Chevy Monza First Start In Years Part 2 - Vice Grip Garage EP38

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on this episode we're gonna take another stab at getting the Monza running she's just been fighting us but I've already missed one race guy ain't missing another it's in like three or four six days it's coming up pretty soon and of course that starts with pulling her out of the trees the right way this out of work just fine you just gotta ease them he'll follow along reasonably well there keep going let's get her right in the middle of the Sun so it's really miserable [Music] [Applause] well we're back on the minds of today last episode I just I had it with it couldn't get the old Sparkle aiders to fire we put in rotor cap one good spark plug wire test it on some digital is the field test light and I thought well maybe it's this little radio capacitor and this little guy stores up energy and that's what shoots lightning bolts so we'll try this and then after I put all that money into it Jessica's gonna check what we should have checked in the first place which is just the ground because it's probably just not grounded right and what have taken 42 seconds to fix that week ago so here we go here's kind of how she's been sitting you can basically see that I just said I threw her all back in this little guy sits right in there and that does that thing Jessica's going to put that in because well lady [Music] the capacitor just has a button connector so wire just pushes on it really easy [Music] well dusk is finishing up that let's go look at the ground here and let's see got a really bad connector then yeah see it's just bolted to the floor Pam which basically means she just has a body ground and if we look at the engine unless I'm missing it it doesn't really look like there's anything going from the engine directly to the body although there's solid mounting thingies I don't know we'll try to get the meter on that and test the ground some off you got her all done got it wow this is mine bottling but I'll get through it I'm gonna grab a ground off the engine head since that's where the distributor seated into and then I'm gonna take my positive to the starter relay and see what kind of voltage we got here and that says twelve twelve point five so now what I'm gonna do is try to get a cranking voltage so I'll take the same exact round and I'm gonna run it through the ignition module side and then Jessica's going to crank it for me and then we'll see what kind of voltage is actually getting to the distributor make sure I'm still got a good ground five okay right now I'm a 12 v here - I'll have her crank it go ahead so drops from 12 5 - 9 4 so I'm thinking the other wiring sucks between the two or we do in fact have a weak ground the easiest thing for me to do is just grab a big cable and smash her on the head and bolt it to the body somewhere so I think we're gonna do that and then we've got a full bonded path for the ground from the battery to the floor to the fender to the head to the distributor and then we'll throw the old lightning whirl or cap back on and please baby Jesus Parker all right so we're gonna take this from the intake manifold to the fender basically because we're just really really lazy and it's easier to go from here guy wants to keep his grounds clean so I took dil de Electronics Krug on here with the wire wheel got some bare metal show in there and clean that up as good as I can as a plan is just a cable from there to here and then maybe she'll be all you know good we hang it on there mm-hmm gold bolt over budget you gotta reach under that yeah there you go can you get that far with your t-rex arm shut up I got it so the GM HG is all run all the way down to 6 volts I mean that should fire on 6 but you really don't want to see below 9 volts consistently 9 it's kind of border Lana Sh for myself any Hugh and you want 12 to 14 on them if you want good high performance out of them I don't know let's see if the six-dollar here Walmart the extra cable will give us more of a ground we'll test it right now all right we have us time 9 five yep nine for nine five I don't know you guys know what it was something you got twelve five there five crank it got ten 8-valve Altana two teacups or whatever that metric is and if you're Canadian watching and maple syrups okay got my sparkle later hooked up again and we just tested that on the old drug runner aka Jessica's daily driver just to make sure that that's still working and it does so this is it she's gonna fire go ahead and flip the switches and hit the button and starter jam great that's good so this is where it's gonna get interesting because really the only thing that's left is the entire cars bad which that's not it or it's the distributor cuz the pickup shot in it and I've already put about 48 gallons of brake clean down that so they're gonna snap and no one's gonna have a distributor 277 miles in this town so we'll get on the old interwebs and see if it happens so we're gonna have to splice this episode together because you're probably not going to see us tell December but we'll make it happen I really do want to make that race Saturday though so we'll start calling around and see what happens we got parts and we're back and we're gonna make a run there's about a 4% chance kinda girl we're waiting on one of these lightning rollers this is a bad one and you can tell that because of the way that that one is and the new ones already in but I'll show you on it and she just been simply nothing's changed oh this that battery charger on it for about a month now so that's nice and boiled dry I'm sure and Jessica put a new switch in it she was smart enough to realize that the switch was probably faulty and after we did some apparently that called continuity tests and impedance tests showed that the switch was only given intermittently three to six volts to the distributor as well so it was probably a $5 switch and not $180 distributor so here's the new lightning unit and also this reminder we put a quote here's my test light coil whirly whoo and one good wire and I think we're back to where we're basically just gonna try to get it to fire mm-hmm and then fires will continue to put more money in it that we're never gonna get out okay plan I wanted to check on this more for me than the new fellers is I just couldn't remember but she's all coming back around no I got the dual stage fuel system it's it's NASCAR stuff you wouldn't understand and pouring a little more fire maker and tank so she's half now I have no idea where that gas came from but she she smells like deck stain so that should be just fine I had the label on these switches and I was getting confused we got battery black velvet and then with spark laters no a little wobbly but she'll be fine then I gotta put prop here from Harbor Freight that does okay so we're gonna prime the pump see if we get some fire maker rushing the carb so you want to hit the lock mounted switch [Applause] [Music] all right okay you guys can't see it but we definitely got some fire maker shooting then shut her off so let's crank on it okay light all the switches give a shot yes it fired again I think we're gonna get it try it again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got small fire finally hits alive okay so others on the fire we had I got this giant vacuum leak so I'm gonna take a vacuum plugger offer get them in Napa jam that in there that should make your idle I got it idle looks we got the old finger in there and that looks that looks factory I'll leave that one alone I think that's just fine there was a lot of smoke and flames and melting stuff down there so if we just close our eyes and ignore that and I'm gonna clamp down the distributor and then Jessica's gonna put sparking laters and lawyers in her right yeah good wish you guys could see the smoke a little bit on these lights but under TV screens you can't see you're just bellowing out but good news is bring those heaters in here anymore yeah what we got first vlog looks just fine nothing wrong with that but Jessica insisted on changing it anyway so I'm gonna lie here just continue on loud and took old snacks I guess oh I can find you the wires Matt's in our inventory Ben's here omni's sparks [Music] if you look at these parts of wires looks like the dangles corrals got to them those I don't think you've ever seen that before but the good news is it looks like it's firing on all fours all the spark plugs look like that oh yeah little lame but got a vacuum leak besides the Grand Canyon so that'll cause that alright now let Jessica did all hard work got the spark lighters in I got the vacuum cleaner gauge here I'm gonna snag that into a carburetor and I'm just gonna play around with the idle mixture screw until this sucker goes to the bigger number and I'm guessing that it's not gonna idle at the right rpm a little screw ro is that once you get her idling right basically the rest of the goal today is just to get this piece of turd to roll out of here on its own power I don't even know if it has a clutch or if it works or even if the shifter moves so that should be a lot of fun okay that's in there got my jabber give her some thunder this time go again now we got fire go ahead that's more gooder so we gained about four inch hook of good dishes on the old vacuum cleaner gauge and you can hear it kind of smooth out a little bit better for a guy and and then we dropped the eye on the way down just as I suspect it I don't know why she's idling at 11 T 4 billion rpm you don't really need that unless they're going for the old go starts okay no we might as well just put way more money than we're ever going to get out of this throw some tires wheels on it bad idea even though that players really nice the other ones they just don't think they're gonna you know like the chin they're just the chances of them rolling on that or not good so we're gonna step it up throw her onto these arrows here and this ought to do the trick and every single any of you have seen these tires I got them on the eBay's and them units come on to mail trucks and that's from 1989 complete set of four matching this side looks fine actually about another four inches Jack's really good ah think I got that Harbor Freight that's ten years ago yeah yeah you know I didn't even do the backspace calculator so hopefully this works I was trying to get on a snag on one thing cornering there you go that's actually pretty dang good yeah glam-doll that lots of time step ahead bring her down nice and easy perfect hurry up get under there [Music] but Jack is good get out of here get you back in there use all your back before anything else [Music] awesome brings your up quite a bit actually new tires wheels are on you're curious where I got those that just googled cheapest tires ever made in America I think that came from Jegs look at this nothing is made to go left I mean they definitely did some work on her and she's a go left are probably no right and all the stickers probably should have gave that away even back here you can see the old go left so we'll work on that later right now I'm going to try to fit in that really tiny seat and dump the clutch in there and see if we can get her out [Music] [Applause] take any of that just kind of all in here what do my legs go down other side maybe they go over here I'm a backhoe later this guy must have been Asian it's good enough what sounds to you like a violin and a piano is actually the clutch I think works check your boobs we're out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] we're all three switches up [Applause] [Music] [Music] here's what I learned there's no breaks there's also no reverse well I think that's gonna do her for this episode mainly because she's snagged up in the trees here and I got snow retrievers so we're going to use the old horse power and snip her back into the shed which is billing with all sorts pretty cool anyway what should we do with this thing now at 42 percent runs kind of ish that's a giant fly I have no idea why you guys like this car it's completely mind bottling but give me some ideas what do you think I think we need to take it to the track and run it we can get it there so yeah give me some ideas I have no idea but as always thanks for watching appreciate it very much hit subscribe hit the like button and if you want to check out that joy and stuff it's pretty snazzy see you next time bye Sonic [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 947,433
Rating: 4.9551253 out of 5
Keywords: race, car, chevy, monza, chevrolet, imca, sport mod, dirt car, motortrend, road, kill, roadkill, first, first start in, abandoned, junk, yard, first start in long time, cold start, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, gm, general motors, circle track, retired, h-body, hbody, rally race, vega, chevy vega, spyder, sunbird, skyhawk, sunfire, pontiac, finnegan's garage, cletus, mccfarland
Id: 2i64rIKn7SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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