Christine Caine Passion Update _ Set Apart ( Dec 21, 2017 )

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[Applause] how y'all doing I'm so excited to be here I've missed you this is like my home you guys can be seated I've missed y'all so much turn the person next to and say you are the hottest looking thing I've seen all night I I'm so glad you all came out because you know with God things just get better and better and better and so the services this morning they get better and then they get better but the pinnacle service of the day the bitterest is this service right here in our church without I've been part of the Hillsong team for 26 years for 26 years the single strongest service in our church houses at 6 o'clock on Sunday night is the 6 o'clock Sunday night service it has been for 26 years people lapped around the building it's that where we just have we don't have like for revival nights we just have revival all year round and and so we could do that right here in Jacksonville because all you got to do is just turn up because you know what happens is when the world sees that the church actually cares enough about Church it's amazing how much they get interested in the very thing that we should be interested in so it's not really hard to add revivals so I hope that you really really do make this your service because we could turn this around to the best thing happening on Sunday night I mean what's the option people at home watching reality TV my theory is if you get a real life you don't need to watch anyone else's life so it's fine but that's another sermon at another time you haven't had Chris cane for a while so I'll be nice when I start and then we're nick and i so soul of pastor Stovall and Kerry were just with family it's just like total family I had fun in our Orlando campus this morning that place is blowing up it really is and I love it I come to this church is a bit like a chick preachers dream you just start talking in the morning and you don't stop you have so many services and so many campuses and it feels a bit like Jesus you just like omnipresent but anyway not not don't panic don't write any letters okay I'm only joking and so I'm gonna turn today tonight to first Kings seventeen if you want to turn there in their text with me we are doing great our family is great Jesus is on the throne the devils nervous I like that so all in all stuff is you have got such a big week turning up and I love I love how this house so honors God and prioritizes God at the start of every year by saying first 21 days god they are yours there is no telling what God can do with a church that is so committed to putting him first and to say I'm not gonna listen to the naysayers we are going to have revival and I even just love the whole term that we're gonna have revival nights because that's what we need we do not need just some nice cute 10 steps to a better life we need a flat-out Holy Ghost revival in America that's gonna turn this nation upside down so y'all are a part of this we're gonna read a lot of Scripture tonight because I like the Bible I don't know if there's anyone else that still likes the Bible but I really do first kings 17 now Elijah the Tishbite from Tischbein Gilead said to Ahab as the Lord the God of Israel leaves whom I serve there will be neither Jew nor rain in the next few years except at my word what an interesting prophecy what an interesting declaration to go to King Ahab and say there isn't going to be any more rain until I say there's going to be rain now King Ahab this isn't really that different to the days that you and I are living in and you're going to see that I'm gonna set that priest that that that foundation tonight King Ahab scripture says in 1st Kings 16 33 this is really quite sobering it says that King Ahab was the king that had done the most evil in the sight of the Lord than all of the other kings before or since can you imagine being written in holy scripture being down for all of eternity as you are the dude that did worse things than anybody else than anybody else in history well that's what he did he was also married to an interesting chick called Jezebel and she was interesting on very many levels and so what you had is a man and a king who married an ungodly woman who himself began to worship the idols of Baal and the god of Baal here turned so far away from the things of God the nation was in a moral decline and there was then a natural famine that was going to come - I guess really show what was happening and highlights spiritually we were in a we're in a time on the earth of great Berenice spiritually great great hunger great great emptiness there is just so much going on you can't turn the TV on you can't read a newspaper you can't listen to the news without knowing the world is politically environmentally socially you know economically in every realm of life it is spiraling and spinning not that different to these days entirely ungodly entirely unrighteous advocating and propagating and celebrating things that are so contrary to the scripture this is the days that we live in then the word of the Lord came to Elijah leave here turn eastward and hide in the careth ravine east of the Jordan you will drink from the brook and I have directed the Ravens to supply you with food there so he did what the Lord told him he went to the careth ravine east of the Jordan and stay there the Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening and he drank from the brook it's pretty interesting you know a a famine had come out and the Lord said in the midst of the famine I'm gonna provide for you and it's gonna be really really unusual there's gonna be a couple of birds and the Ravens that are gonna come and they're gonna bring food to you I want you to know that whatever your need is whatever your circumstances are wherever you're at in life you might feel like you're dry you might wonder is there a way that God can provide I want you to know that we still serve the God that if he wants to he can bring the Ravens to come and prepare for you he can make a way where there is no that's the God that we still serve but that's not it because then there's a shift and we're in this shift on the earth and wearing this shift in America right now a shift happens the Lord says sometime later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land then the word of the Lord came to him go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there I have directed a widow there to supply you with food so he went to Zarephath when he came to the town gate a widow was there gathering sticks he called to her and he asked and he asked will you bring me would you bring me a little water in a jar sir I may have a drink as she was going to get it he called again and bring me please a piece of bread as surely as the Lord your God lived she replied I don't have any bread only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug I'm gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son that we may eat it and die Elisha said to her don't be afraid go home and do as you have said but first everyone say but first there's a lot of importance in what you do first but first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me and then make something for yourself in your son for this is what the Lord the God of Israel says that jarrah flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land she went away and did as Elijah had told her so there was food every day for Elijah and the woman and her family for the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah so here we are in a time of famine the prophet has already declared there's not going to be any rain until I say that there's rain God then miraculously provides for him using Ravens and a brook and then the brook dries up what do you do in life when the brook dries up what do you do when the way God has always done something is not going to be done anymore the way God has always provide he's not gonna provide that way anymore normally at that point we think provision is going to come some other way some spectacular way some unbelievable way and many of us were waiting our Brook has dried up how circumstances don't look like they're going to change and right at that moment God says guess what I'm about to send you to an unlikely place in that unlikely place there's going to be an unlikely person you're gonna give that unlikely person a very unlikely strategy and that unlikely strategy is going to yield a very unlikely harvest see from the beginning of Scripture God has always spent unlike send unlikely people two unlikely places given them unlikely strategies and said you are gonna have an unlikely harvest when I want to do something awesome in America and fire up America I might take an unlikely couple from Baton Rouge Louisiana I might send them to an unlikely place Jacksonville Florida I might give them an unlikely strategy and we may end up with an unlikely harvest because God has always done unlikely things with unlikely people in unlikely places and wreaked an unlikely strategy it's what God does he sends him to Zarafa if you think why would Zarephath be so unlikely because that is right where Jezebel was from you would have thought that the Lord would have sent him up near Jerusalem where his own people were from but God said I know I'm gonna send you straight to the gate of darkness I'm sending you to Zarephath right where Jezebel is from and at that place at the gate of the place that no one else goes to because there's great famine in the land I have commanded a Gentile a non-believer I've commanded a woman there to provide for you that would be just like God let me take someone that doesn't even believe in me and I'm going to allow them to provide for you so that you can see a miracle happen it is amazing who God will use in your life to see breakthrough happen and so he takes this woman and can you imagine how Elijah would have felt I mean a widow at this time a single mother I mean a woman had no rights she she was just a piece of property outside of her husband she had no rights she was the least of the least and she was preparing a final meal for her in a son to go and die I mean surely you would think God is there not a plan B did you get this wrong because sometimes when God says I've commanded someone to provide for you you're gonna think it's the president of a fortune 100 and God says oh no it's a widow oh no it's the most unlikely people that you don't even realize because I'm in the business of sending you to unlikely places and you go where's the unlikely place it could be the very place where you are right now is often the most unlikely place because see what most of us we think if only I was in a better place if only if I was married if I'm single if only I was single if I was married if only my kids were a little bit older if only and we wait for somewhere over there if only I was there if I was only where someone else is if I only had what someone else said if he well if I was anywhere but here but I have discovered the only place you ever are is here and that is the only unlikely place God could ever use to take you to the next place unless you start doing what your mentor to here you are never gonna get there see people go crucified was just where you are there I'm like what do you mean I'm there I'm here what you see is my there is my here I look at you and you're here is there for me I'm like what are you doing there but you're what is there for me is here for you what's here for you is there for me so you're only ever here and you will never get there until you do hear what God has called you to do here this is the only place you ever have here and now and you'll never get there and so many of us miss the great miracles of God because we think they're always happening somewhere else in some other place with some other people and God says oh no it's in the most unlikely place with the most unlikely person and you are that person and this is the place it's as simple as that it's as simple as that so he says to her I want you to make me some bread I want you to make me some bread and she goes I I haven't got I haven't got any bread because see that's how we always answer God God says I want you to do something we go but I haven't but I can't and he's looking at her I'm imagining thinking you have a a jar of oil you you you have a little bit of flour you've got a bit of water as far as I'm aware that's the ingredients you need for bread you look at the end product and think I haven't got that and God says the ingredients for the miracle are always in your midst you just can't see it because you're devaluing the ingredients cuz it's not the end product that's the problem that's the problem she says I haven't got it because that's what we instantly think I can't I haven't I'm not we instantly begin to list our limitations we begin to inform God because we think surely somewhere you must have had amnesia and and and you don't realize what you're ask I had this same issue when we started the 821 campaign and I remember I was in Thessaloniki Greece and you know your church has been such a brilliant foundational partner Church from the outset of 821 and this week in Greece this week to traffic as we put convicted and sentenced 59 years in jail over $200,000 in finest source to God be the glory just incredible but in the midst of all of that I remember eight years ago standing and I just given birth to my second child and I had this sense that we were meant to do something all night but God I just had my second child but God I'm 40 but God I live in a strainer and that's like really far away from from Greece but God you don't have a spare ten million dollars to running any trafficking campaign but god this is like Russian and Albanian mafia and they like kill people and but God you know I really don't know anything but but but it could you just imagine gods in heaven got oh my god no I am god that's right all three of me I'm having an existential crisis that's right I am God Peter did you know that Christine just had her second baby and she's 40 did we have a birthday party for her did we have a baby shower did we miss that here in heaven anyone aware Christine had a baby Oh Gabriel can you bring me a GPS because Chris lives in Australia and I've got forgotten a bit rusty on my earth geography just really not sure where where it might be hey John could you bring me our bank statements because um I'm not really sure she says it's gonna kind of cost a lot I don't know how's that Bank up here in here but how are we doing we might miss the Dow Jones is having another schizophrenic attack and so he's sort of gone down a few points and so I know I'm sitting on my throne but I'm about to fall off that's right because Wall Street's just had a conniption and so what we do is we begin to think God is subject to the economic forces of the earth got a subject to the political forces of the earth last I checked if the government shall be upon his shoulders last I checked that he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills that he owns the whole earth and the fullness thereof last I checked God is still in control he is still sovereign he knows the end from the beginning he's not asked you anything to do anything that he's not enabled you to do he has put his purpose he has put his potential on the inside of you he has created you to do the thing he has called you to do but we go god I can't thank God I can't Moses had the same problem didn't he in Exodus chapter 3 a burning bush turns up as if that's not weird enough you think you're smoking crack there's a bush talking to you it's like pretty awesome there's this bush happening and God says you are going to be the leader of the largest emancipation project on the earth you are gonna set free over a million Israelite slaves in one go and I'm gonna do it chip Moses I've decided this is what I want to do and I'm gonna use you to do it I'm going to do all these miracles and signs and wonders I've heard their cry I'm gonna let it go I'm gonna let them go and Moses while he's talking to a bush as if that's not strange enough anyway he turns around he goes but God but God I am NOT and I am slow of speech and I'm thinking God must be thinking you know what that's that's a deal breaker for the parting of the Red Sea I'm not sure how I'm gonna be able to part the Red Sea because you stutter that is really going to affect my ability to be able to part that Red Sea because the parting of the Red Sea was totally contingent on your being articulate Moses as if somehow you on your best day could be good enough to do what I've called you to do you and your most eloquent you aren't your most gifted you are your most talented you are your most resource what makes you think you could do what only I can do that's what makes me God I'm not asking you to have the job of God I'm just asking you to believe me to do what I've called you to do your job is to believe my job is to do the miracles that's why I am God that's why I'm gone he turns up to Jeremiah and says I've called you over nine and you have appointed you to the nation's that's why we're unleashing a youth generation in this church because God's always believed to young people Jeremiah turns around but God I'm just to youth as if God didn't know who I had no idea Wow thanks for telling me he turns up to Gideon on the bottom of a winepress you think God didn't know where he was but god I'm the least of the least my clan is the least of the least we always tend to tell God what we think he doesn't already know he doesn't come to us because we actually have that much to offer he comes in spite of ourselves because he knows I could just use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise that I might just take an unnamed unwanted abused adopted chick from the back of Australia I might just rescue her and then I might use her to turn around and rescue others other people would surely know that there is a God other people will surely know that it is to his great glory that that has come to pass it's how God has always worked but when we walk with him for a while we suddenly think we need to become more qualified for him to be able to use us he says no I'm not looking for you to be qualified I'm just looking for you to die and serve that's all I want you to do it's how we built this this is that's what I want you to keep doing I want you to keep serving would it be easy to move from an 11:30 service to us 5:00 service that's not difficult I'm not asking you to go and be martyred I'm just asking you to shift something for a few hours in a day that's not hard now we could organize to be an underground church in China then you might actually lose your life that's pretty interesting why don't we just go for a change is service easy just saying just saying I'd say at the end of the day he says all right then we're gonna shift this and I want to use you because God has commanded you she's like I haven't got it we're so obsessed with what we don't have the square footage we don't have in our house so we missed the square footage that we do have we so miss the extra that we don't have that we miss what we do have the devil has us so focused on what we don't have and he says let me just throw a bit of social media in here so you can look at what everyone else has so that you can make sure that you feel like you don't have enough and you're gonna miss what you do have in me because you're so busy looking at what everyone else has and what you don't have and so many of us miss the miracles of God because we're so focused on what we don't have who we are not rather than what he has who he is we have a scarcity mentality rather than a generosity and an abundance mentality and that is the that is a fault line in the church right now because what we do is focus so much I can't I haven't I won't and God's like when did it have anything to do with what you have anyway how it was never about how much it sounds so pious I'm just a worm I'm just so hopeless I'm just so useless I'm just like a sinner and I'm just like so terrible and I'm just so humble I can't do anything cuz I'm just such a worm and God goes what what that's not humility it's actually pride that's where the root of that is because what it is saying to God is saying my limitations are more powerful than your supernatural ability to do something great in and through my life there is nothing pious there is nothing holy about thinking small and diminishing yourself so she turns around and she goes you know what I haven't but God but profit who do you say but to how many times do you say about someone ask you to serve someone asks you to get involved but I can't but I don't want to rearrange that time because I've got my favorite TV program on that'll be awesome go to heaven I didn't have a real life so I watched someone else's life it was so awesome I'll let people go to hell but I was busy watching someone else's life and the lust and the greed and the envy and the adultery and the fornication and the gossip and the slander yes all those things that now Jesus Christ to a tree awesome that's what I call entertainment sorry that was for the sub-30 service not for this service sorry I wouldn't want to be legalistic would be sorry that's called being biblical anyway so as we go on the fact of the matter is that there has to be this sense that goes you know what God you can tell us what our whole awakening this is what this whole first part of the year is and I thank God your church is doing it and I thank God that is sweeping across this nation because this is what we desperately need we desperately need people that say you know what I know I can't but he can I know that impossible is where God starts and miracles are what God does see we don't have a nation that believes that impossible is where God starts anymore we tried to make it all happen in our own natural realm and God says I'm just waiting for it to get to impossible many of you you're trying to manage your own lives and you're trying to sort everything out you don't even need me yet you don't even need me until it gets impossible see many of the prayer requests we have they're not about miracle issues we said I need a miracle I need a financial miracle God says no you don't need a financial miracle you just need to stop spending more than you earn that's a management issue it's not a financial issue some of us go I need a health miracle God says now you just need to stop eating the Krispy Kremes and get off the treadmill that's all you need and so it's not say if you do if you manage your life well then you set me up to be able to do a miracle and what we need is a generation that say god I want to get to the end of my self and exhaust myself I'm sewing in all of my time all of my talent all my treasure I've come to the end of myself I needa but God I need a miracle I need a suddenly I need you to do the impossible I need you to do what makes you God that's what we need Church we need a God who we allow to be God in our lives it's our job to believe it's his job to do miracles that's job God's job profile it's awesome don't try to rationalize him don't try to shrink him down the Prophet didn't flinch I love that about this story he didn't even flinch could you imagine what CNN would have done with this Prophet comes to town takes last piece of flour and oil from the widow takes her bread because the devil would love to stop the way that God provides abundance let's let's not talk about giving let's not talk about sowing let's not talk about first because he says but first could you imagine what the media would do with this but first you're gonna make your bread and then die before you do that give me a last bit could you just imagine what would happen with that but he understood that her exit from need was always gonna be seed so he needed her to not eat her seed but to sow her seed so that the blessing and the abundance would come to pass anyone that really loves you will help you to understand the biblical eternal principle of while the earth remains Genesis a 22 says seed time and harvest that means we're not subject to external conditions were subject to God's kingdom agenda and he says this is how I operate seed time and harvest you live in a world that talks about lack limitations what we don't have that there's not enough you can't do it you're not enough you're not thin enough you're not rich enough you're not pretty enough you're not smart enough you're not educated enough everything tells us we are not enough before our feet get out of bed in the morning we're feeling less than we're feeling like all of media says that to us all of society says that to us and then what is enough do you then have to be the thinnest the richest the fastest the smartest it's either oh you're not enough oh you need to be more of that or you need to be the best of that and God says I wish you would get your eyes off you it's not about whether you're the thinnest or whether you're thinner it's about Who I am and I am God and I am able to do miracles in your life it's not about anything else so he's saying I'm gonna get you out of this cycle of poverty I'm gonna get you out of this cycle of lack I'm gonna get you out of this cycle of low self-esteem and low identity but the exit from your need is seed so I've got to stop you from just eating it and dying I've got to get you to sow it so that we could keep a principle operating all the time that's why we come around and offering every single week because our exit from need is always seed if we don't give you an opportunity to sow seed then there's always gonna be need because there's no where to so you'll see this is how it looks at it you can look at it and this is a scarcity mentality goes I've only got ten bucks I've only got ten and so if I had more this is where we live if I had a hundred I give if I had an extra night of the week I'd serve if I had more time if I had more of this if I just was if I then I would and the devil goes awesome if I can just keep you there for all of this very short vapor core life you'll never do anything awesome awesome that's where I want to keep you I'll keep you always thinking there and God says no don't you understand instead of going I've only got ten so I hide it you go I've got him so I must sort so rather than I've only got it becomes I've got rather than becoming but God I've only God it becomes but God ten in your hands is gonna become something absolutely awesome you're gonna create a miracle the only difference between me and everyone else is instead of me just going I've only got I've always said God I've got rather than i've oniy it's I've got so most people what they do they say I've already got and I've got a hoarder then I've got to protect my time gotta protect my talent got to protect my treasure we put it in our pocket the bucket goes by we never saw it so we put it in our pocket therefore we end up aborting the potential that's in the seed because we never sow the seed in the ground that would activate the potential within ER and cause it to multiply why do we have ten officers of a21 around the world because I said yes when we had nothing instead of going I don't have and back then I didn't have ten million dollars in plus whatever it costs us to run is cost half a million dollars to put those traffickers in jail that you clapped at for today six year case half a million dollars the fact is when I didn't have any of that it became okay I've got a mouth and I've got the ears of the church so I'll start with what I have where I am and who would have thought eight years later ten officers around the world dozens of traffickers in jail hundreds of girls rescued because I started with what I had where I was tomorrow by the grace of God we're going to Liberty University to launch propel a Leadership Initiative for women that you guys and pastor Kerry are so involved in what what it's gonna be it's not yet but if we don't start with what it is now it's never gonna be what its gonna be because you've got to start with what you have now and you grow to where you need to go and so he says to her you've got to start now but first but first if we could get this principle that's why we're starting with the faster the first of the year but first because if you seek first matthew says the kingdom of God and His righteousness guess what all these things will be added unto you what you have is everyone chasing the things and leaving God to last and so therefore they're never catching what they're trying to chase God says man if you seek me first you won't be able to keep up with all the blessings that are overtaking you and all the things that I want to pour into your life you're just trying to do it back to front you're just trying to do it back to front if you seek first the kingdom of God this is so interesting to me I mean I could stay here for an hour and ever thing but it says that the lie of the enemy is this she goes I'm just gonna go I'm gonna eat it and we're gonna die you don't have enough to do what you want to do anyway but the devil keeps saying hang on to your lack say you'll die and God says give me you're not enough and then not enough in the hands of a God of more than enough will so multiply it that it will astound you but the devil wants to keep you from giving it and you're going to end up die that potential dies on the inside of you that purpose dies on the inside of you that destiny dies on the inside of you and you never do what God's called you to do because you're too scared to give the little bit of time you have the little bit of talent you have the little bit of treasure you have you devalue the seed because you accept expect the seed to look bigger than it is but a seed never looks like much it's the potential that's hidden in the seed and God says if you were just so that seed the potential will be activated and what will happen is miraculous in your life then will be miraculous in your life but you've got to start with the time with the talent with the treasure I'll start serving one day when God says now look I've given you one of the premier churches in America you don't need you could begin here Christine 26 years ago starts serving with the youth group then if I didn't do that then I wouldn't be here now if I didn't do it back there I wouldn't be here if I didn't start in my here then I wouldn't be in my there now and that's what most of us miss if we don't start where we are with what we have we will never end up where we're meant to be with what God wants to give us never ever ever it's got to start here but he says to her and here it is really the key that I want to focus on in just these last few moments he says do not be afraid let me tell you in 2014 the devil has unleashed a spirit of fear like I've never seen whether it's through Isis whether it's through Ebola whether it's through economic decline whether it's just through the challenges in the there's a spirit of fear because at the threshold of every transition in scripture the enemy will send a spirit of fear when Joshua was just about to cross over the river Jordan the Lord says only be strong and very courageous four times in 17 verses because the devil will send a spirit of fear because there is a fight for our faith we are in very very urgent days and we're fighting battles that don't even count but there is a fight that is really worth fighting and that's the fight for our faith Paul says I want you to fight the good fight of faith and so what happens is fear cripples you fear paralyzes you fear causes you to just be so intimidated - - so not trust God to say I'm not gonna give my time I'm looking to give my talent I'm not gonna give my treasure because what if what if what if and I need to protect and I need to be careful men of for Knights of revival what am I going to do and what's it gonna do to my family and and if i sow that seed what is that gonna do to us and the devil loves to just so fear he'll do whatever he can to stop you to paralyze you to you so he can deactivate your faith because the fight is really for your faith because without faith it's impossible to please God and without faith you're not gonna step into your destiny so that's what he does this this happened to me in a whole different realm in June 2014 I was just about to fly out to the Hillsong conference in Australia and it was the end of the week Nick was with Joyce Meyer in Madagascar and her missions trip and I had gotten up and I had just done a TB unspecial with Bishop Jake's in Dallas and we just finished and I felt this strange thing in my throats the only way I can explain it to you and that was on a Wednesday night so we did the TV I did recording the next day and then I called Nick because I had to fly to another conference so there's something not right with my throat I just said there's something not right and I've finished the conference but I still wasn't great and then he came home on the Sunday night we were flying out on Wednesday to Australia to go to Hillsong conference which began that next week I was flying in for the weekend services and just doing what I normally do in my home Church and I could feel everyday something growing on the inside of my throat on my left on my left-hand side and so on Sunday just through a whole stream of miraculous occurrences we met up and got the name at 9:30 at night of a doctor I didn't even have doc I never get sick I didn't even have a doctor in America and I've been living here for nearly five years I never even had any and so we got one nick emailed her at 9:30 at night but thinking she was going to get back to us when we're in Australia and we'll come back and see her here we're going to see our doctor in Australia she emails us back immediately like 15 minutes later 9:45 p.m. on a Sunday night because she was shocked to get this email and then she googled me and found it really fascinating that I was involved in rescuing slaves of human trafficking and then she saw some YouTube videos and realized I also like talk a lot as well and and so and so she was like fascinated and she was like you know coming tomorrow I want to cut a long story short in the next 48 hours I had four biopsies to laryngoscopy is a whole lot of different tests and then I left on Wednesday night we caught the ten o'clock flight out of LA and we flew into Sydney we arrived in Sydney eight o'clock on Friday morning because you lose a day going over to Australia so we landed at 8:00 we got to our apartment at 9:00 and the phone call the phone rang at 9:00 and I answered it and it was my doctor from America and she said Kristine I need to tell you something your biopsies have come back and you have cancer now I never thought I would hear that phrase you have cancer and at that point in that moment and for the next two weeks we didn't know whether it was stage 1 or stage 4 we didn't know if it was just in my thyroid because I had this other growth in my throat until they cut that out three weeks later we did not know whether the cancer was in my throat or whether it was just there the cancer in my thyroid thank God it was you know the the best sort of case scenario you could have but it was the positioning of it was just above my larynx behind my trachea so the devil went for my voice like right that's what this scar is here he went right for my voice I remember when she called me I'm there because see in that moment the devil wants to and immobilize you so I said to her my first words - I went Lesley this is okay cancer is not terminal life is terminal I said no one's gonna get out of life alive just live long enough and you're gonna die so that's not the issue cancers not gonna kill me life is gonna kill me I said but the issue is that this thing is there and I said I'm at a conference and the theme for our conference was no other name and I said you know I want you to know you're about to see someone that really believes this stuff that there is no other name that I believe there's a name that is above the name of cancer and it's called the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and that's the deal and so I said the battle at that moment was not against cancer it was against fear because if the devil could paralyze and me and shut me down with fear then I wouldn't have faith to pray I wouldn't have faith to believe God I wouldn't have faith to confess and declare and decree the scriptures over me he wants to shut you down and paralyze you and because the thing can't kill you what we need to do is start to activate our faith to reverse the curse of the enemy to reverse the darts of the enemy and declare and decree the truth of the word of God and because I decided to go into lockdown and to be in a faiths environment praising and worshipping God at that time it was 12 hours a day for five days there was only five or six people I told I would be up morning noon and night I had 40 healing scriptures I would just confess and declare and decree over myself every single day I did everything that the doctors wanted and by the grace of God and to the glory of God at this point I stand before you totally cancer-free to God be the glory to God be the glory but let me tell you something the devil wanted just shut me down he wants to shut down our faith he wants to us he wants to immobilize us at that moment I didn't know and I could have turned around and I could have started saying but I don't know but I haven't gone but I don't know if it's stage 4 and imagine if this happens and imagine if that up is I could have been just like this woman I'm just gonna sit over here and die but if you cannot be paralyzed by fear that's why Elijah said do not be afraid but you begin to activate your faith you can turn around and say devil you may have forged the weapon but it is not going to prosper that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world I serve a god and by His stripes I am healed I shall live and I shall not die greater shall be my latter days than my former days this sickness shall not come upon me a second time your God is great your God is mighty the devil might send a spirit of fear but God says if you would trust him with your first activate that faith that says honor I'm not shutting down I'm not pulling back I never thought I was good enough smart enough fast enough anyway God there's no guarantees for how many days I'm on this earth but I'm telling you I'm gonna make every single one of these count and sometimes I think double you're just such an idiot and I know nobody watches Monty Python but if you've ever seen that little skip it's just a flesh wound you might have come after me but I'm not giving up my voice to the glory of God he's going to go further it's going to go louder it's going to go broader it's going to go wider we are gonna do more and we are gonna go further why because I wasn't gonna let a spirit of fear shut me down pull us back that's why we don't give that's why we don't so that's why we don't serve fear Oh what if I die let me put you out of your misery we are gonna die let me tell you when I was lying on that bed and they were gonna slash my throat at that point we didn't know what was gonna happen and how it was a very very delicate operation was there I was gonna come out with a voice or not I remember saying to Jesus I didn't think once you know did I watch enough television it's not what I was thinking honestly what I was thinking this is why you got to come to the revival night it's the only two things I thought settled everything with my family that was all fine what's a lord did I do everything you put me on this earth to do I hope I did that's literally what I said to him on that bed and I went Jesus am i bringing everyone home with me that I'm supposed to have brought home with me while I was on the earth I realized that on the edge they are the only two things that matter to me did I do everything you didn't ask did I play enough golf did I settle enough did I have enough square footage on my house did I watch enough television did I have enough little car it was like did I do what you put me on this earth to do and am i bringing everyone into eternity with me because that's ultimately all that matters why are we having revival nights why are we getting a hunger for the Lord and starting to just not dollar our flesh a little bit and stop giving it everything that we want because we live in agent times we live in a time in this nation where there is great famine in the land there is great political firm and there is great economic famine there is a great moral famine in this land and God saying I'm looking for a church that will rise up and say it's not about me but it's about Jesus and Jesus has always used highly unlikely people in highly unlikely places to do our highly unlikely things and they have a highly unlikely result and what happened that jar of oil never ran out and there was enough for her and for Elijah and for her son and it never ran dry because when you do it God's Way there's not just enough for you but there's enough for you and your household and everyone else God pours out such a blessing that nobody can contain her he is the god of more than enough the God never runs dry he never runs out and the fact of the matter is if you go on and read this chapter after a little while her son died and Elijah brought that son back to life and if I had another hour I'd go here with you guys because the truth is sometimes you don't know when you're sewing in she kept the man of God alive when you bring your tithe and your offering and your service to the house of God she didn't realize that her miracle was going to need a miracle somewhere down the track that she kept the prophet alive and he was a miracle because that kept her son alive but then that miracle was gonna need a miracle down the track cuz that miracle was gonna die and some of you God did a miracle he gave you your son back he gave you only your life back he restored your marriage back he did something and then it seems like it is dead and God says I'm coming back because some of your miracles are gonna get some miracles and they're gonna come back to life because of your faithfulness because you've sown because you've done what I've called you to do your miracle is gonna get a miracle [Applause] [Music] highly unlikely places highly unlikely people highly unlikely strategies highly unlikely results it's the way the Lord has always worked why are we having revival nights why do you need to be at them because you need to do something that's highly unlikely you need to do an unlikely thing to get an unlikely result you need to come out and position yourself in a place where it's like you know what God you've always used unlikely people so I qualify you've always done it in unlikely places so we qualify you've always had an unlikely strategy so four nights of revival in January while the rest of the world's watching TV okay I'll fight the parking I'll fight the overflow I'll do something unlikely it's not normal I'll do that and you just might get such an unlikely result in 2015 that it would blow your mind that you are never gonna run dry that there is gonna be more than enough provision in every facet of your life for you and your family Jesus name friend I wonder if you know this God that I'm talking about not do you know about him but do you know him and if you don't right here right now this evening I want to give you the opportunity to address the spiritual condition of your heart the opportunity to put Jesus Christ first in your life some of your friend perhaps all you've known is religion but tonight I want you to step over the line from religion to an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ for an I'm living proof I'm the kid that was left in a hospital unnamed and unwanted I'm the kid that was sexually abused for twelve years came from the poorest ZIP code in my state third poorest ZIP code in a stream I should have been a statistic but I am living proof that you can start bad and you can finish good in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ I am living proof that Jesus Christ is alive and the same God that gave me forgiveness for my past a brand-new life today and a hope for the future that's the same God that did it for me is right here right now ready to do it for you I want every hit bad at every eye closed wherever you are friend from the front to the back from the left
Channel: Christine Caine Sermons
Views: 4,263
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: christine caine shame off you, christine caine possessing the promise, christine caine sermon, christine caine undaunted, christine caine story, christine caine propel, christine caine passion 2014, christine caine november 2017, christine caine single and confident, christine caine healing, christine caine, christine caine tbn
Id: 3MfOA4M2fGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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