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I am so pumped to be here you could be seated wherever you are I couldn't wait to get up here today you having a ball [Applause] you know I heard the Lord's just been moving so powerfully and I know that with God things just get better and better it's just been so so strong this afternoon you had one of my favorite chick preachers on the earth dawn Sheree how many love dawn Sheree today she is like unbelievable and I love the fact that God's raising up men and women all over the earth I'll tell you why this is very moving for me just before I jump in these guys how many love Hillsong UNITED you know when you're a chick from Hillsong and you don't sing like taya you've got to have a very healthy self-esteem so I I just can't you know if I try to sing oceans you would want me to drown so it's really bad it's not gonna happen but I've been part of the team for 27 years I got pretty much saved and discipled in Hillsong Church in 1989 last Sunday in January I walked you know I was such a messed up kid and I guess they'd be people like that in this room and I've asked the Holy Spirit from the very front row to every single seat in this room to powerfully arrest and touch every single one of you he knows exactly what you need and exactly where you're at but I was one of those kids sitting up there when I walked in except we didn't have anything this big it was a lot smaller we had a youth ministry that was a lot smaller and most of these guys that you're seeing on this stage now were actually in the kids ministry and some of them were in the youth ministry back then they're in the youth ministry and somewhere in the kids ministry we used to have a couple of hundred of us we used to pray and get together because you didn't really have much else back there you didn't fill arenas like this and you would just lay ahold of the Holy Spirit of God and you would get visions and dreams and get into the Word of God and pray and prophesy that one day around the world we would see arenas full of young people not wasting their lives in immorality and iniquity but they would be raising up and praising the king of kings and the Lord of lords and they would be laying down their lives for Jesus that we would dream and we would pray for that and tonight I I went up the top as United began to lead and I thought these were the guys that were in the youth group when we started doing youth ministry and some of them were in small groups and you know when we were running youth group and then I look down in my own teenage daughter who's 13 and my nine-year-old daughter in this arena my normal was about this row right here that's when we were believing God they're normal is this arena so by the time you guys are activated can you imagine the football stadiums around the world and the Olympic stadiums that will be the next generations normal see a lot of naysayers think that Jesus Christ and cruncher chia a church and Christianity is on the decline but apparently they didn't come to Birmingham Alabama and they didn't see motion 15 Jesus Christ is very much alive and well and the Spirit of God is moving and just before I get into the word because I am so fired up I might orbit through the sky tonight I've got my little nine-year-old and she wanted to come up and and say hi to you all and do a little monologue do you want all hear from my nine-year-old so this is my little Sofia Joyce grace cane everyone say hello to Sophie okay so how well I woke up to go get me a cold pop and I thought somebody was barbecuing I said oh Jesus it's if I die right now that house I didn't grab no shoes or none Jesus ran for my life and then the smoke got me I got bronchitis ain't nobody got time today ain't nobody got time for that yes she takes after her father we're so honored to be here we love Pastor Chris Hodges and Tami and Church of the Highlands it's like when I see the Apostolic churches that God has raised up in this nation I just think you know what we're about to check mate the devil God is just raising up unbelievable churches and this one of the finest churches truly on the earth and Pastor Chris is one of the greatest leaders of our generation you ought to thank God that he and Church of the Highlands have put on this it's more than an event it's an activation it's it's an army mobilization unit that's what this is and we are mobilizing the troops for war to go out and kick some serious devil but on this earth and to make a difference that's what is happening so I love that I love that you know my 13 year old who's in the crowd and really loves me using her first sermon illustrations she she I came home last year and and and she had written a contract and left it on the kitchen counter and on that contract she had written it was like my name that I had to insert my name and I had to insert my signature on the bottom of the page and it was I Christine cane solemnly declare that I will never ever again post any Instagram photos of my firstborn Kathryn Bobby cane without her express permission and then I had to sign it in you know and I crossed my fingers when I signed it and as you can all tell I keep posting pictures of her anyway but you know I had to laugh because when I was growing up and I hold enough to be everyone's mother in this room and almost your grandmother for most of you I I really we never had anything like kind of Instagram or Facebook or snapchat or periscope or any of the crazy stuff that I loved and you know that I use but we are a generation that that is our normal we are so normal I posted an Instagram even of this crowd and people from all over the world literally I counted 30 different countries were instantly commenting and answering me back about just what God was doing in this very room you could do it immediately I haven't even left the building yet we haven't even entered the night and people from the other side of the planet literally know what's going on it's just instant snap and upload off it goes there are over 60 million images a day photos a day that are uploaded on Instagram more than 300 million on Facebook every day and I mean there's just you know a different thing is released all the time of how we could just take we're just used to stuff being instantly taken and instantly uploaded we used to seeing images right before our eyes immediately that's all you know I was periscoping before and and people from all over the world are just glimpsing what's happening right here in Birmingham Alabama in real time now that didn't happen back in my day now I know how obsessed we all are with our smartphones and our instagrams and you know the the way we know is the advent of the selfie now the selfie never really existed in my day and if you get a hashtag selfie there are tens of millions of them a day and you know what a selfie is it's that moment where we want to take our most authentic real genuine transparent moment of ourselves so we make sure we get outside under the right lighting and we get the right angle and then we we put the right filter on it because we want it to be authentic and we want it to be spontaneous and we want it to be transparent and we we upload that selfie millions of them every moment well you're used to that that's what we do that's what we've grown up in as soon as we see it in real time almost somebody else is going to see it now when I was growing up it wasn't quite like that you know we thought something like this was like radical revolution I don't know if you've ever seen this this is like an archaic ancient tool yes the Polaroid camera it's awesome I'm going to take a picture of you all there was a day whoa now when this came out in my day we thought this was advanced technology we thought this was the mark of the beast the end times are about to come because the image is going to come out on this piece of but it was like radical now when I did this a little bit earlier in the back room my daughter's like mom where's the picture cuz there's still no picture and it takes several minutes lots and lots of minutes there's still no image she couldn't fathom she said mom was this like in the Dark Ages how did you exist how did I exist cuz there's still no image it's still being forged well because I'm older than all of you and I grew up during the dinosaurs I grew up during a time on the earth if you go into any sort of museum you might find this in in the archaeological relics of this time when we had this thing called film this is what it looks like and with the film what we did was you had to put it into a camera and then you would take a roll of pictures this one is you know 24 and I'll just record their goats that's what it looks like you would never do that what you would do is you put it in the camera you take 24 then you put it on an in an envelope he would take it to somewhere like Walgreens and then you would pray and fast and intercede in the spirit because you wouldn't see that thing for another week and you would just be praying to God that just maybe one of those pictures will turn out you just didn't take a picture of your shoe but you didn't know because he just went into the abyss now I know you find this hard to believe it went into the abyss now what happened when you weren't seeing was it went in and then it went into this thing called a darkroom now in that darkroom they would then put this film through nine different chemical processes and they did that in order for the image to come out and the latent will or just wrecked that the latent image would come out and it would go through all of these processes so that the image could be forged here on this negative they call it nine chemical processes you could never open the door ahead of time because if you ever open that darkroom door then you would do what they call expose which is what I did you would expose this film and you would record you would ruin it because the image would not have been formed yet and that meant this external light would have destroyed it so you had to keep it in darkness until the image was forged and then the outside light would never destroy the negative because the image was already formed now that's what happened it was a process it took time and it all happened in the darkroom now the fact is because of the generation that you're growing up in most of us think when it comes to purpose when it comes to destiny when it comes to the call of God when it comes to our dreams and our visions and our passion we think it's like a snap and upload then we would come to motion 15 God would give us a glimpse of our future and we want to snap it and upload it and tell everybody look what I'm gonna do look what I'm gonna be on the next you know Billy Graham come kathryn kuhlman come Joyce Meyer come Ben into the body of Christ step aside Jesus the fourth part of the Trinity has arrived I'm here and I want everybody to see that didn't you know I got this word God gave me a vision God spoke to me I got this sense that I'm gonna be the next Richard Branson or I'm gonna be the next Bill Gates or I'm going to be the next Sheryl Sandberg or I'm gonna be we just got these dreams and visions and we want to tell everyone we get on the blog and we begin to blog about it we begin to sit there and we begin to put it on all our social media and everyone needs to know this is what I'm going to do but dare I suggest that when God builds our purpose our destiny our future he doesn't do it like a snap and upload in our modern technology God does it much more like a roll of film God takes us into the dark room of life he puts us through a process and he develops his image on the inside of us and what he wants to do is he wants to Forge he wants to forge his image in us he doesn't really care about us putting what we're gonna do on our Instagram so everyone likes it he's not really interested in everyone liking what he's called us to do he wants us to become like him so rather than everyone else liking it he wants us to go into the dark room that we would become like him and if we prematurely come out of that dark room because we can't wait and we want to run ahead of God the spotlight will kill us it will destroy the image of God that is being forged on the inside of us he wants us to be formed because if the light that is in you is not greater than the light that is on you the light that is on you will destroy you the gift that is on you will destroy you if the character that is in you cannot sustain you and your character is only ever forged in the darkroom God wants to build our destiny in the dark room I want you to turn with me tonight to the book of 1st Samuel I'm gonna read you quite a lot of Scripture so if you're behind in your Bible reading for the week you're about to catch up the Bible says the first time has 16 the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for saw since I've rejected him as king over Israel fill your horn with oil and be on your way I'm sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem I have chosen everyone say I have chosen I have chosen one of his sons to be king but Samuel said how can I go if so hears about it he will kill me the Lord said take a heifer with you and say I have come to sacrifice to the Lord invite Jesse to the sacrifice and I will show you what to do you are to anoint for me the one that I indicate Samuel did what the Lord said when he arrived at Bethlehem the elders of the town trembled when they met him they asked do you come in peace Samuel replied yes in peace I've come to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to the sacrifice with me then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice when they arrived Samuel saw Aliyah and thought surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord but the Lord said to Samuel do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him the Lord does not look at the things people look at everyone say the Lord does not the Lord does not look at the things that people look at people look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart then Jesse called the Bema and dad had him passed in front of Samuel but Samuel said the Lord has not chosen this one either then Jesse had Shama passed by but Samuel said the Lord has not chosen this one Jesse had seven of his sons passed before Samuel but Samuel said to him the Lord has not chosen these so he asked Jesse are these all the sons you have there's still the youngest Jesse answered he's tending the Sheep interesting way for King David to appear on the pages of scriptures and it not even named just the youngest the unnamed the uninvited the unnoticed you you might feel like that right up the back today the one that nobody's talking about the no one that nobody's trending on social media the one that hasn't got the most followers the one that isn't the coolest the youngest didn't even make it into the sacrifice festivities that one Samuel said send for him four we will not sit down until he arrives it's a bit awkward isn't it I wonder if that like took an hour or five minutes or three days who knows but anyway so he sent for him and had him brought in he was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features then the Lord said rise and anoint him this is the one so Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers everyone saw this and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David Samuel then went to Rama I'm gonna read you one more verse now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him so here we are the Spirit of the Lord same time departs from the existing king the Spirit of the Lord comes upon who's going to be the new king a new king is anointed the Spirit of the Lord lifts off the old king this is a very powerful moment if this was us if we thought hang on a minute on that motion I just got anointed in the front of everybody I'm the next this or I'm the next that or I've just got everyone saw it and it's so obvious that the anointing is lifted off my leader we would think this transaction is going to happen the next day of course you were just anointed you're going to be appointed immediately now for the sake of time I won't go there but if I did have time if I had three hours tonight I would take you through the next 20 chapters because it actually isn't until 2nd Samuel chapter 1 chapter 5 sorry first one all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said we're it we are your own flesh and blood in the while Saul was king over us you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns and the Lord said to you you will Shepherd my people Israel and you will become their ruler when all the elders of Israel had come to King David had helped run the King made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David King over Israel David was thirty years old when he became King and reigned 40 years in Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years for half the kingdom and six months and in Jerusalem he reigned over all of Israel and Judah at 33 years what am I telling you here roughly at about 17 years old David the shepherd boy where we met him on the hills of Bethlehem was anointed to be king of Israel he actually was not appointed king of Israel for another 20 years from anointing to appointing was 20 years 20 chapters much much time in the wilderness a time where he was in the dark room learning faithfulness learning commitment learning loyalty learning patience learning to trust God learning how to be loyal when people weren't loyal learning how to develop his leadership skills he was in the midst of the dark room for 20 years being prepared for what God had already prepared for him if we do not understand this in this generation we will end up missing so much of what God has because no matter what kind of technological age we live in there is always a process to destiny there is always a process to the character of God being forged on the inside of us and the world doesn't need more of us it actually needs less of us and more of him and the only way that he is going to be revealed through our lives is if we make it to decision that we are not going to be the snap and upload generation when it comes to our spirituality we're not going to be the little snapchat generation but we are going to be a generation that is willing to get on our faces get on our knees go into the darkroom of life and allow God to forge his character on the inside of us we need to be a generation that is willing to go into the darker and the first thing I learned from this text is that it is God who chooses three times in this one passage of scripture the Lord says I have chosen for myself a king I have not chosen him I have not chosen him you see you and I are growing up in a world where they tell us you can be what you want to be do what you want to do yeah the answer is no no it doesn't matter how much I pray or fast or stand on my head it doesn't matter how much I would love to be a woman's professional basketball player the fact is I'm five foot and it's not going to happen the Bible says that in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord and guess what their plans for good and not for evil their plans to prosper you and not to harm you their plans to give you a future and a hope Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 says that we are his workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them there are good works for all of us to do you and I saved by grace Ephesians 2:8 eaters by grace you've been saved not works lest any man should boast although we've been saved by grace thank God we've been saved by grace for good works there are good works that God prepared for us in eternity you and I are not a product of time we're a product of eternity God has plucked us out of eternity he has positioned us in time and has given us gifts and talents for the purpose of serving our generation and you and I are all called all called to those works that God prepared for us before we got here so everyone is called to something but we're not all called to anything we want and I think we are ripping off a generation by saying you choose what you want to do what we need to do is get into the presence of God that's why conferences like this are crucial so that we can hear from God what it is that he wants us to do and as we hear from God what he wants us to do that will get rid of selfish ambition that will get rid of wasting our life trying to run in somebody else's Lane that will get rid of some of the frustration and the comparison and the competition that will make the youth leader with 50 kids in the back of nowhere in a country town not feel like you're small or insignificant but you'll understand you're in the perfect plan will and purpose of God and there is no higher calling and to do what God has called you to do and just because it's not prominent doesn't mean it's not significant or not doesn't have eternal value in the kingdom of God just because what you're doing doesn't mean you haven't got a whole lot of followers I wish we could just kill all that stuff on social media it makes me sick you know what we ought to not worry about who's following us we ought to be concerned about how many are not following Jesus Christ that's what order be obsessive about us that's what we need to do it's not about who's following me and it's not about who likes me it's about how much like him we are becoming and how many we are leading to him so that they may follow the king of kings and the Lord of lords it's not about us it's not about us so the Lord says I have chosen I have chosen some of us do not even have an ear incline to what God wants because we're so self obsessed with what we want and it's not the devil that's standing in the way of the purpose of God for our lives it's ourselves and our own selfish ambition and Philippians chapter 2 the Apostle Paul says do nothing out of selfish ambition some of us are wondering why we haven't yet been activated into the purpose of God and we're living in frustration and it's because we haven't fixed our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith we fixed our eyes on each other and we compare ourselves amongst ourselves and we say I want to be the biggest I want to be the best I want to do the most and you are missing what God's got right before you now because you want to be better and bigger than everybody else and if you just got about the father's business where you are right now you would do what God has called you to do God chooses do you trust the sovereignty of God do you trust the goodness of God my Bible says in psalm 119 that God is good and God does good so do you believe that God is good and do you believe that God does good do you believe that God is light and in him there is no darkness there is no dark side the only thing he's got for you is for good and if you stop running around frustrated chasing something that's not God you'll discover the good thing that is God and you will find the satisfaction that you're chasing in life it's God it's gone so God is the one that chooses God doesn't ask us to perform and to compare with each other he just asks us to prepare our hearts in the dark room to prepare ourselves because God is preparing us every moment of every day for what he's already prepared for us he's got a plan he's got a purpose it is good and you chasing something else is not ever going to satisfy you you were created by God for a relationship with God and to fulfill the purpose of God anything else is gonna leave you empty God's got so much more for you are you faithful with what's in your hand I love this text it says that they were having the sacrifice festivities they were having a party to anoint the next king of Israel do you realize that David was not even invited to his own party all the other brothers were invited this was too anointing you the next King David was the next King and he wasn't even invited why am I telling you this because some of you the moment you haven't even yet been invited to the thing that God is gonna anoint you to do and you know what you need to learn to be faithful with what's in your hand because David was on the side of the hill and he was learning to play the harp and learning to worship God because somewhere down the track he was going to have to worship and lead Saul in worship to soothe the to soothe King Saul and he was demonically possessed and it was crazy and he was soothing him so I'm glad he was worshiping on the on the mountain because he was gonna need it for the palace when he was going to learn the palace protocol I'm glad that he was killing a bear and he was killing a lion because he was gonna need to know how to kill a bear in a lion because he was about to come up against Goliath and he didn't know that yet I'm glad that he was looking after the Sheep faithfully on the side of the hill because one day God was going to give him all the sheep of Israel to look after spiritually you don't know what God's got for you in the future but if you're not faithful with what's in your hand you'll never do what God's put in your heart you know lucky that David was not sitting on the side of the hill scrolling through social media oh my gosh did you see that party hashtag sacrifice festivities let me just look at that hashtag oh no you mean my brothers are invited to that party did they turn up my dad's there and I'm not even there and I can't believe you know what a whole lot of us are wasting our destinies looking at social media and what we're not invited to what we're not asked to do and we are missing the very thing that God has placed before us had called us to do because we're busy looking at everybody else's was so busy why didn't they ask me why didn't they invite me they've got more than me and God says wow I've given you some sheep and a half and a lion and a bear right here I wish you would get to work here because you don't know what I've got for you right now you're not even invited to the thing that I've got for you but you don't have to worry because I have chosen and men can have their parties a man can have their celebrities a man can have their social media but I am God and it is better to be marked by God than marketed by man because if I've got you I'll take you where I want you I will pluck you out of anonymity and obscurity and I will put you where I want you I'll take an unnamed unwanted abused adopted chick from the back of Sydney Australia and when I want her I will pluck her out of anonymity and obscurity and I will shove her in the middle of a stage just to show people that I will use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and you don't have to market yourself if god has marked you god opens doors that no man could shut that promotion does not come from the north south east or west it comes from God God is still God God is still sovereign and God makes a way where there is no way God still parts Red Sea's God still tears now Jericho was God will have his way God knows your address if he has assigned you he will find you God will find you he hasn't lost your address you better just be in the last place that he assigned you some of you gods come back to find you but you left your post it wasn't glamorous enough it didn't pay enough there weren't enough perks and you've prostituted you gift for the God of money rather than staying in position so that God could promote you and exhort you and do what he wants to do with you our life is not alright you know I rescue the victims of human trafficking all over the world but I'm actually a slave I'm a bondservant of Jesus Christ my life is not my own it was bought with a price it was bought with a price oh that we would understand that our life's not our own if we're gonna have the effect on this earth that got us called our generation to have then our gifts are not up to be sold to the highest bidder God plants us in churches God plants us in ministries and those that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish and what we need to do is we need to take the assignment that God has given us and we need to stay at our post and if God has assigned us God will find us he doesn't need a GPS he doesn't need a marketing campaign he doesn't check social media he just spy passes everything and says I have called you I have anointed you I've come to get you I wonder how much of your life you're wasting looking at somebody else's life I wonder how much of your life you're wasting scrolling through somebody else's I always figure I'm watching the big wave of reality TV on the earth and I'm watching so much of the church obsessed with it I think man if you just got a real life you wouldn't need to watch somebody else's life and you could just get on with living the life that God has called you to live with living the life that God has called you to live we got a real world with real needs that is waiting for us to get about the father's business are you faithful in obscurity are you faithful in anonymity are you faithful when you're being unemployed are you faithful when you're uninvited are you faithful when you're unwanted are you faithful when nobody's talking about you and nobody knows your name because if you're not faithful without it you'll never be faithful with it you'll never be faithful with it we have a generation who's growing up under the spotlight and the spotlight is killing you because the light that is on you is greater than the light of the light that's within you not theologically so don't write me a letter but it's because we haven't allowed the formation of Christ to happen on the inside of us spiritual formation is crucial if we're going to make it in the days that we're in we live in turbulent times you don't need to be a rocket scientist we live in crazy times politically emotionally spiritually socially economically but the truth is greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world but we better get that light that is on the inside of us tuned up a whole lot more if we're gonna dispel the darkness that is around us the darkness around us doesn't have the power to destroy us unless we have not developed the light within us to the degree that it needs to be and that light can only be done in the fire in the dark room I want to suggest that perhaps first impressions don't count we're a generation that's obsessed with first impressions snapchat to me is the epitome of this we're raising a generation they can't even read anything that wouldn't even know the classics if it started because our history lasts for about ten seconds and then bang it's obliterated and then whatever you snapchat in the next second there it is again we're just raising a whole generation to just forget things after 10 second that if the reality is while it's on then there's another one the reality is there the reality and it's like whoa and whatever impression you get whatever impression is posted on media whatever impression some celebrity or some person puts out there well our wall that must be awesome or some Christian but God says look I'm writing this Bible and it's eternal so even in 2015 I'm really aware of the technological hero that my church will be raised in and growing up in so even then I need my church to understand that I do not look at what man looks at I'm speaking to every youth leader in the room I'm speaking to every young person God does not look at what man looks you can't fool God just because you can fool everyone else you know my authentic self II let me get the angle right let me post it at the right time let me get maximum coverage let me put the right filter on it God says filter away sweetheart get your angle right darling but I ain't looking at that I'm not looking at that you could play the game with everybody else but you can't play the game with God that's the whole deal here you can't play the game with God he says God looks at the heart man looks at the outside and never is that more pertinent than in this era today we are obsessed with external image obsessed and God's just wow wow and I could pick that apart for the next hour but let me save you the hassle the heart is what this whole deal is about the Bible says in proverbs 4:23 guard your heart with all diligence why for out of it flow all of the issues of life every issue of your life stems from your heart the insecurities the fear the doubt all the stuff we try to do to get our acceptance to fit in to look like everybody else sleep with this person so that we're loved do this here so that we're accepted cheat a little bit here lie a little bit here play the game here and then we think our churches just trying to put a guilt trip on me I'm I'm not saying that what I am saying is that you're ripping yourself off and you don't have to perform to earn God's love and if you have to perform to earn anybody else's love then you're not worthy they're not worthy of you that's the deal if you have to compromise what the Bible says for somebody else to love you that they're not worthy of you they're not worthy of you look I was left in a hospital when I was born unnamed and unwanted I didn't find out till I was 33 that I was adopted I was left abandoned in a hospital I was sexually abused for 12 years of my life from the time I was 3 right through to my mid-teens and the reason why I just went from quiet too quiet in this room is because I don't have to be a prophet to realize that the minute I say I was sexually abused a whole ton of you connect that right there whether it's sexual physical verbal emotional abuse in the Oxford Dictionary the word abuse means to use an object for a purpose for which it was never designed and for 12 years I was used for a purpose for which god never designed me and some of you understand exactly what that's like being used for a purpose for which you were never designed what that does is it messes with your heart and I grew up and I had a very wounded heart I had a very toxic heart I had a deeply broken heart so I love the Lord my God with all my heart but my heart was broken my heart was wounded my heart was toxic and so I was looking to people to give me what only God could give me and many times our own brokenness is what causes us to fall away from the things of God because we're looking for a proven we're looking for significance we're looking for love we're looking for all of those things that were ripped from us except we're going to the wrong people to get it my heart was full of unforgiveness my heart was full of shame my heart was full of guilt my heart was full of condemnation it was toxic and I was leaking over everyone highly gifted because the gifts of God are without repentance but my gift was quickly taking me to a place that my character could never have kept me and so God said hey let's go into the dark room let's go into the dark room Christine so why don't you start serving in youth putting out the chairs the prophets would come through and prophesy over me back then everything I'm doing today stadiums and preaching and rescuing people but I was putting our chairs I was driving six kids to the youth group I was just turning up for seven years in my church I never spoke seven years probably my primary gift churches all over the world Christine what a waste Christine come over here because you know we're wasting the gift that's on you Christina and evangelist we could give you so much opportunity but God was building something on the inside of me seven years driving kids to youth working in schools working in a youth center and all that time God was dealing with things in my heart and the band can come up Christina going deep because I've got all this for you you know a 21 in 12 nations around the world rescuing hundreds of girls putting dozens of traffickers in jail you gonna run a movement for women all over the world and help them to internalize the leadership identity you're gonna speak to stadiums of people all over the world but right now Chris I need you to drive these six kids to youth and put out chairs because I'm dealing with your heart I'm getting rid of all that toxic waste so that when I put a microphone in your hand you won't leak toxic waste over my body and end up destroying them with your own brokenness we've got too many wounded healers too many out of their own insecurities using the body rather than ministering to the body using people to feed their own ego rather than activating the body to do the works of the ministry on the earth so God says I'm dealing with you on the inside to bring healing to bring restoration to let my grace work in you so that my grace can work through you to touch other people some of you have wondered and you felt like God have you forgotten me and he says no I'm forging my image on the inside of you because what I have for you is great but you've got to let me get into your heart the darkroom reveals our heart motives the darkroom is what purifies our heart and some of you you feel like God's force and God's forsaken you you like I've been in this youth group with these kids in the back of nowhere for years and God what about this gift on my life am I being a good steward of the gift and god I've been morally pure in my school and nobody else hasn't am I the one that's missing out and God says no no you don't understand I'm forging my image on the inside of you I'm dealing with your heart because I don't look at what man looks that man looks at all the outside stuff but I'm looking at your heart and he says in the book of Acts that I found David a man after my own heart God's not just looking for someone with a heart after him he's looking for his own heart would you let God Forge his heart in you I know we've talked a lot from Daniel in this conference Bible says in the Book of Daniel those that know their God shall be strong and do great exploits but you've got to know him we've got a generation that wants to be strong and do exploits but do you know God I'm not running a 21 because justice is really cool it comes out of knowing God it comes out of serving God in the house of God it comes out of being planted in one church for 27 years submitted to one pastor for 27 years be in one place for 27 years you don't think God's gonna deal with your heart attitudes unforgiveness bitterness offense hurt but if you get up and move every time something happens how can he deal with you but we don't like pain but I remember when I snapped my ACL and I had a hamstring graft and I could barely move my knee and my PT came in and he said Christine you can be healed fast or slow totally or partially it's up to you and then he said this the degree to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery is the degree to which you'll be healed and I wonder if we have a generation that is trying to anesthetize their pain numb their pain run away from their pain rather than saying I'm gonna come to the healer of my soul do you know how messed up I was after twelve years of abuse how full of junk my heart was how much pain and unforgiveness offense and bitterness and shame and guilt and if we just keep promoting on gift man we're gonna miss what God wants to do in us and some of you feel like you're on the side of the mountain God have you forgotten me say no I'm working my Willy knew so that I could work through you I'm preparing you for the thing that I prepared for you and the only reason it hasn't happened yet is it's just not time yet but don't run away from your post because it's uncomfortable or painful imagine if David left the hill because when it was time God stopped the party Samuel said we're not sitting down you don't have to panic when it's time God will find you you don't need to try to fast-track the plan or the purpose of God he will find you and he will come the issue is his building trust you see David was the nobody that nobody was looking for you might feel like you're a nobody in this place like you come from the wrong kind of background you've got the wrong qualifications you next soul cuz Elia was just like so but God had anointed a new king I'm saying this to say to some of you and some leaders you're missing the king that's in your house you've got a king in your house and you don't know because he's the kid that nobody else wants and you're looking at the ones that everybody else Jesse put his seven sons out there cuz they were the celebrity cool ones they were the gifted ones they were the talented ones they're on the circuit and you're missing the very king in your house because you're looking for the next soul but God says I'm doing a new thing he says behold I do a new thing do you not perceive it and what we have in this generation in this generation we've got a generation that is looking for the next of what already is who's the next Joel Houston who's the next Taylor there is no next last I checked they're still alive anyway there is no next Joyce Meyer there is no next anybody because God only does one of one but there hasn't been any you yet whoever you are that doesn't exist you're it and if you're so busy looking for the next of what already is that's basically what you're saying to God is you're doing the same old thing in a younger body and God goes why would I do what I've already done it's cuz you're too lazy to wrestle with the Holy Spirit go behold you're doing new thing what is the new thing that you're doing in my generation what is the give me let me just say you're your limitation isn't enough sometimes we go for God I'm not I'm not I'm not that's all we say to God we make a God out of our limitations sound so pious but God but god but God I'm weak but God I'm not this but God I'm not that but basically the root of that is pride because you're saying that your limitations are greater than God's supernatural ability to do something in and through your life he's not looking for a generation that were telling their limitations see God is greater God took a nobody like David and nobody his father did not recognize him some of you you think God won't use you because the father of your house doesn't recognize you but I'm here to tell you even if the father of your house doesn't recognize that even if the prophet gets it wrong the prophet was in the right house looking at the wrong thing you still don't have to worry because the Prophet might get it wrong the father of the house might get it wrong but God never gets it wrong if God wants to find you God will find you God will exalt you and God will lift it up and what happens is will you trust God this whole thing turns around to say ultimately David trusted God David believed that God would do what he said he would do that God is who he says he is do you trust God in our multimedia obsessed celebrity marketing age do you trust the Word of God do you trust the Spirit of God do you trust that God is who he says that he is and that God could do what he says he can do because I'm telling you you can trust our God there is no disease that God cannot heal there is no heart that God cannot man there is no soul that God cannot save there is no promise that God cannot keep there is no mountain that God cannot move there is no need that God cannot meet there is no sea that he cannot pass there is no breath he cannot answer there is no past he cannot redeem there is no sin he cannot forgive there there is nothing [Music]
Channel: Motion Student Conference
Views: 1,250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: motion, motion conference, motion student conference, pastor chris, chris hodges, church of the highlands, highland s, highlands, highlands church, highlands students, christine caine, christine, caine, hillsong, students, motion15, M15, dark room, the dark room, mark pettus
Id: NzsAYT7jfq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 30sec (3150 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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