Divi Tutorial: Harness the Power of ChatGPT to Enhance Your Web Design Workflow

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Hey folks, Robey here with the Divi Engine team  and today I'm bringing you probably one of the   most exciting tutorials I've done in months. Now  the main component of this tutorial is one of the   most talked about AI tools since my journey and  Dali too. Now I'm not going to waste your time   so why don't we just go and get right to it  and for those of you that don't want to just   sit there and listen to me blab on about the  tool and just get to the actual tutorial part,   use the chapters to get to exactly what  you're looking for today. So let's go.   [Music] Welcome to our tutorial and using ChatGTP  to write code for your divi site. In this video,   we're going to be showing you how to harness the  power of the world's most advanced language model   to help streamline your web development workflow.  We're going to be splitting it into five mini   tutorials where we're going to show you various  methods of using ChatGDP to enhance your Divi   sites. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of  all of this, why don't we talk about what ChatGTP   is and what it can do? Let's take a look. ChatGPT  is a large language model developed by OpenAI.   It's been trained on a massive data set of text  from the Internet, which means it can understand   and generate text on just about any topic you can  think of. From writing code to composing poetry,   CHAPGPT can do it all. DIVY THEME FLOWS, ELEGON  DESIGN, SHINESBRIGHT, and WAPESIDE Beauty Blooms.   That's a high-cool brought to you by CHATGTP.  Beautiful CHATGTP. Beautiful. Thank you. Now,   some of you might be wondering, what's the  difference between CHATGTP and GPD? Well,   CHATGTPT is a specific implementation of the  GPD language model. GPT stands for generative,   pre-trained transformer, or something like  that, who knows what that means. But the   important thing is that both GPT and chat GPT  are developed by OpenAI, but chat GPT is fine   tuned for conversational language and is better  suited for tasks, such as generating responses   in a conversation or chatbot application. GPT on  the other hand is more general purpose and can be   fine tuned for a wide range of language tasks,  such as language translation and summarization   and some of you might have even played around with  Dali too to generate some gorgeous images. Now in   this tutorial we'll be utilizing ChatGTP to write  us some code for our Divi website. We're going to   be doing this in both CSS and jQuery. But before  we get going why don't we take a look at another   few examples of how I can utilize ChatGTP and  maybe even further help you out aside from writing   code or within the Divi theme. One of the most  popular users for chat GTP as content creation.   You can use it to generate blog posts, articles,  and even entire books. All you have to do is give   it a topic and a few sentences to get started  and it will take care of the rest. Another great   use for chat GTP is language translation. It can  translate text from any language to another with   super high accuracy. This can be especially useful  for businesses that operate in multiple countries.   Chat GBT can be used for for summarization, you  can give it a long article or document, and it   will generate a shorter, more concise version.  This can save you a lot of time when you're   trying to read through a lot of information. All  right, so now that we've gone through a bunch of   different other uses for ChatGDP, which you  might even be able to use to write copy for   your sites or whatever it might be, why don't  we move on to the main topic of this tutorial,   which is to utilize ChatGDP to write code  for your divi sites. So let's go. Okay,   right. So before we can start utilizing ChatGTP  to write our code for a Divi website, you need   to go to the OpenAI website at chat.openai.com.  And right from there, you can sign up for a new   account. You will need to provide your email  address and create a password, but you can also   log in with your Google account if you have one.  Now, once you have your account, you'll be able to   access the OpenAI API and use ChatGPT. And again,  just go to chat.openai.com you'll be all set to   get going with the tutorial. Okay, so to start  writing your CSS and jQuery code, you need to   give chatGTPS some information about the site  we're building. This will include the layout,   colors, and other design elements that we might  want to use. Once chatGTPS has this information,   it will generate the CSS or jQuery code for us.  We can then just go ahead and copy and paste this   code into our divv site and look like an absolute  code ninja. So without further ado, why don't we   go and ninja it up and start with our first mini  tutorial. Alright, so now to get started here,   I have a clean divv install and I have just  imported one of these free divv layouts that you   can just import straight from the divv theme. And  now what we're going to want to do though is head   over to chatGTP, you've got your account set up  and you can start a bunch of chats. So what's cool   about chat GTP is that you've got this new chat  option here, where you can have multiple chats   and I'll actually go ahead and save your history.  So first up, we're going to be showing you how to   create some button module animations for Divi with  chat GTP. You can easily add any type of effects   you want or animations to your buttons to make  them kind of stand out and grab the attention of   your site visitors. So let's go ahead and do that  right now. Now I'm going to struggle through this   and show you exactly what's involved. So if  I need chatGDP to do extra things for me,   I'm going to make it do it. Utilizing this with  Divi, the first thing you're going to want to   do maybe is come to our page here and I have the  edit window open and I'm going to go and target   that button on the homepage and I'm going to go to  the advanced tab because I want to be able to tell   chatGDP well, I'm going to have a certain class  here that I wanted to utilize for writing the   code So it's easier to add it to my page. So I'm  just going to say chat GPT underscore button. Why   not? And I'm going to copy that. I'm going to save  that in there. And then I'm going to head over to   chat GPT. And I will tell it, please write me some  CSS that will generate Paul Sating button that has   a class of-- and then the class name that we  added. So chat GPT on the score button. I'll   just put the period there to define it as that.  That wall, animate my divi button, that CSS that   will animate a divi button to make it look like  it is slowly pulsating. Let's see what it does.   So you can see that it's like immediately writing  all the code for you. It interprets my app hazard   text there, but I've been playing with  this quite a bit. And I quite honestly   have not had bad feedback. So here you can go  ahead and you can copy the code now and we'll   go back to my divi install here. Now you can  go ahead and add code to your theme options,   your divi CSS custom CSS options. like over here,  you'll go divvy, theme, options, and you can just   paste that in here. And it's probably the best  place to go ahead and put this. So if I go ahead   and save that, let's go to the front and then  see what the button does. And it does nothing.   Ha, and of course, I think rookie mistake, I  did not update the page so that that classes   registered how smart of me. Like I said, I'm gonna  keep my mistakes in here. So let me refresh the   page now. And there you go. We have a pulsating  button And that was so easy. And this is a setting   not found in Divi, just like that. Two minutes,  awesomeness. So let's go ahead and take a look   at another example. Wouldn't it be cool if when  we hover these menu items here, if they maybe,   I don't know, did like a little hovering  up and down animation for the hovered item?   Yeah, I think that'd be quite cool. So let's come  back over here. Now we can start a new chat, which   is one of my favorite things. You can go back and  reuse this code. And the best part is chatty tp is   free, man. That's insane. So why don't we go ahead  and say, right? Let me see as that. We'll make the   menu item. I hover in my dilly theme menu, have an  animation that makes it look like it is hovering   up and down slightly. I don't know, that's a lot  of stuff. So I'll be surprised if this works. I   tested this with the underlying animation. So  this is all new, straight with all the faults   and anything that might happen. So let's see.  And sometimes it times out because everybody's   utilizing chatGTP at the moment and it's just the  hottest thing right now. So let's wait and see.   And there we go. It's finally writing some code.   And now my experience with this has been,  Sometimes you need to instruct chat to GTP   a little bit more on exactly what you're  trying to do. You want to make sure that   you're as descriptive as possible. The more  descriptive you are, the easier it's going to   be to make this work. So it's still kind of typing  there, but it looks like we're done now. Awesome.   So we are just going to test this right out of  the box and see what it does. But like I said,   sometimes we might need to tweak it a little bit.  So we can come back here to our theme options. I'm   going to go ahead and paste this code. And it's  nice that it even comments the code for you. I   think that is one of the most awesome features. So  let's save that and go back to the front end and   that's not doing what we wanted to do, right?  Okay, so clearly this did not work. And what I'm   thinking is we're using the theme folder for this.  So why don't we go add a class to the specific   menu and then feed that to chat gtb similar to  what we did with the button here and see whether   that makes a difference. So I'm gonna go ahead and  enable the visual folder. so I get that full front   site editing. So I don't need to go into the theme  builder itself. Yeah, we've got our menu module.   Right, and then we'll get the settings for it.  And now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a class   and I'm just gonna say chat GPT on the score menu.  And we'll just kinda use this naming convention as   we go through, maybe that'll work. Of course, I  tried the easy one before I tried the hard one,   but you know, this is how we go. because  you probably run into issues too as you   try to do this. So let's get back here to  this setting. And then I'm going to say,   please adapt the code to make a menu module line  item. Other line item have the hover animation   when the user hovers it with the mouse cursor. And  then a menu module, a menu module with the class   and the class name we just set. And let's see what  that does. Okay, so now it's going through and   it's kind of refactoring that code again and it  looks like it's the first line that it's changing.   And now what this is going to do of course  also is it's going to simplify the utilization   of this a bit because now it's not going  to look for the header specifically. It's   going to look for a menu module with a chat  GPT menu. So we can go see if this works by   going to our theme options and then we'll just  overwrite this code. I'm going to save that.   Okay, and then let's go to the front end and let's  keep our fingers crossed here. There we go. Bam.   Now you can see that it's only doing like  a hop, but that's kind of cool, right?   Now you can tell it can you make it so that it  looks like it hovers up and down in the air.   And I'm really going into this one because I  want to show you how to really drill down to   what you're looking for because of course this is  still just a computer trying to interpret what a   human is elegant to do. So this gives you just  a great idea of how one can go ahead and make   this happen but I I can kind of see already,  it's not looping the animation. So let's see,   it's giving you also like a description of how  you can go ahead and modify the code to suit   your own specific needs. And I'm just gonna tell  it and it doesn't let you type until it's done,   which is fine. That's respectful, I guess.  But let's say it, please make it loop.   And then it'll go. And now it should probably  say infinite. Yeah, there we go. That's what I   was looking for. And we're going to go ahead  and add that back in, copy the code, theme   options. And let's replace our code here, save  the changes. And now we go back to the front end.   That's not the prettiest animation on Earth,  but you kind of get the idea. Now you can go   further and say, hey, can you make it more gentle  and more soft? And stuff like that actually does   interpret that language. So we've achieved two  goals so far. It's not the best animation yet,   but it's more of a demonstration for you. So  let's get to the next example here, and I think   you guys are like this one. Now what if we added  a nice gradient background that animates and moves   around in this top section? Yeah, that would look  pretty awesome, I think. So what we're gonna be   doing is showing you how to add this animated  background to a divvy section. Now this can   make your sections look really cool and give you  a website a super unique look and feel. And I've   seen this type of animation on sites like Stripe,  for example. So let's get into it. Let's go back   to chat GTP and we'll start a new chat and we'll  say, can you write me some CSS that wall, add   an animated gradient background with  five colors to a divvy theme section.   Let's see what that does. See how  quick it goes, man? It's insane to me.   I mean, this is going to redefine the way  people do write code and stuff like that.   It's defining our background gradient there,  and then it's going to do the animation.   And now it's going to exactly tell you how to add  it. So if you add it to the sections class field,   it's going to have that background. So let's go  ahead and copy this. Let's go here to our layout,   of course. And we're probably gonna have to go  and let's see how big this section is. Okay, cool.   What I would wanna do is I'm gonna just delete the  background that's there. I don't want any type of   weird stuff overriding each other. Oh, actually,  and we just first need to put this code into   this area in our custom CSS. And then what  we do is we just copy this class name. And   what's cool about this is now you can use it on  any section, you just add that class name. So   let's save this. We'll come back here. We're  going to go to the Advanced tab, Custom CSS,   and ID classes, of course, and then add that  gradient class. And fingers crossed, this works on   the first try. We had some trouble with that last  one, didn't we? There we go. How awesome is that?   I'm just-- every time it still takes my breath  away, it's insane. But how cool is that? So very,   very helpful and beautiful, honestly.  And now you can go back and you can say,   can you make the gradient, radial and exclude,  that's not how you spell that, exclude, green. Oh,   let's just scroll down. I mean, you can literally  just go and tell it what you want out of it. So it   will go and it will tweak and it will tweak again.  and just generate all these awesome effects.   I really, I think coders would be a little worried  about this. So I'm gonna copy this. I'm gonna go   back in here to my theme options and I'm going to  replace this CSS. Bop, bop, bop, bop, here we go.   Paste that in there, save the changes. And I'd see  what that did. Yeah, you could see kinda like now,   it's like a circle going through. I actually  quite like this one a lot more to be honest   with you. That's awesome. Very cool. So that's  another example. That's three minute tutorials   down so far. We're going on to the fourth one and  things are going to get interesting now. So, lot   of animations are pretty popular on the internet  because they're lightweight, they're easily   customizable, and they look great on any site. So,  what if we wanted to add a lot of animations to   our Divi site? Yeah, we can do that. So, let's go  back to ChatGTP. I almost forgot what I'm talking   about. And we are going to say, please write  me some code that will add a lottie animation   to column in the divi folder. And I just need  to learn to spell again, typing too fast. And   there you go. And there it goes, just thinking  and cranking it out. And it says, use a code   module. It even tells you what you need to add to  the page to do this. So it really blows my mind.   And now this is the first time it's actually going  to include some JavaScript view. And it's going   to obviously be the Latte JavaScript. And it's  pulling it from CloudFarid. It already knows the   only step we need to do is go ahead and select or  download or copy the path of a Latte animation.   So I'm going to let this finish up. Actually,  why don't we just go and copy the code? Because   all we need to do is go and add it to  a code module. So let's go over here   back to the layout for our page. We've got a  column here. And if we look on the front end,   it's got this big image there. So why don't we  go ahead and delete the image, and we're going   to replace it with the animation. So we're going  to say code modules. Why don't we want it as to   use? And the cool thing here is you just literally  dump the code right in there. But we need to find   the path to our Latte animation. And that's  not that hard to do. There's a website called   LatteFiles.com where you can find tons of free  lottie files. How cool is that? You can sign   up or log in, and then we can just maybe put  your free. I don't know. I don't feel like   paying for anything. They have a lot of free  ones. They have a lot of paid ones, of course,   also. So let's take a look here. Results for free.  And then, okay, of course, it's gonna do that.   Let's just take this guy. So you can click on  that. Now, up here on the right hand corner,   you can go ahead and customize it with a palette.  Now, I think you do need to subscribe to do that.   So yeah, you need to sign up because like if we  go here and I click on Latte JSON, it just kind   of prompts you to kind of sign up. But anyway, it  did it before, but I actually clicked out of it.   So I'm going to sign up. You can sign up with one  of your accounts. No, I'm going to use my Gmail   account here. And it doesn't take long. It just  pops up getting started. Yeah, let's go. I'm all   kind of a designer. really if you've ever watched  my videos you know that I'm complaining no skill   and design but let's go let's let's type what's  the topic of the software yeah let's type software   okay so we've got code of dude here CSS  PHP whatever just click this guy you can   obviously pick anything as long as it does not  cost that money you pick loty json believe you   can just copy it yeah yeah you go yes the embed  URL so you can just go ahead and copy that URL   Lately, all you need to do, now ideally, of  course, you want to upload it to your site,   but we're just going to come over here to where  it says, put the path to your Latte animation,   and you're going to paste that in there.  Normally, it should be the JSON, but you know,   we'll troubleshoot this and figure it out.  Let's refresh that, and we can see that did   not work. So there is an issue there with that  code. Let's just come back here because I've   done this before and I'm pretty sure you just  copy the path. Oh, yeah, we go. Oops, I missed   it completely. I knew something was wrong. So  let's go back in here, go back down to that path.   There we go. Save that, update that and  then fingers crossed. This works perfectly.   There we go. How awesome is that? Now I took  a little bit longer to load because of course   this is hosted on a different site but come on  guys that's so cool I am so stoked on that so   that was a first jQuery one that adds a little  bit of JavaScript now the next one is gonna be   awesome so let's take a look at that right now  now I don't know if you've guys seen this before   but a lot of blogs like reading heavy sites will  implement the scroll bar you see it up here as   I scroll it indicates where you're at in this  article, right? You can see how I'm doing that.   So why don't we challenge ChatGDP to  write that code for us? Let's do that.   So let's try again. We are going to go and  start a new chat. And just again, guys,   here you go. You've got your chat history with all  your code and stuff. You can go back and reuse it.   That's so cool. Let us think about how we would  tell ChatGDP to go ahead and do this fast. So   maybe we'll say write me some code that will  display pro grass bar at the top of the browser   window that tracks. So I'm going to have to fix my  spelling again. How far down the page the user has   scrolled. And let's just fix my dodgy spelling  here. There we go. Let's see what it does.   I don't know, let's hope this works. Okay,  so it's got like this function. That's great.   Now I can already kind of suspect. We might need  to refactor this code a little bit or ask it,   ask ChatchyTP to do it for me. So it says you need  to have a div with all that fun stuff. Okay, well,   I think we know how we can add a div, right?  We can just use our theme bolder header to go   ahead and do that. Actually, let's tell  it, can you give me the script tag tags?   There we go. And now it's doing its thing. Again,  know, it's just adding the script tags to what   it's got over there. But it's about showing the  versatility of all this. So that's copy the code   again. Let's go to divi. Now this time, this  is not going to be where you want to put that.   We're going to add it over to integration. And  then we can go ahead and add this to the head   of our blog and just put the Java script. And  hopefully that works. I have not tested this.   So this is all live and fuel enjoyment. So we're  going to save that. And then we need to copy some   CSS as well. This we can copy and go put in our  theme options here on the general custom CSS.   And then put that in there. Now what we are going  to need to do is because we're using the theme   folder, we're going to have to give it a place  for this, right? Let's go into the theme folder.   We'll go over here. We'll go to divv. We'll say  theme folder. Now of course, you're not going to   want to have this to be a global thing on your  site. You're going to want this to be on your   blog. So you're going to have to put this on your  blog template, for example. But for this example,   we're just going to use the whole thing. So we've  got all this fun stuff. So what I'm going to do   is I'll add another section, put a single column  row in there, or put a code module in there,   with nothing in it. We're just going to  actually let's scratch the code module.   Okay, just needed to move my face there. And I'm  gonna delete that out. And what we're gonna do   is we're gonna give this guy a class of, let's  move me back down, not a class, but rather an ID   of progress bar. So let's copy that. Let's come  back here. Oops, right over here. And we'll put   that ID in there. We just remove that hash pound,  depending on how you look at things. And I'm gonna   quickly also just go with the design. I'm gonna do  spacing, padding, top and bottom, zero and zero.   And I'm gonna do the same for this section, design  spacing, because you don't want there to be some   weird white space. You just want to kind of like  sit on a neat your head or there, right? So do   that. But then also for this one, we wanna make  it full width, because that just looks better.   So we're gonna go sizing, we're gonna put the  width to 100% and max width as far as it'll let   us go. So let's go ahead and save that. Cross-out  fingers, grow the front end, and refresh our page.   So that didn't do much, did it? Okay guys, so I  kinda know what the issue was here. I went ahead   and put the code now directly on my header. Okay,  so I'm gonna go ahead and save that. And then   what I need to do, And what I didn't do was add a  couple of IDs here, which helps it target my bar.   So I'm going to go ahead and go and add those. And  then when I look at the code here, and again, this   is why I need to pay attention to what ChatGDP  tells you. I can see here that my bar is the class   and what is actually going to be painting the bar.  So I'm going to go select that. I'm going to go to   advanced. I'm going to add it as my ID there.  And then what I also need to do is get another   ID here, which is going to be my progress, which  of course is going to be the container for that.   And chatGTP, all that, and I just ignored it.  So let's go ahead and put that right in there.   We'll go advanced, give it the ID, and then of  course we'll just make sure that the sizing is   right and that is still correct. So let's save  it and see what happens now. Okay, all saved up.   There we go. So there's one thing that's  not happening right it's staying at the top   well it's staying at the top and not coming with  us Easy fix right we just go to the theme folder   and we tell it that we want this module in the  advanced settings for the sticky scroll effects   Stick to the top. I don't yeah and then save it  up Save it one more time and then let's refresh   that really quick and And now you can see we  have a fancy progress bar at the top. Now guys,   that was super easy-ish, but awesome. You just  need to read what ChatGTP tells you. And if your   code doesn't work like I've showed you a few  times now, you just go in and you say, "Hey,   that didn't work. This is what the result was."  And it actually goes through and fix it for you.   And guys, really, that's gonna be it. ChatGTP is a  super powerful language model Developed by OpenAi   that can be used for so many different tests,  including web development. In this tutorial,   we went and we've shown you how to use ChatGTP  to add a button animation, some menu animations.   We add lottie files as well as an awesome  background gradient animation. And then finally,   the ku de ta, this scroll bar that we've got right  there, which is amazing. And this is going to help   you enhance and streamline your web development  flow for any the website that you build. So yeah,   that's it, man. We really hope that this has  been helpful for you and helps you look forward   to some creative ways to utilize ChatGTP to  enhance your Divi sites. I just build better   websites. ChatGTP has completely transformed the  way that I work and my workflow when I'm working   with tutorials or building websites or even  customer support. And I have no doubt that you   guys out there will find some really interesting  ways to utilize ChatGTP in your workflow. Maybe   even write you a video script like this one.  Guys, this has been Robey with the Divi Engine   team. Thank you for watching and I'll catch you  guys in the next video. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]
Channel: Divi Engine
Views: 11,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, ChatGPT CSS, ChatGPT Code, ChatGPT Tutorial, ChatGPT jQuery, Divi, Divi CSS, Divi Tutorial, Divi jQuery, ChatGPT Divi
Id: 2VXBal3IiaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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