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always today we draw a line in history it's an imaginary line just imagine it's there it's imaginary this right here is what it means to be unspeakable i unspeakable me i and you guys you guys have helped with this we have purchased a tank i said that right it's behind these gates right here so let's open them up and let's see this bad boy ladies and gentlemen i present to you the brand new unspeakable tank oh it's mean voice it's got a horn too bring it in boys keep it coming yeah yeah look at that yo this thing is massive boys look at the size on these tires come to the front open it up boys open up the hatch oh you see this thing this thing is ridiculous you just ran me over yeah oh yeah we got turn signals that means we're going to mcdonald's in this you already know come over here guys i'm pretty tall i'm not super short and this tire is literally as tall as me and it's not even inflated all the way oh you want to check out the back come over here guys now you guys are probably wondering unspeakable why did you buy this well to make awesome videos for you guys duh let me show you guys the inside of this we got a little ladder look at that you can even stand on top of this here in the back it's pretty cozy we got handles to hang on to we got the driver's seat up here all the controls we got back up cameras did he show him the lights no turn on the lights bro look at yeah we even got chargers for our phones maybe we should do a 24-hour challenge in the tank come on puppy come on this thing does not like to walk you know look we're on the water bro i know he can't get it no is he in there i can't tell those eyes are creepy yeah i'm gonna signal him see if he wants some of this he might have gone inside oh it's moving james and gabe over there are on the canoe what they don't know is that this thing can float the tires are so big it can float in water you think he's gonna try to go into the water no that thing's too big and heavy oh boys here we go we are in deep water right now oh he's coming at us oh he's turning around do you think he's gonna attack us no that's crazy it's like eight foot deep right there it's floating does it say unspeakable on the side oh he dies so believe it or not guys this thing can indeed float this thing can pretty much drive over anything the question is will the unspeakable tank get stuck that's what we're going to try to do in today's video yo stinkbot what do we call it call it unspeakable cause it's unspeakable it's blowing your mind away all right guys we're gonna go for the beach and see if we can make it up there here we go for those of you guys that are curious this is how you steer the shirt this breaks that side and then this one breaks that side and that's how you steer because there's no steering wheel this these are your steering controls all right here we go and watch it's going to climb right up on land just like that dude it just crawled out of the water and no problem if i could get out of bed that fast my life would be great it looks like me when i try to get out of the bathtub this thing is unreal and you see this is how you turn all i got to do is pull one handle and then i start turning so cool go forward a little faster maybe a little faster okay we're good does that say subscribe oh dude that's a claw mark that means you guys need to click that subscribe button right now or you're going to miss all the future videos we make with the unspeakable tank trying to get the unspeakable tank stuck how can we do it ball pit balls we got these two pits that the tires are going to drive into and these pits are really deep football pit balls boys come out oh they almost fell asleep there's nice down there isn't it hey james are you are you deep in there he's like a couple feet deep in there i got you come on there's not anyone else in there is there okay let's do this hopefully the unspeakable tank can make it through and not get stuck we're gonna get it stuck in this video all right boys here goes nothing go for it moment of truth here we go do you think it's gonna work i think it's gonna flip oh there it goes oh we're in you're sinking just a little bit are you hitting the ground i don't know we gotta hop out real quick i gotta see this oh my gosh yeah that's pretty the unspeakable tank is gonna make out of this no problem all right ready boys watch out close the front real quick oh it looks so good like that no problem i think i heard a couple balls pop it didn't even struggle come here i'm coming wait wait wait wait wait hey i'm trying to start it i don't know how to drive lamborghinis what's that dave what's that okay oh you're not getting okay [Music] i think it's coming back we should maybe move out of the way just like it's not gonna hit us i don't know about that one the horn honks come on running over this time the whole pedal came off i think we can just polish it and it'll be good to go now we got the same two pit but now they are full of packing peanuts do i think that unspeakable tank is gonna make it through of course give me a hug that should be you guys i'm leaving a like on this video and clicking ew yeah it's a nice cushion bring it through yep yep yep there we go come on oh oh oh it's oh there you go oh all right this is gonna be so easy yeah there we go oh look at all the packing oh my god look at all of them yo there's still a lego there goes all the packing peanuts don't worry guys they are biodegradable and we are going to clean mullet it's going to take a while i also want to let you guys know that we have four 18 wheelers full of packing peanuts coming so what should we do with all these packing peanuts should we fill the house with them should we good boy come on good boy come on go get the food go get some food yeah go good boy you broke it you were so close come on come on mr unspeakable go get the food there's a big bone over there you got it come on big bye hold on come on go attack get the big bone you got this it's all yours go get that bone go go go go oh come on yeah that's a deep hole oh what a beautiful day guys i think we're gonna move the lego house to the island house this is just a little replica that we got going on but if we should do that put the lego house on the beach lego beach house honestly it took me a while to build this but i'm really really proud of it i think it's pretty sturdy what the [ __ ] dude no jail damn um that took me a really long time to build whatever what are we running over now boys so we had a great idea so you know when you see people do front flips off the beach with yoga balls we're gonna see if you can do a front flip oh i'm gonna do a front flip yeah okay i hope they don't pop no they won't they won't pull your seatbelt i just want to let you guys know that on unspeakable 2.0 my second channel we did have a lot of fun with the unspeakable tank before we did this crazy design so if you want to check that out go look at it go to unspeakable 2.0 but after you get done watching this video all right let's go oh i hit it no i told you i told you i actually expected them to pop do a front flip no they're not popping i told you i hit it [Music] whoa yo that's kind of crazy how are they not popping and he's not going slow over it yeah decent oh he's doing this that's crazy bro how don't understand come on explain this down in the comments section hey what if you pop one while i'm sitting right here oh on the one on the other side now i'm gonna try to make it out of the hole yo literally the bottom of the frame is just sitting on the ground we're bottoming out right now so let's see if we can make it out we can't stop at this thing you're ready for the last challenge let's do it fill it with the glue oh this is so nice i am so glad we bought this outhouse that is honestly one of the best decisions i have ever made oh flip bro come on bro yo you were pooping too yeah why did we buy a tank do you have toilet paper no i don't have any toilet paper all right for our next test we have a two massive pits of glue that cost us thousands of dollars oh that is a weird feeling so will the unspeakable tank make it through the glue or get stuck let's make a giant mess come on make that milk chocolate that is low-key very satisfying we need to make it out of here no way just like that just like that oh bro you're tired it's not even moving it's just lighting bro your tires are half in half like half blue and half time it looks like when you tip in oreo and milk how many gallons are in each side like 100 right 100 each is that the waste i know right oh look there's one more time do it oh i think the bottom of it hit the uh i know i think we emptied most of the glue i think it's safe to say that this thing is literally impossible to get stuck we're on the unspeakable yes we got the unspeakable tank behind me we're gonna take it in the water have some fun come on big boy come get the fishies here it comes that thing loki is so scary it looks like it's about to eat me yo this is insane it doesn't get much better than this voice yeah we should go too big behind this thing it's so ridiculous the unspeakable tank goes pretty fast on land i think we'll hit like 30 miles per hour but on water it only goes like three miles per hour it's pretty slow [Music] all right so uh oh not bad at all land might be more fun than water he's getting deep in there flowing now we're moving like i said boys people think only goes about three miles per hour in the water so it's pretty slow but it is a nice relaxing ride i will say no honestly like the water right here like it's got a good current coming from those tires that thing's got a lot of power as soon as he gets on land we're gonna move here we go boys here we go oh my gosh oh no bro he's about to take us through the mud [Music] this thing is a blast it is much more than a tank we have a paintball war or an airsoft war that is my utility vehicle all right boys we're on our adventure right now we're gonna try to get the unspeakable tank stuck as you can see we're currently floating in water it's not stuck in front of us is a pond let's go drive into it dude it looks like this pond hasn't been touched in years it's gross i didn't know our goal was wait it's a dragonfly we're good what if an alligator jumps through the front window we're literally going straight through a swap he's just ruining shrek's home bro where's the onions i will say it smells so bad victory yo we're a monster so it's eating the tree all right where are we going captain i don't know we're just going what is that it's a bush hi bush it looks like we're on land but we're literally floating in deep water right now honestly we don't know how deep this water is okay so what does happen if we do get stuck no one can get over here yeah i don't really know i didn't think about that we would have to swim through this dude this is insane oh have fun cleaning this afterwards we don't need to clean it we'll just drive it in some water this is like that scene from polar express we just kept like dripping on the ice [Music] oh no are we stuck we're never stuck we got some mud pits in front of us let's see if we can make it we're going in boys james is scared oh that wasn't even that deep i thought it was really deep we're not getting stuck not today all right boys we got some big mud pits in front of us will we be able to make it through to the other side i think i don't like it i can't see bottom there could be alligators in here this is crazy check behind us what does it look like you watch where you're driving are we on a trail right now uh kind of we're about to be off the trail there's a lot of water in here but this is like straight mud oh chill why did i have to sit up there's a crack on the water no way oh there's a crocodile no way right there it's going away go boys we're gonna go chase this crocodile oh i see it right there get it [Music] it's definitely in sport mode though this is some mud pit right here let's go right through this board you think we can make it across that bridge um it looks a little this is our only option to go forward so let's go oh probably half the tires on the bridge are we good we almost died look at this bridge i think it is the sheriff is way bigger than that bridge you know i think what we should do is we should find a lake we should drive out into the middle of the lake let's do it it looks like there ain't nothing the unspeakable tank can't handle that's why we're about to cross the lake is this a bad idea no it's a great idea all right hopefully we make it see you guys on the other side all right here it goes nothing that feels so wrong every time every time we go in water boys where are we going i don't know okay our fuel meter is kind of going all over the place since we are technically a boat right now does that mean i have to have a boat license can i have your money license promising hey at least we're washing off all the mugs [Music] here we go [Music] in you choose this it smells like frito pie out here bro bro the water's black yo this is so crazy let me go through all the stuff that's in here so we got our gears right here we got our chains windshield wipers we got our fan we got our turn signals we got our lights we got pressure gauge tires fuel battery and then cameras the amount of horse flies out there all right don't get me wrong it was it's raining outside and it's really slippery and every time he turns one way it stops and when it goes both wheel again it's just like so like almost fell off all right boys right now all right you can see that our entire psi is still good we've been popping tires good driving it's sailing i don't know okay we're going we're reporting in news this is the deepest muddle most people can't get through this they try they fail they get towed out oh gosh i thought we were going underwater first i guess we're floating right now is there anything you want to say to your competitors out there i want to say that i do have a windshield wiper and it works i can't tell if there's this water or grass oh come here boy it's a glitzy [Applause] go surfing i didn't see the tree out i'll reverse it's a little steamy in here don't open the window why there can't go horse flying back here of course hold on you dare you tell you where check it out [Applause] too bad we can't open any windows or else we're gonna get attacked by bugs but you legit have to hold on to these handles to be safe i don't know where we the bugs in here are crazy but the unspeakable tank does not get stuck we need a better plan we will get it stuck it's coming back [Music] oh my gosh look at that wave we're making why'd you close the hatch are we doing what i think we might be doing we're about to take out everybody oh yeah yeah yeah yeah hey look i found the uh the path the road here at unspeakable we don't ride on the road we ride on the water
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 11,147,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: rXXPQzfl0ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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