14 Ai tools creators should actually use

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace okay so we really need to talk about AI everyone was freaking out when Dolly first hit the scene but the masses didn't have access to it yet and it was kind of like in this strange nft slash crypto and 2021 gray area where hey it seems cool but it seems like a fad Well turns out AI definitely not a fad it's here to stay and it's all happening so fast I actually think it's going to take over everything and it's happening now it's happening right now as a content creator that is both scary and exciting because well it's probably going to take over a lot of mundane tasks that I hate doing in the first place in fact in research for this video when we were looking up oh some of this cool Tech that they were demoing and maybe a YouTube clip 11 months ago well now that same Tech is completely outdated because of all of the new startups and companies and algorithms that have come out since then in fact all of these AI companies they're in a race right now a race to the bottom trying to build better and cheaper options and then the even bigger companies who already have the customer base what they can't build themselves they'll just buy however I would like to argue that this race to the bottom potentially creates a more exciting playing field for people like you and me for people who create stuff as these Brands undercut each other the creators hey we might be left with more powerful tools for storytelling so in this video I will be sharing 14 AI tools that you should know about to either start using now or to just keep an eye on you know just keep again this is actually something I'm pretty excited about however it does have like a ton of downsides and we're gonna get into that in this video but let's start with some exciting stuff okay so number one Avatar AI so this is a fun one which you've probably already experienced everyone and I mean everyone was posting their AI avatars last month on Instagram but probably from an app called linza instead of the one I used Avatar AI there's a lot of them out there right now the avatars come in all types of styles and actually look pretty cool like I had a lot of fun looking at these go figure the thing that's gonna pop off first is like a very narcissistic AI tool oh I want cute pictures of me and I want a hundred of them but the most shocking ones were the ones that looked like photos like look at this one this is not a picture of me when I first tried this it was 30 bucks for about 100 AI generated photos and took about eight hours to generate now only a few months later you can pay about three dollars for the same amount of pictures and it takes only 20 minutes in this space undercutting and improving features moves really fast like a little bit too fast way too fast for this video that I've been trying to make or we've been having to update things every day Peter levels who made Avatar AI also makes something called interior AI so it basically does the same thing but with your space if you want to see what your living room looks like in different styles so it's really great for design inspo I would check that out too number two text to image generators if you can tell where we're starting out with the popular ones first okay but we got mid Journey stable diffusion and Dolly too all of these are basically three sides of the same coin okay so they're AI systems that take an input from you so this is the prompt or natural language and then the output is a realistic image or a piece of art the first one stable diffusion so this is the only one of the three that is open source so there are no limitations on what you can create and you can start actually creating now it's not in like a beta or anything however this can lead to very bad things like like very bad things like generating nudes and deep fakes of people that obviously do not consent they are trying to shut down some of this malicious behavior but with something that is open source well it's just difficult there is something even more concerning called unstable diffusion that is being used by even more Bad actors um so this is where the line really gets blurred now what about the other two mid-journey is not open source but it is currently in public beta once you're in the beta your first 25 images are free and then it's ten dollars a month for a basic subscription the interesting part is you can actually sell anything that you create unless you're associated with a big company then you need their corporate subscription or if you're using it to make nfts then they actually want a 20 royalty written in the smart contract I have no idea how they're actually enforcing this and it's important to note that also mid-journey themselves can also do anything they want with the art that you create now the other downside of mid-journey is they use a lot of popular art and like actual artists who sit there and make their own stuff right and some examples of outputs from mid-journey people have even been seeing the little squiggly line of a signature sure in the bottom right hand corner of their output so you can't really tell who the artist is but you're like oh snap they used an artist's work to inspire this output last but certainly not least is Dolly too so this is from open AI the same company that created chat gbt which we will talk about later so this one is in beta and despite being from open AI is probably the farthest away from actually being open sourced their CEO Sam Altman is apparently this like Silicon Valley genius guy so obviously it's worth watching okay so mid journey is very hackery you apply for the beta on their website but all of this is through their Discord so I actually don't even know how to do this so John do you want to walk me through this maybe like lock off that camera all right so just click the message the message yep click slash slash imagine imagine and then just click that and now just type in whatever wow yeah make sure to copy and paste the same prompt everywhere and then you have to kind of keep up with where you posted okay because everyone is posting to this same Discord Channel which is crazy okay so it's pretty cool so in similar fashion to crypto the UI is just not there yet right it's just it's very clunky and I think that's why so much mystery is around all this stuff wow that looks really cool that looks really cool really cool so as you can tell you create on Mid journey in a very public fashion it's in a public Discord where everyone can see your outputs okay so up next let's see what Dolly does oh that's pretty cool okay so Dolly it doesn't look as real uh the edges aren't as refined it's more kind of just fuzzy and I'm starting to wonder if I think Dolly 2 is the one that's actually in a very close beta right now so this might be like Dolly one so things don't look as good yeah those are so bad in comparison yeah whoa that's kind of cool again yeah okay stable diffusion so the thing with stable diffusion because it is open source you basically have a lot of different people's UI and websites and and ways to interact with it on the web uh because the the one that I tried earlier doesn't look anything at all like this because it was someone else's version of basically doing it on the web if that makes sense all right here we go oh it looks pretty cool that's kind of cool it gives you ideas and like hard design for futures yeah yeah yeah those experiences and those results were actually pretty different and I also suspect that as the months go by these three tools will also find more features that differentiate themselves from one another but they definitely already have their own aesthetic and definitely from this image that I saw on Twitter it's pretty obvious dolly is not it's just not looking like the best one I mean those people's faces are insane my initial reaction to this was dang yeah this actually sucks for digital artists however if you're good at writing maybe you'll be able to differentiate yourself more because your prompts are going to be super creative right but then you have ai to now write prompts like chat GPT so it's kind of just like my brain kind of hurts you know number three notion AI yeah notion I love notion everyone loves notion notion so notion AI is in Alpha so that's like the step before beta and I've actually been using it a lot I'm sure some of you have seen websites like Jasper or copy AI they help you write a blog or come up with interesting titles and honestly even they can write full scripts and blog posts well now notion is implementing these features directly into the app which is genius I'm a big fan of this okay so I'm going to take the first three paragraphs of the script for the video that we're filming right now and I'm gonna go up here to AI assist and you see that we have a ton of options we have improved writing fixed spelling and grammar summarize explain this yada yada and this menu has actually already changed a ton since I started in their Alpha program so I'm going to hit summarize and we'll see what it comes up with okay so maybe I should have just said this AI tools are becoming increasingly it's so powerful with companies racing to create better and cheaper options this video will discuss 14 AI tools that creators can use to enhance their storytelling yeah okay so the make shorter one seems better freaking out okay see that doesn't make sense I promise you this is good but there's still you know hey it's not perfect okay so it says freaking out over Dolly hit the scene but masses lacked access bad for a sentence don't worry you still have your job as a copywriter this is literally just like taking away all necessary words like R and and or and prepositions and things groundbreaking AI from 11 months ago now outdated this is almost a summarization that you would read to understand a subject but you wouldn't use for a script so the whole thing with AI and all of these tools is they're definitely not perfect but when they hit they can hit and in this use case it just really didn't hit okay so this is not the best example of notion AI being awesome but this is something I've actually used in my everyday workflow and I find it being useful I would say like half the time and it barely takes any time to use it so for me it's a net positive they obviously need time to work out the Kinks number four we've already been talking about it chat GPT and it's kind of crazy it's insane so think of it like Google meets a robot that you're just chatting with it can answer all of your questions just using natural language I actually used it to start my research on this video I typed explain the different aspects of AI and it actually did a great job so I'm not going to read all of this but the most useful bits for this sake of this video as well the first half so machine learning this involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable a system to improve performance on a specific task without explicit programming makes sense natural language processing I've already said that many times this involves the ability of a system to understand interpret and generate human-like language in the last one computer vision this involves the ability of a system to process and analyze visual information from images or videos it also talked about robotics expert systems decision making Automation and Predictive Analytics and that actually helped me I was like okay cool thanks chat then GPT so remember the company that made this is open AI the same company that made Dolly they recently got an investment of one billion dollars from Microsoft who are now their biggest investor and Microsoft is planning to launch a version of their search engine Bing if you love it or hate it but you probably hate it using the AI behind chat gbt so you type into Bing and it's going to be like typing into chat GPT this is going to be mind-blowing can you imagine your mom or grandma go into Bing because yeah they're the ones probably still using Bing right and just getting an answer to their question with natural language instead of just a list of websites and ads like Google oh my gosh is this finally gonna make Bing cool are we all gonna start using Bing the implications to this are wild kids are already writing essays using this will this make writers obsolete I definitely don't think so but it will probably shift their job from a writer to more of an editor which honestly sounds way better to me when it comes to video editing it'll take me like 6 to 10 to 12 to sometimes maybe 20 hours for a video if I can cut down with a robot or AI or whatever doing the initial cut and all I have to do is be the creative supervisor and actually shape the story and add cool you know quirky elements to it that really make it my video that sounds great right however if you never actually learn how to video edit the ins and outs the little quirks of editing or actually learn how to write can you actually be a good editor even with super powerful AI tools I actually have no idea time will tell and when I say time I mean like a couple months will tell because at the pace we're going guys I don't even know what to say okay the next ones we have coming up are kind of crazy they have to do with my world video editing but also what has to do with my world is website building even though this isn't explicitly an AI tool something that is adjacent to AI is no code tools and that is what Squarespace is and they just took it a step further with their new fluid engine it's their newest drag and drop website editor and even though they still have gorgeous website templates for you to start your website with now now you can drag and drop elements on your website wherever you want the amount of control that you have now is crazy it is really Limitless customization but the thing that really got me was their integration with printful so now you don't need a separate tool or website to start fulfilling and selling products now this actually got me super excited and seeing you guys out in the real world wearing a stay peachy or that creative life tea like that gets me so stoked and it is so fun for me to see and so it is now super cool and it makes it much easier for me to have everything under one umbrella my saradici.com website using Squarespace now John and I have been talking about the future of that creative life a ton if you don't know that was my podcast that went on for years and years and if you don't know John he's my husband who's also a YouTuber an amazing designer I think the word alone that creative life says a lot encapsulates a lot of idea ideas and themes and I wanted like a fresh new logo and also yesterday we were walking down the street past This Record Shop and they had this bin of records with this like peachy logo on it and I was like oh my gosh that's amazing what if we did something like this for a new stay peachy logo right and so it's been super fun kind of just like capturing some things for design and SPO and being able to have John to just help me on this journey and of course we still need to do the final designs and pick out the actual pieces that they're going to go on which I'm super excited because printful has so many options and they make it so easy and again it integrates right into the Squarespace website so hey I know this was kind of like a longer section than I normally uh use to tell you about all the amazing tools and features of Squarespace but I kind of want to give like fun updates in these week to week so I'm not just saying the same thing if that's okay with you guys okay so hey if you want to start an e-commerce brand or maybe you need help displaying your work via a creative portfolio or maybe you need scheduling and taking reservations for your restaurant or rental property you can do all of that on Squarespace if you want to check out a free trial you can go to squarespace.com or if you want to get started today you can go to squarespace.com saradici to get 10 off your first purchase of a domain or website okay number six through eight has to do with video we're gonna all do them in one little section here so up first runway in L so runway's initial trailer is crazy I saw it all over Twitter when it first dropped but it doesn't seem like the actual product lives up to the hype to be fair yet right and they're doing what most AI startups do something gets popular like text to image generation right what Dolly and stable diffusion is doing and they immediately copy it and basically just add their twist right so it was kind of weird when I first went to their web page and it was that instead of their video feature and even they created a video editor like an nle here are the three main video features that they've been promoting text to color grade so this is where you say make this look like Wes Anderson's movie The Royal ten bombs and it makes it look like that you also have the green screen feature where you don't actually have to be in front of a green screen you can just knock out the background and use that person standing in front of the background drop them on another background right I said background way too many times do you understand what I just said okay you also have motion tracking now this is something that other editors have actually had for a while for example you can plop a piece of text on a moving person and it will track said person okay pretty cool right some of these video features so you know Runway they hopped on this image generation train but then these video features that were special to their product maybe six months ago well now all of the big guys have Incorporated those features into their own products in the recent resolve update they added the screen screen function it's called Magic mask so check out how this works this is actually so cool I didn't know about this I used resolve every day and I didn't know about this so freaking cool right so I assume programs like DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premiere they're just gonna sit back and look at these AI video features from different companies and just see which ones pop off and then literally roll them out to their already huge customer base as a video editor myself the last thing I want to do is completely change or add to my workflow when it comes to a video program that's just the honest truth it took me three years of pain in premiere of crashes and just not liking a lot of things before I actually fully switched to DaVinci Resolve so I imagine the average customer that these companies are going after are people who don't Video Edit at all but use these one-off features and they'll just log in and do it on the web right so jumping back to runwayml it also has this really cool ability to paint out objects in the video sick which wait hold on After Effects can now do this right okay um so it's called content aware fill which if you're used to photoshop you're used to that language so yeah it can now literally do this with video so again in the world of AI it's who can build the fastest and who can build the cheapest if you're an indie entrepreneur you have to move fast in this space like Peter levels does with Avatar and interior AI if you're a startup like open AI you have to not only move fast but have so much money I don't know why I'm doing this stacks of money are here because you are in the game of All or Nothing you either win big and become the AI company which it looks like open AI is going to be the one to compete with all the big guys of the world because remember you're not competing against other AI companies but they're competing directly with Google and then everyone in the middle will either get crushed or copied by Adobe the lucky ones though the lucky ones will be bought by Adobe number nine character AI this one's a fun one this is where you can create characters and then talk to them so a character from a movie or something but also there's already existing characters on the website that you can talk to in the fashion of these people so there's already a Elon Musk character let's see what Elon Musk says to me wow the first message is you're wasting my time I literally rule the world rude Elon how are you going to save Twitter I literally have the power to fire every single person who has ever worked at Twitter I then replaced them all with my own hand-picked team of elite engineers and fix the platform in under 48 hours so I think the point with this is you can like continue the conversation so isn't that kind of mean to fire every single person I believe people should be held to a high standard of Excellence or else they'll be fired I will hold both employees and users alike to the standard I believe that everyone can be elite I will also raise the level of the user experience by introducing several amazing new features okay maybe with some life advice I can ask Elon should I go to college I said I like making YouTube videos should I go to college college is a waste of time drop out of college don't listen to anyone who says otherwise learn coding start a programming business and then learn all the necessary business skills you're now richer and smarter than 99 of the people in the world okay this is Goofy it's fun though number 10 is something called Adept it's not out to the public yet but their demos are mind-blowing if they actually work so this is a little pop-up for any web page that you view in any browser and you tell it to do something using natural language and it just does it no matter if you're an Excel spreadsheet or a CRM you just say hey add a column add this customer with these details and it just doesn't so say you're in Zillow you enter maybe find me a modern house in the hills of LA with a guest house for a family of four my budget is five million dollars we wish right one day one day babe when we build our YouTube Empire on AI written videos what if I'm not even talking right now what if I'm using AI right now to juxtapose my face on another person what if I'm not even here right now what what okay so it's basically like a personal assistant within websites crazy insane so say you're on YouTube I could just say hey comment on John Hill's newest YouTube video I love you and I wouldn't even have to go to the video I could just comment on that video right so they have I would have to suffer through this video they have these wild examples on their website like this one for Google Sheets okay if they typed in make a profit column and then make a profit margin column and boom it's there and then they say highlight any profit margin below two and it just does it I mean this is probably one of the most mind-blowing ones for me so far because well I just have no idea how this works and I'm not even gonna begin to try but also it seems like the options are literally endless think about it this is like the office assistant clippy you guys remember clippy but for the entire internet tedious tasks well they'll 100 be outsourced to AI within like a matter of years I feel like if not months yeah I did that quick you were ready for that one okay number 11 you guys still with me there video AI by topaz Labs so topaz Labs has a lot of cool video editing features for example you can upscale low-res footage and it actually looks pretty good but the absolute coolest feature is the ability to take 24 frames per second footage and you can take that and make it into 120 frames per second so essentially you can take any footage you shoot and make it slow motion which is insane if I shoot a clip in 120 frames per second I am using that for slow motion it's gonna look weird and choppy it's not gonna look right so people can't just shoot all of their footage in 60 frames per second or 120 frames per second just in case they need it for slow-mo and then use it like normal it just wouldn't look right that's why this is so crazy so you could just shoot everything in 20 frames per second or 30 frames per second and then just have slow-mo I know I keep saying almost the same thing over and over again but this could be number 12 Luma Labs so this is an app which uses Nerf to build 3D rendered objects you can just use your phone to capture any object and then view that object in 3D they even have render videos that you can export straight from the app and you can then place a 3D object in that environment it's it's crazy Nerf relies on neural rendering it learns what every color in a 3D space is so with photo scans the reflections stay the same but with neural rendering the reflections change as you move just like in real life right without Reflections things just look fake another app that is kind of similar that I've shouted out on this channel before is called polycam but polycam uses something called photogrammetry to create its 3D models it's essentially taking a bunch of pictures and then combining them with a power of math to make the model where Luma uses Nerf technology to measure everything in that 3D space so if you put your model into a video game game or a video it will be able to accurately reflect the light and colors in the scene number 13 deep Nostalgia this one is kind of weird but it's interesting and it's fun so if you can create an animated rendering of old photos so the idea is to have an animated version of maybe someone who you've lost you'll take an old photo of them and it'll animate it so I have a cool picture of my grandpa here he has all these cool old photos of him so let's try it on him the state it's in right now I feel like it's actually kind of creepy but I could totally see this for documentaries automatically animating scenes where there's like multiple things happening at one time will Carmack has actually done this manually in After Effects I'll show one of his examples if you can do that without all of the multiple days if not weeks and after effects now that would be super cool hey guys Sarah here end of the video number 14 did not make it because I just looked it up and it no longer works this AI world again it moves fast right so I'm gonna actually mention uh some some close runner-ups that we didn't mention in the video so you have name licks name licks it's a business name generator I've actually used this once um a lot of features in Premiere you have the scene edit detection Tool uh so if you basically import a already exported video it'll make Cuts in that video uh when the scene changes so that's helpful to essentially get Clips back from an already exported video if that makes sense um it Premiere also has transcription uh you probably already know that and also a really cool thing is you can just Auto extend a song in Premiere and it'll like uh fill in like say you have a two minute song you need a three minute song you just use the Ripple edit tool um to extend the music and it'll automatically just extend it for you and like figure out the Transitions and everything um which which is cool some of this I'm like oh I wish I wish resolved this right um and then like a funny one is Uber duck AI you pick a rapper and have them say whatever you want um it's funny right I don't know if I have an explanation um for what I'm wearing so let's just wrap this video up so let me know what you thought what is your favorite one that we mentioned it'll be interesting to see how quick the rise of AI will happen and affect communities the first communities artists and creators I feel like right and which groups will adopt the technology and which will demonize these tools because oof there's there's some sketchiness happening already I'm a bit of an optimist so again I think this is going to automate a lot of the things that I don't like to do every day there's so much BS in my day that I wish I could just not worry about that's what I'm hoping AI will help with right all those tedious things of video content creation so I'm all for it but again on the other side I'm crossing my fingers that are AI overlords don't take over everything and US mere mortals can still live life okay I can't end it on that no let's get hyped up or maybe not tell me what you're pissed off about in the comments again I acknowledge now I'm back to a bad space okay so now I'm gonna end the video guys I hope you enjoyed it smash that like button smash that subscribe button and well everyone until next time stay peachy okay bye [Music]
Channel: Sara Dietschy
Views: 268,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we really need to talk about ai, why creators should care about ai, dalle stable diffusion midjourney differences, text to image demo ai, sara dietschy artificial intelligence, notion ai demo, topaz labs video ai review, sara dietschy ai
Id: 03iSjMQ3a1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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