i gained 3.5 million followers in 1 minute streaming

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you have to commit a horrible atrocities in order to become incredibly wealthy and famous or you die. It's Become a Celebrity. And Become a Celebrity, you play an incredibly depressed fast-food worker who also apparently needs to chug an entire bottle of [?] clearance. So what the hell? She's like, "I got time for these fries.” The manager who skipped leg day rolls in her day gets worse. And now she is being electrocuted to death. I haven't even been playing for five seconds and already I'm dead. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not dead, I'm being reborn, like the phoenix. Born of a celebrity. I don't know what the hell this means. Oh, Google Translate. This is one of those games that's gone through 13 layers of software in order to become English, hasn't it? How about making a fresh start? Are you ready for your journey to become a celebrity? I'm ready to die. I already have a pink phone. This is the most unrealistic phone I've ever owned because it has 85% battery life and all four bars. None of this is real. Am I allowed to use my messaging software so I can text my parents and let them know I'm about to become a To- a Tok Tik celebrity? So that they can message me back and tell me how disappointed they are in me. Okay. Apparently, I don't have a choice. All right TokTik. Your name is important to your fans. Oh, really? Give me money, or give me death. Damn it. It's too long. How about an acronym? Give me money or give me death. My name is Gmmogmd. I'm basically like an orc in D&D Onward. Unfortunately, Gmmogmd has no followers. Is this- Is this like my background, like some TikTok people have green screens and fancy backgrounds? I literally have a broken-down wall and the box that I live in. My box isn't even working. It's only two-dimensional. It's not really a box. I think it may just be two pieces of newspaper. What the hell happened in between getting fired 20 minutes ago and getting here? It was like I got into a fight with a pack of Rottweilers. Are all this acne or the blood of my enemies? I'm serious. It doesn't look like she's dirty, it just looks like she was involved in an ROTC obstacle course. Anyway, I guess I have to get more celebrity followers. Oh, I don't have a choice, either sugar crash or boom floss. She's not gonna do it. If I click on this, she's not gonna do it. No. Oh my God. [chuckles] I got [?] followers Is this what I turned into? Okay. So, check the hashtags and choose the correct trend. At least I have part of a background now. I could also just be standing in front of a super large children's coloring book. I don't know if they ran out of money and they couldn't go on the background or this is supposed to be my set now. I spent 30 bucks at Walmart and got two dozen pieces of construction paper and I drew this background. So trip-tripup, gymnastic, kpop. What the hell? I don't know where this car is gonna come from. I'm gonna vomit it out. I guess I'll do the somersault. Who is this guy? Did I- Did I just kick him in the face? One new message. It doesn't look like it's on my cell phone. It looks like a carrier pigeon just shoved a piece of paper in my pocket. It's like reverse pickpocketing. I feel like this is one of those instances where the carrier pigeon drops off the letter. And he's like, "Oh, yeah. How you doing?” And my girl is like, "Well, I just got fired at my job. I had to do a somersault.” The carrier pigeon is like, "I don't actually care. I was just being nice. Take your damn message." What does the message say? Oh, it's grandfather time. "Hi, my lovely granddaughter. I have big surprise for you. Come to me immediately.” I don't know if this is bad grammar or they did this on purpose? They did this on purpose because they know I play these games and I read out all this text now. They just want me to say this. "Yes, my daughter. I have big surprise for you. Come to me immediately.” "Okay, grandpa. I'm so excited.” I just got ruthlessly abused by 35 pelicans. What do you have for me? What the hell? My grandfather lives into Beverly Hills Palace over here. "Welcome. Are you ready for the news?” "Yes, I have decided to leave this house to you as a legacy.” It's a bit old but I couldn't read the text fast enough. Wow. Look at this. 1.5 million followers to unlock. It takes 1.5 million followers just to get to the sperms in the basement. Oh, I think these are cracks in the walls. Sorry, it look like little sperm. Okay, so I guess we're level 1. I like how you go through all this. Level 9 is just a slice of pizza. Let's do it. The trends of today are eat carrot, funny bunny, and cartoon day. So I'm assuming it's the bunny challenge. What happens if I choose the wrong answer? God, people just surround me and laugh. By considering I got 10,000 followers just by kicking a guy's teeth out. We're going all the way. It's world emoji day. There-there you go. It's just me fist-pumping. Given the-the thumbs down, just like in Gladiator. No survivors. What kind of skins can I buy? What the hell? How come if I become a bunny rabbit? My ass get 17 times larger. What happened? Uh, okay. Oh, we got the maid uniform. Why not? Oh, this actually comes with lipstick. Oh, I could have also murdered and eaten the flesh of a smurf. That's very good. Uh, vampire stuff. Completely different person. Why not? What the hell? What the hell? What is this? Is this- Is this dress made out of meat? Oh my God, what do I need to get this? She's wearing a steak in her hair. [laughs] That-that's amazing. [laughs] Okay, the rest of this is-- All righty. The rest of this is fine. I want the meat dress. What does it take? [chuckles] How much money do I have to spend? I'm prepared to do it. Go to the bathroom and take a shower. Wait a second. My-- Am I, like, videotaping this? Or, is this something I get to do privately? Oh, no, you're coming right into the shower with me. Of course. Why not? Am I going to take my clothes off for this? They're coming in with me, too. You get two for the price of one. See, I washed my clothing and my body at the same time. I love it. I'm nice and clean. Now, I get more follower. All right, we're doing the silhouette change over here. Yeah. Oh yeah, that's hot. I don't- I don't ha-- What the hell? Did I just go Super Saiyan? You saw that, didn't you? No, for real. I turned into Vegeta for, like, 0.5 seconds. Also, am I slowly unlocking the meat dress? Thank God. There's a trend for cleaning your mirror. That's it? That's the trend? It's just me cleaning the hou-- I mean, that's great. I'm glad that I'm cleaning the house, I guess. Ah, what the hell? How the hell did I turn into a freakin' zombie? Oh, I can buy a fireplace. Yeah, let's throw that in there. I hate to read, but I'll put a bookshelf down because it makes it look like I'm smart. Time to go shopping, and buy some clothes. All right. I need to buy new clothes and make new videos. I should probably go in in my Vegeta cosplay because wearing this I'll probably get kicked out. I don't even think I have a pair of shoes. That message is still in my pocket, too. I remember getting berated by the pigeon. I'm like, "I'm not throwing this out.” All right, do the shopping, I guess. All I want is my meat dress. I don't care about any of these other things. Oh, I-I-- [scoffs] Am I wearing diamonds from Minecraft? Okay, so I have to get 25 million followers. We already got the next two milestones. They gave me a potted plant. [chuckles] All my [laughs] hard work, and this is what I get. Each outfit makes my ass [chuckles] grow another 10-10 feet out. Don't know why, it just happens. I don't know, let's do an outfit change, I guess. I d-- [chuckles] My character just became a two-dimensional creature and fell on top of the clothes. I can throw money at the game and get 5 million followers? Spending money to get TikTok followers? That's not real. [scoffs] Damn it, I spent $5. I still don't get to wear some cow's intestinal tract. All right, we've got 5 million followers. Worked real hard for it. Yeah, give me- give me this- give me this rug over here. Put it right next to the fire. Hopefully, it's flammable. Okay, what? Is this a Roomba? I think it's a Roomba. Kinda looks like a robotic tentacle monster. Oh, perfect. Now, I can have some goldfish I can neglect. That's good. I like that it's the first thing that people see when they enter the house. They'll come in and see two dead goldfish and a girl wearing a rack of lamb around her body. They'll be like, "I know where all this fame comes from.” All right, give me all these things. I want the pool. Yeah, yeah. Give me a chair over there. Is that- is that- is that a pair of kettlebells, or is that a purse? Oh, sweet. The table comes with an alcoholic beverage. I get another alcoholic beverage over here. There we go. Alcohol everywhere. Get a ring light. Yeah, go ahead and get a green screen so I'm not using some kid's science project as my background anymore. Get the Minecraft dress going. I love how the more famous I get, the more unkept [chuckles] the entire house is. This girl doesn't pick up anything. All right, a sweet closet filled with shoes. Bed over here. Don't actually know what the hell this is. Is that a bowling alley? [scoffs] Yeah, why not? Here, put that there. The MIB chair. Here's a TV that doesn't work. Tai Lopez's car, another car. I spent $5 and became a millionaire. I've got a three-story house and two different cars. That's crypto for you. [chuckles] All right, I got what. I got a disco ball. Sure. And, at 5 million, you get a fat cat. God, this isn't so much a cat. It's like a hairy sausage. So, my big question is, for this outfit, am I going to lose my third dimension again to put it on? Am I just going to--? Nope. Just gonna turn to left and the right. Here we go. Yes, I'm vomiting outfits out. I still can't buy the one I want. Oh, 61% of the meat dress. I am hungry. I want to order pizza. There's only one option, pizza. Considering your butt cheek looks like it has a tumor growing out of it, I'm not sure if pizza is the right answer. But we're gonna do it anyway. Did that- did that man just fade into the ether after he delivered my pizza? What the hell happened to my background again? There's no color. Just this large pool of blood. Turtles, slow hands, stop over s-- What? Oh, money rain or slow motion? You got it. Okay. Don't really know where this is going. It's more like she doesn't know [chuckles] where this is going either. She's just like, "Please kill me.” New profile, cheese, super shot. We're doing adult swim. I don't- I don't think that this is the right answer. I don't care. I'm doing it. And, all I [laughs] did was get laughed at. Okay, I'll take the damn photo. Why is the-- Oh, the photo actually zoomed in on my boobs there for a minute. [scoffs] 91% of heart. No pain, no gain. Go to the gym and stay fit. All right, here we are at the gym. It's time to get fit. That is if my tumorous ass doesn't jump out and strangle me to death. Who was the intern who drew this? Who was it? [scoffs] Do sport. [chuckles] Sure. Did it work? Take of hoodie. I'm not wearing a hoodie. Oh my God. Did I take off the hoodie with my heel? How? Don't mind me. Just-- Oh no, God. [laughs] Her hips must've come out of their sockets. I don't know what happened between, like, before and now. The acne melted off my face, and my mouth decided to migrate about 8 inches closer to my nostrils. All right, we're doing the corsets over here. Don't mind me. Just trying to shove my ribs into my lungs. See, right there. You got to see right as the rib went into the lung. We're at the hairdresser. It doesn't look like this girl wants to cut my hair. It looks like she wants to stab me in the jugular with these scissors. Okay, click on hair. So, did she do my hair, or am I just wearing someone else's hair? Yeah, throw on some makeup, too. I was curious if it would make my mouth move further away from my nose, and it absolutely did [scoffs] Sike. I don't know what this is. Is that-- What is this? Did someone call the police on me? Where the hell is he going? [scoffs] He's not just running away. [laughs] He's like power-walking away. This cop's like, "I don't get paid enough for this. I'm going to TikTok." "Hi, Bettie Polish. I'm a big fan. Can we take a video?” "I follow you on TokTik. Your videos are perfect.” "Come to my house.” "Let's go.” Come to my house. It's less like I'm inviting her and more like I'm abducting her. What is happening? Why is her tongue hanging 8 inches out of her mouth? Together, we're going to sing a song, and I'm going to get millions of followers and finally unlock my damn meat suit. What, am I here with Obama? Wh-- I-- Lemon or alien? Alien who? Am I alien or aliening Obama? What is happening? [scoffs] I'll beat the hell out of Ob-- Big Bang? [laughs] It's just an ass. What? [laughs] I've got to do it. You don't even know. You know how some people say you can bounce a quarter off some girl's ass. [laughs] You could bounce a freaking pizza tray off mine. Yes. Take it. Yes. Yes. Where's my girl at? All I have to do is just follow the smell of protein. Is she outside? Ah, here we go. [laughs] See, what you don't know is it's not just any meat. This is human meat. [laughs] Remember whatever William or whoever was the number one TokTiker before? Yeah, I'm wearing his skin. Why is this called the stage challenge but there's just a butt shot? And, I look like-- [laughs] My girl looks at it, and she's like, "How many followers did they gather? Yeet.” [laughs] I spent $5, and I'm living the perfect life. I've got Florida in the background, and I'm wearing my enemy's flesh as a dress. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoy this episode of Become a Celebrity. Till next time. Stay foxy, and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 953,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, life game, life games, bad choices games, bad choices, life choices game, life choices, bad life choices game, livestreamfails, live stream fails, funny live stream moments, become a celebrity, become a celebrity game, i gained, 3.5 million, followers, 1 minute, streaming
Id: n53saGVPCYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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