Chief Whip Puts Jim In His Place | Yes Minister | BBC Comedy Greats

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yes well the vm has asked me to have a preliminary conversation and write a background note save time later oh well i've been given some pretty dramatic information go on the italian red terrorist groups are being supplied with top secret bomb detonators made in this country in a government factory and you feel you should tell the pm well yes the pm's head of security i don't think it's anything to burden the pm with let's hold it over shall we you mean forget all about it that's my recommendation i'm sorry i think i can't accept it the pm must be told if the pm were to be told they'd have to be an inquiry exactly which might perhaps reveal that all sorts of undesirable even hostile governments had been supplied with british made arms you serious why i said perhaps which might perhaps be highly embarrassing to some of our cabinet colleagues foreign secretary defense secretary trade secretary and to the pm person yes well doing the right thing might be embarrassing sometimes but that's not a very good reason for not doing it you know we already sell arms to places like syria chile iran yeah but that's officially approved quite and you're happy about what they do with them well obviously not entirely well either you're in the arms business or you're not well if being idiot means arming murderers and terrorists then we should be out it's immoral oh great great and is it moral to put a hundred thousand british workers out of a job what about the exports two billion pounds a year down the tube for for starters and what about the votes where do you think the government places all those weapons contracts in marginal constituencies obviously exactly look all i'm saying is that now that i know about it the prime minister must be told why why just because you've caught something nasty why'd you have to wonder about breathing over it are you happy in the cabinet yes of course you want to stay in it well then i'm sorry there is such a thing as duty there are times when one must do what one's conscience tells one over god's sake must you go around flashing your petty private individual little conscience don't you think anybody else has got one haven't you got a conscience about the survival of the government here's the pm on the verge of signing an international anti-terrorist agreement oh i i didn't know about that there's a lot you don't know about can't you see that it's essential to deal with the major policy aspects rather than pick off a couple of little arms exporters and terrorist groups yes i suppose it is just a couple of little terrorist groups well i can't kill that many people can they suppose not and you want to blow it all in a fit of moral self-indulgence after all with the pm thinking about you as the next foreign secretary good lord still if you want to marty yourself then go ahead and press for enquiry feel free to jeopardize everything we've all fought for and worked for together all these years no no no no of course well obviously i mean it's appalling if italian terrorists are getting hold of british weapons but as you said there is such thing as loyalty you know the common purpose i suppose one one must see these things in a in a proper perspective of course he was the minister of defense of the board of trade no what absolutely ministry of defense problem border trade problem foreign office problem see that now so we can hold it over for the time being can we don't upset and embarrass the pm do we absolutely not definitely not no sorry i mentioned it good man you
Channel: BBC Comedy Greats
Views: 246,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc comedy greats, bbc comedy, comedy greats, british comedy, stand up, Comedian, Comic, Sketch show, yes minister, yes prime minister, yes minister season 3, yes minister jim hacker, jim hacker, paul eddington, nigel hawthorne, sir humphrey appleby, derek fowlds, bernard woolley, weisel, yes minister A Quality of Life, A Quality of Life, classic comedy, James Hacker, Whisky Priest yes minister, A Stern Warning From The Prime Ministers Secretary | Yes Minister
Id: yhLFOK4BWak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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