Easter Eggs in Wii Sports Resort - DPadGamer

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for various reasons i haven't really had a chance to enjoy the recent summer weather so i thought why not enjoy a island vacation indoors i am d-pad gamer and i hope you'll join me on a nostalgic plane ride back to 2009 with some easter eggs and wii sports resort now we just gotta land you need a parachute that's a backpack oh well however we get onto the island once there we can enjoy all kinds of activities we can drain free throws down at the courts catch some big air while wakeboarding out on the water challenge ourselves with some relaxing frisbee golf and other stuff that we'll look at shortly nintendo made sure to include some fun easter eggs throughout the available sports which is obviously what this video is about but i can't not mention some of the fun rewards you can get for defeating the champions of various sports like for example after rising through the ranks in swords play and defeating the master sword boy matt you can equip a snazzy suit of samurai armor also for those speedy enough to attain pro style okay so d-pad gamer here from the editing room i want to jump in real quick to say i was originally going to talk about how you can unlock the basket bike in cycling mode after getting pro status but i'm pretty sure that's not real like the basket bike is in the game but it's only usable by npcs and from everywhere i saw on the internet ign various wiki pages all kinds of cheats and secrets websites they all list the same thing about how to unlock the basket bike the problem is it's not real i went and i got to pro status in wii sports resort which even with some cheats to make it faster took way too long and yeah it's just i'm pretty sure it's not legit if you somehow have an unmodded legit copy of wii sports resorts and you can get me footage of yourself actually using the basket bike please let me know because i'm i spent hours on this and honestly like now i'm just really curious like it was gonna be like a throwaway line like 20 seconds long but now it's like th this thing is this basket myth is haunting me anyways enough of that rambling let's go back to the video proper okay here you go and of course my favorite fun unlockable can be found in table tennis i know it doesn't seem very humble but i gotta say i'm kind of an expert at ping pong what a lopsided match either way you can wield a slipper as a paddle which based on the embroidered label came from the local hotel neat in this game you can golf through both the resort courses newly added for this game and classic courses which debuted in wii sports which fun fact those nine holes are actually all recreated courses from nes golf we in the business of uh golf refer to that as a callback or lazy rehash depending on your personal interpretation oh and of course quick shout outs to the dog frisbee sport i would say it's a fun time with man's best friend but uh he kept giving me really judgmental looks anyways another staple of wii sports resorts and wii sports is bowling i'd say it's up there with golf as the most iconic sport in the game having appeared in award-winning films such as alvin and the chipmunks the squeak wool when it comes to bowling you can bowl in both a standard 10-pin game as well as a hundred pin challenge and that spin based one that i didn't touch in standard bowling if you're using manual controls like all pros should you can intentionally release the bulb backwards which actually scares the nearby me's they will also find it quite surprising if you toss the ball into an adjacent lane back in wii sports they would have laughed instead heading over into the hundred pin challenge which was just 91 pins in the original game you can also spook nearby me's if you just chuck that ball directly at them [Music] but like who would do that not me that's for sure because this challenge is way more fun also as you may know there's a really cheap way to get a strike i would say that it's quite easy that all you have to do is toss the ball onto the rail to hit the button in the back but what is this like i'm not even joking with you this isn't a joke this isn't a i was honestly trying my best but eventually i got it at least once to show you that yes you can get a really cool easy strike by hitting the button in the back which is neat now if you're looking for a more relaxing sport without being judged based on your performance there's the island flyover you get five minutes to fly over the woohoo island and just sort of sightsee two of the seeable sights hold fun easter eggs if you fly real close to this small cluster cabin you can hear a small snippet of super mario bros on the nes which more often not includes the game over jingle [Music] this is explained by the nighttime description of the eye point which reads sounds like someone's playing it and yes but they need some pointers there's also the giant lighthouse called the candle when flying close you can hear a series of beeps and bloops which is actually morse code there are three variations that can be heard each having a question and an answer once translated they say why does anyone use morse code anymore good question morse code takes forever it sure does does anyone out there know morse code sorry use your radio neat finally we have archery which should be one of my best sports but uh let me level with you thanks i needed that oh so i'm not really that good at archery but all the same i did my best to show off the fun secret targets located in each of the 12 stages starting from the top off to the right of the first target is a large orange sitting besides the waterfall here there's a watermelon up on the cliff to the left of the target and in this one there is a giant cantaloupe far behind and to the right of this target and then there is a scrumptious cake down into the right of the final beginner target heading into the intermediate stages there is a large orange sitting on the tennis court by the way i cannot emphasize how weirdly big all of these fruits are high and to the left of that bridge is another watermelon and here the castle's entrance has a cantaloupe you just gotta aim extra high here to really uh let's act like that didn't happen the last secret target is a plump loaf of bread sitting atop this cliff as has become standard the first expert stage has an orange far down the beach on the right there is a sneaky watermelon tucked away behind this hill on the right and there is a super easy cantaloupe atop one of the temple walls finally the ultimate challenge is located inside of this volcano made even harder because the secret target is a red clock sitting atop red hot lava magma whatever this may surprise you because it certainly surprised me but i actually hit this one like for real i i was actually trying my best with a lot of these archery targets and i hit one nice well i think we're gonna end things here before your opinion of my skills get any lower um thanks for watching big thanks to my channel members for their support with especially big thanks to christy huntress pseudonymous germanger and achilles rhodes for being super fans as for the outro outro i think i'm supposed to ask you to like comment and subscribe because that is statistically proven to actually work so do that if you want that's it for this one i'll see you in the next video
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 941,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Wii Sports Resort, Wii Sports Resort Easter Eggs, Wii Sports Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Wii Sports, Wii Sports Secrets, Secrets in Wii Sports, Wii Spots Resort Secrets, Secrets in Wii Sports Resort, Wii Sports Resort, DPadGamer, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer, Wii Sports Resort Basket Bike, Wii Sports Resort Secret Strike, Wii Sports Resort Secret Targets, Wii Sports Resort Archery Secrets
Id: w52q20OEDyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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