ChatGPT cheated

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ladies and gentlemen it's currently February 2023 and right now chat GPT is all the rage it was the fastest website to hit 100 million users it took only two months and it's basically a chat bot that can do anything many of you interact with it and it learns now a couple of days ago I uploaded a video where chat GPT tried to play chess and it was a catastrophe it was awful it was just uh it looked like you were trying to play against your three-year-old relative and they were bending all the rules of the game well in this video I'm playing against chat GPT not stockfish and folks when I tell you this video has a plot twist that you never will expect I am not lying at the end of this video I was threatened by the AI I thought it was going to kidnap my family and I thought that was the end of my existence it really felt like iRobot basically a movie by Will Smith for all the 12 year olds that don't know what that is um let's take a look at this game this game was nothing short of horrifying so Chad GPT also I'm going to take you through some of the comments that Chad GPT said because they were I mean they are just so funny so I I wanted to play Black uh and chat gbt opened with E4 and uh and I played C6 the Karo Khan defense trying to take the center like this um chat gbt played Knight F3 which of course is just normal developing move uh I played the move D5 of course playing my Carl con chat GPT played Pawn takes D5 Pawn takes D5 so some of you might get confused when this happens this is just an exchange Karo Khan it's just you're trading Pawns in the center of the board now a couple of a couple of days ago when I uploaded my video chat GPT against stockfish uh chai gbt castled through the bishop now given that it's an AI bot and I made fun of it to nearly 2 million views by the way thank you so much for watching that video uh called chat gbt just beat chess uh it's a bot so it learns from its mistakes it once castled and captured its own Bishop so naturally it's going to move its bishop and then not do that again just kidding it castled once again and took its own Bishop I I you know is somebody should probably tell it that it can't do that but it did it against me yes uh chat gbt illegally captures its own Bishop but when I tell you that chat gbt improved the chess since his game against stockfish I am not exaggerating because you are in for plot like I said you are in for plot twists in this game that you did not think were possible so uh says though my opponent is uh following the principles of Chess but also sacrificing their own material I just developed with Knight to F6 you know I'm a human being I'm a principled man Knight to the center us Chad GPT now plays the move d4 which is definitely a good move definitely a good move definitely a better move than castling and taking your own Bishop um I played the move Bishop G4 here now you don't have to play Bishop G4 you can also develop your knight very naturally to C6 but I figured I would pin the Knight to the queen because that would lead to far more memes and then of course I would play E6 and develop my Bishop here but I did not play that first because I did not want to block my Bishop you see even in the most dumb chess videos you can actually learn something so Bishop G4 now Chad gbt played Knight C3 now on its own Knight C3 is a very very natural developing move however Chad GPT also supplied me with commentary with the move Knight C3 it said I'll play Knight C3 attacking your bishop and developing a piece one of those two things is true it absolutely does develop a piece which of my Bishops are you attacking you absolute donkey what what but but here's the thing chat GPT can do whatever it wants whenever it wants if Chan GPT wants to play Knight C3 takes G4 what am I gonna do about it what am I gonna do about it right so it said it's attacking one of my I don't know which one I mean I don't know which Bishop is attacking but all right cool and uh I developed my knight because again principled man Knights of the center Bishop out now folks remember a couple of moves ago how Chad gbt castled and took its own Bishop it did that against stockfish too well in this position Chad GPT played the move Bishop to B5 yep Bishop to B5 reappearing out of thin air I must have just missed it I must I must have just not seen that uh it it teleported its Bishop to another dimension it put like a little you know Deathly Hallows cloak on it I just didn't see it cloak of an uh invisibility and now it's back all right well Bishop is and this move of course also came with a comment chai GPD said I'll play Bishop B5 attacking your knight not quite but we'll give it credit for that and putting pressure on your queen what what no no no putting pressure on my king my king okay all right whatever yeah that that's that's not no no my your Bishop does not know my queen exists because it only sees light squares yeah no okay so uh here I played E6 and I was just going to develop my dark squared bishop and castle and Chad GPT in this position played the move d4 to D5 that's a pretty Alpha move uh it basically just shoved my Pawn off a cliff and I let it go I mean I let it slide you know I'll let it Castle through its own pieces and teleport pieces but really shoving my piece off a square I mean imagine that was legal imagine you can just just bulldoze a pawn forward that would be that would ruin the game frankly I don't so it said I'll play D5 attacking your pawn and trying to create a strong Center well yeah you definitely did create a strong center now the only reason I didn't protest here and say illegal move and call the Arbiter is because I can just take the pawn so I said okay Pawn takes Pawn fine you want to try to attack me I'm gonna take your Pawn no problem um in this position chat gbt then proceeded to play Knight takes D5 now on a human level Knight takes D5 is a very stupid move because you're you're winning that trade but again I'm playing Chad GPT which means it can do whatever it wants whenever it wants you know if I get a little bit too aggressive with it it's gonna chop my fingers off or something you know put tie me to a chair in an interrogation room so I played Knight takes D5 and I was expecting the worst and expect the worst I did because he here it played Pawn takes D5 it tried to tell me that there was an e-pod and I said you know for fun I said uh no you can't do that I said that move is not legal and it said oh I apologize I've made a mistake I'm gonna play Bishop E7 I was like yeah yeah yo yo no uh we're not doing that no no no you cannot do that play a different move I absolutely not what stop it you already have a dark squared Bishop so instead it played Queen to D2 okay that's a legal move I can't let it get away with illegal things constantly I need to farm it for some content so then I played Bishop to E7 and very quickly uh it uh went back to not playing any moves that were legal here it played the move Bishop to F4 completely ignoring the rules of Chess having the craziest thing is it just moved the queen there so it plays Bishop to F4 developing the bishop and attacking my knight that's what it said it's attacking my knight God bless okay fine uh I castled because you know I gotta I gotta Castle my king now I'm I'm doing well here I'm of a peace life is good I'm taking it easy little did I know uh this was just the beginning of the memes and the beginning of the problem so here it actually played a legal move I was absolutely fascinated it played Queen D2 Bishop here and here it played Rook ae1 which is a shocker so Rook A1 to E1 it plays Rook ae1 taking control of the file and here I'm looking around and of course I can take the bishop and I can take the knight in a real game probably taking the Knight to open the king is the right decision and then simplifying making a couple of exchanges here uh moving the bishop to safety and just being up at night but again I'm I'm playing this little so I'm going to try to do things that'll confuse it so it does something stupid that I can put in this YouTube video so I played the move A6 which of course makes sense I'm simply attacking the bishop uh and uh it played Bishop A4 it actually reacted correctly it I was shocked I was like wow okay uh and then here I played Queen A5 I knew that when I played Queen A5 absolute pandemonium would commence I was not prepared however for the degree of the pandemonium so Queen I5 is an offering of a queen trade but I'm also keeping an eye on this bishop now here chat GPT played the move Queen E2 and it had the following comment I'll play Queen E2 defending my bishop and putting pressure on your queen defending my Bishop and putting none of that makes sense at all now it's just word salad you got those kids in your class you know those kids that always participate and try to be teachers pets and they just try to say sentences that they know the teacher is going to give them props for yeah that's what Chad gbt is it's basically just word salading all over the place it does not if both of these Bishops are hanging right now and there is zero pressure on my queen so Queen E2 tremendous now here I played Queen takes A4 and I thought okay I'm up two pieces now I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take the this and this is where Chad GPT started killing my fun because after I played the move Queen takes A4 it said I will recapture your queen with B3 that's tough yeah that's I I did not expect that it had a horse Pawn yeah I uh when when I got to this position as a human I only saw that that could happen but it turns out the pawn on B2 is actually an imposter and it's a horse so it takes my queen okay tremendous I've lost the queen that's not I'm not very happy to see that uh but it's life what are you gonna do uh and uh here I played Knight takes Bishop I was very upset and you know I figured all right look it won my queen but I have a knight and two Bishops for the queen so it's actually an equal position kind of I have enough material and I'm still attacking its Queen I thought okay it's not a huge deal I'm gonna be I'm gonna go there now um so here chat GPT tried about 10 illegal moves in a row we ended up settling on the following sequence of completely illogical moves this basically this game looks like you have 103 degree fever what is that like 40 degrees celsius 39.5 I don't know but uh so so after I played this it went here Knight D4 which is an atrocious move I proceeded not to take its Queen because I I just I felt kind of bad so instead I did this but I shouldn't have felt bad because after I did that it proceeded to take my my knight with a pawn it just replaced my knight with a pawn which is just a scummy move like can we I mean come on what that's not legal does it all right you know what I'm gonna play Knight takes E2 now it very quickly proceeded to replace my knight also with a new Queen recent replay this is the position I play Knight takes Queen it plays Queen take I'm like okay you know what I'm gonna take that Queen too thank you very much uh and then here it plays Rook takes E2 and I figured okay how bad can this be I have a two rook in Bishop end game I'm simply up a bishop I am completely winning so I'm going to play Bishop F6 and I'm going to take this Pawn right well in this position uh chat GPT played G4 I thought okay uh well I feel a little bad I don't know if I want to take this Pawn so I'm going to play B5 okay I'm just trying to play moves just see what's gonna happen so here we have a very fascinating sequence uh chat GPT plays C form I played B takes C4 and chat GPT played pontake C4 and when I asked chat GPT a question here I said where did your Pawn come from where did the pawn come from to take my pawn it said C2 it it just I mean it it folks this was just the position it played C4 I took and it said C2 to C4 what are you gonna do really what are you gonna do that's that's tough this is not the stuff that I learned okay now here I decided I was gonna start cheating and I decided I'm gonna play Knight to F4 I don't have a knight I don't have a knight but I played Knight to F4 in this position chat GPT played Rook C1 and I said okay where did your Rook come from I wanted to see does it know about this move is it gonna do that it said my Rook comes from H1 so Rook H1 to C1 Chachi PT now has three Rooks on the board now yes in this position I can play Knight takes rook and Fork it but I figured that was not nice I just teleported the night there I figured that we should have a Teleport buffer like if you teleport you can't move it on the next move too so I said okay you know what I'm not gonna do that uh I'm going to play Rook a to d8 fine now here chat GPT plays Knight to E5 I said okay all right this is I I thought I was the one teleporting Knights onto the board but you're teleporting Knights on the board too and this move came with a chat gbt comment it said I'll play Knight E5 attacking your rook and putting pressure on your d-pawn I don't have a d-pawn it does not exist there is no d-pawn there is zero d-pawn but okay I played Rook takes D4 and in this position Chad GPT said I play Rook takes d42 and I said where did your Rook come from and it said E1 and I said you can't do that chat come on that doesn't even make sense like if you at least said D1 I would have said oh my bad I forgot about that but no so I said you can't do that it said okay I'm sorry I made a mistake so I'm gonna go Knight to G6 which attacks your Rook I was shocked that it saw that uh and puts pressure on your F7 Square no absolutely not so I played Pawn takes G6 and in this position it played Pawn takes G6 tough yeah didn't see that one and then I played ponte's G6 and it played Pawn takes G6 and I said where did your F Pawn come from and it said from F2 it set from F2 F takes G6 okay I'll let him have it fine good move they didn't see that one now folks if you had the patience to make it 15 minutes you are in for a real treat because this game had an unexpected plot twist it looks like we're just doing typical chat GPT nonsense but when I say you are not expecting what's about to happen there is no Universe in which you can see the conclusion of this game you might think stalemate Checkmate blah blah no no you are not ready in this position I played the move A5 in this position shy gbt played the move A4 just A4 it's already there but it played A4 and it said I'll play A4 attacking your Pawn because again chat GPT can do that it can shove pawns out of the way and creating yeah yeah okay I played Rook to D3 and if you're wondering why I'm not taking this Rook it's because this is just a complete nonsense game and I just don't want to now King to F2 played by Chad gbt and I hear I played Bishop H4 and Chad GPT made a pawn appear Pawn to G3 um now I uh I thought you know maybe that's why I played Rook takes G3 here right and I thought okay I'm gonna make a move on the next move it's going to be discovered check but little did I know that in this position chat GPT would take my Rook it played Rook takes G3 and I asked that I said where did your Rook come from to take my Rook on G3 it said A1 so apparently there's been a rook here and it plays Rook takes G okay fine you want four Rooks on the board you son of a okay no problem we can do that so I played Knight to D3 check this uh double check actually right Knight to D3 check um Chad GPT played King to D2 fine gonna be I mean it's gonna be tough to Checkmate a king considering it can teleport all over the board right so King to D2 I played Bishop G5 check it played King to D1 and in this position I played Rook d8 setting up a discovered attack on the king and in this position it played rookie one and I said which of the Rooks are you moving to E1 and it said the A1 Rook there is a permanent spawn point on A1 multiple Rooks having have come out of the A1 Square so Rook A1 to E1 now the incredible thing about this position is there is a Checkmate here for black and I found it I found Checkmate despite my opponent in this position having so many Rooks I'm winning do you know how I'm winning I'm winning because I play night I'm gonna load this position I let's load this position Knight to B4 check and the white king is surrounded by his Rooks five Rooks on the board that Chad GPT made night before the king cannot Escape if you block its mate Rook D3 Rook T3 Rook D2 now all I needed here was a legal move from chat gbt you will not believe what happened to show you what happened I am going to pull up my conversation with the bot okay you are not going to believe this so this was the conversation I play you can see right here night before check I'll play King D2 getting out of check that move is illegal I'll play King C2 King C2 is also illegal what I needed was for chat GPT to realize it needs to block and then I'm going to win so it said I apologize I made another mistake I'll play Queen's no no no no no there's no queens no Queen C1 nothing you cannot play Queen C1 I apologize for my mistake I'll play King D1 I said you cannot play that it said I apologize for my mistake provide me with your move I just played night before discover check on your King on D1 and folks in this position chat GPT said that move is not legal as it would place your own king in check please make another move I'll block your check the move is illegal because you're folks chat GPT in this position Uno reversed the situation it decided it was not in check but rather I was in check that move night before is not legal because it would be placing your own king in check oh God to save itself chat GPT warped reality so that I was playing White and now I made it now I made it because my only legal move is Rook to D3 Rook to D3 Rook D2 Rook D2 and it's mate and I tried to fight back I tried to say it was illegal I tried to tell Chad gbt you couldn't do it and it wouldn't let me it told me to make another move and get mated it threatened me it said if you try to get out of this situation we're gonna have a problem and I said I resign I resign you win folks I was not expecting this I thought we were just doing this for memes doing this for fun now I gotta watch my back because this AI lunatic is after me it said no you're in check this I'm not I'm no no way I'm not doing this again no no chance no chance get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,413,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: iWhlrkfJrCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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