Cheap Plants Haul and Rescue 02

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to narrow down to the science behind how we can keep our houseplants happy and to multiply them in our homes so if you're into that kind of content please do subscribe to my channel and send me likes in today's video i'm going to show you a huge huge plan uh unboxing or plan hall it's going to take me multiple days to get all the plants so this is the first ones that arrive i bought a lot of i would say common plants from socopedia because i'm not really buying rare arrays right now the prices are just crazy insane so um for a lot of the common common plans the prices are relatively the same as before the pandemic uh maybe it's a little bit of increase so i figured this is the best time for me to learn and discover really lots of cool new species and i want to invite you guys to come along with me [Music] so i'm going to open this first this is a jewel orchid that i got yeah and for all the plants i'm going to give you the plant id and also the price on the screen and this is just so you guys know what we pay for plants here in indonesia so this jewel orchid looks really healthy i don't think i'm gonna do much to it it looks like in the correct uh medium so i'm gonna let it recover there's a little bit of um limping damage going on over here but i'm just gonna leave it alone for now uh generally happy with it and here we have a hosta so uh two of you guys actually asked me on on two separate days uh about this plant species and i looked it up and they actually look really beautiful they look like aerobics except they're not air rice because the flowers look different so i'm going to try this uh hosta out i have to put him up and i'm going to give him my general purpose potting medium and i read that they do like to be in bright in direct or bright shade light and they don't want to be dried out so keep them a little bit moist but not soggy wet but never let them dry out so they're kind of like maybe the homalominas i guess oh and as i was spotting him i was actually very confused because it's got like a bulb and really thick tuberous roots and this usually tells me that they don't want to be over watered because they store a lot of water there mosquitoes are getting me so yeah i'm confused about this guy i will experiment and i will update you guys to see what the care looks like sometimes when you look at care online care tips online uh most of them are actually not true i don't know who someone probably started writing something about plancare and everyone just copy and pasted it and it's just a yeah everyone just got it wrong basically so i'm going to update you guys and it's nice and potted up i'm going to give it a fertilizer and i'm going to clean it for past as well and this is from a separate seller he got my scissors pruning shears sorry this is really beautiful actually i wanted to get like a bromeliad but they ran out so i remember that i ordered this instead and it was only 50 000 indonesian rupiah it's so healthy i've been trying to get into agilonimas lately so yeah i'm very happy with with this purchase 50 000 that's a steal yeah i'm checking and i don't see any pests but i'm taking no chances i may see a little bit of specs here yeah it could be spider mites i'm not sure um yeah but i'm gonna treat them regardless so and quarantine i'm gonna quarantine them so they're gonna be away from other plants uh i got more ferns because um because the bromeliad was more expensive than this aglone nemo so i was just like hey let's let's just buy some i mean replace them with something cheap so this is only 5 000 rupiah each and i have a few of these already in my care and they get so big like i bought them like this at this size and in about nine months they're like huge so i can't wait for these to get big i love watching them grow wow he gave me a lot actually gave me he was supposed to only give he or she is her the seller's only supposed to give me four and i also know that they gave me an extra plan i didn't order this coleus beautiful i think i already have one of these oh and i've got something else i'm not sure if they packed it with the wrong order or i just got a lot of free plans i'm not sure i got this uh i don't know i don't know what this is this looks like a juvenile form of an aetherium or i don't know or a thermometer i'll hound you guys later for answers and i think here yeah i don't know what these are i don't know what these are but i appreciate it thank you so much for sending me free plans this is quite beautiful it looks like it could be the lemon lime philodendron i'm not sure so i'm gonna start potting these guys up actually i'm gonna waste no time it's getting getting dark i actually see ants crawling around in here that's not good it's carrying something in its mouth maybe mealy bugs probably so i'm gonna quarantine that first okay yeah there are a lot of ants on the table right now [Music] i made a huge mess it's like soil all over the floor [Music] i found that these sprays actually do a good job with uh uh what do you call this dry soil because dry soil actually needs to absorb the water slowly otherwise the water is just gonna either uh trail off the side of the pot or it's just gonna find the fastest way down into the pot which means that it's not going to dry even it's not going to get wet evenly in the pot so this is the fastest way and most efficient way for that i found to keep um dry dry new soil a bit moist uh with ferns uh bright in direct light some direct sunlight will be very good for them but not not full sun and they need to be watered every day never let it dry out so that's my my care tip for ferns and i'm really really happy with this seller because they sent me really good plans at this and at this price these ferns look so gorgeous oh i actually the fur that i have now is which is really really big i got it really banged up it was so terrible when i received it and it recovered so well okay so this guy i'm gonna give it an aerodroid soil mix because i feel like this is a plant that may want to dry out a bit between waterings so i have a feeling that this is a somatophylum salum which i have quite a few of them all over the house i got them as babies a year ago and like smaller than this probably and then they are now a lot bigger but the leaves are all different it's hard to tell like in their juvenile form so yeah let me figure this out later this is the main attraction this is what spurred the the plant uh purchases actually and i've got a lot of these um uh quarter lines uh that are coming that are on the way so yeah i'm having a quarter cordeline moment right now they're so beautiful getting really dark and the roots look very healthy i'm going to give it uh my all-purpose soil and it's done it's beautiful oh my god this new leaf that is trying to roll out it's so beautiful because it's got this yellow rim so it's like it's so nice i don't think this pot is tall enough because i see some of the roots sticking out but it's as deep as it can go okay i'm gonna leave it as it is because i'm running out of time today yeah normally i would have given it a bigger pot because it's yeah the roots are all the way up here got one more aglonima here and they want to be in well in fast draining soil by the way especially for an over waterer like me oh beautiful roots very nice as you can see it's very tuberous and thick roots it does not need a lot of water i see an ant but i don't know there could be pests in here i'm just gonna treat everything with pasta do we like this yeah it looks nice so i use the same soil mix with uh calaisius actually uh if you want to know my soul recipe go to my soil video getting crowded in here i'm gonna do the coleus okay so i'm actually just gonna finish up here it's getting really dark you won't be able to see anything in a few minutes uh i'm going to show you the close-ups of the details of these plants uh bright bright and early in the morning so i'm going to kind of spray them down and let them hang out here for the night because this is a pretty comfortable place for them to be so i'll see you tomorrow good morning so here's the update for the next day uh everything's still alive thankfully uh yeah so i'm gonna go to the dentist and i have another shipment that's coming in today so i'll show you that in a bit so it's the second day evening and another package came in i've got a few more by the way we're not even halfway through yet and uh let me see so everything's nice and bundled up in here uh so that's cool i think this is the uh calathea was the whiskey eye that i ordered i thought the price looked a little bit cheap and i noticed i don't think this is the water whisky eye this is something else this looks like a reverted calathea white fusion which i'm looking at on the floor yeah i already got so many of those this is pretty crazy i don't know why they're sending me this instead yeah if i'm not around the warsaw whiskey i have like thicker leaves and it's like a little bit fuzzy if i'm not wrong so this is definitely the reverted uh white fusion it happens sometimes when you order something and the price is a little bit off sometimes you get a steal you get a bargain like the aglonima yesterday that was totally a steal and then you get these like plants that are either sold dishonestly or the seller genuinely didn't know what it was i don't know what this is this looks oh um i believe this was sold to me as a whole alumina white something white stripes are white i don't see there's only a little bit of white on here i'm not very thrilled with this looks uh and the yellowing leaves this is normal just take it off yeah this cellar looks pretty pretty uh disappointing i don't remember what this is this looks like uh like a a pishki i don't remember ordering it so i'll i'll put the name on the on the screen of what i ordered a little bit annoyed by this ah so this is a gloonema oh i can't remember the name uh yeah it's all right it's not amazing it looks it looks kind of trippy actually it's it's now the coloring i love egglunimas i'm having an agloneema moment right now um it looks like digital printing basically on a lease yeah not particularly thrilling i'm gonna pop these up um including this one i'm just so pissed looking at it uh yeah i'm looking at my plan it's definitely the same one oh and uh i see mealybugs here under the aglonima i don't mind it the only thing is like i think this seller it's just so obviously uh what is the right word for i'm trying to be nice but i'm not it's it's not really qualified i think to sell plants so there you have it nobody wants to sell you a pest infested plant no that's what i believe universally so um but this seller is unforgivable i think the plants were in bad shape and they set the wrong plants and they were just not mind-blowing have my uh pest solution right here from yesterday die mealybugs die yeah so i've just powdered up everybody and i made sure to uh add extra uh pesticide on the soil as well as spray down heavily with my neem oil solution so hopefully the pests are gone hello so it's day three evening and we've got three packages that came in today so i'm gonna get started i opened the boxes but i haven't looked at inside the box yet because i don't look good when i'm opening boxes i'm really struggling with it so yeah oh they wrapped this up in oh this is a syngonia mojito very nice and yeah and then allocate allocation i don't remember ordering this thank you yeah so i got a syngonia mojito uh and the seller asked me if i wanted uh one leaf or two leaves hang on i think i do remember ordering the alocasia but it looks a little bit different hang on i don't think this is the best idea to pack plants in only because i don't know in my mind's eye they can't really breathe in the plastic i don't know i could be wrong i've been wanting to get this uh syngonia mojito for a long time now it's been on my wishlist for a while very nice i'm super impressed uh there's the third leaf coming along the way the ah the splash is just so beautiful i can't stop staring at it it's nice so yeah if you pack your plants like this uh you may rot the plant too if it's too long in the box because it's just so much moisture in there i don't know this guy's like covered in water and this is soggy wet so it might have been better off if it's just in a box where there's a little bit more air circulation in there so i'm gonna try to reuse these bags don't throw away your plastic you guys see if you can repurpose them where possible very healthy root system nice yeah it's not a lot of roots but it's very very healthy it's white color roots that's what we want to see and this one looks uh pretty okay so far it's a little bit brown but not all roots are white by the way some roots are just darker in color than others but this looks healthy otherwise i don't see any crisping everything looks fine okay i'm just going to give them a terracotta pot and an all-purpose general potting soil i love this combination for for general plants because actually the in i use a lot of soil amendments in my uh in my general purpose soil mix and then that terracotta combination lets them dry out pretty fast there's a root that keeps trying to stick out i'm gonna i'm gonna ignore it and while i'm at it i'm gonna spray the whole thing down with my neem oil solution because allocations are really well known for spider mites okay [Music] super cute i love this look this store gave me free slow release fertilizers i've seen them in this color but i don't i'm not going to use it i think because or maybe i am i'm going to use it on plants that i don't care about only because i don't know the npk value of that i don't know if i should put it on my plants and i'm just not confident what is this i believe this should be an african violet yeah it's fuzzy leaves oh my god i've been wanting one of these for a while now so cute some leaves fell off i don't know can they be propagated from leaf like a begonia i'm not sure i'm gonna try i'm gonna stick this into soil just to see what happens i hope this plant doesn't die on me it looks the leaves don't look the healthiest um oh it's so fuzzy i love it i love you so correct me if i'm wrong but african violets i think they like lower light low to medium light and they don't like to be watered very often at all like they need to dry out because it's got fuzzy leaves usually plants with fuzzilies are not tolerant to over watering yeah very cute ah another rattlesnake kalati i've got one of these but i wanted more because that one was kind of declining and i i left it in the uh what's the area called by the koi pond like where the where i did the video before with that stone wall it uh it looks fine there's not like putting out insane amount of growth and it was growing a lot i see the little um thing here i'm thinking if i should pluck this out and there's a bulb sorry yeah i wonder if a plant will emerge from here i have a feeling it well if you plant um just a bulb ah here's another one that i had as a duplicate because mine is like dying and this one looks dying to the yellowing leaks they're very this one's the i forgot the name of this uh calathea but it's the one with very very fuzzy leaves again fuzzy leaf plants they cannot be over watered so let me see if i have any similar looking plants that need potting up at the same time so yeah this calatheas they actually did a lot better when i had it in my bedroom when i had checked on the moisture every day and made sure to water it immediately when it's bone dry but not wait too long and then since i put it outside it's just been declining because i just watered it kind of whenever because it's hard to test the moisture of every plant when they're outdoors there's so many of them okay so next we have another cordline this is beautiful it's a dark uh purple purple green with a very maroon or fuchsia uh rim around the edge of the leaves i'm gonna tease the roots a little bit first before i pot it and i'm gonna give this a general purpose potting soil so i've got this really beautiful plan i forgot the name but i bought two of them uh they're slightly different uh variations i'll put the name of the id on the screen i actually saw a few sellers post this on instagram uh this week so i was curious about it and the way that the market works i guess a lot of these probably came into cultivation and they're ready so a lot of people are selling them that's why we're seeing uh sort of a trend so yeah since they're in stock let's make these trendy they're quite beautiful it's just i don't think this one is particularly healthy um yeah i might see some mealybugs on here they're like white yeah i see mealybugs on here and there's some leaves that are not doing well there are a lot of mealy bugs and yeah so uh i'm gonna give this a let me see yeah this plant has a low chance of survival i think seeing the the shape that it's in otherwise the roots look pretty healthy shake the soil off then this one the roots actually look very healthy very white and i'm not sure what kind of potting media these would like i'm just going to give it a general purpose potting soil actually bought a lot of plants from this cellar oh another quarter line nice this one is beautiful i think this is the one that caught my eye it's got this lime lemon green with a pink rim around it beautiful very cute oh this is a tradiscantia it's not as pink as it looks in the photo i'm a little bit disappointed this is like all green it's either a wrong species or it's lost its variegation i'll put on screen the the photo from the seller and uh tradis county cannot be over watered oh i see a mealybug no that's a destroyer i think yeah oh yeah it's moving really fast so there's uh if you see white fuzz it's either melee bugs or the the bug that eats mealy bug i don't know if i'm making any sense but yeah yeah i'm just gonna it's uh it's in a pretty fast draining soil and it's pretty uh rooted into this uh rice hull media so i'm just gonna use it i'm just gonna continue it's gonna like force force to force its way into the to this pot and i'm done i've got another calathea here this is the all green uh i don't know the name let's put that on the screen so it's similar to the two that we uh potted up before this one's trying to put out shoots so it's probably very healthy a lot of cool shoots again i'm very very heavy-handed with my watering this is why i have to use very airy soil soil mix for most of my plants if you're a neglectful plant parent then don't go with this combination oh i got another fittonia by the way uh actually i did i pulled out of photonia for a video i think about a week ago and i even took the photos for instagram and i just put it somewhere and forgot it for two days and it died so they're really really diva plans they don't like to be moved and they want constant attention you can't just leave them somewhere and and forget about them they want you to remember them beautiful yeah so this plant doesn't look doesn't look that exciting to me so in our climate fittonis have to dry out between watering so i'm gonna give it um a terracotta pot yeah this is not this is barely rooted i think they're actually photonics are actually quite impressive plants and i really want to learn how to propagate them uh i have a feeling there they won't be that hard to propagate but i may be wrong and they're very very inexpensive this is why i came to that conclusion that they're easy to propagate see another quarter line love it yeah as i mentioned earlier this is uh mostly a quarter line shopping video they're very inexpensive and the foliage is beautiful and i want like the ones that i got here are actually not healthy but i believe that they can become healthy under my care um and it will look like a million dollars after they're healthy so i need to give them some time to recover [Music] very nice cute i see a mealybug here too oh i think these plants definitely need to be on quarantine ah this is beautiful isn't it i can't remember oh oh this is lavender oh excited for this one it smells so good it's a different variation of lavender and in my experience lavenders they don't transplant very well so if they're big enough i may actually take a cutting from here and root one of them in water for plant insurance because all the lavenders that i previously bought they died so give them uh uh they do really well and target out of pot because they do need to dry out quickly uh but they also need to be watered frequently and they need full sun very nice [Music] oh another quarter line and this one is so beautiful wow oh it's very very fuchsia i don't know if the camera will ever pick it up oh wow oh the old list actually green and the new ones this one is particularly very very red nice i think bright light gives them that color too so [Music] so generally with this seller actually all the plants look pretty decent so i kind of recommend it the roots look healthy the packing is good with exceptions of a few mealybugs which is totally normal it's fine you just have to be on top of them i don't see any pests or ants on the soil so yeah i forgot i'm gonna actually tease out the roots a bit uh loosen them up so they'll um they'll adapt easily into the new uh soil [Music] okay ooh there's one more uh so this one's from a seller on instagram and it's already potted up so let me see what kind of soil media it's in usually when it's already potted up i leave it alone for a few days i don't repot it right away so yeah it's this beautiful syngonium with really sinister looking leaves that it's like arrow shaped and the underside is just the red in color the maroon it's so beautiful it's oh it's like a begonia color and this is telling me that it likes a lower light than most single names because of the red back oh and lately a lot of the plant sellers from the bogor area are sending plants in korean newspapers so there's a lot of korean newspaper out there that somehow that's not being used oh it's in this uh andam i would say mix which is a dry twix it's okay it's not it's not it's pretty good uh soil media for them i guess so yeah i'm not going to repot them so from that uh last seller is this antherium forget ai dark form and i believe this is the new leaf because it's still very soft i'm not going to disturb it but it looks fine otherwise uh the pot is way too big for my liking i'm not sure if this is uh underwater but i'm actually going to check the soil i watered it today i'm not sure what this yeah it's quite wet so i'm gonna leave it alone and i'm going to take you outside for the other plan i've got two of them okay so i'm actually taking you guys to the front of the house um there's actually a section here and a garden that nobody goes to and my dad has been asking me to build up this area uh so i may do that this is a little thing of the cross uh yeah this is a very cool place for plants only because um there's indirect light all day long and it's got a wood plank so this is quite a beautiful place uh so yeah this this is why you should watch my videos till the very end because you're going to see something different yeah so this is a preview of the space that i may work with soon it's quite beautiful and serene and the only reason why i'm so hesitant about working here is that i don't know if you can see uh even on the camera there's a lot of mosquitoes here a lot of them there's a lot of uh sansevierias quite beautiful and these are actually the babies so they came off really big plants and the plants are indoors and a lot of peace lilies my dad really likes the peace lilies that are variegated but um i digress okay so what we're here to see is this anterior magnificum um so yeah this is from that last seller i actually haven't really looked up close to it yet until now huge this is so big oh my god yeah so i put him here because i wanted uh like a really big plant here and a huge milano chryson as well as a centerpiece for this uh area so this is perfect and it's got a new growth point so i'm actually excited about it and i'm here to check out after the area roots oh my god i may actually wrap this up and oh hang on one second i see white specks i'm not sure what they are it could be it's not moving so let me uh oh yeah it's very wet so let me aerate uh while i'm here i'm gonna i don't know i think the gardener probably water this every day so i'm gonna aerate the soil a bit let it dry out and i'm gonna probably uh move him into a terracotta pot because this area gets watered very heavily daily it's got sprinklers and stuff happening so it needs to be super fast draining it's exactly one month from the day of the unboxing and these are the quarter lines um they live here where they get double direct sunlight and some morning direct sunlight they seem to really enjoy that the strong sun and they cannot be left to dry out but i did notice one of the leaves on this one did yellowed and fell off so yeah i have to be aware of the moisture as well so apparently they can be over watered and the new leaves oh my god the leaves are so glossy uh these i believe these two unfurled uh recently and that's another one coming and yeah as you can see this is the newest leaf and another one's along the way this one as well so they seem happy here these are very very easy plants and someone commented uh in my instagram post that they can be propagated the same way as aglionimas that's amazing and here's the weirdo i still don't know the plant id but it seems to be turning pink or yellow on the edges which could suggest over watering or i don't know it looks very bleached out for some reason or maybe this is the way that it just looks naturally so yeah it's not dead yet and it looks like it's actually still putting on groves and here's the plant and apparently it turned very pink and i actually uh moved some of the trailing bits down to the next pot to see if it will propagate it's actually quite beautiful remember when i unboxed it it used to be all green so it's now a shade of pink and white on the new growth and i believe that the leaves will turn green at some point this is quite beautiful actually here's the hypotheses hippodes i don't know how to say it hippodesk but this one was the one with particularly long vine let me put this down on the floor and actually uh cut with one of the vines and stuck it back into the soil so now i have two pieces of this plant uh and this one may be rooting too if i leave it like that it may just root into the media imagine like a bushy plant this is actually quite nice and uh pretty fast grower and here's the other one ah stepping on a lot of things yeah beautiful and here's that syngonium red arrow and actually saw someone's vlog and i can't remember i'm sorry but this person said that this is a very slow grower and i definitely agree this hasn't really grown much in my care and it's putting out these tiny leaves so maybe i need to get it to to climb up a moss ball to get bigger leaves and here's that flutonia it looks happy it's fine it hasn't put out any new growth i'm checking for bugs nothing it looks stabilizing this next one is the calathea rattlesnake and this hasn't done anything for me either i don't see any new growth point but it's very much alive this is the roofie barbara i believe fuzzy one uh it's not done anything for me either these are actually very slow growers and these ones oh this is putting out a new growth over here as you can see uh yeah this plant i think it's a very fast grower if i'm not wrong this is the one that i claim to be a reverted white fusion this little fuzzy guy is growing like crazy actually look at the new growth points but tiny leaves uh this is the this fuzzy one uh it looks actually really beautiful i'm surprised i haven't killed it yet this is one of the ones that are i think is the harder one it's putting out a new leaf so this looks really healthy to me i'm happy with this one i love how the leaves look after the rain it's glossy i mean it's fuzzy but glossy at the same time and here's a dual orchid i know it doesn't look like much but i think it's growing a little bit it's slow and it's the pot is way too big for it but yeah it's it's alive i'm still figuring out how to care for i think it likes to be on the drier side i think i may have been over watering this person because i put it next to my other orchid so i just hold them down every day twice a day even sometimes and here is that hosta and it didn't put out any leaves so i guess it's busy putting out roots the syngonia mojito is it's putting out a lot of leaf actually let me see yeah there's one coming along the way i don't if you can see it there's one coming along the way i think this one is the new one and yeah those two are the ones that we have had before this is looking healthy and this plant did nothing didn't grow anything i think and i think i need to give it more light to see if i can encourage that white stripe to appear more so i'm going to move it to another place and here's that antherium forgetty eye it's under a lot of stress this is the new leaf it's uh script thing up a bit i found out that this wasn't rooted at all like uh i remember i showed you the deal this was in a huge pot so i took it out of the pot and it's just a lump with a tiny tiny amount of root so it's basically a fresh cutting that was put inside a big pot so yeah something tried to grow and i think oh it's flower sorry i cut out the flower but something else try to grow and i think it's not happening so this is pretty scary i'm just leaving it in here keeping it damp let it root and hopefully it will survive yeah the one leaf is almost gone one of the older leaves and here's that aglonema and it's doing well this is actually somewhere between medium to low light and the ferns aren't actually doing that well but this is normal i kind of expected it this is the other one uh ferns they don't do well with uh soil transplant so it will be in decline like this for about i'll say two to three months and a new front would start emerging from below like crazy so give it time and here's that other aglionema donna sarah can't remember the name but it's looking beautiful now i don't know if it's grown any new leaves i can't see that before but there's something coming along the way so yeah and this place gets morning direct sunlight and uh i don't know like right now i guess it's this this is medium to bright indirect light i guess oh and while i'm here i'm going to spoil you guys for a bit here is a show viewing unit that i'm installing it's still quite messy and this is actually full sun it's gonna get about six to eight hours of full sun and i don't have a spot like that so far so i'm very very thankful to have this space to work with so these are all my full sun plants this is a citrus uh this is i think a gardenia this is hibiscus rosemary and this is more hibiscus this was a gift the cutting that uh rooted so yeah something happening here let me check let me take off this sleeve i don't see any pants oh hello hello hang on don't run away yet i want to take i want to film you look at that cool grasshopper can you see it oh my god it's not focusing how cute hello is it eating the leaf i don't know i think yeah they do eat the leaves and here is the allocation it's put out a new baby leaf very cute this leaf is showing signs of stress but that's very normal and i must say that the allocations are thriving in this rainy season so i guess they do prefer sort of weather or humid soil and air and yeah and this aetherium is flowering very cute and look at this leaf it's so big oh my god cute it's going to get much bigger leaves too oh and there's a little stowaway here i don't know if i pointed that last time there are some small little bites marks but that's okay yeah something bit it but it's living its best life out in the wild they are not going to get perfect leave out in the wild not worried about it let me check for new growth nope i don't see any no new growth points yet but sometimes they put out one or even two if i should peel this open yeah this is a new growth point happening right here so this is happy all right so i guess this is all the time i have for you today i think i covered everybody i'm sorry if i missed out a plant in this update i can't remember everything that i had owned but uh yeah uh hope that you guys are staying safe at home and do take care i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 51,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: re20hkBmORY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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