All A Hat in Time Bosses Ranked from Easiest to Hardest

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Nice video

Also, Party Balls

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PorpoleyPolarBear ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey y'all I'm rebel gaming and the home of the gaming and before we get into this list let me quickly go over the rules of this ranking system bosses with rematches in a Hatton time will not be ranked multiple times as I will only be ranking their hardest fight on top of this only full fledged boss fights will be a part of this list so now the neox is a metro secret quote-unquote mini boss will not be included also what a game would you all like to see cover next in the Vasari series go ahead and comment down below with the answer and make sure to hit that subscribe button and notification bell so that you don't miss another boss video ever again but anyways with all that said y'all let's begin the ranking [Music] they sleep nowhere mafia need to take care of this mafia style coming up first on this list the barrel battle boss is mindlessly easy to defeat lack of difficulty is expected though because this boss is the very first one that the player fights showing up in just the second level of this game when the battle starts four mafia will come and attack the player one by one each of which only takes about six hits to defeat after they've all been killed the Mafia on top of the barrel tower will start throwing spiked murals at the player for about a minute or so and then afterwards come down and start attacking a player himself now he does take a few more hits to defeat than the other mafia enemies but that barely gives him any more difficulty just hit him three times jump on his head hit him three times again jump on his head and simply repeat that one or two more times until he goes bye-bye if you actually end up dying on this easiest Peck boss fight then you must really really suck at this game sorry but is true [Music] yeah that's that's right in a hand time you have the boss battle against an outhouse this is a legitimate boss battle that exists in a hat time it really makes you question the game developer sanity anyways the toilet of doom has a lot of different attacks that it will swap through during the many phases of this boss fight however despite the variety all the attacks that the toilet of doom dishes out are very predictable and as a result of that they are very easy to dodge as well this outhouse will start the fight by spitting out green globs of gosh I don't even know what that's made of anyways during this attack you can damage the toilet by throwing an exploding cherry at it which will cause the boss to jump in the middle of the arena and summon cages that will fly around damaging the player on contact in case you haven't noticed already the nothing in this game makes sense so just don't think about it too hard and you'll be fine alright ok sweet after your repeating these two attacks a few more times the toilet will move on to its second and easiest phase or it stays in the same place and continually stomps the ground causing shock waves to radiate onto the field you can damage it in this phase by grappling into more exploding cherries floating above the arena and throwing them at the outhouse two of these hits will move the toilet of doom into its third and final phase where it constantly swaps between this acne with a one-hit knockout time to Apple explosive stomping around the arena even more and sending even more cages across the arena to hit the player even still all these attacks in his third phase are extremely easy to foresee and avoid and in total the outhouse only takes about 11 hits to defeat there's not really that much difficulty to beating his boss and even an inexperienced player should be able to breach this fight without too much of a problem [Music] at number four in this list we have the battle with mafia vos X the first boss rematch in Deathwish despite being the first boss in this mode he is definitely no wimp rather he is the absolute opposite as not only is this health bar very high but the attacks that he throws out in addition to all of the obstacles falling from the ceiling make this boss fight incredibly hard right as the battle starts the mafia boss all charges back and forth across the arena spinning with his swords in attempting to ramming to the player this is his main attack during the fight so you want to memorize the pattern since he uses it more often than any other move for the length of his battle after that the mafia boss x will jump to the other side of the arena and spin in place shooting out electric shock waves toward the player in the process as the fight goes on random sandbags will start falling from the ceiling during each of the attacks already mentioned these bags are responsible for easily half of this boss fights difficulty as the player has to divide their attention between dodging the powerful attacks of the mafia boss and dodging the extremely annoying sandbags at the same time occasionally the mafia boss will also jump off stage and calling waves of sandbags to fall at once jumping back in and switching to another attack immediately after they drop on all these moves and attacks that I just mentioned they are just in the first phase of this boss my deal as the fight only gets harder once the mafia boss takes five hits a damage and transitions into his second phase now the mafia boss x adds a new attack his moveset where he jumps around the arena multiple times sending out his swords as boom ranks in each direction when he lands everything else in the second phase is virtually the same but hit this boss five more times and he'll finally move into his third and final phase during this phase new moves that I just mentioned only comes even deadlier as sandbags will now also fall during this attack making it much harder to maneuver around the stadium but the mafia bosses most powerful attack in this final phase is the electric shock wave attack as it's been buffed to the extreme now lasting twice as long and increasing speed and extreme measures halfway throughout the attack seeing us how this last phase is the one that lasts the longest you'll be needing all the luck and skill that you can get to perfectly dodge off mafia bosses attack just keep persevering and you'll eventually be able to deliver that final blow and secure that sweet victory over this long fast-paced and very difficult boss fight [Music] one bird to bird white bird brown bird the boss fight against DJ Cruz X and conductor X is in my opinion way harder than the fight with mafia boss X mainly due to how much chaos is happening here in the fight because both of these bosses act independently from each other it ends up being extremely hard to track predict and avoid everything that DJ grooves and conductor brought you to top it all off the player will have to damage these two birds 33 I repeat 33 times before they defeated during the first phase of the fight DJ groups and the conductor will quickly dive bomb the flare multiple times in a row and then call movie lights to fall from the ceiling around the player after this these two birds will crash party balls on the arena creating shock waves and thrash around the stadium toys the player dealing damage on impact once they take enough damage these two birds will move on to their second phase where they'll each start play out 5 knives at a time and throwing them at the player additionally they'll rush of the player while wielding the same knives increasing their speed a lot if left undead with when hit enough times to reach their third phase both the party ball attack and the knife attack will start getting heavy upgrades as photo copies of these weapons will be created and used against the player the knife photocopies will change the knife patterns completely on the flipside the photo copies of the party balls will act identically to the mainland which can lead to 10 count them 10 different party walls all dropping on the arena and causing shock waves which shakes the camera uncontrollably and makes it extremely hard not to get hit and it's worth pointing out that since each director has his own randomize attacks during the fight this can lead to situations where both part of walls and knives are being thrown a player at the same time which is an incredibly bad situation of being cars will also spawn in the middle of the arena during the space crashing into each other in the middle and damaging hat kit on impact do you see why this boss is so difficult yet oh but don't worry it only gets harder from here on out because as soon as these birds enter their fourth phase the player will now have a bomb strapped to their back immediately killing them if they don't finish the fight within 3 minutes from there I can't make this stuff up add on to this almost all the attacks that DJ Cruz and the conductor used will change once again as they'll now start running and jumping around the arena throwing out tons of saw blades in the process of their attacks Sol blades which have a crazy amount of knock-back this space lasts the longest out of them all so you really want to memorize how they throw out the saws and where they're going to land and finally once you get these bosses to their fifth and final phase they will repeat all the attacks that they used in phase 1 except now you have ten Vandellas that will chase you down and mimic your exact movements sort of like the shadow Mario's from Mario Galaxy 2 this makes the fight harder than you think as these outside trim may have personally so many times all right I think I finally covered every single attack that these two birds to use during this excruciating boss fight and as you can tell they pull out a lot of crap with how fast these birds switch attacks it can be very difficult to keep on your feet and avoid everything they dish out I just have to say though this is for sure my favourite battle out of all the Death Wish boss fights as I feel it reaches the perfect balance of being brutally hard but still an extremely fun challenge and the music man the track used for this fight has to be one of the best while scenes that I've ever heard and it keeps edge new on keep trying and keep trying eventually pushing through in defeating these two extremely difficult bosses [Music] uh-oh controversial opinion alert even though most of the games community would disagree I find moustache girl X to be harder than the previous two bosses that we just ranked with 30 health points in five different phases her stats are definitely comparable to those of the groose and conducted fight but her attacks are way faster and way more annoying than the former started as boss fight will take place in mustache grow Lex's throne room well she'll throw time pieces at the player used the funny nany teleportation move from that one anime mean charge head on who the player and every so often hide in the ground and punch out from below while this first phase is actually pretty easy to overcome mustache grow ramps up the difficulty to the extreme once she takes five heads of damage taking the player to a bit rate destroying hyper seizure zone to continue the fight in this new arena mustache to girl X will start to show her true power as she will now throw high amounts of black time pieces into the ground and teleport around to fire a giant laser waving it around the arena and forcing me to jump over it to avoid getting hit after she takes a couple more hits mustache girl will begin her third phase and this is where the pain truly begins mustache girl will repeat the attacks mentioned before but now will teleport away any time the player gets near her after enough time has passed a mafia ball will drop onto the arena which a player will have to kick towards mustache role to deal damage repeating this an absurd amount of times before facing her again and once mustachioed does reach her fourth phase chill equipment which will negate all damage from your attacks a shield which you can only break if you throw too well her cherry bomb directly onto it throughout this phase mustache rules continue to use her laser and black time physics but now will also stomp around the arena causing shockwaves and black time pieces to spawn on impact this move can be exceptionally annoying to maneuver around especially when you're trying to go through the Cherry Bomb to throw on the boss as well and after a few more hits mustache girl will finally enter her fifth and last phase where after killing half of the bystanders with a laser from up high she will now use her three deadliest attacks but buffed up to the max going absolutely crazy with their laser shock waves and the timepiece projectiles and to top it all off purple timepieces will start rapidly falling from the sky making the whole freakin arena just filled with crazy attacks that will just kill you again and again and again and again I mean you see this deathcounter right you see it right oh I forgot to mention another main reason why mustache girl X ends up as harder than the two bosses already touched upon with mafia boss X and the two birds X fights the player would always get heart ponds at certain parts of the fight allowing for some major health recovery but here with the fighting this mustache girl X the flavor doesn't get any health recovery until the very final phase of the fight forcing them to perform a near-perfect run at the whole fight up to that point if they want a shot at beating it mustache girl X seriously borders on the line between ridiculously difficult and straight-up cruel in my opinion since her health recovery is very limited and also because of her just absolutely just gut wrenching last phase but if there is a boss in this game that crosses over the line into the pure cruel territory then it has to be the last boss on this list which is also without a shadow of the doubt the hardest boss in a hat in time [Music] inner agent 3 has nothing on this boss and number one on this list we have the boss fight against snatcher x+ which is easily one of the hardest boss fights that I fought in my gaming career period I'm not joking when I say that because this boss is a pure definition of a 3d bullet-hell nightmare to even get this boss you have to unlock the final mission in Death Wish which forces you to beat all the other three buffed up bosses in a row with only three lives with also damage that carries over between each fight mind you fighting each of these bosses is its own ridiculous challenge but having to take down each one in a row that is way too much of a scale player so if you're somehow so skilled enough to be able to kill all the three ex bosses in a row without dying three times you'll be presented with the fight and yet snatcher X plus I have to say this is the first boss fight that I've legitimately hated for being as hard as it is now see Ellie's from the boss fighting this mustache girl X part of the enjoyable factor to such a difficult boss was figuring out which combination of hats work the best against her fighting style and with your playing style there's only two out of six hats that aren't useful in that fight so experimenting against her Lucette with different hats personally gave me the motivation to press on when I found the perfect combination to use but with snatcher X + guess what you get no hats and no badges against the absolute hardest boss in the game what makes them so hard you might ask oh just you know literal projectile spam everywhere giant lasers that come up from the ground and create shockwaves around the arena a million time pieces that crash down onto the ground saw blades that charge straight player stupid falling lanterns and shadow minions that will chase you all this and more is what snatcher will attack player with during this fight and as the fight goes on all of snatcher X's attacks will become faster last longer and have even greater accuracy throughout the whole fight snatcher x+ does only take eight hits to the feet for that health bar is huge for a type of battle like this one unlike all the other Deathwish bosses on this list which you could hit during or after any of their attacks snatcher x plus only has to differ moves after which you can ham chin with all of his other attacks not giving you the opening or the opportunity not to mention these snacks are free to surely lengthy as you can go literal minutes without damaging this boss by only missing one or two of your attacking opportunities and if you die three times or less during this fight defining how many lives yet going into it you'll be sent all the way back to the start where guess what you have to beat all of the other three Death Wish bosses in a row again to get another chance at facing snatcher x+ that my friends is purely cruel game design and takes away any motivation for me to actually defeat this boss and I'll be honest I haven't beaten snatcher X bus and I have no motivation to after seeing how unfairly difficulty is having to go through all three other bosses just to get to him is the factor that pushes me over the edge I'm not willing to waste my time going over the same fights that I've already won just to try and beat this cruel boss he has forcing the player to repeat the same bosses over and over again it's so unfair that is just not worth the effort well guys there you have it that was all via hatton time bosses rank from easiest to hardest do you disagree with my list probably if so comment down below with how you would have changed it and make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you enjoyed the video thank you all so much for watching ramble gaming over and out [Music]
Channel: BrambleGaming
Views: 313,145
Rating: 4.8658972 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, BrambleGaming, Bramble Gaming, A Hat in Time, Hat in Time, Seal the Deal, Gears for Breakfast, Hat, Platformer, 3D, 3D Platformer, Death Wish, A Hat in Time Death Wish, Mustache Girl EX, Mustache Girl, Mafia Boss, A Hat in Time Boss Ranking, Boss Ranking, BrambleGaming Boss Ranking, A Hat in Time Seal the Deal, Steam, The Conductor, DJ Grooves, Snatcher, Snatcher EX, Boss Rush, Super Hard Bosses, Toilet of Doom, Bramble Boss Ranking, All Bosses Ranked, Hard Bosses, Hats
Id: ykkeToTeGfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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