BROKEN PIECES | Legacy II [Christine Caine]

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this is legacy week we start a new series called legacy last week and man wasn't last week crazy Pastor John gray and Chris Hodges in the house I pray you never take it lightly everybody the caliber of people who are coming to the church to deposit something they're not just preaching they're depositing something and when they preach we we want to receive them it didn't matter who preaches at this pulpit you need to open open up your heart and receive because God is speaking to us and moving us to our next season hey man everybody alright today's I can't wait I can't wait we have been just so elated the last couple years we've we've become good friends with Nick and Christine Kane and Nick you're the man he's the Sean Connery in the building today everybody but they have been so gracious to us over the last couple years open up their lives to us and we're just grateful for that and Christine Caine is probably one of the most dynamic preachers on the planet and God raises up voices listen to me in each generation God will raise up a voice to speak in in shape that generation fine but by all all of us would agree she is one of those voices and she also started a little thing called a 21 which we support and it's reaching globally to help keep people get out of sex trafficking and someone every time we give man you're giving towards that I appreciate that so much and she just wrote a book which I'll tell you about in the lobby you can pick that book up but she's an author she's a preacher she's all over the world and ladies and gentlemen she's here tonight in Antioch California I wanna kill me stand to our feet come on let's give the best Fellowship Church welcome to Pastor Christi hate everybody hey Church are y'all doing I could not wait to be with you all where else would you be on Saturday night there's not a nightclub in town that's having more fun than what we're having right here in the house of God I'm telling you this is all you have packed this place to the rafters which is fantastic wouldn't you be seated turn to the person next to and say you are the best-looking thing I've seen all night all right now turn to your second choice and say you're better-looking than the other person I was lying I was actually lying that's what you need to do it is our honor to be here Nik and I we love your pastors very very dearly I mean I'm pastor Dianna and I have kind of become roadie friends over through propell over the last few months but you know thank God that you are planted in such a great Church under pasta Shauna and pastor Dianna cuz they are stellar leaders in our generations they really are and your house is such a generous house when I look at what you're doing in your community this week it's just all it makes it harder God very very happy AJ Bible says that I'm you know the that a generous person devises Jenna your church is one that devises generous things how can I you know and the world of the generous gets larger and larger so don't be surprised why your world is getting bigger because any church that is as generous as your house it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger which is awesome now I am married to the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet earth and and so women right 420 how long we've been married it's almost 23 that's why I keeps up and I'm like all prophetic so I always go and I'm an evangelist so we lie we always exaggerate so it's a 20/20 you know by faith I see it all it's like you know so 22 and a half years and so it just gets better and better and better and we have two girls and I'm I'll show you this is my Catherine Bobby he's 16 and my Saphir Joyce is 12 she'll be 13 next month and they've got two kids nick is number 14 of 15 yes there was no television in that part of Australia and so so his mother did not think you were a woman until you like popped out number 10 or something you know and so I would take my daughters to his mum and go you know this is Catherine alpha and this is Sofia Omega and this is the beginning and the end of my childbearing years I didn't pop out my first till I was 35 and my second at 40 so you'd like need a Purple Heart if you are popping out a kid at 40 and so you guys have become family in case you don't know I'm just your crazy Greek aunt from from down the south of this state and so we live in Newport Beach in Southern California and so we've been living in America we actually became American citizens two months ago so yes so I now pledge allegiance to the American flag One Nation anyway no I won't get there but I have learn more about your country than mine but we're Australian in case you're wondering what this accent is this is how the Queen speaks English not really because she's posh where the convicts we got kicked out and so this is how the convicts speak English you're through the tea out in Boston we kept it and so we're still part of the monarchy thank you Hamilton you could tell it you could tell already love you you were just like you know and it's gonna get crazier and crazier and crazier so we start crazy and then it just gets it just continues to go at different levels so you ought to be in church if you you know the only type of aholic that is good to be is a church of Holika and so be and bring your friends tomorrow like it's just gonna get more more cray-cray as it goes on and so bring anyone it'll be awesome every service will be unique I love Church I walked into church on a Sunday night and the last Sunday night in January in 1989 I was a mess a mess I've been sexually abused for 12 years I was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted when I was born by the time I was 21 and walked into church I did not know which way was up and I walked into a place like this where there was the worship I didn't know what that was I didn't come from that kind of tradition I came from a different religious tradition and I've been I thought I walked into a nightclub almost like a disco like what is going on smoke machine strobe lights like if someone can give me a joint but anyway so I walked into something like this and I'm like wow but then they began to sing like songs and and I don't know all I could say to you is I walked in on the last Sunday in January in 1989 and I never left and it'll be 30 years in about eight weeks time and I never left and so to me I get to do a lot of things in my life but there's nothing like the house of God and there's nothing like the local church and there's nothing like a night like tonight where you might have come into this place with a friend and you're not even sure whether you just walked into a Monty Python show they lied they said let's go to a club it's like wow I've been tricked absolutely and so I want you to know though that you're here in the timing and the plan and the purpose of God and I was that person that walked in and so I've loved the house of God ever since but we're gonna go to the Bible because we believe that God speaks to us through his word and I want you to turn with me to the book of Mark chapter 6 in Australia we say mark in America you say mark mark it's hilarious mark everyone said mark mark sound awesome it runs that awesome awesome Nell sound like an American sarah mark chapter 6 verse 30 I'm Greek and a woman don't be freaking out you will get out on time tonight so I only speak three ways hard fast and continuously and so off we go so the Bible says the Apostles returned to Jesus and told him all they had done and taught and he said to them come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while for many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to eat no obviously not from this church because you're your pastors always find time to feed us theirs doesn't matter what is going on we could have revival but we're gonna eat there's no plan and they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves and how many saw them going and recognized them and ran there on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them when he went - sure he saw a great crowd and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd and he began to teach them many things and when he grew ladies disciples came to him and said this is a desert place and the air is now late simple way to go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat but he answered them you give them something to eat and they said to me shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat and he said to them how many loaves do you have go and see and when they found out they said five and two fish then he commanded them all to sit down in groups on the green grass obviously they had laws that were passed like California many years ago and so it was just the green grass that they sat on so they sat down in groups by hundreds and by fifties and taking the five loaves and the two fish she looked up to heaven and he said a blessing and broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people and he divided the two fish among them all and they all ate and was satisfied and they took up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces every once they broken pieces broken pieces and of the fish and those who ate the loaves were five thousand men say it was the guys the guys immediately he made his disciples into the boat and go before him to the other side to Bethsaida while he dismissed the crowd and after he had taken leave of them he went up to the mountain to pray and when evening came the boat was out on the sea and he was on the land and he saw that they were making headway painfully for the wind was against them and about the fourth watch of the night so that's about three o'clock in the morning he came to them walking by the sea he meant to pass by them but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost and cried out for they all saw him and terror and were terrified but immediately he spoke to them and said take her in his eyes do not be afraid and he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased and they were utterly astounded for they did not understand about the loaves but their hearts were hardened I know that's a lot of Scripture on a Saturday night that's potentially more Bible than many of you have read all year but it's okay I have just caught you up on your Bible reading plan for the year so you're gonna be okay you're gonna finish for the year but I love this texture you go Christine why so much scripture because we would normally teach these text in two separate ways of course so many of us even if you haven't grown up in church life we know the parable of the loaves and fishes and then of course the story about Jesus walking on water to go out to the disciples without freaking out in the storm but you really can't teach these separately because the story starts on the hill where it starts but it doesn't finish till Jesus gets in the boat and he says that well guys you actually have no clue what just happened and so we need to get this so it's that's up on the mountain and the Bible says that the disciples had got out they've been teaching and they'd be teaching and preaching and they came back to Jesus and scripture says they told him all that they had done and all they'd been teaching see don't trust anyone that's just out there and under no authority and doesn't come back to their leadership - to actually say well this is what we've been teaching and this is what's been going on don't just follow whoever you want don't just download any podcast don't just go just listening to anyone because even the disciples themselves came back to Jesus and gave an account for everything scripture says that they had been teaching and that on this so much they'd been working so hard that they didn't have any time to eat and Jesus knew that they needed some time out jesus knew they'd been working really really hard and it's you know like we need to have a balanced life everything needs to be really cool so we're gonna get in a boat we're gonna go to the other side we're gonna be by ourselves and we're gonna chill we're gonna eat we're gonna rest we're gonna have a few days off because it's all about balance it's all about not working too hard it's all about being really cool so they did that so they've got at the boat they went to the other side the only problem is when they got there scripture says there were 5,000 men because in those days that's how you count it but the theologians and commentators would say that if you included women and children which I love to do I am a woman I was a child so if we glued all of them that there would be a minimum of 15,000 probably closer to 25,000 but let's just go minimum 15,000 people we're waiting now church I need you to understand this is before Facebook this is before Twitter this is before Instagram no one said go on post that Jesus is coming to the other side there was no mass communication there was no Fox queues there was no CNN there was no it's sort of microphone there was no way of getting anything out I need to ask you Church what was so magnetic what was so compelling about this man Jesus that he said to 12 men let's go to the other side when they got there 15,000 people were waiting that church I need you to know there was no guest artist there was no guest speaker there was a time when we knew Jesus would be in the house and just because Jesus was gonna be in the house we would turn up and we would be waiting for him he was enough you didn't have to know who was gonna be here next Sunday because she knew Jesus was going to be here imagine what would happen on the planet if the church actually turned up in numbers because Jesus was going to be in the service just because it was enough that he was going to be there so he gets there and so much for the roster day off so much for the balance so much for the break because see that's how you spell revival it's called WOL okay it's called work what happens when the multitudes go you add another service you gotta start another campus but we were gonna chill out we were gonna start to rest more what do you mean we've got to raise up more teams we've got to do because that's what happens when Jesus turns up to go and the crowd came now the Bible says that Jesus had compassion on them now I run one of the largest anti trafficking organizations in the world but I want to tell you this in our generation we've computable confused we just think compassion is all about social justice and it is important and it's an important element of the gospel without any doubt but the scripture tells us that Jesus had compassion on them and so he began to teach them many things I need you to understand in a generation that doesn't think that Scripture is inerrant or doesn't think it's necessary that we open the word Jesus puts in the same Scripture as compassion feeding the poor and marginalized as opening the word every time we open this word on Saturday on Sunday every time we bring the truth of the word of God it's an act of compassion it's an act of mercy no wonder you've got a generation that wants to close this book Jesus says he had compassion on them so he began to teach them teach them many things and he goes through and begins to teach them and of course they're all freaking out the disciples cuz they know when he starts talking he doesn't stop and so they're like we don't even understand half of what he's talking about and so let's go tell him that we need something to eat and they did what all good leaders do when you want to get your way with your leader you go and you blame the people so they said Jesus the people are hungry no we're doesn't say the people are hungry we know the disciples are hungry because they had nothing to eat from the beginning of the text but you know we like to blame you and so they said Jesus the people are hungry we've got to dismiss them we've got to send them to the Jerusalem mall so that they can get some pita bread and Hamas and so we want the crowds to be big next week and so we need to send them away and Jesus turns around and he says as he would like you give them something to eat now they dude and they responded to Jesus in the way most of us do because most of us we are the answer to our own prayer but what we think Jesus has said is why can't you give them anything to eat see Jesus never asked a question he just gave them a command you give them something to eat but they answered a question for us they began to give excuses but we can't but that's gonna take 200 denarii this could take a year's salary how are we gonna be able to do this we don't have enough my mother didn't pack an extra lunch for like 15 thousand you know I don't have enough sardines I don't have enough peanut bread they're giving him all think we all do that we all remember when when I felt a prompting from the Lord to start a 21 and so now that's almost 12 years ago when that first thing started and I'm in Greece and you know when I had this sense that I'm supposed to do something I thought I need to tell God why I can't because obviously I know he's omnipotent his omni's Sione is omnipresent I know I sing these great songs of majesty to him but I lie because really right now he has just asked me to do something and I need to remind him like god I can't do this because I do God I live in Australia that's like really far from Greece God ah I'm like a woman god I just popped out my second kid God I just like you know I don't have a spare 10 million bucks to just start a global anti-trafficking organization god this is like Russian and Albanian mafia they kill people and so god this is like you know when you give the but god but God the but list Moses did that in Exodus chapter 3 the Lord said I I'm gonna set my people free so I'm gonna send you to do that and Moses like but God I'm not eloquent and I cannot speak and gods like you know that is the deal-breaker on the parting of the Red Sea how am I going to do that if you can't talk you imagine God in heaven when I'm saying like I caught our countries Peter Peter did you know Christine's a woman when I I didn't you tell me Peter why did you not tell me did you know Bartholomew she just had another baby do we have a baby shower up here for that why did someone not tell me can you tell me John get me a GPS where is Australia compared to Greece I'm rusty on my earth kind of Jeep here I don't know where that is I like I know I know I know the stock markets just gone down and Greece is on the verge of economic collapse what are we going to do and I've just asked her to do this I mean are we gonna have to pick up some of these gold papers and send them down to earth I don't know what are we going to do Oh three of us some of you will get it by supper tonight that's how we treat God like he's in heaven go I had no idea I did not know what your gender was what he says your economic background well I did not know what your ability I had no idea what the economic state of the world is when I asked you to do that no idea will I put God but God you know what we need in the body of Christ seriously we need a serious but ectomy it's just a barbacoa nos could be in the dictionary anyway Bartek to me we need to get our big fat butts out of God's face cuz it's not about what I can't do it's about who he is and what he wants to do in and through my life it's not about what we're unable to do and so they're giving Jesus the excuse he turns around to them like he always does rolls his eyes I'm sure and he says what do you have go and see because here's the deal jesus knew that the ingredients for a miracle are always in our midst but God cannot multiply what you do not recognize and so he's sending them back into the crowd to have a look at the ingredients for that relational miracle you need it's in your midst the ingredient for that financial miracle it's in your midst that ingredient for whatever miracle you need it's always there but we don't recognize it so Jesus can't multiply it so the disciples go out and I could imagine Peter with an attitude anyone got enough food for 15 thousand anybody and of course nobody has and this is what happens in church every week pastor will tell us what a need is and we think I can't meet all that Mead so we think because we can't do everything we end up doing nothing instead of the one thing that would activate something Jesus never said who's got everything he says what do you have not what does your neighbor go not what don't you have not what would you give if you more he simply says what do you have he never asks for what we don't have he only ever asked for what we do have so there's one little kid one little kid that's got five loaves and two fishes mum packed him a lunch couple of sardines good a bread we says what I this is what I do have I haven't got enough for fifteen thousand but I've got enough for me and I'm willing to give you enough that's for me is that amazing now do you think that was the only person in the crowd that had lunch that day oh no Jewish mother would have sent her kid off without a good lunch or a husband for that matter unlike me but she would have sent them off with lunch but everyone's thinking I can't feed all these people so I'd rather hang on to the one thing I've got for me rather than give Jesus what he asked for which is not what's everything just what have I got and so this little boy now remember the text tells us the five thousand men were counted that day so is that amazing that the ingredients for the miracle came from the hands of the little boy that was uncounted and what I've discovered in Scripture is God will often use the ones that nobody else counts the ones that everyone else discounts the ones that everyone says you don't count you're not smart enough you're not talented enough you're not rich enough you're not eloquent enough you don't count and God says I'll take the ingredients from the miracle from the one that everyone else says doesn't count do you think when his mother was packing the lunch that morning she thought she was doing anything so significant that I would be talking about it in Antioch in 2018 you don't know when you're packing the ingredients for a miracle that Jesus is going to use and do something unbelievable in your life somewhere down the track every time you sew a word of kindness every time you fill your car and you're just driving those two every time you come and serve in church we go out into the community and serve you do not know what you're packing that Jesus will be talking about 2,000 years from now should he tarry and so he gives the lunch and how could imagine Peter brings it and Peter brings it and drops it at the feet of Jesus with an attitude see Jesus I wish you did it my way Jesus if you did it my way the crowds have now been in the mall they would have gone to the food court they would have eaten they'll come back next week tithes to be up and to be awesome but no Jesus we did it your way and this is all we've got we did it your way we went into a crowd of 15,000 people and we got five loaves and two fish uncle just imagine Jesus Wow Peter let me let me just ask you this is the best that you could do you went into that crowd and the best you could do in your own strength is 5 loaves and 2 fish yes Jesus that's the best I could do Jesus great I want us to be sure I want you to recognize what is the absolute best you can do in your own ability I need you to see that and he says so now Peter I need you to know that I'm not disqualified from being God because the math doesn't add up so I know that I've only got 5 and 2 in this 15,000 but I had to wait until it became impossible I have to wait to you understood there is nothing more that you could do in the natural just say that somewhere down the track you're not gonna try to take credit for what I'm about to do you have to know that the best you can do makes the whole thing impossible you have to know that this is not able I need you to know Peter the impossibility of the circumstance does not disqualify me from being God the impossibility of the circumstance is the very thing that activates me into being God because impossible is where God starts and miracles are what God does the currency of heaven is miracles we think because it's impossible God can't do anything and gods like I don't even need to turn up till it's impossible because if you could do it you don't need God so many of the things I don't think we see the miracles we could see in church yet because most of the things we come to God for that we ask miracles for they're not miracle issues they're management issues we coming with God I need a financial miracle he's like no sweetheart you need to stop spending more than you earn then when you do that that's a management issue not a miracle issue oh god I need a health a miracle he cares no darling you need to stop eating the Krispy Kremes and get on the treadmill that's what you need so we're not even seeing miracle activation like we should because most issues in the Church of management issues not miracle issues why would God give us more of anything to mismanage if we can't even mismanage I manage what we have now effectively and so Jesus is like this is okay it's impossible now I'm gonna show up I don't know what's impossible in your life Church I would imagine no doubt there are some people in this room and you're facing you got an impossible diagnosis this week terminal someone you know a relationship that it just seems it's impossible news to do with your job or your business and you're like oh God it seems impossible I need you to know you're poised for a miracle cuz that's where God turns up God turns up in that impossible situation and so Jesus takes what was never gonna be enough five loaves and two fish it was never gonna be enough he took what was never gonna be enough in scripture tells us that he blessed it I wonder what you do with your not enough seekers most of us we don't we don't bless our not enough we curse our not enough and then we expect God to bless what we've cursed and so weak we condemn we don't like where we live or we don't like our job or we don't like our relation all we do is moment grumble and complain like the children of Israel in the wilderness which is murmur grumble and complain about our not enough I hate this house I hate this car I can't stand my family I hate my boss I don't love my friend we just go on do you know how much your year would change if you just simply began to bless what you're cursing if you began to say you know what this might not be the house that I'm ultimately going to end up in but I thank God right now we got a roof over our head this might not be the job that I want ultimately but I thank God right now I thank God that we got some food on the table my marriage may not be where I wanted to be but I thank God we're still working on it my kids may not be walking with the Lord right now but I thank God the Hound of heaven he's out there and he's chasing them and he's gonna bring them back into the house of God Jesus blessed what was never gonna be enough and then scripture says that's not the miracle hasn't even started Jim the miracle hasn't started because He blessed what was not gonna be enough but the miracle of multiplication did not even begin until he broke it the miracle is in the breaking you know that thing that broke you I wonder if there's anyone in this room besides me that's had something broken in your life whether you came from a broken family whether you had a broken body whether there was broken finances whether you had broken relations I don't know the thing that the devil has told you is gonna disqualify you because it was broken but I'm here to tell you that it's from the broken fragments of your life that the multitudes will be fed the multitudes as Jesus kept breaking the miracle kept being activating that thing that you think is gonna kill you that thing that you've been through that has been breaking you I want you to know it's not to destroy you it is going to be the thing that God uses to feed the multitudes let me tell you the thing that's feeding the multitudes in my life it's not my strengths it's not my gift it's the broken places it's the kid that was left in the hospital it's the abuse and it's the brokenness out of that God is feeding multitudes multitudes the thing that you thought disqualified you is the very thing that if you put it in the hands of a redeeming God he will feed multitudes from that place the Bible says he broken and then it's interesting the text takes such an interesting turn at this point you're thinking everyone by now is hungry Jesus is blessed but then the Bible says and he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people and he divided two fish so what he did was he made them all sit remember on the green grass sitting groups on the green grass and then he gave the broken pieces to the disciple have you ever wondered why Jesus would take the time to sit the people down in groups of 50s and 20s and hundreds on the green grass why would he do that I mean this is Jesus I mean he could take a break a piece of bread and he could say to person number fourteen thousand nine hundred and sixty-three open your mouth and I mean he would have the best baseball arm sure he'd be Jesus but he took time do you know how much time it would take to put fifteen thousand people in groups of 50s or 20s like one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 for 7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 sorry to wake you up 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 how long would it be but Jesus thought it was important enough while everyone's hungry and the miracles happening to take the time to put everyone in groups let me tell you why because when Jesus is getting ready to pour out a miracle he always puts in a structure and a system and an infrastructure that's going to be able to facilitate the miracle that he's about to do and so he says this is what we're gonna do we're gonna plant a main campus and then out of that we're going to have our small groups and out of that we're going to plan other campuses and this how we're gonna do our women's ministry and this is what we're going to do with our youth but but pastor what about my vision for the year if that's in the heart of God through this house that will happen but right now we're going into groups of 50s and 20s because that's how it's going to look so right now we get into this scripture and then you've got the people going hang on a minute what do you mean Jesus distributed the fish and the loaves through the disciples I don't want my fish from Bartholomew I don't want my fish from Peter I don't want it from that small group leader oh no I don't want it from that campus pastor I know I know their life I'm smarter than them anyway why should I take my fish from them when I could be feeding them the fish so this is what we do I know I want my fish straight from Jesus if I don't get my fish straight from Jesus I'm gonna go down the road I'm a stubborn 501c3 fish straight from jesus ministries incorporated and Jesus like awesome not quite sure what you're doing down the road but the fish that I'm distributing is going out through this system the fish that's coming from Lisa because I need to know when that fish is going out and it's being distributed through my delegated authority I need to know on who I'm going to rise up with the future whether they've got the discernment and the understanding to understand where the fish has come from it's not so much about who's distributing it but where the source of this fish from and if you can't see the source through the distribution system you're never going to be able to distribute it yourself down the track and leader just because you touch the fish and passed it out don't think that you had anything to do with making the miracle the anointing is on the house that you've come through that's where the miracle comes from but we have so many people that have touched up the fish ago who it's me and Jesus what no no I anointed it came through the the house and so they sat down and scripture says that they all ate they distributed the fish and the loaves and they all ate and they were all satisfied and that's normally where we finish this whole story but the interesting thing is that the story only just begins because there's power of this text is never in what they ate it's not the power of this text at all the power of this text is in what was left over because it's interesting that after they all ate they were all satisfied jesus sent the twelve disciples to pick up scripture says twelve basketfuls of broken pieces have you ever wondered why what broken pieces like a fish hit bread crumbs crusts why couldn't Jesus do the same miracle on the other side stick his hand in the Sea of Galilee go here we go again party trick couldn't have done that why would he send them and why I want Jesus who would have been the ultimate MasterChef Jesus could have stopped breaking when there would not be one crumb left over a fine chef in any restaurant is never gonna have twelve basketfuls of leftovers you would never do that Jesus could have easily finished but he didn't finish because the point of the text hadn't finished it was only just now gonna start so the Bible says that he deliberately left twelve basketfuls have left heaven out in these days a basket was like a sack over your shoulder that you carried and you went and you filled the basket there was twelve disciples twelve basketballs he wanted each one of them to grab a basket full of leftovers themselves and then scripture says that immediately said go on pick up your basket full of leftovers only immediately he put them in a boat and because his God he knew he was sending them into a storm I need you to understand that not all storms are from the devil not all storms are from the devil some stones God lets you go into and will in fact maybe even send you to so that you can actually find out yourself whether you understood what happened so what Jesus was doing was saying I want you to go and pick up a basket full of those broken pieces of the miracle that I just did on the mountain because I want you to carry that with you and I want you to put it in the boat because you're about to go into a store and I need you to know when you're in the middle of that storm because it's okay to shout on Sunday or Saturday at church but then Jesus sends us into the storm of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and he's basically saying I need to know whether you understood what happened out there on the mountain so I want you to take the evidence of the miracle that I did on this mountain and when you get in the middle of your storm on Tuesday and Wednesday I need you to look down at those broken pieces and I need you to understand that the same God that was with you on the mountain is the same God that's with you in the storm is the same God that's gonna take you across to the other side I need you to hold up your broken pieces has God done anything for anybody has God saved anybody has God delivered anybody has God healed anybody has God come through this Saint Jesus they came through for you there is with you then you just took your eyes off the broken pieces he needed you to understand whether you even knew what happened on Sunday at church whether you even you what you were shouting about on Saturday night because the days in which we're going to it is not enough to partake of the miracles of God on Sunday if you don't know the God of the miracle on Wednesday and we have a church that loves the miracles of God but they don't necessarily know the God of the miracle and we need to be able to take the broken pieces of what happened into the boat of Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday that relational crisis that financial crisis that thing that's happening in your life when the devil comes after you you got to look down and pick up your broken pieces and say oh no not today Satan the same God that did the miracle over there is the same God that's with me in this boat so Jesus sinner I'm just trying to talk to you so Jesus puts them into this strong gonna know they're going into a storm your disciples remember they're like sheep dumb that's what we are and the Bible says that Jesus went up to the mountain to pray you like why did he do that because this here this is the first big miracle all the miracles before this in the Gospels were like one-on-one miracles this is the first after this Jesus's ministry blows up big-time big-time because the ingredients for the miracle are in 15,000 stomachs so he's they're all about to go and talk and when Jesus is about to blow up your ministry and God's gonna go okay this is now the next stage you want to go on a mountain and get on your face and so Jesus gets on the mountain and begins to pray and so scripture says he's praying it's fourth watch of the night it's about three o'clock now the disciples are straining at the oars they're wondering we're not talking it is let's just say the miracle finished was dinner time who knows I'm just making this up it's a finished around seven o'clock we're now at 3:00 in the morning so it only took 8 hours after being in this incredible miracle meeting for the disciples to be freaking out normally you might even make it until tomorrow morning before you start freaking out on a really good weekend we might make it to Monday but it took them probably about eight hours eight hours they had just seen a miraculous feeding of 15,000 people they kept taking the fish and the loaves from the hands of Jesus see you can touch the miracle and eight hours later not even recognized miracle maker and said they were taking it and giving it now they're in a boat and the bit of storm came a challenge comes unexpected news comes an unexpected diagnosis what's it gonna take what's your 8 hour threshold where you've gone from worshiping him to not recognizing him and so he's looking out and we've all felt that there's these times where you like man it's so dark and you feel so distant and it's so dangerous but Jesus is watching the whole time you'd feel like he's gone but he's watching and then he's gonna come out to them and it's so cool when you Jesus and you're gonna come out to them he doesn't even need to go to the Boatshed and hire a boat he's just like a walk-on what that's what you do it's a perk of being God it's part of the goddness you just get to walk on the very waves that we think are gonna drown us Jesus is like it's cool I'm just gonna walk over these and I'm gonna get to you but an interesting thing happens an interesting thing happens he's walking out to them and I'm about to wrap up so I don't forgot to call anyone over that's okay so he's walking out to them and here is where the Texas fascinating to me the Bible says they saw him coming they didn't recognize him and they thought he was a ghost because he what they recognized was the Jesus of the fish and loaves on the mountain and we get really used to Jesus doing things in a certain way but you see in the middle of the storm we didn't need loaves and fishes we didn't need that kind of miracle and when God's doing a new thing and it's a new circumstance and it's a new day he's going to come out in a different form but if you are not perceptive you might think the very god that's coming to rescue you is actually a ghost coming to destroy you this was not a ghost coming to destroy them this was Jesus coming in a different way into the storm of their circumstance to rescue them it's just that they hadn't seen that Jesus before they didn't know that Jesus that Jesus gets in the boat the Bible says in the New King James he was so disappointed not because they were freaking out but because they had not understood the miracle of the loaves of the fishes and we have so many in our churches that don't understand what it is that God is doing don't even understand who Jesus is we come and we go through the motions but we don't even know so then we have a political change if we freaked out Wall Street Falls that we freak out something happens around us if we freaked out because we never understood what was going on he never was worried about the condition of the economy it wasn't even about the political situation it never had anything to do with that it always was about Jesus it always will be about Jesus it will always continue to be about Jesus jesus said I will build my church and the gates of Hell cannot shall not will not prevail against the Church of the Living God we don't have to freak out no matter what is happening economically or politically or socially or morally we do not need to leave our barracks the same God that brought us here is the same God that's gonna take us there it always was Jesus it always will be Jesus is some of us we are so good with now look at our relationships we got everything we want so we think try to hang on men have been in faith for years we gave our five loaves and two fishes when we had nothing but I wonder when was the last time you really gave the equivalent of five loaves and two fish I remember the miracle I needed for the first day 21 office were where now we're opening our 16th and I'm always challenged Chris are you on the edges match see now I got more to protect now I could pretend to look good cuz it's also managed beautifully but I haven't actually been in faith for 12 years if I'm not careful if I'm not careful to go it always was Jesus see we're good with now but the truth is now's not where my confidence is man 8:21 governments could decide you gotta leave the country they could decide in a hoppy no we don't want this it's shut down imagine if I just got confident with them churches ministries laws could change in nations I might not even be able to preach like this I might not get invited to it now is not where my confidence is no no no no my confidence is with back then see when the devil comes up and talk about wow I'm Christian I run a 21 I'm a pre I that talk about now I got an entire devil the same Jesus when I was in that hospital unnamed and unwanted the same Jesus that was with me then that's the same Jesus that's with me now when I was nobody in the back of Australia and got plucked me out of anonymity and obscurity the same God that picked me up then is the same God that is with me now the same God that kept me through 12 years of abuse and healed me and made me whole that same Jesus that brought me here is the same Jesus that will take me there it's not about sisters it's not about comfort it always wants Jesus it always will be Jesus Jesus is the word let us start at all I wonder I wonder if you know this Jesus that I'm talking about not not do you know about him but do you know him it is not enough that we know about the miracles of God if we don't know for ourselves the God of the miracle see you can't take this away from me it doesn't matter what happens politically anywhere on the earth I've got offices in 15 countries it doesn't matter doesn't matter what happens economically I mean the most affluent nations and their most poorest nations on earth cuz that's not ever what sets the standard for me Jesus does whatever happens Jesus Jesus and if we don't understand the miracle of the loaves and fishes would I get too cool for school as we go on that's always Jesus I wonder if you know him and if you don't right here right now in this Saturday night I want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put Jesus Christ first in your life friend whether a friend invited you here for the first time tonight or maybe you once walked with God or if you're honest tonight you've been away from God cold in your heart friend I want to invite you to stop running from him come back to you make your peace with him put Jesus Christ first in your life friend you were created by God for a relationship with God and it's Jesus that connects us to God and it's Jesus that connects us to the grace of God I want every head bowed and every eye closed in this room friend from the front to the back from the left to the right in this moment I'm not speaking to the person next to you I'm speaking to you whether this is your first time in church or your hundredth time I'm speaking to you I'm not asking you if you go to church or if you're religious I'm asking you do you do know Jesus and if you don't right here right now I want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put Jesus Christ first in your life if you say Chris I want what you're talking about today the same Jesus that took this unnamed unwanted abused adopted girl from the back of Sydney Australia wiped away the mess of her past gave her a brand-new start and a hope for the future the same Jesus that did it for me is in this room tonight for and ready to do for you if you say Chris I want that I need a fresh start with Jesus Christ either for the very first time or I've been away from him cold in my heart but I want what you're talking about tonight I want a fresh start with Jesus friend let me pray for you just a very simple but powerful prayer right where you're sitting if you say Chris include me in that prayer I want a fresh start with Jesus Christ today would you just raise your hand so that I know I'm praying this moment think I'm seeing hands go up everywhere keep those hands go up beautiful beautiful keep those hands going up I'm seeing you in every section of room just keep your hand up high keep your hand up high and I'm gonna pray a prayer every person in this room is gonna pray this prayer out loud after me I want you to keep your hand up high if you're praying this prayer because this is your sign to God the rest of us are gonna pray this out loud in agreement with conviction as believers but there are so many of you with your hands raised we're gonna pray this as you say yes to Jesus Oh church let's pray this together dear Jesus I've raised my hand to name because I recognize my need for you I ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a fresh start tonight and I hope for the future I want to be a Christian I follower of Jesus Christ every single day for the rest of my life in Jesus name Amen amen can we thank God for all those people that raised
Channel: Fellowship Church
Views: 54,618
Rating: 4.8361955 out of 5
Id: elv5xgrpLb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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