10 Mind-Blowing AI Tools for 2023! (NEW AI Tools)💻

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I've spent countless hours researching and finding the 10 most useful and mind-blowing AI tools of 2023 that have the potential to completely revolutionize the way that we live with the somewhat recent release of chat gbt there have been loads and loads of new applications coming to the surface they can do all sorts of crazy things these tools have the ability to help you start your own business become more productive get things done five times faster and some of these tools even allow you to have a little bit of fun along the way now before we get into this video I'd highly appreciate it if you could drop a like this video took tons of hours of research editing and filming so any feedback would be appreciated now without further Ado let's jump into these 10 astonishing AI tools have you ever wanted to use chat gbt while being on the go well then this first AI tool is for you and this one is one of my personal favorites that's why I put it high on the list so you guys would not miss it so the first AI tool on my list is Merlin Merlin is super easy to install and I'm going to show you how to install it and use it a little bit deeper later on but first I want to scroll down and and show you some of the use cases for it so you can get an idea of what it actually does so first it can effortlessly summarize your content on any website so basically you can highlight any post or any article and when you hit your hotkey to activate Merlin you can tell Merlin to summarize this text and just like chat GPT would do it will summarize what you have selected next when you scroll down this is a game changer so it can Master complex Excel or Google sheet formulas and codes so if you use Excel or Google Sheets a lot then this would be a great extension for you because it can quickly type in codes based on your specific spreadsheet and the cool thing about this is that it is personalized so it's like you have a personal assistant helping you write your code at all times another thing it can do is effortlessly write professional email replies and this one has been a beautiful thing to have on my computer whenever I'm surfing through emails and I say these long messages I have to reply to I'll tell Merlin to reply to this email in a friendly Manner and I will review the text and if it looks good to send off then I will send it off so this has been a big Time Saver and it keeps me off of my email list as much now there is a ton of other use cases you can check these out for yourself but now I'm going to show you how to download install and use Merlin so when you want to start using Merlin step number one is to go to their website and when you hit add a chrome your Google Chrome accounts will pop up and just sign into whatever Chrome account you are currently using after you sign in you'll be brought to the Chrome web store and this will say add to Chrome it says add to brave because I'm on a different browser right now but hit this blue button and hit ADD extension next it will bring you to this welcome page and show you how to use it here first off what I like to do is go up in the upper right hand corner and pin this to my pinned extensions so now you can kind of practice using it with this text that they've given to you below you can highlight this text and down in the bottom right hand corner you're going to see that the default hotkey is Ctrl M but this can be changed later Ctrl M for me is kind of a stretch so I like changing it to control shift X I don't know why that's just how I remember using it so if you do want to change your hotkey shortcut to get to Merlin all you have to do is go up to your pinned icon and hit change shortcut here you'll find all of your Chrome extensions but here when you find Merlin you can change this to whatever you want so you can just type out your shortcut I'm going to change it to control shift X and now it should save automatically when you X Out of This extensions tab refresh the page and now after I highlight this text my new hotkey will come up and once I hit Ctrl shift X Merlin will pop up asking what do you want to do with this selected text I'm going to ask Merlin to write an email reply to this text and as you can see It'll generate a nice little email response for me to write but let's go to a longer article and really see what this is about so I found this article on a cryptocurrency and what I'm going to do is use Merlin on this website so what I'm going to do is highlight this text right here and I'm going to hit my hotkey Ctrl shift X and now Merlin's going to pop up so I can type out write me a summary for this text I'm going to hit enter and as you can see Merlin wrote out an entire summary of what this was about it tells what this text discusses and so much more so I'm sure you can start to see the power of Merlin and I'm sure that you are already getting ideas of how you can use it in your day-to-day life that is why it is one of my personal favorite tools is because I can just use it every day whenever I need it and it's like having chat GPT on the go but you don't have to open another Tab and overall it's just a great extension I haven't even touched into the Google sheet codes but I'm sure that could be very good for my financial database and I'm very excited to keep on using Merlin have you ever actually wondered what is being said in terms of service and privacy policies but you just don't really feel like reading it or maybe you even have a legal document that you just don't understand well that is where AI tool number two comes in legalese decoder and legalese decoder when I came across it I was pretty amazed after trying it out for a few minutes what legalese decoder does is it turns legal documents in terms of services into plain English and it helps you understand and in a way that actually makes sense to the common human brain so I'm going to show you a quick example over here I have Google's terms and services and a lot of this is all caps it's kind of just looks pretty boring to read so what I'm going to do is copy this all capital section because it looks like a bunch of big words and I don't really feel like reading it right so I'm going to copy this I'm going to head over to legalese and I'm going to paste it right here now this isn't necessarily a legal document but it can translate complicated text like this as well so when you hit translate it's going to say please wait a moment and it will provide you with a little description and it actually makes sense I did this very fast it's completely free you can subscribe to Pro to upload longer documents but if you just want to see something in your everyday life like what are you agreeing to when you're checking that little box to download an app or anything of that matter then this is a great tool for you you can paste in your text and you can read about it in something that actually makes sense now this is a very cool tool and the fact that it's free is pretty awesome and it will start to make you think could lawyers eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence let me know what you think in the comments I think eventually it definitely could but as of right now I still think that there is a very big need for lawyers and I don't think it's at the capacity right now to completely replace lawyers if you've ever struggled with content creation or you want to start creating content then AI tool number three is a great spot to start so AI tool number three is Runway and they claim to be the next Generation content Creation Suite and let me tell you from personal experience and personal use it is pretty sweet no pun intended so the very cool thing about Runway is they allow for a free trial so I've already logged in but after you sign up you'll be brought to a dashboard and it looks something like this you can see all of your projects that you've started and you can really get down a nice workflow for if you are creating content but the very cool thing is when you go to AI magic tools you can see all of what they offer 30 plus content creation tools and let me tell you some of them are very very cool one that I've just found amazing I've seen it done on other videos too so I want to show you this one is in painting now in painting is wild it can take out any subject completely from video and it will stay out of the video the entire time and it will replace the background for you now this is very very cool now it says it's still in beta but so far I haven't seen many Stakes so I'm going to go to some of the demo assets and I'm going to do this day tripping one I'm going to drag it out onto the timeline once it's on the timeline you can hit your space bar and play the video and let's say I don't want this trash can in here so what I'm going to do is I am going to go back to the beginning of this video and I'm going to just click and drag it doesn't have to be that pretty over the trash can I'm going to outline it first and then color it in like so and now when I Let Go what it's going to do is say in painting and it's going to load an entire new video with the trash can not there and I can play it and as you can see the trash can has just disappeared completely and it's replaced the background right there so it's not perfect there are a few glitches still but the power of this is amazing because it has to go frame by frame and replace the background all within about five seconds so now let's try to crop out this person in this demo asset now I'm not sure how this is going to work let's hope it works well but I'm just going to crop this person out okay we are done and now it is going to load a new video without her I'm not sure how this is going to look I think this would actually work better with a still background if you didn't want something in the background and you were doing a talking video like I am but as you can see the shadow is still there but we're gonna hit play and it's doing a pretty good job it's a little blurry and the shadow is still there but that's my fault because I didn't crop out the shadow now that's pretty amazing they're talking to a ghost okay so this is powerful it's still in beta this is one of my favorite tools on Runway that I've seen people use and that I've personally used but they have tons of other stuff too they haven't erased and replace so you can replace it with different images they have a backdrop remix so you can add a completely different backdrop to a scene and they've got tons of other things let's try text to 3D texture now and I'm just going to type in what it wants me to type in here as an example so I'm just going to type in Pebbles texture and it looks like it is generating a 3D texture for me so I'm not really sure what the use case for this is but it's a pretty cool tool and I'm sure that there are people out there that need stuff like this and as you can see it's given me this nice little Stone texture and I can drag it around with my mouse and throw it it's kind of interesting just to mess around with and it looks like I can change some of the lighting over here make that a little brighter change the directional light change the tiling that's kind of interesting change the thing to a sphere that'll mess with your head an image so yeah that's pretty cool you can generate images like this and if you need a background or something then you can customize it which is very very neat so I've just showed you two of the 30 plus Tools in this content Creation Suite you can generate portraits you can generate animals you can remove backgrounds go text to image sort of like dolly two there's really so much you can do and I'm excited to use this suite for future content have you ever wanted to start a business but the logo and The Branding and all of that stuff to get started was kind of holding you back well look no further because AI tool number four will take care of your branding and Logo needs in a matter of seconds AI tool number four is Luca so when you get to Lucas homepage as you can see all of these examples were designed with looka and they are pretty good I mean you'd have to pay somebody decent money to get your branding looking like this and you can use their AI powered platform to design a logo and build a brand you love so after you typing your email and hit get started it's going to run you through a couple of questions in order to get to know your industry you know it's going to ask you for some colors and it just wants to know a little bit more about the business you want to start so I'm going to type in Consulting let's say I want to start a Consulting business I'm going to hit continue and now it's going to give you some Inspirations for what do you like what kind of styles are you going for so now you can go through here and pick some logos that you like I kind of like the Saving Grace logo I kind of want it to be clean I don't really want it I don't really want much Graphics I like circle flow circle flow looks very nice I like this dreamery logo it adds a little moon for the dream I think that's pretty unique and lastly let's just say vessel yoga I kind of like that one and now I can hit continue since I've picked four logos I like and now if you want to it's going to ask you to pick some colors but you can skip this as well and they will generate what they think looks good I kind of want to go with a gray scale you know it's elegant it's luxury it speaks kind of what I want for my brand so I'm going to go with grayscale and now I'm going to hit continue here you can add your company name and a slogan now I'm sure that there are other AI tools out there to help you find your company name I haven't seen any yet but I'm pretty positive that there are some out there so you could almost really have this full full process done for you but I'm going to enter my company name now my company name is going to be direct Consulting very basic but I'm going to leave the slogan empty and hit continue and now it's going to ask you to pick some symbol type so I'm assuming that the logo is based on what some of these are so if I want to start a Consulting business obviously I want to pick Consulting I think part of Consulting is growing the clients that sign up for your Consulting so I'm going to pick growth I think growth is always important and I'm also going to pick consultant and maybe I want this to be geared towards Innovation I can hit continue and now they are going to generate some logos and as you can see it populated so quickly and it's giving me all of these branding and Logo packs and you can even load more this is absolutely wild you can generate your entire brand that quick and even if you don't use this exact stuff you can draw inspiration from this and now you have a really good base of what you want to do for your business when you click into it and hit customize it's going to load and it's going to take you to the editor so you can edit certain elements of it as shown it's going to give you little mock-ups and give you brand Essentials so this is wild and for something like branding it takes so much creative power for somebody to come up with this and oftentimes it takes months when you're trying to come up with your branding I remember at the company that I work for we were doing a Rebrand and it took seven months and Luca just did a entire branding session within about 45 seconds and it's going to give you all of these different templates so this is awesome but it gives you modern suggestions over here you can change what suggestions you want let's say I want it to be sophisticated and now variations are loading that are similar to this but are sophisticated and this just looks beautiful it's going to give you a little business card here and there's so many more marketing Essentials here this is awesome so this is just touching the surface of what Luka can do you can use it for so many more things in your brand and you could literally get an entire branding guide in a matter of five minutes have you ever won to create a course on a certain topic or maybe you even learn better from using a course but maybe you can't find one on the topic that you want to learn about AI tool number five is called tutor AI this AI tool lets you learn anything at all with fun interactive courses and you can create whatever course you want on whatever topic you want to so this is very cool I'm going to jump right in and show you how to use it and show you some examples so tutor AI is very simple and before you start using it you're going to want to sign in in the upper right hand corner which I've already done but the sign up process is pretty much like anything that you've done before you're prompted with this box sort of like Chad GPT except it just says what do you want to learn about and you can do this on pretty much any topic which makes it very cool it can be pretty Niche or it can be broad so to start let's say I want to learn about landmarks in Eastern Europe or something like that so I'm going to type in landmarks in Eastern Europe and now I'm just going to hit enter and what it's going to do is say loading modules and this is going to be loading course modules from my prop so as you can see now I have four modules here that it's loaded up and it says Chooser module what I want to do is you can see the the headers here kind of give the general overview of what that course is about I want to do cultural landmarks in Eastern Europe so I'm going to tap this box and now it's going to prepare this module and it's going to explore the cultural landmarks of Eastern Europe and as you can see before I'm even done talking it has prompted me with five lessons and I can check these off when I'm done I can hit start lesson I can start wherever and the very cool thing that I haven't even mentioned yet is it gives you personalized quizzes in there so that your learning is taken to the test and you can take quizzes on what you've read so this is very neat so I'm going to hit start lesson on introduction to Eastern Europe so I can read about Eastern Europe here and when I'm done you'll see this go deeper section here here I can either simplify this show me examples take a quiz or ask a question so this is almost like having a teacher teaching the course with you so I'm going to hit simplify and what this is going to do is just simplify this for me down here and you can hit Mark complete but let's say I want to test my learning did I gain anything from reading this well I can hit quiz and it's going to generate a question for me to see if I actually read this paragraph which I haven't so I'm going to take a guess I'm going to say it's cultural festivals and it's wrong I didn't even read the question so that was probably my first problem and it's all of the above so after I've graded this correctly I've tested my knowledge I've went back and I've read all this I've taken notes then I can go down here and hit Mark complete and now the first lesson of this module is done for cultural landmarks in Eastern Europe and you can keep on going through this list and it can literally be on any topic so this is a very cool way to learn any sort of information that you want and I think that this has a very bright future because eventually I'm sure that you're going to be able to start creating your own courses and that this information will go a lot deeper and it will have more than five lessons within each module it's a fun way to learn and I love how it's utilizing this AI technology for good AI tool number six allows you to type in a prompt and generate a graphic with your prompt I know this sounds pretty similar to dial E2 but the cool thing about this one is it allows you to join a community and see what people are typing and putting in their prompts live AI tool number six is called Blue Willow and another great thing about how Blue Willow is it's user friendly and accessible to everyone so when you hit join the beta it will invite you to their Discord server and when you join their Discord server it will look something like this and the server is growing every day so there's no telling on how long it will be free last time I saw how many people were in the server it was at 91 000 and it is now at 128 000 so this thing is growing rapidly when you scroll down and all these conversation tabs you can see all these different branches you can hit any branch you want to get started so I'm just going to hit Branch four and as you can see these people are typing in whatever they want to generate all these images here's a picture of Ryan Gosling here and some ancient Egyptian dragons and such but now if I want to type my own prompt I can hit slash imagine and then I'm going to hit this command here and now I'm going to be allowed to type in a prompt so let's say I want a giant iPhone in the desert and then after you can give it some descriptive words of what you want it to look like so I'm just going to say 8K 3D render and I'm going to also say realistic and now when I hit enter it's going to say great prompt we're working on it stay tuned for the fun images it's only going to take about 30 seconds to generate and boom just like that the giant iPhone in the desert has generated so now I can click into these images uh I don't know what really happened to this fourth one down here but it's completely blank which is fine let's say I like uh image number three what I can do is hit V3 and what it's going to do is generate me different versions based on number three so there it goes it's generated these four different versions and this one I like the best I think number four it's pretty clear so when you find a version you like you can hit U which I think stands for upscale and it will make it a little bit better quality and it will scale it up so you can actually save the image so I'm going to hit u4 and in a couple of seconds it's going to generate a bigger version of that image as shown here and now I can just save this image to my gallery and I can use it wherever this iPhone looks very interesting I will admit they put the camera down by the speakers and the iPhone text looks like a different language but yeah this is Blue Willow it generates AI images and you can go see everyone's prompts for inspiration and there's tons of different stuff you can do with this have you ever wanted to start a blog or maybe you need inspiration for writing copy for your marketing well I found an AI powered copywriter that generates high quality text that converts very well this tool is called copy AI after signing in to copy AI you will be brought to this beautiful dashboard and it can really keep all of your projects and all of your text in one place so you can designate folders for certain projects let's say you do a seasonal blog well maybe you could have a folder for winter spring summer and fall or maybe you have different marketing projects that you're working on you can organize it into folders and what I really like about this is it's super powered toward your copy so they give you plenty of Tools in different variations over here they give you ideas and some of this is still in beta but for the most part it works very well so look at all these digital ad copy variations they give you Facebook headlines descriptions primary text ad copy and this is just getting started so they have plenty of stuff for all your advertising and all your blog needs if I hit create new project here it's going to ask me questions that it knows will generate High converting results so it's going to walk you through a step-by-step process in order to help you generate the best copy let's say I've just designed a new water bottle and it's for people who go to the gym so let's say I want it to blend everything on the go sort of like blendjet does and I want this to be a high luxury item so I'm going to go through and come up with my fake product and describe my fake product and choose a tone for my fake product and then we are going to watch the magic happen when I hit create content this is going to generate me a product description that I can use for my website for my advertising or for anywhere else that I've put the product so now I'm going to hit create content and in a matter of seconds as it usually does it's going to magically create this product description and it's going to give you multiple to choose from and you can also hit make more and it goes to the style and the tone of which you've chosen so all of these different descriptions are being geared toward the client that you want if I want a luxury client and I entered the luxury tone then that's the tone that these will be written in so if you see one you like you can go through here and you can save it you can also get different Variations by hitting more like this and some might say you can do this in chat jbt but if you are into copywriting and copywriting is your thing then might as well get this beautiful dashboard and utilize some of these folders and organize your projects in a way that makes sense to you so it's not all lumped up into that chat GPT system so if you're into copywriting copy dot AI is a very very good tool for you so these next three AI tools are going to be a little bit more on the fun side and things you can mess around with if you're bored but also I do think that they all have a very bright future and I think they are just getting started have you ever had a 2D image that you wanted to be 3D and make it move around for cool elements well you're in luck because Leia pix converter now converts 2D elements into 3D masterpieces this one I'm personally super excited for because it's a web designer and a video editor the ability to be able to create 3D elements within a matter of seconds would be absolutely insane so once you're on leopix's website you can sign in and now you can hit upload and it's as simple as that to start creating your 3D elements so I'm going to hit upload and I'm going to upload an AI picture of me and as it's loading in you can see that it's already starting to move the cool thing is to have certain features over here that you can mess with so you can mess with the animation length the animation length the longer it is the slower the movement will be so as you can see at six seconds it's a little bit more subtle of a movement and if you go down to two seconds for example I'm moving a lot more let's go to one second so now my head is really spinning I'm going to go to animation style and this is the way that my head here is spinning or the object is spinning uh you can go horizontal so I'll just kind of be shaking my head no I can go vertical so I'm shaking my head yes go a tall Circle or you can go a normal Circle you can do a wide circle like we were on before and I'm kind of moving my head in this wide circle now I got this AI picture when my hair was very curly it doesn't currently look like that but it really did at a time and now you can choose the amount of motion as well so if I go more I am really shaking my head yes and as you can see it's very cool it adds certain elements that make it look 3D like it gives me that back shoulder and a little bit more hair on the back of my head and it looks like this is a 3D object moving out of this picture now you can also adjust the focus point I personally haven't messed with the depth map yet but there are so many things you can do here and when you're ready to save your 3D element or share it anywhere you can hit the share button and it's going to give you a lot of options to save it you can save it as a Facebook 3D even that would be kind of cool you can save it as a gif so this could be really good if you are a web designer and want quick 3D gifs or 3D elements on the website you can save it as a gif and then you have this moving element that wasn't moving before and it's very very quick to set up so this one I hope to have a bright future and I hope eventually that I can move my head around and that I can turn it around completely 3D that would be awesome so you've seen how to create pictures with artificial intelligence like dial E2 or mid-journey blue willow as shown earlier in the video but what about videos now videos seem a little bit more complicated pictures you can generate a picture but videos are thousands and thousands of pictures put together in a sequence moving frame by frame so this is a little bit more complicated AI tool number nine is called kyber and kyber is still in beta but I think it has a very bright future and I've been playing around with it and I love using it so when you do log into kyber you'll be brought to this little dashboard and you can hit create video to get started and here it will allow you to upload an image which is optional this will be an image for inspiration you can go down to your settings and you can change the duration of the video but do keep in mind that when you do change the duration of the video the cost of the video does go up which is understandable it's a little bit more taxing on the server and it requires more power in order to generate a longer video you can change the aspect ratio here and here is where the real magic happens so when you want to select a subject for your video you can hit select a subject and what it's going to do here on the right is give you a couple of examples that you can use but you can also type your own when you're done typing in your subject you can go to select a style and you can select one of these multiple Styles or there are plenty of styles to choose from outside of just these so you can type your own style and when you have everything done and your settings are okay then you can hit generate preview frames and what it's going to do is generate you a video I'll show you an example video of one that I did earlier I told kyber to generate heaven in the style of a 3D rendering so when you click into this you can see that it's crafted this beautiful image almost like a gif with a rotating Earth up top this building is changing if you look in the bottom left here people are walking around it's almost like this building is evolving over time you have the ability to download the video you can remove the watermark you can share the video and this is another one of those tools that I am super excited for the future of these renders turn out very awesome and I'm excited to see what they have in store or have you ever woke up from a long night of Slumber and you've wondered why did I just have that dream that dream was so odd I don't know what it means well fear no longer because AI tool number 10 dream interpreter AI is here to save the day when you open the website you'll see this very simple web page you can't even scroll on it here is a box where you can enter your dream so the other night I had a dream I don't know why I was driving a golf cart when I was on that golf cart I fell into a nearby Pond I drove off the edge on accident and I accidentally fell into a nearby Pond but as soon as I hit the water it bounced me back up onto land and I woke up and I was very confused had I had dream interpreter AI with me in that moment I could have checked my dream right then and there but now I'm going to check what does that dream mean so I've typed in my dream I was driving a golf cart and accidentally drove it into a pond as soon as I hit the water it bounced me back onto land very weird dream I have no idea why I had it but I'm about to find out why I had it would hit interpret dream and now it's going to generate this prompt here the stream could symbolize taking a wrong turn in life and feeling like you're in over your head but eventually finding your way back to Solid Ground alternatively it could be a warning to be more careful in your Pursuits so this is a very interesting interpretation and this would make me dive a little deeper and think am I in over my head in any situations in my life or do I need to be more careful in my Pursuits so this is a very interesting tool and it kind of makes you think about your dreams a little bit more and it's just fun to mess around with to see what your dreams could potentially mean if you are wondering what do my dreams mean maybe head over to dream interpreter Ai and see if you can get some insight in your life to what are your dreams trying to tell you if you've enjoyed these 10 mind-blowing AI tools that I've shared with you in this video please drop a like it would be highly appreciated subscribe if you're new new and hit that little bell icon next to the Subscribe button so you never miss a new video I will see you in the next one
Channel: AI Wealth
Views: 356,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, ai, artificial intelligence tools, ai platform, artificial intelligence, open ai, mind blowing ai tools, new ai tools, ai tools new, 2023 ai tools, ai tools 2023, new ai tools 2023, 2023 new ai tools, free ai tools, best ai tools, 10 ai tools, ai copywriting, list of ai tools, ai productivity tools, top ai tools 2023, ai marketing, chatgpt, top 10 ai tools, free ai tools to try in 2022, ai content writing tools, ai content writer, free ai websites
Id: fHLrh4pK3D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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