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I have things that the campaign for the freedom of information by the way sorry I can't talk about that well this is very serious very serious what could happen if either of them became PM something very serious indeed there is serious repercussions serious repercussions of the utmost say that it could hardly be more serious I think there is something that perhaps you ought to know yet the identity of the official whose alleged responsibility for this hypothetical oversight has been the subject of recent discussion is not trapped it in quite such impenetrable obscurity as certain previous disclosures to assume but not to put too fine a point on it the individual in question is it may surprise you to learn one whom your present interlocutor is in the habit of defining by means of the perpendicular pronoun Thank You papa it was I the truth the truth and nothing but the truth of course not we're going to tell them that we keep secrets are we indeed not oh why not he that would keep a secret must keep it secret that he had a secret he said that it was it's not to me to comment on government policy himself look sir Humphry whatever we ask the minister he says is an administrative question for you and whatever we ask you you say is a policy question for the minister how do you suggest we find out what's going on yes yes yes I do see that there is a real dilemma here in that while it has been government policy to regard policy as the responsibility of ministers and administration is the responsibility of officials the questions of administrative policy can cause confusion between the policy of administration and administrative policy especially when responsibility for the administration that the policy of administration conflicts why overlaps with responsibility for the policy of the administration of policy well that's a load of meaningless triple isn't it it's not for me to comment on government policies I must warn you of the difficulties I foresee all sorts of unforeseen problems such as if I can't foresee them they wouldn't be unfair so I gather you denied that mr. Halifax his phone had been bugged well obviously it was the one question today to which I could give a clear simple straightforward honest answer yes unfortunately although the answer was indeed clear simple and straightforward there is some difficulty in justified by assigning to it the fourth of the epithets you applied to the statement being as much as the precise correlation between the information you communicated and the facts insofar as they can be determined and demonstrated is such as to cause epistemological problem vision magnitude is to lay upon the logical and semantic resources of the English language here be a burden then they can reasonably be expected to bear the epistemological Utopia you told a lie what even comes I I mean you lied yes I know this is a difficult concept to get across to a politician is you did not tell the truth how might one set about persuading a minister of the importance of Bailey College oh I don't know why don't you get him down here to a higher table dinner is he of the intellectual caliber to understand our case oh yes well surely our case is intelligible to anyone with the intellectual caliber of winnie-the-pooh Lloyd and hacker is of the intellectual caliber of Winnie the Pooh oh yes on his day now how would you like to be Minister of Health me it's a considerable Yes Minister how much you'd call me Jim at least when were in Dayton Oh I'll try to remember that minister what happen is that I am fully seized of your aims and of course I will do my utmost to see that they're put into practice what to that end I recommend that we set up an interdepartmental committee with fairly broad terms of reference so that at the end of the day we will be in a position to think through the various implications and arrive at a decision based on long-term considerations rather than rush prematurely into precipitate and possibly ill-conceived action which might well have unforeseen repercussions you mean no as far as one can see in the fullness of time through the chair I'd like to add that my minister also sees the promotion of women as a means of creating greater diversity the top of the service I think we should stress when briefing our ministers are quite frankly you couldn't find the more diverse lot than a section of the nish well quite honestly Minister I want a job where I don't spend endless hours circulating information that isn't relevant about subjects that don't matter to people who aren't interested I want a job with this achievement rather than mini activity I'm tired of pushing paper I want to be able to point to something and say I did that I don't understand I know that's why I'm leaving so they're not saying that the government of Britain is unimportant no it's very important it's just that I haven't met anyone who's doing it oh look it's Humphrey to what we owe this pleasure but I must protest in the strongest possible terms my profound opposition to a newly instituted practice which imposes severe and intolerable restrictions upon the ingress and egress of senior members of the hierarchy and which will in all probability shut the current deplorable innovation be perpetuated precipitate a constriction of the channels of communication and culminates in the condition of organizational atrophy and administrative paralysis which will render effectively impossible the coherent and coordinated discharge of the function of government with an her Majesty's United Kingdom you mean you've lost your key I'll tell you about government it was always tried to do the right thing but you must never let anybody catch you trying to do it because doing writes wrong right I'm left in the bottle
Channel: Doctor Nietzsche
Views: 1,336,621
Rating: 4.845799 out of 5
Id: nZBkP6drCqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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