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let me down sledgehammer what is up guys today we're gonna be challenging Chris to a breakout of the unbreakable box challenge last time Rob and I built an unbreakable box for Jeffrey stuck him inside of it and if he couldn't break out he would be stuck in there for 24 hours we said if that video gets a hundred thousand likes that me and Rob would build a box for Chris to go into and you guys smash that like button so we decided to make this into the first to break out of the unbreakable box wins challenge Jeffrey broke out of our box in an hour and 21 minutes so if I can break out faster than that then I will be in first place so if this video hits 200,000 likes we're gonna stick Robin the unbreakable box 3.0 so me and I we're gonna build that box chris is gonna be in it I'm gonna make this box so challenging so dainty let's get into this do you guys follow me in the garage real quick so we're gonna Scout our supplies look what we have if we need to get some extra stuff Geoffrey I think I have quite a good vision of what we should do inside the box rather than outside okay so we gotta plywood this is some thick plywood right here and then we also got a ton of wood right here I want to use multi my shelves not just like a thin metal plate and would like gonna go ham on this and also we should we should get some cement mix - that's a good idea dude we should just build a basic box and then just put it in cement that's a good idea right well so we hadn't got a home depot and get some stuff so let's go okay so first we need to get some plywood here I think we should get how many of those two walls we need something we need this thick plywood for each side how many do we have a home I don't know I think I have enough I wait let's just get one more of these oh we're gonna be reinforcing this with a lot more metal than Kristen so we're gonna get I think two of these these are 100 foot by 4 foot wired vents we're also gonna get some sheet metal sheets to cover this thing like crazy sub grab eight of these things we need eight no we need more than that one two three four five six we need ten of them guys we really gonna design that scene to keep Chris in there the whole 24 hours I do not want him getting out on anyone Ryan don't get us kicked out bro if we get kicked out that we don't have to build the box I find I'm on here you go [Applause] all right we need some more stuff we need way more stuff if we're gonna keep Chris in here this whole entire 24 hours what we have right here is enough fruit of the build so we're gonna head on home and in the process we gotta make a frame as usual that is the very important step that we always must you need a solid foundation otherwise the whole building will crumble [Music] Robert doesn't seem in the mood are you not in a good mood are you in a bad mood all right I think Robert needs okay you're pathetic hands off of me guys please help Robert encourage him in the comment section tell me he's an awesome guy so we have the first layer of plywood on and so now we're just be adding the metal on the top while we're waiting for Jeff sorry I have the flippin hiccups where we're gonna stop sandwich the two and we'll be good to go just finish our nuke symbol slap that on to the plywood spray paint over it or not great at arts and crafts so it's kind of wonky it looks bad I try my best [Music] actually works really well actually we're gonna put so much of this stuff around it's gonna be absolutely insane how strong it is how we unravel the heck out of this thing then and then and then I'll spray paint and then we'll get him inside and then no no more and then no and then you're right you won't get out now there's no more and then so let's do it so we have each layer of metal on we've cut through the metal here so Chris can still get in I always think is screwing the outside layer of plywood we're gonna see what you at all and make it super strong and he's eating it out well I do all the work the outside is pretty much done I mean we still got to use this here for now I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna install these green metal things and we're also gonna hammer weigh some of the nail sticking out so Chris doesn't get hurt in there thing is really insane so I gotta I gotta figure out how to get in here put a towel here should be okay from screws for the most part if I go feet first like it this way I got a latch up my butt shoot okay now we know Chris can get in I'm so rank you sorry hand me some nails the screw gun and then those green things oh yeah [Music] Jeffie what hi how are you in there it's taking forever it looks like a prison bro guys this looks so long that we have to start tomorrow dun dun dun and also if you guys want to see another one robber today meet Chris but our minds together to make it even more breakable box give us $100 honey day - all right time to spray-paint the logos oh yeah look at that oh dude Alex hey you know what I'm gonna do actually we're gonna invert the colors now it's not gonna be perfect but wash check it dude no it's a little weird our box is now complete well these thing is honestly so strong we're gonna bring Chris out and let's get his reaction oh yeah come on Bob you finished come check out the box oh we have many layers of metal in between this plywood you ain't get now and the inside is reinforced with metal bars this looks significantly stronger than the box that Robin oh no no close your eye stop go guys no nice there you have to get the box bro okay so just like last time Chris gets five items from the garage to bring in that he's gonna help them break out he does not gonna bring in power tools that is the one exception so let's go any grab your son so the first one is the obvious choice the sledgehammer for lots of power and damon jesper sliced good choice good drug that really did well for me laughs but I took the liberty of going to the store this morning to get new weapons I've got a four pound mallet and a crowbar and then another one I need yeah I saw your little metal cage around it so I need wire cutters so these step right through all right game over Ivan well looks like this is the one these are the five tools that I'm bringing into the unbreakable box yeah all right Chris hop in there you little nub sorry for the prolonged buckshot all right the rule is you can't start breaking up this night until we lock it up just so you can have more airflow bro there's a lot of bars okay so Chris tomorrow at 10:48 you're allowed to get out if you can't get yourself out by yourself all right start hacking I'm gonna break out with my dad shoes on so yeah this box is much stronger than the one that I built with Rob okay so right now I'm just looking for weaknesses I already see some so I have one hour and 21 minutes to get out of this box so I better get started first I'm gonna test for structural integrity weaknesses good literally no perceive damage when he does that okay so now I gotta use the crowbars this is this is the way I'm gonna get out oh my ears here we go time to break out Chris that's not doing anything I need to break a gap up so I can fit this crowbar inside [Music] so I got the lid separated but there's metal wire holding it so now let's put this rules are here have a little leverage it's not really doing anything for you you hear that crunching still got two layers of sheet metal alright we're gonna use mr. sledge this is my only hope to get out of this bump put the big one in I'm glad I got this second crowbar come on cut the wire then shoot okay I'm gonna use the - how do you feel by your post now boy I'm really worried right now oh you know no yet good we got a little wire cut they work so hard to make the wall strong but they didn't realize that the corners were weak so the problem is I know they put sheet metal over the corners so it's gonna be a lot harder to break this corner off but we got a big sizeable hole here so we're making progress that's for sure we got to get this crowbar in the corner yeah I think is gonna get out we should have reinforced the corners it's been 13 minutes oh wow how long it's gonna take him to get out dude I have no idea here we go dude I hope you catch yourself of you this corner is super strong so we're gonna have to work our way down the other way [Music] dude it's only been 19 minutes he's done a lot of damage in nineteen at this rate I still don't think he's gonna be able to get off it these are all folded in and they're all screwed in like there's no way that he could pull them apart because there's ones going now right and this one here we go so I think once I get all the metal wires cut then I just smash away with the sledgehammer and I should be good to get out of here I'm so glad I got wire cutters yeah but how's it bring out mr. slept again come on mrs. Lynch don't let me down sledgehammer doesn't break the long sides are weak but the sides both ends are strong and he's I'm gonna get that out she's gonna have to bend the plywood like a big amount go to squeeze through but there's never things sticking up tell me he's been out of work pull I need a little break so I'm just gonna stay here for a few minutes a few minutes later we almost do this corner our boys are one of my five days plan to break out of here I really another weakness that's like sounds satisfying let me think I need to be smart about this oh we're in luck then I bet you didn't think I was gonna get this far did you you didn't think about crowbars huh I actually did not dude we should have gone date l-brackets that what like this like clamp these down shudder whatever good so I need to get these metal bars off there just for luck screaming but they're in the way that's for sure yeah on the bars hey you give up on the bars you finally finish right here holding it with the leg come on come on block Chris walk bah ha ha he needs to be longer oh shoot I'm Nathan oh yeah it has been 36 minutes Chris are your palms sweaty are your knees weak likes mom spaghetti are you vomiting on your sweater already this is where I'm getting out from right here whoa we got a pretty big hole here okay now I gotta cut these wire down out oh that's weak mr. sledge company what do you think boy this is not worry son to me at all once I get this now I think I'm out yeah so it's up to you guys 200,000 likes and we do it again - this time rub now you guys come on get it to 200,000 like if you didn't have the super crowbar he would've got out that's for sure I would have never gotten out well guys really hope you enjoyed today's video good grind for a previous video click right here for a video YouTube recommend specifically for you cooker subscribe and look how much defeat Jeff is in right now [Music]
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 4,535,917
Rating: 4.9555359 out of 5
Keywords: unbreakable box, first to break out of unbreakable box wins, break out or stay 24 hours, dangie bros, indestructable, 24 hour challenge, overnight
Id: skHZO_eYwvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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