Will It Run / Drive? - Junkyard Plymouth Fury NNKH

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what's up guys and welcome to another video i'm pretty stoked for this one because i'm down here in philly and i scored a deal on this old plymouth fury i believe it's 1965. this thing's been sitting in a yard it wasn't even a junkyard it was just some guy's backyard it had a ton of old vintage and classic cars and it's been sitting for many years don't know why it was parked but look at the restoration that was done on this previously whoever did it had had some great taste i love the color this is gonna be a will it run video nobody's messed with it at all didn't even try rotating the engine nothing the price was right on it so i snagged it you know it's got some some rust uh around but overall super solid and i just think this is the coolest looking wagon i mean look at the front end on that thing oh yeah sucking gas and hauling ass and a quick look in the interior and we'll get it loaded up uh well yeah doesn't really smell too bad in here and that's your first look so let's get this baby home you gotta love the old thick steel like been rusting but plenty of meat left on there pretty sure those tailgates gonna have to come off because this thing is super long i gotta invest in a tilt deck trailer would be nice i left my normal jump battery for the winch in the bass dumpster so i'm gonna find out this little 4000 amp lithium ion jf eguo jump pack will do the trick for getting the car up on here let's see uh yeah so far so good will she make it for the full run though now the story with these cars is uh there was like 60 of them or so and somebody passed away and then a guy bought these through the state um and so there's there's no titles but i can get a title for it from uh through the state so now i have a feeling somebody's gonna see this car on the internet and maybe be able to tell me more than i know about the previous owner because it's pretty darn distinct so [Applause] there already quite a bit of tongue weight on that but i think i'm gonna have enough room to close the gates and yeah that jump pack worked awesome for it they're not really designed for that but it felt plenty strong perfect and that's good to go yeah what the heck philly might as well take the little meepo mini for i get food and a couple drinks maybe good time tavern looks like a friendly place i'll tell you this place has a good time they got free roast beef sandwiches they don't have a food menu but they got free sandwiches that's freaking awesome that's an awesome little spot and now let's get the fury home keep in mind this is like a mechanics vlogs kind of like kind of video so there are time stamps down below if you want to skip through any of this this uh vlog style stuff look at the sunset with the lighting here this looks crazy [Applause] [Music] back home finally ready to tear into it let's see what motors in this uh kid you not i haven't even popped the hood uh so i'm a little excited too all i did was look underneath and see that there was an engine and transmission and the whole thing wasn't rusted out you know the price was right so let's uh let's see what we got oh there we go okay all right looks like i suppose a 383 seen that on the l brock intake and i i guess i'll have to do some more research but yes it looks like an original engine to me it's a chrysler so that's good to see i'm glad there's not a uh there's a squirrel over there leo he'll probably come back to visit holley four barrel carburetor got a holly electric pump a massive super coil on it and yeah let me get some numbers and then we'll see what we got going on for what i was just reading there should be a block number on the left side there we go hopefully you guys can read that and inside the driver door should have the vin tag yeah there we go let's look it up first four digits on the vin is p556 so it's a fury eight cylinder fury one station wagon built 1965 in newark delaware looked up the engine number it's 246 8 13 0 3 so is a 383 b 59 to 71 so that could be the original engine now does she rotate yes not locked up awesome that sounds rusty on the water bump though hey girl pop the spark plugs out spray some lube in the cylinders before we go rotating it over it's got older lights in it inch and a quarter socket on the crank let's turn this over see what it sounds like [Music] wow turns over good i think the loudest part is the water pump and the the belts let's go cranker oh there goes the electric fuel pump wow it's got fuel too i can hear it struggling no key yeah look at that it's a coupon camelback offer expires 326 2000. that means this thing was on the road that's not that long that's about 20 years okay 21 years ago i swear to millennium doesn't even seem that long ago but in 21 years that's pretty long probably the worst part in here is the mold on these seats oh that's terrible but this thing's been sitting all these summers just growing stuff and here i am sitting all over it look at these old seats that's pretty cool it just goes totally flat like that be great if i found it here somewhere lots of spare parts no pump oh yeah that's old gas ranch there's a little tree right he's going crazy do you have him yeah i got him kinda so that's an update on leo can you get him off of me please he likes you oh my all right so back to work original floor pins a little rust hole there real good shape though and next option is try some junk keys and maybe a screwdriver the whole thing's spinning i could probably get this re-keyed it's labeled on the back ground acc battery so i cannot wire this super easy we'll probably hook this up to auxiliary fuel but let's see what the gas in the tank looks like uh yeah that's pretty nasty looking stuff smells terrible i'll tell you that much all right fluids oils full power steering blow put some in there red is bone dry as far as i can see oh shoot it's coming out of the block outside the block probably freeze plug yes all right so it needs freeze plugs i should have put water in this instead and tripping cooling all over the grass but uh you know it's going below freezing tonight so i figured put some coolant in all right let's give it a crank see what that sounds like sounds good let's check for spark enough i'm not getting power at the primary hot side of the coil what kind of bobo do that you get a little bit of voltage and that runs all the way over to a wire nut so i'm sure that could be part of the problem i guess let's just jump the coil for now see what that does it's good it's sparking a little bit so we know we got continuity load spark cool so my main goal right now is to just i should really be pulling the carburetor off and checking that out but i want to see if this motor is blown or has a rod knock or something like that because yeah we got to do that freeze plug and we might end up just pulling the motor to do all of them see what this trend's got too yeah fluid on the stick here's some red i got a fresh fuel supply hooked up i'm gonna purge the lines of that old fuel all right looks great yeah i think it's got some good flow and let's see if this carburetor starts shooting um out or if the floats still work oh yeah it built up pressure and hit the the bypass and this it sounds like this must be a bypass development here or something ah that's got a cam in it too thanks sounds gnarly quiet though all right let's take a look inside this holly carb and see what she's looking like oh yeah this this one was completely dry so this one was getting fuel but the others got a stuck float probably but not too yeah that's pretty bad yeah definitely gotta go through this whole thing and get a gasket kick because these gaskets ripped too i mean the primary side is actually not too filthy the secondary side is the one that just had a bunch of build up so i'd like to pop this plate off and see what's under there i'm not too familiar with these holley carburetors in fact i'm not familiar with them at all [Music] all right let's see if we got enough room to replace these plugs it looks like all of them are leaking and plenty access on the driver's side just got to remove the starter and then here's the one that blew out on the passenger side a good amount of room to get those too i wonder if there's any on the back of the block i just looked up a picture of a 67 383 and it looks like nothing on the back which is great news [Music] wow can't believe that actually came out oh some good stuff up in there lots of sluge and i'll do that six more times one point six three two all right advanced auto had some hm583 plugs nine bucks can't beat it and jen came for the ride rocking the 70s schwinn and to drive these new plugs in we can use a freeze plug or core plug installer like this with different sizes and leo stepped over to say what's up uh so this just snaps into here like so and then you see we can get a nice angle on that and hit it with a hammer what's up bud what's going on looking healthy yeah looking for food huh listen all those sounds oh he is hungry instead of doing one at a time best move is to remove all of them and then we'll get in here with the garden hose and flush out some of that crud from the bottom of the block too this one's real clogged up under it and you want to make sure when you're taking these out that you don't scratch or put deep gouges in the casting of the block because then you could end up with a leak in the future but i'm going to rub silicone on these when i put them on anyway so guys check this out off topic but my last video i was showing how leo likes to hang out on this particular bike and look what i just found sitting right here he's using the kz 1000 for nut storage for the winter so i'm gonna leave that right there and we'll see i i never saw him put it there i'll have to look back on my garage cameras though that's hilarious ah [Music] [Music] wow look at all that block was just full of crud that's flushing her all out and the plugs that came out of there are shallow you see they get the they're much shallower than the ones i got which this is all they had didn't think it was going to be a problem however upon closer inspection it seems it might be because you see these actually um they are easier to install because you kind of can use them as like a pilot you put them in a little bit and then you hammer them the rest of the way but you see how how loose that is in there they don't grab until the way ends so i think i'm gonna have to get some shallow ones might be able to use them in the center because there's no obstructions on on these ones or or that one either but not on on the back here's what i'm gonna try i'm gonna swedge these out a little bit i got a 27 millimeter socket that doesn't fit and i'm gonna make it fit so i just expanded the plug a little bit and i'll tap it tap it right out hopefully anyway yeah there it goes all right cool so now we got a bigger plug oh yeah that's much better so now it's it's snug and i'll silicone and hammer the rest of those in i got those all in now this tool i'm using here this is specifically designed for this and see like so on that one it's on it's one of the angle and you couldn't get at it straight this works great for that it's got this little little ball head and a freeze plug install it really works well for tight spots although this one's got a ton of space i've definitely done much worse before and if you were doing a marine engine you would actually want to use instead of steel you would use brass plugs i even have one in here so there's one uh because these won't rust out and i remember one of the first engines i was ever rebuilding my toyota 22re engine out of my 89 pickup i stressed i was like no i'm gonna use brass plugs like why would it why'd the factory ever put steel plugs in there that was so stupid but yeah if you're replacing some it's always a good idea to go with the brass ones if you got the extra money because you'll just never have to do them again and also they're a little bit easier to install because the metal is more malleable all right leo just showed up in the garage so i'm gonna see if he knows what this nut is let's see if he and if not i'll break it open for him here he goes come on you might not know there's good stuff in there let's break this open for you there we go here buddy look at that oh what's in here look at this look it's a nut for you yeah you smell that oh now you want it huh all right i'll let you open it the rest of the way yeah see he probably saw the other squirrels getting these and he's like well everybody else is getting them but well don't bite me here we go yeah there's the rest of it look at that now he knows what's inside of those nuts in case you didn't already before let me try some of that oh what come on i was expecting this but it's going to be the water pump too trickling out of there and that's how much it leaked overnight while we're waiting on the carburetor parts i think i'm gonna pull these seats out and pressure wash uh these because i can't even get in here with how much mold there is it's just disgusting all this is freshly painted and then rusting back off it's been many years [Music] so far i can't get this back door open try out this little thing see how good these actually work oh i'm not that good geez let's see how my leatherman would fare in the situation though look at that that's these things are junk it gets blocked up in there and then don't cut enough and here he is babe leo just showed up hey hey she's gonna give you milk buddy leo leo trash it's got two by fours under the seats a little bit of rust there this has had water pulling it for a long while a lot of sand in this thing all right there's a quick before on the seats we'll see what the pressure washer does [Music] look at that those clean up real nice we'll see when they're dry now [Music] wow that is heavy these old things are a heavy duty that's like 3 8 steel and these big old heavy duty hinge and backing plate he's got to weigh 100 some pounds so [Music] [Music] all right i'm gonna call that detailed enough for me to work inside of it got most of the mold blown off everywhere picked up a walker carburetor kit and yeah normally i would just go through this carburetor and clean everything out and put it back together but these gaskets are they're just so ripped apart and so baked on there from time so this kit comes with all the new gaskets some jets uh well i'm sorry fuel fuel valves no jets some diaphragms and yeah most importantly the gaskets that i need now going through carburetors is pretty straightforward not going to do a how-to on that or anything you just got to make sure you put things back together the way they came apart and don't break anything however the hardest part when you have baked all gaskets is getting those removed without gouging up the aluminum uh so you know you scrape at it with a gasket scraper a screwdriver you're gonna screw it up so i found the best method is well they have gasket remover spray that you can't really get anymore because it has methylene chloride in it and so does this premium paint stripper this is old stock so i don't maybe you can get it if you if you got a connection but good stuff i will put this on those gaskets and it will just melt them away get my fuel needle out of here and i'll show you exactly what i'm talking about here's what that looks like and the float out and the fuel inlet which look at that doesn't have a screen like look if i'm trying to get this off now you can see i already put a couple gouges trying to get i mean it's just so you you gouge into the aluminum and this one kind of gelled up a little bit i'll just put a little blob on there this reminds me of that movie uh the blob anybody remember that an old man finds it touches it and this is the shocking result we'll just make a little bowl sized glob and drop her in there look at that what happens with these needle seats over time is they get corrosion on the brass and then the the o-rings dry out and fuel can leak leak past the o-ring or the little needle has a rubber head too that gets super dried out i got some other stuff i could try out too and then they did ban this methylene chloride for a good reason it's it's extremely deadly if you leave it exposed like that you want to put plastic over it so it doesn't dry and you get the full effect of course these ones i you know left them sitting down so that's okay it's been about 10 minutes let's see what's going on here so check this out oh look at that just comes right off right down to the bare aluminum no problem no scratches no problem so that stuff is incredible you just got to make sure again to wear well wear a mask of some sort of respirator safety glasses and good ventilation and that's if you can even get methylene chloride if you go on ebay you can actually find guys selling it so sometimes you might have to put paint a little bit extra on but there you go that is the hardest part of cleaning carburetors oh yeah yeah buddy look at that got everything all cleaned up and sprayed every hole through with brake clean to make sure that the orifices are clear and going back together with it not not doing a full entire rebuild split of the part i don't think this thing needs it now all these float needles i forgot to mention before but you do want to note their position before taking them out otherwise you're going to have to just manually reset the float level but you got to do that anyway essentially this float should shut the fuel off where it's base the fuel level on the bowl should be level just under this this screw right here so you can blow on it until it stops flowing and twist this as need be to just get like a rough where it needs to be float level with this all buttoned up next thing i did was remove the flathead plugs from each bowl and we'll uh hook up the pump and see what our float level is oh pump has not established prime yet all right got to establish up and see that one's pouring out so i gotta adjust that float okay it's not leaking i'll put these plugs back in good enough to start and then we'll recheck it because it might be too low i'll have to recheck that after around the bowl down some still waiting on the water pump so hopefully that comes in later today but we're good enough to start it it's not really poor and cool now so maybe uh oh here it is let's get this water pump out of here so we could see this pump wasn't spinning at all just kind of freewheeling on there and i'll be honest if i had known it was this bad i would have taken it off before while i was doing the freeze plug so we could flush this out a little bit better but that's okay i'll get it nice and clean i could always pop this whole housing off just noticed this down here too i saw a little hairline crack and you can see that needs to be re-soldered on the red [Music] i don't know i was dancing around taking this off it just had to even the small orifices are all clogged up and here's looking into the block you can see i'm trying to get some of that build up oh i can't even reach my finger in there yeah gotta definitely get some of that build up off of there yeah we'll call that good enough not bad i gotta pump this fuel tank out and maybe clean this stuff out of here too um let's see wow this doesn't even oh look at that it looks like it might be seeping a little bit little pin hole in the bottom yeah but it sounds good so i'll just pump out what's in there and use it there's not even a hose that goes to it that's that's the whole tank that tiny little thing and this is the entrance to it luckily there's only like a gallon in there so pretty raunchy stuff though filling it with five gallons of fresh fuel and then we'll recheck tomorrow for leaks put a pan down here in case it starts uh leaking the under hood fuel filter on this was leaking and no matter what i do i try tightening it down and it just won't it's kind of a sweet design it's easy to clean out it's got this glass tube i don't know if it's glass or what it's made out of but i would assume something that can take a fire and then just a little threaded like aluminum or zinc rod in here but unfortunately the threads on this side are stripped out so it won't can't reuse it however i should have something we can use in my uh fuel filters so i've got one of these plastic kubota ones but you can't use plastic under the hood i got a used one off my stx-12f that'll work that's uh yeah that'll work um look at this this is just like the other one yeah look at that this thing's like a direct knockoff so i'll use the rod and tube out of this one and then the ends from this one and replace the o-rings too with these ones perfect that'll work hoarding pays off i tell you guys like new perfect let's see this brake fluid it ain't empties that's always good sign now this is a single service master cylinder so instead of two lines coming off it it's only got one if this goes out while you're driving well you have no brakes that's why they don't use them anymore they use a dual service master cylinder that's one line for the front and one line to the rear all right i'm not getting any flow out of this master cylinder at all i actually sucked brake fluid out of the rear but the fluid level never went down here and the pedal does return so that's good probably just be able to clean it up oh yeah piston came right out and yeah we just got to clean all the slugs out of there flush out the lines the seals look okay so i'm gonna just clean this thing out and put it back together and we'll uh hope for the best oh yeah that worked great better than a home [Music] it's good to bleed it before you put it in the car too so what you do is just fill it up with brake fluid cover your finger on the outlet or if it was dual master both outlets and then depress the piston and hold your finger on there and keep doing that so you let the air out and you keep going back and forth until you get fluid out and there it goes once you get some fluid coming out then your uh your blood so even with the chamber bled it's not leaking out and we're good to throw in the car oh shoot well that was a rookie move let's double down on this one there we go no rust penetrant needed i got lucky with this bolt breaking leaving a nice nipple for me of course i should have heated this and done this by hand to begin with but you know sometimes i just get careless and reckless should pop right out of there there it goes as far as fixing this radiator there's quite a bit of corrosion underneath this steel plate but i think we can clean this up and solder it make it work and unfortunately i slammed on my brakes and the water pump housing rolled in and landed on this thing but i don't think that's leaking that's just an unfortunate uh scenario there not a perfect job but it should seal so i just plug this and put the red cap on and i have a small plug with a regulator so i put about 10 10 psi in there and i hear another leak no bubbles coming from this repair and here is this other leak finally got it all sealed using permatex the right stuff in place of the gaskets for this pump housing this is just the best stuff ever i use it on everything nice freshly pump only 35 bucks for this uh so far the only part besides the oil filter and the freeze plugs shooting for no parts on this but uh we're not quite at no parts but not not too bad you have to put thread sealant or teflon tape or you can even use silicone on the bolts for this water pump because uh they're not blind holes as in they they enter into the cooling system so if you don't colon is going to trickle out over time and you can see usually a good indicator of that is when you see corrosion and pitting on the ends of the bolts that means they were sitting in the coolant and clearly the these two were probably sitting on the bottom because they're all hammed up you always want to spin the pump after you put it into spins nice and true and quiet all right that's all back together i'm gonna let the silicone dry overnight before i fill it with coolant and now i just need to bleed the brakes so i got the seat mounted back in here want some blocks of wood it's like really hack but that'll work and i'm gonna get jen out here but she said if i start a fire she'll come outside so i'm gonna do that it's below freezing tonight and this fuel tank hasn't been dripping at all um looks the same on the bottom so we'll see i think that's gonna be just fine for now and then maybe we'll be driving this thing tomorrow if we get breaks there she is ready to work out in the cold we've got those all blood out let's do a break test hit it let off and hit it look at that beautiful it's just like disc brakes except they're drum brakes and it's test drive day only got another couple hours of sunlight but uh we should be able to get it running getting down the road let's try filling this with antifreeze one more time i was able to get a new key ignition switch on ebay for dirt cheap here it goes not a perfect fit but it was able to make it work we got the fuel filter hooked up we still have to set the timing but i'm going to warm it up seems to be halfway near where it needs to be oh this pump didn't get primed that's what's happening right now so not getting any fuel to the bowls hmm well i'll tell you what let's pressurize the fuel tank oh there it goes i could hear it now yes that's kind of a bad design needs a check valve all right i got that primed up idling good it says a little rough let's see what this timing's at no coolant leaks so that's good news right yeah we got total timing around 39 40 degrees i'm good with that definitely running rough though i think we're gonna need to re-jetting or go take this thing out and let it rip and the alternator is not charging at idle see if we bring it up oh yeah there we go we got we got charging voltage awesome so first impressions is that transmission shot starting with sound well barely trinity was like a bunch of grinding noises when it first started raising the rpm i wasn't even moving and you know what i'm bringing bringing the meepo mini in case you break down i can actually get back home she's got like a 20 mile range on it's awesome not even going to clean the window so that way when i get stopped i can hold with the story to come on man i just got this thing running all right now does it stop good um yeah it's it stops i wouldn't say good but it stops now we gotta get some gas at wawa i guess we should go clean the rest of these windows but i'm leaving the paint the way it is for now i love it damn this tank's bigger than i thought it was it's actually uh it's like 20 gallons i already put five in there before but will it restart after stopping i'm gonna call that a yes carburetor definitely needs tuning on this [Music] foam these windows up and then pressure wash them off oh what the heck i guess i'll give it a a thorough rinse just to get some of the big build up off there yeah it's looking better i mean if it was uniformly dirty i would totally leave it but it's oh look that don't come off cool and that's what you get with 12 minutes of cleaning on this blew off a bunch of this loose paint exposed uh you know the rust and the primer and let's get going still gotta fix that door handle 65. you don't see them every day yeah she's sucking gas all right alrighty well i think we can wrap this video up here we've answered the question of will it run and the answer is yes this old girl's got a ton of life left in her i could certainly go on along with this since this this vehicle is going to need new tires the brakes got to be completely going over they might still have plenty of life left needs a full interior and many other things among that uh some some rust on the body work and all that but listen if you guys got a good idea but listen if you guys got a good idea for a part two drop them down below and if anybody's interested in buying this car i might be putting up for sale if you have an idea on its value too it'd be awesome if you drop a comment of that down below since you've kind of seen every everything you've seen everything that this car has to offer so far of course we haven't really had it up on a lift in the shop yet or anything but uh you know a little bit of rust coming out and stuff but uh definitely plenty of life left in this old 65 fury so hopefully you enjoyed the video drop it a thumbs up if you did consider checking out the channel and i greatly appreciate you guys watching by the way just passed a hundred thousand subscribers on my main channel so that's huge i mean i can't thank you guys enough for watching these videos yeah it takes a lot of time to put them together but i really do enjoy messing with this old junk so if there's a you know if you guys enjoy watching it i'm gonna keep pumping it out all right so uh yeah i'm done rambling that was a long one so till next time this is no nonsense know how and i hope to see you again see you guys oh and one more reason i'm not gonna mess with this car anymore yet is because i don't have a title yet so i still have to go through that process of trying to get a title uh otherwise it's not really worth putting any time and money into this thing well i already put a lot of time in but money more importantly
Channel: NoNonsenseKnowHow
Views: 599,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NNKH, NoNonsenseKnowHow, mechanic, kzguy2, No Nonsense Know How, will it run, will it drive, 1965, plymouth fury, fury, 383, junkyard digs, mustie1, andrew camarata, plymouth, mopar, v8, junk yard, junkyard, sitting, abandoned, mechanics, auto, repair, boat, muscle car, abandoned muscle car, cars, fast, station wagon, cool car, retro, old school, holley, revival, first start, start, why, philly, philadelphia, pa, cooper, nj, washington dc, dc, new jersey, jesse james, jay leno, turbo, vise grip garage
Id: 8QMolhPZjgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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