Christine Caine Update October 05, 2017_ I Need More Space TBN

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the message [Music] I'm so excited to be here I'm so glad you've joined us today I am really thrilled to dive right into the Word of God we're talking about creating more space my little girl Catherine she is now 15 taller than me we are way beyond this stage where she's already outgrown my shoes at least I'm saved now she's not taking my shoes anymore so she's outgrown all my shoes just told them it gets all on my clothes but a couple of years ago she came to me and she said mommy I need a new bed and I thought she was just making it up so you know I just kind of just didn't pay attention then one night Nick and I went into her room and I felt so sorry I felt like a mother child abuser because her legs were hanging out of the bed her arms were hanging out and you know the kid had outgrown this little single bed you know and so I looked at it and I thought well it looks odd and I just felt in that moment the Holy Spirit say to me Christine that's what a lot of you look like to me you have all outgrown the space that you're in I want to do so much more in and through your life but I need a little bit more room I need an increase in vent so in this series over the next few weeks we're going to be talking about how to create more space for God in our life because I think God's saying to us that I need more space we're going to turn to the book of Isaiah chapter 54 I love being Australian and saying Isaiah because for all my American brethren they go Isaiah and so that was for all the Americans but right here in Isaiah 44 54 it's a chapter but right here in Isaiah 54 we just talk about the church it says sing o barren one who did not bare break forth into singing and cry aloud you who have not been in labor for the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married says the Lord I'm just thinking as I'm reading that about you not being in labor I'd like to say that I have been in labor but the minute that I started I was going to have kind of super natural childbirth you know people had given me the books and the CDs and I went to the labor ward and I've discovered what the supernatural part is it's that you alive and so I was not going to have any medication or anything and I remember the minute the first contraction started I just grabbed the doctor and I said I want drugs legal illegal I don't care I am Greek I know the Mafia I want drugs and it was in that moment that I discovered the fourth part of the Trinity that there is truly God the Father there is God the Son there is God the Holy Spirit and there is God the epidural please don't write me letters but it was in the midst of all of that I'm thinking because my husband laughs and says Christine you didn't ever really labor because after that I went and had a c-section praise the Lord so anyway I'm just jumping right in that's got nothing to do with anything but I just thought I would go that that's what the Bible does to me so verse to enlarge the place of your tent and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out do not hold back lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes for you will spread abroad to the right and to the left and your offspring will possess Nations and the and will people the desolate cities I love this basically this chapter describes what the church will be like obviously it's right there in between Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 55 that's normally where the number 54 fits and Isaiah 53 it's really where the Prophet prophesies the sacrificial atonement the work of Jesus Christ on the cross I mean it's such a powerful powerful chapter Isaiah 55 describes really what's going to happen with the end time harvest come everyone who thirsts come to the waters so right between the atoning work of Jesus and the end time harvest is this depiction of the church now this was a very dark time in Israel's history there's no doubt about it that Israel had a series of wicked rulers the land was desolate the temple had been destroyed by enemies and now the children of Israel they were in Babylonian exile and so this was anything but a victorious looking Church but God's saying to them that if in the midst of this dark hour in the midst of this discouraging time in the midst of this captivity if you would sing forth praise you are gonna see a revival like you have never seen before and God is reminding the church she's not dead she's not empat impotent her time is not over and I want to remind you no matter what the naysayers might be saying around the world today where people say the church is in decline Millennials don't want to go to church it seems like God has had his best days behind him and not ahead of him I'm here to tell you that in the chaotic dark state that our world is in today these are the greatest days to be alive this is the greatest opportunity for the church 2,000 years ago jesus said I will build my church and guess what the gates of Hell cannot will not shall not prevail against the Church of the Living God sir I'm pumped up because we are poised for a time of harvest right now despite the darkness on the earth today the grace the love the mercy of Jesus Christ shall prevail you know things are not out of control I'm watching people on social media you can see it in blogs you can see it on Instagram posts and on Facebook posts there is just so much fear there is so much negativity people are feeling oppressed and confused about what's going on in the world but you have to know that things are never totally out of control why because God is sovereign and God is in control things are not falling apart they are simply falling into place things are not unraveling they are culminating things are not going back because he is coming back so you do not have to freak out that sky will part Jesus is coming back and it's the opportunity of the church on the earth today to be the light and the hope of Jesus and so we have to understand that we are in harvest time regardless of what the naysayers are saying this is a time where God wants us to enlarge he wants us to stretch he wants us to lengthen he wants us to strengthen I don't know what's happening in your life right now but I want you to know that this is not a time of contraction but a time of expansion the enemy is filling our world with fear and discouragement and negativity because he wants you to pull back fear cripples us he paralyzes us fear causes us to pull back from the plans and the purposes of God but God is saying no no while all the world is retracting in fear while all the world is speaking doubt and negativity I want my church to enlarge I want my people to stretch to lengthen to strengthen this is our day God has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and has given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation today you are not here by accident you do not have to freak out by all the negative news that's there in the media you can read the good news of Jesus Christ and you can know that today is a day of hope today is a day of life today's the day of liberty and I am very excited about the expansion time that is ahead for us I love reading this passage verses 2 & 3 in the message Bible by Eugene Peterson he says some great stuff he says clear lots of ground for your tents make your tents large spread out think big use plenty of rope drive the tent pegs deep you're gonna need lots of elbow room for your growing family you are going to take over whole Nations you're going to resettle abandoned cities I love this you're going to need lots of elbow room I travel a lot and I'm on airplanes all of the time and I don't know if you ever get stuck on an airplane it is amazing what happens to your brain at 35,000 feet because it seems you know an armrest is normally about 2 inches wide it is amazing how that piece of real estate actually means so much to you when you're up in the air and you don't want that person next to you actually getting any of your armrest it is amazing how the fruits of the spirit just go out the window and in fact you are waiting for that person to go to the bathroom so you can just plant your whole hand on that armrest and you are just holding onto that territory this there is an elbow etiquette and the elbow etiquette is not supposed to be betrayed on a plane by you trying to nudge your way across that armrest into somebody else's will here at the end of the day he's saying God saying you're gonna need a little bit more elbow room just like my daughter Katherine had grown out of that bed some of you you've been in that same place for way too long you haven't stretched or enlarged for wait way too long you become bored with your relationship with God and just just going through the motions of this thing called life because it's been a long time since you've stretched and since you've been large and in fact every time the enemy sends an assignment of fear across the earth every time we're meant to take more territory you will always see a spirit of fear spread across and you see it around the world today you see it with the terror and all of the negative news reports that come across every major threshold of transition in the scripture the devil sends a spirit of fear and we the church are in a major threshold of transition right now and the enemy wants you to pull back rather than take risks and step of faith and to go out and to enlarge and to stretch so the greatest thing that you can do is to do the contrary thing to what's happening in the spirit of the age right now and to make a decision that you are going to step out you know tense the image here that Eugene Peterson uses and what God uses actually in the book of isaiah says enlarge the place of your tents now a tent is something that a middle-eastern woman would have understood my family and i were just over in qatar for a few days with our work with a21 and so we got to go into the desert and see where the bedouin truly go it is awesome i would not want to live there but i think i was very impressed with how they live in these tents in the desert and you know what I discovered I had no idea actually like nowhere to go I'm like looking at it all and it just looks like sand and sand and sand and just how we have freeways like I live in California and we have the 405 freeway with lanes I've discovered the desert it's got its own freeways it really does but anyway so the Bedouin were knowing whether they wouldn't go in and I watched them with the tents now every Middle Eastern woman would have understood this because if you were going to enlarge your tent now if they were going to have more children in the family or if the husband was going to take on more wives please don't do this at home but anyway that's just kind of unfortunate I'm very glad I mean New Testament Christian because so in the midst of all of that he was going to have to make more room and that meant that the women were using goat skins we're going to weave together more and more space so they could enlarge the place of that tent they were going to expand the living space and the truth is now that the tent was expanded it would be far more susceptible to the elements and to the wind so therefore you have to get those 10 and you had to dig them deeper and they had to go deeper so as God wants us to have a greater influence and to grow broader he's also going to require that we go deeper internally there is a direct correlation between the amount you allow God to go deep on the inside and the influence you're going to have on the outside some of us we want God to stretch our influence and God says I want to and I'm gonna start by digging deeper in you and the degree to which you allow God to dig deep in you will mean that you will be able to have a massive influence out there so these verses contain the keys to growth we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you are created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more space in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Cain reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait another minute this is your moment to begin experiencing the life you were created to live we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us we need to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to stretch us way way beyond anything that we know so call now or go securely online to share and request your own copy of I need more space build your faith and give your best to bless others through the same TV and network that has blessed you because no matter how barren it might look right now God is making room for you [Music] if we want to enlarge our perspective of God we've got to enlarge the capacity of God in our hearts everything guard your heart with all diligence why four out of it flow all of the issues of life John 1:14 I love it again in the message the Bible says the word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood and God is wanting to move into the neighborhood of our heart that's what the Incarnation is all about that God stepped out of heaven into a lost and a broken world took on he put flesh and blood on the bones of faith incarnate he dwelt among us he was with us the witness of God God wants to be with us today God is not just someone we visit on a Sunday God is not just someone we tuned in once a week on TV the word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood I wonder if you've allowed God to move into the neighborhood of your heart or do you just visit with God on Sunday because it's very different you treat a visitor very different to someone that's moved in to the neighborhood so when we have a visitor what do we do we clean out our house we make it really really nice the lounge rooms very very nice and of course we go into the children's bedroom we clean up we get rid of all their dirty underwear put it in there in the closet and you know we go into the bathroom we get rid of that sand paper when we put really nice soft toilet paper there because the visitors are coming we get rid of the chip cookies and we put the really really nice chocolate cookies there because the visitors are coming and we warn our children that if they even look like they're going to fight when a visitor is there that they're not going to get Christmas presents for the next 45 years and so we have already made this decision and and so if you're a mother you actually have this sixth sense that you could be engaged with your visitor eyeball to eyeball and if you sense that your kids are about to go AWOL you can give them the evil eye without ever taking the eyes off your visitor simultaneously and they know they are busted when the visitor lives and so everyone's sitting down and everyone's really polite why because the visitor is there but the visitor leaves at the appointed time they're very polite then they get up and they go and I mean they are barely out of the driveway and World War three is broke now at home like you know every our evil twin sister comes out and off it happens well many of us were exactly the same when it comes to going to church I mean you know we are on our way to church we're having a full-on fight in the car of course not you that is watching this I'm talking about everybody else but we're having a full-on fight I mean we are saying many many words that are not in the Bible and you know and then we've almost killed our kids and then we pull into the church parking lot and that spirit of hypocrisy comes upon us because we're visiting God and so we have just now almost killed someone in the car but we get into the foyer a church and the greeter is there with the bulletins and they're like how are you today and you're like I'm blessed I'm blessed I've been redeemed and sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lamb and in fact here is my cherubim and my Seraphim and they're going to church as well today they're going to and then we get into worship and when I go worship You God I hate his guts if he thinks he's getting any this month anyway so we God is amazing as you are singing I worship you a mighty God what you can be processing in your brain simultaneously and then pastor is preaching a word and and you are barely in the car and you hit your spouse and you're like did you hear what pastor said every word was for you it was for you everyone and then we go home and we might even be able to stay saved through Sunday maybe Monday on a good week but by Tuesday our evil twin is way out our children do not know where jekyll-and-hyde and what is going on and by Wednesday we hate ourselves because we're in this yo-yo pattern of two good days three bad days we want to be better and we're not and what is the problem the problem is that we visit God on Sundays and we don't let God invade our Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday he says I want to move into those broken areas of your heart I want to move into those broken areas of your life and bring healing and restoration I need more of you give me more of your broken heart that's the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ you don't have to get fixed up to come to Jesus you can bring your broken heart you can bring your wounded heart you can bring your damaged heart you can bring your tormented heart you can bring your fragile heart to a God of healing of restoration a God we'll bring great great breakthrough in and through your life and so what we have to do it's not only give him more room in our heart we have to give him more room with our eyes because as you'll see right now on the screen you you see this great patron this is not a trick question as you're reading that you're going Christine what is that I'm asking you what is that that you see right now and obviously this is not rocket science that that's a black dot right there in the middle of the screen and it is true the fact is that there is a black dot and you are entirely right by saying Chris that that's a black dot but there is in fact a lot more white space than there is black dot but our eyes are so trained to look at the black dots of life and the devil will make sure that the black dots are screaming at us that we will miss all of that space where God is because we're looking at where the problem is we're looking at where the hurt is we're looking at where the offense is we're looking at where the fear is or we're looking at where the negativity is and what we need to do is change what we're looking at too many of us are looking at the black dots of life and we are filled with fear we are filled with anxiety you're popping extra pills you're drinking an extra glass of wine you're trying to settle yourself down because you're looking at the wrong thing instead of fixing your eyes on Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith you are looking at all of the black dots what if this happens and what if this happens politically and what if this happens economically and what if this happens in the environment and what if and what if and what if and you are filling your life with the black dots of what if which are more likely to never happen rather than filling your life with the white space of God who is full of love who is full of grace who is full of mercy you've got to train your eyes to stop looking at the problems and start looking at your God who is bigger than any problem that you have and that's how we make God bigger the Bible says in Psalm 34 three Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I love that you've got a magnet my kids love magnifying glasses and you know if I'm not wearing my glasses I'm using a magnifying glass I've hit that age I tried to deny it I laughed at my mother for years and my mother would always say to me who stand up where you are I once was and where I am you will one day be she was right and so there is a man and what does the magnifying glass do is it makes the words bigger it doesn't change the words it takes what's already on my paper and it makes them bigger and that's why the Bible says hey why don't you make God bigger and so we can't make him any bigger than he is he's omnipotent omniscient omnipresent we've said that but we can make him bigger in our hearts we can focus on him you know it is you come into church and what do you do you come in with all of the weight of the world on your shoulders and then all of a sudden we begin to magnify him we begin to worship him I don't know if you noticed we do not do praise and worship in church because we're waiting for all the late people to come we are actually coming because we are worshiping the Lord and what you do is as you begin to see him for who he really is you know what at the end of the service you've heard the word at the end of this broadcast right here on TBN you've heard the word you're filled with faith the fact is when it's over nothing in your life may have changed in practical terms but everything's changed because how you see it changes and so what we want to do is change our perspective and decide you know what I decided this when after I had been abused for 12 years and then I turned 50 and I remember thinking I haven't been being abused for 38 years I'm not gonna make the 12 years bigger than the 38 years I'm not gonna make what the devil did to me bigger than what Jesus did for me you have got to make a decision what other you are gonna choose to magnify what God did I remember when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and the doctor called me I had my tests done in America I flew to Australia for our Hillsong conference and when I landed it was not even an hour later the doctor called me and she said that words that nobody thinks they're ever going to hear she said Christine I want you to know your biopsy has come back and you have cancer and I remember she was really nervous to tell me and so because I could hear some trepidation in her voice I felt like I had to go into pastoral care for her and so I jumped in and I went Lesley it'll be okay I said you don't have to worry I said my battle is not actually a it's cancer it's against fear because there is a name that is above every other name and that is the name of Jesus but what the devil wants me to do is he wants me to be crippled and paralyzed he wants to me to make the power of God smaller so I forget the promises of God in the Word of God so all I talk about is fear is talk about fear but you know what God has numbered every one of my days the devil is not going to snatch me back any sooner than God wants to take me home and so God already has the victory so I will not become scared of the c-word which is why I'm calling it what it is I will not allow cancer to me to cause me I'm not dying because of cancer I'm dying because I'm alive death is the ultimate statistic 1 out of 1 will die I bet you feel encouraged and so there is no way that that was going to take me out I was going to live as long as God wanted me to live so I made a decision I blocked out every other voice in my life I pulled down my Rhema Bible app and all of my healing scriptures and every morning and then every midday and then every night three times a day with my husband 45 healing scriptures we would declare we would decree them out loud we did everything we needed to do medically at the same time but I was going to silence the naysayers I was going to silence the fear I was going to silence the doubt because I wanted to make room in my heart room in my mind room in my eyes room in my life for the promises of God and not the fear of man I wanted to enlarge the place of my tent God has so much more for you God wants you to enlarge the place of your tent God has so many promises still waiting in your future don't live a small life when you can have a big life you can make God bigger in whatever circumstance you're confronting today let me pray for you wherever you are I can believe that your perspective is going to shift off your problems onto your God because your God can change your circumstances I have found that when we pray God is moved and when God is moved God can move mountains so how about we pray to Him father I thank you for your word today I thank you Lord that it's your will that we continue to enlarge to stretch father you've not brought us here on earth to just settle where we are but you have so many promises for us in our future and I pray for every person on the other side of the screen father that even right now their perspective would shift off the black dots of problems and challenges onto the answer of our great eternal God who is full of love and grace and mercy and goodness and kindness I thank you Lord that you are good that you do good and even right now you are working all things together for good in the lives of every viewer in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you all thank you I believe that the message you are hearing today is vital to your growth and with your gift of any amount of TBN I want to send you this series today not only will you be strengthened but your gift will go on to strengthen others around the world with this vital message so call or go online today and give you a very best gift to request today's message we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you are created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more space in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Cain reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait another minute this is your moment to begin experiencing the life you are created to live we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us we need to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy son Christine Cain and I have a personal mission to equip and empower people just like you to connect with your god-given purpose and potential I'm so glad that you're joining us today let's dive straight into today's message [Music] hey everyone thank you for joining me again today I am so excited to continue this series on making more room who doesn't need more room I'll tell you the one person that does need more room in all of our lives it's God because God wants to do so much more in us so that he can do exceedingly abundantly more through us in the world around us which makes me excited our we're looking at the Book of Isaiah chapter 54 right here in Isaiah 54 it says sing o barren one who did not be break forth into singing and cry aloud you who have not been in labor for the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married says the Lord enlarge the place of your tent I love that and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out do not hold back lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes for you will spread abroad to the right and to the left and your offspring will possess the nation's and will people the desolate cities it goes on I love this part fear not for you will not be ashamed do not be confounded for you will not be disgraced you will forget the shame of your youth and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more for your maker is your husband the Lord of Hosts is his name and the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer that God of the whole earth he is called we could just keep reading I love Isaiah 54 sandwich right there between the atoning work of Jesus and this great endtime revival in Isaiah 55 is this chapter about the church and at a time of Babylonian captivity when it did not look like in any way the children of Israel were flourishing it was one of the darkest hours in Israel's history the temple had been burnt to the ground had been destroyed it didn't look like there was any hope or any future in the midst of all of that God said guess what its expansion time and I love that because you could take that for a word for you in your heart right now sometimes we look around us and it seems like everything's falling apart our relationships our finances perhaps even our health and things going on around and we think God what can you do and God says in the midst of all of that this is growth time this is expansion time this is a time to enlarge this is a time to stretch I loved it because last week we looked at what it was to enlarge to magnify to make God bigger than your problems to make God bigger than your past to make God bigger than your circumstances it is a discipline it's not easy to enlarge that's why most people like to just live very small and we keep our eyes focused on ourselves we keep looking at ourselves we keep looking at the past we're keeping looking at the world around us and God says no no no I need you to lift up your gaze I need you to magnify me make me bigger than anything else going on in your life and so you can step in to the purpose of God and then I love the second word right here we're looking at the five words it says to stretch now to stretches to be made or capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking now here is the truth that you've got to be willing to stretch for increasing and stretching can be quite painful but the gap between where you are and where God wants to take you you're going to have to stretch to get there most of us we want God to catapult us into our destiny but God says no no I need you to stretch my promises are just out of reach but you're going to have to stretch to get them now you might have seen you know at the gym I love to go to to the gym and I've discovered these stretch bands which are absolutely awesome now you look at this and you go wow and I'm gonna call my husband into to help me right now and I know many of you have not met Nick's only come up here and this is I always love to call him my most ravishing piece of masculine flesh on planet Earth I think this could be your first time saying hello to other TVN audience okay this is my man of nearly 21 years so over here if you grab this that we're just without we won't put any tension in it this is how long this seems but the truth is there's more in it and if we just pull you can see if you hold wonder that's a lot lot longer when we started so we'll start at a normal length if you could just hold it at the end there that's right and now just even pull it there look how much more is in it I want you to know that you're starting here watching this today but I need you to know that God says there's all this there's all this still in you now the fact is it hurts to go like this I go to the gym a lot and I don't stretch very much I remember a few years ago thanks Nick a few years ago I went skiing for one of the very first times in my life and I wasn't very good at skiing I didn't really start skiing until I was in my 40s and it was during the time of the Vancouver Olympic Games now what was really funny about that was I would watch the Olympic Games during the night and then the next morning because we had gone with five other American families up to Colorado to ski the next morning I would feel a moral obligation to represent Australia and when I and the fact that I couldn't ski was incidental that really didn't matter but I was gonna represent Australia and so I would get off the ski lift and remember I was on the flat green slope because I was a beginner well this one day all the boys had gone on this like double black diamond suicide run kind of you know I can't even understand how any human being can actually stay upright down those cliffs but I was on my flat green slope and I'd convinced my husband Nick to come with me and so we were skiing away and I said to him I'm thinking this is awesome I said hey babe if you were with all of the boys right now you would not be having a better time than you're having with me in this moment would you now of course anyone watching this broadcast if you're married and you want to stay married you would know that if your wife ever asked you a loaded question like that if you were looking for any action that night you would of course say of course your right answer would be babe the pinnacle of my skiing life is on this flat slope with you that's what you would actually say but my husband being a man of incredible integrity turns around and he says you know babe if I was with the guys right now I'd probably be having a whole lot more fun well I need to tell you that's like putting a red rag in front of a ball and so I looked back at him and I just went famous last words well honey eat my snow and with that I pointed my skis he's straight downhill and I look straight down and about 20 seconds later I knew that I was in massive trouble on my second somersault that was not intentional when upside down I heard the loudest pop-pop-pop you have ever heard and I snapped my ACL I tore my MCL I tore my meniscus and I fractured my knee I did it all so in that moment I couldn't get back up I couldn't move and Nick had to call the Ski Patrol you know they come they take you they put you in that little coffin where you assumed death posture and then they take you down the mountain and everyone everyone is pointing who is that nerd who is that nerd and it was in no doubt it was me and then you know you've got to understand I come from a Greek family and Greeks are essentially fatalist it does not matter how bad life is it can always get worse and so my mother would always say negative things to me like this dinner you can't go skiing you're gonna break a leg whose dinner you can't go skiing because you know you're gonna die you know it would be really life uplifting words like that well she would always say to me every day before I left the house when I was growing up because dinner are you wearing good clean underwear to which I would always say mum why she would say Cristina because if you end up in an accident and you are in the back of an ambulance you must be wearing good underwear to which I would always say to my mother mum if I am gonna have the kind of accident where I end up in the back of an ambulance the last thing I will care about is the condition of my underwear well all I want to say to you all today is as the ski patrol was lifting me up into that ambulance I have just lived long enough yet again to utter the words my mother was right and so anyway when all this happens I had to have a hamstring graft I had to have full surgery had a hamstring graft and the physical therapist in Sydney came over to me and said to me once my surgery was finished he said Christine he said most people said you've had serious surgery but technically you right knee is now much stronger than your left knee but the point is that most people don't actually fully recover from the surgery that you've had and you see that with a lot of professional athletes they're gone and maybe some people will walk with a limp for the rest of their life not that they need to but he said your accident happened in a split second it was painful but it was only painful for that moment he said the truth is the recovery process is going to take several months and he said this kind of recovery from this kind of injury is extremely painful much more painful than the injury ever was and he said this to me he said Kristine you can either recover quickly or slowly completely or partially it's entirely up to you the degree to which you embrace the pain of recovery is the degree to which you will recover and what we find is many of us we don't want to stretch to embrace the pain to recover from our past or our offenses or the hurt or the fear or the doubt or the negativity because it takes a huge stretch to grow now I come from a background of abuse and many people go well Kristine why are you stepping into your destiny and other people are not it's not that I'm more gifted it's not that I'm more talented it's not that God favors me anymore it's just that as difficult as it has been and hear me it has been difficult but it's difficult as it has been I have been willing to embrace the pain of recovery willing to say I will go through what I need to go through in order to recover so that I can be healed just like in that injury I think a lot of us many times we just think that God is going to slap us whole but he's not going to snap us whole in fact he's going to stretch us home that's the hold you're gonna have to stretch beyond anything that you're comfortable with in any sphere of life when I started the a21 campaign I did not know anything about human trafficking I did not know how trafficking rings worked I didn't know about how you price cute traffickers I didn't know where we were gonna rescue women and children from I didn't even know where to begin so God said okay we're gonna start a stretch we're gonna go here from here to here and slowly I got myself educated slowly I've met more people he opened door after door when I started propelled women it was the same thing I had to stretch way out of my comfort zone I mean it was not anything I ever thought that I was going to do it wasn't anything I ever thought I wanted to do but God said let's just stretch your capacity and just when you think you can fit nothing more in God goes oh no there's more of us and there always is it's just you notice as it gets you it hurts more for me to even pull this more it actually hurts more and so the degree to which you're willing to embrace that some of you watching this right now I don't know who you are but you're feeling the stretch and I need you to know you're not gonna snap you feel like you're going to snap you feel like you cannot trust God and so you want to just let it go but the truth is snapping back is gonna hurt you a whole lot more than embracing this stretch of moving forward there's always more in us we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you are created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more space in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Cain reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait another minute this is your moment to begin experiencing the life you were created to live we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us we need to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to stretch us way way beyond anything that we know so call now or go securely online to share and request your own copy of I need more space build your faith and give your best to bless others through the same TV and network that has blessed you because no matter how barren it might look right now God is making room for you [Music] can you stretch in grace at work can you stretch in love at home can you stretch in kindness can you stretch in goodness we need to understand the fruits of the spirit are things that grow in our lives and God saying I want to stretch you I want to stretch you instead of you being the one that just walks out of the lunchroom at work why don't you extend a hand of grace why don't you be kinder and why don't you be the one that's gonna stop the argument at home and your gun but I think it's gonna kill me I want my way and God says that's right I'm gonna stretch you by making you be quiet so that you can bring peace to a very very pious situation and I think in all of that we need to ask him okay God stretch me out of my comfort zone today it could be just speaking to that unsaved neighbor or friend that you've kind of been avoiding because you've been embarrassed you don't know what to say and saying okay I'm gonna be stretched out of my comfort zone so I can embrace more you know what I'm noticing on the earth today which is a little bit scary you know God wants us to stretch past our insecurities he wants us to stretch past our fears he wants us to stretch past our comfort zone because he knows that his promises ahead for us but I'm noticing this anti stretch movement on the planet where everyone's like you know what just do what's comfortable for you just accept right where you're at just accept who you are you know we serve a God that check that and transforms us weak serve a God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever imagine how my Bible says that our God now I has not seen how he has not heard nor has it entered into our heart the thing that God has for those of us that love him and are called according to his purpose so we need to keep stretching to where we need to go there's this whole movement of you know you've got to slow down you've got to pull back just stay within your comfort zone I guess I want to speak against that today and I'm saying no no I actually want you to do the contrary I want you to stretch the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27 that it is the anointing that breaks the yoke and chain and listen to me that challenge is the anointing only comes from the stretching and the pressing if you want to get some oil you've got to put an olive in a press and boom that thing is squeezed and pressed and stretched and the oil comes out of it now if you and I run away from every situation where God is trying to stretch us and press us then where is the oil in our lives that's why you can listen to a thousand people teach and you go why do people walk in bound and walk out bound and they're not free because it's not the gift or talent that breaks the yoke it's the anointing that breaks the yoke and the chain you can go into your workplace and you can see the whole atmosphere change and chains and shackles and bondages are broken over people's lives through the anointing on your life but if you won't embrace the stretch where are you gonna get the anointing from and so what we need is not a generation that's going to pull back and we know we've got that we want to stay within our StrengthsFinder we want to stay within our disc profile we want to stay within our love language we want to stay within the little personality type and the box that we put ourselves in well the fact is that God wants you to break out of that sure we have strengths yes we are predisposed to certain things but that doesn't mean we don't do anything else that doesn't mean we don't continue to stretch we don't continue to enlarge we do things that are out of our comfort zone we try things that we've never tried before some of you you've not even gone to a different supermarket in 20 years some of you have gone the same way to work for the last 50 years some of you have forgotten that it is actually 2017 we can put on a different tie you know like I don't know what it is but do something different try something different go to a different restaurant try some different food if you keep doing the same thing you'll keep having what you've always had you keep getting into that rut you'll eventually dig a grave for yourself and that's not the abundant life that Jesus Christ called us to we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us we need to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to stretch us way way beyond anything that we know I would not be doing anything that I'm doing if I didn't embrace the stretch when Matt and Lori asked me to to come on TBN I you know I was not even ever thinking of TV I was in my comfort zone at that point I'm right 8:21 around the world I'm running propelled women events around the world I was not looking to add another thing to my calendar I'd had a baby of 35 I had a baby at 40 i had turned 50 you know when you pop out a kid at 40 you you want a purple heart you're not looking for something new to do and then I turned 50 I was not thinking that I want to then go on TV and speak the word at 50 it wasn't part of my plan and I'm thinking God where am I going to find the time God how am I gonna find the messages how am I going to fit this into everything else that I'm going to do is like well Christine we're going to stretch you there's more in you you know there would be not all of these programs and all of this content and this says I've had to be stretched and go okay God are you ok I've got to trust you to give me a now word for the people on the other side of the screen it's got to be fresh I've got to get fresh oil from this word well then that means I am now able to help millions more people than I ever was but I had to embrace the stretch to do it and the fact is the older you get the more resistant to the stretch you become I see it at the gym I see young people stretching and I see older people choose not to some talking to you on the other side of the screen today it doesn't matter what your age is you know Caleb was 85 years old and in the book of Joshua he says in chapter 14 he says to Joshua I'm a strong now as I was then now give me Moses promised me Hebron give me this mountain that's my inheritance I wonder where you stopped stretching because now is the time to say you know what I can reach for more there is more of the presence of God there is more of the power of God there is more of the promises of God there is more of the blessing of God there is more of the abundance of God the more you stretch the more room you make the more God can do through you the more experiences you have the more opportunities you have the more you step into the increasingly abundantly above and beyond incredible faith filled Purpose Driven life that Jesus Christ has for us don't get sucked into the world system which is pull back just you know you settle for your retirement there is no such thing as retirement it's not Bible I looked it up in the Bible there's only one word refire weary fire for God we don't retire from life when I go to glory that's when I'm going to retire but I want every minute on this earth to count I tell my kids I'm gonna be super granny for Jesus I really really am I go to their school and they're like mom take a chill pill I am like no way I want to be more in love with Jesus I want to be expecting more from Jesus I do not want to die before I'm dead and the thing that's killing me is all of this unused life that I'm carrying around I want to suck the very marrow out of life I really believe that we live from faith to faith from grace to grace from glory to glory from strength to strength we don't have to slow down we can keep pressing on I am being more fruitful as a 50 year old that I ever was in my 20s or my 30s or my 40s and by the grace of God and God willing I'm planning to be more fruitful in my 60s and that's because I'm gonna continue to embrace the stretch easy no no that's the Navy SEALs that say the only easy day was yesterday but I'm telling you I wouldn't trade it for a boring predictable mundane routine life where you just get up and go here we go again it's just Groundhog Day Jesus did not create us for Groundhog Day he says if you keep stretching you'll grow to where you need to go none of us arrived at the end we all have to grow to where we need to go and I need to remind you there is no like a rival point like okay I'm 30 now or I'm 40 now or I'm 50 now you've got to stretch through every season to embrace the next season and there's always more in you than you ever imagined and when you think you can't you just go you know what there's more and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and he is the one that gives us the strength and the grace to go you know what if your Christian life is right here now I'm telling you it can be here it's that simple but you've got to embrace that stretch you've got to increase your capacity increase your ability to be strong to go you know what I can do more I can go further I can cope with more than I thought I can cope with there is more on the inside of me and the Bible says you got to enlarge the place of your tent you've got to stretch you've tuned in today because God wants you to know there's more in you than you realize you have settled for this kind of Christian life and God says look there's still all of that so I want to inspire you to reach beyond where you've ever been before to trust God because you have to know that the gain is in the stretch the blessing is in the stretch the grace is in the stretch the growth is in the stretch you will never become who you were destined to become without the stretch you will never do all that God has called you to do without the stretch make a decision you are going to stretch past your fears you are going to stretch past your insecurities you are going to stretch past your doubts you are going to stretch past comfort you are going to stretch past convenience you are going to stretch past offense you're going to stretch past negativity you're going to stretch past unforgiveness you are going to stretch past all of your doubts and you are going to lay ahold of all of that for which Christ Jesus has laid a hold for you your greatest days are ahead of you and not behind you in Jesus name in Jesus name let me pray for you I'm gonna believe God that every single person on the other side of this screen today that you are going to embrace the stretch that Jesus has for you so father I thank you I thank you for every viewer I thank you Lord that you have called us to a life that is so much bigger than anything that we're experiencing right now and God we we say we don't want to settle for where we are we want to stretch to grow to where you want us to go so father I speak a spiritual elasticity into your body father let it be in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen amen and amen god bless you all thank you so much I believe that the message you are hearing today is vital to your growth and with your gift of any amount of TBN I want to send you this series today not only will you be strengthened but your gift will go on to strengthen others around the world with this vital message so call or go online today and give you a very best gift to request today's message we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you are created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more space in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Cain reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait another minute this is your moment to begin experiencing the life you are created to live we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us we need to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to stretch us way way beyond anything that we know so call now or go securely online to share and request your own copy of I need more space build your faith and give your best to bless others through the same TV and network that has blessed you [Music] I am so happy to be back for our final week on this whole series about I need more space God wants to do a whole lot more through us on the earth which means he's got to do a whole lot more in us and I think the biggest issue is we've got to learn to create some space for God in our life so we've been using our text Isaiah 54 sing o barren one who did not bear break forth into singing and cry aloud you who have not been in labor for the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married says the Lord and here we go enlarge the place of your tent and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out do not hold back lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes for you will spread abroad to the right to the left and your offspring will possess the nation's and will people the desolate cities I love this so much at a dark hour in Israel's history at a time where it looked like nothing was flourishing you might be feeling like that right now today where you think you know what I'm in relational devastation I mean emotional devastation I'm in spiritual devastation I'm in financial devastation I'm here to tell you that the same God that spoke to the children of Israel and said in the midst of your desolation in the midst of this dry arid time this is what I want you to do I want you to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing I want you to enlarge the place of your tent I want you to stretch I want you to lengthen I want you to strengthen I don't want you to hold back and that's the word of the Lord is saying I need more room in you do not hold back we are living in a chaotic time on planet Earth we are living at a time where people want to pull back people want to hunker down because that's what fear does feet cripples you fear immobilizes you fear causes you to hunker down and right in the midst of that God saying no no I've not given you a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind and this is not a time to pull back this is a time to stretch out this is not a time to hold back this is a time to large we've got to make God bigger make God bigger than our problems make God bigger than our past make God bigger than our challenges make God bigger than the obstacles make God bigger than the hurdle our focus must be on our big God we are to magnify him and stop magnifying our problems and stop magnifying other people get off your social media stop scrolling through someone else's life and start living your own life and what we need to do is magnify the Lord and then we need to stretch and that means that we can be made longer without tearing and we learnt last week that God wants us to stretch there is more in us than we realize and the more you stretch your muscles the more flexible you become and the more you are able to do all the things that God has called you to do people say to me Christine how did you go from running a youth center to running an evangelistic youth movement to working with churches all around the world to starting a global anti trafficking organization to running propell for women who lead around the world how have you done all of that it's because I've stretched and remained very flexible because you have gotta be flexible always say to my staff blessed are the flexible for they will not snap and the fact is because we wake up every day we don't quite know where we're gonna go we're like Jesus I don't know where you're going but wherever you're going I'm following and so you have got to be flexible enough to be able to stay right behind Jesus hang on to his coattail and say I'm not going to become a boring old person that is in a normal rut and a normal routine that I want to live a dynamic vibrant life but to do that I've got to keep stretching and then of course the scripture right here the prophet Isaiah says do not hold back now this is a key word for someone you've just tuned in today right where you are because the word of the Lord has come to you right there and he's saying to you do not hold back you know you can watch a sporting game sometimes and you can hear the commentator and they'll say that a certain player they've come and they're at the game but they haven't really turned up they're there but they're not there I can say as someone that communicates and teaches I could tell the diff it's when I've walked into an auditorium and I'm ready to speak at an event and I could tell if the crowd is there or if they're there there's a difference of leaning in and being there you know how it is you could be sort of watching me even now on television and you're just kind of like you know half going to the refrigerator half sort of listening to what I'm saying and there's a whole other life that I just glued to the edge of you you're the one that's going to receive the word because you're ready you are there you are ready to receive but here he says don't hold back I wonder how many things you've turned up to but you hold back you're a bit frustrated at work and so you know what you're saying I'm not going to give everything I have at work I'm going to hold a little bit back I'm not going to put all my gift and talent I'm gonna hold a little bit back I'm not gonna serve at church that way I'm just going to hold a little bit back and a lot of us are not stepping into the promises of God for our life because we're holding things back as if somehow we owned our life anyway our life is not our own it was bought with a price and therefore we are stewards of what God has given us we don't own them our gifts our talents our time our treasure it doesn't belong to us it belongs to God we are stewards of that great grace of God and he's saying are you holding any of this back and somewhere along the line you've been hurt and you're just kind of holding back I'm not going to go all-in anymore and I guess today I'm talking about if you are going to step into the fullness of all that God has for you and God saying I want you to enlarge I want you to stretch I want you to lengthen do not hold back and perhaps you are not stepping into God's promises because hurt got in somewhere a fence got in somewhere somewhere you may have been betrayed and you're just not all-in anymore you don't trust fully anymore you're not all-in anymore and I want to invite you into an all-in Christianity that is where the blessing is that is where the abundance is that is where the breakthrough is so if you were hurt you know what it's time to to bounce back somewhere along the line you've got to stop rehearsing and nursing that hurt I'm not saying what they did to you was right but I am saying somewhere you've got to begin to bounced back and you've got to make what Jesus did for you bigger than the hurt that was done to you it's going to come down to that even if that person never comes back to apologize now you're gonna allow their hurt to stop you from fulfilling your destiny perhaps somewhere you were betrayed and because you were betrayed maybe in a relationship maybe someone committed adultery maybe so and because of that you are now on the edge of another great relationship but you're not willing to step in because of the betrayal in your past don't let someone that you love today have to pay for something someone else did to you yesterday and that is a huge thing don't hold back your affection don't hold back your love that just landed on somebody today and that is why you tuned in because that's a word for you you know if I did not deal with the abuse of my past I would be making my husband today pay for something that another man did to me thirty years ago and some of you it's not the spouse that you're with now nor your children that have done about because you've refused to come back to deal with the issues in your life those people are now paying for something that they never did to you and it's time to not hold back don't hold your affection back because in this case you are going to miss what God has for you in that relationship because of the betrayal of another relationship back that you're gonna have to take a risk and step out again if you were disappointed somewhere along the line I want to encourage you don't hold back hope again some of us we have lost our hope the Bible says that Jesus is this hope we have as an anchor for our soul people disappoint you people let you down but I need you to know Jesus never will and so because somewhere along the line we have all suffered disappointment there would be no a21 if I quit every time I was disappointed I would have no staff if I quit every time I was disappointed there won't be no propel women if I always quit every time I encountered someone betraying me someone letting me down someone disappointed me you have to get stronger on the inside that's why God's saying don't hold back it's time to press in someone has tuned in today I am utterly convinced because somewhere along the line you've been holding back and the only person you holding back is yourself by not giving yourself and being all in you know if you were overlooked somewhere perhaps you were overlooked for a promotion perhaps you even deserved it well the truth is you've just got to have the courage to front up again to have a go again just because you were overlooked once doesn't mean that you are out for the count so many of us we need do you remember when I was growing up we used to go to to like the circus and there were those clowns that you used to blow up and you would punch the clown and it would fall down and come back up it would bounce back up again that's what we need that sort of tenacity and resilience in the body of Christ some of you you are just cowering in some corner feeling sorry for yourself and Jesus is saying come on develops develop some resilience bounce back up you've got more bounce back ability than you ever thought that you had and you can step up and into what God has if you failed get up and have another go failure is not fatal failure is not final there is nobody I know that is doing anything significant for God that has not failed somewhere along the line when I tell you you hear all of our great success stories and 8:21 but if I tell you of some of the things that we started that never went anywhere do you know what you don't know about them because I don't talk about them that's what that's what you don't know about them we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you were created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more space in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Cain reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait another minute this is your moment to begin experiencing the life you are created to live we don't need to pull back from anything that challenges us to lean into it and depend on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to stretch us way way beyond anything that we know so call now or go securely online to share and request your own copy of I need more space build your faith and give your best to bless others through the same TV and network that has blessed you because no matter how barren it might look right now God is making room for you you know what don't hold your affection back don't hold your loyalty back don't hold your commitment back don't hold your faithfulness back do not hold your honor back do not hold respect back do not hold your press back it is amazing that we think sometimes well if they don't honor me I'm not gonna honor them if they don't respect me I'm not gonna respect them I don't need to do that and let me just say when it comes to a millennial generation it is important that we understand the Word of God is eternal honor is not old-fashioned it's biblical respect is not old-fashioned it's biblical being committed is not old-fashioned it's biblical sometimes we hold off being fully committed to a job because we're waiting for a better offer down the track so we don't even give our boss the total value of who we are now while they're even paying us to do a job we're just holding a bit back because I want to get God sees that that's what I need to tell you God sees that and you're working as unto the Lord that's what ought to separate us as Christians in this hour Colossians says that we are to do everything as unto God that when we are working we're doing it as unto God and I am very concerned as a look at a generation that wants to market all of their skills wants to monetize everything and I'm thinking where is God in all of this if God has called you to it God will provide for you and he'll look after your future you have to trust God in the midst of where you are and don't hold anything back they're not your gifts anyway they're not your talents anyway I have never come second by putting God first anything that I have done my served in ministry for years no income I worked another job so that I could serve and have the privilege of doing what God has called me to do but you know what I held nothing back when I was working at the youth center speaking to 20 kids in the back of country towns in Australia I spoke to them with as much passion as I'm speaking to millions today on television I gave everything then and left nothing on the table I gave everything that I have and I believe because of that God has continued to open doors for me you see opportunity does not come from man it comes from God promotion doesn't come from in a north south east or west it comes from God God opens doors that no man can shut and if God cannot trust you to not hold anything back in anonymity and obscurity why would God trust you with a platform where you are only doing it for the spotlight that is on you if you are doing things for the spotlight that is on you the spotlight that is on you will destroy you if the character of Christ that is within you cannot sustain you and so it is important that you learn to hold nothing back wherever you are be all-in wherever you are be there be all there give them all that you have and know that your reward will come from the Lord your reward is going to come from God it's not going to come from man we need secular employers to look at Christians and go well they give more than anybody else they serve more than anybody else they go above and beyond more than anybody else you know what even if an unjust thing happens it is amazing how gracious they are how they'll go the extra mile these are the sorts of things that are going to define us as Christ's followers I can tell you I am where I am today because I've never held anything back whether it was at the youth center whether it was at youth alive whether it was with the Hillsong network whether it's at 8:21 whether it's propelled women whether it's right here on equip and empower I give it all every day and I always say to Jesus if you're going to take me home I got nothing left at least I know that I left it all here and I realize that when I went into surgery for my thyroid cancer to take the the half of the thyroid out I remember lying on that bed because it's only in those moments when it's just you and Jesus and you're lying there and I thought you know I got no regrets there's nobody that I need to piece with because I keep short accounts with people and you know it's not I'm not going to heaven I thought well if I go home because you really don't know I didn't think I was gonna die but I thought I could I mean we could at any moment and especially when they're slashing your throat you know and I'm thinking okay so if I don't come back it was my husband and my children of course that III would miss and I'll be thinking about what would happen to my kids but other than that I'm like Jesus at least one thing when I stand before you thrown I'm pretty sure you're not gonna say you could have tried harder you might say you didn't have to go so hard but I would rather him say you you didn't have to try so hard rather than you did Christine really what did you do with everything I gave you what did you do with that gift what did you do with that talent in a couple of months ago I went to my mother's funeral you know we buried her in Australia and as they were putting her coffin in the ground just above my dad's coffin I remember just thinking it was so sobering like it always is whenever you're going to any funeral and I remember thinking I'm next certainly not in a morbid way but just well of course you know when you're a mother if you're burying your mother you're not thinking your kids are going to go in fact you want to go before your children in any natural order you know that that's what you would want to happen so it wasn't a negative thing it was just like wow I've buried both my parents now I'm next and I remember then thinking I wasn't at all thinking I'm the next whatever the next is going to because most of us we hold back waiting to be the next went on the next then I'm gonna do everything when I become that when I get that position when I get that title when I get that opportunity and we waste every moment up until then holding back cuz man I don't want anyone to steal my ideas I don't want anyone to get and we hold it all back because that's the world that we live in it's a fear-based world it's a minimal world it's a pie mentality world rather than understanding that God is a living stream it's it's abundant it's flourishing there's loads and I thought I'm next am i doing every single thing you want me to do and am i pouring it all out right now in every way so that when I stand before you God dying empty as in I've done it all I've held nothing back everything I know to do when it comes to my team when it comes to propel when it comes to 821 when it comes to what I'm doing as a as a wife when it comes to mothering my kids am I just putting it all out there and going you know what I gave it my best shot I'm not holding anything back that is how you embrace and all of life Christianity you say I'm not gonna hold my steadfastness back I'm not gonna hold my faith back I'm not gonna hold my hope back I'm not gonna hold my love back do not hold back if you're holding back you're hurting yourself and you're hurting your own potential so this is not a time to let go and drink back but it's a time to hold on I'm speaking to someone today there is a spirit running rampant on the earth making Christians want to quit making Christian leaders want to quit it seems too hard it seems like I want to shrink back every time I put my head out there it seems like someone wants to cut it off every time I put something positive on social media someone wants to write something negative and eventually you get to the point where you think why am I doing this and every temptation is to hold back and I'm saying to you don't pull back that is just a plan of the enemy to hold you back from the purposes of God this is not a time to step back but it's a time to step up it's not a time to withhold it's a time to pour out there are lives at stake there are callings at stake there is destiny at stake there is so much fruit in your future and the devil wants you to pull back in God saying don't hold back I want you to press in I want you to press forward I want you to move forward he says do not hold back and then he says it's time to lengthen and that length and that word means to make or to become longer and really the best way I can explain this is once you stretch you have the ability and you do it once or twice but then you've got to make a decision that that's going to be your new normal so you can either pull your belt in really tight but all of you have got more notches in your spiritual belt and God saying you know what how about you lengthen it a bit how about you lengthen and a bit and put it to your outside knotch not to the inside one some of you are living a Krish anywhere you've done you're built up and said this is enough god that's as far as I'm gonna go and he says no no you can actually lengthen a whole lot more so how about you undo that tight belt buckle and you lengthen so that I can do more through you there's always more in us than any of us believe and so we have to choose that I'm going to live a life where I'm gonna let God make longer my new normal I'm gonna be that's it it's going to be my new normal my capacities increased and that's where I'm going to live and then finally of course he tells us to strengthen and that's to be or to grow firm or strong and what I'm saying to you is you've got more spiritual muscles than you know that you have you've got more ability I went to the gym a couple of years ago and they said to me mrs. Cain you are skinny fat that is not a compliment in case you're wondering ok and so they said you are thirty-one percent body fat and that's dangerous I look like this but I was full of just body fat dangerous for my organs and for my muscles and at my age osteoporosis and he said you know we're gonna have to trim that down and you're gonna have to get stronger they said you've got muscles you don't know you have and I had to learn and I went on this Ridge I had to lift weights that was so heavy that I'd never lifted before but you know since I started doing that when I went there I could do no push-ups but now look at this and I could do a lot more but I don't want to show off but what is my point my point is that I've strengthened I found muscles that I didn't know that I have and we in the body of Christ we've got more muscles than we think that we have and God said come on it's time to get stronger it's time to get rid of being skinny fat you've got muscles you didn't know you have you could handle more we are not weak willed women we are not just little oh poor little me I'm not that strong yes you are why because in my weakness guess what his power is made perfect that's where when I am weak then he is strong I want to read you this I love this Isaiah 40 the Bible says verses 28 to 31 have you not known have you not heard the Lord is the everlasting God the creator of the ends of the he does not faint or grow weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength even years shall faint and be weary and young men shall fall exhausted but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint I want you to know that there's a spiritual renewal that can happen we can exchange our weakness for his strength I love this it says even youths run and they grow weary and I say that everywhere I can't find a 25 year old that can keep up with me and I'm the one that's on the road and preaching and teaching like she's in bed what is going on here and so at the end of the day God says guess what you can run a not grow weary you can walk and not faint and that's why at 50 by the grace of God I'm stronger than ever I'm more passionate than ever I'm pressing in to the purposes of God more than ever because there's a spiritual supernatural exchange that happens it's not that we don't feel weary but we can exchange our weariness and we can exchange our weakness for God's strength and that is how you're gonna run your race that is how you're gonna finish your course so do not settle for a small life God saying whatever is going on in this hour in this day this is the time to enlarge the place of our tent to stretch to not hold back to lengthen and to strengthen we've got to make some room for God in our life in Jesus name let me pray for you today father I thank you I thank you for every person under the sound of my voice and lord I pray that we would be committed to the process of enlarging of stretching of not holding back of lengthening of strengthening father I come against a spirit of fear that would cause us to be crippled and immobilized and paralyzed and shrink back from the purposes of God and I speak an expansion father over your people in the name of Jesus father a hunger and a passion for the greater purpose of God father in your name I pray amen and amen god bless you thank you so much I believe that the message you are hearing today is vital to your growth and with your gift of any amount of TBN I want to send you this series today not only will you be strengthened but your gift will go on to strengthen others around the world with this vital message so call or go online today and give you a very best gift to request today's message we can all experience circumstances and seasons in our lives that seem to contradict the dream and destiny God has placed in our hearts but where you are today isn't where you are created to stay that's why we want to send you Christine's three-part series I need more speaks in appreciation for your gift of support in each of these three teachings Christine Kane reveals the open free life God has for you don't wait enough
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 1,991
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine, christine caine drop the anchor, christine caine fear, christine caine i need more space, christine caine motion, christine caine motion 17, christine caine motion 2017, christine caine preaching, christine caine tbn, christine caine women of joy, christine caine women of joy 2017
Id: xa-7sEo5Um0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 45sec (4605 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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