Christine Caine | The Bridge to Your Calling Part 1

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some of us are not growing into the purpose of God and we're not walking in alignment with the call of God because we're not willing to do what we don't want to do we're just like that's not my gift that's not my talent that's not my strength finder that's not where I fit on the disc profile I'm like I'll give you strength finder sweetheart you know it's in my weakness that his power is made perfect that he is made strong when I am weak if all you're gonna do is work your strengths you're never gonna see the power of God show up in this culture I so often see people who want the rewards without the work who want the power without the pursuit but the plans of God are not microwavable and the purposes of God don't come without action I'm Christine Kane and I have a personal mission to equip and empower people like you to connect with your god-given purpose and potential I am so glad you're joining us today let's get right to it [Music] I am so grateful that you've joined us today I know that God has a word for you I really believe that today's show is going to speak to someone in a powerful powerful way you have tuned in right place right time for God to speak to you you know I come from Sydney Australia and one of the greatest features of our city is this beautiful bridge that you just see there on the screen the Sydney Harbour Bridge now she is a beauty she joins the downtown Sydney with North Sydney and it links over across the Sydney Harbour and nearly everyone that comes to Sydney in some way shape or form crosses this Harbour Bridge it's actually fun you get to do what you call the bridge walk which is your change to the person in front of you and you walk up right up to the top and it is the most stunning sight of all of Sydney it's not good if you perhaps don't like height so I might just say I don't recommend that but almost all of my friends that come from overseas when they're visiting Sydney it's like you've got into a bridge walk it's fantastic and I love bridges so much of my ministry so much of my life is called to build bridges I build bridges between denominations bridges between churches bridges between ministries and with our work with a 21 across the globe it's building bridges between the NGO sector and law enforcement and different government bodies so really so much of my life is spent building bridges and so I love bridges pretty much every city that I go to in the world I stop and I look at bridges then you always wonder why does someone build a bridge and obviously sometimes it's to transport goods and services across the bridge other times it's just to link to places that would otherwise never be linked and there's good things on both sides and so it's great to give people the opportunity to cross a bridge well my daughter always says phrases and I can always tell that I'm older she's a teenager and sometimes if I can't get over something she goes mum build a bridge now it took me a while to realise what she was saying but um it's basically get over it he's what she was saying to me and I've grown up and have always heard the saying don't burn you bridges and it's very important in many ways don't burn your bridges there are some relationships that maybe there's a bit of timer parts actually good for you doesn't mean you have to burn it all up or burn a bridge if you leave a workplace it's really good not to gossip or slander or burn that bridge with that person sometimes you can move on to a new season in life and you don't have to destroy all the bridges that you've built but today I actually want to speak about the antithesis of that so definitely as much as possible in your life it is good not to burn bridges especially and I think that speaks more to if you have a kind of maybe character or an attitude that just burns people and just moves on now that's not a great character trait and it will burn you eventually it will destroy you it's never a good thing to burn people and so we should always honor and respect people but there are some bridges that we need to burn if we are going to move into the future that God has for us there are some times that we have to burn bridges I want you to hear me again I'm not talking ever about burning people hurting people using people or leveraging people but I am saying there are some things some places and some people that we cannot go back to if we are going to go forward to do what God has called us to do there are seasons where God calls us and the calling means that you're going to have to leave behind some people that you knew some places that you used to go to some things that you did so there are some metaphorically speaking there are some bridges that you need to burn when I became a follower of Jesus Christ there were some bridges I had to burn I came from a staunch Greek Orthodox culture and there were some cultural things that they were just irreconcilable for me to be a follower of Jesus and also to honor my culture so there were some things that I had to do there was some family gatherings I couldn't go to anymore if I was gonna do what God had called me to do if I was gonna go to Bible School and pursue the call of God for my life well you know what I couldn't simultaneously stay back where I was in Sydney Australia and step into the future around the globe that I had there were some bridges that I had to burn there were some things that I had to move on from and I think in our life we have to understand so many of us we don't ever cross the bridge to our future because not we're not willing to burn the bridge to our past and until you are willing to burn that bridge you are not going to step into what God has for you there's someone then you've tuned in today and I've already just started wearing five minutes in and you're like what she's speaking to me there are some things that I need to let go of and I've been hanging on to them and got to sent me here today to speak to you to say it's time to let go of that to burn some of those bridges there are some of you that are in ungodly relationships there are some of you that are addicted to habits that are holding you back friends and places and you know what you can't even flirt with that anymore and have one foot in each camp you've got to burn that bridge and you've got to move past your past into the future that Jesus Christ has for you the call of God comes with the cost it comes with a cost and I think sometimes we think that we're going to step into the future without ever letting go of the past that we're going to be able to have a foot in both camps there is not two caps there is just God's camp and we're gonna step into what it is that God has for us I want you to turn with me to first Kings chapter 19 now I love this passage of Scripture in first Kings 19 we have the story where we come out of first Kings 18 of course because you know 18 comes before 19 in every culture no matter where you are but in first Kings 18 we have that fantastic portion of Scripture where Elijah takes on the prophets of Baal and you know what God shows up and does something awesome I just want you to see what happens very often God shows up in a huge way God does something miraculous and you will see the man or the woman of God like within five minutes after this great move of God where God is awesome God could do anything they're like oh I'm just going to believe it this is so bad so we're about to see Elijah go from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the pit and that normally for pastors happens on the Monday after the Sunday so it just kind of is the way that it goes that often you're way up here and then you go down so in first Kings 19 it says a habbit old Jezebel all that Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying so may the gods do to me and more also if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow so queen jezebel is now threatening the profit who's had this major victory then the Bible says in verse three then he was afraid and he arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba where which belongs to Judah and left his servant there so he took on all of the prophets of Baal in the chapter before this and then it just took one chick one chick to say to him you know I'm coming after you and he runs up out afraid I'm like seriously Elijah like seriously we could just go there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat under a broom tree this is hilarious and he asked that he might die prophets are not melodramatic at all there is no drama in their life he's just like he's gone from this massive victory and then Jezebel threatens him he runs away like a little scaredy-cat and there's like god I want to die I mean like 24 hours before you also you know how we all are god you're an awesome God there's nothing my god cannot do that's true and then it's like I'm soda Prince don't God believe it but we all do that okay and then it says and yes that he might die saying it is enough now O Lord take away my life for I have know better than my father's and he laid down and slept under a broom tree and behold an angel touched him and said to him arise and eat I love God he's so practical it's just like you know seriously the guy's sugar level had probably just dropped he'd been fighting everyone it was like just eat sometimes I think I say that you know just get some food into you it is awesome you know my husband sometimes can you imagine living with three women and everyone can be on a different cycle it's a little bit scary it's so like sometimes NIC will just grab chocolate open the front door just throw it in and then run away just go arise and eat oh that's what you get for having a chick preacher on TV I'm sorry like it's just the way it is and he says he goes on and he looked and behold there what there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water how cool that an angel of the Lord like would bake you a cake I just think that's like awesome and he ate and drank and laid down again so this got a pretty good gig here he gets to eat against the drink gets to sleep I mean seriously and the angel of the Lord came down a second time and touched him and said arise and eat for the journey is too great for you and sometimes what you simply need is to eat because this there's a big road ahead and you need to be replenished and you need to be refreshed and you have to understand God is extremely practical and cares about every aspect of our life and he arose and ate and drank and went in the strength of that food 40 days and 40 nights to Horeb the Mount of God then he came to a cave and he lodged in it and behold the word of the Lord came to him and he said what are you doing here Elisha I love that sometimes you just think like I'm just having a little break and goes like what are you doing what are you doing here and you're like I'm busy having a pity party God leave me alone like seriously and sometimes God is like why are you here when you're supposed to be there someone's watching this right now and that's what the Lord's what are you doing here where did you go off track and now you're hiding in a little cave when God has a planned purpose and destiny for you and you're trying to have a pity party and God is ruining your pity party because you're saying what are you doing here and so he goes on he said I've been very jealous for the Lord don't we all get like this like god I have done all this for you I am just such a martyr for the cause I am just like so awesome and all of them are not and it's just not fair and he says for the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant thrown down your altars and killed your prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seem to take away my life right now I've been this drama queen like it's just me it's nobody else god I'm like 50 and I'm the only one going for you and gods like awesome Chris okay this is it I love this and he says and he said go out and stand on the Mount before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broken in pieces and rocks before the Lord that the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind and earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a sound of a low whisper and when Elijah heard it he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave and behold there came a voice to him and said what are you doing here Elijah it's awesome he said I've been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts with the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant throw down your altars and killed your prophets and see to take my life it took my life and take it away and the Lord said to him go return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus and when you arrive you shall anoint Hazael to be king over Syria and jehu the son of nimshi you shall anoint to be king over israel and elisha the son of shaphat of oble miller you shall anoint to be the prophet in your place and the one who escapes from the sword of Hazael shall jay who were put to death and the one who escapes from the sword of Jehu shall elisha put to death yet I will leave 7,000 in Israel all the needs that have not bowed to bow and every mouth that has not kissed him so the Lord saying to him so after he's had his little pity party he's had the big victory in chapter 18 and then Jezebel threatens him and little scaredy-cat runs away in chapter 19 and then he vows down and lays down and says God I just want to die life just sucks it's just so really bad and the Lord says like get up and eat and get your sugar levels back up a bit and then he goes and the Lord started lord meets him he meets him in the wind and he meets him in and he's a gentle gentle whisper still small voice speaks to Elisha the Lord gives him instructions for the future because really the only way you can continue on with the call of God is you've got to look forward the Lord had it looking forward he said you're gonna go and you're gonna anoint this one and you're gonna anoint this one and this is who you're gonna call and by the way Elisha while you're having your pity party and you think the own you're the only one I need you to remember that 7,000 still haven't bowed their knees every time we think we are the only ones that are doing anything for God God's like excuse me I've got plenty of people around the world I am giving you the privilege and the honor of serving me but should you not want to it's okay because there's still 7,000 more they could step into your shoes tomorrow I think sometimes we forget that we think we're doing God a favor he's not like oh wow I don't know what I would have done I don't know how I would have advanced my kingdom without you we need to understand it is a privilege that we get to serve God and that there is always 7,000 in the wings that have not bowed their knee that are still serving God that that are still eager got tagged I want to be it I want to have a go God has a specific calling on each of our lives but sometimes we have trouble following or even recognising his call maybe we take the wrong path or there's something in life that blocks the way in her newest series the bridge to your calling Christine Kane explores the truth that God has a future for you far beyond anything you could ever ask for or imagine and she reveals that to walk in that calling requires some steps you must take to help we want to send you your own copy of Christine's insightful DVD series in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN with each message you'll discover the impactful keys you can use to recognize God's calling on your life and how you can walk in the fullness of your destiny every day why not call 800 three five zero five one seven zero right now or go securely online to TBN dot o RG / bridge to share your gift and request your very own copy of the bridge to your calling get ready to cross over the bridge to your calling and experience the great depths of God's love for you and the power he wants to release in and through you call click or write today [Music] it's very powerful he says this is the profit that's going to take your place and so he gets on track with purpose and the Bible says so he departed from there and he found elisha the son of shaphat who was plowing with twelve yoke plowing twelve yoke of oxen in front of him and he was with the twelfth elijah passed by him and cast his cloak upon him and he left the oxen and ran after elisha and said let me kiss my father and my mother and then I will follow you and he said to him go back again for what have I done to you and he returned from following him and he took the yoke of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the yokes of the oxen and gave it to the people and they ate then he arose and went after Elijah and he assisted him he became his assistant scripture says he became his servant so what a powerful passage of Scripture a lot can happen in a chapter of the Bible I want you to understand that the call of God originates with God himself we're talking in this series about burning some bridges that if we're going to fulfill the call of God and it's an ongoing thing it doesn't just come once today I wake up I'm still following Jesus I may not know where I'm going but wherever Jesus is going I'm following him that's what is happening that's the call of God so you've got to say yes to the call of God every day you've got and whether you're our doctor whether you are a lawyer whether you're a full-time homemaker whatever your vocation is I'm not talking about full-time vocational ministry I'm talking about being obedient to what God has called you to do and following Jesus every single day in your sphere of influence in your realm of life that God has called you to here on this planet Earth and so you have to know the call originates with God and I don't think we talked about the call of God enough in the church anymore and there is a generation that God is speaking to that God is calling that God wants to mark with his purpose and his destiny and I am so serious about seeing the next generation rise up and do what God has called them to do here's I still go to and fro across the earth and he is for those that are saying Here I am Lord send me use me in whatever capacity that might be I don't think you've switched on to this broadcast by accident today you are watching this because God is calling you into his plan into his purpose so that you can advance the kingdom of God here on planet earth so in verse 15 the Lord told Elijah to get up and go and in verse 16 he told him this Elijah out there you haven't met him yet but he's going to be the prophet that it's going to come after you so I want you to go and I want you to anoint the Prophet now you have to understand something sometimes and in our generation of platforms and our generation of marketing and branding we think we've got to let everyone know what we're doing but this is what I want to tell you when God has called you he knows where to find you and you just need to be where God has you because he will speak to leaders he will speak to others in the kingdom that will come and find you now Elijah was plowing doing what he was always doing and it was the Lord that spoke to Elijah the Lord told Elisha go and find Elisha I want you to know you know as a mother in the faith nowadays and I'm praying and I'm looking at the next generation God speaks to us Christina I want you to go here I want you to mark this person I want you to see this person you don't have to panic about God not knowing where you are you don't have to brand yourself you don't have to market yourself if God has assigned you God will find you and that is the point in all of this is that he spoke to Elijah Elijah was not sitting and waiting he was not just sitting on the ground going oh I'm just waiting I'm waiting he was not blogging and waiting to be discovered he was not tweeting about what his plan was for the next great social justice program on the earth he was not sending out resumes he was already at work himself the Bible says he was plowing I find that God tends to work with those that are already working I find that if you're already working God I have so many people send me so many resumes send me so many notes on social media that is not the way to ever get a job with me just in case you're wondering it's not like what do I have to do work work most people that we hire come through our intern program or come through our volunteer program because I want to see you working before I want you to work for me a lot of us we're just like look I'm gonna tell you what I want to do what I could do but you're not doing anything and how do you expect God to use you if you're not already doing anything and so a lot of us we have devalued the value of work and yet I find that God really really values work and if you're not in you know it wasn't Christine my opportunity hasn't opened up for me yet I haven't got the opportunity that I won't start doing something until that does start doing something until I am very big that you've got to be working I see girls that are going out with guys and they're like Christine he's awesome he's got this big dream he's got this big plan he's got this big vision he's got such a good heart I'm like that's awesome that he's got a good dream and plan and vision and half but does he have a Jo B I don't really care because if he does not have a Jo be forget him he can have a beautiful heart but that heart is not gonna feed you honey it's not going to put food on the table that passion is not going to put a food on a table so we have to understand that work is very important that we need to go to work and sometimes we have to do a whole lot of what we don't like to do until we get to do what we want to do some of us are not growing into the purpose of God and we're not walking in alignment with the call of God because we're not willing to do what we don't want to do we're just like that's not my gift that's not my talent that's not my strength finder that's not where I fit on the disc profile I'm like I'll give you strength finder sweetheart you know it's in my weakness that his power is made perfect that he is made strong when I am weak if all you're going to do is work your strengths you're never going to see the power of God show up you're going to look awesome most of what I've done in my preparation process has been in my week so not in my strengths tone in fact I did not even get to operate in my strengths own for up to two decades really in a lot of things that I did a lot of things that you see me at now I'm doing them at 50 years old I wasn't doing them at 20 and I wasn't doing them at 30 and God was refining so many of my weaknesses and God was showing himself strong and perfect in my weaknesses if you are only going to be willing to be used by God in your strengths then I don't know how much use for you God is actually going to have because God shows up in our weaknesses God shows up that's where God gets the glory when people go it is impossible that you could do that and God's like exactly because it wasn't her that's the whole point and that's the whole point and then of course he released you into your strengths and your giftings and your callings but if you limit how God is going to use you and when God's going to use based on your gifting and your calling and your strength and your likes we have an obsession in our generation with everyone just go well you know I just feel that I just feel called this is what I want to do this is what I love well you know this is just how I'm gonna be the best version of me I don't particularly even want the best version if you don't want the best version of God through you that's really what I want and so that might mean having to do some things that I'm not particularly good at because God is refining me in that I'm learning to submit I'm learning to yield I'm learning to have attitudes just pruned out of me and I'm having the dross actually drop out of my life if you're never going to be put into a place where God can prune you or actually mold his character into you I don't know where you think God is going to use you the whole purpose of this is that we are being conformed and transformed to the image of Jesus Christ we don't need more of us we need less of us and more of him so if you want God to use you and you want to be used for God's purposes in your generation then understand that God tends to work with those that are working wherever you are there are no secondary jobs in the kingdom of God there is nothing that God's D values whether you are a janitor or whether you're a CEO as long as you are doing it as unto the Lord it's all important to God God has called you God has a plan for you God has a purpose for you and when he wants to come and find you if he's assigned you there he'll come and find you there but you'll find that God works with those that are working so let's get to work in Jesus name in Jesus your destiny is within reach today there might be some obstacles there might be some difficulties but through Christ you can do all things and break free from everything that has ever held you back remember you can't keep doing the same old thing and expect to see something new that's why I want to help you to move forward today into the calling that God has for your life so call or go online and request your copy of these teachings with your special gift your support will impact others through the very same network that has blessed you don't wait another moment I can't wait to hear from you God has a specific calling on each of our lives but sometimes we have trouble following or even recognizing his call maybe we take the wrong path or there's something in life that blocks the way in her newest series the bridge to your calling Christine Cain explores the truth that God has a future for you far beyond anything you could ever ask for or imagine and she reveals that to walk in that calling requires some steps you must take to help we want to send you your own copy of Christine's insightful DVD series in appreciation for your gift of support to TBN with each message you'll discover the impactful keys you can use to recognize God's calling on your life and how you can walk in the fullness of your destiny every day why not call eight hundred three five zero five one seven zero right now or go securely online to TBN o RG slash bridge to share your gift and request your very own copy of the bridge to your calling get ready to cross over the bridge to your calling and experience the great depths of God's love for you and the power he wants to release in and you call click or write today [Music] when God calls you to do something it can often look too big for you but you have to remember that if God calls you to a place that means he's going with you you're not on your own you don't have to do it on your own so don't let fear stop you from your destiny you may not know what's on the other side of that bridge but I guarantee you it is so much better than just staying on the easy side there is so much more I love you and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Christine Caine
Views: 77,779
Rating: 4.8984652 out of 5
Id: 0ajVB2Fxt7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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