I forced Stockfish to play itself

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ladies and gentlemen if you're familiar with chess at all then you are probably familiar with the name stockfish stockfish is the strongest computer in our world of the 64 squares it is constantly becoming the world champion and its current version which is 15 as of august 2022 is rated 3700 which sounds like a rating that your five-year-old nephew tells your relatives that that's how strong they are at chess because it sounds so artificially made up and impossible but in this video i paired stockfish 15 against stockfish 8. stockfish 8 was the version of stockfish that played against alpha 0 and has a rating of 3 370. i am going to show you four games that they played against each other it is going to be absolutely fun it's going to be a blast and then i'm going to give you the uh chess.com and leeches game reviews of those games so this is the first game that they played here they had one millisecond per move do you understand what that means you understand that one millisecond like human beings cannot react to a car stopping in front of them that fast all right so here we go stockfish 15 begins with e4 uh stockfish eight plays my my favorite opening and we have antarctic hour now remember one millisecond okay we have uh we have knight f6 uh sorry knight d2 uh played um a couple moves ago uh and we get we get to the tartar tower now knight f3 now again if stockfish 15 had a little bit more time to think uh it would it would probably play for the c3 setup uh bishop d6 bishop d3 castle's queen c2 this is considered the main line the thing about engines is that when they have less time to think they don't know they don't know openings like you unless you program them with an opening book which we didn't so a lot of the time they will not play something that's the main line theory and explore something else so very early on we get the bishops off the board and the thing about the tartar tower is that because black uh damages their pawn structure early as long as black does not get to generate a lot of play and a lot of activity on the open lines black is worse in the end game you're worse than the end game because you volunteered to have a worse queenside pawn structure you have a three and i have a four and the engine if it's smart enough will be able to capitalize on that that's all it needs even with one millisecond per move all right so we have bishop d6 and notice how the it gets the queens off because the closer we get into an end game the better it's going to be for the side that has the better pawn structure right so bishop e3 all right long castles now here a very nice tactical defense you can't go here because after i come back white is going to play the absolutely ridiculous move d5 and then if you take that as well then i'm going to play bishop f4 discover check i'm going to win this and then i'm going to play c4 winning your night which obviously starfish 15 saw in point one milliseconds that's terrifying all right it could see your future if you don't start getting better grades in school b5 played by the other stockfish still sacrificing this pawn for knight d4 but you're gonna get something back here because if black takes uh then rook d5 now the incredible thing here is to me that these engines are still in the balance it's still only 0.4.5 for white which is like the standard evaluation of the opening anyway um so c4 now that sacrifices a pawn that's literally just the sacrifice of a pawn it's also the best move which is unbelievable and the entire idea here is that black is going to be unable to defend the spawn in the long run so why and that's why it gives it up like for example if a6 just king c2 king c3 king c4 that's literally the plan so black sacrifices the pawn back ah there's your two on one alright there's the advantage now starting to pay off so now we have the rook and bishop end game a couple of moves later stockfish 15 wins the pawn it's a two on one on the queen side this is still plenty losable for both colors and as a spectator as a lower rated player but you'll notice that the four on three on the other side of the board is not the same four minus three is one but two minus one is also one all right and i'm not speaking in riddles this is a problematic position for stockfish eight because slowly but surely look what's happening the blockade is getting into full effect over here you're not letting these pawns through this is the only thing preventing stockfish 15 from having a completely winning position right now and you'll notice all right it's beating up it's it's younger it's younger sibling over there rook d2 and it doesn't even look like any progress has been made but it trust me it's been made and there we go rook b6 oh the dominance on the back rank king d5 and stockfish is looking to win this pawn it's not even necessarily looking to trade on b5 all right and you'll notice that yeah stockfish 8 starts getting desperate the pawn has been won two on zero is just game over and uh we get to an end game where the pawns are gonna make it through uh white is completely paralyzed and uh the pawn does in fact ultimately make the difference so the entire problem of the antarctic hour at engine level is that fact that you have a three on four and stockfish 15 they by the way they play until checkmate engines usually play till mate slackfish 15 wins uh with one millisecond to make every single 0.1 millisecond not one millisecond but 0.1 milliseconds to play every move in this game this was the lyches senti pawn report so white played okay 23 average why i had 36 average uh obviously work it's gonna get better uh and the game review uh for was like this so still 92 caps basically from the chess.com game review which is just ridiculous i mean 92 like that's like the highest peak of some you know of some people's uh some people's averages you know um and that's that's what these engines got having less time to play a move than like people have to again a stopping car in front of them on the road uh for the next two games uh i gave them five seconds per move now these engines will play better moves than any human being like 99.999999 of the time the only time these with five seconds per move that's what i'm trying to say the only time they won't is in the opening because again these engines don't know the consequences of moves in the first ten moves like humans do because we've studied them through trial and error oh you drove off a cliff with no parachute huh i wonder what the result of that is going to be right so these engines they don't know so sometimes they make mistakes all right e4 and we have a rasa limo a rasalimo with g6 a main line this is super interesting castles bishop g7 from stockfish and you'll notice that white never took on c6 so stockfish 8 never took on c6 now the thing about the russell limo and its inherent imbalance is that black likes a kingside attack black likes a kingside attack even if this happens and there are many positions where if white castles too quickly black will play e5 knight h6 f5 and just start like firing pawns down the side of the board it's like a interesting version of the king's indian defense where black does the very same thing white oftentimes needs to play fast on the queen side a3 b4 bishop e3 taking control of the light squares rotating out of here and fighting back with f4 right so we have 97 bishop c4 knight d5 so stock fish is kind of doing that it's like ah look at me i got the big bishop h6 d6 king h7 these are all moves preparing f5 g5 and so on and there it is now the eval is zero when starfish eight says it's zero you're like yeah yeah yeah yeah when stockfish 15 says the evaluation is zero you stop what you're doing and you go oh god no that's not good uh engines are also very bad at evaluating attacks and you cannot be bad at evaluating attacks against the god of chess engines all right h3 queen f6 and now according to stockfish 15 stockfish 8 makes an inaccuracy here and plays the move a3 i don't know how that move is really inaccurate i mean i get that you're trying to prepare b4 apparently just going before in some moments here is interesting there's like lines you can sacrifice uh uh on the c file but okay a3 here's why it's inaccurate because now you have f4 g5 right but king h2 you cannot just go g4 that move looks good but white's idea is to play rook h1 okay and then king g1 and suddenly white is attacking black it's really funny that's actually what you're going to see stockfish 8 do right now it plays rook h1 a4 stopping what's going on over there and it's going to play king g1 at some moment that is why for now stockfish 15 is just waiting for the counter attack to begin it literally waits for the counter attack to begin and then is like oh king g1 right so your entire idea here was to prevent my attack because now you have the rook and i got the king there h5 yeah again when stock when you play a plan and the machine just plays into your plan you know something's wrong now i just slide the king out of the h file and i'm gonna go g4 at some point but these engines are so good at not rushing a5 right so my entire plan was g4 right what now i'm striking in the middle what is going on how does this make any sense oh it makes sense because b5 because you surrendered control of the a4 of the b5 square when you played a5 so now i'm gonna bait you into taking so that after bishop d5 rook b of bishop b5 rook b5 i take this and just the threat of the attack made you do some stupid stuff with your pieces i'm gonna roll you on the other sides of the board all right d6 the engines are the masters of the faints they faint the jab they come over the top right they faint the jab they throw the left high kick they become the welterweight champion of the world actually leon faked the cross technically but whatever it doesn't matter uh knight c8 back bishop takes b5 and the position for white begins falling apart we might not even see the move g4 we might see the move g4 we might not see the move g4 it depends how white plays king g6 the king's going up it's not even going back who is stackfish afraid of itself seven versions uh younger yeah good luck d7 all right the pawn is now lost now black is uh back to being materially equal and yet now now now there it is the second that the king steps back in front of the rook like it's like tying your shoes together here comes you for i mean the stockfish does not it doesn't care that there's a chat like why would i care if there's a check i'm just gonna block again it knows when to trade the queens the king is the most active piece now it doesn't it doesn't care it doesn't it doesn't it's not afraid of bringing the king out or making it more active or it doesn't it doesn't care all right it's going to keep playing aggressively and and being awesome so knight he won back and uh at some point the king has to go back to g1 and stockfish just keeps bringing pieces version 15 is just look at this and then at some point it's like all right let's trade queens i've had enough of the queens on the board i've had enough your king can step out knight e4 i'm gonna win some more zero i'm gonna rook d2 g3 perfect just perfect play every piece is being extracted for its maximum value e4 and the point of e4 is that after f takes e4 i can take on c3 and come back but let me go rook a2 instead you can't even stop me from going here i'm gonna go here i'm gonna go here all i need is two pawns it's kind of insane because it feels like white has lost a bunch of material and yet there's no way to prevent bishop c3 and rookie one and white does escape ultimately but at the cost of losing everything all right uh and well stockfish 15 gets the pawn stops the other pawn and that's it it's just going to promote and it's going to checkmate like i said these engines like to play till mate it makes another queen cuts the king off and uh a perfect geometric checkmate with queen and bishop and that is how stockfish 15 defeated stockfish eight with five seconds to make every single move it played a rossolimo and the second that it was able to generate play with h6 d6 king h7 f5 that is a very interesting interesting attacking scheme to play g6h6 put the king and bishop like this you should use this in your own games i'm telling you like there is actually stuff to learn here you might watch this like this is like you know two whales at uh in in some so you know you're going like a little boat out into the in the ocean or wherever the whales live and you just want not sea world not i'm not talking about don't sue me sea world but not in captivity you know you go out in the wild you see those beautiful whales this is what this is what i'm talking about all right like this is like this is it's not just that you can actually learn how to play from these engines it's fascinating stuff now another game that i have for you is when stockfish 15 plays white and they each get five seconds per move um oh i have to show you the evaluation of this position uh rather the review yeah so after this game uh uh this was so stockfish with white had an 18 average semi-pawn loss with only four inaccuracies yeah stockfish 15 played a perfect game it just played every perfect move it had an eight sensible laws you should report it for cheating uh and the uh the chess.com review was also kind of disgusting it was just a 98 zeros all across the board down there no inaccuracies no mistakes no blunders with five seconds to make every single move it's just absolutely incredible uh the third game that i have for you all right like i said stockfish 15 was white in this game uh so the the thing about this game that makes it extremely impressive is that uh stockfish eight plays an opening uh which is supposed to just be equal right it's just an opening that top grand masters used to make draws uh here we go it's a berlin and i would actually expect that stockfish would uh um maybe play like d3 i keep saying stockfish but you you know you get it it's the one that's the terminator but it plays into a berlin now it doesn't play the berlin end game this is actually very interesting it doesn't play the berlin end game and that might be because uh i don't know it's i don't know actually i i'm actually not sure i guess it thinks that the berlin end game is kind of a problem so instead it plays this rookie one variation which gm's have been playing recently but it's incredibly boring and symmetrical d4 so here normally bishop f6 is played at the highest level uh and then black tries to trade a lot of material the engine here plays the second most popular move which is 98 and the idea is to play like bishop f6 and white here plays d5 so d5 might look ridiculous but it's actually a good move because you take space if nothing else in a position of total pawn symmetry like you have here you need some space here the computer likes to play bishop c5 sorry humans like to play bishop c5 threatening this pawn and queen f6 uh white often times will return the rook back and then black plays d6 stockfish eight plays knight f6 and then d6 and this is still okay but it's extremely passive and even though you can go knight d7 and bishop f6 and put the knight on c5 it's extremely passive right and that is very dangerous against something like stockfish 15 which immediately takes space on the opposite side of the board and it plays a4 and a5 it just takes space if nothing else you take flank space and then you will figure it out all right now we have knight to e4 you're like you want to trade bishops go and take my bishop which hasn't moved so now not only the stockfish 15 wins space it wins time right that bishop on e7 moved multiple times and was traded for something that hasn't moved the knight controls the queen squares okay and the other idea of combining these two moves you you wouldn't have thought this was coming here it comes rook a3 the pawn has moved out of the way and the rook is going to rotate over this way potentially or it's going to go behind the pawns it's got the threat of coming here and maybe playing f4 but b4 and c5 all you need is space all you need is space c5 so starfish eight gets it into this end game of knight vs bishop but now here comes the rook and everything in white's position is playing perfectly is white winning no black is doing a good job defending there's no checkmate threats yet b4 and at some point here it comes c6 look at this monster bishop that bishop went out and came back and has such an important role in this game that do you do you realize that is why stackfish 15 played a4a5 because not only are you taking space the a6 pawn is going to be forever in the line of sight of the bishop on f1 it knew this was going to happen i told you you can see the future it can see what your love life holds stockfish 15 i mean god forbid stockfish 20 is going to be able to see the past the future and like another dimension of chess and life it knew this was gonna happen now black is still not completely lost not completely lost there are still some chances for instance let's say you play one lazy move by white now all of your now all of your advantage is basically gone because i'm gonna take maybe and try to stink my pawn through bishop f1 rook a5 and that's it that is the the one major asset that you have here is the pawn it is all about how you're gonna save the pawn everything else does not matter the pawn on a6 is going to decide this game black can create some counter play the queen on a1 is extremely powerful with king h2 sacrificing the bishop completely because a7 wins the game because there is check and promotion the king h295 kicks the knight out again and now a7 very nice move here uh it this got a brilliant move apparently i don't really understand why uh but uh yeah the entire idea here is that you would play bishop b5 uh then you would play in this position the only winning move which is not bishop c6 because then b2 and if you make a queen black also makes a queen but the only winning move in this position for white after b3 because you don't want to take is queen e7 and the idea of queen e7 after bishop to b5 is that after a queen a7 you have check hear check g6 and you win the night now why is that only possible after b3 like let's say like bishop b5 and i don't know black played something else well then bishop c6 would win the game so you have to go here and promote and then that would be the situation that we find ourselves in and white uses that pawn ends up getting a completely winning endgame finally breaks through and here uh stockfish 15 does something absolutely disgusting it doesn't just go here of course this is winning of course it has a bishop versus pawns stockfish 15 walks its king to the other side of the board stomps doesn't worry about all that doesn't care walks the king and kicks out the defense from the knight bro that is so savage and unnecessary and then it win it makes a full queen these computers the way they play the brutalization of the way they play is hilarious now it wins everything and like i said it doesn't sack the queen for the night like nothing it just takes everything never sacrifices wins the night and then even makes a second queen dude it doesn't need a second queen i almost thought it was going to mate with a third queen but the meta is to make a second queen that is the fastest way to win and when it does it won this symmetrical position so fast and so impressively i was shocked that black is rated 33.70 i can finally laugh at an engine right i normally laugh at an engine because i don't understand what it's talking about i am intimidated by intelligence right that is why we laugh at engines because we're just like ah shut up well i'm never but it's just fascinating i mean it's just stoppage picking up it's like younger sibling and just punching it for its lunch money it's just unbelievable now the next game took a long time because they got 20 seconds to make a move here uh that's better than the top 20 gm's all combined into you know one entity the mistake uh that's the oh oh wait apologies i have to share with you the uh evaluation of the last game this was the evaluation of the last game only 96.7 for uh stack fish 15 uh and uh yeah this one was even more disgusting uh it was once again a perfect game shocker uh this time only three inaccuracies by black still not good enough 1970 pawn laws better than any grandmaster on earth doesn't matter not good enough stop playing the literal the jinzo out here of uh of computer chess fourth and final game now i'm if you guys like this content if you made it 20 minutes into this video let me know i i will pair stockfish 15 against stockfish 15. i'll do it don't don't tell me i won't do it all right um stockfish 15 begins with e4 stockfish eight plays the french now alpha zero refuted the french it basically said the french is garbage unless you're humans and humans are garbage so we have a classical this is the best way to play against the french it is the only way to get an advantage because blacks options are to suffer under a lack of space uh or uh play the win hour which i think is just completely refuted at engine level like i've never seen engines play this against each other um so we have knight f6 we have a main line and then here black can play a6 bishop e7 and so on but queen b6 is the most forcing move as it hits this and this now white can defend this in tactical ways like a3 if queen b2 the queen is just trapped trust me stockfish 8 would not have fallen for that but instead of that white plays the most direct approach and after queen a5 check this there's pawn takes d4 and this move b4 now you'll notice my low depth engine thinks black is better like my eval bar okay now it's saying the most common move in this position is to sag the knight and then go here okay and then trade like this knight d2 and black gets three pawns for white's piece but this is just not gonna work like the white engine here is just gonna win you give it a piece it's not the same thing as being up a piece for three pawns in human terms so rather than getting involved in that stockfish eight is like i'm not gonna sack a piece we can trade we can have equal material i'll figure this out i'll be a little bit passive i'm going to develop bishop b7 break here with the move f6 it's going to be great all right let's do it okay stockfish is like okay stockfish 15 is like all right castles rook c1 all right now okay yeah you're gonna play g6 stop my attack all right h4 h4 so first things first you can't take this of course uh because queen h5 is a fork so that doesn't work i'm still gonna go queen h5 so you'll notice that my web-based stockfish thinks that the position here is just equal it actually thinks that like this is nothing it's nothing scary in fact it takes the pawn now slag fish 15 is like all right rook f3 i'm gonna go rook h3 let's go oh you pushing pawns where you're being attacked doesn't gotham say not to do that in his videos i don't know why stockfish 15 watches my content probably to laugh at me and queen h3 a5 no fear in the world here by stockfish 8. it's like yeah i'm going to create counter play on that side of the board talk which 15's like nope now you can't move your queen side my knight on a4 is going to paralyze the queen side knight c5 okay knight b6 what oh if queen b6 of course you lose this bishop you lose this bishop you lose the game dark squares are too weak so we have knight b6 knight d3 this knight is maybe gonna take this rook all right so the rook moves but now black really just is running out of moves rook f1 now you would think here that white should play g4 of course right this seems like the more natural move now f5 as brutal as possible what i don't understand what is the idea you can't get through now there's nothing wrong oh god oh that's not good that is really bad once when stockfish 15 sacrifices a rook you you you just you you know you're lost like when your friend you know jeffrey sacrifices a rook against you at your corporate office game you're like oh this idiot lost the rook but when stockfish 15 sacrifices like a rookie like oh my god you know i'm sacrificing a rook for for content no nobody's sacrificing this work for content the game's over now of course if g takes f5 how does the game end check the king goes to like somewhere you really shouldn't go here because you're gonna walk directly into this uh so yeah king g8 just rook g3 as well as e6 with mate so stockfish uh eight tries to you know h4 yeah no please take my rook please you can pin me that doesn't i'm gonna take the bishop i'm gonna take the bishop now you take my rook check here i'm gonna threaten you know to take her all right f4 i'm just gonna take that two rook b6 oh you're so clever except i can take your rook but even oh this is even more nasty i don't even have to take your rook i can disconnect your rook and then you can sacrifice and go here that's great yeah now let's play a winning rook end game and okay stockfish 15 here really shows some disgusting manners what stockfish 15 does in this game is again what looks like what you do against your friend stockfish 15 doesn't push those pawns and like sacrifice look at this it's going to make three queens it it actually made three queens it made three queens guys i mean are we are you kidding me it made three queens for no reason oh it's unbelievable ah yeah as we would expect uh stockfish 15 won every game and it wasn't even close and the review of this game was a seven centipawn loss it lost even less senti pawns in this game than in the last game of course black did its usual thing with the several inaccuracies and yeah the chess like i'm game review here was a 98 with three brilliant moves and not so bad apparently white made an inaccuracy apparently the game review gave it and of course it's nonsense because the game review is not as powerful as stockfish 15 obviously like on the developer side um but yeah stockfish 15 obviously completely obliterated stock machine it did it in a variety of different ways uh massive king side attacks uh just demolishing it positionally like against the french defense winning a totally symmetrical position for example end game grinds the one slight difference in an opening that changes the opening from white to black side it took advantage of in the first game and even with one millisecond to move it was just unbelievable let me know if you enjoyed this video i will continue to make some videos like this one i have some other uh content ideas that i want to throw stockfish in the mix and including trying to make slackfish 15 playstocks 15. i'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 789,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 0w7AcgGAPss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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