and he said and love your neighbor as you love yourself I said exactly that is what the issue is with most of the body of Christ we do love our neighbor as we love ourselves we just don't really like ourselves and if we could get a revelation truly of who we are in him then you know what we wouldn't have to try to evangelize we wouldn't have to try to be a Christian and everywhere I go I hear people you know Christine I'm just trying to act like a Christian and I'm thinking if you just were one you wouldn't be trying to act like one you just would be one you'd be acting like one but you wouldn't be acting you really would be one which is why I wrote my books stop acting like a Christian just be one and so that was the whole point and if we could get to a point where we could just be authentically who were created to be we would be light we would be salt we wouldn't have to try to be a big Christian it would just come out of our outflow of our love relationship with God coming from a whole heart a whole soul and a whole mind and then we'd be able to transform the world around us it's not that difficult but what happens love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and track with me you're gonna have to come back tomorrow because I'm gonna go a little bit all over the place to land this plane but you know what happened to us somewhere along the line we got so caught up with thinking that Christianity is an external behavior modification program you know I'm a Christian now this is how you supposed to act and how I'm supposed to act assault defined by what I no longer do I'm a Christian I don't drink drinkin and smokin and swearing and smile I'm a nerd I went you know I'm function I'll wear really nerdy clothing but that's what I am because I'm a Christian and I will tell you that I'm a Christian based on how many things I don't do and we define our whole Christian life by what I no longer do it's interesting to me we've lost a passion for this thing called life you know I travel so much and we're involved in a lot of church planting and leadership development in Europe and you go and see empty Cathedral after empty Cathedral cathedrals that in their heyday would have house six and seven thousand people that are now dead empty tourist monuments got to pay five euros to go in and and and look at a city from a steeple and an empty building I remember I was in the top of one of those in Florence bawling my eyes out going God how do I know this is gonna happen in our church that a hundred years from now because whoever built this church didn't build it for it to become a tourist attraction how do I know 100 years from now people aren't gonna fly to Sydney and go a tourist monument remember what used to happen there thousands of people used to come these to sing songs that went around the world and that's when that phrase dropped into my spirit whether lots of Chris this is what happens when the church stops being the church and the church starts doing Church on a weekend and so the point is that somewhere we lost our passion our passion for the very thing that God lost his passion for you go what what is God passionate about well Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost Jesus came to restore humanity to the Father Jesus came to give his life for a lost and a broken and a dying world God is obsessed with loss people God is obsessed with the lust and the broken he's passionate about it he's not looking for a religious institution but a group of women and a church that is passionate about what he is passionate about when your heart beats for what God's heart beats for then you don't have to try to do evangelism it's just who you are you'll know if you're still passionate about the things of God especially those of us that have been walking with the Lord for a while it's amazing you'll know because you do what you want from passion you do what you have to do when it's a obligation you know when I was when I met Nick I went to do a lecture in Bible School and he was a student I was the teacher was the same age but he went to school Bible School after me and and he tells this story that I walked in and he fell in love with the teacher and we had a rule in our Bible school that students cannot date each other but there was no rules for students and teachers and so he came on a bit of a quest and he found out from my best friend that every morning I swam at 6 a.m. in our local swimming pool so he would turn up 6:00 a.m. he would do laps and I've never seen him I've been doing this for a year never and then all of a sudden I'm getting there at 6:00 and there's a guy already doing laps up and down the pool after about a week we bumped into each other Nick what are you doing here and he go the male defensive you know what you mean what am I doing here I'm always here at 6 o'clock in the morning I love swimming at 6 o'clock in the morning you know I've been married to that man for 13 years and never once ever in 13 years says my husband ever got up at 6 o'clock in the morning cuz you do what you want out of passion no one has to make you come to church no one has to make you witness no one has to make you read the Bible no one has to make you tithe no one has to make you pray you do what you want out of passion did you notice when Mel Gibson made the movie The Passion of the Christ he didn't call it the boring religious obligation of the Christ it was the passion in fact when the passion was released two weeks later I was in a restaurant in Baton Rouge and we done church that morning and I'm and Jim Caviezel was in the restaurant now I'm not normally starstruck but I have to admit I was and so really inappropriately loudly very inappropriately across the restaurant really loud I went oh my gosh this Jesus okay now one would think I would know the difference right but anyway I'm freaking cuz you know that movie so impacted me and I'm like I who's seen the passion okay so I'm freaking out and I'm thinking oh my gosh that's Jesus and so the person that was with me said Christine settled down I'll take you to meet him my heart was thumping right and we went there and um my friend never said anything to him about what I did or anything he just said Jim this is my friend from Sydney Australia Christine and he went you're from Australia and then he's sitting and he's really tall and I'm not tall so I was standing and we were at the same height and so and I'm looking into his eyes and all I could think about was oh my gosh those eyes on the cross they didn't use filters they were your eyes anyway so I might freak it out okay it was not freaky and so weird because you're from Australia and I'm not joking he stood up and he looked down at me and he goes there are not many believers in Australia are they I'm not freaking oh no nobody believes in Australia there are no and then no joke for the next 15 minutes he full-on started witness I mean everything the blood the cross the resurrection he was so passionate I did not have the heart to tell him I was a Christian it was so passionate and honestly ladies I had made up my mind if he was gonna ask me to pray the sinner's prayer I was down I was prodded passion passion the Passion of the Christ God says I need you to be passionate about what I'm passionate about not out of guilt and condemnation not out of some sort of broken heart or a wounded soul or a tormented mind but I need you to know who you are in me so that you can love your neighbor as you love yourself the me part and God wanting to bless us and God wanting to prosper us and us getting a revelation of who we are in Christ it's not just for us it's because there is a world that is dying and needs the hope and life and light of the Lord Jesus Christ it needs the church to a and know who we are in him so that we could do what is called us to do the law Scott is obsessed about for must in Luke chapter 15 three parables about the one subject in three different ways Jesus talks to us about a lost son he talks to us about a lost coin he talks to us about a lost sheep God is obsessed with the lost he's this church you're my spiritual GPS system you've got to get over yourself and you've got to know who you are in me because I've planted you wherever you are in the world because you're my GPS sister you see you and I are not a product of time we are a product of eternity God has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and he's given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation and so he didn't just put you here in Boise Idaho by accident out of all of the billions of people he's created throughout all of eternity he saw 2009 he knew what the condition of the country would be in any thought out of every one I've created who would be the best for me to plant in that city at that time and he saw you and he plucked you out of eternity and he positioned you in time and he said okay now we've got a world to reach now I need you to be salt and light in the midst of that broken and that dying world and you know what he says let me explain to you a little bit about that world because for too long the church well have we done our we've been very good about judging that world condemning that world talking about that world pontificating about that world but not in any way shape or form understanding it Jesus says you're my GPS system let me tell you how people get lost now because they're big bad evil horrible demonic sinners let me tell you by and large so he begins and tells us three stories he says let me give you an example of a sheep there's a lost sheep I live in Australia there's a lot of sheep you could be driving down the street and here we have you know a paddock at the end of the day we're so many sheep and then this other little paddock with one sheep on its own it didn't start the day wanting to be lost it just had its head down all day it was preoccupied with eating stuck its head up at the end of the day went baa I'm lost it was just preoccupied and got lost you know we have a lot of people on the earth very preoccupied trying to pay the bills trying to keep their kids off drugs trying to stay married trying to work out if there's going to be a tomorrow they are preoccupied and they've ended up lost or maybe like the lost coin it didn't get lost on its own Jesus says hang on let's look a little bit beyond this there's a woman she was very careless with that coin and that coin got lost well we have a generation with whom those who have been entrusted with stewardship over that generation have been very careless with their generation and the generation has ended up lost politically we haven't been great stewards morally economically socially as the church we haven't necessarily been great stewards you know a lot of people end up lost because people should have been looking after their lives and they weren't that's how I ended up lost I'll talk a lot more about this tomorrow but you know I grew up in second-generation migrant Greek Greek is my first anyone seen my Big Fat Greek Wedding that's my big fat Greek life so Greek is my first language I didn't speak English until I was five and so I grew up pre multicultural Australia when it was not cool to be Greek and we were you know had eggs and stones thrown at our house almost daily graffiti over our house go back to your own country with extremely derogatory phrases being told to us daily marginalized because of my ethnicity grew up in a Greek Orthodox culture staunch Greek Orthodox culture men on one side women on the other the whole Greek Orthodox tradition is built on the Levitical priesthood women were never encouraged to aspire anything or to dream any kind of dreams highest call for any Greek woman was you know married at three kids at four and great-grandkids of five were one big lean mean breeding machine and so which is fine but there's a bit more to life been there done that there's a few more things to do until everyone everywhere I'm a Greek Orthodox mother's nightmare I did not marry until I was thirty I didn't have my first baby until I was 35 and I'm a Pentecostal preacher it doesn't get any worse for my Greek mother so my culture my tradition my ethnicity my gender well lots of reasons why I perhaps couldn't have done what God called me to do pretty much every week of my life from the time I was three years old until the time I was fifteen I was abused at the hands of four men for 12 years weekly if not more often most young women with that kind of background don't normally end up doing what I'm doing they end up by the drug dependent or alcohol dependent two or three different kids to two or three different fathers gay or at the very least confused about their gender identity these people that were entrusted with stewardship over my life were careless with my life and I ended up lost and then he goes on and he says well you know what there's a son and that son perhaps you know what he just miscalculated he simply thought a life without the father would be better than a life with the father and he pursued his own interests and ended up lost Jesus says there's lots of reasons why people end up lost we have a world full of lost people whether they have been lost because they've just been preoccupied or perhaps somewhere along the line someone else was careless with their life or perhaps out of their own volition they chose to miscalculate make some really dumb decisions it really doesn't matter why they've ended up lost but Church you have to understand that I've called you to go and seek and save that which is lost you need to go you are my spiritual GPS system that's why you're in that job that's why you're in that school that's why you're in that university that's why you live on that Street that's why you go to that supermarket you are my spiritual GPS system you know for the sake of our marriage a few years ago my husband and I bought a little GPS thing for the car and we have a fantastic marriage but there would be many times of intense fellowship in the front seat of that and apparently I have the capacity to talk to millions of people worldwide but not to be able to communicate my husband across a seat when I'm holding a map book and he thinks that I can't read the thing and I think he thinks the 11th commandment is thou shalt never stop to us for instructions and so you know we would have a very deep fellowship and so we went and bought a GPS system now you know in Australia we have this one called a nav man and so we got the nav man and we put him in the car we you know and we've got it all connected and then when we turned it on I realized it was false advertising because this thing lied it was not a nav man she was a woman I mean this woman started to talk to us and you know what really ticked me off is that my husband would listen to that woman fully he would listen to her so I called her Matilda cuz I'm from Australia so I'd get in the car with Matilda and I love doing this comm bit weird you'll get that by the end of this weekend and so I go to the code Matilda to show her who's the wife in this relationship and so I love it because Matilda is she goes you know like next exit right off the freeway and this is what I say out loud I go no it's fantastic and I go straight past the exit and I love it cuz then she goes all snowy and foggy and fuzzy right and she's about to have a heart attack you can see it happen and then what you do is you take the next exit and then fully she goes into cardiac arrest flatline it's just dark and this flatline comes across through a road it's a full-on flatline and then all of a sudden you just see on the screen these words come up rerouting rerouting you know what our job is Church to be right there on the exit ramps of life for people and when they're about to take a wrong turn off the X off the freeway of life we go you know what got us place me here to help you reroute back to the relationship for which you were created to help reroute you back to make the right choice see we are is search and rescue T C gone are the days of pretty little women's conferences I'm telling you where all about need it you know you I stayed in youth ministry for 15 years because I never wanted to graduate to women's miseries I just thought oh my gosh those stupid women's deals but we'd all come down and snot and cry and it's all depressing and it's all about me and heal me fix me break me and you know I'm like could you give in life and get over it we serve a resurrected God with resurrection power we've got a lost a broken world to reach so thank God but it's a new dating new hour for chick Steel's I'm telling you because we've got a job to do girls we're part of this deal there were God's spiritual GPS system how do we get so far away and I'm giving you some history because tomorrow I'll talk about heart soul and mind let me tell you I feed every government funding category in my nation there's definitely a platform for me to speak into it brokenness and also to testify that Jesus didn't die so we could stay there but we'll get there tomorrow I'll be nice tonight and so the point is the point is how do we get so far away as a church from what God called us to be how do we get so consumed with so much else other than the priority of what we are on the planet to do turn with me to John chapter 17 and my time is almost up I'm just saying that because I haven't got a clue when it is so I'm just saying that so don't worry about it and I'm not asking I'm looking straight down at the read writing that Jesus spoke in in John 17 because whenever Jesus spoke it was in read okay John 17 verse 14 jesus said I have given them your word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world I do not pray this is the verse that I think has been taken out of most Christians Bibles do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one they are not of the world just as I'm not of the world sanctify them by your truth Your Word is truth as you sent me I also have sent them into the world so Jesus in verse 15 says let me just qualify to everybody what I'm not praying I'm not praying for a quick rapture I'm not praying for us for and no more to be hidden away I'm not praying that we somehow get taken out of this world and avoid this world I'm praying that we are in it but not of it Jesus says I do not pray that you take them out of the world as you sent me I'm sending them it's what he said now if I had a big circle here of what the world was this is what most Christians would think is worldly and now depending what tradition you're in and what era we've lived in long hair short hair makeup no makeup dresses pants alcohol tattoos piercings whatever we it's interesting what we label as worldly and we think Jesus taught me not to be worldly so I'm gonna come out from amongst the most and be used separatist in King Jamis to English system and I don't want to be like that big bad oak a book a monster world and so it's all about what I wear it's all about how I talk it's all about external behavior modification and so you know I'm a Christian I don't do this anymore I'm a Christian I don't drink I'm a Christian I don't gotta here I'm a Christian and we define our whole life by what we no longer do but if you read the Bible which is always a novelty what the Bible calls worldly are things like lust and greed and envy and gossip and slander and jealousy and stealing even if it's just someone else's reputation and lying and cheating and chauvinism and sexism and racism and that's what the Bible the Bible calls worldly so Jesus says I want you to be in it but not of it but we thought I know I've got to come out from amongst them and be here separatist so we've come us over hearest and we've built an artificial social construct some call it the church and we are totally disconnected from the very world that we're called to reach and yet in Matthew 5 Jesus says you are the light of the world you are the salt of the earth but we're over here disconnected from the world now not in the American Church just in the Australian Church the only problem is when we came out from amongst them to be here as the separatists we bought us with us so remember over there I said what worldly was and we used those words of lust and greed and gossip and slander and envy and lying and cheating and stealing well we brought all that with us so instead of being over here and being in the world but not of it case you're wondering why we're so ineffective on the planet this is what we've done we've come over here and we are off the world but not in it now it's very hard to change a world you're not in it is even harder to change a world that you are the same substance as now of course we built a defense fortress around ourselves we speak our own language praise God hallelujah been redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb and every unchurched American understands that and you could come in here if you sing like me talk like me dance at home boy we've got our own industry our own music we've got our own you know our own um books and tapes and we've got the whole deal it's fantastic you didn't even have to be a Christian to live in this artificial social construct you just got to be able to act like one for a couple of hours on a Sunday over here though boy that's a challenge because you really have to be one have you ever noticed that non church people really know how Christians should be acting Christians are they'll forgive that was they'll excuse everything that the Bible never excuse us but Christians will do it oh you don't need to forgive Christine how could you possibly forgive the perpetrators of your abuse 12 years no wonder you're angry no wonder you're better no wonder you can't submit yourself under one Church no wonder you couldn't submit yourself under my authority no one could expect you to do that Christine after what you've been through as if in the book of Matthew where Jesus says if you don't forgive your brother his sin against you then God will not forgive you your sins against him you know I read that for a lot of years looking for a disclaimer clause it didn't say except if you have been abused for 12 years it's amazing what we will excuse that the Bible never does and while that does escape Christians in Chains and in bondage and not free to do what God's called us to do but we'll talk about that tomorrow so we've built a defense fortress around ourselves this is what we've reduced it to we act how we want we do whatever and we hide it under our Christianese and then what happens is the Evangelist comes to town and we go home my gosh and puts a big guilt trip on us and says this morning we're gonna you know read from Matthew 28 and we're like oh my gosh the great suggestion God is suggesting guilt-trip God is suggesting this is my annual guilt trip pastor gets to it it's evangelism week Oh No he's saying if you're having a bad hair day your nails are chipped you've got nothing else to do you know go into all that world and tell the world that Jesus lives and you're like oh my gosh and vandalism that's right the Great Commission okay well that's not really my gift that's not my call it's not my love language it's not my personality profile on the disk survey that's not really you know that's for the Navy SEALs of the Christian Church that's for the elite troops that's for the big guns that's for the Joyce Myers the Benny Hinn's the Chris Cain's the Reinhardt banquise that's for them types those weird types doo doo doo doo doo where are they in the church it's for the weirdos because it's not what I'm called to do pastor it's just not my gift which to be a witness for Christ is not a gift or a call it's a mandate incidentally for every Christian but we'll get there and we go that's not my gift so we're going to get those those types whoever they are but they're not me that's all I know and they're the ones that do the evangelism team deal so I'm Friday night this is what we've reduced reaching the world - we've reduced it all to these weirdos from church that I've got their little for spiritual lost track and they're going to do their evangelism on Friday night because it's their job not mine and so they get in a little holy huddle because we got to be protected against that big bad evil boogie monster the devil and so we shun - hunter Kawasaki Suzuki and we're all ready and we've got all our big prayer and then we go okay they're gonna go out into that big world and we are gonna let the drawbridge down and they're armed and they're dangerous and off we go and they go into this big world and there's some poor guy just wanting to take his girlfriend out to a movie in Boise if you got movie theaters here okay - a movie to a movie in Boise okay we've been sitting next to him and work all week but we've been avoiding him lest we become worldly and so now we don't even know his name but you know what he wants to take his girlfriend out to a movie but no this is my evangelism night and so we just accost him in the street shop a track down his throat did you know Jesus Christ died for your sin if you don't repent right now you gonna die and get everlasting hell I want you to say this incantation will prayer after me oh my gosh I'm a Christian and I turn into a pumpkin it's ten o'clock if you want to look like me sing want me dance like me next Sunday ten o'clock come to church thanks very much and we run back in here and we put up the drawbridge and we go praise God hallelujah I've done my Vangelis on for the week praise God praise God and we've reduced it to this thing that somebody else does That's not me because it's not my call that's totally disconnected to that world and yet when Jesus was walking along the shoreline of Capernaum calling his disciples in Matthew 4 it's interesting what he said to them he said to them follow me and then he went on in Matthew 4:18 and I will make you what a celebrity a big mega God Superstar no no no he said follow me and I won't make you a Fisher of men if you're shy it is okay because I'll take that shyness and I'll make it that would make us to shape to frame to form to construct he says if you follow me I'll take that personality and I'll shape it I'll frame it off for me and I'll construct it into a Fisher of men if you follow me and you're married it's ok I'll take that and I'll shape it and I'll frame it and I'll form it and I'll construct it into a Fisher of men you're following me you're a politician fantastic I'll take that and I'll shape it and I'll frame it and I'll form it and I'll construct it into a Fisher of men you're a doctor that's awesome I'm gonna take that and I'm going to shape it I'm gonna frame it I'm gonna form it I'm gonna construct it into a Fisher men your student awesome I'm gonna take it I'm going to shape it I'm going to frame it I'm going to form it I'm going to construct it into a Fisher of men that is our mandate and the evidence that you are a follower of Christ is that you are becoming a Fisher of men and let me put this out there if you are not becoming a Fisher of men I'm not sure who you're following but I don't know that it's Jesus because he said follow me and I will make you whatever you are I'll make you this one thing there ought to be something magnetic about us ladies there ought to be something attraction about us that doesn't repel a world but attracts them there ought to be something about Christians that is totally functional in many ways especially when it comes to relationships which is why Jesus said by this will all men know you're my disciples not by your big mega church it's not even by how many worship CDs you sell but this will all men know you are my disciples by the love you have one for another you got to be pretty functional to be able to have authentic love one for another you want to be functional to love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind and we will focus on those three muscles tomorrow morning you'll be functional to love him with all of that so you have the capacity to love others as you love yourself and that makes Matthew five not something huh I'm trying to be salt no you don't have to try you are he says I'm trying to be light you don't have to try you just are you just saw it comes out of who we are we're not scared of the big bad evil boogie monster - oh it's so dark and evil let me give you an example my little daughter Oh in Walmart chicas mummy can you buy me a flashlight and I bought her a little Barbie flashlight and she gets the opens the packet and puts a little batteries in I'm telling you this is moral a word for us than almost anything else that's impacted my spirit this year she puts the batteries in we're sitting at the checkout in Walmart it's all totally lit and she turns that flashlight on and this is out of the mouths of a three year old she looks at me first thing she said to me she goes mummy let's go find some darkness and I tell you it went into my spirit like anything and I mean cuz that's what's normal I've got a flashlight I've got some batteries now there's nothing else I'm not trying to run away from that darkness because I know great I will of the Scriptures greater is He that is in me than is he that is in the world and that she just goes let's go find some darkness the minute I turn up with this little flashlight it doesn't matter how dark it is suddenly their place has been illuminated and the light and the life and the hope and the liberty and the restoration of Jesus Christ has turned up that's how it works he says I want you smack bang in the midst of this world but don't be like it don't lie don't cheat on your tax return don't steal even if it's just someone else's reputation don't gossip don't slander oh boy that's hard because you got to be with the real deal to do that Jesus says it's so easy to turn to change this world let's just get the light back where it's supposed to be see you don't see the pitch blackness from outside coming into this room taking over this room at all the only way this room will ever get dark there's any one way switch the light off you wonder why our world in every sphere medicine politics law science education morale in every sphere you'd wonder why it's dark not because Satan's got any power but because we turned all the lights off and ran away we educated our responsibility to be in the world but not of it so what we need is a generation of Christians that will rise up and be light in the midst of dark places and we'll understand their place if you had a finish with this units and a stake and you had a whole packet of salt and you took all of that salt and you open the whole packet and you threw that hot packet and all on that one piece of steak and then you took a bite of that steak the first thing you're likely to do is spit it out because it's unpalatable full of so much salt and what we have done is taken us and put all the salt in one big block and then we expect the world to come in and have a bite and we wonder why they spit us out and we're unpalatable when God said if church if you would just get this ladies if you wouldn't they get to be happy gift or a calling you'd have to be a prophet or a pastor and apostle and evangelist or a teacher you just gotta be a Christian and every day when you go out you take a little bit of salt and you sprinkle your bit of salt and you sprinkle your bit of salt and you sprinkle your bit of salt and you sprinkle your bit of salt and together all our salt will salt the earth and we'll be able to give the world back the flavor of Jesus that this world desperately needs church that's what God has called us to do this deal is not difficult but our life is not about ourselves our life is about a lost in a dying world and I say this is a 42 year old mother with a three year old and a seven year old a fantastic husband you can't have it all as long as it's God's all and you can't fit it all in because it's all so supernatural you need supernatural empowerment from a supernatural God to fulfill a supernatural destiny and your life is not called to be my life I'm responsible to God for my life but you are responsible to God for your life and your life is bigger than your four walls and your nice little picket fence there is a world that is dying and going to a crustless eternity it near needs the women of God to rise up and be who God's called us to be and to do what God's called us to do so that we can reach a lost in a broken world so we started we've gone full circle about the why behind the what and tomorrow morning I really pray you come early because I want to talk about what it is what it is to have a strong heart muscle a strong soul muscle and a strong mind muscle you didn't see anyone with a more broken heart than me with a more wounded soul than me and a more torment in my mind than me and if God could do a miracle from the inside out with me then God can do it with any person in this room and God can strengthen you God can restore you God can bring back hope and life and things you've given up on I'm telling you the Spirit of God can bring back life and liberty and strength and wholeness and you can rise up and be the woman that God's called you to be and you can do what God's called you to do and together in this part of America we can make a difference and see this part of the world one for Jesus Christ in Jesus name Amen amen and amen and amen friend you know God loves you there's no doubt about that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost which meant so many things but a part of that is those of us that are out of relationship separated from him I wonder if you know him tonight not do you know about him but do you know him in a real it's amazing to me how many people can be going to church for 10 15 maybe 20 years and somehow think by osmosis by sitting in a church service you become a Christian but that's not how it happens at some point friend you have got to make a decision to surrender your life to the lordship of Jesus Christ and you know I went to church for 18 years almost every Sunday I knew all about God but I didn't know him in a real way there's a real difference between religion and authentic relationship with Jesus tonight at the outset of this conference and we still got all tomorrow to go but you know why don't you spend why don't you not spend one more second out of right relationship with God and make a decision right on the first night to get your life right with God maybe a friend invited you here tonight you know you weren't even sure what you were coming to they lied they said I'm taking you to a nightclub and here you are with this five foot nothing little Greek yelling at you like well what is this a Monty Python show you know what you're not here by accident friend you're here in the divine timing the plan and the purpose of God God has brought you here to restore you to relationship with him maybe you once walked with God but if you are honest tonight you've been away from him cold in your heart maybe even backslidden tonight for him why don't you make a decision this is not a day or an hour to be playing games with God why don't you make a decision to stop running from him come back to him make your peace with him put Jesus Christ first in your life he loves you so much I just want every head bowed every eye closed not one moving just for the final moments of this service and from wherever he's sitting from the front to the back from the left to the right if you say you know what Chris you're talking to me tonight I recognize that I need a fresh start with Jesus Christ either for the very first time or I've been away from God cold in my heart but I want what you're talking about I recognize I need a fresh start with Jesus tonight I don't want religion I want an authentic relationship with Jesus Chris what he's done for you I want him to do for me I want to know the reality of that relationship friend if that's you then I want to pray just a simple but powerful prayer with you tonight to put Jesus Christ first in your life if you say Chris that's me then wherever you're sitting just so that I know who I'm praying with tonight would you just raise your hand up right now high and long and say Chris thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you think I love this I love honesty thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you fantastic I see those hands it's just awesome there is nothing better than getting serious with God I see you over here and over there and over there thank you you've not raised your hand yet but you know that you should thanks on the end of the road just back over there thank you ma'am I see you right over there from the holy spirits of drawing people to himself how fantasticks that I love that I love that this is what we're gonna do why don't we all just stand together I don't want anyone talking Christians I want you praying you know there was a number like at least 20 of you that raised your hand tonight and you know we're gonna do something cuz it's very very significant and I figured if I could fly 25 hours across the world then you could do this I said I wanted to pray with you but there's too many like literally in every section of this auditorium there's too many of you for me to come individually and kind of jump over every seat and pray but I do want to pray with you and if you raised your hand even if you didn't but you know that you should have in just one moment I'm gonna ask you to do something in just a moment I'm gonna ask you to step out of wherever you're standing and come and face me and you might think man but Chris you know this kind of a Christian chicks conference what are people gonna think you know what there is nothing better than you're getting courageous and honest with God I'll tell you what we're gonna think we're gonna think you are a winner you are a champion you are absolutely awesome that's what we are going to think you know what if you're kind of in the middle of a row when you're wondering you know how am I gonna get out just kind of say excuse me if they don't move kick them and just do whatever it's honestly it's okay but I do want to meet you and I do want to pray with you so all of you that raised your hand or even if you didn't if you feel comfortable grabbing a girlfriend's hand drag her out with you but why don't you just come out of wherever you are right now come and stand here so that I can meet you come on come on I want you to come to Jesus tonight let's give my hand you come that's fantastic or from over here come come tonight to Jesus friend come make your peace with God and put Jesus first this is awesome bring your friends to Jesus tonight I love this come and stand here there's no back rows keep standing that's it they're coming I want you to come down the side come come to Jesus tonight friend there's nothing greater than making your peace with God and putting Jesus Christ first in your life that's it they're coming I want you to keep coming I want you to keep coming there's not more powerful than saying yes you guys are gutsy and awesome for being honest I think it's fantastic so cool I love that and especially at a conference you know when we stop dropping our masks and get real with God he can use that that's where it all starts this whole deal starts when we get real with him I'm gonna pray we are all gonna pray this out loud with conviction in agreement with every one of these awesome ladies and wish you could see what I see there are so many tears here and I'm hoping if there's any prayer counsel is there anything you'll come and stand with someone because there's a lot of Tears happening here as always with women we are so good at keeping Kleenex in business okay so I'm gonna pray and let's all pray together let's pray this out loud after me in church all together dear Jesus I'm standing here tonight because I want to say I'm sorry that I've been living my life my own way and ignoring you I am sorry that I've sinned against you and I asked tonight that you would forgive me for all of my sins give me a fresh start tonight and a hope for the future I want to be a Christian a follower of Jesus Christ every single day for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen amen come on ladies let's thank God how awesome in you go you know guys all of you here you are so important to God and you know what this is just gonna take a couple of minutes but you came here for a reason and we got someone that just wants to pray with you just make sure that you're okay and just help direct you in the next part of your journey so would you just turn this way and face this door we're just gonna go out there for some privacy so someone can pray with you we're gonna give you a big hand as you go come on let's give them all a hand as I go how awesome is this you guys go this way come on ladies you can do better than that how fantastic I love seeing people respond to the love of God I love it so cool you can be seated well how cool is that I like that traffic jam human traffic jams for Jesus we love that ladies I don't want you to miss anything of this conference you know the day I've just sort of selective will I go when I go you're to position yourself to where God's speaking God's speaking to his church and we want to be positioned as women of God right there where God is and I just want to encourage you to be here bright and early and you know tomorrow I minister differently because I imagine there'll be it's like taking a lid off a can of worms when you start talking about heart soul and mind issues but you got to know that God desperately wants to bring healing and restaurant and living proof I'm living proof that God still does miracles today that God does can and us restore reconcile make whole and equip and empower you to go out and do what he's called you to do so you want to make sure that you are part of everything you know Kay just in case some of you won't be here let me I'm not all about I am passionate about God's church and I'm passionate about resourcing God's church to rise up and be who God's called us to be because we've got a job to do as the church and you know you're only ever going to get so much you know a bit this morning and a bit yummy so a bit tonight in a bit this morning and so the reason we make resources available is for that reason you know it's not that I love that my daughters grow up and read books their mums been abused or you'll hear the rest of my story tomorrow morning which you'll think oh my gosh dude Lord Jesus if you could do it for who you could do it for me and the fact is that I'm the reason we put this stuff down is to give you tools to overcome and move up and into the purpose that God has for your life so if you're not going to come back and you don't have time to look at resources the thing that I've got particularly is this a life Unleashed and it's all about the journey to wholeness and how to give birth to the dreams that God's got on the inside of you so I think you know in a world that has no hope the best thing that we the church can do is dream the God dreams and show this world that God dreams do come to pass and no matter what Wall Street's saying no matter what the news is saying no matter what anybody else to say the God dream will come to pass and how many girls in this room is single it's not a disease it's okay you're like I've got a PhD in singleness because you know I didn't I was the president of the singles to rapture club in Bible School and the number one reason why most girls why most girls end up walking away from their god-given destiny is over the issue of guys because this what happens this is my whole dating and relationship theory the goal is Jesus if you're going a million miles an hour towards the goal Jesus wherever your partner is guess what he's doing got a million miles an hour towards the goal Jesus if you stay on track at some point you're gonna collide you are not then gonna need to take two years off to have a look at how much hairs on each other's legs and how much fluff is in each other's enable navel you will keep doing what you've always been doing going towards the goal Jesus but this what happens to most girls they get to here and go I'm 14 and I'm not married so they run over here and freak out and then spend the rest of their life trying to bring somebody else over here and I know the Bible says want to put a thousand to flight and two will put ten thousand to fly but you know what if you're half an emotional waiting for your knight in shining armor sweetheart he came 2000 years ago incidentally but anyway if you're kind of a half emotional waiting to be made complete by a man and he's a half emotional waiting to be you know make completing you then all you're gonna have is two half emotional cripples that you know together walk forward emotionally crippled the greatest gift you can give to your partner is a complete you in Christ and here complete hemming Christ and together you become an interdependent unit in Christ that kicks some serious double butt and makes a difference on the earth that's what it's all about so whole bunch of stuff out there about relationship and how to do it well and kind of I'll talk about some of the other stuff tomorrow tonight resonated with you the stop acting like a Christian stuff I think will really really help people but guys I keep saying Church I love the church okay we're all church women men that's all okay but um let me just say I tell you holy spirits yeah here so so here so you don't want to miss anything that he is gonna do for some of us the lights are going on big-time the lights are going on realizing that we're here for a reason much much bigger than ourselves the God's got a purpose and a plan in the day of playing Church is finished that we have got to get with the program because the Lord is accelerating things on the earth big time and I'm telling you you just got to be breathing to get a clue that God is accelerating things this is not an hour or a day to be kind of asleep and the day of prissy little chicks deals is finished and I thank God that this is an awesome Church with such great vision and direction and that even you know the pastor's of the church pastor Ken and Connie are just so in vision to say you know what we're gonna partner together with an emerging generation and together we are going to reach the generations and we're going to be part of them you think that God's doing and you know what this whole deal is about when I talk about generations look I'm 42 how old are you 28 she's like a baby and so I'm kind of in-between both of us now but this is what the the dictionary says a generation is a group of people that are alive at the same time so hands up if you woke up this morning and there was not a white chalk mark around your body okay that means that you are alive and it means God's got a plan for you God's got a purpose for you God's got a destiny for you and it ain't over till it's over so we together as women of God are gonna rise up and do what God's called us to do and be what is called us to do
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 23,255
Rating: 4.8847008 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine a21, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2018, 2020 Is Your Year, essage 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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