The NEW Rare Plant Shop Tour! | 6000+ RARE PLANTS

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee allen and welcome to the rare plant shop [Music] oh [Applause] you may or may not have seen the tour that i did for you guys last year back then i probably had around about a thousand plants i think this year is a little bit different we've scaled up considerably and we're now sat at around somewhere between six and seven thousand plants so there's quite a bit more in here than what you saw last time anyway there's a ton of plants that we probably have to get through so i think it's best to just start showing you around [Music] this is the first aisle in the shop there's quite a lot in here and i'm not going to be able to show you everything that's up here because i'm not tall enough and i think we would be here all day so i'm gonna do my best to simply show you things that we can get to from eye level but in this aisle we mainly keep antherium that's quite a recent edition we've done a lot of rearranging recently we do have monstera on this side yeah it's kind of all over the place but i will start probably from over here so we'll start with this tray right here this is a good place as any this here is syngonium pink splash and you will notice a lot of color differences in the leaves leaves such as these here these much paler ones these were basically present on the plant when we got them in since then because i've had these quite a while now i think i've had these three months easily three months probably more the new leaves are growing in this really cool colour-popped pink colour like it's not just pink and green anymore like this leaf here for example it's a total wash of pink and i think that they're really thriving in here i think they really enjoy being in here and generally i grow syngonium in here quite well because i think they just like the light a lot more this here is philodendron florida beauty there's quite a few plants in here and to be honest they're pretty unruly because we use them as mother plants so what we tend to do is we let them grow we let them do their thing and then we take head cuttings and then we root those so you do have a plethora of leaves in different states this one here is very pretty this is brand new it hasn't even hardened off yet really really nice it's almost half and half but it's still got some flex throughout it's just generally looking really cool some of these are bright yellow knots are good we don't like that so much because we need a good balance of variegation to keep things just generally healthy and growing so this one here is probably gonna have to get cut back a little bit so there's a little job on my to-do list once we've finished [Music] here we have a boatload because there's actually this tray in this tray this is antherium crystalline this is a very very recent import as of a few days ago so being brutally honest with you they look great now but they're probably not going to look great forever they may drop some leaves they may look a little bit nasty they may go back to stumps before they come back and look beautiful so these plants here are probably going to remain with me for quite a while they're really really beautiful law really really pretty plants they're one of my favorite antheriums i think they're absolutely fantastic they size up really well i just love them to death that's probably why i have two trays because i love them so much so obviously here is more of the same thing down here because obviously we have more than just what is in front of me this here is philodendron parasol verde it's a really interesting plant it's not for everyone though it does grow pretty gangly so the petioles on the plant can be quite long it does have a lot of aerials in this case but the cool thing that most people like about these plants is they i don't know how you describe it they have like this mint mottly kind of vibe to them as i say it's not for everyone but i think you either love it or hate it these are really really good and they grow so quickly they're probably growing a little bit too quick for me to be able to propagate them if i'm completely honest so my honest opinion on this plant is it's fantastic and it grows very very quickly so if you're looking for a quick grower i can totally recommend them to be quite honest [Music] down here this is a really interesting tree we have a mysterious one missing from the bottom i don't know when that happened there's like one mist but this here is antherium the getty eye really really gorgeous plants they don't size up too quickly so if you want a smaller one i think these can remain with you a lot longer before you seem to have any space issues or anything like that one of my favorites they're they're unique in the sense that you don't get any ears on the plant here the top of this just remains really round and disc like so that's the coolness that you get with these that's what makes them unique and what makes them very very beautiful [Music] there's some more crystals we need to talk about those here we have a little bit of a mixed bag these plants these large boys here are antherium magnificum really good growers as well love those again these are recent imports so being totally transparent with you while they look really sexy now they may not stay this way they may drop leaves they may go back to a stump it is what it is moving on from that we have a new plant that i've never brought in before this is a new one for me it doesn't look its best there's a little bit of moss on the leaves there but this is what i think to be antherium debolus i don't know if that's how you pronounce it but that's what they are i think i have one two three four five of these now i normally do this when i don't really know how a plant is going to behave i do this to test out if the plan is tough if it's going to die on me if it's really viable for me to propagate and keep and just generally live with if it's not viable then i won't buy any more so we will see how this goes maybe i might get more maybe i won't it really depends obviously we have some more antherium forgetting out there that have kind of overlapped from the last tray down here we have a few things looks like we have a few more crystalline here we have some more spaghetti eye here these three on the front are what i think to be bestiai af um again this is a new thing i'm bringing in to see how they fare because i don't know how they're gonna do these again recent imports so they are turning slightly this one's doing better than the other two actually this one's not looking as good but this one's definitely been here so when these grow back it could be really interesting to see how these do [Music] while my cameraman's already on his knees i will show you this tray honestly this is an amalgamation of totally different aetheriums some of them are grown from trunks it's really a mixed bag like over here i have some anetherium peltier gerum that are recently you know imported so again we have a lot of transit damage we have some leaves that are probably going to go which is a real shame because this is a really cool one theorem it's a little bit like the getty eye only it's quite rubbery so it's still round along the top but you get some more i don't know you just get some more chunk with it so it's a really cool one not the easiest ones to take care of though they can be a little bit a little bit finicky but yeah mixed bag there's not much to say about it some things are still rooting some things are now being left out in the air to create foliage this is it looks like magnificum is it yeah this is magnificum here there's an old leaf it's growing well it's growing a new leaf that's all looking really really good if i come up here it looks like we have some we go in this tray here i think it's all we go i think this is one tree so we have some new foliage coming in again this is a recent import so what you see here may not look excellent in a few days maybe it will maybe it won't i honestly find it just depends on a the plant that i brought in and b just the entire shipment process so was it delayed was it too hot too cold during the shipment so much can affect it it's almost pointless to guess to be honest so moving on up here now these are almost ready to leave me obviously there are some old leaves with some transit damage on but generally these you know health-wise they are ready to start going out what i tend to do is that the more recent stuff i tend to store at eye level so all of these are more recent and then as we move up through the shop things that have been with me a little bit longer that are closer to unfortunately leaving me they get moved up so we can focus our attention on the things that need more attention and that's how we work out what's ready to go out so these here this is antherium waraquinom this is a beautiful leaf actually everyone just noticed this this is a lovely long fin boy he's really really pretty next to that these have been with me a really long time this is antherium crystalline in all of its beautiful glory these are probably ready to go out on the next run i think i think they've been with me long enough now they've been with me several months there is a slight story to these it turns out that these were actually lost in transit for about three or four months which i know seems a little bit crazy but they really were it just went missing i think it was in the height of colvid and everything else it was one of several boxes that went missing but we got them we rehabbed them they're finally now in a state where they're growing and they're more ready to to leave basically so i'm really really pleased that we were able to save those so here we have a lovely little tree of more antherium forgetting eye i mean if that doesn't do it for you i don't really know what will that's oh my god that's so gorgeous next to some really beautiful really big antherium rigal and these are such pretty plants the veining on these guys is really unique and i always find i nearly always find with this plant specifically that no regals are the same i always find that the leaves just present that a little bit differently with the veining they're just not i don't know they're just not as consistent as some other plants so you can really get some really interesting ones the more you look around like this one on the left and this one on the right i would honestly say they're presenting a little bit differently to me maybe it's my eyes i don't know i feel like the veins here are a little bit more downward pointing and the veins here are a lot more lateral so you get a really good variation on the different leaves and i love that so down here a little bit of a scenario where we're just we're basically growing out some seedlings and they've gone through a little bit of a hit they're not the strongest of plants we have some absolutely stunning um antherium forgetty eyes same as the ones further up as well these are just babies we also have antherium i think it's villanuarm that's growing quite well these have had a little bit of a journey as you can probably tell but i think they're kind of stable now and they're growing much much better they've kind of taken off now i believe some point i had crystalline i think this one here might be crystalline i have a few different things but i think generally that might be it i don't know if this is crystalline i think the tag says it is a crystal lining but it doesn't look like one to me that's interesting probably keep that there for a while until we figure out what it is so along this aisle there is a lot to get through can you tell so along this entire shelf here i'll just let my cameraman kind of pan backwards and forwards this is monstera aurea so everything on these three shelves is essentially yellow variegated monstera we do have a couple of large form variegated monsters so the one that grows super large and i'll show you an example later on we do have a couple of these growing in amongst them we know which ones they are because they've all been labeled so we just tend to keep them here just to kind of check on them they're growing pretty well this tray here is very recent propagations from all of these along here so these are doing really well we do have technically we have a couple of elbows in with them like this one right back here that's an elbow i just kind of filled up the tray with them because i saw some additional ones that i could have taken off some other plants further down and i popped them in this tray but they're growing really really well to be honest there's virtually no failures on them which is really nice this here is obviously all aurea it's got admittedly various levels of variegation some plants are doing better than others for example this one's fantastic this one is not so much so it's just a case of monitoring them clipping them down when they need to be and everything else so i'll move on to these bottom shelves this here is honestly this needs really like trimming up it's a bit ridiculous here we have some syngonium mojito just sort of popping in and you know everywhere and amongst that we have some really beautiful syngonium elbow this probably needs moves i do have a proper tray for this so this entire tray really needs sorting out i think i've even got some yellow here there's this and i think there's another one in this tree i think there's one further over here at the very back that's actually got yellow variegation it just needs sorting out it's a little bit unruly i think it's been like this for a while now next to that again a little bit more of a mixed bag we have a few things in here this obviously is pareso verde this here is a really random single name elbow that's actually looking beautiful that's a really nice balance of variegation there after that we have a really random philodendron burley marks ferragata in there and the thing that is my favorite is this here now this doesn't look fantastic again this is philodendron mcdowell it's not pasta's arnhem it is different from that so these are the leaves that were there when i got the plant these are some of the new leaves and quite honestly i'm debating moving these plants because i feel like they're getting too much light they have been fed so the colors that you see here it's not that i do think it's light i think that they might just be getting too much that's honestly why i haven't taken this leaf off here because i feel like it is actually providing some shade but yeah i think they need less light because i have one of these upstairs and it's doing much better and the lighting isn't quite as harsh so i think i might move those those might not live there we have more oreo in here we do have some random stuff this is um xanthesummer mickey mouse and in all of that you may be able to see this here is monstera burley marks flame and i know it's small but it's all we have this is such a slow grower i can't like i can't even tell you how slow this grows it's not even funny so it's not a quick grower it hasn't even started to fenestrate yet but i'm really pleased to have it and it's healthy it's doing fine i think it's just one of those plants that just don't they just don't grow quickly it's not like a typical monstera because normally monstera grew really quickly that that ain't it that's really not even remotely applicable to this plant these i think are getting a little bit too much light right now this is just a general amalgamation of philodendron luxurians choco red they look like this the red backing can vary a little bit um according to light conditions but generally this is what they look like they're very cute they're looking a little bit gangly because i've chopped the hell out of them to propagate from them so later on you might see some propagations kind of knocking around the shop on here i'm going to talk about this because everyone asks me about it this here is alocasia sabrina reticulata it looks very similar to an allocation sabrina except it displays this really weird i don't even know how you'd refer to that um i will let you know that it is actually part of the plant it's not um viral it's not ill it's just this is generally how it is it just chills like this so this is the only one i've got it lives here at the minute it does need repotting i need to kind of do that that's on my list this here oh god i wasn't going to talk about this but i feel like i can't not now because it's it's kind of on camera this is philodendron burley marks fantasy it's not doing its best i need to honestly i need to propagate it i need to grow up properly i just haven't had a lot of time recently i've been very busy so this needs sorting out but at least it is growing i guess we have a nice little vine going this is not a good example of the plant basically you need to imagine this leaf here that's in my hand much bigger and that's essentially how the plant grows just a bigger version of that they're really really cool they have like a kind of blue green appearance to them i really love them i just really need to grow it bigger because that's this is not ideal is it really [Music] so this is the second aisle there is a lot in here we have obviously that's the other half of the aurea we have some various philodendrons some monstera some thai up here that i will probably not be able to show you when we go around philadelphia jerry horn philodendron mexicanum i think there's some syngonium elbow some more pareso up there there is a lot there is even more jerry even more florida ghosts there is a whole ton of stuff above me but for now it's probably a good idea to just focus on what is at eye level so i'm gonna skip this because we've done this section we know what they are this here or this here i should say is essentially all of my philodendron glory awesome now i'm pretty sure there's different forms of glory also in here some of them are brighter than others in terms of beaning some of them have pink backs some of them are darker there's kind of a mixed bag so i have a lot of these here that are my mother plants and down here the ones that aren't looking so good these are actually propagations actually i'm saying this now i do actually have more propagations in the shop i've just noticed them off camera but it's in the other aisle but i've got more than this i've just remembered i've got more than this but yeah these aren't looking so great because they're brand new propagations and i was expecting about 50 of them to turn a little bit you might notice some intruders in here i think this is philodendron plum and eye again hasn't done so well with propagation but it's okay some of them are growing a new new set of leaves this one for example that's on its way in that's looking very very beautiful it's kind of hit and miss like this glorious from here is doing fantastic you know this glory also here is not obviously it just depends kind of how it goes this is a different type of gloriosum i believe because if you look at this and this this one has much brighter veins than this one so i'm pretty sure that's a different type this one here is clearly pink backed as is this one here these are all propagations as well so again if they're not looking super amazing that's probably why they're just kind of establishing at the minute so here this is ridiculous this here is monstera a skeletal and there's a lot of it to be honest this is a full tray we do have some again some random intruders further back but generally speaking this tray is monstera a skeletal now this was known as monstera epipremnoides maybe about a year ago two years ago something like that it's not anymore it's known as a skeletal some of these are propagations some of them aren't it actually depends this leaf is kind of hiding an awful lot of them to be honest there's most of them some of them are looking a little bit tired because perhaps they've been the leaves that you know the plant has been shipped in with and everything else but the leaves we're getting these nice dark ones they're coming in quite nice so i'm pretty happy with those what else have we got uh i'll stand this way this here is a tray of philodendron burley marks fantasy and honestly i really need to get the scissors out and have a little chop of this because a lot of this is reverted again if i show you the the sheer extent of these plants it's a little bit ridiculous look at that there that's a lot that's a lot of work that's like an afternoon just to sort out this one plant here there's an awful lot so yeah i need to chop these back i mean this one here is definitely got a lot of green on not completely because that one there's come back variegated look so that one's fine but these are green so who knows i need to chop this some of these here are great you know it's it's really a mixed bag of plants here i'd honestly say it needs some work should we see down here i'll quickly move down here this is what is it it's philodendron jerry horn again a lot of these are old transit damaged leaves but i do leave them on because it helps the plant grow of course they're still healthy leaves they can still fully synthesize all the rest so i do leave them on this is a really cheeky philodendron prince of orange that's supposed to be orange i i think i cut it off another plant that's now on the living wall which i'll show you in a bit and i just propagated it so now it's growing that's why that's there [Music] uh we'll do this tray here why not i can't really mention that that's just kind of just unruly isn't it really not much point mentioning that i think that's philodendron florida bronze up there but as i say i can't even touch it so there's not a lot of point talking about it so this tray is really interesting we have a lot of stuff in here so these here are baby antherium regardless it happens these are growing really really well i've had these a while i think i got these in before christmas and if you look here they're growing so beautifully like i'm really really proud of these so we have these here that are kind of dotted about we have what looks like a cheeky choco red there propagation that's growing really well clearly we have some baby gloriosome that are just chilling uh what else we've got i think that's glorious i don't think that's actually glorious in that one i'm pretty sure that's glorious we have some other unnamed props some more choco in kind of like a pot in there we have this guy right here that is part of this plant here that i'm kind of coughing together this is philodendron line nummy eye this is super super rare and it's super super awesome you can't really see why it's awesome right now but when new leaves come in they come in like this gorgeous hot pink color and then over time they fade down to a green color so it's really pretty it's just not shown in all of its glory right now and the thing that i don't fully know what it is but we do have a name for it here we call this guy here mysterious dark boy because he's dark and he's mysterious because we don't know what he is there's been many theories as to what he is and the theories have changed as he has grown because right now he's presenting himself to look an awful lot like antherium moodinum um just the way he's kind of i mean if i turn him around he's just really sexy he's really dark is really interesting the leaves do stay dark for a while this is an older leaf and it's still just as dark look that's exactly the same color this is an older leaf so that's gone more green but he's he's just awesome but i can't actually tell you what it is because we're not quite sure it's definitely got to have modina in it i think it's just a question whether it's full moodinum or it's a hybrid the person that sold me this plant didn't know i think the person said that they were quite strongly leaning towards the fact that it was a hybrid i don't know answers in the comments we're really not sure at this point to be quite honest um oh some mixed bags down here really mixed bags actually this as you can probably tell is philodendron pink princess these are doing so much better than what they were despite being smaller so when i got these the leaves were i mean they were like this they're essentially just green if you look at the bottom of the plant you can see it's not just this one it's others as well but as it's grown it's finally got its module back and it's putting out a lot more pink so that's really really nice to see next to that for some odd reason i have philodendron domesticum varigata just chilling this one probably needs cut as it's turned yellow now i haven't cut it yet because i was genuinely waiting to see if the growth would survive because there will still be some chlorophyll in it and i thought hey if i can grow just a yellow one then cool but that leaf died off very recently so i'm leaning towards needing to cut it because i don't think it's going to survive but i'm kind of hopeful there is another one behind it as well that is small but it's it's growing variegation so that's good as well next to that down here i have some syngornium elbow and i can't remember if these are the propagations or the mothers i think they're props so i think there's not long now so there's porn on my leaves not long now before they probably leave i think this is a cheeky little yellow variegated syngonium i don't know how that's happened i guess it was presenting more white at the time i think this one's yellow and the rest are white do have a cheeky little syngonium mojito in here as well i have some it says they're syngonium elbow nodes they obviously just haven't haven't really presented variation which is a shame but it's okay because i always pick the best out of you know what's growing to kind of pass on [Music] so this here will be the mothers and i'm sure if i start pulling them out you can see the fact that i've cut them although i'm looking at them now and i can't find any of the cuts here for example this is where the plant has been originally propagated and then obviously i've let it grow on very soon this one can be propagated and then planted and then grown on from that so i tend to keep these here for mothers i think that's kind of it i do have some parasol verde up here as i say i've got so many things growing in so many places i'm not even sure what is all the way up there i don't know if my cameraman can even get what's up there there's a lot it's just so much it's slightly overwhelming if i'm totally honest oh i forgot about the upi fair enough i forgot about the epr and then a cutting of a neal maniac as well so okay so i'll start with the iranian i'll pull it out because it's easier for you to video that this here is a little baby cutting of philodendron ilmani eye it's growing it's it's cute it's had a little bit of a journey this one but it's growing and it's cute we're leaving it here because it's a bit higher value um same as the monstera burley marks flame here it's in the same place similar to that i have the beautiful philodendron upi this is actually a head cutting of my mother plant i loved its head off the other day before i planted it this is a new leaf by the way that's why it's paler this is an older leaf here and it is huge as you can see against my arm but he's quite a large boy so i'm really happy with him i don't know what i'm gonna do with him i might keep him to be a new mother plant i haven't decided yet i might put him on the wall i don't really know but for the moment he's rooting and he's quite sexy i like him a lot i think that's it for this aisle would you say yeah yeah there's a lot there's a lot of stuff let's move on to the next style before i lose my mind [Music] so this aisle here is oh my god okay so it's i don't want to call this i'm going to be brutally honest with you and tell you that there isn't the amount of organization that i would like and it's a little bit overgrown so i'm going to explain it this way before i take you down you know the aisles that we can see so right at the top we have the most amazing monster at the buyer that you can find um it's been there a while and it's just sort of chilling like a tree right now but if you look at this if i can just wiggle this this is a little bit nuts this here is also monster the buyer i think all the way down these vines here and it's just it's just running and it's it's propagating so really obviously i should be chopping these plants right here and planting that and having mold tobia but quite honestly i haven't really had the time same thing for the dark lords this is all philodendron um dark lord here it's absolutely massive that's a little bit overgrown as well down here again you can see a really good example of what's going on this is again monster at the bayer looking all big i should probably mention actually because a lot of people might not know when monster the buyer is smaller it shingles like this but when it gets mature because i don't think a lot of people know this it turns into this absolutely awesome beast here so it loses all of the silver and then it just becomes this really long kind of holy chunky boy so it's really quite sexy but anyway these have grown so long in the absence of me being able to do anything about it absence of scissors 100 but basically it's grown so much the ariel's this is aerial root and it's this long and let me tell you it feels absolutely beautiful that's really therapeutic though i like that it's really really soft but yeah so i need to cut them is the moral of the story here and i haven't yet so they're a little bit all over the place [Music] um there's no point taking the camera right into this bit because honestly some stuff is bagged up it's all over the place but i'll just pull something out this here is one of my monstera obliqua uh little babies that are growing it's very very cute i'm growing this one in moss it's just starting to put out holes so that's really really sweet as well i've got some other really random stuff in here you know various variegated and theorem things like that some more obliques down there some stuff in bags this here is a random glory awesome as it happens i think that's glorious it's just it's it's a little bit of a mess i'm not gonna lie so that's a little bit unruly that one um random tie just kind of chilling it needs needs to lift up is what it does i think i'm going to propagate this and stick this on the wall because it's it's not really helping anybody being here right now down here i should have mentioned this before this is a mixed bag it's philodendron mexicanum here with this beautiful burgundy underside and then here we have a beautiful philodendron i think it's lime fiddle it was sold to me as philadelphia golden dragon but quite honestly i can see that it isn't that on closer inspection there's no way this is golden dragon this this has to be lime fiddle still a beautiful plant i haven't really done anything with it since i brought it in to be honest i planted it up in koya and i've kind of let it be but i can see already i'm gonna have headaches because if i move these out of the way you can see that yeah that's solid there's there's plants rooting into other plants so that's that's really awesome that that's what we call a day's work separating them so that's why we keep it like a bush because i'm afraid to touch it [Music] so underneath the amalgamation of dubai i mean look at this guys seriously this is an aerial route is it off to buyer as well it must be it does look like a thai route however i shake it oh no it is no you're right you're right it's a thai route it's a thai route that's an aerial route of the time that's an aerial route off the tie so that's the thing so if you move that back mixed bag here we have a really random really random aglinema pictum tri color just just literally chilling this is some synchrony that's obviously reverted i don't know if it was elbow i don't know if it was mojito but it's gone i suspect it might be our ball cause his elbow there this is a really cheeky little a medium medium the green form i think this is why is this here it's philodendron holtonianum yeah i don't know why that's there this will be a reverted philodendron strawberry shake as if i pull that back you can see just how much it's grown yeah i know that should have been cut a long time ago classic example of stuff that just just kind of gets missed i suppose it's it's easy to happen in here it's pretty easy to miss stuff if it's at eye level generally we're good um if it's not it's kind of it's up to chance a little bit so this over here looks not so great i'll try and move in towards it so my cameraman can get in this here is i believe philodendron pastasanam white am i correct yes um just brought in that's why it looks terrible this is turning so this was brought in maybe a week ago something like that so this one's not doing so well this one is doing a little bit better but the lower leaf is going so that's a shame of course i'm sure it'll be fine it'll grow back so if i can just get in front of the plants this is i know there's so many i'm literally just backed onto them this here is a little bit odd looking because we've had this actually bagged up but this here is antherium king of clarineuvium very very special i don't think we know the parents it's claronervium and something else we don't know do we no very very special anthem and it's i think it's called an f1 hybrid which basically means it's incredibly variable the appearance of each plant because every plant here is the same plant all of these little ones and the plants just present very differently i mean i say that they look the same they just like some of these plants can have for example the lobes on the plant are much further apart like this and they're more handlebar shaped and then you get some others that are closer together the markings can be more or less they can just vary an awful lot but i'm propagating those at the minute and it's going really really well this here this uh is quite a long boy actually if i can manage to turn around safely this here oh don't break the flower this is antherium magnificum this is basically here because we're waiting to pollinate this little guy so he's on close watch at the minute so we can we can do some some magic shall we say it with some pollen late at night and get it going so that's why he's there sounds so dirty why he's there we're basically watching the inflorescence to make sure that we get it on time because there's a very narrow window of doing this and we're quite new to doing it so that's why he's there it's a very random tree next tray again a little bit random this is some more of the mexicanum that was down there this is again just for the denver mexican and if i didn't highlight it before they come through really pretty they get these really nice leaves and they come through really beautiful burgundy obviously they're climbers as you can probably see by the absolute mass of aerial roots we have what else do we have in here we have a really random um antherium vitari folium that's honestly a little bit bashed i think it lived further up previously in previous life so it's kind of rehabbing down here i have a really gorgeous gloriosum that is it's basically just got more white veining than a lot of others if i show all of them it's not doing the best as i say i kind of rescued it from up top but it's just a lot brighter and it's a little bit different it's got these secondary veins that you don't often see so i'm kind of growing him out to see what happens with him i have i mean i'm not going to go into all of it because i have just random chunks sitting here but i have some variegated surpassed artem in there just just honestly just loads of stuff that's kind of a running theme here one of my favorite trees this here is beautiful this is syngonium aurea which essentially means yellow variegated syngonium so it's like the white only this stuff is yellow it takes a little bit longer to become super yellow so when leaves come in they come in this kind of lime greeny color here and then when they harden off they turn into this which is obviously like a creamy yellow color sometimes they can look a little bit more kind of creamy white but it's really dependent like if you pan over the whole thing you'll see that there's a little bit of variation and you can kind of tell where the new leaves are because obviously they look more lime green but the more time goes by they harden off and they they just they get really yellow and really sexy so this is a mixture i think of mothers and props a little bit of both so i don't have so many of these i don't think these are as easy to get but i keep them all here they used to live further back there but i've moved them recently and they're looking really really sexy and they are genuinely one of my favorites because they're so easy honestly not a lot of point mentioning that there's just a lot of different stuff if we didn't catch it before this is all dark lord all appear so dubai dark lord that's the most of it i would say isn't it really that's just an amalgamation of that so we'll come around to this aisle so i didn't touch on the bottom portion of this aisle when we went round the other way so this here is variegated monstera peru and i'm gonna be completely honest with you i'm struggling to grow these i do find that they revert very quickly and i do find that they're prone to just generally crisping up you know any any remote problem that you could have with a plant i honestly feel like i get with these this one's running though i've just noticed now if you can see that i know it's running which is great except if that's anything to go by it's not really going to be very good which is a shame but i'm doing my best with them i do feed them i do monitor the light i do spray them against you know anything bacterial or fungal it's just they just hate me i don't know why they just hate me it's not one of my favorite plants to take care of i wouldn't say it was very easy at all down here this is kind of again a mixed bag we have here some antherium macrolobium this is a hybrid of it's datum no it's not it's pedophiloradiatum or pedatum bonobium and that's the one that's it thanks cameraman and we have some propagations of monster escalator again these are really young you can tell they're kind of going to turn a little bit before they settle this here this is beautiful this is a propagation of philodendron choco red it's so so beautiful we have more than one propagation going here obviously um what i will say is oh that's the back of a leaf by the way if you want to know how amazing they turn these plants are just not easy to propagate or at least for me anyway you might have a different experience but for me these are really difficult i struggle with these a lot i think i've cracked it like i think i found a way to propagate them where i don't have as much loss but we kind of need to see how they go so we're kind of watching those at the minute to see how they go this is not worth mentioning that's just random stuff in there i think some of it's a lot of it stumps actually i can't even tell you what they are they might be chuckles they are chuckles cool this over here is a giant cluster of monstera thai constellation this has actually been with me since the last tour that i did about a year ago um i really need to propagate it i need to cut it down and regrow it a lot of this is quite leggy it just had a bad time last year i was pretty busy um kind of moving shops so a lot happened these didn't get the best light and now they're a little bit laggy so i need to cut them down and basically give them a new lease of life propagate some of them it's just a big kind of mass to be honest there's kind of stuff everywhere in as soon as you get to this aisle onwards i think the whole thing really is just a big mass of stuff that i kind of need to get to i would say uh yeah i get to maintain the plants at the other end of the shop a lot more it's kind of a process where i'm moving my way along and i'm just trying my best to propagate as i go yeah there's not enough manpower to really do it that fast as you might be able to tell so it's just about really of just seeing how quickly i can get through a lot of these props case in point the thai constellation takes some time to get through there might be a day to get through that so there's a lot to do moving over here oh i'll mention it real quick this is an absolutely gorgeous philodendron gigantium he lives here and he is gigantium actually i've only recently moved him here today he did live somewhere slightly different but he's really sexy i don't know if i'm going to keep him here but right now anyway he's here this behind me right here these are more shelves i'm actually not going to talk about them because to be honest they're primarily propagations and as you might be guessing we would be here all day so i'm going to leave these as they are just know that they're propagations and there's not there's nothing really interesting happening but the thing i think you probably do want to see might be this um this here is i will stand here for scale this is my absolutely giant living wall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] so honestly honestly i don't really know where to start with this wall and i probably couldn't cover every single plant on here because there are so many so that's probably a separate video if you want me to go into full detail on what's on here so if you'd like to do that then please leave a request down below and i will be sure to get on that until then i guess the best way to talk about this is just in a general sense so you may or may not know i planted this wall i think it was in september of last year when i moved shops i documented the entire process of moving from my old shop to my new shop and i will leave a link to that down below because i have a full playlist if you want to see the entire planting of this whole thing but i planted this thing last year in september and it's done okay there is a variety of different things on it i couldn't tell you how many plants are on it i couldn't tell you specifics i just know that we have a few key pieces i would say for example this beautiful queen aetherium this was a very beautiful plant that i unboxed last year as well i did a whole video unboxing that that's done really well it's acclimated quite nicely we have honestly we have tons of stuff we have some melanocrism up here on the left and the right we above that have some monstera de bayer as well again on the left and the right we have a massive mixture of philodendron glory awesome we've got you know bits of different types of antheriums different vining plants that kind of cover the back wall like rough devora tetrasperma theorium more philodendron some monstera in the middle once you come down to the bottom you have a few different things for one thing you have this guy here this guy we've now decided to name as tiny boy because obviously he's tiny he's one of his leaves just for total scale on the matter he's absolutely massive so that's tiny boy right there moving further down on the wall here we have this gorgeous philadelphia maniad that's been recently replanted here he is down here growing a new leaf obviously different bits and pieces some more tetris burma some more ethereum monstera skeletal some philodendron weeks red this is a plant that i really never hear anybody talk about i don't know why that is but this is a gorgeous big plant and it has beautiful backs to the leaves that's an old leaf so it doesn't have it anymore that's an old leaf as well perhaps on the new leaf there you go you get this gorgeous burgundy color up the back of the leaves generally that's what's on there again it would take a hell of a lot of time to go into but just know that not all of the plants on this wall are absolutely perfect as you look across the wall you will see different levels of i would say damage or acclimation when we planted this thing in september it's you know it's been a process quite honestly we've had various different issues with the living wall because we've never built a living wall before um so some plants do show signs of damage here and there but generally since september this thing has acclimated really really well i would say we've had minimal loss quite honestly most of this is intact we've just very recently done a patch up of the living wall that you will probably see next week if you follow my channel quite regularly but yeah i'm pretty proud of it it's it's huge i don't know how tall it is or how wide it is so if you pan all the way to the top of the living wall you will see three amazing monstera de buyers these ones are the buyers are growing from the wall and they are now transitioning from your basic shingle plant into essentially a tree so there's three of them up there and i've decided to call them tree boys because they're going to become trees out of the minute there's a little bit of a bet on as to which one is going to become a tree first so essentially what i'm saying is which one is going to grow from being a shingler into eg a leaf like this one right here above my hand so at the minute i would honestly say that the guy in the middle is winning that's middle boy right there i think he might take it but then again the boy on the right maybe maybe i don't know it really depends it really depends on the water and on the light and everything else but in essence anyway that's my absolute giant living wall as i say i cannot take you through every plant on here it would take hours so that's probably its own video in itself but it is something that i'm very very proud of and it's been really good to just kind of watch the journey of it and watch how it's grown and how it's flourished and how it's acclimated as well since it's been planted it's been planted for about six months now it's obviously going very strong so that's a really exciting process to follow i think with that that actually concludes this plant tour obviously again it's not every single plant in the shop that's not really possible i'm not tall enough there's too many plants to show you individually it would just take too long if you'd like to see a specific tour all about the living wall again please leave a comment down below and i'll be sure to do that if you like this video please leave a like down below and if you'd like to see any more of my content whether it be the living wall whether it be the shop itself whether it be any of the other content i make on rare plants then please feel free to subscribe until then i hope you have a great week whatever you're doing and i will see you in the next video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] it was sold to me as philadelphia golden dragon but quite honestly i can see that it isn't that if i actually pull this out thunder what the is that thunder is it going to stop so this over here is it's i was going to call it quicker [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] you good i know i'm just giving you time too [Music] right ready yeah oh yeah i will be in a minute go ahead you ready are you ready feels like you're not i'm going to ready this porn ready do this all right are you ready yeah i was i was literally ready i was going to move i was ready i was ready are you ready actually you give me vibes like you're not ready you know what i'm saying are you stunted what and you don't seem ready you you okay are you a little short you're not the same height as me bro you ready [Music] [Music] so these are still some of those same tide that i have left what is this what is this what is this so i'm gonna have to include it at this point just in case the footage is this disjointed you're probably watching this in the bloopers but we have had to stop about six or seven times today because there has been actual thunder actual thunder and rain [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh so guys guess who just flew a drone into the living wall chopped the bottom of the melano off guess who that was it was me but it's a nice clean cut today we're getting rid of all the dude oh dude we it look at that man it could have been worse no i couldn't it could did i get a bit of that as well oh see that's how near it was you see you're kidding [Applause] exactly yes you
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 321,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plant tour, rare plant collection, the rare plant shop, kaylee ellen plant shop, rare philodendron, rare anthurium, massive plant collection, houseplant tour, urban jungle tour, plant nursery tour, rare monstera, philodendron joepii, philodendron florida ghost, rare syngonium, 2021 plant tour, kaylee ellen living wall tour, living wall, green wall, grow wall, indoor plant wall, the rare plant shop tour, the new rare plant shop
Id: dI56Jz9vZIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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