CARNE GUISADA the very best!! (Rachel cooks with Love)

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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love and today I'm really gonna cook with love and I'm gonna tell you why this morning when I woke up oh my gosh it was overcast outside and there was a light drizzle and it's real nice and chilly oh my gosh and that always gets me in a in a real good mood gives me a lot of energy it's like my Ron says energy oh my god you don't need any more of that because I got a lot of energy I don't know why but I just don't have a lot of energy today I just felt way more energetic so I have been thinking about it since yesterday and I thought well what am I gonna fix so my sister had said why don't you fix cut me you saw that she had asked me that a long time ago and I thought you know what I remember I told her that I would so that's what I'm gonna do so let's get started now everybody fix this got me you thought of differently even though it's basically the same ingredients when you make on these that wherever it is that's making it even though it's still the same ingredients there's still just a little something different and I guess it might be the hand but that's what my mother says my mom says my mano-a-mano it's just you you know just everything they're all different I've tasted some wonderful tortillas from somebody have tasted them on somebody else somebody else my mother-in-law just make the best orpheus in the world and I would make them like her and they didn't taste the same anyway so that got me in a real good mood so I'm excited so I've done my oil here just a little bit of oil so that when I put the meat in here so I've got that ready and so you need to get yourself a nice sized pot something you know cuz it's gonna get it's not real soupy real you know liquidy it isn't but still you need a nice tight spot keep any for how many people you're gonna cook now my mom is here visiting from Texas so she got here and my mom so I'm gonna cook for my Ron for myself and for my mom so I'm gonna be using this and by the way this is who say and I love this I mean they are just cast iron they've got a coating of porcelain type material and they are absolutely wonderful and if you're wondering what to get I would recommend that you get one of these I recommend them highly they get hot quickly you gotta watch it so you gotta be careful so I've done my meet here ready now everybody who fixes gotta need asada fix is it different some use beads to meet some use other kinds of beef I don't like the beef stew meat for this type of dish and I'm gonna tell you why now my hands are very clean by the way I wash them really good and I brush them really good and all that so we've got that done the reason I use this meat is because I feel like the beef stew meat has like a real thin little skin that is right on it and I think I read somewhere that he was like that bad show or something I'm not a doctor I don't know so anyway I don't like it now this one has a little bit here on the side but I'm not gonna use that but in here it's real nice and lean as you can see it's real nice and lean and it's just really really good meat so I'm gonna cut it up and I'm gonna cut it in cubes and I'm gonna show you how I cut it now they're not gonna go in this big but I'm gonna cut it about this size right here oh I would say about like this right here see see the size that's the size that I'm gonna go with and I just think that it's like a mouthful if you cut it real big chunks you know some I've seen some technical Silas here and there in restaurants where I've ignored before where they have real big chunks and unless you cook it really really well and it cooks for a good good long time it can be a little tough but I do like a nice mouthful just big enough where it's good so I'm gonna go ahead and cut the and then we'll come back when I'm done doing this I don't think you want to sit there and watch me cut at all I'm very careful because I am just that way my ronsis oh my gosh you're so picky I do I like things to be just I don't know if it's a good thing but that's how I am so I'll be with you in just a little bit as I cut this wonderful looking meat okay everybody so I've got my need all cut up as you can see see it's the size of the cubes about that size and I'm gonna go ahead and put them in my pot I've got it nice and hot [Applause] and check it out just to see how are you I've got my two spoons remember and I'm just gonna be tossing it around like this you see I'm just gonna be talking it around like this and so I'm gonna let this cook cover it up let it go for 20 minutes and then we'll come back and check it and we'll see what that looks like well it's been about 20 minutes so let's check it out let's see how it looks wooo can you see that you see all the liquid that it released you see all the liquid that it released already and it is so lean that it's not gonna be fat mean well you know what I'm saying it's not gonna have like a thick layer of fat or anything cuz the meat was so lean and it's been cooking at about that temperature right there and it looks about just right it's not ready yet but I just wanted you to see how it looks after about 20 minutes of cooking that it releases a lot of liquid because it's just pure meat really good so I'm gonna cover it up and I'm gonna go ahead and prepare my veggies cut my veggies up a bell pepper here and I'm gonna use the whole bell pepper and by the way this is one of the bell peppers that we have in our garden and I was telling my Ronald no we're not gonna have any more veggies out there because you know it's already looking like it's getting ready to to you know give out that's it you know we just can't go on forever so then he said well you know that's good we had plenty and we did I had so much bell peppers and you know what we didn't even have that many bell pepper plants I think we had like what was it round like three or something like that yeah it was like three I think and and they were loaded loaded with bell peppers and then every single day every single day my Ron would go out there and he would get you know briefed or three in and then you know another day or two later he'd bring another two or three and I was like oh my gosh and I'm gonna really have to cook a lot because I've got so many bell peppers but the good thing about it is just in case you don't know I'm gonna give you a tip the bell peppers and tomatoes by the way the bell peppers just freeze beautifully they they freeze so nice and all you have to do is you can either cut them up and have them already cut up or you can just just leave them whole like that and what you do is that's what I do what I do is I take them over to the sink and I wash them really nice and then after I wash them really nice wet just wet the way they are after you wash them I put them in a ziploc bag and I got a big let me show you got a big ziploc bag look at this feel that and I got all kinds of scraps but I know what I'm doing I got a yellow one there I've got a red one here a darker red here and I like it because I like the way you look see contrast with a green beans and on it and then I've got a bit of orange and I've got half of a yellow and so that's what I do and look you see how hard they are they're frozen but you know what let me tell you if you were to get one of those out you just get it really frozen just run it under the water like this you just run it under water dry it up and it's Sol easy you would think that you would think that you had you know just just barely gotten them off the garden or out of your grocery bag or whatever I mean very very easy so that's a tip that I'm giving you that Tomatoes that tomatoes is another one like that too that tomatoes you can Cuba if you want cut them up really nice and then you can put them in a little ziplock bag and just put them in your freezer and they then get dry or anything and they just they're just perfect and then when you need them next time when you find that you're gonna cook then all you do is just get them out of the zip like that that's what I do I get him out of zip lock bag I fill them up with water the ziplock bag it fill it up with water and I just let it sit there full of water for a few minutes you know it doesn't take long and then when you're ready to use it once you've got everything else ready you just come and you just dump out the water and they're perfect for you to use in your dish so you can you know do that with the tomatoes and I learned that the hard way because you know I think it was a couple of years ago when we had so many Tomatoes Ronnie night we had so many tomatoes out in the garden and I was like oh my gosh what am I gonna do and I already canned so much I had so many that I have cans and then I was like okay and I and I said what else can I do so I was talking to my neighbor and my neighbor said oh my gosh you can freeze it and I was like really I just I don't know why I just hadn't thought about it and then she said I always just used them fresh you know I never had so many like that year that I had so many and she said yes they freeze real well and I said so what do you do she says just cube them up slice them whatever you want put them in the refrigerator in the freezer in a ziplock bag or in a plastic dish or whatever with a good cover and she says I'm just there she says and whenever you need him they're ready to go oh my gosh and you know what I tried it I had a bunch of little Ziploc bags in the freezer ready to go and then I got creative and it worked such an advantage because I thought oh my I had ziplock bags with a cups worth I had Slipknot bags with two cups worth I even had a big gallon bag like halfway cuz I was thinking you know there was a certain dish I was gonna make one of these days I'm gonna fix that dish I'm gonna surprise him with it but anyway I had about a half a cup I mean half a gallon bag of diced tomatoes and luckily I'm glad I think we've got a freezer out in the garage so I have so many Ziploc bags and in the little you know that little white area on the zipline back where you can write whatever I just have one of my sharpies and I put there you know have a cup one cup two cups have a key or whatever and I had them in there and then whenever I was gonna cook and I said well I need half a cup or whatever I would go and I would search through the bags and I get the back and let me tell you that lasted for a long time you just lasted for so long and it was wow this is wonderful well anyway I have a whole bell pepper cut up and I've got two Tomatoes and now I'm gonna do now I was gonna do a small onion so I went ahead and cut off some of it and using about this much thing is my Ron and I brought a whole sack of onions from from 1015 onions from Texas and because here you know you don't get them as fresh they're nice fresh as they are over there in Texas because we happen to live in an area where the 10:15 sweet yellow onion was started so I mean they're everywhere they're just everywhere you turn the onions so then I my Ron said you know what I think that we should take a whole stack of onions you know because you use them so much and you know what you would think I had like ten kids for the amount of cooking that I do every day every day from right here it comes out of here sometimes we're watching TV and they in the evening my Ronnie night and I'm just sitting there and I just feel like I belong in here in the kitchen so I'll just jump up from the chair from the sulfur whatever and I tell my right you know what I'm gonna make some cookies you are and like he doesn't love the cookies right so he's like you are and I said yep I'm gonna I'm gonna bake some cookies so I get up and sometimes I make chocolate chip I have you know more cookies I make peanut butter cookies all kinds of cookies sugar cookies whatever kind and and I do that and so the same with a cookie you know I just need to have a lot of onions you know because I'm always cooking something so I came prepared and that was a smartest thing that we could have done thanks to my rod that he was smart enough to tell me you know what we ought to take a sack of onions from here from Texas and let's take em all up to Ohio and you know what not one single onion have I bought at the grocery store because I've got so many I don't have that many here yet left anymore but I still have enough for me to to use and so I went through the sack where the onions that I had leftover and I didn't have a small onion so I had medium and I had the leftovers that I had or medium and large so I went ahead and got that medium and that's why I went ahead and cut off some of it because I wasn't gonna use it all so anyway I've got my veggies ready and so what I'm going to do is I think I'm getting ready to put them in here as you can see this looks really really perfect real nice and perfect right there see and you know what there's absolutely nothing in there yet and it already smells wonderful so I'm gonna go ahead and put all my veggies in there just like that just like that no pretty ha some Mexican colors red white green and that's what we're fixing a Mexican dish and I got my two hands right here remember I told you I can't do anything with these two hands I need to be in control in the stove and with these babies here I feel like I am in total control and if I only had one if I don't have I don't owe you any of you saw my last videos but as you know I always have to okay cuz if I had one then I'm going like this and then sometimes I want to flip and I've gotta help it cuz you only got one but wait - you're a total control just like this just like that you see okay so here it is everything looks great in here so I'm gonna cover it up and I'm gonna go ahead and leave me here for another 20 minutes what another 20 minutes that's a long - 20 minutes now another 20 minutes we're gonna what I still have another 20 minutes and another 20 minutes to go but I'm gonna try and make it as short as possible but if you want it to be real tender where it's just literally just falling apart we got to do it this way okay so I'll be with you in just a little bit hey everybody we're back I just poured me a little diet go so thirsty in here let's check this out and see how it's looking it's been about 20 minutes I think or a little less Ron has me on a timer do you see how it looks you see how the vegetables are starting to get really nice and soft see see that's exactly what we wanted it to do just like that you see I'm gonna lower just a pinch cause I do like to cook it a little slow and just before we came on Ron raised it up for me just a pinch well I got my diet coke but not that much so we want it just like that you see how pretty that looks that's exactly what we want right there now I'm getting ready to do the next step now the next step is I'm going to go ahead and brine my spices so I'm gonna start out with my garlic I'm gonna do two garlic cloves okay two garlic cloves for that amount and some big ones I really love garlic if if if your family whoops I'll give me another one if your family likes garlic as much as we do then go ahead and use two big clothes if your family doesn't like that much garlic you can maybe just use a small one and and if you don't have any fresh garlic because maybe you don't have them were giant fan and you never grind it or anything like that then you can probably just use garlic powder and you'll be okay honestly I've never done garlic powder so I can't tell you you know put this but it's my mouth or whatever because my mom my mom always had fresh garlic and that's what she always used and that's when I been using my whole life as I cooked and so I don't really know much about about about garlic powder so I'm gonna I got me another nice big one so just get cut those little tails off right there so I've never used garlic powder and as a matter of fact I've never really used onion powder or things like that I do have them because there are some times you know when I I've had to make like a rub or whatever as you can see look at this you see all my spices right here and they go on and on all the way back there so it's not like I don't use you know the powdered stuff and all that I do use the powdered stuff but I use them like when I make rubs seasonings you know that's mostly what I use them but when I do something like this I use the freshmen you know regardless of what it is that I'm making so right now I'm gonna really crush these real good and I'm gonna add a little bit of salt I don't know if you know that trick but if you also grind your your garlic like I do you see even if I grinded it up real good it'll leave some nice little pieces after guarding it but before I even finish and I'm gonna put some salt in there just like that then what happens is that the salt gives it that grit you see the salt gives it that Breathitt that you need look at the look at the difference I mean it can become like a little cream which is great immediately when you put the salt in there it just becomes like a little cream and the salt is gonna go in there anyway the salt is gonna go anyway look at that see hard looks real creamy perfect so now I'm gonna add my cumin I mean my peppercorns and I'm gonna put about that much which is a little bit over a teaspoon I think and the salt is still in there and it helps crush it and it also builds up your muscles let me tell you you'd be surprised you're like what you do this a lot I mean you're going like that you're building something I don't know what it is but you're building something it can't just be all for nothing all this exercise so you want to really grind your peppercorns you want to get it real nice it and grow it because you don't want to take a bite and then get you a big chunk of pepper you want to go in there and get it nice and grounded really nice and you know what I've got fresh ground pepper right here fresh ground pepper that I just ground it that I ground it one of these days I'm gonna show you all some seasonings some seasoning tricks and I keep my grinder right here one of these and I grind and I have grown you know an inocent peppercorns and cumin and all of that so by grinding them and when you haven't ground it like that you know you're having ready and I have the freshly ground pepper there but I don't want that I want to do this that's the way I always do it okay so it looks really good as you can see it looks really good like that chunky creamy so they're not gonna put my cumin and the cumin is about but down teaspoon a little teaspoon like that and put the teaspoon of cumin and you want to do the same thing just like that really good and then this is gonna go in there now some people may do it in the very beginning because they wanted to really take and kind of penetrate into the meat the spices but you know what it's okay with this dish because that dish still has a way to go so I do it right now and it's just so fresh you know when you taste it okay so this is one get up really good so then I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of water in here and I always keep hot water like I told you keep the water really nice and hot because when you've got it nice and hot it's easy to use and it's ready to go and that's exactly what I'm doing right here so I'm gonna take this whole baby over here see and they're ghosts and then I'm gonna go ahead and a little bit of water and just finish it up and mix it up real good like this really easy because I want it all in there and then dump it and that's good just like that so now I'm gonna go ahead and stir it just a little bit while it continues to cook like that and that is doing just what I wanted to do it is I mean look at that see the peppers are nice and soft and so is the onions and the tomatoes and it's got all the spices in there mixed in with a water and so now I'm gonna go covered up and I'm going to leave it alone for about ten minutes and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to do the next step which is about the last step okay and then I want to show it to you hi everybody I was taking a little break sitting down enjoying my coke so now we're gonna come and check them you know when you cover it up you don't have to be uncovered in stir it up covered in steering that you don't have to do that you just cover it up and don't worry about it once you kind of really get the hang of the tiny and master the dish you can leave it alone and go out and and look at your yard and see what's blooming you see look at that see how good that looks oh my gosh just look at that it's not even a gravy because I haven't done that yet but the veggies are all real nice and soft you see you see look at this look at the veggies right there the onions are real nice and soft everything is just so nice and soft and ready and as you can see I got it on the roll I got it on the low and it's there's a little bubble here and a little bubble there and a little bubble here just little bits of bubbles so you don't want it Rory because if you this is what we call low and slow okay you don't want it roaring you're just wanted like that and everything is gonna be so tender that when you take your first bite the meat is just gonna fall apart in your mouth and that's what we want okay so now since that is doing just perfect we are ready for our next step and I think that the total time you know that I forgot to ask my mom for the tiny I think it's been about an hour and an hour and 10 15 20 minutes something like that okay so here's our next step I'm gonna go ahead and put in the flour mixture and the flour mixture that I put in there doesn't take a lot depending how much you're cooking if you're if you're cooking a large amount then you're gonna use a lot more but in my case I don't need that much so I'm gonna use about this much water it's about a half a cup right here and then I feel sniffly because of the spices in here and I just feel like oh my gosh I need to stop sniffing better I got allergies okay so anyway I'm gonna try not to sniffle so much so I'm gonna put in about a tablespoon flour in there just like that [Music] there we go that's perfect so just for a little bit I'm gonna leave it there let me use a teaspoon I'm gonna put in about oh let me see come on let me see a teaspoon teaspoon and a half of the chicken bullion and well well Rachel why are you using the chicken blonde with tomato no I'm not gonna use that one because I'm gonna put in a little chili powder okay and I've got the chili powder right here and I'm gonna put in about a teaspoon here's a half a teaspoon so I'm gonna put in a half a teaspoon right there and maybe a little pinch more like that and that just gives it this mmm kind of like a different spikes you've gotta taste it you've gotta taste it do know what I'm talking about so he just gives it a different spice he gives it a little bit of color which is what we want and I'm mixing in the the blue yarn with a little bit chili powder oh and I love that chili powder just love it and it's another one of these it's another one of these groans it's so it's got some to three different type of peppers ground it up real fine in that chili powder and that's gonna be another video that I'm gonna have for you the video where I grind my spices and I have my Rob's all of these all of these different seasonings you see I have one for finish I have one for chicken and over here I have one for for all different there have all been prepared just like that red chili powder that I just showed you right now but I'm gonna show you that later so anyway we get this and we just pour a little bit in there like this and that's gonna thicken it real nice just like that you see you can erase it you can already see it thickening up really really good and that just looks so nice as a matter of fact let me tell you I'm gonna put a little bit more of my beautifully grounded chili powder just like that with just what I wanted to do I wanted to do a full teaspoon and this is half a teaspoon sorry now it's a full teaspoon a full teaspoon of the red chili powder so I'm just gonna stir it around and I'm gonna add a little bit of water just a little bit of butter like that and it's gonna be just just about that much okay stir it a little bit like this and I'm gonna cover it up and I'm gonna let it cook for about 15 more minutes so the gravy the gravy can come together with a chili powder so it can come together with a broth and all of that so I'll be right back with you in just a little bit so I'm serving myself some of this delicious rice that I had made earlier I didn't adhere the beans that I made earlier and they didn't want to show you the rice and the beans because they would take too long for me to do it and I've got a real nice warm tortilla that I made earlier too now I'm gonna serve myself some of this delicious guy to me he saw look at that look at how beautiful and tender it is oh my gosh right there that is so good [Music] and this is ready big on an hour and a half then it's been cooking so now we're gonna taste it see see how good that looks mmm-hmm and the rice that's gonna be another video the rice mmm I would I wish you could taste it I wish you could see the tenderness of it I mean it's just like literally falling apart so what do you do do you pick up a little bit of rice you pick up a little bit of beans like this mmm then you pick up your tail look at this baby right here mm-hmm just gravy it's like perfect temperature for the moment spices mm-hmm can the beans I can't talk to you about the beans in the rice but that's a totally different video takes a while of it but I wanted you to see my carne asada with beans and rice mmm and I wanted you to see just how beautiful and wonderful it is there's a classic dish a Mexican dish carne asada rice beans and fresh homemade tortillas thank you and you join me on youtube let me know if you like it subscribe and let me know what you think
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 235,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cqki75_MzIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 14sec (2114 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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