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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cookswood love in today's video i'm going to be making a delicious beef enchilada casserole now this is my personal recipe there's no rolling up nothing like that it's super easy and i know you're gonna love it let's get started so i've got my heat set on about medium i'm gonna go ahead and put in my ground beef i've got one pound of 80 20 ground beef now i'm just going to be stirring it around like this until it loses its pink color and once i remove all the grease i'll be putting in my seasoning because if i season it right now then when i remove the grease i'll be losing all that seasoning now i went ahead and removed all the grease as you can see now you can use the real lean ground beef but i don't think it's as tasty as the 80 20. so i'm going to put in a little seasoning this is half a teaspoon of garlic powder and half a teaspoon of onion powder i'm going to put in a little bit of pepper you can use as much pepper as you want that's up to you just like that i'll put in a little bit of salt now i'm going to be using chicken broth when i make my sauce so i don't want to go too crazy with the salt now i'm going to be putting in some green chilies see now you can use any brand that you want of the green chilies and you can leave it out if you don't want to put it in i just like the way it tastes so i'm going to go ahead and stir all this together and this is all i'm going to be putting into my ground beef because i'll be putting in the main ingredients into the enchilada sauce so i'm going to give this just about 30 seconds and then we'll get started with our enchilada sauce okay so it's been about 30 seconds my meat is ready i'm gonna go ahead and remove it off the heat and i'm gonna set it aside and i'm gonna get started on my enchilada sauce so i've got my heat set on medium i'm gonna start out with three tablespoons of melted butter just like that and i'm gonna put in the same amount of flour i'm gonna make a rule and i think that the best rules are made with butter and flour but if you want to use oil you can but i like it with butter and flour so i'm going to stir it around like this until it gets to a real nice golden brown if you put in the rest of your ingredients in real quick before it gets to that brown then your flour will still be a little raw so we'll give it a few seconds until it reaches that point so now that my roux is a nice golden brown i'm going to add my chili powder and i'm going to add a little bit at a time like this and continue stirring because you don't want to burn this chili powder now this is a chili powder that i'm using but you can use any type of chili powder that you want okay now that i have put in all my chili powder i'm gonna put in my paprika and i'm gonna continue doing what i was doing non-stop like this and let the chili powder and the paprika get real nice and toasty like this but without burning it and you can use any paprika that you like now it's ready for me to add my chicken broth i'm gonna start out with a little bit of chicken broth like this and then i'm gonna bring it all in together add a little bit more and i'm gonna add a total of three cups but i'm going to whisk them in like this slowly in between each cup because you don't want to rush it you want the sauce to taste delicious so you want to take it a little bit slow right here so now that i've been stirring it around like this for a little bit now i'm going to add my garlic powder just like that now i'm going to be posting all my ingredients on the screen and i'm also going to put them below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i'm putting in now i'm going to add my onion powder and i'm going to add a little bit more chicken broth this is my second cup oh it's starting to smell really good because all the flavors are coming in together okay now i'm going to add my cumin now i wouldn't make my enchilada sauce without cumin you can leave it out if you don't like it and i usually wait just a few seconds in between ingredients because you want to give them a chance to to release their flavor and come in together now i'm going to add my tomato paste now i like the flavor of the tomato paste in here because together with your chili powder and your paprika it'll just taste so good and then i've got my chicken bouillon i'm gonna put some in there now i'm not using beef because i like the taste of the chicken better than i do the beef so i'll just stir this around and make sure that the tomato paste really dissolves real good like this now i'm going to add my oregano there's the oregano right there i'm going to stir it in really good like this and i've got a little bit of sugar right here and the sugar will just be a perfect balance with a chili powder and your paprika and your other ingredients so we'll give it a few seconds for it to melt real well in there and i'm also going to add the rest of the second cup of the chicken broth and i'm going to continue whisking it like this and i've got my heat set just a little bit below medium like on number four i'm gonna put in some pepper now the pepper is up to you you can put as much as you want putting in about half a teaspoon and i'm also gonna add the rest of the third cup of the chicken broth i'm gonna taste it for the last time make sure it's just perfect oh my gosh it is delicious so now i'm going to remove it off the heat and i'm going to set it aside over here now i'm going to get started with my tortillas now i've got my heat set on medium high heat and i've got some corn tortillas right here i'm going to go ahead and put one in one at a time but i'm just going to let it be in here just a few seconds like this now you don't want it to get crispy just like that now i've got some napkins right here on this plate and i'm going to put them on here on the napkins because i don't want them to be very oily when they go into my casserole dish it's just the taste of the corn tortilla comes out really nice when it's in the oil like this so i've got myself situated here and i'm getting ready to put it together in the casserole dish now you can use any casserole dish that you want so i'm going to put a little bit of my enchilada sauce in the bottom like this just before i put the tortillas on here that's good just like that now i like to get the tortillas like this and pass them through my enchilada sauce like this see just like that then i'm gonna put them down at the bottom i went ahead and cut off the edge like that just so that it'll fit the dish really good but that's just me you don't have to do that so and then i'll put the other one on like this and then this one down here at the bottom like that and i like them really nice and wet with a sauce just like that see now i've got my meat mixture here it's a little messy but we're gonna be delicious just like that now i've got kobe jack cheese here and this is freshly grated but you can use any kind of cheese that you want any cheese that you like this is kobe jack only because it's my favorite see now i'm going to put some cheese right here on top see just like that so i've got some finely chopped onions here and i'm gonna go ahead and put some onions in here like this now you can leave these onions out if you don't want to do that they're just so good with onions in here see so now i'm going to put another layer of tortillas like this there's one see this this literally takes minutes this is a super quick you know dish that you're gonna prepare see just like that and i'll put some of that meat mixture and some cheese some onions and then i'll put in the last layer of tortillas here there's the last one right there put in my cheese put some onions and i'm going to finish it up with the cheese like this on top see just like that see now i've got my oven set at 375 degrees i'm gonna go ahead and put a piece of aluminum foil on top like this just until the cheese gets real nice and bubbly so i'm gonna go ahead and put it in my oven my timer just went off oh so i'm gonna go ahead and give it about 10 minutes before i cut into it i'll be right back so i think we're ready to cut into it now when it cools down just a little bit it's usually easier to cut oh look at how good this looks oh my goodness oh looks beautiful now what i like to do is just put a little bit of lettuce on top like this just a little bit of tomato because i like the cold of the tomato and the lettuce on it and some sour cream on the side like that now for the taste test um oh man this is super delicious super so this is my beef enchilada casserole if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think and share with your friends thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 2,344,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Of6O2BfeOyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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