Christine Caine : One Of The Most Powerful Sermons in 2020

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out of the family in case you don't know i'm your uh cray-cray aussie aunt from down under everyone needs a crazy australian aunt and so um the first time you come to a church you're a guest but when you've been coming for like more than a decade you are just part of the family and i always get moved coming here um because just to watch the journey of god you guys are like rabbits you just keep multiplying you have more services more campuses and um it makes me so excited i just bawled through those water baptisms i'm like seriously it never gets old to me i hope it never gets old to you to see people go from death to life and to to show that symbolically through baptism but i am here with the single most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet earth so honey do you want to stand up this is my husband nick everyone and on the 30th of march so just at the end of this month we've been married for 23 years so that is awesome we got our two beautiful little daughters who one is 13 and the other one is 17. my husband loves texans and i'm greek and so i love arranged marriages so um i always told her since the day she was born catherine bobby you are the head not the tail you're above only and not beneath you're a leader not a follower you're a woman of god you're a woman of prayer you're a holy ghost terrorist and you are going to grow up and you are going to marry a very very very wealthy christian man so i just want you all to know that um if you fit the bill fiddler on the roof matchmaker matchmaker no and um we had such a great time at the chicks conference honestly honestly if you're a chick in this room [Applause] you do not want to miss out i mean if you thought 2019 was awesome 2020 is going to be better and if you're married and you're here with your spouse and sir i just want to say to you please send your wife next year she'll put a smile on your face when you come home i promise you we we teach you many good things in um the women's conference i'm just saying it's very worthwhile investment how about we just get to the word of god some of you like give a woman a microphone and look what happens okay so i love it my italian sicilian sister is on the front row lisa bavir she's going to be in church tomorrow morning let me just say god has a word through that woman so you want to uh just become a church-a-holic for this weekend and some there are weekends like this that god comes in a very unique way and just kind of it's just uh it continues with the momentum that you already have as a house and it just sort of propels us into the next phase that's really what this weekend is all about so i want to encourage you bring your friends make sure you come and it's going to be awesome so we're going to turn in the scripture to first samuel 16 and um i'm going to get there in a minute a couple of years ago i came home and when i came home there was a letter uh it was kind of like a letter but it was like a made-up contract my eldest daughter she made a contract that she wrote for me to sign so one of those things so i came home and on the kitchen table there was this contract that said i christine kane hereby solemnly swear don't you love that when your kids are telling you what you're going to do that i will never again post any instagram images of my firstborn daughter catherine bobby kane or any social media images of my firstborn daughter catherine bobby kane without her express permission you know when your kids get to that stage where you're no longer doing that and just because of the nature of what i do my life is a little bit more public than other people so you know her friends at school are following and she's like mom you are not allowed to put anything on there and she wanted me to sign that and i started i burst out laughing and um i signed it but i crossed my fingers as i was signing i'm like who who pays your bills who puts food on your table who pays your phone bill when you can pay it yourself then you can write your own contracts anyway so um we were going through it but it made me laugh because i thought what an incredible era obviously we're living in my my daughters are growing up in an age where they know nothing but the internet and social media it's just how you do life it's just what you do you know uber wasn't a word 10 years ago it's a verb now we uber everywhere and we we go online and you know nothing comes quick enough we don't just have amazon that was too slow so we went to amazon prime and who wants amazon prime when you can have amazon now you know like it's just like we cannot wait for anything and i have a i i always say to my kids which they can't fathom this that i have a pre-internet life they cannot believe there was life on earth before the internet and they're like mum were you born with the dinosaurs it's just unfathomable to them that i lived before there was anything called a computer that i lived that i would if i wanted to make a phone call you actually had to stick your finger in and dial something and you couldn't just it's just like what are you talking about mum there's no nothing about it and so my daughters have grown up like your children your grandchildren and all of us now it's not going anywhere in in a world that knows nothing less than posting a picture and someone sees it somewhere else so i i could post a picture on instagram and i love it because we have a global organization at 821 we've got offices in 15 countries i have friends and family still in australia and throughout europe and so i love the thought that i was posting pictures on my stories right here from radiant conference and i'm getting texts from australia asking me questions like within seconds who would have thought within seconds of what's going on gee lisa bevi's outfit looks hot you know like i would get great great comments from friends of mine she's like dying in the front row there and so um that would say you know what's going on and that closer looks fantastic and i'm thinking we're barely closed in austin and sydney's asking me about the closer in austin but that's the world we live in and there are over uh 400 million pictures uploaded on instagram on on facebook actually every day over 200 million on instagram and yet not that long ago i'm certainly alive long enough to know that was not even possible but we live in this snap and upload generation it's just the way that it is i mean i'm i love it anyone that follows me you know i'll absolutely love it and so everywhere i am i put it up there and off it happens now there are some great pros with that like the fact that i could be talking about what's happening at the conference and australia sees that but there are also some cons with that because a generation has been raised up in a snap and upload generation they can often think that that's how everything is it's instant and it's quick i mean if i if i want a booking at a restaurant nowadays you know i'm not going to go and call anyone i'm just going to go on open table i'm not going to line up to buy tickets to anything i'm just going to book online i mean we just do everything online and we want it instant i mean you know if we want to talk to each other we text and do you know how many friendships have broken up over bubbles on a text message it's like you are texting someone and then you see the bubbles and so you know they're ready to answer you back and then it just goes silent and i've watched people manifest and i've watched people freak out and it's worse if the friend next to them gets a text from the person that just didn't text you back after you got bubbles and people are like freaking out well i remember when i was growing up we thought it was radical when this camera was invented does anybody remember that church anybody i mean we thought let me just see how to work this one it goes off on i mean literally we would go in and we thought this was fantastic you go look this is which is the best looking section are you the best looking section any single people in this section oh hang on hang on is this how you do it this one is advanced hang on hang on now let me see if this will work i mean when this happened when i was growing up we thought this was the antichrist we're like this is the mark of the beast this is it the world is coming to an end this is the book of revelation right here and i mean we just could not believe that you could do this and that this thing you just had to wait for about six minutes we thought that was radical my daughters are like mom i could have uploaded 400 pictures by now and had 7 000 likes and a whole lot of comments and and you're still just waiting i know i'm too scared to pull it because i don't know how to work this one but it's like we're still waiting but what i thought was really quick my kids think there is no way there is no way mum we're going back to that they're a bit trendy now they've had a bit of a you know they've come back like vinyl records but it's just really for show and so everyone is uploading through their facebook they're uploading through their instagram and we're just still waiting still waiting for this image to be forged well because i'm even older than a polaroid camera i want you to know i grew up in the dark ages when we had a thing called oh yeah now some of you don't know what this is this is an ancient relic it's been dug up from an excavation site in australia and this this is called 35 millimeter film and back in my day you had to take one of these and you had to put it in this thing separate thing that was not also a phone or a clock or an entertainment device it was just a camera that's all it was you couldn't talk in the camera and say hey siri while i'm taking a picture how do i feel about the weather today in austin you couldn't do that because you just put this in and then you put this roll of film in you took your pictures then you took the roll of film out you put it back in this little pouch and you went down to walgreens and you put it in an envelope and then you began a time of intercession and fasting and praying because you were gonna send this into you don't know where for at least two weeks and then you were gonna pray that when it came back maybe all 24 pictures were not of your shoe maybe you took something i know many of you don't even know what that is because we just take a picture of ourselves and then we edit it and we crop it and we filter it and we send it up there into and there it is for the whole world we can't even fathom that this would then go into an envelope and then it would come back and it would go into this thing in a laboratory that is called the dark room and they would take this role and they would put it through nine chemical processes through a series of trays where they were waiting for the image to be forged on the negative now as it went through those chemical processes the big thing that you had to remember was you could never open the dark room door because if you open the dark room door and the light came in it would expose the film and it would destroy it so you have to wait till the image was forged through the processes then you could open the door and then you could bring the image out on this negative and the light wouldn't destroy it because the image was already forged why do we do a photography lesson on saturday night just before we start church because what happens in the challenge for our generation it doesn't matter what our age is most of us we have been lulled into thinking that our purpose our destiny our pursuit of christ out the fulfillment of the call of god on each one of our lives whatever that may be we think it's like a snap and upload like an instagram that we're gonna get a glimpse of it and next week or next minute it's going to happen but god does not develop our lives like an instagram upload or a facebook upload it's more like a roll of film god saves us and then we go through a series of processes where the image of god is forged on the inside of us and god assures that that image is forged on the inside of us before he then propels us into a world to do what he has called us to do and some of us are so frustrated and some of us have walked away from the purpose of god because we didn't want to go through the process and we opened the door because we can i don't want to stay in the process in this church i don't want to keep serving in this ministry it's a bit too hard in this marriage it's a little bit too hard to stay committed in this job and we open that dark room door and we step out and we are exposed and the light that is on us is greater than the light that is in us so it kills us and destroys us and then we wonder why we don't fulfill our purpose in our destiny but what we're doing today nick and i by the grace of god around the world we've been in one church for 31 years you need to know that 31 years same church same seeing senior pastor same accountability and everything we are doing on the planet today has come out of being submitted in that place and allowing the character of god to be forged on the inside of us through a series of processes to do what god's calling us to do today now what you see on instagram and facebook is 821 and propel and christine teaching around the world and you could be lulled into thinking it was a snap and upload but god does not do snapping uploads god develops us there's always a process i'm going to show you that from scripture tonight god develops us through a process you know we want to be discovered in our generation whole we want to get out there and market ourselves and be discussed god doesn't need to discover you he created you he already knows who you are you don't need to be discovered by god because you've been created by god but a lot of us are out there marketing ourselves trying to be discovered and god's saying i don't need you to be discovered i need you to be formed and i need you to be transformed into my image so you could do what i put you on the earth to do and we've got too many of us running out there trying to be discovered rather than allowing god to develop us god develops us to take us into our purpose and destiny and we're going to see in the life of a young man the process of development that god takes us to so with that we're going to go to first samuel 16 scripture says the lord said to samuel how long will you grieve over saul since i have rejected him from being king over israel fill your horn with oil and go i will send you to jesse the bethlehemite for i have provided for myself a king among his sons and samuel said how can i go it's all his that he will kill me and the lord said take a heifer with you and say i have come to sacrifice to the lord and invite jesse to the sacrifice and i will show you what you shall do and you shall anoint for me him whom i declare to you samuel did what the lord commanded and came to bethlehem the elders of the city came to meet him trembling and said do you come peaceably and he said peaceably i have come to sacrifice to the lord consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he consecrated jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice now when they came he looked on eliap and thought surely the lord anointed is before him but the lord said to samuel do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because i have rejected him for the lord sees not as man says man looks at the outward appearance but the lord looks on the heart then jesse called abinadab and made him pass before samuel and he said neither has the lord chosen this one then jesse made shama pass by and he said neither has the lord chosen this one and jesse made seven of his sons pass before samuel and samuel said to jesse the lord has not chosen these then samuel said to jesse are all your sons here and he said there remains the youngest but behold he is keeping the sheep and samuel said to jesse send and get him for we will not sit down till he comes here awkward that would be interesting and he said and brought him in now he was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome and the lord said arise anoint him for this is he then samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the spirit of the lord rushed upon david from that day forward and samuel rose up and went to rama i'm just going to read one more verse there it says now the spirit of the lord departed from saul and a harmful spirit from the lord tormented him so verse 13 the spirit of the lord rushed upon david from that day forth verse 14 the spirit of the lord departed from saul what do you do when the spirit of the lord and the anointing comes on you and leaves the person that's over you but god waits for 20 years and 20 chapters before he appoints you for what he had anointed you to do in second samuel chapter 5 the scripture says now all the tribes of israel came to david at hebron and said behold we are your bone and flesh in times past when saul was king over us it was you who led out and brought in israel and the lord said to you you shall be shepherded my people israel and you shall be prince over israel so all the elders of israel came to the king of hebron and king david made a covenant with them at hebron before the lord and they anointed david king over israel i want you to hear this david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years at hebron he reigned over judah so that was half of the kingdom for seven years so he was 37 years old when it says and at jerusalem he reigned over israel and judah for 33 years so he actually was anointed to be king of israel at around 17 years old but he wasn't appointed to second kings chapter 5 20 chapters of the bible 20 years later when he was 37. that was when he was appointed to be king over both the southern and the northern kingdom the whole kingdom of israel in our generation we would have told this story really really differently but i need you to know that whether it's 2019 and we've got instant technology and connection and internet and instagram and facebook and twitter and snapchat and tinder and every other thing that you could want that god still builds our purpose and our destiny and our marriage is in our families and our lives and our relationships through a process where we're being conformed and transformed into his image the word for that would be called sanctification there is a process that happens so we become more like him which is the goal of our christianity it's not just about what we do for him but it's who are we becoming in the process and we're here to become more and more like jesus but it doesn't happen overnight in a generation that wants everything instantly we live for likes we live for applause we live to be invited god's saying no no if you're going to make it and you're going to fulfill the purpose i have for you you're going to have to have a very counter-cultural approach to your purpose and your destiny if you're going to fulfill it and so we see here that right from the time that samuel came the lord said i'm done with soul some of you god's done with certain things in your life he says how long are you going to mourn it you're on that same hamster wheel and you're mourning over something that god is finished with and you're staying committed to something that god said you know what that's done how long are you going to mourn i have chosen for myself a new king god had moved on and said we're moving on so it is fascinating to me that samuel turns up and eventually david is anointed i am so glad that david didn't take a hashtag i take a selfie and go hashtag future king of israel upload because he still had 20 years to go so we think i got that prophetic word or i've got that sense of calling from god while i was in my quiet time or the lord spoke to me through someone else and there is i you know i'm going to be i know i'm going to be the next worship leader the great worship i know i'm going to be you know the next tayer if i'm a chick or i'm going to be joel houston step aside i mean if pastor joe was remotely prophetic he would stand up and he would get a word of knowledge over me and he would say you are going to be the next you know what billy graham meets yongi joe come catherine coleman come joel houston to the body of christ and you would just stand up and levitate to the stage and you would just take the microphone and take us into the holy of holies i mean you wouldn't go to creative worship rehearsals what do you mean mwah sign up for the creative team as a backing vocalist i am the next american christian jesus worship idol why would i go through a process don't you know how great my gift and what we don't is is the difference between gift and anointing a gift will fill a room a gift will entertain people but you wonder why people come to church bound and in chains and in shackles and can't break free because isaiah says it is the anointing that breaks the yoke not the gift and so we've got a lot of gifted people that have got no power no anointing because there has been no development and developing happens in the dark room developing happens oil comes when there's crushing of grapes or olives when the crushing happens that's where the oil comes the most anointed people are the ones that have been crushed they've been crushed so samuel comes in and what we have to understand even in 2019 because this is the era of you just choose what you want to do i don't want to serve anyone else i'm not going to sign up what do you mean i'm going to sign up and serve in the parking lot what do you mean i'm going to sign up and serve with the kids or do the youth or come and help what do you mean it's not my gift it's not my personality profile it's not my enneagram number it's not where i fit on the disc profile it's not my love language and so we profile ourselves out of the will of god we profile ourselves because we just listen to secular psychology we'll go you know something that maybe he's meant to be a god we turn into a god rather than understanding that god chooses we've got a generation that just thinks you can choose to do whatever you want to do i'm like really where's that in the bible if i'm following jesus he chooses i don't get to choose you know when they dig up some time machine of our generation they're going to dig it up from the ground and they're going to say man those people in 2019 they had really weird sayings like the most common saying of 2019 is you do you boo i'm like i've got advice for you church don't do yubu don't do ubu we're in a while doing themselves boo and how's that working for us how's that working for us god chooses we see this throughout the text david didn't choose he wasn't sitting there playing a harp to the sheep going oh man i want to be king of israel oh man that's what i'm going to do i'm going to be that i'm going to do that and we come to church and we tell god what we're going to do and that church didn't recognize the gift of my life so i'm going to go to church down the street where they will and then we wonder why we spend all our time on earth not being processed through to fulfill the thing that god has for us because we think we're just going to whatever we want to do but the bible says that god chose and i tell you why there's so much anxiety and stress when it comes to employment and purpose and calling because a whole lot of us are trying to do something that god actually never put us on the earth to do we would take a whole lot of anxiety out of our lives if we stopped trying to keep up with the joneses and we started just getting into our lane and doing what god has called us to do you would actually have a lot more peace if you stop scrolling through everybody else's life and just lived your own life you would actually have a lot more many of you you wouldn't need that extra glass of wine at night because you would just sleep if you just turned your instagram off you would just sleep if you stopped looking at twitter you would instantly be able to come off some of that medication because you're stressing yourself out through trying to live up to something that was not your calling it was somebody else's and we have everyone's calling right here in our faces let me just say if you're not inspired by someone else's life but you feel like you've got to compete or compare or you feel minimized or it shrinks you unfollow it's the greatest gift you could do unfollow and don't follow people that are not imitating christ paul says imitate me as i imitate who christ if you want to become like christ it helps to follow people that are becoming like christ and so what we need to do is understand that god chooses and you know what happened was god had already chosen david but but saul didn't know so he says we're going to have a a festivities party a sacrifice festivity party and who was invited jesse his sons all of them except for david david was not even invited to his own party what do you do when you're not invited to your own party this party was going to be for the future king of israel that was going to be david but he wasn't invited but you know what he was in oblivion because this was before social media so he was not sitting on the mountain with the sheep scrolling through hashtag sacrifice festivities so many of us have so much stress because we're scrolling through a hashtag thinking i'm not invited to that party i've decided ignorance is bliss ignorance is bliss david was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing he was killing a bear killing a lion he was looking after the sheep he was worshiping he was learning all of the skills privately how do we know that because we see them down the track publicly oh i know that he was faithful in private because when goliath turned up he was able to destroy him i know that he was faithful with his worship music privately because when saul needed to be soothed they called david to play the harp he must have been doing something right in the mountains what you do privately for the lord will always be given an opportunity to be manifest publicly some of us we think nobody sees me i'm on the side of the mountain if i'm not front and center if i'm just down serving at the kids or if i'm just serving in one of the outreach ministries or if i'm working in the parking lot how will they see me and god's like i got you you don't have to worry everybody else was invited to this party but god had chosen david and if god has assigned you god will find you you don't need to market yourself if god has assigned you we had a generation trying to market themselves honey if you are marked by god you don't have to be marketed by man the mark of god will set you apart and if god has assigned you god will find you i've seen it throughout my whole life serving out in the back of nowhere in a youth center i didn't even know my passing in my name and seven years later he's like i want to put you over the state youth movement for our for our denomination he'd never heard me speak i didn't even know i could speak at that time to 20 000 kids in an arena and people like whoa where did she come from what an overnight success i'm thinking it was a flipping long night it was a really long night and a lot of us we bypassed because we're so busy are we curating this right is this image right am i around the right people am i using and leveraging people in the right whole society is sick the way it's doing that and we've transferred that into the kingdom and god's saying it's okay if i anointed you be faithful be faithful in that marriage be faithful with those children in that season that they're in be faithful in your relationships be faithful to keep yourself morally pure be faithful to serve in church life where i've put you it's okay god knows where to find you god had not overlooked david just because everybody else had just because everybody else had what we discover from this text is that first impressions are not always right we live in a world obsessed with first impressions but the bible says that samuel came in and he looked at eliab and thought because that's what we do oh ours is the generation i'll tell you what the fight is for in our generation it's the fight for our eyes that's why scripture repeatedly says fix your eyes on jesus because we're obsessed with fixing our eyes on everything else and so we look and of course there's no such thing as fake news at all i know but the thing is that how many things have been wrong just even in the last few weeks on social media oh we saw that image and we thought i looked at that and i thought so much of that so much damage being done because we look and think the first impressions don't always count because he looked and he saw the wrong thing so the prophet was in the right house but he saw the wrong thing jesse didn't even know he had a king in his house what do you do when the prophet overlooks you and the father of the house overlooks you see what a lot of us do is we think well i'm going to leave and so interesting to me that in this one household both the prophet and the father got it wrong but you have to trust that god never gets it wrong god never gets it wrong that if god has placed you there god has assigned you and he will come and he will find you but here we go samuel looks because he was looking for the wrong thing that's what most of us do we see things and we think because we're looking for the wrong things samuel was looking for the next soul because he saw eliaben thought eliab had the same stature as a saw he had the same makeup if you go on and further read first samuel 17 you see a lot of his personality was like souls as well so what you have is sabul looked at him and thought ah there's the next king but god never said i'm going to appoint the next king god said i'm going i have chosen for myself a new king see we live in a generation that wants the next and we're missing the new the next is the same old thing normally in a younger package it's not the new wine skin it's not the new thing the prophet says behold i do a new thing do you not perceive it what's happening in this nation and around the church well god's doing a new thing but most people are missing it because they're looking for the next of the same old thing in a younger body and god says oh no you're not you're missing this i'm doing a new thing what's happening here in celebration church it's not just the same old thing behold i do a new thing it's a new thing for a new generation in a new age and god's moving forward and a lot of people miss the new because they're looking for the next some of you are missing the anointed one because you're looking for the gifted one and god says oh no no the answer someone's come to church tonight whether it's in your business or in your sphere of influence perhaps in your ministry whatever sphere you're in and the person that god has for you is right there but you've missed them because you're looking for the next whatever that might be hollywood has the next who's the next young artist who's the next and god's like i don't do the next i only do one of everyone i don't need the next of somebody else i need the new thing and the thing that you've been praying for it's right there under your nose but you've missed the person because you're looking for a certain gift and you're missing the anointing that god has and then he says god doesn't look like man at the outside god looks at the heart listen this is a hard one for us to grasp because everything is about our curating our external image i mean we have so many filters on our phone as if that's not enough we download apps with more filters and we just stand there and go hang on a minute i need to just take a selfie of my most authentic spontaneous self hang on a minute it's got to be authentic and spontaneous is the lighting right have you got the angle right let me look at that i no no don't upload that that's our era and it's just another form of religious piety man is my external am i am i just turning up to church and everyone thinks i've got it together and god says no i don't need social media to see beyond the external i've never looked at the external you've been playing that game with me for years church you turn up have your church face on and then you go and live like hell the rest of the week um you might be fooling your parents and your friends and your co-workers but you never fooled god just in case you were wondering it's god and he says oh i'm not fooled god does not get up every morning and look through your instagram profile to see how you are he's not like oh can you check their facebook status because i'm not sure how they're doing today now the world does that so we want to put our best self out there or our worst self whichever gets you the most attention normally but that's another sermon so i'm going to move over to this side of the room and so what we do is we think god's checking and he goes no no i'm looking at your heart that's why proverbs says guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow what all of the issues of life everything everything in your life stems back to the condition of your heart how's your heart tonight is it toxic is it full of bitterness anger unforgiveness shame guilt condemnation lust greed envy guile because the external manifestations of your behaviors are stemming and mine are stemming from the condition of our heart that's why proverbs says guard it garrison it if you put as much time into your heart as you do on your instagram profile if you curated the condition of your spiritual heart with the same meticulous attention that we curate to our public profile i'm telling you we would change the world because the spirit of the lord would flow through us and we'd stop trying to act like christians we'd just be christians we'd just be christians for the sake of time let me move on we see from the text that there is no overnight success when when god began to develop david he was the nobody that nobody noticed you might feel today in this room like you're the nobody that nobody notices that was me i'm the kid that was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted i'm the kid that was sexually abused for 12 years i'm the the immigrant kid that grew up in the poorest zip code in my state when i walked into our church service like this exactly 30 years and three weeks ago on a night just like tonight the last sunday night in january 1989 i was a mess i was the nobody that nobody would have noticed you could be in this room tonight sitting in the back row couldn't keep it together for 10 seconds i was so messed up that's normally what happens if you've been abused for 12 years and abandoned and rejected like david i was the nobody that nobody noticed but i was the kid sitting in the back still full of potential there was a global anti-trafficking organization in me there was a global women's encouragement development movement on the inside of me there was global tv and books but you wouldn't have noticed because i was such a mess but god did but there was no snap and upload it's like i'm going to take you through a process and chris the degree to which you're willing to go through those processes and allow my image to be forged on the inside of you is the degree to which i'm going to be able to use you because chris is going to be a lot of spotlights on you and so the image of me better be bright on the inside of you or that light will destroy you and if you want to get you don't want to get to a place that your character cannot keep you you want to get to a place where the image of god on the inside of you is it'll keep you it'll keep you in your marriage it'll keep your parenting your kids it'll keep you faithful in your relationships it'll keep you morally pure when you're not married it'll keep you being faithful to jesus because his character's on the inside of you some of you are struggling so much with fidelity to christ because you haven't allowed his character but to be forged on the inside of you you've gotten out there and you can't make it for two straight days [Music] god's saying hey let me do the process in you we're in process of becoming not discovering our world is all about discovery and evolving that's not christianity it's a process of becoming like christ becoming like christ and there are no overnight successes you have to know that there are no overnight successes you know [Music] unless you are prepared to go through a process your marriage isn't going to be all that it can be parenting isn't going to be all that it can be your destiny your job look at any sphere of life but we have grown up and we're going to continue to it's not going away so it's important that we talk about this stuff many of us think in the christian kingdom of god that it operates according to the way that the world operates but we're not citizens of this earth we're residents here but we're citizens of heaven if we've been born again so we operate according to a whole different system god says i don't do it like the world i don't need to snap and upload i don't need to discover you i created you now allow my image to be forged on the inside of you so many of you have been grappling with low self-esteem grappling with anxiety grappling with depression grappling with a whole lot of stress going god how's it all going to happen how's my purpose going to happen and you're scrolling through everyone else's life you're going look at what they're doing and look at what they're doing and i feel like a loser and then addictions start and patterns of destructive behaviors start because you've fixed your eyes on the wrong thing god says i'm not looking at the outside i'm looking at your heart all i've ever wanted is for you to give me your heart and if you give me your heart i will work with your heart and i'll propel you to your destiny between anointing and appointing was 20 years and 20 chapters and if i had another session with you i'd unpack that and what you would see through the life of david is that nothing was wasted not one moment in those 20 years in the wilderness was wasted god used it all in his kingly realm the thing that i can tell you hasn't been painful at times yes has there been betrayal yes has there been heartache yes have i had to crucify my flesh time and time again yes [Music] yes but i promise you now into my 50s nothing's wasted god is always preparing you for the thing that he's prepared for you and if you allow him to put you through that process and it's ongoing this side of eternity it's ongoing that we would be daily conformed and transformed to his image that we would reflect his glory here on earth that we'd be able to love him with all our heart all our mind all our soul and love our neighbor as we love ourselves our world has tried to complicate it by trying to make everyone into a superstar make us all feel like losers if we're not then we come into church and you can buy into the narrative that you've got to have it all together but that's not ever what god said it's not how god does it and you take a whole lot of pressure off yourself as a house we'd continue to advance through this city and beyond and be a light in the midst of darkness and be hope in the midst of a hopeless world and bring freedom in the midst of people that are bound and bring joy where there's a lack of joy bring peace where there's only chaos because it flows out of who you are but you've got to stop scrolling through everyone else's life and start living the life that god put you on the earth to live best place to start is get planted in the house of god i'm telling you this as someone that has a global ministry and is still in one place after 31 years the bible says those that are planted in the house of the lord guess what their life shall flourish and you know when they'll still be bearing fruit i could testify now because i am in those years even in their old age they'll be bearing fruit god's called us to bear much fruit it is to our father's great glory that we bear much fruit don't get sucked into the system of the world don't get sucked into looking and seeing simply surrender to the lord jesus christ come as you are to him give him your messed up broken jacked up heart and then allow him to take you into the dark room of anonymity of obscurity he says you know what i'm going to see how you handle it without any of the applause or the accolades david i'm going to see how you're going to handle it when you're overlooked when you're discarded when you're not invited when nobody's liking your posts i want to see how you cope without it david because that'll be an indicator of how you're going to cope when you get it and if it's not going to destroy you when you get it you better learn to celebrate when you don't have it yet some of you are in those in between stages whether it's breakthrough in your marriage whether it's waiting maybe for a partner or something at work and god's saying can you be faithful on the backside of the desert when the prophet and the father are not even noticing you when you think nobody's looking god's saying you know what it really matters really does matter because i'm setting you up for something great but how you are on the back side of the desert will determine what you'll fulfill out here how you are as a single person keeping yourself morally pure yet it's going to have a lot of bearing down the track here when you're married or whatever it is that you do in life we've got a generation that's so quick to post everything we don't want any backside of the desert moments because we think then we'll be forgotten and if we're out of sight we're out of mind and god says oh honey you're never out of my sight and you're never out of my mind i'm preparing you you matter to me i see you god sees god knows and god cares in a world that is screaming to be seen to be known to be cared for and it's just causing more and more anxiety and angst god says hey you could take a chill pill i see i know i care i don't need to discover you i created you i've got a plan and i've got a purpose and i've got a destiny for you and if you simply come to me and rest in me out of that love relationship i'll launch you into your god-given purpose and your god-given destiny friend i wonder if you know this god that i'm talking about tonight not do you know about him but do you know him and if you don't right here right now right where you're sitting on this saturday night i want to give you the opportunity to make your peace with god friend you were created by god for a relationship with god and it's jesus that connects us to god and it's jesus that connects us to the grace of god friend only jesus christ can give us forgiveness for our past a brand new start today and a hope for the future there is nothing that you have done in your life that is too big to separate you from the love of god that's in christ jesus maybe this is your first time in a meeting like this a friend invited you and said you've got to come and hear this crazy aussie chick talk and you're not even sure what you're doing here you're not here by accident you're hearing the divine timing and the plan and the purpose of god i'm here to tell you this stuff's real i'm the kid that was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted i don't even know who my biological parents are didn't find out i was adopted till i was 33 sexually abused for 12 years i should have been a statistic but i am living proof that in and through a relationship with jesus christ friend you can start bad and you can finish good and you could fulfill your purpose and you could fulfill your destiny and you can do what god has called you to do if you're willing to go through the process i just want every head bowed and every eye close friend from the front to the back from the left to the right in this moment i'm not talking to the person next to you i'm talking to you whether this is your first time or maybe you once walked with god but if you're honest tonight you've been away from god cold in your heart maybe even backslid tonight i'm inviting you to stop running from him to come back to him to make you peace with him maybe all you've ever known is religion but as i'm talking tonight you're like you know what i don't know this jesus she's talking about i don't have that kind of relationship with him tonight i'm going to invite you to step over the line from a religious experience to an authentic relationship with jesus christ so wherever you are friend from the front to the back from the left to the right if you say chris i want what you're talking about tonight i want a fresh start with jesus christ i want to surrender my life and my heart to the lordship of jesus christ christine i need forgiveness for my past a brand new start tonight and i hope for the future i want to pray for you right where you're sitting and if you say chris include me in that prayer just so that i know who i'm praying for would you just raise your hand wherever you are all across this room seeing dozens of you beautiful every section of the room from the front to the back dozens and dozens of hands beautiful keep that hand up high i'm going to pray a prayer i want the whole room to pray this out loud after me the whole room but those of you with your hands raised that's your sign to jesus i'm i'm praying he sees you we're gonna pray it in agreement with you tonight so church let's pray this together dear jesus i've raised my hand tonight because i recognize my need for you i ask that you would forgive me for all of my sins that you would give me a fresh start tonight and a hope for the future i want to be a christian a follower of jesus christ [Music] every single day for the rest of my life in jesus name amen amen amen can we stand to our feet and give all those people a mighty ovation that
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 26,993
Rating: 4.850534 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine passion 2018, christine caine passion, christine caine a21, christine caine shame, christine caine lost and found, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine break camp, christine caine identity, christine caine liberty university, christine caine, christine caine 2018, 2020 Is Your Year, Message 2020
Id: XZV0aS9MqBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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