Brandon Lake - The Heart Of Worship | Speaking Moment

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[Music] [Applause] what up what up you got a deliverance anointing i feel like the lord's anointing on me is a volume i started with my hair like clickety-plat during the first song and now it's like she'll blam [Laughter] that's what happens um man worst of you i'm so stoked to be here this is crazy i i actually um only met up with the bethel crew like a few months ago and you ever just met somebody and you knew immediately like you carried the same spirit the same hunger and just the same drive and it's been an amazing uh six seven eight months already we've seen god do so much on tour and here and it's just such an honor i brought my whole family to worship you uh you probably see you've probably seen my little um blond-headed crazy they're like minnie me's running around the school this is my wife brittany she's gorgeous my better half pray for her she's the one who has to take care of those crazy little children when i run when i'm running around the country and um i actually brought a video of one of my kids because just to show you a little bit of like my life uh this is uh my bobo [Applause] passy and all he's a superhero but he's got a pass he's still i couldn't get over that video oh my gosh my boys just love to be superheroes and i was actually thinking about this video and i was i was thinking this is why i love worship you it kind of makes us feel like superheroes it equips us it encourages us and we come here and we get so filled up and we kind of feel like like the superhero of worship i don't know is anybody feel like super encouraged you're ready to go back home and crush it come on talk to me talk to me a little bit okay how many of you want to be confident leaders i love that about this this conference is that it makes you confident when i see these guys lead um you know it makes me want to go back to my home church in charleston i'm with bethel but i got a home church in charleston that i lead at and uh it makes me you know i'm thinking i want to lead i'm going to lead the most anthemic spontaneous and prophetic and planned everything's gonna be perfect i'm gonna flow like dante i'm gonna scream like betty and um i'm coming home i'm bringing bethel home like i know you're thinking that right now like i'm bringing bethel home uh how many of you know though that when you go home like a little bit of reality sets in and uh this is the reality for us you're gonna go back home and you're gonna get that monday morning email you you're got that monday morning email if you're a worship leader or you oversee a ministry you get that email it's like hey um your set was a little bit long even though your pastor's message was like 54 minutes and then somebody tells you that your your uh set was too short somebody comes up to you and they're like yo the the volume is way too loud and then somebody comes up to you and they're like the volume's too too quiet i liter i literally had somebody come up to me the other day in in our uh uh foyer and he said hey the worship's just way too loud for my hearing aids so i i said i said is that good now no i'm just kidding i would never do that are you kidding me i would never do that but i kind of wanted to but it's i mean that's reality we're going back home and we're we're facing some real stuff uh some of you you're like super excited to lead worship with your shoes off for the first time like jen johnson and you're so excited to like kick those shoes off and just flail around the stage and wiggle those toes but then your pastor's going to come up to you and be like i don't want to see your crusty crust feet on that stage i know what it's like to want to bring bethel home some of you though on a real note you're going to go home and and you're uh this is super encouraging so far sorry but you're going to go home to decline zone planning center you're going to experience some new team drama while you're away this happened this happened and you don't even have to be over an or a ministry or a team to go back home and experience kind of like a blow to your confidence some of us will go back home and the very thing that the biggest thing we wrestle with is comparison maybe even some of you you've been experiencing comparison uh while you've been here and you're trying to receive but all you can think about it's eating you alive all you can think about is i don't sound like them i don't look like them i can't flow like them i don't have that size of a team i don't have those kind of people on my team and comparison eats you alive i still deal with comparison no level of platform you may get better at things but i tell you what the attacks are the same like the devil is not very creative it's the same thing over and over but this is all really actually really frustrating stuff and a lot of times just when we're ready to take on the world or go back home and crush it that old spirit of fear insecurity comparison jumps right on your back and these things can crush your confidence so today i just want to talk about cultivating god confidence is that good does that sound good i know the struggle i still have the struggle because there's a battle to maintain confidence when the voice of man and the voice of enemy is shouts loud every single day it's always been a battle for me um when i was a kid uh once i got into music i kind of gave up sports but uh i was super into sports um i loved every sport but there was one sport i could not stand we have any baseball fans in the room baseball oh yeah you lying how do you like baseball well you can get hit with like if do you play or do you like just walk like watching you used to play okay all right you're tougher than me i wasn't always this tall this brave this handsome this strong but i hated baseball because and i don't know why i hated it over like football because you can get like hit really hard in football you can break your leg you ever seen those basketball videos dude like breaks or but i hated baseball because of i i loved every position like outfield pitching i did all that but when it came time to hit the ball i was terrified i'm like 10 or 11 years old and these kids are throwing this ball like 115 miles an hour and i'm all i can think about is that thing's gonna hit me in the face like this helmet didn't the helmets by then didn't have this like face mask i think they've improved that but like it just had like little something but all i could think about was that ball hitting me in the face and breaking me and the humiliation of me not hitting the ball and so my dad was like probably pretty embarrassed um and so he gets this bright idea he's like hey brandon let's let's go work on your on your batting skills i'm like all right cool so he takes me out out back uh in our house at our house and he actually built us a baseball field which was like super cool coolest dad ever today was a little different baseball practice was a little different i saw a little something different in his eye and so he said uh today today's gonna be a little bit different what we're gonna do is you're gonna get over your fear of this baseball okay how so he said stand right there and i'm just gonna stand a few feet away and i'm gonna take this baseball and i'm gonna hit you with it what kind of dad that's abuse he's like you're getting over this fear of of this baseball and so he's like i'm gonna stand right here a few feet away i'ma hit you and then i back up a little bit more and i'm gonna hit you harder and up until i get to about as far away as the mound to the hitter is i'm gonna hit you and you're gonna get over your fear of this baseball and i don't know if that was the best method to like get me over my fear but my dad so badly hey hey oh that sounds so much better i don't have to push as hard my voice is like gone i'm sweaty thank you thank you but my dad wanted me to be confident i think it crushed him every time he saw me step up on the on to the plate i was trembling in fear i was just and now i have kids like i know what it feels like i want my kids to be confident and every time i got up there i just was like crushed by fear and he was trying to teach me that getting hit isn't going to break me you know every time i stepped up to that plate i was putting on a uniform of fear every game i suited up i was suiting up in fear and worry and i couldn't think of anything of just getting hit by that ball me not hitting it and just being humiliated and i want to ask you a question today i think it's important every time you step on that platform you step on that stage what uniform are you putting on are you putting on a uniform of fear like me you hear that voice that says you're all alone no one's with you you put on you a form of maybe guilt or shame it says i've done too much to stand here maybe you put on the uniform of feeling incompetent you hear i'm not equipped i'm not good enough how in the world can i do this maybe for you it's doubt you're like god surely can't use me how in the world would god use me but every time you step on that platform the enemy is going to try to get you to put any other uniform on other than the spirit of god and confidence and truth but the problem is if i put on any other uniform of shame of guilt insecurity and competence that when i get to lead worship it results in a lack of authority we're not leading with joy we're not leading with authenticity we're certainly not leading leading in freedom and we should be the most confident joy-filled people on planet earth anybody agree are you with me because just like my dad wanted me to be confident your heavenly father wants you to be confident i think it crushes him every time you listen to the voice of the enemy especially when you go out to step on a platform that he's given you i think god's called us every time that we speak that we sing that we play that we paint that we dance that we would be able to shift the atmosphere have you felt this the atmosphere shift while you've been here there's an authority that god's given you to shift the atmosphere he's made you to be a culture changer a chain breaker a stronghold breaker he's made you to bring heaven to earth but every time we step on that platform we step out in fear incompetence and security we forfeit the opportunity to release joy freedom passion like all of these things that you're experiencing when you see this team lead and uh i know you have before but you weren't created to be this karaoke worship leader i'm sick of it i travel around and i've gotten to experience a lot of churches but i am tired of seeing worship leaders or any leader it's a karaoke worship leader they get up here's the song they've been given and they sing the song and they're done you don't even have to say anything more than this song obviously god's word doesn't return void but there is something like you can tell when people lead with an authority or when they lead with a spirit of fear and insecurity and i feel like god's calling us to be confident leaders the beautiful thing is that god can still use you that way he's used me that way many many many many times but he doesn't want to use you that way so to ask yourself just what are the thoughts that run through your mind when god gives you an opportunity when he calls you out are they more about your ability or inability or they are more about what god says about you there are a million reasons why you and i aren't worthy to step on that platform but more than ever we need leaders to lead with confidence because insecurity and lack of identity is the greatest problem we have in this world right now i'm just like if we don't get this right if we cannot put off this confidence and security from the platform how in the world are we going to show other people that they can live that way too how you suit up for when you step on the stage matters how you suit up for when you step on the on the platform matters i'm kind of pulling this from this scripture i love it first corinthians 10 12 it says don't be so naive and self-confident you're not exempt you could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else thanks god that's super encouraging but he says forget about self-confidence it's useless cultivate god confidence cultivate god confidence and i looked up the word cultivate and it means to try to acquire or develop so cultivating god confidence this isn't something that we just have this is something we have to acquire this is something that we have to develop god confidence so if you're anything like me and you struggle with this i've got four ways are you guys cool with practical okay sometimes i'm just like sweet i love being inspired but just like tell me what to do um it's a little it's a little spiritual but it's gonna be some like really practical it's gonna be it's gonna be the best four points you've ever heard how about how about that for confidence i'm just kidding all right so to cultivate god confidence don't allow your circumstance to change your confidence don't allow your circumstance to change your confidence uh this makes me think of the story of gideon if you've been around these two weeks actually gideon's story has been mentioned a few times let me take a sip of this water god actually addresses this same kind of fear and insecurity with gideon he had a million reasons why he shouldn't be leading the one uh leading israel into a battle for god so just backstory real quick like the media knights are like taking all of the israelite stuff and they're fed up with it it's like seven years it's a big deal and so then an angel uh comes to gideon and he's like yo you're the answer you're gonna lead you're gonna lead israel to conquer the midianites so he says and one day an angel spoke to gideon and said the lord is with you mighty warrior you feel like god's called you like that and you're like what lord the lord is with you mighty warrior but sir gideon replied if the lord is with us why is all this bad stuff happening where are all the miracles our fathers told us about he later says but lord more excuses here but lord how can i rescue israel my clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of manasseh some of y'all are like my crew back home is the weakest of everybody else's crew my clan is the weakest in the whole travel vanessa and i am the least in my entire family have you noticed that god tends to use the least throughout the bible over and over then the lord says but i will be with you and you shall strike the midianites as one man the very first thing gideon does is he looks at his circumstances and this will be a temptation every time that the lord calls you to do something significant cause you to do something really great the first thing that you and i do maybe but i know a lot of times what i do is i look at my circumstance and i say god i'm not good enough god i don't have the money for that i don't have the connections i don't have the team for that i don't have the voice for that i don't have the position in my organization for that i don't have the go on and go on and going on and your circumstances will always try to become your excuse of why you can't do what god's calling you to do i think the first thing the enemy wants us to do is fix our eyes on our circumstance just being super vulnerable right now we're walking through something right now my wife's father my father-in-law is in the hospital i'm looking over like during worship just like because any moment we could be getting a text he's in the hospital his um he's got a tear in an already artery uh it's it's like not looking good at all and i have heard that the voice of the enemy over and over and over like dude cop out like just like give it to somebody else today like you don't need to lead you don't know and and every time i feel like when god calls you to do something great significant he's going to use every little thing now that's really really serious and i'm not i'm not trying to be insensitive but we talked about it this morning we have had um thing after thing in this season just try to distract us our circumstances haven't been great we're experiencing joy through it all we're believing for a miracle over andy's body right now just speak over his body right now in jesus name that the doctors know exactly what to do he's gonna be okay and when we watch this back a year from now we're gonna go god wow what did you do oh my goodness only a miracle working god could do that so we just speak healing over andy's andy's body right now in jesus name jesus name amen [Music] but um i think the love the enemy loves to get us distracted but we cannot look at our circumstances and allow it to change our confidence you can't have this moment devil i remember thank you guys for praying with me um there's a lot of faith in the room so i want to take the opportunity to do that um i i remember certain circumstance story when god called me to do my first record and i wanted to share this not really funny or well well actually there's a funny part to it uh but nothing crazy significant but i wanted to share god called me to do a record i wasn't backed by a church this is several years ago i wasn't backed really by anybody except for my wife and my family and i didn't have any money in the bank i really didn't even have that many songs maybe like i had one and i was like i just want it to be fixed around this song that's all i know i didn't have a studio i didn't have a producer really i didn't i like i didn't know what to do but i just knew god called me to do it and i want to encourage you if you just take the step don't look at your circumstances my circumstances looked like crap i didn't have anything but i just knew that god called me to do it and so i just took the next step in confidence and i watched god provide over and over and over again we raised i re we raised 30 000 just by asking my friends and family just by putting it out there i got all the songs and every single one i know is supposed to be on that record and that's one of those songs has opened up more doors for me than any other no one many probably 99 of you have never even heard a song off that record but god's used it for so many things i did actually have to ask about 20 thousand dollars it started to get a little rough and i was like lord did you give me that number like really 30. so just so you don't repeat this i actually said if you give me a certain amount of money i'll tattoo your name on my leg to get the rest of the money y'all don't believe i did that do you i wish i had a picture for you but it's kind of like upper thigh it'd be inappropriate but i have 22 last names on my leg right here and everybody's like do you regret that and i'm kind of like nah it's it kind of reminds me how god showed up that's one of the craziest miracles i've ever seen yeah i got a lot of people's names on my leg and you probably maybe even have one of their same last names so i might have you on my leg there's like a smith on there smith's in the room hey you're on my leg what's up bro that's weird but my circumstances weren't looking great but i didn't allow to change my confidence i'm not trying to brag i'm just trying to tell you real stories another time um since we led this song i was going to share it this is a move um i was driving in and i thought maybe i'd have a chance to write with with tasha cobbs leonard who's like a sister to me now she's amazing come on give it up for tasha who's excited she's going to be here [Applause] i can't wait to hear her scream she's just she's crazy she's amazing and um i was driving in to to uh to this song right there's a lot of people there probably like 15 20 people there and i was like lord may it be so put me in the room but i had i didn't have anything i was terrified and uh so i was just like praying i'm driving in and um and i just i just began to pray god give me something i literally have nothing i've used every song idea up i don't have anything and then i just began to ask god what do you want to do what do you want to say and as clear as day literally as i'm driving up to the place like minutes away stepping into the song right and i just i heard mountains are still being moved the second line was way less cool than what it is now those gardens are still being bloomed but god we believe it yes we can see and that's the phrase it was the first phrase that popped into my mind and then the verse kind of came but wonders are still what you do and i think sometimes in the suckiest circumstances um god can do his best work you know i've learned that time and time again so don't look at your circumstances but i want you to ask what circumstance what excuse is keeping you from your calling there's probably a lot of there's a lot of people in here there's probably a lot of excuses but what possible circumstance could be too big for your god if you look at any opportunity that god's given you and you say no you're essentially saying if he called you to it you're essentially saying god i don't believe you're big enough for that my god isn't big enough for that i've heard this before i love this quote but instead of telling god about your problems start telling your problems about your god and i would say start telling your excuses about your god start telling your circumstances about your god and he will be healed he will have a long life in jesus name i don't know what your circumstances are but starts to talk to them about who your god is so to cultivate god confidence don't look at my circumstances consider them don't look at them um talk to them about your god another way we can cultivate god confidence is recognize replace repeat this is where we get practical this is one of my favorite tools for overcoming the voice of the enemy how many of you know your thought life is probably your worst enemy is that anybody else like 99 of the battle is between these ears most of it has to do with what you believe or what you don't believe about yourself so i want to try something with something with you i want everybody to think about a pink elephant that just gets everybody to smile so it makes me feel think about a pink elephant big fat pink elephant you think about pink elephant everybody got it all right stop thinking about a pink elephant stop stop it don't think about a pink elephant don't think about a pink elephant i can see it on you some are still you can't stop thinking about a pink elephant all right now think about a purple giraffe long neck spotted are they spotted octagon i don't know what their things are but spot it kind of i don't know they're oddly shaped think about a purple giraffe now what are you thinking about don't tell me pink elephant i'll hurt you mess up my analogy the only way that you and i can replace the lives of the enemy is by replacing them uh with god's truth and honestly i found this to be true you just can't stop thinking about a lie you have to replace it with the truth so the first step is to recognize that lie replace it with what god says and repeat that until it is washed over your brain this is the renewing of your mind for some examples when the enemy says you're no one special you've got to start quoting first peter 2 9 but i am a chosen generation i'm a royal priesthood a holy nation i am his own special people that i may proclaim the praises of him who called me out of darkness and into his marvelous light when the enemy says you'll never do anything significant quote ephesians 2 10 that says i am i am his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that i should walk in them when the enemy says you'll never overcome this fear this is one for me second timothy 1 7 for god gave me a spirit not a fear but of power and of love and of self-control i don't know what your lie is i don't know what you faced but i would imagine there's probably something that keeps coming back and i think i typically try to go alright i'm just going to stop thinking about that i had this this this school teacher when i was really young and i just like somebody was walking me through some like inner healing and i realized that this actually still i was carrying this around but her name well there's no way she'd hear this her name was miss campbell so we call him campbell's soup all the time or miss campbell but but she spoke over to me one day after class i was probably acting up you know i was a little bit of a cray-cray child but she she said um no wonder you're a pk and they're all the same you're gonna turn up like every other pk like you never you're never gonna do anything significant you're always the those pk's are the worst i remember that she's like those pks are the worst and i've still carried that around like in moments or even subconsciously like why would god use me when i'm the worst because who i was born to and what he took on i have to take on this label that like my journey has to fear sometime i'm happy to say i've never really veered i never went really like that crazy like god has kept me in his grace it just it's been it's been amazing but a lot of times i have to replace that lie with what god says about me so learn to recognize the lie replace it repeat recognize replace repeat the third thing to cultivate god confidence i have to allow god to stretch me i've got to allow god to stretch me there are moments in our lives where it's going to feel like god's trying to break you but he's just trying to stretch you if you're going to cultivate god confidence you you've got to allow god to stretch you he's essentially throwing baseballs at you this isn't going to break you this isn't going to break you it's going to make you stronger i promise he doesn't want to break you because he believes in you he'd never call you to do something that you can't handle we have to realize that when god calls us to do something uncomfortable and terrifying it's not because he's trying to make us miserable he's just trying to make us more dependent on him and if you and i want to do amazing things for god you've got to get really comfortable with the uncomfortable i am uncomfortable all the time and i love it it's amazing it hurts it sucks and it's amazing healthy things grow healthy people grow but growth hurts like hell i don't know if i was allowed to say that but i'ma say it because that's what it feels like it really hurts but it's a really really good hurt and every time i get stretched god grows my confidence more it's like brian said that the first night i love this we weren't made for easy we were made for the impossible but uncomfortability and pain it's your pain tolerance is key in ministry it allows us to go far but we only go as far in ministry as our pain tolerance and our uncomfortability will allow us to one of my favorite parts of that gideon story is actually when god calls gideon to go he he's like so terrified of the battle that he actually gives him like a mini battle at first and so he calls him to go tear down his father's idol and gideon is so afraid of what will happen that he decides to do it at night like a coward he can't even do it in the day and this story reminds me of how often god will call us to do something of great impact but because of fear under uncomfortability uncertainty fear of what other people will think i end up settling for a much less victory honestly i wanted to settle for 15 000 instead of 30. i had a different number and god said take it higher double it but how many of you god has called you to do something amazing but you've settled for a much less victory i bet there's many of us in this room like god's called you to write an album now that's not a calling for everybody but god's called you to write an album album for your church but you settled for a song or i don't know but maybe you've given it up some of you god's called you to write a book and you've settled for a blog and i'm not saying that's bad i'm just saying when god calls you to do something pay attention to the size when he first speaks it and then maybe pay attention a few moments later when you feel that thing rising up going nope that that that that was me that was filtered through me that was filtered through my small brain but god wants to do extraordinary things with you don't settle for a much less victory because of your fear insecurity whatever it is for us to experience extraordinary extraordinary we have to be willing to be stretched like gideon and then the last one to cultivate god confidence this is this this is the dumbest thing ever but it really is what i felt like god put in my spirit to cultivate god confidence just say yes i know it sounds dumb just say yes this is the biggest problem i deal with is confidence but somehow when i give god my vulnerability and i say okay i'll do this as uncomfortable as i feel as terrified as i feel even when i'm not faithful to replace the lie with with truth god has given me a grace to say yes and there's something that happens that when you give him your yes somehow it turns into confidence like i know i'm reading my notes a little bit but like i feel pretty confident right now and i'm not boasting it's just like i was shivering in my boots a few moments later uh earlier but there's something about giving god your yes and he just like he just takes it and he and there and it's just like you're in supernatural mode you know it's amazing as i look back at the years i've been well i've lived in ministry all my yeses have led me here there any time i've said no it never did anything good for me it only gave the enemy another bullet obedience brings blessing i don't know what god's calling you to do but i encourage you to say yes even if it is simple as going and talking to somebody speaking a word encouragement um maybe it is stepping on a bigger platform maybe it's writing something it's speaking something it's i don't know what it is but obedience brings blessing and you know delayed obedience is still disobedience so when he speaks it be quick to say yes it may be uncomfortable maybe scary but i promise you this it's always good nothing will build you cultivate your god confidence like just saying yes and if he's called you to it i promise you he'll see you through it the reason why i want to share this is because i want you to experience an ephesians 3 20 kind of life it's what we've labeled this past year god's done some amazing amazing things it's kind of been our ephesians 3 20 year and that that scripture says that god's able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask or imagine according to the power that is at work within us god wants to do some extraordinary things with you far beyond you've ever asked him for or you could believe and if you're obedient i believe he'll bring incredible incredible blessing learn to cultivate this god confidence and just continue to say yes to god can i pray for you so god make our e make our yeses easy make our yeses easy we love to serve you we love to be used by you because we love to be in your presence and we love i know i love when other people come to know the love and the goodness that i found in you and sometimes that's gonna look pretty scary what you call us to and for some of us it may be something that the world says is grand for some of us it may just be simply learning to pray out loud i don't know why i feel like that's somebody for somebody just taking a step be confident god i pray whatever you're bringing whatever you're calling us to i pray that you would just make our yes easier and may we be obedient who are we to say no to you and god every time that you throw a baseball at us help us to remember that you're not trying to break us but you're trying to stretch us and make us confident so that we can go out into this world and to literally change culture to bring heaven to earth god we love you and uh we thank you we thank you that you would use people like us and we uh give you all the worship all the glory all the honor and praise in jesus name amen amen thank you guys so much
Channel: WorshipU by Bethel Music
Views: 40,520
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: N7sK5i9Qm8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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