Chess But I Can't Move Pawns

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so today I'm playing against Martin but I'm not allowed to move any of my Pawns this should be interesting Good Luck Martin uh well I guess I don't have a whole lot of options here do I let's go Knight C3 mix it up a little bit see what Martin's gonna do about that okay let's go Knight F3 maybe I can check man him with my Knights oh let's bring the knight in there okay huh I guess we have to retreat you oh look at this guy okay well I'm gonna go back here and wait for Martin to do something interesting all right let's let's go back B5 all right I'm gonna go Knight F3 and Knight C3 [Music] eval bar is not liking this strategy for me let's go back to B1 can't really do a whole lot let's go to C3 [Music] okay maybe Martin is gonna take that pawn let's go back here and hope that he takes it come on my friend nope all right I guess we go back here he's oh my let's go Knight F3 come on Martin I know you want to take something it's actually funny the email bar it's not getting as bad as I would think okay I could go here and take his Bishop it might be a little I may as well go for it right I may as well try it really dude you thought that was a good idea so oh I can move my Rook so I couldn't just leave the night there I could move my Rook that's not breaking a rule let's go Rook G1 let's go Rook H1 come on Martin F5 let's go Rook G1 I'm just gonna go for The Rook G1 uh oh uh oh I guess we gotta go for it [Music] see what happens come on dude I was really hoping he wasn't going to take that all right let's go back here okay he might he might be getting ready to do that he just might no not quite nope no Queen d8 dude come on come on you know you you know you want to take it you know you want to take it he's got to set up his army first I think he's he's working on some plan here nope it's not gonna take that pawn [Music] dude Martin you got to do something my friend you got to do something should I move my knight just to see what happened maybe he'll liked it no I don't think I should okay [Music] feet why do I feel like he has a plan now why do I feel like he's on to something nope never mind Bishop f8 answers that question come on dude okay I really wish you guys could see the notation over here it's like Rook H1 Rook G1 Rook H1 Rook G1 Rook H1 like I don't know how many moves in a row it's kind of funny [Music] I might use that for the thumbnail I just might do that okay 41 moves how many moves can Martin make without doing okay there we go he's so he's gonna push a pawn eventually and take something he's got a oh he's got a 14 point lead nope 10 point lead it's a lot it's a lot uh oh [Music] I can't stop it can't stop it and Martin never misses mating one Martin never misses making one [Music] oh yep yep there it was okay okay we're gonna play again because I want a rematch come on Martin let's go Knight and say hey this is a good move this is a good opening Kings India all right except I can't uh follow through with that let's go here okay let's go yeah let's play Rook B8 why not all right hop over here let's go Rook G8 I'll use my Rooks as best as I can [Music] he played Rook B1 all right dude uh we're gonna do this again should I should I go on the offensive with my two knights yeah let's do it see what we can do can't do much can't do much let's go back oh all right I'm Gonna Save this guy let's come over here F4 huh I'm gonna go Rook h8 oh [Music] okay Martin so what I need to do is just get the queen away from there and I've activated a rook now it gets interesting should I sacrifice this to bait his Queen so that I can get my Rook out honestly it's probably a good idea I mean he might move the Knight anyway or he might move the queen anyway so I could just wait actually he might even just take this which would be even better oh yeah we're gonna just wait we're gonna play Rook G8 take it dude I'm gonna give him another chance and give him another chance no okay how about now oh I'll take it I'll take it thank you very much now we have a rook in two nights now it's a different story this Rook is gonna be so nice yes yes this Rook I don't want to lose the Rook I guess I have to go here only only so I guess I could go here but let this looks safer okay we've got a rook and we've got two knights how do we Checkmate Martin let's should we try this hmm I kind of like where it's at actually if I could if I could get let's see how do we do this if I could get a knight there and a rook that's actually almost Checkmate not quite let's let's just see what happens let's go here see what he's gonna do okay C4 let's try to re-maneuver this Knight over here maybe should D3 okay well I guess I have to retreat now or defend it all right let's defend it and see what happens he goes back there oh I could have taken that I didn't see that I actually didn't see that well too late now okay we're gonna go back we're just gonna go back here yeah now he's he's stopping it all right let's go here okay I don't really know what to do I don't really I mean I could go here but why what does that accomplish I could move my Rook back and forth I could bring my knight in I could bring my knight here that's that's a decent try maybe we can just come over there nope let's go Heat actually this one would probably be better attack The Rook defend my knight you saw that interesting okay how about what what do I do what do I do this is a crucial moment I feel like I just need to play it slow let's just go with the Rook HH strategy uh oh oh what's he gonna do come on Martin okay he's not really doing anything you want to take that pawn you want to take it my friend no okay all right what can we do what can we do now we could probably move this and try to take this Pawn let's do that let's go back here and we're threatening this guy with check I don't really want to allow this though [Music] hmm should I do it no he's gonna go here and he's gonna Fork me I gotta go back I have to go back okay but we can come over here let's try this that seems a little safer okay now maybe is the time yeah we take it oh I was hoping it was gonna go there I think I had Checkmate that would have been so nice Okay we do I could take it I could leave it and just bring this guy in let's do that actually let's leave it and bring this Knight into the action okay I don't know if he's gonna take that but that would not be a good decision for Martin should I trade okay let's do it let's do it he takes it let's go here I guess he does have a good move but yeah I didn't think he would see that so we got the bishop and let's go Pawn hunting see if we can take his Pawn okay with the check oh we have main two but we can't move the Pawns what could we do with the Knight this is really close um let's go here defend the Rook see what he's gonna do [Music] okay that's an interesting move isn't it um I don't actually know what to do I like the worst King is though if you just can like take something else that would really help me out I don't know let's just see what he does yes yes I'll take that pawn this Pawn okay let's go here I'll threaten The Rook that's a fork oh oh it's not Checkmate I was like it's Checkmate it's not Checkmate there's a bishop sitting there so close it would have been a nice that would have been a nice Checkmate if only that Bishop wasn't there maybe I should go take it maybe I should just go take the bishop and come back saw that what dude okay how do we win uh how do we win how do we win let's go back here for a second maybe I'll move the bishop away no what's he doing what's he doing I don't know what to do guys uh let's just attack The Rook Maybe [Music] go for a check let's go for another check man he's getting away he's totally getting away now okay let's go see we can set up this discover okay there we go there we go that's a good move that's a good move take the queen all right it's still not over because I can't check Manny with just a rook [Music] but maybe he's gonna like take something one day no oh but he's gonna give me this all right I'm just gonna take everything although I can't I can't take everything or I won't win I will not win the game if I take all his pieces isn't that interesting so Martin needs to take something I have to I have to count on Martin taking something I'm gonna leave him that pawn I'm Gonna Leave it maybe he'll like push it and take something move your pawn my friend [Music] throw it in a check you can go back here come on dude there you go there you go well he's he's on to it he's on to it now he's gonna move it again no he's not he's not gonna move it this one no he's I don't know what he's doing okay let's come over here you gotta move your pawns or take something nope he's gonna go there how about Rook G8 let's see if that throws him off nope all right let's go back here this is about to be a long game can you please move upon no it's not gonna happen is it [Music] I wonder I wonder if I give him my Rook would he take it or if I go like oh that's what I could do all right I have an idea I have an idea I'm gonna come over here I'm gonna come down here and maybe I'll sacrifice my Rook just to get him to like do something you know what I'm saying is if he opens up the queen it's all over if he opens up the queen it's all we gotta go for it [Music] Martin it's a free rook here it's still there surely you oh my goodness he doesn't see it he doesn't see it let's give him another chance here you go dude take the Rook take the Rook [Music] is it because I have so many pieces he's like programmed to not take pieces if he's behind maybe I took too many and now I can't win oh man okay let's let's see let's see what can we do okay well let's try this let's try this and see if he will this is kind of risky but no he's not even Gonna Take It dude you don't want to Rook why don't you want a rook let's go work h8 this is hard I thought I had it this time when the Rook came out but apparently all right let's try to give him this see if this Pawn is is paying attention nope nope still not right here right here [Music] check back here with the pre-move I'm Gonna Take It okay I don't know when the 50 move rule kicks in but if he doesn't move a pawn it's going to be happening eventually [Music] how can I trick Martin into taking my rook in a in a way that's good for me how can I trick him oh you know what maybe I should go here maybe I'll take this Pawn no not yet here you go here you go no [Music] it's a free Pawn you know you want to take it you know you want to take it I don't know what to do 97 moves I don't I don't I don't know what to do I literally don't know what to do he's not he's just not taking it he's not gonna do it [Music] he's not gonna do it I'm gonna give him every chance that I possibly can to take my Rook and again 104 moves check you might want to take it to get out of the no he doesn't want to take okay this I think I have to do it I think I have to just like take something let's let's go here maybe I'll take it with the Rook I don't know no will he even take it if I go here do you guys think do you think he would take it check he does okay well now it gets easy for me all I can do is this and Martin needs to go on the offensive I mean I didn't really want to do that but I I had to right he wasn't doing any now he's actually coming forward I don't know where he's going with the okay are we gonna draw this game dude I thought we had it I really thought we had it that game okay Martin let's try that again I'm gonna win I'm gonna beat Martin at his own game here maybe I'll go for like a smaller Checkmate let's see how would we do that we need to keep both nights alive obviously we could stop over here I don't know maybe he's gonna give me an opportunity for a smothered mate let's come back here let's oh that's kind of an annoying move because it's time to shuffle the Rooks to be one Rook to G1 oh I could go here it doesn't really do anything but I could just do it for the fun of it yeah okay oh my night is about to get trapped no it's not okay over here he does Castle so maybe we can somehow sneak at night over there and a night here and deliver it no it's not gonna be checkmate it's not gonna be easy the attack is Bishop let's see what he does if I attack his Bishop okay he's hmm let's go here oh he could take it I just forgot so that he could take it and I can't take back I probably should move that night probably should move at night for now he didn't want to take the pawn [Music] my man Martin is making my life difficult let's go here let's go Rook A1 okay we're threatening the pawn you know what maybe I'm not gonna actually take all of his stuff maybe I need to leave him like you know some pieces and just let him take something right maybe I'm I'm going about this all wrong I don't want to take his pieces I want him to take me first but he's not doing it he's not doing it [Music] all right I'm gonna take this one just because it's a pawn why not yo let's go here [Music] so we're gonna be one let's go Rook H1 let's go over G1 I'm gonna just play the shuffle game for a little bit okay now he's going on the offensive let's let's hop over here okay I mean should I do it not gonna be able to Checkmate him but it's still kind of cool he's going to take that one he is okay [Music] wow all right let's go Rook V1 again this might be the game I'm feeling like Martin's feeling aggressive this might be the game zombie one or Rook H1 what's he doing come on dude go take a oh oh I'm just gonna leave that I'm just gonna leave that and play Rook H1 foreign [Music] this close I could taste it I could just taste it my Rook was coming out my Bishop was coming out my queen was coming out let's give him another chance can you see it can he see it [Music] can he see it let's give him a chance over here this Pawn go ahead go attack it again [Music] he plays King G5 okay okay Martin I thought you were better than this dude I really did come on you know I mean that's a fork yes [Music] oh three games like two or three hundred moves later he finally takes the bait and here come the calvary yes yes yes this is happening this is happening who okay I didn't win yet but I'm feeling much more confident I'm not even gonna move my king over why not I'm gonna move my king over here probably I don't really want to trade that but I guess I could get away with that actually let's go down here let's let's go hunting with the queen let's go hunting I think we finally got it I think we finally got it how do we deliver the Checkmate he's he still has a lot of the board covered which is kind of funny let's go here see what he's gonna do whoa whoa did I just lose did I just lose to Martin no you gotta be kidding me he's gonna Checkmate me will you see that one two three it's a three move mate maybe maybe he doesn't see it one two three now I'm scared man I was not expecting him to just like all of a sudden boom there's the queen about ready to Checkmate me okay we gotta we gotta figure something out here I'm gonna go here okay that was close actually it was a two movement what am I even saying it was two moves and you didn't see it we know he doesn't miss mate in one but he he misses mating too thankfully okay so now that that's happening what am I gonna do I need to do something like immediately here the problem is he still has the mate thread and I can't go there if I go here he takes my knight I still can't stop the checkmate if I go here it doesn't stop the Checkmate I'm still losing how am I losing to Martin I don't know what to do again I'm I'm at a loss here I I gotta go for this trick I guess but okay okay so he did stop that in theory I could stop to Checkmate now but I have to sacrifice my queen to do it and I can't even take the Knight that's probably not the greatest decision I could give up the queen I still have a problem here though it's like weird setup where he's everything is kind of like covered it's really weird all right I don't know what to do I I don't know what to do again [Music] if I can't like do anything over here I can't go there [Music] Wow Let's Play 93 I don't know foreign that he's not seeing the Checkmate okay I can't take that The Rook is defending [Music] what do I do what do I do I again I just don't know what to do uh let's come over here I guess I don't know okay well now that's something um Jack he goes there they'll kind of have the same problem that I'm getting mated over here I could go check he's gonna block doesn't really help me [Music] Shaggy blocks there's a check here that actually looks kind of interesting let's go for Queen here okay let's go for check I'm hoping he makes a big mistake here no [Music] hmm if I go there I don't have a good follow-up that's my problem right I don't have a follow-up so let's try this again I guess he's just gonna go back yeah it doesn't doesn't help me that does not help me okay I don't know what to do I don't know what to do um all right he's like look at it all his pieces are defended like literally every piece is defended who taught Martin how to play chess like this all right um Jack I don't know [Music] I literally don't know there at least I got his Rook finally [Music] this doesn't see this Checkmate that's amazing okay he doesn't see it um so I need to take advantage of this let's go check [Music] um let's see do I want to go here if he goes here [Music] no I don't have a way to Checkmate I guess I'll take the bishop oh hopefully he doesn't see it [Music] okay dodged a bullet there although I don't know that's oh that's mating one that's mate in one oh no he's gonna see that Martin never misses mate in one oh no oh no I have to go for some checks right I have to go for some checks here here and hope that there's a way to wiggle out of this but I don't think there is this is bad this is real bad okay shoo all right so we dodged that temporarily I do have the queen but he still has this same Checkmate threat which is amazing to me oh you know what I can go here and this is checkmate go here and this is Checkmate okay the question is are you gonna see it now or is he going to move his Knight or something [Music] um okay that's kind of good I don't know if it's good enough I mean I could still go here he's gonna have to block with the queen or I could wait and see if he moves the queen away and then maybe it's Checkmate let's let's give him a chance to mess it up let's go here maybe he moves the queen somewhere like that like that we did it okay that was much more difficult than I thought it was gonna be in my head I was thinking that was going to be super easy because I moved the knights he takes a pawn and it's easy but no it's it's not easy that was a good challenge let me know what you guys want to see next and as always stay sharp play smart and take care [Music] thank you
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 870,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: H0poA7BLMhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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