All In The Family | Archie's Top 10 Funniest Moments | The Norman Lear Effect

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and then we'll have a little fun and we can keep it for paying bills and for trips to see mike and glory and little joey and then it'll be for presents for little joey too let me stay five dollars a week 52 weeks in the year five times fifty two five to two hundred and sixty dollars a year that's all you know well it'll be between three and four years but all that time you don't have to be paying me the one dollar a week that i always have to explain it to you all over [Applause] [Music] speaking ah let me talk to him mira what's wrong with eating italian i'm dying for a big pizza with everything on it you have to talk about food with cheese and anchovies and sausages and pepperoni i am so hungry i hope you've got a spare uniform because in a minute i'm going to vomit on you okay question gringo looking [Applause] okay see okay what's the name of your insurance company fiddle tie excuse me here is written down here fiddle tie fiddle tie that's friday three steps back right one one two three yeah put the chair there okay head against the wall right i lift up the chair yeah now shake straighten up i can't straighten up you didn't straighten off no i can't do it that's that's the thing yeah but i straightened up what'd you do to the chair i didn't do anything to the chair you're a liar what'd he do to the chair he didn't do anything in the chair daddy get over here watch again you know what it is it's the same chair in the same wall one two three one two three all right with the chair there yeah head against the wall pick it up it's a trick shirt it's not a trick chair if it ain't fixed yet and any other chain of general wood any chair all right i've got another chip okay one two three [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] how was your day lousy eating it the world out there is full of nuts and fruit cakes and sometimes i think i want to go the same way now oh be prepared eat it if i got to ride them subways another two years you're gonna have to check me into a rubber room oh wait that's funny i was coming up i'm talking to you i'm coming home tonight and it's sardine time again here's a guy dressed up against me so close his buttons are making permanent dents in my flesh see so there we are we ride nose to nose and he starts talking to his daughter what's the matter with that she wasn't there then on top of that the bum behind me had beans for lunch how did you know that [Applause] i could tell by the way he smiled [Laughter] i told you before bunker i don't want any more trouble from you always come here a minute huh hey look at this here so what do you mean so that's the american flag there very nice how much i don't want to sell it this means i'm an american so am i so were they yeah but i ain't one of them i was just an innocent standby are you trying to tell me the police arrest innocent citizens i never said that and i thought you said you was an american oh yeah then don't be hiding behind the american flag in order to smear the police overpaid knucklehead okay everybody rise and shine time to get up lazy mary will you get up will you get up come on everybody gloria everybody the exercise will do you good good morning good morning slept the whole night through good morning good morning are you waiting for a special invitation i said breakfast is on the table i heard you so that every moose up in canada listen i'm not going to let you upset me i'm only here because of edith the fact that you happen to be here with her is beyond my control like any other freak of nature [Applause] now you can either come to the table and eat or you can lie there and feed off your own fat [Applause] [Laughter] good night arch wait a minute before you go to sleep i want to tell you something that this is the goofiest thing that ever happened underneath my roof and it took you to think it up ah this is the only way this thing is gonna work we don't trust each other all right get over there get away all right i don't want you touching me arch i'm almost off the bed i might as well be sleeping on the floor well that wouldn't be a bad idea so you had a little delicacy left in you will you stop thrashing around just like i was in bed with a trapped animal i'm not used to sleeping on this side of the bed well when i sleep we'd eat it my wife i sleep on this side of the bed well when i sleep with glory i sleep on that side of the bed but you are sleeping now with the guy that owns the bed professor blake said that my grades were so good that i graduated in the top ten percent of my class hey hey you need to hear that the boy's grades are top stare he can walk out of college that means to go into any position he wants he said i could get a fellowship take to take it what's that another township [Applause] daddy michael's gonna stay on at school here and get his master's degree he's staying on at school yup for another year are staying on at school that means you don't have to leave all live together staying action [Applause] yeah you see with a bachelor's degree it doesn't mean anything anymore to get anywhere nowadays you have to have a master's school i'm so happy for you mike aren't you happy i'd be staying on a screen yeah daddy that's what a fellowship means that's what a fellowship means he's staying on at school that's a fellowship huh oh what fellow huh well i think i know what i better do i better go out on long island and get myself a fellow ship in a funny farm like crazy louie living in the past [Applause] class will incentive monkey street speaking to you from the seller of seven other farmers my wife read monger to her all my worldly goods i doing now including the house 704 hours and everything here except the following i feel my son-in-law made history i leave my original 48 star american flag leaving out alaska no life to my dear daughter gloria monka who i forgive for marrying you about i leave my personal living room chair for how to use as a central piece in her own someday living room [Laughter] to mrs irene lorenzo who killed me [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] sure [Laughter] what is this it's a picture of some people tell me who the people are when dad lionel and what are linda and lionel doing in a picture [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] you're oh this is the kind of fun she's having in our house huh what are you screaming about what's going on this is going on [Music] you ain't going to tell me that jesus is right well now you're catching on they already proved that jesus was an ethiopian wait a minute now you say he's an european the presbyterian says a presbyterian but whatever he was he was never black well if god wasn't black how come he built us so much better than you are you kidding well look at the way it is man take us out of football take us out of basketball take us out of the olympics and what do you got i can't even think about it it's well pathetic me ask you something how come all the astronauts are white because they're picked by lily white americans like you who only pick other lily white americans sell one so nothing keep your white astronauts like i already proved to you we got god who is black well the only answer to that is louise [Applause] you
Channel: The Norman Lear Effect
Views: 457,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Norman Lear Effect, Norman Lear, Norman Lear Show, The Jeffersons, All In The Family, Maude, Good Times, Sanford and Son, One Day At A Time, Palmerstown USA, All In The Family Best Moments, All In The Family Season 1, Season 1, Meet The Bunkers, All In The Family Meet The Bunkers, All In The Family Norman Lear, Archie Bunker, Edith Bunker, Gloria Bunker, Mike Stivic, Carrol O'Connor, Jean Stapleton, Sally Struthers, Rob Reiner
Id: rCINzhzAWAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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