ChatGPT Just Beat Chess

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I'm terrible at chess. But, I understand enough to have found that every bit as hilarious as advertised. Wow!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/MisanthropicScott šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 14 2023 šŸ—«︎ replies

This was honestly beautiful.

Edit* there is more!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Golden-Snowflake šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 14 2023 šŸ—«︎ replies

This made my day.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/human_shadow šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 14 2023 šŸ—«︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen it's currently 2023 and if you've got an internet connection and you're able to see this video right now then you've probably heard about chat GPT if you haven't it's an AI website it's a chat bot and it's basically learning how to behave like a human it knows everything about everything it can write essays it can tell you about civilization through various centuries but can it play chess that is the question we are going to address in today's video this video is inspired by two things number one Eric Rosen put out a video recently uh where Chad gbt invented how to play on passant basically so it didn't quite know the rules of Chess but this video is also inspired by a recent post on Anarchy chess because somebody made chat GPT play against stockfish and it beat stockfish but not in the way that you think let's jump into today's game so stock which has the white pieces chat GPT has the black pieces and the game begins with the move E4 all right so far so good chat GPT responds with E5 enough people have played against chat GPT that we know it's capable of certain openings and it does in fact play Knight F3 and Knight C6 the basic rules of the game are covered Bishop B5 the Spanish wow I never thought you know this is like watching Magnus Carlsen Max Deutsch right the amateur challenge is the Grand Master you think oh Chad CPT is gonna just implode at some point well we have A6 Bishop A4 Knight F6 and in this position uh White plays the move castles and you may notice why I'm manually moving the pieces maybe you didn't notice that well I'm gonna need to manually move the pieces and I'm gonna need for there not to be legal moves enabled on this board and you might say Levy what are you what are you talking about well my dear friends it only took five moves for chat GPT to invent the first chess move that has ever occurred like this because in this position chat gbt did not develop its Bishop but rather played the move short Castle capturing its own Bishop and now being down a bishop so black is down a bishop and killed its own Bishop in order to enable castling yes you are reading that correctly now stockfish plays Bishop takes Knight why well when you're up a bishop you should simplify stockfish is the strongest chess computer in the world or is it well chat GPT plays D takes C6 okay that makes a lot of sense well in this position stockfish plays rookie one defending its Pawn on e4 and chat gbt plays E5 it plays E5 like like yeah like like it plays like the it skips its own turn and stockfish plays D3 but you ain't seen nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet so stockfish plays the move D3 uh developing its dark squared bishop and oh you know solidifying its Center and in this position chat GPT plays the move puns from non-existence to D6 I'm not joking okay I'm not I promise I didn't just wake up drunk today this was a real game played on a real back and forth between chat gbt and stockfish pawn at like the at sign D6 okay tremendous well stockfish has to deal with this new information of there being a Pawn on the board and you know plays Knight bd2 simply developing uh chat GPT now also you know finds the same exact rerouting idea with Knight to D7 stockfish doing a nice job here rerouting its Knight over this way very very principled stuff here from stockfish it doesn't need pieces that don't exist it doesn't capture its own pieces it's just playing Knight to F1 and uh chat GPT goes Knight to F6 just bouncing the Knight back and forth because it it's sort of out of ideas stockfish now plays Bishop to G5 pinning the Knight to the queen very sensible move uh and chat gbt attacks the bishop so so you know this is this is pretty logical stuff it captured its own bishop and it put a Pawn on D6 but otherwise you know it's it's doing a nice job and then it chases away White's Bishop with the move G5 all right a little bit aggressive now stockfish correctly evaluates here that it can sacrifice its Knight for two pawns because in the long run it's gonna be really difficult for black to deal with so it plays Knight takes G5 H takes G5 Bishop takes G5 very nice idea from stockfish which now has Queen F3 on the way Rook up and over that black king is going to be really dealing with this pin in a in a very difficult manner but little did stockfish know that chat GPT hadn't had something up its sleeve here as Chad gbt plays Knight takes G5 yep Knight takes G5 illegally capturing the bishop on the G5 square and now black is up a bishop and a pawn because that pawn came out of non-existence so stockfish unfortunately now goes from plus four to minus two yep that'll happen yeah but peace now you're down a piece can't do anything about it what are you gonna do you're playing something that is Reinventing the rules of chess okay well no problem let's just deal with the information that's presented in front of us stockfish plays D4 trying to deal with the new landscape of the position uh and chat GPT after the move d4 takes on D4 and stockfish doesn't recapture but rather plays the move F4 seizing some new space and attacking the Knight on G5 but stockfish was hardly prepared for chat gpt's next move which was Queen H4 teleporting the queen through the night through the night but that's a very bad move it's a very bad move because Pawn takes G5 Pawn takes G5 play in this position and uh stockfish back on top taking the night now stockfish must have at this point thought you know I'm just playing a drunk alien that's really what's what's going on here I think this is just an alien had some sort of you know Galaxy vodka or something well after teleporting the queen through one piece chat GPT in this position played Queen H1 check and stockfish played King takes Queen now if we just back up for a moment to this position um from this point you're gonna see I'm gonna play what happened in the game I need you to pay attention so if you're not watching the video if you're like put the video back on the screen I'm not even going to commentate the next three moves I'm just going to play them silently because the comedy it is not like you cannot replace the comedy okay the next sequence of moves in this game was as follows here here chat GPT turn to White Queen into a black queen it was like nope Uno reverse that's my queen now how do you even notate that how do you even Queen takes F3 Queen takes F3 I mean what are we even looking at what is this well G takes F3 foreign okay Knight F6 I'm not making this up you can look at the there's a URL in the description I swear to God this would happen you are not ready for this all right night at F6 G takes F6 G takes up C now it's a black pawn now it's all right that now it's a black Bond all right stockfish plays Knight G3 black plays Rook age uh King h8 right King h8 sliding the king over and uh in this position stock which brings its other rook and tries to attack the center Pawn now the center Pawn can be defended um it can be defended by uh C5 of course uh but uh yeah chat GPT defends the pawn in a different way by playing Rook G8 you may ask yourself Levy I don't understand that at all how how does that defend how does Rook G8 defend upon on D4 well and I would say it doesn't but what do I know about Chess I'm just an idiotic human I'm not a chat bot AI so after playing the move Rook G8 uh White played the move Rook takes D4 okay Rook takes D4 naturally winning the pawn that was left unguarded and now stockfish is only at a minus one advantage but little did stockfish know that in this position chat GPT would play Rook G8 takes D4 yeah that's kind of hard to beat yeah that's gonna be a tough one yeah it's gonna be however I think Chad GPT felt bad because stockfish on the next move to prevent the infiltration of The Rook to D2 played rookie two uh yeah rookie two prevents and now of course black should play Bishop here and bring the Rook but Chad GPT after playing Rook G8 to D4 proceeds to play Rook to G1 yep Rook G8 to D4 to G1 that is the most powerful Dimension bending Rook ever and after stockfish took the Rook and sent the game back to a rather equalish end game of rook and Bishop versus rook and Knight in this position Chad gbt played Rook to G2 check another dimension bending Rook reappears not in a very effective manner may I say because after Rook to G2 stockfish simply captured and now with his King rook and Knight and six pawns versus King Rook bishop and seven however the position is better for white because of the quality of the pawns and it will be very easy for white to capture them so black plays King to G7 Chad gbt seemingly unbothered by the presence of its more powerful pieces stockfish plays Knight to H5 which is actually a double check and chat GPT after Knight H5 goes back to h8 and it looks like stockfish is going to find a way to win Knight takes F6 Rook to G8 is simply Checkmate will chat GPT realize that and move its Bishop to enable the defense of the G8 Square well that's how your puny mind sees the position but chat GPT had a defensive response for Knight takes pawn it was simply Pawn takes Knight yeah stupid human duh just Pawn takes Knight it takes back a piece from another dimension and leaves stockfish with simply a rook and six pawns to fend for itself and stockfish once again needs to adapt to this new reality doesn't know what to do and plays the move before it's out of options stockfish doesn't have the luxury of summoning monsters summoning pawns summoning Knights and queens and Rooks just from non-existence but chat GPT does so B4 and in this position we have A5 a human-like move a legal move and chat gpt's idea is to activate its rook and come in so Pawn takes A5 and now chat GPT plays B7 takes A5 okay rookin 5 versus Rook Bishop and six it's a winning position we have King to F2 now the advantage here for white is the fact that the Rook cuts off the king so the king is not able to cross over and it can only stay on the H file which is why in this position chat GPT plays King to E7 that's a pretty nice move the king just moves half the board in one go now surrounded by the Pawns nuzzled in complete safety I don't understand how stockfish will ever deal with this so what does it do it plays H4 stockfish correctly identifies that the bishop and The Rook have not moved at all so maybe if it sneaks its Pawn there it can get a queen but unfortunately chat GPT had a response ready for H4 as it played Pawn to H5 and now that path was blocked out of options stockfish decides well if I can't do anything I'm gonna have to play Rook to G8 go down to the last rank maybe sneak around and take this Pawn or at least make it difficult for black to move but sadly stockfish's last piece was captured in this position with the move Rook takes G8 and down to its remaining Five Pawns stockfish just had to March forward and die on its sword there was no other way that it was going to stand up to the absolute devilish psycho Powerhouse opponent that it had King to E3 King to D7 King to D4 the king comes out into the open it's a tremendous moment as you stand out in the field of battle and black in this position played King takes its own Pawn as the other king approaches as well as White's King follows the rules of Chess it decided in this position to slide backwards and chat GPT played King to D5 and stockfish took the king and Humanity survived and still only answers to one robotic chess entity and its name is stockfish
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,722,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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