Introducing Magic Write ✨ Canva's AI Copy Generator

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Canada just launched kanbad docs and with that Lounge they introduced a very powerful and interesting feature that nobody saw coming it's an AI copy generator which will magically write copy for you with the click of a button it's called Magic right and we need to talk about it hey what's up everyone Ronnie here your go-to canva Guru today we need to talk about magic right magic right is the brand new AI copy generator that canva shipped together with the rollout of canva docs if you remember canva docs were introduced back in September 2022 the canva create conference and then they said if you are interested you can sign up to our wait list and when we are ready you will have Early Access to canva docs and this recently happened it happened on December 7th 2022. you guys got access to canvadox I got full access to canva docs and everybody could try it and with this package came this feature called Magic right which is a way to generate copy with one click kind of magically generate that copy so in this video we are going to dive deep into this feature see what it can do who it is for if it's a free or paid feature if there are any limitations to using this feature I just want you guys to see the whole shebang and to start using it because I believe it is very powerful for specific types of users alright let's jump into it this is my canva homepage and you see this brand new sparkling canva docs icon if you see this icon it means you already have access to canva docs meaning you probably have signed up to be on that waiting list if you don't see this don't panic I have a way for you to get access to sign up to this wait list and I'm going to show you before we go any further with the tutorial because it might be very frustrating if you don't see it in like oh damn I don't have it and I can therefore not follow this tutorial well my friend I have got your back so what you will want to do is to go to slash docs docs you will land on this page right here so on top of this page you will see this button sign up for canva docs okay and when you click on this button you should see a prompt saying that you have successfully signed up or in my case I am already in okay so after you've done that after you've pushed that purple button come back to your canva homepage maybe refresh once or twice and if you still don't see the canva docs button my suggestion is that you log out of your account and log back in and then you should definitely see the canva docs button if not worst case scenario wait an hour or so but it should come the same day at least alright so now that we all know what canva docs are let's click on that icon and see what we can do so we see that canva docs are basically a new way to think about written documents canva really wants to bring the power of visuals to your written documents but that's not what we are going to discuss today I have an entire video about what we already know about canva docs you can find a link to this video in the description if you haven't yet watched it so let me show you where to find this beauty of a feature you see this plus button right here so we are going to click on that button and the first feature you see here should be magic right so I'm going to click on that and A text will pop up a prompt giving us an example like for example write five tips on how to overcome writer's block okay and then you press enter and this will generate your copy the text that canva will Auto generate for you so I suggest we try it out from the get go see what canva comes up with and we can write anything what we've heard from canva is that the more detail you write in your prompt so in that box the better the outcome would be so for example let's try it out I want you to write uh 10 tutorial can 10 canva tutorial ideas uh that I can create for my YouTube channel okay I want you to write 10 canva tutorial ideas that I can create for my YouTube channel just gonna hit enter and I can see canvas brainstorming ideas for me and there you go it took about five seconds so let's see what the results are how to design a professional looking Facebook cover photo in canva how to create an Instagram post that stands out using canva how to make a Twitter header that catches attention in canva how to design an elegant Pinterest graphic in canva so these titles are pretty good like these are like legitimate tutorial ideas that I could definitely create for my YouTube channel how to design a stunning holiday card in canvas so this in my opinion is spot on like the first try really convinced is me there are 10 ideas right here they're all kind of keyword optimized they're on point how to create a stylish baby shower invitation in canva so all of them are like really good there's no like one option that would be ridiculous or doesn't make sense at all they're all very good all right this convinced me let's try something else I want to show you another way to access the magic right feature instead of using the plus button right here I can just use on an English keyboard I have an English keyboard right here I use the slash bar remember slash magic if I use this slash bar I'm calling the same menu if you're not using an English keyboard you can still use the plus button but here I am on an English keyboard I wanted to show you another way to call that prompt to call that magic right feature now let's try another challenge for magic Right Alright I have another one right here I'm just going to copy and paste it give me five catchy headlines for my blog post about choosing the right camera to create YouTube videos let's see so I want catchy headlines okay so there you go the results how to choose the right camera for YouTube videos the best cameras for YouTube videos The Ultimate Guide to choosing a camera for YouTube videos what to look for when choosing a camera for YouTube videos and how to make sure you choose the right camera for your YouTube videos again these are exactly what I asked for these are catchy headlines for a blog post about that specific topic so once again I'm very happy about this result okay so this is starting to really impress me and I'm just using it in the context of just generating copy but imagine for one second you already have a nice looking document so let's come back let's actually go back home because I want to show you something else that is new with canva Docs together with their Lounge canva introduced canva ducks with magic right which is a stunning feature we just saw the result of the two first prompt I'm playing around with but they also introduced kanbad doc templates if I click on the doc icon and scroll down a little bit I will see some templates if I click on see all I think as of today we have 30 different templates okay so let's say I'm gonna use class no team retro so we have some good templates right here and you see they have the little doc icon mentioning that these are canva docs template so I'm gonna use a simple one I'm gonna use this one which is a letter kind of like a corporate letter yep I have things to do so these this is the list feature I have a signature inserted which is some kind of different fonts it doesn't really matter what I want to do is to change this text right here all of that and I want to replace this with Slash magic okay slash magic rights and this time I have another prompt like a more romantic prompt let's see write a love letter to my wife Diana mentioning how we met in Peru Diana and I met in Peru about eight years ago and I want to see if canva understands that detail in my prompt and includes that in the love letter I would like it to write to Diana let's see what it comes up with I'm very intrigued by this one and interested maybe I send a letter to Diana and see if she loves me more with this lesson there's a big letter coming here my dearest Diana I can hardly believe it has been so many years since we met in Peru It Feels Like Only Yesterday that we were both young and carefree exploring the world and falling in love wow that is very accurate I will never forget the day we met I was immediately drawn to your radiant smile and your infectious laughter we spend the whole day talking and getting to know each other and I knew from that moment that I was going to fall head over heels in love with you that is pretty scary accurate and I did over the next few months we grew closer and closer until there was no denying our feeling for each other we decided to get married and it was the best decision I have ever made since then blah blah blah blah blah your husband this is this is weird like this is so accurate because we did spend the whole day getting to know each other on that specific day and we did end up getting married but yeah wow I'm kind of like shocked to be honest but this was very accurate guys canva nailed it with magic right all right I think we got the point of how it works it's actually super simple now let's talk about the details like who is this for is this for free users paid users are there any limitations how to best use it let's cover all of these details well the first thing we need to know is that magic right will only live for the moment within canva docs so it's not going to be in your social media document types in your presentations or in your video doctypes only in canva docs okay so you need to click on that docs icon select a blank dock or create a dock from a template but only if you are in a canva dock will you have access to Magic right so that's the first thing to know the second thing you need to know is that magic right is not at the moment available for teachers and students in the canva for Education plans okay so if you are one of these people benefiting from canva for education meaning you get canva for teens for free via the education the school you are working with you will not have access to this feature and that is to prevent students I believe from using this feature to cheat so to speak when writing essays or having to write basically their school assignments or anything related to homework or basically the curriculum they are following as cool and I think this is a wise decision because it's borderline I mean the way canva is positioning this feature for now is that it helps you come up with your first draft fast okay canva wants you to focus on creativity not the writing part so they imply that you already know what you want to talk about and you need to focus on making your document look gorgeous and for that generating that copy overcoming writer's block is very important for them magic right is kind of seen as your copywriter assistant that will help you with some ideas and you will pick up these ideas make them your own and run with them and create your document with them that is how canva sees that for now the Cai and they already introduced AI with text to image if you remember which is this feature where you type in a sentence and canva will represent that sentence visually and create a visual from scratch so the use of AI into canva is seen as an incentive ferment creativity so that is their stance on AI and you can read more about this on the canva website but for now it is not available for the classroom and then the third thing you need to know is that it works best in English for now but that is not to say that it's only going to exist in English canva is introducing new languages and I think that as of today they already have the feature working in Bahasa Indonesian French Portuguese and Spanish we can expect more languages to be added in the future but for now if you really want to get the most out of magic right try to use it in English maybe in Spanish maybe Bahasa Indonesian as these have been recently introduced but English for sure will grant you the best results for now all right so that is kind of three things you need to know about its availability another big question is this gonna be a free or a paid feature well canva approached this question a bit differently this time I believe they are teasing the feature for free to free users but with an asterisk right there in kind of an important one what we've been told so far by canva is that free users will be able to use magic right 25 times and not per month but lifetime meaning after you've used that feature 25 times it won't be available to you anymore which I find a little bit cruel to be honest if you don't have the money to pay for canva pro and you get used to this and you really like it but at the same time commercially it does make a lot of sense for them to show you the power of what it can do and tell you well if you want it you can become a canva pro user and then you will have access So Pro users on the other hand will have 75 uses per user per month so meaning if you are in a team if you are using canva for teams for example you have a team of five each member of the five people in your team will have 75 used is per month to use magic right now this might change in the future I don't know I don't work for canva anymore so I'm not in the secrets but as of today it is what it is so 25 times for free to try it out and then if you really like it if you think you absolutely need this for your business upgrade to canva Pro and you will have a monthly usage in 75 uses per month is already a good amount if you're using it for yourself or your business all right guys I think that's all I have for you today let me know in the comments what is the craziest prompt you've written in Magic right I would love to have some inspiration of crazy things to ask magic right to see what they come up with so leave me your craziest prompt in the comments and I'm looking forward to try these out I will leave you guys with this other video right here which is everything we already know about canva docs so that you can Discover it into more details if you haven't yet watched it this is a very good one thank you for watching I will see you in the next one
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 136,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva tutorial 2022, canva for beginners, canva tutorial for beginners, ai copy generator, ai writing generator, copy ai, ai content generator, ai copywriting software, ai content writing tools, ai content writing software, ai copywriter, ai copywriting tool, copywriting, best ai copywriting software, free ai art generator, best ai content writer, free ai content writer, canva magic write, canva docs waitlist, canva docs, canva docs feature
Id: npi4Yo82uJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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