Brooke Ligertwood - Loving The Church | Teaching Moment

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[Music] [Applause] hello hello hi I just want to take a second and look at you you're very beautiful Hey so thank you first of all to Brandon and Tasha for Amin and the Team Blue mm-hmm I know that you know this but let me remind you that this is not normal right the past two weeks of your life have not been normal and their strategic and God's timing for you and God's plan for you and I think there are things that you've heard that you have forgotten that the Holy Spirit will remind you having weeks and months to come and Jesus said that the one of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to remind us of the words that Jesus has spoken so there's been things that have been spoken to you and to you that you have forgotten or you didn't register it but in weeks and months and maybe even years to come the Holy Spirit's going to remind you that Jesus said something to you so hold on to that and I'm as Tasha was talking about the wind just then just earlier straightaway that Keith green song came into my head does anyone remember the Keith green he he died in 1983 which was the year I was born but if you don't know who he is you should you should look him up and read no-compromise and all that good stuff but it but when Tasha was speaking it reminded me of this song he wrote and I'm going to read you the the lyric real quick it says rushing wind blow through this temple blowing out the dust within come and breathe your breath upon me I've been born again Holy Spirit I surrender take me where you want to go plant me by your living water plant me deep so I can grow rushing wind blow through this temple blowing out the dust within come and breathe your breath upon me for I've been born again and you know the thing about him - you talked about you know the wind blows out debris and and the song says dust you know the thing about dust is that sometimes you don't know it's there until the wind comes through you know until the wind comes through and it kicks out the dust and one of the worst things that you can do when when the dust kicks up is to shut the windows and hold it in you've got to open all the windows you go to the wind let the wind blow all the way through so I think that this afternoon the Holy Spirit's already been blowing and some dust has started to be kicked up and it's going to probably be kicked up and the next day and the next little time that we have together but don't shut the windows open all the windows and let him blow right through okay it is such an honor to be with you today and I I just want to say a huge thank you to Brian and gene for trusting me and inviting me that's crazy you guys are crazy but that's why I love you I want to thank pasta pastas bill and Benny and all of the Bethel Church and Bethel music staff and team and volunteers everyone who helps put this on it's a pretty amazing thing and I I really am humbled and honored to be a part of it and to be here with you so when I was praying about what I could serve to you today I felt like the Lord was attacking me in one very clear direction and I asked several times there was something else but but there was this one thing I think that there's something that the enemy desperately wants to keep our view limited on our perspective distorted about and He will bring distraction and confusion to keep us from catching even a glimpse of the true reality of the whole picture he'll keep us thinking small about it he'll tempt us to keep talking it down and throwing our hands in the air in exasperation about it he wants us to think of it as a McDonald's when it's actually more like the Milky Way galaxy because when we get a revelation of this thing and when we see a tiny little glimpse of what God sees when we through the eyes our faith see in our hearts what this is and what it will be he'll gets nauseous I came to talk to you today about Church Sears we come more and more into our identity as sons and daughters and we become more and more ourselves who we were always made to be in born to be you suddenly realize that you're not an only child right that the people around you are sons and daughters and that means you've got brothers and sisters whether you like it or not you're part of a body and a family in a house and a home and a people and now how God forms your me is inextricably linked to what God is forming and as we he's making us into something but he's making us into something Ephesians 2 and the messages is that's plain enough isn't it you're no longer wondering exhales the kingdom of faith is now your home country you're no longer strangers or outsiders you belong here I'm gonna say that again you belong here with as much right to the name Christian as anyone God is building a home and he's using all of us irrespective of how we got here and what he is building he used the Apostles and the prophets for the foundation and now he's using you fitting you in brick by brick stone by stone with Christ Jesus at the cornerstone that holds all the parts together we see it taking shape day after day a holy temple built by God all of us built into it a temple in which God is quite at home I want to retain our from one of my favorite books it's kind of crazy so if you have anyone heard of the Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis put your hand real high oh that's maybe what do you think 40% 50% okay so that's good that's good that the genius of this book is that CS Lewis to change our perspective he changes our perspective so I'm actually gonna read the jacket over the book because I feel like it explains it better because it's kind of its kind of kooky but it is this this classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles through the unique vantage of Screwtape a highly-placed assistant to the devil at once wildly comic deadly serious and strikingly original CS Lewis gives us the correspondence of the worldly wise devil to his nephew wormwood a novice demon in charge of securing the damnation of an ordinary young man the Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation and triumph over it ever written so basically this book is from the perspective of a senior demon mentoring the younger demon when they talk about the enemy it's their enemy who is God when they talk about the patient they're talking about us the humans and when they talk about their father below they're talking about the devil does that make sense I know this is like you're like what are you talking about you're talking about demons I don't know but I'm gonna read it it's gonna be on the screens as well you can take photos of it to read it later my dear wormwood I note with grave displeasure that your patient has become a Christian do not indulge the hope that you will escape the usual penalties indeed in your bitter moments I trust you would hardly even wish to do so in the meantime we must make the best of the situation there is no need to despair hundreds of these adult converts have been reclaimed after a brief surgeon in the enemy's camp and are now with us all the habits of the patient both mental and bodily are still in our favor one of our great allies at present is the church itself do not misunderstand me I do not mean the church as we see her spread out through all time and space and rooted in eternity terrible as an army with banners that I confess is a spectacle which makes our boldest tempters uneasy hello but fortunately it is quite invisible to these humans all your patient sees as the half-finished sham gothic erection on the new building estate when he goes inside he sees the local grocer with rather an oily expression on his face bustling up to him to offer him one shiny little book containing a liturgy which neither of them understands and one shabby little book containing corrupt ticks of a number of religious lyrics mostly bad and in very small print when he gets to his pew and looks around him he sees just that selection of his neighbors whom he has hitherto avoided you want to lean pretty heavily on those neighbors make his mind flip to and fro between an expression like the body of Christ and the actual faces in the next few it matters very little of course what kind of people that the next pew really contains you may know one of them to be a great warrior on the enemy's side no matter your patient thanks to our Father below the enemy as a fool provided that any of those neighbors sing out of tune or have boots that squeak or double chins or odd clothes the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be somehow ridiculous at his prison stage you see he has an idea of Christians in his mind which he supposes to be spiritual but which is in fact largely pictorial his mind is full of togas and sandals and armor and bare legs and the mere fact that the other people in church where modern closers are real though of course an unconscious difficulty to him never let it come to the surface never let him ask what he expected them to look like keep everything hazy when it skips and birds for time worked hard then on the disappointment nor anticlimax which is certainly coming to the patient during his first few weeks or years or decades as a churchman the enemy God allows this disappointment to occur on the threshold of every human endeavor it occurs when the boy who has been enchanted in the nursery by stories from The Odyssey buckles down to really learning Greek it occurs when lovers have got married and begin the real task of learning to live together oh hey right in every department of life it marks the transition from dreaming aspiration to laborious doing the enemy God takes this risk because he has a curious fantasy of making all these disgusting little human vermin us into what he calls his free lovers and servants sons as the word he uses desiring their freedom he therefore refuses to carry them by their mere affections and habits to any of the goals which he sets before them he leaves them to do it on their own and there lies our opportunity but also remember there lies our danger for if once they get through this initial dryness successfully they become much less dependent on emotion and therefore much harder to tempt I know that was long I'm gonna pray look god I thank you for your manifold wisdom and your sovereign love for all of us your children and for your church but I pray that where there is pain disappointment and resentment at the church that you would bring a deep in a permanent healing today I pray Lord Jesus that you would help us to blow the windows wide open and allow you to blow through completely restore our faith revive our hope in the name of Jesus mmm okey-dokey in 1999 20 years ago I was fifteen years old and I and I walked into a small little church hall in Lower Hutt New Zealand with a congregation of about 40-50 people I went into the service and I left the service without having having spoken to anyone but that morning during worship I was set free the people who serve that day would never know but I believe that they prayed before hand and prayed that just perhaps someone who might wander off the street might encounter the love of God and they still to this day and not until heaven will know that I was the fruit of that prayer and that night I went into my room I shut my door and I gave my life to Jesus though I didn't realize it at the time after that I began this this love affair with the Bible the Word of God and with was praying and with this Savior I hadn't counted and a few months later to my shock I realized I was a Christian and I thought that I should probably start going to church so back to the little Salvation Army Hall I went my mum would drop me off I would go in I was the youngest by about fifty years and then she would pick me up at the end of the at the end of the service and we would go home but in that little Salvation Army Hall and lower heart New Zealand I learned about the mercy seat I learned about prayer I learned about older people who could input into me and teach me how to pray and teach me how to with lead to how to read the Word of God I learned that worship wasn't about a sensory experience but about engaging my faith in an encounter with the presence of God then something happened I finished high school I was praying about what to do and I felt very clearly that Lord said stay in Wellington don't State University and wait I had planned to go to university and study journalism and I said okay Lord what would you have me do and I heard nothing those were my instructions stay where you are don't State University and wait well as it turned out he had a plan shocking and within about 5 months of that I had I had three major late mazing major music labels in New Zealand asking to sign me so at 18 years old I signed a five-album mainstream recording deal with Sony Music and thus began an adventure and a journey and a crazy wild god of each time my first album came out in New Zealand and ended very well and then we were preparing to release it in Australia I went to Australia to meet with the label do a showcase for them all of these things I stepped off the plane in Sydney Australia and I was taken aback by a physical sense that I had come home one of the people in our group knew some people who lived out in this place called the hills district and said nee lots of people think that Hillsong is like some deep name but it was just a church in the Hills that song songs there's why it's called Hillsong that's the whole story and so and so I went to this very Australian thing I went to a barbecue and at that barbecue that night I met the people who would go on to become my best friends in the world and I met the man who was to become my husband I told him I was a kickboxer because it seemed appropriate anyway but but and then that weekend they invited me to come to their church that church was a little place called Hillsong and it's been my home now for 15 years I'm telling you all this for a reason we're getting there so I continued my my my career outside in the world right if you're in my songwriting class today writing what would hopefully be bridges to epiphany for people who had never encountered the love of God and then in between tours I was I was home and I was at church I was serving I was doing whatever it took I was I remember being charged one month with wiping the the lipstick messages off the mirrors and the woman's bathroom after our Women's Conference I remember putting on the vacuum backpack and vacuuming after youth you know the cool vacuum anyone else vacuum in church if you have never backed him get vacuum to church I really recommend it it's a it's a beautiful thing but you see I suddenly found my place and I found my people and over that 15 or so years more than that I guess now whenever I would go out or come back I was I found that I was valued not for my gift but for who I was I found my people I found my home and I realized that what God was doing in me was inextricably linked to what God was doing in us as a church in the salvation community and us as the people of God fast forward I finished my five album deal a few years ago and and now I have the honor and privilege of leading Hillsong worship which is a terrifying privilege but I say all that to say that my individual walk with God and my individual calling I discovered it and I journeyed on it within the context of being a part of the house of God because what God is doing in us he is doing in us and I can't actually grasp what God is doing in me until I get a full revelation well not a full revelation that's not to heaven until I get a more full a fuller revelation of what God is doing in us because that's how he designed it God made it so that I could have a healthy context to be discipled a healthy context to discover who the safe he was and what it is to deny yourself and take up your cross and follow him because he's what it's what he's making us into free servants sons and daughters Hebrews eleven in the NIV it says now faith is confidence and what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see to see the church as Christ Caesar to see the church as we must to get a better revelation of who God is making all of us and making us we have to see it through the eyes of faith they the Matthew Henry commentary on Hebrews 11 it says faith has always been the mark of God's servants from the beginning of the world it is a firm persuasion and expectation that God will perform all he has promised to us in Christ this persuasion allows the soul to enjoy these things now you can enjoy church now not just when it's perfect we can enjoy it now when it's messy and weird and a bit awkward like through faith we enjoy and we apprehend the reality of what the church will be now persuasion allows the soul to enjoy those things now it gives them a subsistence of reality in the soul by the first fruits and the four tastes of them faith proves to the mind the reality of things that cannot be seen by the bodily eye it is full approval of all God has revealed as holy just and good so today I want to talk to us about four action points the Bible says faith without works is dead right so we can we can take hold of our faith and move it into action and four ways right you ready so to see this come to pass both the me and the we becoming the people that God has created us to be this is what we're going to do we stay meeting number one we stay meeting number two we stay eating number three we stay low number four we stay close here we go I had these amazing friends called Don Cherie and rich Wilkerson and Miami Florida Florida I don't know why I do these things what's that I don't know that's fine what Florida brings it out of me it's the spirit of Florida I don't know but I have these friends in Miami Florida they have an amazing Church called vous Church I was with them last year and and the church does something that I just love you know they'll be up there talking about with the baptism services coming up or talking about doing a first steps course a new Christians course or they'll be talking about connect groups maybe you haven't found friends in church yet we're just normal right take some time but um this is what they'll do when they're explaining these things which might be difficult for people to understand or apprehend immediately they'll pause and they'll say what do we do Church and then the whole church to get this is just keep coming right like if you don't understand something just keep coming if you don't see it yeah just keep coming Hebrews tells us Hebrews where is it here here beside Hebrews 10 let us consider how we may spur one another on to what love and good deeds not giving up meeting together church is kind of like you know do you remember those magic eye pictures this I'm doing such old references today I'm only in my 30s but I feel like I'm 75 I don't know there's like face out but reversed because it's inside doesn't make sense okay so magic eye pictures with these books but they're these books of pictures which if you looked at the picture at first it just looked like a mess like all these lines and stuff what shouldn't have seemed to have a particular formal structure but if you stared at it for long enough do you remember what happens if you stare at the picture for long enough like you would see another picture emerge in a different dimension and that's what happens when we just keep coming like stick with it for long enough to see what God sees stick with it for long enough to let God show you the new the other dimension to get to let God show you what's going on behind all of that stuff Screwtape and that in there in the in the letters since all your patient sees it's the half and ash-sham got the correction on the new building estate he gets just we get distracted by what we do see we get distracted by what we do see but if we look long enough there's a new dimension for us to to understand the Holy Spirit won't waste any of the factors and using them to transform us and to more of his likeness and to make us into the church and you another thing that I love about the church and this is just a little bit about church actually the church but also Church is like the anti bespoke bespoke Ness of church right you can't we we can't order our church experience like we can now triple shot decaf two-pump caramel half two percent half skim latte we can't order our church experience that we can't order our feed like we do our social we can't choose who to follow and that way do you know what I mean we can't choose what pictures are going to come up we can't we can't choose who's going to be preaching that day and whether we like the message we can't choose what the song list is going to be we can't choose if the worship leader is going to be singing and tuned or not but that's the whole point because when we step into church when we just keep coming when we stay meeting we're a part of what God is doing on the earth globally not just it's part of what not just in what God is doing in us but in his grace he uses what he's making out of all of us out of the Baptist Church in Pennsylvania out of the Presbyterian Church in England out of the open-air Church in Africa he's using what he's doing in all of those places and all of those times and in fact through all of these generations and throughout history to making us into the people of God and he's doing it through out of tune worship leaders and me and offering messages that don't make much sense and awkward people sitting beside us who would prefer not to sit next to he's using all of her my friends he's using all of them so number one stay meeting and I know it's hard jesus said if anyone wants to follow me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me the man who isolates himself rages against and judgment and so the very best thing that the enemy could do would be to isolate us from the body of Christ but you know the thing about being a body with many members is that when we're disconnected from each other that's a crime scene that's not a body so I don't want to see in my generation the church continue to be a crime scene where we are suppose to be connected when we're supposed to be all active and all part of it and she's the same so number one we stay meeting aka turd or number two stay eating so in x246 we see a model of this in the early church that not only did they meet together every day in the temple courts so they had meetings they had church events they met together their study they were in the synagogue together they met together in the temple courts but they broke bread in each other's homes Jesus set the pattern for us when he had the Last Supper with his disciples when we have communion together when we share of the Eucharist together something a magnificent happens Jesus laid out that model for us because he wanted us to continue it and he said whenever you do this do this in remembrance of me he modeled a revelation of himself when bread was broken when bread was broken miracles happened when the disciples after the road to Emmaus they sat down at a table with Jesus and it was when he broke the bread and their set together around the table that they realized it was Jesus and I think that that I've experienced that time and time again in my own life sitting around a table with friends we break bread and suddenly roast that Jesus is among us that Jesus is revealing himself so what I'm saying is stay meeting but stay eating bring the church into your home's have Church at home let the Holy Spirit teach you through each other gather around the Bible gather around the Word of God eat together and that Jesus reveal himself so I think at the time I actually don't have that bad eyes I think I'm manifesting like my old turret it's actually like I can see that fine but some reason I've wanted to go I don't know okay I also by the way I don't speak particularly often so I have no idea if this content if we're gonna be here for 20 minutes or two hours so I I feel like it will be shorter but what I'm saying is I will give Brandon and tetra and the team plenty of time to get up and do things it's gonna be great perfect okay stay meeting stay eating stay low oh I missed a bit hang on clearly I don't do this very often so um so with stay eating we read that part in Screwtape Letters where it says his present stage the patient you see he has an idea of Christians his mind which he supposes to be spiritual which is in fact largely pictorial when you sit around a table with someone they stop becoming a caricature they stop becoming a cliche and they become a flesh-and-blood person and the image of God for you to learn from right so there's another reason we need to break bread together because if I only ever see you in this context I don't get to know you if I only ever see you in this context Jesus can't reveal himself as fully we serve and church together we stay meeting together but we eat together and we stop but we break down imaginary ideas of what people are and we find who people really are we journey with people in this great richness and revelation of Jesus and that I mean number one stay meeting number two stay eating number three stay low John 13 12 to 17 in the message it says then do you understand what I have done to you this is just after Jesus has disrobed washed his disciples feet and put on his robe again do you understand what I have done to you you address me as teacher and master and rightly so that is what I am so if I the master and teacher washed your feet you must now wash each other's feet I've laid down a pattern for you what I've done you do I'm only pointing out the obvious a servant is not ranked above his master an employee doesn't give orders to the employer if you understand what I'm telling you act like it and live a blessed life I think that healthy serving indicates freedom when you see people who have a healthy relationship with the serving and the house it's a sign of full security actually it's a sign of identity and it's a sign of freedom and I say healthy serving because I of course we're in church with people and whenever things can sometimes get complex people can have their identity attached to serving so I'm not talking about that but I'm talking about the healthiest way to serve is of freedom but if you're not free it doesn't mean you shouldn't serve because I'm serving together Jesus reveals himself and serving together Jesus tells us he said if you love me do what I command when we serve together when we serve together love for Jesus overflows spills out on to the people around us which is exactly how it intended and the Screwtape Letters again this is when he gets to his pew and looks around him he sees just that selection of his neighbors whom he has hitherto avoided you want to lean pretty heavily on those neighbors how many people have been distracted by other people in church before right like and how judgey are we sometimes write how judgy am i there's a there's a lady in our church who sings at a really high operatic pitch and all songs and in all keys it's a bit weird but I love it I love it I have no point other than it's just it's it's it's it's it's how it's supposed to be we're not supposed to like like it's his make his mind flip to and fro between an expression like the body of Christ and the actual faces in the next view and then he says something amazing it matters very little of course what kind of people that next pew really contains you may know them to be a great warrior on the enemy's side in other words you might know you might in other words that person with the double chins and the weird clothes might be an incredible prayer warrior but you're not going to get you're not going to know that until you get to know them and one of the best ways to get to know them is by serving together one of the best ways to break down those well is to fill the coffee ins together to put out the chairs together to put on the backpack vacuums and vacuum after youth that's how we find Christ in each other and that's how Jesus reveals himself that's how I'm becoming more of Who I am and we are becoming of more of who we were called to be oh this is a good bit I think I hope okay now I did make us a disclaimer in my songwriting class that I quoted from Pope Joe Paul Pope John Paul the second I am going to do so again I don't feel the same way about Mary but it doesn't mean he says things that are true cool I actually came across this quote in Africa in 2005 with some beautiful person at her hand painted it on the back of a bus one of the most treasured photos I have it's um I did it like with a film camera before finding everything but someone had painted and really large letters on the back of this bus nobody is so poor he has nothing to give and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive and you know what serving teaches us and helps us apprehend within church as bilingual humility we've got to have humility both ways that you don't ever walk you're not ever too proud that you walk into Church and think that there's nothing that you have to give somebody and that you're never too full in okay not okay do you know that you're not ever two together that you walk in and think that there is nothing for you to receive bilingual humility is what we learned when we serve together okay so stay meeting stay eating stay low and finally stay close when I was studying for this and reading the different accounts of of the Last Supper and what that looked like in what Jesus was like with his friends and what his friends were like with him I was struck again by that image and John 13 of John reclining on Jesus's chest at the Last Supper and this thing happens where Peter tells John he's like hey ask who the guy has who's gonna betray him and anjana's reclining on Jesus's chest their image of of John being so close to Jesus's heart that he was willing Jesus was willing to share who it was he was willing to share the secrets of his kingdom so I was thinking you know when we get close enough to his heart what is it that we would hear I think when we get close to the heart of God we would hear his heart for the nation's I think when we get close to the heart of God we hear his heart for the suffering I think we hear his heart for the lost but I know when we get closer to the heart of God we hear his heart for the church we hear his heart for his bride when Peter that awful but common experience we all have of denying and betraying Jesus and then there's their incredible moment where Jesus has died he's risen the tomb is empty and then Peter goes back to doing what he was doing before he's he's fishing he's on a boat and it always grabs at my heart whenever I read that verse when he sees Jesus on the shore and he realizes that it was but it's the Lord I always think about what that must have felt like but he didn't know he didn't know what had happened to Jesus he didn't understand he couldn't grasp it but he just knew that the person he loved most in the world he had let down terribly and at that point that there was no hope of them ever making it right and then all of a sudden he's doing what he was doing before and from a distance on the shore he sees Jesus there's no surprise to me that he just jumps in the water and it gets there as fast as he can and there's this incredible incredible time where they have breakfast together again they're sitting together around a meal right they're having a meal restoration happens around meals and though Peter denied Jesus three times Jesus now gives him the opportunity to say that he loves him three times I love you Lord you know I love you you know I love you and I often find that that Jesus takes us to some of the places of our greatest pain so they can redeem them I deny you I deny you it deny you I love you I love you I love you and then after that restoration in the midst of that restoration Jesus is if you love me feed my sheep now that we are close again this is my heart feed my sheep stay close to me and hear my heartbeat first Peter to four to five assists as you come to him the living stone rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him you also like living stones are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ and there's a story that I love that I heard many years ago which explains I think why we need to stay close to Jesus and to really become to really become the church and we had a really amazing prophetic posture from point and in Australia come to one of our creative team nights in Sydney one time and he and I talked to him about this years later and he can't even remember saying it but it was so from the Lord that didn't surprise me but he talked about you know skimming stones just get stones that you skim like across the water that fly he said they they have to be a particular smoothness right they have to be a particular dimension and he said this he said that that stones only become perfect for skimming through one process and that's through rubbing up against other stones but the thing is when you rub together stones you know what happens don't you via destruction right when you're rubbing together against other stones this fire and destruction so there's only so that's not the process that makes them into skimming stones the process of making them into skimming stones as when they're rubbing up against each other but they're in the river I'm gonna let that sit it's okay that we rub up against each other it's okay but in order for there not to be destruction from man so got to stay close we've got to stay close and then when we do that the Holy Spirit uses it to to rub off all of those edges that are poke somebody and draw blood you know without at the Holy Spirit uses to make us something that can fly in his hand the Holy Spirit uses us to make us those living stones by which he's building a spiritual house ma'am something happened actually this is not on my notes but I that was visible that was crazy that hour of worship we had just before who was saying all these things to me I was like it was crazy one of the things was and it have and I do want to note that I happened here in church I do want to know that it happened here in the house of God for 15 years [Applause] I was actually supposed to I felt like the lid taught me that to doing the this day serving thing but I missed in then I just saw her here which is why I write it down so I wouldn't miss it and then I missed it and I was fine I'm coming back to it but for 15 years something has been happening to me I have never spoken about this before thank God so called that he does weird things just because he wants to we don't have to understand that right but um 15 years ago I started having this thing it happens like maybe like once a year or once every two years and I don't control it I never see it coming but I'll be in worship and I'll start feeling my left hand fill with something like a warm like thick like a liquid and the first time it happened I was like am I making this out this is crazy I'm standing there and worship in our church at Hillsong and I and I felt it fill up it's always the left hand I don't don't ask me why and then I felt like the Holy Spirit said go put it on the stage so I like cause like hail songs not like that weird do you know how to mean like so it's like it's not like there's loads of people like you know like which I love by the way like I am so down with that but like it's like very obvious so I had to try and find like this like spy like incognito way of like slightly like making way up my way up and then like and this haven't seriously this is what happens like every year every tease when ever happens I like look I'm like slowly go and then I just got this and I just wipe it I'm like please okay that's it right that thing but sorry I don't know the last time that happened but it happened just down there and we're show and some of you probably understand I was trying to be like really normal next to Paul McClure that looks like waving and I'm just like why what going back like that's cool god sweet but for the first time ever I felt like God gave me a bit of insight into what that is in 15 years [Applause] and I and I felt like he said this is for the platform the platform is not for you that's why we serve that's why God has given these things all of them first Peter says that every gift God has given us as to administrate God's grace and its various forms and I don't know what having a thick weird hand and wiping out on a stage is going to do but God does and whether that's putting out cheers or encouraging somebody or having the conversation that you know is going to be awkward that's what carries the anointing because we serve the platform and I don't necessarily just mean this stage I mean what it represents I mean it represents what God is doing we serve that that doesn't serve us we serve the move the move is not here to serve us okay almost done I'm gonna refer back to that oh and actually okay who is it Lloyd okay you met hello men person sorry Kenya be more specific Chin's liked Paul a Paul K I'm like hey man you're a man I think you men white person sorry I must to say that I'm really not doing well at this so far I'm you just walking here I brought an extra copy of this because I knew God was gonna I just fail at this view so yeah for you you're the guy so I'm [Applause] [Music] I'll see the same you're welcome okay okay I'm real jet-lagged you guys slept with reals okay back to this back to the Screwtape Letters that bit that I love that I froth on that it melts my face off this is that the demons see the church spread out through all time and space and routed an eternity terrible as an army with banners it's a spectacle which makes the boldest demons uneasy think about the people in this room think about the people in your home Church think about the church in this generation on the earth right now times it by two thousand times it by however millennia we have left to go before Jesus comes back that's the church that's not a small thing that's not a weak thing it's not a perfect thing yet but it's the heart of God there's Brian Hebrews 12 says it like this I'm gonna read it in the Bible because that's always the best way from verse 18 it says you have not come to a mountain that can be touched that is burning with fire to darkness gloom and storm there's 22 but you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem you have come to thousands upon thousands of angels and joyful assembly to the Church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven you have come to God the judge of all to the spirits of the righteous made perfect to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel Brandon and team and guys you can come if you want I'm shutting down their fusions three twenty twenty once is this now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever so Brandon and Tasha and the team are going to come now and uh and they're gonna sing this is a move again and we're going to sing it together but this is what I came to you to say the body of Christ like I said before when we are separated and disconnected and severed from each other it's gruesome that's a crime scene but when a body is connected and the blood is flowing through and this is not a rhetorical question I want you to answer me what does it do I'm moving in case you couldn't tell when the body of Christ is United and animated with Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit that is the move when we are the church when you invite God to show you through eyes of faith what he is making you and what he is making us when you stay meeting when we stay meeting when we stay eating when we stay low and when we stay close this is a move in a minute we're going to sing but I just want to pray for people because I know that that kicked up some dust and I don't pretend to even be remotely qualified to know how to pray in a way they would heal you if you are someone who has experienced deep disappointment with the church or bitterness but I can I know how to ask God and so I do want to give people some privacy for a minute if let's uh let's just bow our heads give everyone around you some privacy what's the Lord showing you today and our time together [Music] the Bible says strengthen strengthen the weak knees that are about to fail for they are not to become lame but to be healed that was a massacre of the actual words but feel limping a bit that's okay but let the Lord touch you today so that you do not become lame but so that you are healed if there's been some dust kicked up you didn't even know it was there it's been there a long time it's been settled but the wind of the Holy Spirit has kicked it up not to shame you not to condemn you not to judge you but open the windows let him blow through let him blow it all out if that's you and you just know you feel the Holy Spirit inviting you to find freedom and healing if you've experienced disappointment with the church or worse if you're cynical and numb if you don't feel like you're part of it would you just put up your hand so I can see you no one else is looking I'm not only me and Jesus we can see you but he can see you that's most important I'm gonna pray Jesus jaysus thank you God that bodies are still being raised your buddy your church Jesus with there's deep disappointment in this room where there is bitterness resentment cynicism or just confusion why is this thing the way it is in my situation why did that leader misunderstand me why did I misunderstand the leader Lord Jesus just blow through right now I pray blow out the dust blow out the things that obscure our vision and help us to see with faith who you are making us who you're making us all over the world in every generation of people that you call your own I pray that you would bring a deep healing Lord Jesus to people's hearts and people's souls and people's spirits right now do what only you can do love Jesus and your name we pray amen [Music] so I know the awesome team here have have prayer ministry available s all the times on the screens early but if you know there's still more to do don't neglect to keep opening all the windows get prayer if you need to get counseling if you need to but can I encourage you to invite God to show you what he sees when he looks in the church and more importantly can I invite you to be a part of it can I remind you that you are a part of it can I remind you what the Bible says that you belong here with as much right to the name Christian as anybody that God is building a house he is redeeming a bride and he needs all of us to take our place to be our part Jesus [Music] is calm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] comment [Music] we need baby [Music] see mountains are still [Music] to Claire [Music] come on with all the faith in you guys bodies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we say yes yes Laurie we say yes [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise it laughing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] phrasing [Music] we will see [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on everyone [Music] [Music] come on I feel like we got one more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh church lay your hands on your neighbor see this is where we get to be the church the person on your right and left might be one prayer away from their breakthrough might just be one prayer away from that dream in their heart being fulfilled go ahead and just pray release a new grace of God release the power of God into their life [Music] [Music] [Music] pray for courage [Music] pray that there be a new impartation of courage in their life [Music] okay now lay your hand on your own heart [Music] pray for courage for yourself you need it too courage courage [Music] [Music] I believe God's saying over each and every one of us it [Music] that those future dreams that you have are closer than you think it's actually closer than you think God is about to break through in ways you've never seen and break through before so God we say we're ready we receive it and God we say we'll also give that away let us be people of courage and hope to the world that desperately needs to see the authentic identity of what the church is supposed to be helped us be that in Jesus name in Jesus name and everyone said I am man come on [Music]
Channel: WorshipU by Bethel Music
Views: 182,297
Rating: 4.9520516 out of 5
Keywords: brooke ligertwood, hillsong worship, bethel music, worshipu, loving the church, church, bethel redding, worship leading tips, worship team tips, worship, bethel church, hillsong, strengthen yourself in the lord, bssm, leadership, jenn johnson, brian johnson, brandon lake, tasha cobbs, this is a move, bethel, worshipu on campus, worship u, bethel sermons,, bethel worship, holy spirit, spontaneous worship, redding, praise, gospel, bethel moments, presence, preaching, ministry, god
Id: z1gxp0duiL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 52sec (4132 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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