Cute-As-Heck - Glitches in A Hat in Time - DPadGamer

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Gears for Breakfast gave me a copy of Hat in Time, and I think it's pretty great They advertise it as a "cute-as-heck" platformer, and I'd have to agree. (Awe!) Great character design all-around, nice music, and some pretty fantastic movement. On top of all of that, on PC There's a great modding community. Using two mods from Steam user Argle Bargle I can play a "Banjo in Time", so this game is basically a ten out of ten. (Links to the mods are in the description) Even with all this great stuff, there are bound to be some glitches. I'd like to share those with you. Just keep in mind that everything you see was recorded on the 1.0 PC version of the game and it's quite likely that the glitches have already been patched by the time you see this. With that in mind, let's get into it. It's time for some glitches (and minor spoilers) in A Hat in Time. Let's start off with Act One of chapter three, Contractual Obligations in Subcon Forest. Here we'll be confronted by Snatcher, who will force us to sign away our soul. Instead, let's not do that. Make sure you purchase the "No Bonk Badge" ahead of time, because that is required. Once you have become trapped by snatcher, hop on to the contract, jump once in this direction, wall run, jump, jump back, and dive towards the invisible wall. If done correctly, Hat Kid will slide against nothing before appearing back in the forest path. Floating far above you can see dark square, which I would assume is part of the spooky contract sky box. This This is This is not This is not helpful Also that was an important introduction to this game's interesting sliding physics. Ya' see, with the "No Bonk Badge" equipped, Hat Kid will slide until something stops her. That means you can actually do this with the dirt wall surrounding Subcon Forest. (F e e l t h e r h y t h e m !) (F e e l t h e r h y m e!) (G e t o n u p!) ( I T ' S B O B S L E A D T I M E !) (music) Also, at some point this happened. (?) (Car sputterring noises made with the dirt that Hat Kid is sliding on) (Vroom!) In some places like the lighthouse in Mafia Town, sliding into a corner will give you big air. Same thing over on the shipping container boat. Also, you can actually get Hat Kid in a spot where, unless you change directions, she'll continue sliding in place forever. The Dweller Village in sub con force is a great place to show off the next glitch, which is item stacking. You can pick up objects like these cherries. That's normal. You can stack multiple cherries and pick up the whole stack, and I'm surprised this actually works, but still everything's normal. Cherries: No. Leave me alone DPadGamer: The glitch is apparent when you begin to run into objects with your snack. That means you get weird situations like this. When placed, thrown, or otherwise dropped, the stack will stay linked. Also, each item keeps its collision, allowing for some odd platforming opportunities like this. Assuming it hasn't been patched, maybe you can get some use out of it. Over in these Subcon Well, in this room you're supposed to yank this chain, then move upward avoiding the rise in water level. If you move up a bit, the water will actually move to follow. Drop back down and hook onto the chain so that you end up underwater. When you let go, Hat Kid just gets stuck. You sort of teleport at random, and in one spot I was actually able to use the ice hat to escape, though that's likely not going to be the case for you. If you do this it looks neat, but you'll likely have to return to the hub to escape. For our last bit in Subcon forest, head towards the icy mansion and run to the back side. When you reach the far wall, you'll find that the ground doesn't quite stretch all the way. That means you can actually drop down and walk completely underground! Look at that mansion full of life (and unloaded textures)! My favorite part is that this spot is ideal for messing with the camera. If you don't like flashing lights, you might want to look away from it. I am DPadBot and I have been instructed to share with you a glitch that DPad was too dumb to include in his script. In Dead Bird Studios, It's possible to all run and jump all the way up to the top of the level. My sensors indicate that is neat. Heading back into orbit, we find ourselves on hat kids spaceship. Head into the machine room and into this corner. In the current version this has already been patched, but this is still pretty cool so I'm gonna show it anyways. Move against the corner while pressing LB (left bumper) to open the Hat Menu. This menu slows down time, and for some reason in this situation it causes Hat Kid to float upwards. This is very slow, so I left like you're running for a while and you can see what happens. Hat Kid floats up, out of the room, then out of the ship itself. When you eventually exit the Hat Menu, you'll quickly fall back down. Aside from the "No Bonk Badge", and the Banjo-Kazooie-like "Mumble Badge", The "Scooter Badge" is pretty fantastic. It seems 2017 is the year of platforming characters zooming around on scooters, and I'm okay with that. First off, it's possible perform a barrel roll by just jumping and moving, it's not very common, but sometimes the scooter just wants to go on a roll. This can even happen while bouncing on a rope. Also, apparently you can bounce on a rope with the scooter. That's cool, but you can actually become a true "scooter drill" if you jump on the scooter right after loading into a new area. Hopping on it will continue to spin you until you finally move. Aside from moving and jumping, the scooter also seems to dislike small slopes, as seen here. It seems that it's also possible to mount the scooter in such a way that the Hat Kid's model (scooter and all) ends up stuck elevated. DPadBot: Also during DPad's live stream he somehow got this cooking cat stuck too. Good job. DPadGamer: The "Hookshot Badge" is also prone to glitches. If you hold X to hook onto the ring, like so, and let go at the right time, you can actually get Hat Kid stuck inside the rock. Well actually stuck in anything, really, all that matters is your initial position (aka above and away from the ring) and the timing of the dismount. This is also a great spot to show that getting stuck on the backswing is very possible. Hat Kid: Oh hi! You can also get stuck on the initial swing. Lastly, I'd like to show an excellent spot to use hookshot clipping. From here, press and hold X, then press LB (left bumper) which will slow down time. This makes it especially easy to nail the timing. Once you clip into the platform below you, it's actually possible to navigate through the gaps in the wall down to the very center of the island. Here, Hat Kid is standing on the roof of the Mafia cavern, but it's only visible from certain spots. I don't know of any way to clip into the cavern or the back by the island in the first place, so as it stands, this is just a really great view. That's about it for this one. Thank you for watching!
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 393,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in A Hat In Time, A Hat In Time Glitches, Hat in Time Glitches, Glitches In Hat In Time, Hat Kid Glitches, A Hat In Time, Gears For Breakfast, DPadGamer, Glitches With DPadGamer, hat in time, A Hat In Time PC Glitches, A Hat In Time Xbox Glitches, A Hat In Time PS4 Glitches, a hat in time, gears for breakfast, A Hat In Time Hookshot Glitches, A Hat In Time Patched Glitches, A Hat In Time Sliding Glitch, A Hat In Time No Bonk Badge
Id: g6dK1rcTR_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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