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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm going to be making some delicious traditional pork tamales in a red chili sauce i know you're going to love it let's get started i'm going to start out with three and a quarter pounds of pork butt with the bone as you can see the bone right here now i like pork butt with a bone because you know that when you want to make a broth you want to use meat with the bone like chicken with its bone and same thing goes with a pork because it makes a delicious broth now the broth that i'm gonna be making with this pork meat is gonna be going two ways it's gonna be going to my masa and it's also gonna be going to my chili sauce so i want to make sure that my meat has the bone in it if you have pork butt without a bone that's fine it'll work too so i'm going to start out by cutting it up into pieces now you want to make sure you've got very clean hands and the reason i'm cutting it up in two pieces is because it'll cook faster okay so if you see a lot of fat on your meat you want to remove that excess pad but you do want some on there because that is what gives it a very good taste and i'm going to cut them up into pieces about this size like this i'm going to be listing all the ingredients right here on the screen and i'm also going to put the amounts and i'm going to put it below in the description box too so you'll know what i used and how much okay and you want to make sure that you wear something really comfortable and because it's going to take a lot of work i'm not going to make a lot of tamales today but i'm gonna make just enough where it'll be a perfect amount for you to see and a perfect amount for me and my run and i'll be able to put some in the freezer and it'll all be just perfect like that my mom made tamales during new year's christmas time you know just anytime you see well look you see all this fat that's just a lot of fat so you want to take it off we don't need that much fat in here and we can leave the rest because we do want some fat in here we just don't want that much but i've been making tamales my whole life with my mom my aunts but you know as you grow up and then you have your own ideas you know you start making your own you know tamales you start you start making it your way you know that's what's happened with me i make tamales my way you make tamales your way and i don't criticize anybody's tamales you know don't i think they're all good you know i think everybody's tamales is good because it all depends just how you were brought up you know my mother did it one way your mother did it another way and it just goes on and on like that so we can appreciate them all because they take a lot of work now i'm trying to just take off as much meat as i can off of here when the meat is done it's just going to come off the bone anyway so it doesn't matter if you leave plenty of meat in here like that so i pretty much taken off all the meat as you can see you see it's got a little bit of meat right here and a little bit right there and here's the bone but i've got most of the meat over here so now i've got it all together right here all cut up i'm gonna wash my hands clean up this area and get ready to put it into the pot so i'm gonna start out by using a big pot like this i'm going to give the meat plenty of room you know to cook because i also want a good amount of broth so in this pot i'm going to go ahead and set my heat to high just for now so that it'll come up to a high boil and then i'm going to put my meat in here just like that see i'm going to add my peppercorns my two bay leaves and i'm gonna add my onion so there's my onion i'm gonna put in two teaspoons of salt and i've got my garlic right here i'm gonna go ahead and just give them a little mash just so they can release a lot of their flavor see like this put them in here just like that see now i'm going to add my water and i'm going to add enough water to cover all my meat really well plus just a little bit more over the meat because i want a good amount of broth in here just like that and this is two quarts so i'll put everything in its place so i'm gonna go ahead and put my lid on it and i'm gonna let it come up to a boil and then i will be lowering the heat after it comes up to a boil this meat will be cooking for approximately two hours now it could be a little bit less time because i usually use my dutch oven but today i'm using this stainless steel pot so we'll see but it's usually about two hours or so now as you can see my meat started boiling and there's some foam that is forming up at the top so i'm going to go ahead and remove this now this is just protein you know from the pork but you don't want it in here in your broth so you want to go in here slowly and just remove it all you might have to do it a couple of times until your broth is real nice and clear so you do want to remove this and the chicken does the same thing it releases this foam also but it's always good to get it out now that my meat has come up to a boil i'm going to go ahead and lower the temperature to about medium and i'm going to keep an eye on it and make sure that it stays at a nice steady low boil until it's fully cooked and it's already starting to smell so good with the onions and the bay leaves rest of the spices will come in later and that's good for now i'll come back in a little while and check it and remove some more foam as it forms so now that i have removed all the foam off my pork and it's at a very nice steady boil on the stove i'm going to start cleaning my corn husks now this is a bag of corn husks that i got you can find them in just about any mexican market or grocery store at least here in this in south texas we can pretty much find them anywhere but depending on where you live when we were back in ohio i had a hard time finding these they weren't as pretty as they are here but they were they worked just fine so anyway now what i want to do is i want to go through all of them and remove any little bugs if there is any or any of the corn silk or or whatever you find just remove all the dust and check them all now i know some people who just get them out of the bag and then just go soak them directly like that but if you really go through them and you check them one at a time like this you'll notice dust and things and i don't like that so i like to go through them just carefully one at a time and remove all of that shake it all off and then i will go and wash them really well so i'll separate them if i find little narrow ends like that usually i just get rid of them but these bigger ones and if they're really stained and holy with holes or whatever then you want to get rid of them you know so you do need to go through them you're going to use just as many as you need i usually like to put in the whole bag you know because you never know and they do take a while to soak because when you soak them and they're easy to work with so they do need to be soaked ahead of time now what's going to take you the longest time is your meat that's why your your meat is always the first one you put on the stove and then you come and do this you clean them and you get them all ready to go and you soak them and you just let them sit there you know while you jump into another thing because it's what takes the longest making tamales does take some time you know there's no way you're going to come into the kitchen and expect to get it done all in about an hour you know just like you would a regular meal i mean making tamales is a process a lot of people would rather buy the tamales than to make them but when you love what you do like i just absolutely love what i do and i could be cooking all day and i mean it i could cook breakfast and somebody says hey you know i feel like having this or i feel like eating that come on over i'll make you some or when do you think we could get together for you know whatever lasagna or whatever well we i'll make it let's let's do it i'm always ready to do it because it comes from inside you know it's just something that i love to do but not everybody's like that some like it some don't so for me making tamales is not a big deal now i know i'm gonna get tired because it is a lot of work but it's not the type of tired where you say i'm never gonna do this again no it's not that type of tired that's why when i make tamales by myself i make sure that i'm gonna make maybe three four pounds of meat so that i can handle it by myself because it is a lot of work but it's so much fun you know when you're with your dias and with your best friend with your mother especially and you're laughing and talking about childhood memories and things like that you know and that's what it's all about it is just so much fun and when you get together with your family then what i like to do is put them together just a few like this only because i like to do this you don't have to do it my mother doesn't do it and she thinks it's silly of me but i like to do it i like to just cut off just the very little ends like that see just like that so then i'll get others and i'll bring them together like that and i want them all to be about the same size it's just less work you know when you have them all ready to go and neat and clean so you want to prepare like that i use that as my guide see ah no my mom said no no no no eso that is just too much my mom says when you have them nice and cut up like that and then you roll them you know they're just nice and neat of course we have to soak them really good so they'll be real pliable and easy to work with but i wanted to show you how i do that now i finished cutting up all the tips i'm going to take them over to the sink to wash them really well and i'll show you how to do that so i'm going to start out by washing my corn husks and you see i usually put you know like a big colander like this and rinse them real nice it shouldn't take you that long if you work fast it shouldn't take you that long so i want to rinse them really well in between and make sure there's no dust or anything like that take it all off see okay so i'm done with the last corn husks like this so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna soak them i've got water here in my kettle it's not boiling hot it's just very hot so i'm gonna put in all the hot water in there then i'll put a little bit more from the tap it doesn't have to be boiling just very nice and hot it could be warm if you want to use warm water but i've noticed that when it's very hot it just works a lot better and they soak really faster also i'm gonna be using my bacon press right here that's what i'm going to be using because you want to use something that is heavy like you can use a molcajete or just a big heavy bowl whatever you have that's heavy see so then i'm going to put this over it just like that so that they'll be fully submerged in there now there's water in between them all they've been clean and i'm gonna let them sit there so they can get very hydrated and really soft and perfect to work with so i'm going to start out with my chilies now i've got my corn husks soaking in the sink and my pork meat is still boiling on the stove now i'm going to get my chilies ready now i'm going to be using some chile guajillo this is chile guajillo right here and i usually get this brand i've got another brand and i think they're all pretty good you know now my mom always said to try and find the ones that were a little lighter in color like this than the ones that were really really dark but these all look like like good guaca chilis because of the color that's what my mom always said and then i'm also going to be using some chili ancho see chile ancho and you know chili ancho is just really poblano peppers these are poblano peppers that have gotten really really dry and that's what these are so um then there's also chile pasilla now chile pasilla you can use these too but these are a little bit spicier now that chile ancho is very mild poblano peppers every now and then you'll have one with a kick in it because of the seeds but chile ancho is a very good dried chili for tamales if you want them just to taste good you don't want them hot because you've got kids in the family or somebody in the family is going to eat them and they're not going to like them because they're hot then you want to use chileancho and chile guajillo is a good combination now these chili guajillo is just a pinch hotter than these but yet they're both really mild these are sweet and aromatic and these are fantastic for tamales and those are the the ones that i like to use now every now and then i will add some chile pasilla and chile pasilla is really like that chili chilaka the dried form now these are a lot spicier than that yet they're still good but some people might think that these are a little too spicy and well right here i've got some now right here i've got some chile de arbol now if you like your tamales really nice and spicy with a good kick you could throw a few of these in there also now these i'm not gonna put in here because i am gonna be sharing some of these tamales with my daughter and my grandkids so i'm not to put these in there but if your family likes them nice and spicy you can throw a few of these you know chile de arbol in there so for now just wanted to show you all these trees so i'm going to be using four ancho chilies like that and i'm gonna be using seven of the guajillo chilis that's good so now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna remove all the seeds from inside now i know some people just put them in like that with the seeds and all that i don't like that i'm going to remove them all i'm going to remove all the seeds so you just want to cut them off like this and cut up the stem at the top also and i open them up you can wear gloves if you want to wear gloves but i'm kind of used to using these so it doesn't bother me any but i like to open them up and remove even these veins right here and remove all the seeds inside and make sure that there's no seeds in here and remove all of these veins see and every now and then you'll have some seeds that hide in there really good there's nothing wrong with that and then i like to just cut them up into pieces just like that lay them aside and i'll do another one now if you just cut off the little tip like that or cut them off over here you know usually they a lot of them a lot of the seeds just fall out when you do that see but if you just cut them open see like that and we this is just going to be a problem for you in the blender so you want to remove that too as best as you can it's not a big deal because after we get them all blended in there you know i'm going to strain them anyway so but you just want to make sure there's no more seeds just cut them up into pieces like that now all of these chilies will be strained you can just strain them later and remove those seeds some people leave the seeds because there's a little spice a little kick to it depends on the person you know but don't stress over it just try and remove as much of these seeds as you can and clean them out like that and remove all these veins but right here these chilies right here is just what will make your tamales super delicious now some use powdered chili powder you know they use paprika they use a powdered form and that's fine if you want to use that but wow why would you want to use why would you want to use the powdered form when you cut these well i wouldn't give it a try don't be afraid to use them as long as you stay with your wakiyo peppers you say well you know i only have six i don't have seven it'll work out if you want to throw in another one or two in there they'll work out too if i were to put another two or three of each in there that's just fine too i've just noticed that whenever i make about three to three and a half pounds of pork or chicken or any other meat to make my tamales i find that this is a good number you know it works for me and that's why i'm preparing seven and four but nine and five or nine and six would be fine too so i'm going to go ahead and remove all the seeds like this and get them all nice and clean cut them into pieces just so that they'll be easier you know to boil and then we'll come back so i'm done with my guajillo peppers i'm going to put them right here in a bowl as you can see i have cleaned them up removed all the seeds from inside see removed all the veins so i've got them all right here cut up into small pieces but i wanted to show you these now this is a chile ancho now chile ancho like i said it's a dried form of the poblano pepper this is a little sticky from the inside it's different but you can also remove the seeds the same but these are sticky from the inside that's just the way they are now you might be looking at this video and saying oh my gosh i need to speed this up i don't want to sit here and watch or clean all these chili pods but the reason i wanted to show them to you is because it's like my mom used to say you know sit and listen to every little thing because there's detail in everything when you make tamales you know it's this just happens that way you know that there's so many little things in you know that that are important you know especially with that chili's you know if they didn't tell you that you had to remove the seeds and all that you wouldn't know what to do with them and i remember many many years ago being afraid of using these chiles because i didn't know the difference with this one and this one and the cascavel and the chile pasilla i was like i don't know what they do i didn't want to go there so just to be on the safe side i would use the dried form you know chili powder and cayenne pepper or whatever but when you become familiar with them and you start using them a little more in your dishes you know you use one and then another and all that you you get familiar with them and then you know what they all do but when it comes to tamales you know there's a lot of different you know details in the tamale making you know and so i wanted to show you that if you don't want to watch if you don't care to see it you know you can forward it but i think it's important and it'll stay with you you'll never forget it so i just wanted to show you that they are sticky from the inside so they'll feel different and that was it i also wanted you to see that you want to remove the little veins inside and that by cutting them into pieces it would be a faster process for you so when i had my daughter helping me you know years ago you know i would tell her all these things and make sure that she listened to all the detail and and she got to see what i was doing and i would ask her questions you know why are we removing the seeds or why are we doing this slowly a little bit and she learned you know and tamales is a fun you know fun dish to prepare but they are a little time consuming but once you get the hang of it and you know what you're doing it all just flows real easy so i'm just gonna finish doing this clean up my area and then i'll show you how i put them on the stove so i've got my heat set on medium i'm gonna go ahead and put in my chilies in here into this deep saucepan see i've cleaned them out now i've got some really hot water here i'm gonna go ahead and add just enough water to cover them up a little bit of salt like 3 4 of a teaspoon of salt just stir that salt in there and i'm going to wait until they come up to a light boil and then when they come up to a light boil i'm going to cover them up i'm going to replace the lid and then just let them sit there until they're fully hydrated as you can see the water wants to come up to a boil right there so i'm going to turn off the heat and i'm going to put the lid on them like that and i'm going to remove them off the heat and i'm just going to let them sit there until i need them and this way we'll make sure that they're fully hydrated so it's been two hours and my meat is ready it's coming off the bone as you can see look at that see the bone that's exactly what we want so it was about two hours and two minutes so call it two hours so i'm gonna remove all the meat out of the pot like this and i'm getting ready to shred it and you want to remove all the bay leaves see you don't want the bay leaves they've done what they were going to do so you don't need the bay leaves anymore i'll just put them back in the pot because in a little while i'm going to go ahead and strain it and i'll be getting rid of all that i'm going to let it cool for just a few minutes like that but it's always easier to shred when it's nice and hot now if you let it get cool or let it get cold it gets a little bit tougher and a little bit harder to shred and when it's real hot it's super easy to shred so i got me a bigger cutting sheet right here so that i can move around a little bit more and that's good now when you shred it you want to shred it in nice small pieces as you can i always just go back in there and just give it a real quick little chop because you don't want to eat your tamale and then take a bite and then there's a long strange of meat in there i don't like that so i always just go back in there like this and just give it a quick little chop i want to make sure that the little shredded pieces get cut also and they're still good texture but they're not real stringy see and that's good like this so i'm going to go ahead and dump it into this bowl and then i'll do a little bit more and we'll shred this and it's got a delicious taste just the right amount of salt you know you want to make sure that when you put your meat up to boil that when you put your salt in there you don't overdo it with a salt because if you put in a lot of salt into your meat and your broth will be very salty and then when you prepare your chili sauce it'll be real salty too if you had too much salt there and then when you add salt to your masa then your masa is going to be very salty so then you're going to get a triple whammy of salt so you have to think in your mind you know when you're making a tamales you have to think okay so i put this x amount of salt into my medium broth i put this x amount of salt into the sauce and i put this x amount of salt into the masa so together they come in together in a very beautiful way and when your meat is cooked really good like that it shouldn't take a lot of work shredding it see so we'll put this meat in here so here it is our meat is ready to go it's very juicy and just perfect now that i've cleaned up my area and have my meat shredded i'm going to go ahead and strain my broth see can you see the broth see how beautiful that is and this broth is what we're gonna use to put into our masa and we're also gonna use some of that broth to make our chili sauce okay let's get started on our chili sauce so i'm getting ready to make my chili sauce but before i blend my chilies in the blender i'm gonna go ahead and grind my spices now to make tamales you can just put in your cumin powder and you can put your pepper in there and your garlic powder if you want i like to grind my spices fresh so i'm going to go ahead and grind this up really good that's exactly what i want so now i'm going to put in my two garlic cloves and break them up you know i've got a very good friend of mine who gets the garlic cloves and she puts the garlic cloves into the broth whole like that without peeling them or anything and i just feel like the flavor is inside and all that skin outside is just not really letting it come out now it does but imagine the grinding of it you get the maximum out of it so that's why i think that if you decide that you want to make some tamales and you have a molcajete you'll probably make them once a year you know maybe two three you know go for it and grind your garlic and your cumin and your spices and you'll see the difference but that's up to you so my garlic is nice and grounded here i'm going to put in just a little bit of water just a little bit because i want the broth going into the blender not really water but i'm going to use just a little bit right here i want to get it all see oh all this stuff is just fantastic and put it into the blender now here are chilis these are the chilies that have been hydrating all this time look at that see how nice and soft they are see that's exactly what we want so now i'm going to put them into my blender so now i'm gonna tell you something okay now this blender that i have and i've gotta say it quietly because i don't want her to hear me but this blender was a gift from my mom years ago 20 some years ago she gave me that blender it was brand new now she doesn't grind as well as you know the big blenders but she is good okay i may have to run it through twice to get it blended just the way i want but she does a pretty good job i just wanted to tell you that so you'd wonder why i've got this better because it was a gift so i'm going to go ahead and add half a cup of the broth there we'll start with half a cup i'm gonna put in a fourth of a small onion in there i'm gonna put in half a teaspoon of oregano and get it in there put in a little bit more broth that's another half i'm gonna add a little more broth [Music] you don't want it real watery that's good that's about a cup and a half now i love the chicken boiling in here my mom says oh no no no chicken boy no but i like the chicken bouillon in here i think it's delicious so i'm going to put in one teaspoon and a half one teaspoon and a half i'm really gonna pick up the speed and then i'm gonna let it just run until it gets real liquefied [Applause] and i think that's good so now i'm gonna go ahead and strain it to my sieve here because even though it looks like it's real nice and creamy and just perfect once you pass it through you'll see a lot of bits of the skin of the peppers and you don't want that going into your meat into your tamales so you do want to go ahead and do that until it all gets strained really good then you'll have a real smooth sauce and you can smell the spices in here and that's so authentic i can put a little bit of the broth in here and that's why it's good to start out with a cup or two and then when you're over here then you'll know whether you want to add a little bit more and it's always better to add a little bit at a time because if you add a lot and it's real watery you're not going to be able to fix that but if you take it slow a little bit at a time you'll be able to get it just right you know you can still add just a little bit of the broth little pinches at a time and i think that's good look at this see that's what you're left with so i'm going to set that aside and this is our chili sauce look at how smooth this is see i'm going to reserve at least a cup because that's what i'm going to be putting into my masa and then the rest i'll mix it in with the meat so i'm going to clear this up and get started with that now i've got my heat set at about medium i'm going to add a little bit of cooking oil and i'm going to go ahead and add my chili sauce in here and we want every little bit of it just like that i'm going to stir it around just a little bit until it comes up to a really light bubble it's just like when you're making a salsa you know just a regular salsa you know with your hot peppers for an everyday salsa to use you know your breakfast or whatever that you do want to put a little bit of oil after you have whipped it up in your blender you want to put a little bit of oil and then you want to put in your salsa and you want to like cook it you know just for a little bit now what's happening is that my chili is going to start bubbling up a little bit so we want it to like cook in there and develop its flavor really good now as you can see there's a really really soft little bubble down there at the bottom see it well this has been going on for about four minutes and now i know that my chili sauce has cooked really well in there now i'm going to add my meat in here give it a stir the temperature a little bit get some more the meat so now i'm going to add a little bit of broth and stir it around like this and get it all incorporated really really good and this would be a good time for you to taste it and adjust your salt but i already tasted the chili sauce and it is so delicious and perfect so i don't think i'm gonna have to add any more salt in here but you adjust it according to how you like it see how beautiful this looks it's got just enough of the chili in here but you put any more than that it's going to be real wet then when you open your corn husk and you put your masa and you put that in there and you close it up all of that's going to be flowing out and you're going to have a big mess in your pot so it doesn't have to be overflowing you just want it to be well coated and real nice and juicy my meat has been simmering for about 10 minutes and it's ready and it looks delicious i'm gonna go ahead and replace the lid and i'm gonna get my masa ready i'm getting ready to prepare my masa now the masa that i'm gonna be using is this one and i've got three pounds now this masa is masa that i got at the tortilla that's a tortilla factory where they make tortillas and they sell you the masa for tamales this one is not prepared no esta preparada so you've got to add all the ingredients to it now some people like to make tamales and prepare their masa with maseka from the bag and that's fine if you don't have masa if you can't find it or if you don't like to use the masa like this then that's fine you can use the maseka that comes in the bag or any of those you know it's up to you but i am going to be using this one and this one is not prepared yet so i'm going to prepare it myself so i'm going to start out by using this pork rendered fat as you can see it looks like gravy but it's not and it's almost impossible to make delicious tamales without using ingredients like uh pork fat and to use you know the masa and all of these things you know that's just how you make tamales a good thing is we eat them maybe once twice or three times a year so that's a good thing so i'm going to go ahead and start with a cup and a half now the trick to making a good masa that's about yeah cup and a half so the trick to making a good masa is to really work it i mean really work it some people like to really whip up you know the pork fat and they you can put it into your stand mixer or mix it with a mixer and get it to look like meringue and all that and i have absolutely no doubt that it works beautifully like that but as long as it's nice and smooth like this and it's real nice and smooth it's gonna work just fine because i've done it before and i know that it does so i'm going to go ahead and pork fat in here and slowly i'm going to start putting in my masa a little bit at a time like this and the reason i'm going to do this is because it's less work so i'm going to put it in a little bit at a time like this see just like that and you have to get ready because this is probably the hardest job of all making tamales even though i don't think it's hard i'm having a wonderful time my ron and i here doing this it's christmas time and you've got to make it fun especially when you're doing something you absolutely love right this is going to be the hardest part because it takes a lot of muscle and you're gonna have to really work it in here okay now that's why i've got this real big bowl because it's big and it gives me room for me to really move whereas if i used a small little bowl like this it would be just a lot more work so with my two clean hands i'm gonna start bringing it in together as best that i can before i start adding the other ingredients but before i do that i'm gonna add a little bit of salt now remember that i said that the chili sauce is just perfect with the salt content so is the broth and so i want to make this just perfect but i've got to come down one notch with the masa because perfect perfect and perfect is salty so since those two are perfect i'm gonna come down one notch with this so i'm gonna add very little bit of salt okay i'm just gonna put a little bit like this that's it and in a little while when it's all prepared and all together i'll taste it and see so with two clean hands you're gonna start coming in you're gonna start working it in like this and bringing it in together now you want to squeeze it and there's so many textures of masa you know like the masa that i prepare when i make corn tortillas is one and then the masa that i prepare when i make flour tortillas is another one and then when i make gorditas is another one one is a little wetter than the other one is a little runnier than the other the other one has to be a little firmer so depending on what you you're making that'll determine just how wet your masa has to be so right now it still has a long way to go but i'm just bringing in that little bit of the pork rendered fat that i put in i'm bringing it in together a little at a time now that i got it in pretty much together i'm gonna add a little bit of my broth just like that and then i'm also add a little bit of my a little bit of my chili too now how much of the chili do you put in there it's up to you you're gonna add just enough to give it good color now if you want to make them just white like this that's fine but if you want some color in there you can add that a little bit at a time until you get right to the color that you like oh i bet my granddaughter would love to be doing this and just when you think and just when you think that it's just right and you could stop it's when you're just getting started now they sell masa that is and it looks like this it looks like this but i don't know how much they worked it you know how much of the pork fat they put in there or how much of the broth it's got in there now i tasted tamales with masa preparation they were very good so that's another choice that you have and the good thing about south texas here where we live is that there is a tortilla in every corner of the street but if you don't want to go through this process you know of working your masa that you want you can use the one in the bag and you know you know when you make this masa you want to get your kitchen towels all the old kitchen towels out get your old apron out get on a real comfortable pair of sandals something really comfortable to wear because it's going to get all the energy out of you so i've been at it for 30 minutes and every now and then i'll stop like this and take just like a 20-second break and my ron even brought out that little glass with water and he says are you ready to do the floating ball test i think he's tired of looking at me doing he's like oh i want to go over there and watch tv in the living room is that true honey this is true okay no if i gotta work he's gotta work with me that's just the way it is i think so he's just got to work with me and then he was asking me a very good question right now he said what's the purpose of all of this constant needing and needing and eating you know and mixing and mixing and mixing what's the purpose well i think that the purpose is distribution because i i think about it like that like when i make my dough for my pies and and cookies and things like that if you get your dough and you put in you know like sugar or you know powdered sugar or vanilla or whatever it is that you put in there and then you give it just a quick stir or you knead it just quickly you know the vanilla went around in swirls and there's a lot around here at the edges that didn't get the vanilla so that's uneven distribution so you want to make sure that when you do this you know that pork fat is totally totally mixed in there really really well and another thing that's happening when we're doing this it's that it's getting very hydrated so i can see the difference in the masa that was needed very well and the one that wasn't so when you're doing this and you're playing with it you're like okay so you mixed it up it's ready to go it isn't now i've been at this for exactly 33 minutes but you know what i'm gonna go ahead and do the water test now i'm sure that most of you are familiar with it i don't know who invented it but they were sharp when they did that i've got a little glass of water there and i'm gonna get a little bit of this masa it's not a ball or anything and i'm just gonna drop it in there if it float if it goes all the way down it's not ready you need more lard you need to work your masa more but if it floats up it's perfectly ready look at that let's throw in a little bit more you see how it stays up at the top this baby is ready so what i'm gonna do is get it together now what i'm going to do is and that's that we get our oja or corn husk and then we smear the masa on there so that's why you want it real creamy you don't want a nice firm you know ball like if you were making flour tortillas or anything this masa is ideal for smearing for embarrado that's what i'm going to do so since i've worked it up really good i'm going to go ahead and clean up and i'm going to get ready to start putting our tamales together i've gotten myself situated here so i've got my meat ready cookie sheet where i'm gonna be putting my tamales after a roll this is where i'm gonna fill them and this is where i'm going to embarradlo or smear them and here i've got my corn husk so i'm ready to go now there's two sides to the oja or to the corn husk this side is a little rougher you can feel the the little grains they're rougher and on this side it's a lot smoother so and as you can see it kind of wants to go like that so then you know that this is where you're gonna fill it but i have made them this way and they're just fine too but you want to go with a flow don't fight it so go on the inside i just lay it right here on top and i get some of my masa and i smear them like from halfway this way leaving a little space over here at the edge and i'll show you why okay so then i put it down here and after a while you get to go in and right now i'm just showing you how you know i do it so you want to get some of your meat mixture and i don't like just a real thin little tiny strip of meat in there i want them gorditos you know i wanted with plenty of meat in there but at the same time you don't want so much that it's going to be overflowing so then from right here i like to flip it over and then i bring it to where the masa ends about right there and it closes in together like that and then this little flap that was left without any masa just goes over and they wrap like that and then you fold them right there just like that and over here you seal them real nice like that see you seal them real nice and you try and get them all to about that size or they can go a little bit fatter if they're a little bit better than that that is perfectly fine i'm going to use one of these lumpy ones just so you can see that these work too even though they get lumpy i start from the middle and i stop just be before i get to the very bottom edge so just like that and then you get some of your meat and you put it right here kind of like a little weenie like that see and then bring this over just to where it touches right there at the edge and then this part flips over like that and then fold it right there and just pinch it over here and you've got your tamale right there even though this is real crinkly like that and it's been soaking in very hot water that's the way they're formed so i'll start right here in the middle and i stay away from the edge down here just like that see and then get some of your meat put it right here like a little weenie but you want to give it just enough meat to where it's nice and full give it its little shape like that then bring this over and let it touch with that masa right there then this this area right here that doesn't have anything all it's going to do is just flap over and the reason that i do that is because when your tamales are already cooked and ready to eat all your do is gonna pick this up and all you do have all you have to do is just pick this one up like that instead of having a lot of masa over here you know though i like that when the masa is over there but but that's how i do it and then give it a little seal right here and there you have it another little tamale so just like that and then just bring this flap it over and then you just pinch it real good like this pinch it here and there you are and you're just gonna keep on going when you make them you cook whatever you want you know as many dozens as you want to make and whatever you have left over before you put them in the pot you can wrap them up real good put them inside a freezer bag and then you freeze them right there pinch it over here and you're there so i've got enough made already to for me to put in my pie so this is my steamer so what i'm gonna and this is my pot so i've got about two quarts and a third of water right here just to where it hits the bottom of the steamer and it doesn't come through the holes so i'm going to start putting my tamales in here now i already turned it on and the water is starting to get hot and i'm going to start putting my tamales in my steamer okay now the way i usually do it is i just start laying them flat like this see right against the wall and i was able to make about i have like four dozen here so then i just lay this steamer down flat like that because if you stand it up then they're all falling and then i just slowly start taking it around and then i'll just do the rest and i'll put them in another one of my steamers that i have so i got them all in here see so i've sealed it nice and tight i'm gonna move it off for just a second like that put this in there just like that and then move it over back now i'm going to set the timer for an hour and about 35 to 40 minutes and they'll be ready and that's it so i've got a little bit of masa left a little bit of meat and i'm gonna wrap them up and i'm gonna put those in another little pot so we'll come back when these are done okay my tamales are ready i just turned off the heat i'm gonna go ahead and take the lid off so that they can start cooling off i'm going to get a couple of them out [Music] see i'm gonna let them cool for about 10 minutes and then we'll do the taste test so these are already right here and they're not as hot they're still nice and warm but they're not hot i still have some over here because after i filled up the first pot i put them up and then i rolled up all the rest and put them in the second pot so now let's do the taste test oh look at that see how pretty that looks see and then there's not a lot of this just a little bit on the edge i love this part i like that part maybe we'll do another one [Music] and i have some salsa that i made you can't have tamales without salsa i mean i don't think you can see and you can put a little crema on them if you want you can put just a little crema if you like drama on them with some salsa now for the taste test oh man oh these are ready there we go see all the meat that's inside that's why i like to put plenty of meat inside see look at that [Music] and tamales if you don't want to cut them with a pork you don't have to you can just pick them up like this you can just pick them up like this like that i eat them like that i just pick them up like this and eat them the salt content the salt content is perfect i mean and there's a little bit of kick to them because of the salsa but without the salsa they are just so perfect the fantastic seasoning the spices in there like the cumin and the peppercorn not overpowering but like a real thermometer delicious it's just you know however you're brought up [Music] what did i say you may think it's a lot of work but oh man it's so worth it so these are my delicious pork tamales in a red chili sauce if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment tell me what you think share with your friends thank you very much
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 779,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make PORK TAMALES IN RED SAUCE STEP BY STEP, How to make Tamales, Pork tamales
Id: nHWuF3xfCGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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