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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today I'm gonna be making cinnamon rolls now this recipe that I'm gonna share with you is fantastic so stay with me let's get started I used to make these cinnamon rolls a lot when I was in high school and it's been a while now at least a year since I haven't made them so I'm really looking forward to the end results I'm gonna be preparing my dough right here on the stovetop so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to bring this pot this is what I'm we're gonna make it so I want it to be nice and warm and I've got it set at about medium right there and I'm gonna be putting adding in about 3/4 of a stick of butter it really is an easy recipe just like that and I'm gonna melt it down you'll have to be a little patient with this recipe because you know there's a few things that are very important that you do now that my butter is nice and melted I'm gonna add one cup of cold milk just like that and then I'm gonna add 1/3 of a cup of sugar just like that and I'm gonna give them a light stir I'm gonna turn off the stove and I'm gonna move it aside now the reason I'm doing that is because you don't want it too hot because if you have it real hot you can kill your yeast now if you have it too cold you can kill your yeast tube and it won't work so you want it to be just about a hundred degrees in temperature so I'm gonna add my package of yeast like that and this is a yeast that I'm using see the one that says original active dry yeast and I'm gonna give it a light stir and I'm gonna wait until it starts to bubble so I'm gonna cover it and wait about five minutes so it's been 5 minutes and my yeast is nice and bubbly that means it's alive see you see those bubbles that means that it's alive and that's what we want so now that the yeast is nice and bubbly I'm gonna go ahead and add two eggs and I've already been beaten - he's really good like this so I'm gonna add the two eggs in here and I'm also gonna add 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt like that and I like to add I like to add honey to it I've always done that I always add it to my bread and I'd like to add it in here too so I'm gonna put in half a tablespoon of honey so I'll just give it a light stir like this and now I'm gonna add 3 cups of flour but I'm gonna add one cup at a time so I've got 1 cup and I'm gonna give it a nice stir now the reason I do one at a time is because I don't want to add all the flour in here that's a lot of flour to go in at one time so I usually just do one at a time and I think it's easier like that and you just want to make sure that all your flowers went so it's not really all about the mixing it's about just getting the flour wet and getting it in there so once you see that your flour is wet I'm gonna add one more cup I'll bring it in together like this and you don't have to go crazy mixing it's just getting the flower whip just like that and now I'm gonna add the third cup the last Cup and it's gonna look really sticky but that's a way to pose to look and if you see any dry flour down there you can just give it another stir until it's all nice and wet just like that and that's good now you see the texture of it see that's the way we want it to look so now what you want to do is you want to keep it in a place that's nice and warm you don't want it to be in a place where it's cold because we're gonna wait until it rises so what I usually do is I put it in the oven I usually put it in the oven because usually lips warm in there now you don't think your oven is a nice warm cozy place and I don't mean hot or anything I just mean just a nice warm away from any air blowing or anything like that you can turn your oven on for just a quick thirty seconds and then turn it off just to give just a little bit warm and cozy and then I'm going to put it in here and now I'm gonna let it sit there for one hour what we wanted to do is we wanted to double in size that's what we always hope for for it to double in size so I'm gonna set my timer for one hour and then we'll come back and check it so my dough is ready it's been sitting in the oven for about an hour but before I bring it out and dump it out here on my counter I'm gonna go ahead and prepare the sugar mixture that I'm gonna put on the door so in this bowl I'm gonna go ahead and mix one cup of brown sugar and it doesn't have to be packed or anything just just a cup of brown sugar just like this and then right here I've got two tablespoons of cinnamon and I'm gonna put the cinnamon in there and I'm just going to mix them together like this oh and it smells so good you want to mix it up really good because you don't want some spots to have cinnamon and some dough you want to bring it in together really well like this and you want to use a good cinnamon make sure that your cinnamon isn't like really old or anything that doesn't smell really really strong of cinnamon you want it you want it to smell really fresh okay now that my sugar is nice and mixed when I move this out of the way I've got my flower and you want to dust your area really well with your flower so I'm going to put some flour right here on my counter let's write it out real nice like this just like this now as you can see my dough has doubled in size just the way I wanted it to so I'm gonna go ahead and dump it right here on my counter see how it's kind of sticky but it's supposed to be like that and it's real fluffy and you know it's a sticky dough a real fluffy dough is gonna be perfect for cinnamon rolls because that means your cinnamon rolls are gonna be big so then I'll go ahead and get a little bit of flour on my hands like this and I'm gonna dust a little bit on top of it like that just a little bit push it down and you know I'm not gonna use a rolling pin for this you don't need to use a rolling pin this is a lot easier you see how easy it is how nice it comes together like that and you don't want to go crazy with a flower either just enough to where it's not wet now what I usually do is once I go like that and move it around and make sure that it's all nice and flower I pushed a lot of the flower aside like that and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spray it with my own hand so I'm not gonna use a rolling pin so I like to start from the center and then just start pushing it out if you notice that there's a sticky spot you can just dust your hands with a little flower and and go like this and continue going and you want it to be about approximately something like maybe ten by fourteen or depending on the size of your pan we'll see let me just keep on going you know I usually use a square pan and I put nine in there today I'm going to use a round pan that's a little bit bigger so I'll make sure to bring it out big enough to where I can get at least nine out of here I may not use all nine I might just need seven just depends on how big they get cuz I'm gonna let it rise again but you see how it's just so neat so easy no struggling no mess and it's just doing just what I wanted it to do like this yeah this is perfect right here so then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rub some butter on it okay and I've got some butter over here that's room temperature now you can use a brush if you want I like to use my hands just about everything I do I've got to do with my hands cos it's like I need to I need to have control of what I'm doing and I feel like if I use a spoon or I use a brush I don't have as much control so I'm gonna just go ahead and get me a little bit like this and I'm gonna start rubbing it and you want to rub it real nice I'm sure it's got a lot of calories in the head and you don't want the many calories you know maybe you shouldn't be making any cinnamon rolls unless you're gonna give them out to somebody but you want good cinnamon rolls you've got to put a good amount of butter I just want to make sure that you get it all real nice and quoted like this and I guess I've used about about a half a stick okay so once I put all my butter on it like that now I'm going to add my sugar mixture that's right here and I'm just gonna spread it or dust it on top like this and make sure that that you cover it all really good with it like this just like that oh and it smells wonderful you see I mean you skimp on this then when you have your cinnamon rolls all nice and rolled you won't have that much cinnamon taste in there so you don't want to you know overdo it but I you know find that that one cup with two tablespoons of cinnamon is just about perfect so then once you put it on like this you can go very carefully and spread it out all around like this just take it to the edges like that you can stay just a little bit away from them from the very edge but I try and get to the edges just as best as I can and I know that you know it just seems like it's a lot of work but it really isn't but if you if you want good cinnamon rolls you know you just have to put a little bit of time into it and I could go ahead and skip this but I want you to see it I want you to see exactly what I'm doing so that you can do it at home too okay so then once I do that I've got my chopped pecans right here so I'm going to add them on top you're wanting real big real big pieces because then you know when you cut it and when you're gonna be have big chunks so I like to use you know just chopped up becomes like this you can use a lot of other things you know I've made it before with you know apples with fruit you know you can just get creative and just do whatever you want and I think that's gonna be about right like that okay so now with lightly floured hands like this I'm gonna start rolling it from over here and you want to be very careful this is a very soft dough so you want to be careful but you see how I'm bringing it to the end then I'm going to lift it up a little bit and give it a turn lift it up a little bit and give it a turn like this very carefully if you find that it sticks on you a little bit down at the bottom you can just get a little flour and just dust it underneath like this and it just comes apart but most of the time it's just real easy to roll then you bring it all the way forward like this now right here I'll stretch it out a little bit since it made a little curve like this I'll stretch it out stretch it out from over here a little bit to see how nice that is look at that and then you can just go in and start giving it a nice shape like this and you can actually move it around to where you can throw more this way throw more that way if you need to so that your cinnamon rolls will all come out the same size see like this and I think that's good so I'm gonna try and get about nine because I've got my pan right here this is the one that I'm going to use I went ahead and got a piece of parchment paper and I put it down here at the bottom I like parchment paper you don't have to trade with anything you can just use your parchment paper and then nothing sticks and all that I like that that says this is round I'm going to go ahead and spread spray just a little bit of the pen spray here I'm going to spray just a little bit of Pam at the bottom that'll also keep the the parchment paper in place not put my piece of partnership region at the bottom like this see then now to cut it now to cut it you can go ahead and use a bread knife and you can slice it this way or you can use some string you can use some floss you can use whatever works for you I've got some of this real thin wire it's almost like like thread and that's what I'm gonna use but you could use a piece of gloss or just regular thread just double it and and that's what you're gonna use now the reason I'm using this is because if you were to get a nice and you were to just you know cut it in slices like this it's like that and when you go down with a knife you could seal the ends like that and you want to open because when you turn them around you want to open like that so you want to be very careful that's why I say using bread knife so I'm gonna start over here at the end like this and I'm just gonna go like well let me see I'm gonna do it right here cuz I'm gonna try and do nine so I'm gonna do it right here and then I'll just go like this and you see how easy that cut it and then I'll bring it over here on this side and just slide it through the bottom very carefully and I'll do it about right here and then I just go like that and it slice slice is really nice and then so you've got three so now I can do three three and three that'll be about nine so I got that one and right here I've got three now so I'm gonna put these three in the pan and then I continue going so I'm gonna be very careful but you see how pretty that is see so I'll put that on my pan like this just like that then this one just like that then this one see how pretty those are looking now I'm just gonna keep on going I went ahead and did for here because I think I'm gonna need maybe one like maybe ten just like that so now I'll just put them all in here just like that and you can position them you just want to be careful with it does the dope is very very soft but it works out even if they get mushy they may come out beautiful you see and here they are so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cover them and I'm gonna let them sit for 45 minutes my timer just went off look at look at how they doubled in size aren't they beautiful oh my gosh this is exactly what I wanted I've got my oven set at 350 I'm gonna go ahead and put them into the oven and bake them for 30 minutes my timer just went off and my cinnamon rolls are done I baked them for 32 minutes and look at them aren't they beautiful it happens every time I'm gonna put him down right here and I'm gonna let them cool for approximately 15 minutes and then I'll fix the days other than my cinnamon rolls are cool enough to where I can handle them I'm gonna make my glaze now I've got two cups of powdered sugar I'm gonna add one teaspoon of vanilla I'm going to add three tablespoons of melted butter and I'm gonna add three tablespoons of very hot water just like that and then I'm going to mix it all together and this amount of liquid will go a long way my glaze you see the consistency right here if you wanted any runny or you can add just a pinch more water so I'm going to go ahead and glaze my cinnamon rolls and you can just you know just pour it on top like this and I'm going to do it all around and I have glazed my cinnamon rolls just like that so now what I'm gonna do is I'm they're still a little warm but I'm gonna go ahead and cut one out like this if you want your glazing to be a little bit runny er you can add just a little bit more water oh my goodness look at that look at this I'll set it on a plate right here these are my cinnamon rolls if you haven't yet subscribed please do down here give me a thumbs up if you liked it share with your friends oh my gosh look at that and look at how soft they are look at this see [Music] these are my cinnamon rolls
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 913,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jSgqntMQ9rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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