Is The Chevy Monza Ready To Race? - Vice Grip Garage EP45

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back on the Monza we got an oil change to do gonna fix that pesky starter then the old rulebook says I got to do a couple things to racing out there SCCA gotta have a window net so I'm gonna do the right thing and put one end that's made for a roll cage as a hoop because I don't have a hoop on my roll cage then apparently you got to have a window so I'm gonna do the right thing just take this piece of plastic and make I'm sure it'll work great [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys not supposed to have foreign objects in these peer race machines so Bradley's gonna do me a favor and clean out all the junk inheritance well be honest dicks me about 17 minutes dipped in and it takes me another 23 to snag hour so I'm gonna have him do that and while he's doing that all paint on the oil here you know Martin no no he didn't but I have a feeling this one's gonna be just a slow I'm gonna snag off the oil I think first and then I'll get to the starter I'm kind of liking the height here so I can just kind of lean under them you know blow the old b14 out back here just about shattered my little rock texas getting oil filter loose colors you don't gotta just Arnold Schwarzenegger these things on there they just you know since this is a race car at all you got to be really particular with the engine oil you choose so I'm gonna go with the cheapest diesel oil I can find and particularly the one with a flag on ER and this one says premium blue 8600 es which if I was a scientist that sounds like something I would say I don't know how much this little guy needs so I'm just gonna go with all of it Brandi got the old interior cleaned out and found a few goodies we got the old air directional control unit but she's broke and all that good stuff trade maybe even an oil filter not sure horn button and then I'm gonna guess just maybe she might burn a little bit oil number still good actually someone hanging damn units but I'm gonna have them get the most sucker 500 in here and clean out some of the sleeves and dirt and that way she's not just a blow and stuff you know I walk around the track cuz you know she's gonna hit 38 miles an hour and it's pretty dirty I might have to replace your battery box too dang it I'm really procrastinating putting the old starter in so instead I'm just making a huge mess you can clean the shop back up family because that mouth smell is getting real bad got the tank in here I think it's like in there in there I just heated this up to about eighty six point seven million degrees and you know went around slammed onto a hole in there and it's you know it's tight about one and a half threads and that should work just fine so this looks pretty good but I think I am gonna get the Jerry house out of there but that's worser than putting the starter in so I think I'll actually go ahead and do that now dad I always like to compare on these just so I don't struggle foot in the wrong one in 482 minutes it's not like I've ever done that okay a lot but anyway although this one says it's okay it's it's not and surprise is bad because that's not of a junkyard that's usually really good equipment so I'll throw this one in there and got me another good rebuild from China so you know what's gonna look great you ever notice how no matter what car you're working on it always seems like those engineers just you know they like to mess with yeah they'd like to put a bolt in the place and just it makes absolutely no sense so you gotta fight fire with fire that has nothing to do with anything right now clickable in any way but I just like saying it there's a few different kinds of racing that's you know one there's the springtime she's spring-loaded and pushes back she'll come down then you got the really nice buckle clients okay seatbelt and then you've got the really dangerous trapped me in the car which is just the old Cotter panic rod style so why did the right thing and got the cotter pin in her rod style yeah this particular configuration I mean she's really not gonna work for what I got but I'm gonna take the bottom bar and put it on the top and then take the top bar and put her on the bottom and I think what I'm gonna use for mounting hardware is just a big nuts and just zooms into the old ceiling and door here I mean that ought to work just fine the goal here is this guy's arm can't be doing this when I'm gonna roll it next weekend and I agree that'd be kind of nice [Music] [Music] I'm just singing these arms like that and this one back here and then it's got two pinholes so I'll put a she's hot pin on this side I'm gonna keep her from going forward and then I got a Cotter key I'll just stick on the other side another guy come like that and then down here I'm just gonna ding some nuts down here I think sant Weldon will try to get in the door somewhere back there too and and we got got to swindle that I guess well we got ourselves a net for a window and it ain't pretty but she's pretty tom that's good enough and it's easy enough to get down pull the pin way she goes that's all that counts I guess moving on to the old winter here take that lamb if I ever had one was we're just gonna lay down on that plastic and then I'm just going to take a marker and and then we'll just throw her out in the grass and I'll put a death wheel on this I think we'll just melt it into pieces and kind of hope that it fits Plexiglas I think this is kind of like hand grenades you just got to get close enough little trim honor and sniff down snag it like this alright just carry it over the car and outside okay never tried this before so it ought to be really interesting okay [Music] that's factory well learn from a fellers mistakes you're gonna want to pre-drill these guys and that's what I didn't around self toppers that's how this started I just ran screw through and blew her out and then and I was carrying her and yep she snipped I drilled the hole up here to try to stop that it's not gonna work I'll call Safelite and see if the old insurance cover so now that I got these in I'm gonna bring them all back out and we'll peel the stuff off and then snip it back on again winter screws back in finish product it's pretty good let's see how she runs I might put a down the center there keep it from vibrating but good enough anyway I think Rory's gonna take that tire off here that's a got her up in the air and all we're gonna put in here take a look at this coil spring if you remember this side is really down and that's good for going left air but we rally ready to go left go right so we gotta figure out what uh what's going on in there at this guy plus these are really lock it judge and I gotta leave the brakes probably because they're just skidding they're not heated hmm well guy hooked his peepers on that coil spring she's not cut and it wasn't torched either so mine modeling but someone actually spent the time to figure out the correct spring to put in the front end to get it round the corners which means the coil spring me is replaced we're gonna do this right so I'm going to do the right thing and just jam these front coil spring spacers in there and basically you just get your old socket wrench and extension and you just twist these are not old coil spring and it claims will restore your hide right one inch to one and a half which is probably all we need and all I'm trying to do is just not cut a steer tire going into turn three at 28 miles an hour because that's disaster second option is well just get the sawzall out and make our opening a little bit bigger well this is definitely what they don't recommend doing when installing them stacking them like that but dangit the guy just needs to get some lift out of her and that's what we're gonna go with I'm sure it's gonna ride like a Radio Flyer wagon through a stubble field but that's okay she ain't exactly built for comfort anyway too lazy to drop it down right now and see so I'm gonna try to get that wheel freed up and then we'll see what it looks like I guess the flu of the mount is just nasty and I'm thinking the Stoppa lady's just got froze because there was hardly any pedal Brian hit the pedal how much is it moving quarter inch maybe yeah so he's gonna pump honor and I'm just gonna try to bleed them a little bit but might have to take those off and if I do I'll show you a trick to break them free this is my brake and later bleed get six thousand pretty standard issue tip here though is heat this up nice and hot with the lighter slide it over your leader and then squish it down with your fingers and then when she cools off she sticks cuz one of the problems is these hoses pop off and you got brake oil doing that throw yourself whole and bingo it is kind of nice to see when the fluid starts turning clear then you want to grease up these pins really good before you start and I'm gonna use some liquid wrench for that cause you want these you know they got to do this there's some stuff from science in there but you don't want them froze either oh yeah that stuff looks great okay looks like a septic system after our family reunion well I think we got the calipers broke free I heard him snack a couple times so I took my McDonald's cup and cut her in half so I don't have a turkey baster what are those fancy get the heck out of there fluid machines and I dipped her down low and then we're gonna top her off with some fresh oil and smash on them a couple more times and this is probably gonna have the best brakes of any vehicle I own right Barry get on in there dig it through the old rule book says you got to have an exhaust system so here you go one exhaust system I did the right thing just went the fleet farm and bought all the cheapest piece that's hot bought all the cheapest pieces you could you know just finish weld them together I guess the plan is just snip Iran in the header and just that guy you even got the flex-a-lite tailpipe in here for some this is called a muffler that'll work just fine got the old exhaust system mocked up here it's ridiculous because race car there's a few reasons for this first of all I want to blow my left eardrum out as much as possible and then down here since my fuel lines run right here I want to make sure that I boil the gas and vapor locket and then lastly let's get a really big exhaust leak up here where it hooks to the header I mean she's gonna leak worse than a month all depends but I don't really care because now we have official exhaust system hopefully this sprays fire but mainly just gonna be blue smoke I have a feeling [Music] well not to brag but this is the best exhaust system I've ever seen we had a bolt under here from the seat mount so I just bent up a little piece of thing and put a clamp on her and she's I mean that's good it's most definitely gonna beat off of this and rattle just really annoy me but I think that's gonna pretty much meet the purpose God are all set down and by gosh now I'm $11 spring things works I got enough room in here I got a room two days won't cut a steer tire off now and we also slammed an old tackle meter in there never know I'd like to see what our p.m. she's spinning the Rings come flying off the exhaust I guess where we're at now as well I'll try to get her fired up again maybe I can do some circles and we figured out what was wrong with the old reverse lever too it was she's welded out I think I did that so we didn't grab the old go backward here trying to get it go forward her gear so this hasn't run and I don't know months maybe what should fire fired last time and then we'll have to push her out backwards and then see what happens black velvet laughs tree and spark evaders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this'll be interesting to see if we have enough leg power to get this done because the old bright front she's sticking but I'm just figure if we're on her maybe it'll grind in and kind of self clearance so Bradley and I are gonna try to push it out if that fails put this good beats and put a chain on it to drag it out of here all right here we're going now let's go yeah I can practice in that I can't remember I think I got it I think I gotta go this way [Music] the oh right fronts hanging real bad I think I think we're actually gonna have to fix out well since we've got a catastrophic failure on that guy I figured it more appropriate to start throwing some stickers on kinda like this guy and I let me know if you want to see that sticker in the store I got a guy that sent me that I'd be just fine hooking him up then overhears all my big sponsors got them all listed out and you know they're down here and someone there these guys you know but mainly thanks to you folks that's all you guys watching that's really the sponsor of this bad boy when we bring home twelves you guys to meet you you pray I'll make you proud it's gonna be good it's fine can't find that caliper so I think I'm gonna shut her down for this episode and try to find one of Romani that's that's fine cuz I got four days you know after work to fix that and then should be good to go well thanks for watching I really appreciate that if you're not subscribed it's finally coming it's next that's the next one with the Monza I'm ready if I got a vise grip off this front brake I'm running this thing because I just I'm tired of putting money and time in it you got nothing to show you it I need one of them 3-inch trophy sitting on my mantel so let me know what you think of the old girl and if you got any ideas what we should do next go ahead and put them down on the old comment box and thanks again guys for watching appreciate it very much [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 501,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race, car, chevy, monza, chevrolet, imca, sport mod, dirt car, road, kill, roadkill, first, first start in, abandoned, junk, yard, first start in long time, cold start, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, gm, general motors, circle track, retired, h-body, hbody, rally race, vega, chevy vega, spyder, sunbird, skyhawk, sunfire, pontiac, finnegan's garage, cletus, mccfarland, motor trend, fast
Id: 1Fhqps71IP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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