Sir Humphrey throws Sir Frank under the bus | Yes Prime Minister

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the Prime Minister I'm not the permanent secretary to the Treasury you must ask Sir Frank what would Sir Frank say it is not for a humble mortals such as I to speculate on the complex and elevated deliberations of the mighty but in general I think the Frank believes that if the Treasury knows that something has to be done the cabinet shouldn't have too much time to think about it it's known as Treasury policy well I think sir pranks view is that on the rare occasions when the Treasury understands the questions the cabinet doesn't understand the answer was Frank think years least Oldham P knows his place I must say it was very loyal of him to tell me the truth about Frank like that they usually all stick together don't they I think Sam is rather anxious because of your recent threat to make the Frank head of the home Civil Service instead of here I wonder if I should do something about that or if there isn't something to be gained out of keeping them both in suspense well Prime Minister you gained an anxious cabinet secretary is that what you want it wasn't just that he was unhappy about the cuts Frank he was also very unhappy about your papers arriving at such short notice I hope you explained it was because of America's sudden change of policy over interest rate my dear Frank I defended you gallantly leaving the prime minister in no doubt as to the real cause of the rush oh good thanks [Music] I'm free um perhaps it'd be better if the proposal came from both of us but we are effectively joint heads of the civil service not as I understand it Frank well I think so effectively I think not effectively after the financial side and you look after the establishment side a bit Frank with respect the cabinet secretary is the de jure a head of the civil service with respect Humphrey the cabinet secretary and the permanent secretary to the Treasury are de facto joint heads of the civil service be that as it may Frank we can't put up the proposal together I must remain aloof and judicial now you must make the wrapping and after waiting consideration I will finally come down on your side Prime Minister it is not for me to speak for Sir Frank well I'm asking you to speak for yourself your cabinet secretary you're also head of the civil service am i indeed how gratifying for the moon the Prime Minister as cabinet secretary I am of course most eager to reduce public spending but as head of the civil service I'm responsible for the very real dangers which will arise administratively if a pay-rise has not come through very soon it's so difficult for me you see as I'm wearing two hats rather awkward for you not if a one is in to mind at a time of national stringing see it is neither wise nor in the national interest I don't like to criticize my colleague but in my view is it Frank though no doubt acting from the best of motives it should have placed the good of the nation before the narrower sectional interest of civil servants you see this claim raises serious questions should I talk to Frank about this true and I don't know I leave it to me not at the moment and Frank's got a lot of problems coming up yeah he hasn't mentioned properly because he doesn't know about what do you think well it's not for me to say Prime Minister I have a vested interest and so Frank is in charge of civil service pay aren't you Frank civil servants have to decide how to carry it out like a secretary deciding how to lay out a letter yes I think Sir Humphry knows what I mean it well it's up to you Frank you're in charge of civil service pay week never recruit ever morale would plummet I'm sure Sir Humphry would agree but it's my opinion that Sir Frank is in charge of civil service I do think that the Prime Minister is entitled to an answer for they could choose whether to renounce their honour or whether to renounce their pension indexing what do you think sir Humphry well will you be mr. Appleby hmm sure Frank has gone into this very Authority not thoroughly enough you know I'd felt all along at the time of stringency that the Treasury claim was too high not in the nation's interest very nice for civil servants of course but not something that the cabinet secretary with his higher loyalty could recommend and that is why we don't at the permanent secretary to the Treasury become head of the civil service
Channel: British Comedy
Views: 737,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6lH3E18yrYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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