Christine Caine Endurance Update October 24, 2017 _ You Are Well Able TBN

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opposite stuff between Perrin TOEFL Laban has wrath and desire it takes 11 days to go from horror horribly Kadesh Barnea by the mounts erode every wednesday 11 days 11 days so the bible says that this was supposed to be an eleven-day journey the eleven-day journey ended up taking 40 years on the first day of the eleventh month moses proclaimed to the israelites all that the lord had commanded him concerning them this was after he had defeated sehun king of the amorite who reigned in heshbon and an EDA had defeated OGG king of Bashan these are just like wild names who reigned in that place east of the Jordan when all else fails okay if you don't believe in tongues just say these names three times really fast and I promise you it'll happen okay so east of the Jordan in the territory of Moab Moses began to expand this law saying the Lord our God said to us at Horeb you have stayed long enough at this mountain break camp and advance into the hill country of the amorite go to all the neighboring peoples in the arabic in the mountains in the Western foothills in the Negev and along the coast to the land of the canaanites and to Lebanon as far as the great river Euphrates see I have given you this land go in and take possession of the land the Lord swore he would give to your fathers to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and to their descendants after them I love this the Lord said you've been at this mountain too long you've been here long enough this journey that was only supposed to take 11 days it's now in its 40th year you've been at the mountain and Mount Sinai and Horeb you've been given the Ten Commandments you've been given the law you built the tabernacle you've been assembled into an army you've come out of slavery we've gotten slavery out of you we've now assembled you you who are not a people you have now become the people of God you're going to go in you're gonna possess the promised land you're gonna possess Canaan but you've been sitting at this mountain long enough I don't know why you've come to church tonight but I'm here to tell some of you you've been at this mountain long enough you've been at the mountain of fear long enough you've been at the mountain of insecurity long enough you've been at the mountain of depression long enough you've been at the mountain of intimidation long enough you've been at the mountain of shame long enough you've been at the mountain of guilt long enough you've been at the mountain of addiction long enough you've been at the mountain of defeat long enough you've been at this mountain long enough it's time to break camp and advance the Christian journey is always one of going forward and to advance into lay a hold of all of that for which Christ Jesus has laid a hold of you you've been there long enough I don't know what mountain you've been a long enough but God's moving us on this is a very pivotal time on the kingdom calendar and there is an advancing happening that God is advancing the people of God because our world is so dark and it needs to be penetrated with the light and the love and the mercy and the grace and the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ so whatever it is that has been paralyzing you that has been crippling you that has been keeping you at a place for 40 years metaphorically speaking where you should only be there for 11 days tonight we've come to do some business tonight we've come to move on from that mountain and move into the promised land to possess what Jesus has possessed for you he says you've been there long enough you know the truth is some Christians go in and possess the promised land and some don't or could but it's our decision whether we do Jesus at the cross at Calvary attained everything for us and you and I have access to every spiritual blessing in Christ we've got but we've got to go in and possess the scripture says that we might inherit you don't just sit down and wait for it to drop out of the sky you got to go in and get what Jesus has already gotten for you so he says you've been at this mountain long enough let's go in and possess it can you imagine this is not the first time the Lord told them to move on you know there's a couple of interesting scriptures just a little bit further down in this chapter verses 19 to 22 Moses is saying them then as the Lord God commanded us we set out from her already set out and we went toward the hill the amorite through all that vast and dreadful wilderness and you have seen and so we reach Kadesh Barnea then i said to you you have reached the hill country of the amorite switch the Lord our God is giving us see the Lord your God has given you the land go up and take possession of it as the Lord the God of your ancestors told you do not be afraid do not be discouraged then all of you came to me and said let us send men ahead to spy out the land for us and bring back a report about the route we are to take and the towns we will come to it goes on and on but I love verse 26 but you were unwilling to go up you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God they were unwilling to go up see this isn't the first time that God said break camp and go and God comes to us in His mercy and is inexplicable grace and says to us several times in our Christian journey come on it's time to break camp and go there comes a time where there's an area of your life relational emotionally spiritually financially wherever it may be where you've been dwelling somewhere wait too long internally in your heart you've been holding on to that unforgiveness way too long that bitterness way too long that rejection way too long that doubt way too long that guilt way too long and it's time to move on and you are not gonna get what you're waiting for until you get up and you go and get what you're waiting for because Jesus has already gotten it for you now what happened why did this journey take 40 years didn't need to why does it seem I look at that you know many of you you know my background that I was left in Crown Street Women's Hospital left there unnamed and unwanted when I was born my birth certificate does not have a name on it it simply says child's name number two 5:08 of 1966 that I was sexually abused for many years so I was really messed up I was full of shame I was full of guilt I was full of condemnation I was full of bitterness I was full of unforgiveness and on the outside I might have looked at okay but I was a walking mess bound crippled in slavery I was at the mountain of defeat I was at the mountain of victimhood I was at the mountain of shame I was them at the mountain of guilt I was at the mountain of condemnation I was at the mountain of fear I was at the mountain of negativity for most of my life I was there long enough but there came a point one day in a Sunday night's service just like this on the last Sunday night in January in 1989 when I walked into a meeting just like this and you know what that day I made a decision I've dwelt at that mountain long enough that I am going to break camp with my past I am going to lay a hold of the future that Jesus Christ has for me and I'm going to move beyond my past into the future that Jesus Christ died to give me some of us we have allowed our past to define our present and our future for long enough it's time to move past our past and to lay a hold of all of their for which Christ Jesus has laid a hold of us I don't know where you've been dwelling long enough at what mountain of victimhood well you don't know Christine what they did to me and I come from a family heritage of addiction and a family heritage of brokenness and a family heritage of there's always been divorce in my family there's always been brokenness there's always been paid Christine it's not my fault I was abused I was marginalized if we all have these these places where we stay and we say well this is my lot in life because of what happened to me but at some point you've got to make a decision that you are gonna make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anyone else did to you and there comes a point when you do that that you will move on many of us we've allowed what someone has said to us or about us to be bigger than what Jesus did for us on the cross and when you get a revelation of the blood that was shed for you at Calvary you'll realize no demon in hell and no person on earth can hold you back from the Destiny that Jesus Christ has for you you've been there long enough you've been there long enough and the same Jesus that did it for me can do it for anyone I don't know what mountain you've dwelt out long enough the mountain of failure the mountain of guilt the mountain of condemnation maybe you made some serious mistakes and you can't get past your past but you've been there too long because you've got to make what Jesus did for you bigger than what anyone else did to you including yourself including yourself there is no mountain that is too big there is no sin that is too big for God to forgive none oh you save this is not an issue of salvation Bible says very clearly you believe in your heart you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you will be saved but you can go to heaven with the promise possessing what God has for you or without it it's your choice but I want to go in and get it all you know you some people go well you know you what about what about all those years of abuse and all those years of being marginalized and all of it I go really I know I was abused for 12 years nothing will change that nothing you know you won't the blood of Jesus does not give you amnesia okay so it's not that people go some people they get it wrong and they think well this happened it's under the blood it's under the blood it didn't happen it didn't happen it didn't happen that's called lying okay so faith faith is not calling those things that are as though they are not okay that's called lying what faith is is calling those things that are not as though they are so I don't standing I'm not sick I'm not sick I'm not sick I just begin to claim the healing that isn't yet manifest that will come into actualization in my body so nothing will ever change it I was abused for 12 years I was broken I was marginalized that's awesome but in a few months I turned 50 so I want you to get this I have not been being abused for 38 years so why am I going to make 12 years determine my whole life when I haven't been being abused for a whole lot longer than I have been being abused and seized some of us we have taken one moment one comment some teachers said you dumb you stupid some parents said I wish you were never born some ex-lover walked out on you maybe you messed up somewhere you od'd somewhere you stole something you made a mistake you afraid that one incident that one moment that one sentence that one paragraph that one chapter that one book you've allowed that to define your whole life instead of saying what Jesus did for me is bigger than any mistake that I ever made in my life you've got to move on you've got to move on you're watching Christine Kane acclaimed author preacher and founder of a21 campaign when there's too much distraction when you're carrying too much baggage and when there's not enough of you to go around you can restart today you can understand what it means to live faith to faith grace to grace and glory to glory now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose it's all in Christine's 4-part CD message moving past your past ask for it today with your gift of any amount to share the love of Jesus with others by partnering with TBN simply call this number or visit TBN o RG / moving past how you view God and how you see the promises of God will determine whether you walk in the freedom of God or not it is not based on anything else but your perspective and what you believe and what you know about God numbers 13 the Lord said to Moses send some men to explore the land of Canaan which I am giving to the Israelites from each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders one of its leaders leaders leaders have the capacity to keep a generation out of their destiny or to take a generation in to their destiny your perspective will determine whether the people around you whether ever your sphere of influence is whether it's your workplace your home in ministry whatever it might be a leader will determine whether a generation will go in or stay out of the promise of God so if the Lord's command Moses sent them out from the desert of Paran all of them were leaders of the Israelites he's just reiterating that we're aware that 10 people can keep a generation out of their destiny 10 leaders so he says we said the Lord's from the tribe of Reuben Shamu a son of Zechariah for the tribe of Simeon Shefford some of her from the tribe at that person and that person and that person all the way through to all those people verse 16 these are the names of the men Moses sent to explore the land when Moses sent them to explore Cain and he said go up through the Negev and on to the hill country see what the land is like see what the land is like is and whether the people who live there a strong a weak few or many what kind of they live in is a good or bad what kind of towns do they're living are they unwalled or fortified how is the soil is it fertile or poor are there trees in it or not do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land it was the season and the first grapes so they went up and they explored the land from the desert of Zeena's far as rhihub toward liebo hamath they went up through the knee gab came up to here brought all those places okay and so verse 23 when they reached the valley of Eshcol they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes two of them carried it on a pole between them along with some pomegranates and figs and verse 26 they came back to Moses and Aaron and the whole Israelite community cuz when you got to be negative you better make sure that everybody's listening make sure you put out a blog so the whole world can have your opinion and your negativity and your fear and you don't make sure we keep as many people out of the promise as we possibly can and so there they report it to them into the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land they gave Moses account we went into the land which you sent us any does flow with milk and honey here is its fruit but the people who live there are powerful and the cities are fortified and large we even saw the descendants of anak there the Amalekites live there the knee guides the niqab the Hittites interpreter all those sites and then Caleb silence the people before Moses and said we should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it but there it is again but the men who had gone up with him said we can't take those people they're stronger than us they spread a rapport among the Israelites a bad report about the land they explored they said the lamb we explored devours those living in and all the people we saw there are of a great size we saw the Nephilim they're the descendants of Enoch came from the Nephilim we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we looked the same to them I mean what a scripture what description so here is a generation that had seen more of the miracles of God than anybody else these are the people that had seen the Red Sea part their leaders they had seen the Egyptian army drown they had seen men are coming down from heaven they had seen miracles and signs and wonders that you and I probably have not yet seen they tasted it they touched it but it shows you how you can in the midst of seeing all of the miracles of God and not trusting the God of the miracle you can be in the midst of the whole deal and not even know the God of the miracle you can be part of it and be swept up in the momentum of it all and still not be able to trust him when it really comes down to it so these guys were leaders that had seen the miracles of God I mean you would think they've had some faith in God when they saw the Red Sea part you think this God could do whatever he wanted but what happens the Bible says that the Lord said you go in I'm giving you this land well if God said he's giving it God's gonna do it this is the God that woke up one take on wet earth oops look what I did like it's just God it's what he does it's part of your God nests means you can do that he said to the son once get up there come up in the morning go down at night you know what last I checked it's been doing that ever since he told her to do it once that's kind of what God does and so that is what you can do when you are God so if God said I'm giving you the land he's giving them the land if the Lord's made a promise to you to your family then God is well able to do it that's why he is God that's what makes it you can't go oh it's impossible impossible is where God starts miracles are what God does we don't need a god that can only do what we can do we need a God that can do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything that we could ever ask go for think we need that kind of God and so says I'm giving it to you now go and check it out other cities fortified are there lots of people other giants big or small he was insane because if the city is fortified I don't know what I'm gonna do oh my word what am I gonna do if there's giant sin the land on God do you think we could take him out what do you think we should do but I love you what are we gonna do Oh God all three of me what am I going to do what are we gonna do the Dow Jones is down another three points oh no I don't even know who mr. Dow Jones he's buddy has a schizophrenic attack up down up down up down it's not like God's going oh I'm not gonna be able to fulfill my promise now because the Dow is down Gabriel what are we gonna do he was saying I want you to go and check out not I can give it to you but how you're gonna take it see go in and possess see the land I'm giving to you go in and possess it for many of us we're waiting and God say no no you go figure out how you're going to take the promise that I've already given you I've given it to you now figure out how you're going to take it many of us we see the problem when we think God doesn't want to give us the promise and God says of course I'm giving you the promise now go work out how you're gonna get it and so what happens is they come back and and and it's amazing to me they're holding it at one point they've got the fruit they're going they come back with the report and they say Moses the land you sent us through it's awesome it flows with milk and honey and here is its fruit is that amazing how you can hold the promise of God in one hand and then turn around in the next sentence and go but oh yeah I know God's been faithful in the past but you know God sort of kept my marriage but I know God came through but you could be holding the evidence of the promise and then you get your eyes off the promise and onto your butt and that's just gonna get you into a lot of trouble and that's what we do you know what we need in the body of Christ we need honestly we need a serious but ectomy you can go look it up in your medical dictionary we need to get our big fat butts out of God's way because they're holding the promise how many times are you holding the promise God has come through for you before God has done something miraculous God has intervened and you're holding that promise you've got years of testimony now you've got a challenge and you go back and it's like excuse me I'm really well aware I'm god I'm omnipotent omniscient omnipresent yeah I'm really good at being God that's what I do I don't know when you ever thought that you on your best day would actually be able to do any kind of miracle miracles at what I do I'm God not you I don't need you for your ability I need you for your availability I know that's all I mean I wasn't asking Chris whether you could do it I wasn't asking whether you would give enough already no you're not I already know you're not talented enough I already know you're not good enough it's not about you and it sounds so pious a religious spirit does there aren't just such a worm I'm such a grasshopper that's what took them out a religious spirit I'm just such a grass I mean it just sounds so pious and humble I'm just a worm I'm just useless and you know I just can't do it but what the root of that is actually pride because what it's saying to God is that my limitation is bigger than your supernatural ability to do something in and through my life and God will use unnamed unwanted abused adopted chicks from the back of black town because it brings him some glory that's what it does it brings him some glory on the earth he's like I'll get plenty of glory for that one people will know people will know that it certainly did not much to do with her he's just looking for a generation that will believe him because he says I've already given you the promise I've already given it to you and look at what the lie of the enemy is they come back and they say they grumbled and they complained and they set a negative report kept a whole generation out of their destiny and then listened to the lie and this is the biggest lie of the devil he says the land we explored devours those living in it can you imagine God has promised them this land and this is the lie of the devil if you go in to possess the promise that God has for you it will destroy you oh he lies this all the time I remember when I first started in in ministry Christine it's okay you can be full-on now because you're like single so somehow that's the prerequisite for being full on for God okay so so you could do it and then you know you can run youth alive and you can do what you do because you know you're zealous because you know you're just single but wait you get married as if like somehow that's a curse I don't know but anyway so then it's like and then we got married Nick and I got married and we went from what was you know back then a relatively local kind of ministry to to more of a or a state ministry to more of a national ministry and you know that was like people were like well Christine that that's just because you're married and you don't have kids I'm like okay so you know you have to slow down you'll have to slow down when you have kids then we had Catherine and we kind of went from a national ministry to like an international ministry and they're like well Christine you know one kids just an accessory just wait till you have another one then you're gonna have to slow down like sometimes you don't even need the devil when you've got Christians and so what happens is that it is amazing I don't come they'll come and I'll start like you know what well whatever will happen Christine if you go full-on with Nic into the call the land will devalue what a lie as if God's gonna call us so that the land will devour us I don't know what kind of God you've got but I've got a good good father that loves us that he does good and he is good and he gives us good things that's the father I've got so what we need is the spirit that says like Caleb we we are well able the bank could come up we need a generation that says you don't want to been here long enough I'm not staying at this mountain anymore I don't know what disappointment it is I don't know what discouragement it is I don't know what disillusionment it is I don't know what unbelief it is I don't want to know what mega tivity it is I don't know what failure it is I don't know what guilt it is or unforgiveness or bitterness or condemnation or apathy or lethargy or indifference I don't know what it is but you've been there long enough and what we need a spirit that stops talking about our limitations stops talking about where I fit every government funding category in Australia seriously I'm like a marginalized oppressed dispossessed poor ethnic minority abused adopted chick it's awesome you how much money I can make on government funding because what they do is they fund people like me and they say victim why don't you stay that way but you know what I read the book and it says that he's redeemed my life from the pit that I don't need to live as any kind of victim but we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who strengthens us there is more in you than you know God has a great promise and a plan for you I use the words well able to describe all that God is capable of and to describe what the body of Christ can do when we passionately follow him I'm excited to be with you today because together we are well able to reach the world in our life time with the gospel will you help me make this a reality through the ministry of TBN this network shines the light of salvation to millions and continually broadcast to encourage Christians like you and me Matt and Lori Crouch asked me to offer something new today so with your gift of any size to reach the world through faith film television I want you to request moving past your past on CD don't miss this special offer I really want you to have it you see others taking big steps you think the world is running ahead of you but God knows you are right where he wants you to be you're perfectly positioned to grow and become a world changing agent of his love but what's holding you back if your past keep stepping into your present now is the time to call a new teaching series called moving past your past by Christine Kane is now available to partners of TVN this electrifying teaching reverses the lie spoken by the world a lie that paralyzes the lost and believers alike that your past defines you Christine shares 4 messages to help you unlock a new vision for today while delivering a hope for every day to come now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose see God in a new way and let go of everything holding you back in bubi [Music] [Applause] thank you so much for all of that why don't you turn with me to Joshua chapter 14:6 the Bible says now the people of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the kena sight said to him you know what the Lord said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me I was 40 years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land and I brought him back a report according to my convictions but my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear I however followed the Lord my god wholeheartedly everyone say wholeheartedly so on that day Moses swore to me the land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly now then just as the Lord promised he has kept me alive for forty five years since the time he said to Moses while Israel moved about in the wilderness so here I am today 85 years old I'm still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out I love this part I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day you yourself heard them that the a naxaiites were there in their cities were large and fortified but the Lord helping me I will drive them out just as he said then Joshua blessed Caleb the son of Jephunneh and gave him hair bran his inheritance I love this passage of Scripture because right here this defies common logic Josh I'm caleb is 85 years old and he runs up and he says to Joshua hey I'm not cashing in my 401k I am NOT going in to retirement because you know I've done a lot of stuff I came out of Egypt I saw God do signs wonders and miracles the Red Sea parted I saw the Egyptian army drown God kept us alive for 40 years miraculously we've come in for the last seven years and we've been taking land and we've been fighting the Canaanites and been getting rid of the Giants and we've seen Jericho walls pull fall down we've seen the River Jordan push back we've seen great signs wonders and miracles I have helped my fellow warriors take their land but this isn't it yet I haven't arrived yet I've still got breath in my lungs I don't know who is here today but I'm here to tell you it's not over yet yeah hey brawn is still ahead of you your mountain is still ahead of you the promise of God is still ahead of you if you woke up this morning and there was not a white chalk bark around your body it means you're alive it means there's more ahead it means you've got so much more God's still got a plan he's not finished with you yet Caleb says I'm still here I'm talking to some people this morning that are still here life has come and kicked you in the guts but you still here you've had some disappointments but you're still here you've had some discouragements but you're still here the enemy has come and lied to you but you're still here someone's walked out on you but you're still here our business might have gone bust but you're still here as sicknesses tried to attack you but you're still here you've lost someone that you've loved but you're still here am I talking to anyone in the room that's still here today the enemy has come but you are still here you watch what the Lord's gonna unlock for you in this conference because you're still here sometimes the best best battle plan is just to go I'm still standing I'm devil you can stick that in your pipe and smoke it I'm still here I'm still here I'm still here and so how is he still here you gotta wonder 85 I don't know if you've been a Christian more than five minutes you will have had the chance to get full of bitterness to get offended to walk in unforgiveness to see things aren't quite how they see you wonder I the older I get which are still young but the older that I get the more I appreciate people that are just basically still here they've been Christians for 40 years and they still love Jesus and they still love his church and they still love people and the older you get the more you realize that alone is a miracle that alone is a miracle so some of you have come into this house today and you're barely here it's interesting to me at 85 he still had this passion at 85 he still had this zeal that's what I want and how did he not get better how did he not let it take him out weariness or disappointment or discouragement or apathy or indifference how somehow did he keep going and I think it's up to all of us to work on our internal world to keep a spirit that is whole harder than that we run our race and finish our course with passion with zeal with joy because it's so easy to be here in body but not really be here in heart it's so easy to turn up to church every week and go through a religious ritual but you're not here you checked out a long time ago you're just checking in to fulfill some religious obligation for a week and then you're out of there you're not really here let me just tell you as a teacher you know whether the crowd is here or whether they're here you know the difference of whether you've just got a cute little rusty dusty on a seat or whether you have really turned up and you are really here and you're really engaged the good news is at Gateway pink you are here at pink impact you are here this morning and you're ready to go on for it so how do we stay wholehearted because a lot of us were obsessed with our external trying to stay young because he somehow was still very young at heart because a lot of times we go man if you just newly saved you're full of passion you can be passionate when you're young but Christine you know I've been in the way for 40 years I've seen some things and I think could you just get out of the way then but anyway there's a lot of people without they're just in the way and they're no longer whole harder they're no longer young at heart and then everyone externally is looking for that eternal thousand of you I mean yesterday I was in the drugstore do you know there were creams there that promised me if I put a touch of that cream on I would look 30 years younger today and when we're all looking we are trying to preserve externally what God can only renew internally but you're not gonna stay wholehearted by putting cream on your face you're gonna stay wholehearted by allowing the Holy Spirit to do a work in your heart and in the days in which we live the enemy is after our heart the enemy wants to wear us down the enemy wants to make us weary good people good Christian people just exhaust us that's his plan you know I see the young people if I try to take someone on the road with me that's 20 I mean they're taking naps and I have to bring them cups of tea because they can't even keep up we need the supernatural power of God to ring us so the Bible says will mount up on wings like eagles we will run and not grow weary we will walk and not think but I think the Lord's brought us together because he's about to do is shift you know when I get on the airplane they said could you go and check your settings and put your phone in airplane mode if I want to talk in my car I have to go into my settings and put my phone and connect it through bluetooth to the car if you want to see some kind of external change you've got to go into your settings and you need to reset your settings so that you can get things right you know Nick bought me an Apple watch recently and he said Christine in order for your watch to work you've got to download the app on your phone and go into your settings and set your settings and I said I come from a time where there was no discernable correlation between your phone and your watch when I was born with the dinosaurs I would if I wanted to make a phone call I would pick up something with a cord I would put it on my ear I would have to actually use my finger to put it in a dial and turn the whole thing and if I wanted to tell the time I had to look at my watch that you wound up but nowadays if I want to do something with my watch I've got to go to my phone I'm like man what kind of world do we live in if you want to some of us have come here and we don't seem to be hearing from God too well and that's because we've got too many spiritual apps open on our spiritual phone and God's gonna come and close some of those apps to make some room for you to hear from him and from his spirit others of you you've come in here in the hard drive of your spiritual computer it's just full of lies from the enemy and God's gonna wipe that hard drive clean and he's gonna reset it with the truth of his word God's come to do some resetting in our inner world you see Caleb was wholehearted not half-hearted but wholehearted it doesn't surprise me that God would start without heart because if he's got your heart he's got you you'll do anything when your hearts in it you don't when I met my husband we met at Hillsong Bible College and I was doing a lecture on evangelism and Nick was a student and so back then in those days at our Bible College there was a rule that students were not allowed to date but there was no rule for students and teachers and so my husband I think you go to jail now but anyway that was then so so Nick found out from my best friend that I swam every morning at 6:00 a.m. at our local swimming pool now I had been doing this girl's for one solid year and I had never seen anyone at the pool at 6:00 a.m. except for the guy that opens it and me well anyway after this lecture I would go to the local swimming pool and there's my husband oh he wasn't my husband he was this guy and he was doing laps up and down the pool and then after about a week he made sure that he accidentally on purpose swam into my lane and knocked me out and so we're in the pool and I'm like oh you know hi Nick what are you doing here then he kind of had that that male bravado you know he's gone what do you mean what am I doing here I'm always here at 6 o'clock in the morning I love swimming at 6 o'clock in the morning now girls on the 30th of March Nick and I celebrated 20 years of marriage which was awesome yeah but this is what I want to tell you if you do the math that is roughly seven thousand three hundred days so this is what I want to say I've woken up next to that man for more than 7,300 mornings and I want to declare to you today that never one not even once not one of those 7300 mornings as my husband ever got up at 6 o'clock to go swimming in any pollute my point is that you'll do anything for passion you'll get up at 6 o'clock in the morning when I'll make sure you'll get up and have a quiet time no one has to make you your tithe no one has to make you you go to church no one has to make you you'll keep yourself morally pure no one has to make you you won't lie no one has to make you you won't cheat no one has to make you do what you want from passion so says how's your heart some of us today need a spiritual heart checkup our hearts become calloused we haven't gone to the word to allow it to read our heart and so we've allowed unforgiveness and bitterness and shame and guilt and envy and greed and lust and God to take root in our heart and we're headed for a spiritual heart attack you're watching Christine Cain acclaimed author preacher and founder of a21 campaign when there's too much distraction when you're carrying too much baggage and when there's not enough of you to go around you can restart today you can understand what it means to live faith to faith grace to grace and glory to glory now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose it's all in Christine's 4-part CD message moving past your past ask for it today with your gift of any amount to share the love of Jesus with others by partnering with TBN simply call this number or visit TBN o RG / moving past where's your affection where's your heart 3 John 2 says beloved I pray you prosper and are in good health even as your soul prospers how's your soul today see you can put as much anti-wrinkle cream as you want on your skin but it's not gonna impact the wrinkles and you saw house you saw because if we are going to be like Caleb and finished strong then we need to pay a little bit more attention to our inner world than our outer world then we need to understand that our heart better be pumping the life of the Spirit through our bodies into a lost in a broken world that our soul needs to be well the hymn writer wrote it as well as well it is well with my soul but as I travel I'm finding it is not well it is not well it is not well with a lot of women's souls women that have been Christians for a long time and I think the challenge is this and I know for me this has been a very big thing in my life and I've had to revisit it in the last couple of years because I think sometimes we forget as Christians we are tripartite beings God has created us body soul and spirit and we put so much emphasis on the spirit which we should are now Bible reading and and now our being in in union with the Spirit of God and our spiritual disciplines it is so important but we also have to remember that that Holy Spirit resides within a physical body I don't know if I was God I wouldn't have done it that way but that's why he's God and I'm not it's a Perkin being God you get to choose and so that's how he decided it was going to happen but he also gave us a soul and here's the deal if you came to Jesus with a wounded soul it didn't get zapped whole when you said the sinner's prayer so you know if you raise your hand you suggest to Jesus you walk down the aisle to pray the sinner's prayer that prayer that will pluck you out of eternal darkness and put you into the kingdom of God for all of eternity I mean it is the most powerful prayer you're ever gonna say it but here's the deal if you raise your hand and walk to the front and pray that sinner's prayer and you had cellulite on your thighs when you prayed those words that took you out of hell and put you into heaven and you said Amen when you went back to your seat after saying Amen that cellulite went back to the seat with you we all understand that when it comes to the body but what makes us think that just because I say Amen and my spirit is born again that my wounded soul is instantly healed and that's what kept me sitting in meetings like this sitting up the back there going I want to believe what she's saying is true I want to walk in from that man if people only knew and then I really try to do this thing and I pray more and I fast more and I go to more conferences and I do more Bible studies and I read more books but but I can normally keep it together for just a couple of days and then I don't know what happens I fall back into my patterns of destructive behavior I fall back into my negative thinking or I fall back I'm trying and eventually you just think I wish it was true I'd love to believe it's true I really don't so I'll sit my butt on a Pew but I don't really believe it's gonna impact me and we got to move beyond that we got to move beyond there because I don't know how many more Bible studies we need to do and how many more sermons we need to hear until we start appropriating this stuff and it starts changing us but I think one of those keys is that we've got to start to understand the difference between spirit and soul so I had a bit of course I had a damaged soul and all of us have to whatever degree you don't need to have had my past for this to be true and so what I did was I didn't know what to do I know so much wanted so much of God so I did what we all do I visited God on Sunday and I visited God at the conference and I visited God at the Bible study but you know we our word is dwell the Bible says in John 1:14 the word became flesh and dwelt amongst them I love the Eugene Peterson rendition of this it says the word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood the only problem is we don't want God to move into the neighborhood we want to visit God because it's a lot easier for to visit God over there than for God to move into the neighborhood over here so we all go for one hour and visit God on Sunday or visit God at the conference but you know when you have a visitor what do you do you clean the house up really nice you go get all the kids dirty undies and you put them in the cupboards and you hide the ball you go into the bathroom you get rid of the sandpaper and put really nice soft toilet paper because the visitors are coming you go in and you cook and bake really good chocolate cookies but if the kids touch them they're dead because that's for the visitors so the visitor comes they sit at their you know in the lounge room everyone's really polite if the kids look like they're gonna fight without taking your eye off the visitor you are giving your kids the evil death stare that says you are dead and then the visitor leaves at the appointed time we wait till the car drives off and then then World War three breaks out at home well this is what we do on our way to church every week not here in Dallas but you know in Australia in the heathen places that's where it happens so what what do we do we we kind of drive to church I mean we are having a full-on fight with our husband and we've nearly killed the kids and we've said a lot of four-letter words and none of them are love and none of them are in the Bible and so off we go and then what happens we pull into the church parking lot and that spirit of hypocrisy it comes upon us and so we get to the front foyer and the greeter gives us a bulletin shakes a hand how are you this morning you're like I'm blessed I'm blessed I've been redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb and in fact here is my cherubim and my Seraphim and they're going into kids church today like we're singing I love you come Holy Spirit you're awesome if he thinks he's getting any for the next month and he's got another thing coming oh yes Holy Spirit oh yes it is amazing how you can multitask in your mind while you're worshiping the Lord oh yes it is as if somehow God doesn't know but anyway that's how we are and then we can sometimes maybe stay a Christian through to Sunday night on a good week Monday but by Tuesday our evil twin sisters back and by Wednesday we hate ourselves again because we really wanted this thing to work and the difference is and the team can come the difference is we didn't let God move into the neighborhood of our heart our soul our Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday we just said you know I'll put on my dresser clothes and I'll come and visit you on Sunday oh I can keep it together for an hour and what you've done is there's areas of your soul where you double deadlock pad locked and God out of them oh I know cuz that was me I had made vows you jumped from church to church because you don't trust any male authority because someone used you someone abused you someone walked out on you and you're wondering why you're not fulfilling your destiny and you think the problem is everyone else but it's the broken wounded soul you've locked God out of the very areas that only his light can illuminate and bring healing the Bible says that God is light and in him there is no darkness girls I want you to hear me God has no dark side for someone like me some of the greatest revelation I've gotten from the scriptures that God is trust worthy he is worthy of my trust it took me years to believe that because anyone that I should have trusted violated me left me abandoned me rejected me Jesus is trustworthy he's gonna bring healing and wholeness into your life throughout this conference but you've got to give him the keys to those places where you've locked him out of your soul and your soul will always remain wounded and you will always default down to your lowest level of personal revelation until you let Jesus go there and bring healing and elevate you up and then let me finish with this you know the Bible says in Colossians I haven't looked let me just go to a note to make sure I do something Colossians 3:2 it says to set our minds set we're talking about a reset today some of us need a heart reset got to close some apps off that phone make some more room for God to come and dwell some of us need a hard drive reset so our heart needs to be reset our hearts gotten of course guard your heart scripture says proverbs 4:23 above all else above all else because it will take you of course and you won't end up like Caleb wholehearted John 8 says if you abide in this word then you will know the truth and the truth will set we're talking about a reset today not if you abide in the latest reality TV show not if you abide in the gossip of your friends more than ever God is calling his church back to his word he never called us out of it it's just being out of it has caused the mess that we're in if you abide in my word you will know the truth and the truth will set you free my daughter Katherine and Sophie you know they've always traveled with us and daddy would always say to Katherine Bobby you are beautiful you are intelligent you and daddy's little princess well that's all she ever knew well have you ever been to school and the kids aren't quite saying those things over one another every day in there in the school yeah well then her teacher said this to me at a good Christian school her teacher said Christine you should see what happened Katherine had a little argument with a boy at lunchtime he grabbed her a teddy bear off her and he looked her in the eye and he said Katherine Bobby you are dumb and ugly and I'm thinking I don't even know how my daughter knows what that is and the teacher said Christine you should have seen her she put her shoulders back and I honestly thought the teacher was gonna say and she King hit him I was so happy oh no no she put her shoulders back she looked him in the eye she said my daddy says Matt Lori and I have been talking about this day for over two years the dream of reaching around the world through television is truly a miracle it's my mission to share the Word of God and it's my passion to love the people of God right now that's you I know I'm in good company because you believe in the purpose of TBN like I do we help me continue the good work of this ministry with your prayers and financial support Matt and Lori Crouch asked me to offer something new today so with your gift of any size to reach the world through faith filled television I want you to request moving past your past on CD I'm so grateful for you I'm thankful there are partners like you who make TV in a light of salvation to millions don't miss this special offer I really want you to have it you see others taking big steps you think the world is running ahead of you but God knows you are right where he wants you to be you're perfectly positioned to grow and become a world changing agent of his love but what's holding you back if your past keeps stepping into your present now is the time to call a new teaching series called moving past your past by Christine Caine is now available to partners of TVN this electrifying teaching reverses the lie spoken by the world a lie that paralyzes the lost and believers alike that your past to find you christine shares four messages to help you unlock a new vision for today while delivering a hope for every day to come now is the season to claim victory over your past become a person full of promise embrace a future marked by purpose see God in a new way and let go of everything holding you back in moving past your past christine shows you how to walk away
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 27,409
Rating: 4.8879309 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine endurance, christine caine take a risk, christine caine tbn, christine caine the dark room, christine caine highly unlikely, christine caine sermons 2017, christine caine embrace, christine caine i need more space, christine caine exposed, christine caine elevation church, christine caine
Id: 84X1MmZlEQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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