Are you Importing these Rare Houseplants?

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee ellen and welcome to this week's video today i would like to talk about some plants that i think import really badly so what i mean by that basically is when you buy the plant how it travels to you now what i will say is there is some distinction to be made here between importing a plant and buying it retail now some of these plants perform the same whether you import them or you send them retail so there's a couple of plants on this list where if i sent them to a customer or i got them in for my supplier similar things would happen and i will point that out along the way but there is an important distinction to make here between importing from a supplier where the roots have been treated really aggressively and they've been left out in a hot country and they've gone under like huge temperature fluctuations and all the rest and sending it retail which theoretically it could be the same or theoretically it could be a little bit more gentle there is a slight distinction there but today i want to talk about plants that just they just can't really handle it they really can't and i'm not saying don't buy these plants i'm just saying this is some i've noticed and kind of beware when you when you're buying them really make sure that you're prepared to see a decline before you see an improvement the first plant i'd like to talk about i'm kind of on the fence about i'm not going to lie so this plant here is philodendron plough money eye and it's very gorgeous it's very very beautiful the thing is i find there is a little bit of a difference between shipping it out retail so the way i would ship it which is bare root but no harsh chemical treatments because the plants are grown here in a certain way that means that we don't have to treat the roots and when i get them from my supplier when i get them from my supplier they it's really hit and miss depending on the supplier i get them from sometimes they come through the door like the last ones i've just had in and they're just terrible they're not good they're dropping leaves they're looking yellow they're looking limp they're looking horrendous sometimes they come in and they're absolutely stunning and they don't take a hit at all i find shipping them out retail to be very very good actually i find them to be very hardy these my wilton shipping but honestly it is one of these plants where if you give it water again it will just pop back up and just be amazing so it's really beautiful plant by the way if you haven't seen it before it's very very pretty i love it i love it so much i wanted to include it maybe i shouldn't have i am on the fence sending it out retail in my experience is good it just might dehydrate a lot but you won't get too much damage when you hydrate it again you're not going to get like tons of leaves dropping off depending on how severe it is they tend to be okay more often than not they come quite bad from my supplier i'm not quite sure where to place them but i want to add this in as like a little introductory plant into this list when they're good they're good when they're bad they're really bad i guess that's what i'm getting at here they can really be quite temperamental so if you want one of these in just take into account where you're getting it from if it's straight from the supply overseas in thailand or somewhere like that you might have more of an issue if you're getting it from somewhere more local i think you'll be fine okay let's do another heart-shaped philodendron i should quickly mention and i should have mentioned this at the start of the video i'm not really covering antherium today and that is because antherium generally can be very temperamental so doing a video on the stuff that doesn't ship well it's antherium it's not redundant but you're gonna get a lot of aetherium that ship badly so i've tried to keep it to aeg monstera and philodendron just to keep things a little bit more centralized so the next philadelphia i want to show you is this guy here this guy is very pretty by the way i will have to tip him a little bit he's very beautiful this is philodendron pasta's arnhem only he's like extra extra silvery right here if i just tip him down like so he's very very pretty plant but i tell you something i've had this plant a long time can you tell this is one of the remaining original leaves that i got the plant with it's taken a hit now the other two leaves have gone and they went in about 72 hours the yellow they were dropping off these plants don't travel brilliantly they're not so bad retail they can still be quite bad in my experience they're not excellent shippers i wouldn't say in terms of importing them however i find them to be quite rough of course your opinion could differ massively from mine but i do find them to be very very very rough on import they recover reasonably quickly i do think this one has obviously you can see my growth here it's all this stuff at the bottom and that is the original leaf at the top you could totally tell how long this has been with me actually it is a very very beautiful plant and i do think they're worth it and i think they are worth the hit when you get them in and they do tank i just think you might need to know what you're doing a little bit more with these i don't think i hear people talk about these enough but they're very very gorgeous plants and i do think you should give them a chance just be just be careful i mean if you get a plan and you fall in love with it based on the way it looks it's got three beautiful leaves maybe don't fall in love with it maybe expect it to go back to one leaf for example and then grow up like this back out and it will reward you you're just gonna have to give it some time look at that oh it's a nice planter i quite like it i don't really want to sell that i think that's quite pretty okay so my next plant here is known as allocation reticulata and it is here to represent basically all alocasia because i don't think i've found an allocation yet that ship okay nearly every single allocation that i have ever had into this shop tends to die back to the calm i it loses all of its leaves and you're left with that bulb at the bottom i have found the same unfortunately when i sell them so i do find this is absolutely universal of allocation they don't like being shipped now i do sell my plants bare root because i have to by law in order to sell them overseas that's just something i have to do but if you sell these in a pot it might not be so bad so i'm not saying you can't buy any allocation if you're selling it in a pot with substrate in and it's undisturbed they don't tend to lose leaves they tend to be all right they might lose one but they're quite okay if we're talking about selling it in the usual way that a lot of red plants are sold nowadays they cannot handle it guys they just they just drop back to the column every time and that is a reason a big reason why i don't really trade an allocation in the shop do i have some yeah sure i've got a few different ones i've got some variegated ones i had some variegated fry decks somewhere i've never even sold them on because i know that when i send them in the post they're gonna lose all their leaves and i'm just gonna have to refund it anyway you know what i mean there's no point so i tend not to trade in alocasia for example this plant here a lot of people ask me about they ask me if they can buy it am i gonna propagate it am i gonna sell it if i were to take this out and sell this it would they would die right back i might get a leaf remaining but it's probably going to die back to the calm and then it's going to take a while to sprout which is a big shame because it's gorgeous and it's it's taken a while to get this size if you can remember guys when i got this plant it was a little bit bigger than that it was very very small i've had it for ages but yeah this represents all alocasia all alocasia in my experience are absolutely to import if you are quite fine with the idea of getting one of these bad boys in it going back to essentially what you would know as a stump and growing it back out that is cool that is fine go for it the corms can rot i've had that a million and one times honestly i'll show you an example of something similar later on the corm can rot as well which means you have nothing so be very careful i'm not saying thrown in poor them obviously i'm not i just feel like they are more of a gamble and for me personally there are very very very few allocations that have been sent out from this shop species wise that have done okay this little guy this not a little guy is here to represent that uh also before we go on this plant it's supposed to look like this this is why the plant looks like this but yeah he represents all acacia be very careful be prepared to drop all the leaves be prepared to go back to essentially the bulb the corn be prepared for it maybe to rot sorry to give you bad news but happens more often than not trust me trust me i've got about 300 alocasia under my belt coming into this shop and i've probably got 20 left so you do the math right then this next plant i tell you something i'm going to put it on the table i'm going to stare at it while i talk about it because i'm so annoyed with this plan the amount of refunds i have had to do on these plants would amaze you i have no problem telling you that because i know that my customers know that i know that most of you that have bought these plants from me have had an issue with them and i agree i have issues with them too they hate being shipped they absolutely cannot stand being shipped i also gifted one of these plants as a little package i think it was last year now to pam's pretty plants on youtube and even she told me she was like this this ain't doing too good and i was like trust me it's not you it's this plant this plant is a nightmare i'm not gonna waste any time this little guy here okay yeah it looks they don't grow very well either i'm going to be honest with you this is philadelphianum i i literally i can't stress this enough how many refunds i've done i cannot tell you it's my number one refunded plan apart from one other that i will show you later ah it's just terrible it's terrible routes are really hard to get on this plant as well it's like it knows it's a viner and it just does not want to push out proper roots they were growing fine they were stable in the shop before i sold them and i had i had quite a few but every single time they would get sent out i tell you now all the leaves will go yellow and drop off you'd be left with sticks oh my god literally i'm so annoyed with this plant i'll show you up close just so you can see this is a very cool plant in theory by the way basically you start off with these nice cute little velvety heart-shaped leaves and then the plant gets more mature and this changes completely and it goes to like a big glossy kind of not even heart-shaped anymore the shape changes completely it looks a little bit more like an aetherium like it's a cool ass plant but seriously just don't sell them honestly please just don't sell them just don't touch them don't look at them don't do anything just leave them alone just leave them alone don't repot them just don't look at them don't think about them don't associate with them don't speak to them they'll do anything this is one of my worst shippers of all time that's how bad it is on import they weren't too bad though and this is what i don't understand they weren't too bad on import and i didn't realize how bad they were going to be when i shipped them they're just horrendous plans guys i'm sure they're beautiful i'm sure they're gorgeous i'm sure some of you have beautiful ones but if you are trading in these things just take it from me as a little bit of friendly advice do not bother some of you might trade in these anyway and you already know what i'm talking about they are an absolute nightmare so one more time because i could go on about this plant all damn day that is philodendron lupinum just just don't bother don't bother don't bother okay let's talk about the philodendron burley marks now then i have some good things to say about this plant honestly i do now this plant here doesn't import very well and i think that's because the leaves are so paper thin i will tip this up so you can see it's not a great specimen it's just i've kind of let it revert and i've kind of left it um there are there is some variation on there but it's theme and far between we don't care when you import these in my experience they go downhill really quickly because they're so paper thin and the roots as i've got a great example here actually because coming out the bottom of the pot that's how long i've had it the roots aren't super super thick either they're not really thick and tuberous they're a little bit more not hair like but they're much thinner and that instantly tells me that they're water loving and they're going to dehydrate very quickly and they're not going to love you if they get underwater they can tolerate underwatering this is where it gets really hazy with this plant this plant is a lot of things right i find this really interesting and it's a great beginner plant because you can really learn a lot from this plant and it's also not very expensive you can pick one of these up for mid double digits probably literally not a lot of money totally recommend if you want to get into rest stuff and you want to learn how to look after plants they're not good to import because they have very very thin leaves and they have reasonably thin roots however they do come back to into the room very quickly basically i find this a lot with a lot of bad shippers they also recover very quickly some do some don't but this plant is one of those plants it ships not so well but it springs back very well it is very tolerant in the long term but not tolerant in the short term so if you ship it it might not do very well but it will bounce back excessively quickly it will plump up really really quickly and it'll look like it there was never a problem yes you're going to lose some leaves but you're going to be all right it's really difficult to place this plant changes affect it very quickly that's the best way i could honestly describe it it's a very very odd plant to get to know if you deal in buying and selling of this plant specifically i wouldn't discourage you from getting this i actually would do the opposite i would tell you to get this if you want to get into the whole rare plant kingdom so to speak and you want to deal with variation and you want to know what it's like to import something how to cut something propagate it sell it whatever this is a fantastic plan for that because i've mentioned this before if you can see the rate at which it kind of multiplies at the stem there you can see that it kind of goes into overdrive so you get really good bang for your buck i recommend this plant but it's very temperamental but overall you're not gonna lose your plan i'd be amazed if people lost a lot of these to be honest so yeah it's a weird thing i had to talk about it because it's so weird let me know what you think of this let me know if you disagree with anything i've said that's just what i find about them i find them just to be i don't know they're in their own little world a little bit to be honest they're a bit odd all right so this next plan imports like absolute and honestly i think personally it ships like this is one of the plans where no it doesn't really matter how you're doing it it kind of sucks there are ways to kind of um recover this plant a bit quicker and save it a little bit but generally it's a big problem and i don't tend to ship as many of these out anymore as i used to a couple years ago i'm talking about this is this is actually not mine i'm borrowing it because i don't really keep these this is philodendron varicosam it is a type of filled and varicose it's quite a nice plant it's got nice leaves here here and on the back it's nice and red it's a pretty plant it's nice they ship they ship they ship like shite trust me it's it's not funny not only that but they're pest magnets as well i've said this on a video before very awesome and spider mites oh my god good luck good luck i'm very humid in here and i have a batch somewhere very close i'm kept way out of the way i can see them now actually basically they get spider mites all the time so i have to keep them miles away from anything else and they're constantly getting sprayed and it's constantly coming back and i'm not having that problem on any other plan anyway that's beside the point we're not talking about pests we're talking about shipping they wilt very quickly they will go brown very quickly they will turn yellow and drop off very quickly it's not a pretty sight this plant did have one more leaf on it here it's been pulled off because it was yellow and it was dropping off that's not even when you get your plan out of the box and you wait a couple of days and then it happens this kind of damage i'm talking about happens in the box on its way to you and i find that a lot so by the time the package gets to you a lot of the time not all the time but a lot of the time you've already got yellow leaves and that's when you know it's it's quite a plant now are they worth it of course they are i would love to keep a nice big gnarly very awesome at home but i don't because it constantly gets spider mites and it constantly affects my other plants so i've had to stop doing that it is a shame because it is a great plant i can't really say anything bad about it other than pests and it ships badly if you can get these beautiful you'll know how rewarding they are so i don't really want to discourage people from um getting these too much if you're on it with your pest control you don't mind dealing with spider mites and you've dealt with them before you you know you're good at dealing with them and you don't mind getting plants in that look like absolute go for the plant i think they're beautiful plants they're really really nice look at this and get up close on this one yeah it's a beautiful plant if the idea of importing any plant intimidates you seriously stay well away from these there are so many other heart shaped leaves that you can bring in that are not going to do this to you glory awesome beautiful one i talk about that plant all the time it's gorgeous get that instead you'll have a better time these aren't for the faint-hearted in my opinion they they're just not good to deal with at all both retail and importing they're not ideal the next plant i'd like to talk about i have i have two or three trays of these i'm not even kidding i don't even know when i even got these i think these are my own propagations from nodes and they've grown that long um this plan i'm about to show you looks a little bit limp but it's how it's been growing so it hasn't been on the support that i've now put it on i've just put on a mini little stick um i'll show you what i mean so this plant here is philodendron gigas and it is very beautiful i'm not knocking its gorgeous plant but they are kind of a nightmare to import i'll show it to you up close because honestly it is gorgeous it honestly is it's beautiful plant you get these really long pointy leaves and these dark kind of melanocrism mike and z type leaves it's a very gorgeous plant but let me tell you something shipping these plants is an awful experience i don't think i've sold any of this for a long time since i sold the really large ones i had i've got two large ones over there just growing and in here they'll grow quite happily right they won't throw a fit they won't give me any problems they'll grow nice this here is quite pretty it's sellable it's looking really nice all these have to do is pump towards the light bob's your uncle funny as you run right it's just not gonna ship well i already know it's gonna drop leaves the leaves can often go brown and kind of mushy it doesn't matter how you packed it trust me i've tried it doesn't matter these are not very good similarly to import them they will look absolutely terrible when you bring them in i'm talking like floppy like dog-eared like really bad and it doesn't matter the supplier i've chosen i've tried different suppliers they all come in the same they come in really terrible of course you might have had a different experience it's a shame you know because that's really sellable i might sell it and see how it goes maybe just maybe it might make it this time maybe i will try i think i'm going to do a sale coming up soon i might try and sell it because it's very beautiful and it's it's grown so nicely it's a shame to just leave it sat there but there it is philodendron gigas i i don't have much faith in these they are better retail than they are importing i will say that but i wouldn't say there's a ton of difference that they're pretty either way they are very finicky with water very finicky and this one's okay because it's in liquor and it kind of takes what it wants it's it's just able to water itself a little bit better but they're just so temperamental shame beautiful plants and when these get really big as well they change shape so if you're interested in that please google it they stop having this long oval shape and i think they do turn heart-shaped i think but have a google and just be aware when you bring them in they're gonna look for a long time and when i say a long time by the way i'm talking months i'm not talking weeks i'm talking months they look terrible this plant here is what is known as the xanthe summer mickey mouse let me just tilt him like this can you see i'll put him next to me so he can focus my camera's having a lot of trouble focusing today this is what's known as xanthesuma mickey mouse think of it a little bit like oh my god did you see that did you see that wow okay well this proves my point doesn't it excellent so think of it a little bit like an allocation if you don't know they look very similar allocation collocation they have that kind of growth pattern they also grow from a calm this plant i'm pretty sure this exact plant actually may or may not have been it might be a different one but i remember i got a return a while ago on one of these because it dropped all of its leaves and it pretty much rotted and that's rotting in transit again my point is these work pretty much the same as an allocation in the way that the leaves will drop you will end up getting a leaf or two leaves if you're lucky and that's about it it's not going to go well for you this one is interesting because you probably can't see in the tag here but it says synthesauma half comb because half the corn rotted the other half was okay so if you say that try and remove the rock you can still grow a plant back from half a corn i don't know how many people know that you can you can do it from a fragment of a corn it doesn't have to be the full thing i mean obviously it's not going well for you if that happens and it's very risky but it can be done and this has been i probably wouldn't sell it it's not sellable because it is half a corn i'd have to hope it popped or something like that i find this plant specifically hard to grow but i don't grow xanthosoma very well in here alocasia i can grow xanthosoma for some reason i cannot so i wanted to mention that it is very similar to alocasia this is worse i would say santa summer is worse for me anything with a calm be prepared to lose it all i recently had a variegated banana die really sad that rotted from the corn as well but when i brought that in it went down to one leaf this is what they do combs shipping no good so i have to mention that as like a secondary addition to the allocation but both are pretty you know both are pretty right the next plant i'd like to show you it's not necessarily the specific plant but it is a representation of anything that is not monstera deliciosa so what i'm saying is monstera generally ship really bad and that has always surprised me because i always find that they're very vigorous i always find that as plants they can go without water very very well i don't really understand why they ship so badly but it doesn't matter who i buy monstera from they generally unless delicioso they do not ship very well at all so i'm gonna hold up one for you here now i've had this a long time i really need to cut them all again but this is monstera peru varigata i'll tip it up because it's very pretty very very pretty plant look at that gorgeous totally sellable actually i might sell that that's looking very nice they ship okay retail they're not amazing though and the roots can go i find that the roots can go these plants specifically you get a lot of brown crispiness and almost like burnt patches in them i don't really understand that either but i've imported into this shop a fair few monster in my time i've done lesh lariana i've done panati partita i've done a skeletal which used to be known as epipen 90s that's not as bad i've done still typicana i've done peru i've done quite a lot and they all do the same thing they all basically go super yellow on arrival and i will never understand it because they're so tough they're generally very tough and i find that once the plants have acclimated they're good and you don't get any more problems with the exception of this one you don't get any more problems to import them if they are not delicioso honestly be prepared for the yellow leaves the only plant that i find is not as bad is the skeletal which i don't have any right now well i do i have a lot but i don't have any i can grab i think they're over there if i walk back here you might be able to see on frame you won't be able to see them specifically but they're up here in a big tray i might have more i don't know i don't know so i can't grab those but those are kind of in between they don't do too badly after shipping it kind of depends on the supplier they tend to be a bit tougher everything else literally everything is terrible with the exception perhaps of monstera de bayer when it is small that is very important so when monster dubai is small and it shingles which i can't show you i have loads shingling my walls but i can't really show you them they ship great actually they're fantastic shippers small to buyer brilliant but when they get large like the ones i have on my living wall where they uh fenestrate terrible literally terrible terrible shipping i have a few to sell but i've kind of stopped selling them because they ship so badly they don't do very well at all this here represents any monstera that isn't delicioso if you are just buying deliciosador great news for you they ship quite well they ship brilliantly actually right listen listen right this could not be a terrible import shipping video without this plant in it i famously stopped selling this plant and i made a big deal out of stopped selling it i even sent this plant out as a guinea pig to die in the post for basically testing shipping delays to different countries and i know a couple of you had these from me i'd like to know if they survived actually but i i can't do this video without talking about this plan i'm serious i cannot do it this here is honestly it's quite nice it's quite sizable if i tip it up you may or may not know what it is there's a little clue this here is philadelphia six nine six eight six and oh my god i still have a three of them and a lot of them are this size now because i haven't done anything with them because i've let them grow when these things recover in your house in your conditions they are great classic example i've got some gray ariels on here the space between the nodes are pretty good it does very well in low light it's got a nice shape to it let me just grab him he's the newest leaf here he's a nice boy right he's a nice boy he's a tall boy he gives me no trouble until i put him in a box as soon as i put him in a box he has a panic attack anyone that's had this plan from me you've probably had a refund i would go as far as to say that 95 of people that have ever bought this plant from me it's been refunded so the thing i like to judge a plan on when it ships i do say this on my website as well and it is something to know if you're importing any plan it's very unusual for you to get a plan in the mail and it doesn't show any signs of stress or any signs of damage whether that's mechanical damage i physical tear or fold in the leaf obviously sellers that sell you plants try and stop that but it's not impossible because things happen with the courier that can happen but another thing that can happen when you buy plants is of course you can get a yellow leaf because the plant has been darkness for a couple of days and that's just that's just what happens when you ship out plants right it can happen it can even happen when you buy a plant in a shop and you take it home it doesn't like your house because it's been inside a greenhouse or something like that it happens the thing i like to say to my customers is if it's one leaf i think you need to accept that as a peril of buying the plan right unless i've sold a plan with one leaf generally i will say to a customer okay it's lost a leaf that kind of happens if a plant is systematically dropping its leaves like this guy right here then i will deem that to be a problem that's kind of how i work this out you know if i send 20 of these things out or 20 of any plant out i can work out how good something ships buy what comes back to me sometimes i ship things out i never hear from the person again so i'm like that's obviously worked well this plant however if you've had one of these plants from me you know you know what i'm talking about what happens is it gets there in each eye they've got a yellow leaf or it look it might look fine it might look fun and then systematically what's going to happen is over the next week the two weeks each leaf is just gonna drop off it's just gonna drop off and you're gonna be left with a stick essentially will the stick die not in my experience i don't think i think you can get a plant back from it but you have to be prepared to lose nearly everything you see in front of you and as someone that sells plants for a living i'm not okay with that i don't think that's an acceptable peril of buying the plants i think i've said this before about this plant and a lot of people in the comments have gone yes i sell these oh my god yes or i've bought these from you and yes i remember that or i've had this plan generally and yes that happens this plant is terrible to ship it's terrible to import it's terrible to ship it doesn't matter what you do it doesn't matter how kind you are it happens anyway it hits its life but if you manage to get it and you persevere you can have a beautiful plan because i do think this guy's very nice he's not easy to show because he grows under lights and the light is here so he's facing all of his leaves upward he's beautiful don't get me wrong but holy put him in a box don't put them in a box don't put in the box don't even show them the box don't show them the box if you have boxes in your house keep them out of the way don't don't let them see it because i don't even think he likes looking at the boxes because holy the only plant that's worse on this list than this plan is probably between varicose and lupinum those are my top three really bad shippers so you've been warned that's all i can tell you you've been warned and that was my top i don't know what i'm going to call this video but essentially my top worst plans to import as i mentioned to start the video something can be terrible to import and not so bad to ship sometimes of course it depends on your supplier and how the plant is treated and how it responds to it generally speaking these are the types of plants or specific plants in some cases where i would be very wary let me know what you think of this list if you have any plans maybe you're a seller maybe you just you import a lot of plants i don't know if you have any plants that you think are notoriously terrible to import i would love to hear from you in the comments because honestly i could have put more on this list um i just chose ten i think i've chosen ten anyway but i really wanna hear what you think so feel free to leave a comment down below and if you like this video please leave a like down below it really helps me out with the old algorithm if you'd like to see any more of my content whether it be top tens informational stuff tours anything you like then please hit that subscribe button because fun fact only 50 percent of you that watch me are actually subscribed someone did tell me the other day that they were actually unsubscribed from me and i do know that that happens because it happens to me with people i'm subscribed to so feel free to check your subscriptions and see if i'm actually in there because i might magically not be i don't know what youtube is doing there but it happens i suppose anyway thank you very much for watching this video guys and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 55,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, worst houseplants, worst plants to buy, difficult plants, hard rare plants, worst rare plants, overrated houseplants, difficult houseplants, plants that dont ship well, plants that ship well
Id: vQTHbYN73eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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