Worst FAILS Super Compilation 😵 Bar Rescue (Season 8)

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i'm done stop freaking lying look at this for christ's sakes shut it down clean this place where i'm gone okay you gotta get on your knees i want you to wallow in your john why don't you picture your kids down there with you i want you to understand what's going on behind the bar there's a huge gap between the amount of liquor that you sell and the amount of liquor that you use for every drink you sell they are either giving away or stealing two more drinks worth i believe you are the biggest thief in the room no i'm not why i'm safe i never get even one dollar on the cash register why i'm deaf oh here's how she gives him a big drink doesn't she what happens to her tip when she gives them twice the drink that you do she make good tips so she makes more money because she gives away more of your product that's stealing you're giving away her liquor more than you should to get a bigger tip than you would no i'm pouring the right poor then how did this happen that's not myself i see you uh overpouring if you continue to lie to me i'm gonna turn around and walk out of here and not do this bar have you done it before have you done it yes or no i'm kind of a spoiled brat i've probably been fired about seven times they have to hire two or three more people to replace whatever i was doing i gave up law school for this bar i could run this place by myself just flip-flops first of all that's illegal not to speak of how dangerous yes you have oil and you have these fryers and grills and i mean carrying the food and that's disgusting excuse me okay can we order food can we get the um the street tacos and the loaded nachos yeah for sure all right let's see the orders again microwave oh so it's going from a steam table which is supposed to be heated obviously if it's not heated that means that it's in a really bad temperature danger zone is a problem all right so now we have the food that you just took out of the microwave it just does not look appetizing that does not look like additional guess you're done in the kitchen it's obvious it's a free-for-all [Music] please let me make them no she asked me specifically yeah but she likes mine better no she's not dude cheyenne on the cool like this is nothing to do i'm at it how many can you move out of my way dude like this is what i was told but i'm on the clock i don't care like they asked me dude i'm not going to take the ball but they asked you they asked you because you they asked me because she will i'm not going to argue with you on the cool like i'm doing what i was told to do no i'm going to make them what are they okay then i'm going home bye bye mom i'm leaving i'm mad mommy she's acting like a six-year-old wow just stop this would be outrageous if it was in their living room look at the customers looking right at [Music] here it's like dinner and a show oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god they will exit donkey balls they call it craft food from scratch craft kitchen okay interesting that's what it says when i looked them up online okay those are the donkey balls yes so the donkey balls that are there very famous super proud of these balls are cooked in the microwave let's go see all of us so hit the kitchen hit the bar and let's see what the hell's going on nick caused chris to invest a half a million dollars in this bar and then he doesn't even come in dressed professionally doesn't run it professionally this bar is failing because of the choices and decisions that nick made oh he's doing john enrique the duck that went out do you make it i i don't i don't even know where to start here this is as rookie as it gets when you don't know what to do you do everything you don't know which beers to put in so you put in everything where's the dating oh my god i'm losing my mind you don't know what to put on your menu do you so you put on everything the whole menu is available yeah yeah yeah the all the brunch the breakfast and everything so it's breakfast it's our breakfast craft from scratch food yeah you're a [ __ ] liar what i saw out of brad last night is a complete disconnection from what's going on in his own bar which has led to bad team morale and an untrained staff so today in training we're gonna take it back to basics all right so last night you guys were asked about a gimlet which is a very much classic cocktail what's in a gimlet i have no idea nobody comes in and orders a gimlet ever which i have never sold in 16 years not once i'll just tell you right now at least as a bartender you know gimlet i don't know what elise's deal is with the attitude but john brought me here to help and elisa is not helping any of that happen what's your drink you served last night solace the alice would you mind maybe jumping back here and making it i don't want it devin you're the manager man this is when you step up [Music] are you just winging it i mean are you counting what are you doing a little bit of old i guess well let's all taste it that watermelon still is too punchy and at least in no way might knock in your drink i just think the proportions might be off but the whole point the whole point of this training elisa is to improve and get better hope i didn't offend you how about some food what's going on back there chef you like burnt meat looks like the kitchen's on fire yeah it is the kitchen's on fire let's go in there and watch yeah [Music] why is that grill perfect that grill has not been cleaned for as long as they own this place it has so much fat that's why the grill is on fire why is the grill on fire i guess too hot you guess what it's too hot i want you to help me do something sure yeah i don't believe they have enough money in their cash register to run this bar here's a 100 bill order one drink and pay with that hundred dollar bill what can i get for you baby 6.25 baby 94.25 i'm out of one walking next door we have two dollars and 100 bills the next person who orders a drink takes the whole damn place down how do you run a business like this listen folks we can't do this shut it down there's no way we can do transactions here this is unbelievable come back in two nights we'll show you how this is done okay excuse me here's the change here here too when you close it down here you close it down i went and got changed while you stopped for your slurpee i shut your bar down you ran out of money okay i ran to the store that first store didn't but you had enough time getting no but she was getting the change out of the come with me i'd like everybody to know this when you guys ran out of money in the height of your frustration your owner went across the street and got a slurpee that's how she took care of you now take care of your bar come on jesus [Applause] so for recon tonight i brought in some younger local singles to see how the staff treats them oh boy i'm gonna get fired for that i won't tell him i hear he's a real jerk don't like mike can we do three lemon drop shots please i have to go get lemons because there's no lemon they have no lemon none of this is good be right back come on up jeep what does it take to get a drink around here who's behind the bar right now with our bartender walking out of the bar look at the bottle of whiskey sitting on the bar can we just pour our own shots you could really help yourself there's a shot glass there's the whiskey we're good to go i'm sorry you're welcome so we finally got the lemon drops i wonder what that tastes like find that in a sec oh i wouldn't say that was successful can we order another thing can i dream old passion yeah they ordered three old fashions now what i was thinking honestly she was happy when she didn't have a drink sir excuse us what can i get a water i'll be with you when i'm done okay if you're trying to get under my skin you're getting there whoa shots fired why ask for a water they're the biggest spenders in a room i think why would he disrespect them can we get a drink over here what can i get you um all uh three shots please five dollars okay talk about a bad night how many shots have you had in the last hour this man's gonna argue with this customer they're cut off no more can't serve you more than three shots we've only had one i said you were cut off he said why because i said so how much do you weigh why does that matter that's how minutes you can drink wow and i can actually tell you that i'm not going to serve you anymore if you want to keep it up and he's putting his hands i'm so uncomfortable that he keeps touching him i'm not serving you anymore what did i do you got a little bit smart to the wrong person well yeah but it's my place why are you the wrong person i'm the owner why don't you leave whoa you want me to show you how i'll call the sheriff i can't watch this this is unbelievable it's time to get under mike's skin oh he's gonna lay into him [Music] how many drinks have you had uh two two are you intoxicated at all no no no did they appear intoxicated to you no how would you feel if i put my hand on your shoulder like you did him and pretty much said i don't like you i don't want you here because i said so i guess i'd be upset you'd be upset because the person who did that to you would be an ass correct yes why were you an ass to him i want to understand i'm sorry i don't have an explanation for you really and you're in the bar business jay come over here please hello nice to meet you so i have a simple question for you does your father act like an ass or is he an ass he's an [ __ ] he's an [ __ ] no how does that feel not well how much in debt are you mike a lot how much mike over a million dollars you like writing a check for 15 grand every month no i haven't have you ever when you're written that check said to yourself what an [ __ ] i am no i haven't said that are you here to lose more money no i am not maybe it's time to say that to yourself mike [Music] who else works here come on over guys come on let's make it a party is he an ass yes he's yeah is he a big ass or a little ass he's a big he's a big ass is he an [ __ ] all the time just about okay your son says you're an ass both your mechanics say you're an ass come on over buddy what's your name joel jr joe junior nice to meet you you guys work in the kitchen yes pleasure to meet you thank you it's mike an ass yeah yes i don't like helping asses not one person in this room believes that you have the ability to not be an ass i'm not sure i want to help you get it back tonight for stress tests i'm looking for two things i'm looking for sean to step up and run this place effectively and i'm looking for phil to act like an owner let's do it guys i'm going guys welcome welcome what can i get for you guys no tomato yep burger no tomato [Music] how are the drinks guys you try man delicious delicious love it hey john lana can i throw some drinks in here for you oh yes sir she rocks she's kicking ass john she's killing it this girl is dead to rights good i got no problems with her yeah mindy's fast she's solid she's a confident bartender she's sticking the recipes i see talent in the team now i gotta see talents from management what's up guys how are you any food or anything guys check it out now make sure we're getting orders in is somebody hitting these tables sean uh it happens you should know yes [Music] it wasn't done yet it's still raw it'll cook pretty quick because you just squished it down here put it together say what that burger's ready so listen as an owner what's going to happen is there's going to be times where he's going to know something and you got to kind of just this is that's raw as hell you're cooking you cook burgers too well done if you want to sell it you can go ahead and sell it this is your show all of it everything everything is all the clustered everything's disorganized there's not a team you know so it makes it really hard to do anything if there's not a team back here this is angela burger no [Music] three palomas three more palomas six eight palomas that makes it easy i'm sorry what's up right from the get-go i'm seeing problems in the back of the house the fact of the matter is the front of the house is doing pretty well phil managing the kitchen is unraveling while shawn has the bar together phil moe whoa look at this burger i told him it was raw i told him i it's told him several know how to cook burgers yes i do well who's cooking here if this is moe's grill then back him up all right you don't know what time the burger's gone on when it's been flipped one guy has to do this sean are you managing a bartender heading to the kitchen right now because we have some serious prices people aren't served some people are half served food is coming out yup take control all right where are we at what are we behind on talk to me guys what's going on [Music] oh man now you know why i'm here guys i'll make sure you get your money back the tickets so guys we're not even traveling at 20 miles an hour that's plenty so come on we can't deal with five tickets what the hell are we doing here one of my come tails come on phil is standing here not knowing what the hell to do everybody out there is waiting and waiting and waiting and nothing happens phil you've got to get out of the ground we've been down here freaking years how does this happen come on um crazy stress how's that crazy crazy stress is going crazy stress i'm gonna close this down okay i see our points of failure close this down now guys it is unfortunately john has made the decision it is over [Music] i think the stress test tonight um the results were mixed the bartenders did a really great job i want to tell you you guys did an awesome job okay i think shawn and i let you down because we didn't have the processes and really ready you know as an owner i'll take responsibility hopefully we can fix this and make this thing work because i want sean to succeed [Music] here we go guys my name is juan please welcome to calaveras come on in [Applause] welcome welcome come on in hi guys so we're leaving the meningo cadillac or bloody maria tonight just those three drinks big fajitas i'll buy the first 10 people whatever you want to eat let's go get the food five tickets up on the bar this entire other side hasn't been served yet it all comes down to the next 10 minutes either they'll dig out of this or they won't i need ten tamarind margaritas guys you got a bunch of orders coming in all right john we're on it before the storm yep and way too sour too let's do it again come on let's get it right two four six eight ten tickets now here at the service bar do this guys come on this is your service bar tomorrow holder ceviche come on guys we have to be faster than this jessica you gotta move quicker you're gonna have gray hair by the time this drink comes across the bar here we got our first two drinks up on the past we've been open almost 20 minutes how many people have drinks one two three four at this rate we'll be here about seven hours [Applause] how are we doing we got about we're about 20 deep on tickets so i'm gonna get wine back here to help okay [Music] why not falling apart in the kitchen hey all right so who's to manage this for you don't just walk away who's got this give this to one of them so they managed through it you've got it okay okay go in the kitchen which one you got this one which one you're working on okay there we go two heads there we go i didn't know you had a second hand it's moved quicker talk to me chef what's going on so we put out two tickets so far so what's our ticket time so it looks like we're at 24 minutes right now so yeah we're going to be doing four minute ticket times the industry standard is 12 minutes we thought this menu could be done in 10 minutes they're not even getting it done in a half hour john oh one two three four how many we got one two three four five six you guys see why i'm here now yeah yeah this is crazy i've never worked a shift where it's as bad at all come on guys we have to do better than this jessica you're the worst bartender back here you can't get this done at all okay come on we're dying in the weeds with tickets jessica i think just with experience and based on how many drinks i make i'm sure i'll get faster but it's all new to us today so i'll get there we got tickets coming out everywhere so we're we're in trouble now how about some knives and forks over here you guys gonna eat it with your hands guys how about some roll-ups some knives forks some napkins steps of service guys it looks great guys rest assured i'm told they're searching for silverware juan they can't find any silverware these customers have food they tell me they're searching for silverware what the hell is going on here i mean we can't get a fork to a freaking customer peter to get some silverware out yep thank you sweetie still no silverware down there this was sitting just around the corner filled with freaking silverware well done everybody well freaking done all they have to do is walk nine feet and pick up a frickin fork which thank you he finally did it [Applause] how many tickets we got up there chef we got about 20 but i got another 10 back here so we're gonna start running half hour 45-minute chicken times unfortunately in an hour in no time now i got 15 freaking tickets here i can't get drinks out of the bar who still doesn't have drinks you guys want to wait an hour for your food i've had failures before but this is one of the worst i am literally throwing in the white cowl why get out here look at this they can't get drinks out we can't get the service bar together you can't get food out of the kitchen we got 30 freaking tickets back there close this bar down man do we have to train and i got to start with you shut it down guys we're going to work on this we're going to make sure we're stamped up and we're better prepared for next time my deepest apologies to all of you guys i've had stress test failures this is a white towel failure a complete surrender there was not one thing that i can attach to to find success in this bar it was a complete failure [Music] anthony i really need you to pull through tonight okay if things start to fall apart i want you to put it back together okay all right it's very very important i'm like okay with john putting me in charge for the night i feel overwhelmed so i just got to bring my game up and have some fun with everyone welcome everybody come on in yeah well welcome to linda liz hey hi ladies how are you all right favorite master baby flavor blaster so if you want some flavor go ahead and squeeze that right in there we'll get right to you we're going to bust through tonight have you guys ordered yet don't forget this side anthony work the whole bar don't all stay there okay what can we get the tequila so look what happens with one workstation to dump his ice he's got to go over here to get the mint and garnishes you got to go over there the porch you got to go over there why don't you go over her i'll go over you phil come on over on top of it let's see if we can play pyramid while we're back here come on this is ridiculous this bar can find you it restricts you there's no room to move there's no room to work it can't possibly succeed let me get through here how do you work like this who wants a my head oh i got it me too all right i got you nobody's ordered over here come on guys we can't just do one side who's got this side well i got them fire over here hey anthony then claim the side be able to feed her sorry what are you doing anthony what are you doing like i'm gonna run get it together brother amanda come here amanda amanda i need you right here come here now trina i need you to come here right now look look at me you guys need to communicate okay yes what oh i saved it with all the cards that i put here yeah perfect sounds good communicate with each other so they're you guys are not listening to me i'm a little nervous and i feel a little uh like i should be behind there with them but i know i'm just in the way i'm just complicating it by doing that where's your garnish hold on oh hold on we got a flood hold up right now i'm just trying to take nelson and learn from this experience so i can be better yeah what's going on well okay okay okay careful phil hold on we gotta fly going on okay okay okay careful phil that's when it starts to overflow where is this coming from the ditch machine yes we have a plumbing disaster here our floor drain overflow the floor is so slippery i'm concerned somebody's gonna get hurt i'm gonna shut it down shut it down let's go to work somebody's going to slip and get her everybody we're shutting it down thank you guys so much for coming out the bar is awful we had floods on the floor nobody can work behind that bar there's a lot riding on here tonight this is very nerve-wracking i think sitting in an interrogation room is easier than what's going on here i want you to see this holy [ __ ] sure you can fill this place can't you yeah so tonight i want you to focus on the bar get drinks out get production going keep product moving you with me okay let's open them up hey guys everybody welcome to the grant bar come on inside [Applause] hi how's it going we got a coffee manhattan and a cucumber watch where you're touching did you just see what you did start that one over food tonight you want to do the meatball yeah i think you guys will like that what can i get you to drink one of every one of everything okay hold on i don't know i gotta let me look i gotta type it in real quick i'm so sorry so we got the grapefruit hard seltzer uh cucumber gimlets move intentionally don't touch the top of the class start that one over you're wasting your time you're wasting the guests time to focus things are moving nice and quickly aren't they did they take your order no yes has anybody looked at you smiled at you welcomed you any of those things what's going on um they look like they're the same ticket you're like they're they're where's that where's dj dj yes sir help him keep an eye on your bar yes sir all the orders coming in doesn't help if you can't get him out of here right sir try to balance this anybody can wait tables right right i was just trying to okay so have somebody else wait tables you make it happen here i asked dj to focus on production rookie managers go to the easiest spot in the room an experienced manager would know to jump in the middle of it which is production rather than doing the hard work he took the easy route can you find these these are hers they go over there they're on that table so you're sending an empty out without knowing where she's going right i mean come on dj tell her where she's going why do you know it's table three where is that one two three it's the third table you're so disorganized you can't do anything can you it's total chaos more than half the room has nothing right now complete cash there's about 100 people in here right now it's crazy nobody has any drinks i'm really not happy right now do you not know how to stir a drink and now look where you're getting those glasses are you kidding me right now start those drinks over what a waste of time what are you doing we got like over here oh sorry dude it's just we're melting cheese how we doing you know honestly we're not doing anything so how long does it take for the cheese to melt six seven minutes easily do we have all the orders in how many orders did you get five tickets do you have six tickets and what kind of ticket time first ticket's easily 12 minutes right now there's six tickets behind all the foods like they can't even get it in the oven it's a category five hurricane in that kitchen food is not going out we can't even fit stuff in the oven we're at a complete standstill tickets are coming in faster than we can produce food so we're just doomed no matter how hard they work they can't suggest they can do damn here you should have been iced before you started shaking leave the icings at the same time start both of these drinks over just dump your drinks down and drain you wouldn't have bought in them anyway trust me after this round you got to clean up this mess i am definitely going to do that and this mess you got to look at your whole body i am definitely going to do this i'm just finishing it up so moving quickly now i am i'm moving i don't want to mess up i can't take much more of this can i there's no drinks getting out to people i don't think anyone over there has even gotten an order in who doesn't have a drink [Applause] has anybody even taken an order back here so nobody has anything here nobody has anything there nobody has anything on the other side we will never dig out of this neighborhood [Applause] you've been locked in the kitchen all night watch this who has not gotten a drink i want tabby to see this is there anybody in this room who's happy right now with their service do you understand the magnitude of this failure he can't do any of this he shut this bar down i'm frustrated with myself because it's just same mistake over and over and over again maybe i'm not as good as i thought it was interesting chefs did they grill the onions and they really just put a slice of cheese yeah and some grilled onion on top of the burger that's it that's okay if that's the burger if it's a delicious burger that's a nice simple it could be delicious season it properly i'd eat it see any gloves on those hands no gloves raw meat all over his hands yep so let's see where he goes with those hands now that there's raw meat all over him okay now he's let's see now he's gonna pick up the attention there we go yeah from the raw meat to the utensil okay so that protein is now all over the handle of the knife and it's all over bread the bread oh this is a completely cross-contaminated kitchen for recon tonight i got two really good friends of mine justin and sandra justin is the creative director for a major entertainment company can you do an irish coffee yeah and i understand the pineapple margaritas are special great is that what we're doing that's what she said i have a margarita do we have jalapenos could have no but i'll go get some okay yeah we can do that oh there's there yeah all right they're actually using shot glasses as units of measurement they're not using jiggers or bar tools there's no training here no you notice how the whipped cream is falling like that you know why he didn't shake it nope look at the mess oh it's all over his hands now it tastes like water pretty hard to make a drink with coffee it tastes like water coffee's got a pretty strong flavor from that bold flavor so that's linda she's worth it isn't she what is she bar backing is she man is she a manager a bar back or is she just all hands on deck i think she's all hands on deck she is a manager but they don't know what their labor cost is their food costs so i'm not quite sure that you could call somebody a manager who doesn't know those things is this the pineapple margarita we should have given you a jalapeno pineapple margarita what did you get you don't taste tequila or pineapple no i'll fix it [Music] do you want the prime tip yeah that's prime rib dips but she was great yeah it's really good here i'd like the half rack to ruin it so john i'm just a little confused about riva she's not helping anything no see that she doesn't know me as you care exactly she almost seems a little intimidated okay so these are the ribs when were these made oh my goodness what is the date on me these are like petrified no date no label is that mold on those ribs ew that is so scary they're like boiled that's the that's a silverware caddy that is a utensil holder there's meat in there oh that's the prime rib oh god oh that is disgusting chef he can't eat this food that is not servable at all so we need to find out when that was made we can't let justin eat this food go in find out when this is made stop this okay yeah i got it john sends me in to stop these ribs from being served someone is 100 gonna get sick if not dead i'll be back to the toast come with me bring those here hey i wanted john's experts and we were just watching you hold on keep that right there huh excuse me for one second [Music] ew oh my god what is this you know this is here and you're serving this [ __ ] are you kidding me i haven't been to work here in three days okay i mean mike doesn't even understand what the hell jason is saying what are you look at this i want riva to see this she's the one who needs to see this i'll be back all right congratulations you're the worst [ __ ] cook i've ever worked cute [ __ ] ass mother [Music] i would not let them bring your food out if you ate that food you would have gotten sick we stopped in the kitchen we're dealing with this now riva linda nice to meet you both come with me ask me why are you mad john ask me where are you mad john cause you're gonna tell somebody that's why this guy makes hamburgers with his hands then he comes and picks up this knife now there's raw meat all over the net rubs his hand on this there's raw meat all over this touches the buns cuts him with his hand raw meat all over everything in this kitchen this place is completely crushed contaminated he's responsible in this kitchen but you're the owner riva you're responsible for him it's completely illegal do you understand that i'm not going to kill them yes you are did you put on gloves did you wash your hands once look at you one time look into him i did i've been watching you for a half hour this man should not be in here if he doesn't know what he's doing and he does not know what he's doing you're such a dude let me ask you a question are you supposed to wash your hands after you touch raw meat yeah did you yes i will show you tomorrow good liar you're gonna kill somebody i would not eat anything here if you were you guys you will get sick watch my hands oh please i'm sorry please don't please you guys ready let's do it okay you're accountable yes sir you got backup sir okay let's invite him in all right what's up y'all ready or what let's do this come on in ready nope right this way thanks for coming out y'all hey guys so we got some drinks two black lemonades two black lemonades got it what are you doing two black lemonades why are you putting it in there what do you always make it in first yes did you just put it in the exact same tin but i told you not to put it in pour them out and do it again okay yesterday was miles and henry today it's all these guys first ticket in let's get this started og grilled cheese smash patty grilled cheese it's cheese cheese [Music] could be making quite a few drinks at once here it's a little slow a little slow i mean it took like 15 minutes to get our first drink i mean everyone was pissed for the most part from what i could see from people around me so how many you've already got a drink raise your hands who doesn't have one oh come on who's working this side we're not a hit yet this band is still rehearsing and the fact of the matter is miles isn't acting like a leader yet hey miles i need to know where these four skeleton keys are going where is miles so what do you think you could be doing now to help i'm the runner right now okay so just give them the order i got 11 black lemonades all day the most orders we got in all week what's up my count dump them and do it again yes ma'am this is the first grilled cheese sandwich that's going out and it's not going out cause it's not done yeah i've never sweated so hard over grilled cheese sandwiches in my life well that's what happens when we don't care for the grill in the first place no food's gone out at all yet okay wow john walks in grilled cheese sandwiches are not good either they're burnt or not cooked enough it's due to the neglect of just not taking care of this place correctly in the first place who needs a black lemonade oh i just did it again over here at black lemonade anybody wear black lemonade come on girl let's get these guys some drinks they're thirsty i'm slow moving a little bit faster here i understood i had weaknesses but we were way too packed for me to be as slow as i was who doesn't have drinks none of you guys do who's thirsty who has money yes get the money get the money all right i'm sorry can i get you anything else all right here we go instead of taking a drink somebody sipped and didn't like and bring it back to the bar miles gave it to another customer so another customer got a drink that another customer had already taken a sip at him that's being completely uninformed and ignorant but you can't take a drink from one person to give it to another i'm sorry i knew that was the wrong decision to make and i did it anyways [ __ ] got caught in that god damn it then i should have known better for sure that was a huge mistake look at this yeah i know cheese ain't even melted so we have a problem okay the grill because it's so dirty is getting too hot so either we can't melt the cheese or we burn the bread okay so we got to close the kitchen down we got to get this cleaned this afternoon cut the sandwiches start cleaning the grill we're done we're done guys we can't do it this grill is so dirty in the kitchen that we can't even clean it enough to cook a grilled cheese sandwich if you are planning on ordering food we're shutting the kitchen down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know i think they were upset everything was kind of a little chaotic people were stressed and uh he just did not have enough glasses at all henry are you going to scrape the [ __ ] out of that sucker right when i first got here i wasn't sure if henry even cared enough to fight for his own business today i'm convinced he is hey i'm going to need some glassware i did i need more glassware we're out of glassware so you don't have enough glasses for it now sorry folks we're out of glasses tell him don't tell me i got a feeling none of you are gonna have a drink cause you gotta give up your glass for you to get a drink the bar is now in a complete shutdown cause we have no glasses i'd like to continue to stress that but i can't tonight is the first night i get to see these bartenders and heather actually work last night was party mode now it's stress test time how are you feeling good yes sir thank you last night i walked out because heather wasn't serious about this she has a lot to learn to make this bar work hi guys how y'all doing tonight hey guys heather and howard need to function like partners i'm a little apprehensive about the state of this bar but i need to know what i'm dealing with what can i get for y'all these are the drinks that we have right there okay so two spice pineapple one crown one two three four five six seven eight come on ladies go go go go go what are you making a spice pineapple anybody else want a spice pineapple okay make three make four you see how i'm doing this who else wants one of these which one i don't know what to say okay they're right back over here okay should one of y'all say crumbs over here last night heather was partying tonight she's really trying to manage so there's an effort now let's see if the effort causes a result okay perfect thank you welcome what's going on here i didn't have enough in there taste that tell me if that's what we made today look at this back of the room who's working this side are you watching us we're waiting let's go come on we got tickets right here so i need two crown pizzas so what are you making the crown peach you're making the white yes thank you you already caught that you got to make sure you put the right liquor in there it's not gonna taste like the right drink i feel like a hot mess right now like can show it was a living nightmare pretty much hey guys just so you know these are first and then this is the newest okay okay john look at this all these tickets right here quote unquote service bar tickets so heather yes sir manage we'll get that let's go we'll get all those tickets get your girls out of the weeds what would you do as an owner right here oh my god anyone i need two crown peaches that's heather heather like four or five in a row heather yes sir what are you doing making more pineapples how do you make those you wear you make them like this we only have one build drink you gotta shake them it's gonna taste like i'm not sure if we're getting closer to father honestly before the start of stress test there was a moment there where i had some confidence shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it i really thought we might actually pull this out no you do not do that ever nope it's complete chaos we completely unraveled look at this if phil isn't standing next to heather we don't get any drinks out they're blowing it already we're 10 minutes in and 10 minutes out it's only going to be worse close that now oh no no no this whenever you guys are done i'll just stretch your tab okay look at this sean one big clutch right here in the center of the bar and they're just all fun with right into one spot this needs to be fixed we need to change this around you got it you got his computer have any of you guys paid for these so you have no credit card or anything right i don't think anybody in this whole bar has paid for anything so howard i just got to ask you a question yes sir and i'd like everybody to listen for a second especially you heather why are we here today what is our purpose to make what money money so have you guys paid for your drinks no have you guys paid for your drinks no did they take your money did they take your money said anybody who got a drink who didn't pay for it raise your hand heather look around the room you're not collecting any [ __ ] money what are we doing here heather somebody answered me to make money and to make drinks fast and collect everybody's money okay y'all to do this i'm gonna start making sure everybody pays over 100 bar rescues and i'm still blown away guys look at this place pickets freaking everywhere heather is this getting better i thought if you give us maybe 30 more minutes we can who the hell wants to wait no okay we failed close this frickin bar because this is ridiculous and we only become more of a mess by the minute all right dominique put this in front of buddha there for now tonight is our stress test and this has never been a full service bar before all right go ahead out there invite them in all right the drinks we're having to make are as simple as they could possibly be we're only making two food items why the hell am i so worried right now welcome to empty bottle come on in we have your captain morgan hey hey hello hello hey jordan what can i get you [ __ ] my ass up whatever you got baby do not sleep okay i think you've had a little too much to drink so the door's open and they actually surprised me because they cut off the first customer who was severely inebriated good job keep it up where's all [Music] i have no bank who normally puts the banks out god tracy he's the money man how the hell we open a bar without banks it's not funny it's freaking embarrassing and you should take this seriously you should be freaking pissed not laugh about it come on trace i'm fighting for your freaking business and you think it's funny come on i'll be right with you tracy was there not a bank under the register for them no we should have but okay it was a mistake tracy is so lazy i asked them to do one thing tonight throw away the matches with a logo on them when we opened tonight where were those matches right behind the bar remember we talked about the matchbooks yeah and the liability of it pretty heavy right yes what the hell did you do about it you're sitting behind the bar i'm doing everything i can to help you you're not doing a damn thing to help yourself i put all these tables out in here i put them all out before i know people to come here come on man at this moment i see why you're failing and look in the mirror that's the damn reason people wonder why i'm yelling i'm yelling because nobody else is i come here from the other side of the country to help him and he's a lazy ass and does nothing to help himself of course i'm screaming at him he watches you sink and does nothing about it does he i feel terrible for you tracy upon problems off on me that i feel like he's perfectly capable of taking care of on his own i just wish he would help me more okay i made this wrong i put lemonade in there with that yep i need drinks that are not perfect go in the bucket behind the bar first sticker of the night and any time a bartender makes a mistake russell's putting a sticker on them [Music] [Applause] cuba lever coming come on guys chicken strips going you need them chicken fingers are up why do i have raw chicken sitting out over here don't forget you're touching those doors when you have chicken just keep one egg clean here's my problem i got raw chicken juice all over that counter and i got bartenders walking by and touching this stuff we can't do this this way look at the ice it's a dead drink now guys no i just made it like five minutes ago yeah you made it five minutes ago it got there look at it it's dead don't argue with me brandi okay all right i'm gonna have stickers all over the place anybody need chicken or mushrooms this is what happens when people don't know what the hell they're doing we ain't been [Music] oh my god we don't know where they go we've been like an hour and we just got our first set of drinks the underpoint on that one baby girl these guys are losing this right now and running around it's a mess come on guys it was very watered down it's very bitter this tastes like it doesn't yeah first year one and two and three and four and five and six over pour two ounces i'm counting my head i've done this for a long time you gotta get your beats right that's not an ounce and halfway typing looking at don't argue that you've been marching in three hours is there something i can do to help you guys last night gina acted like a 23 year old tonight she acted like an owner who's chicken strips tracy stands in the corner puffing on his cigar as his life goes down the tubes [Music] someone's gonna get hurt back here you got grease to your back you got drinks too right you got slippery spoon come on let's see where we are on this raw raw chicken guys we can't do this shut the kitchen down kitchen is shut down guys we can't get food out one and two and three and four and five and six singles so i'm counting too slow yes that was the point as soon as he told me i was counting too slow i realized what my mistake was and i corrected it come on [Music] mike grabs a mob and tried to mop back here he was just standing there but that's the way it's always been is this thing i ain't never seen that i sensed that tracy was lazy his wife begged him to get a mop bucket he doesn't know how to use a moth bucket why because he sits on his ass and he watches his wife use it all day stay off of this he's got chicken everywhere there you go tell her you're there so you should not step over the mop and break your neck are you okay i tweaked my knee and i'm limping all because of a wet floor that would have ruined my career what the hell happened in that kitchen unbelievable there's chicken juice chicken crap everywhere it was salmonella city i have seen enough i'm shutting it the hell down unfortunately we have to call last call [Music] joey him with that bottle we didn't get a chance to train but i'm still gonna be evaluating hustle guys get ready it's their own fault i would just set up my wells guys and then i would double up on it yeah can i take these off of here all right okay we open in ten minutes okay we're blowing fire and stuff let's just not make that happen okay everybody underneath this roof is gonna be safe cool talking around man i want this bar to feel the pressure so i have a big local crowd from council bluffs coming tonight a huge night for office we're excited to be here i'm ready for a big night i'm excited let's get some drinks i want to see how dave and cyrissa work when they're sober but most important i want to see if karen can lead with a good attitude we need shock babies boiler maker okay there you're all young man all right guys i'll suppose you back there i'm coming down here with you you can't see how to work my day what a full busy bar you got to handle it what'd you do there bro how much did you shake it i don't know not enough i dumped it start all over [Music] again when you're done if you can make her to ten shots so vanessa doesn't have to yeah okay i know giant i don't know what i'm doing i don't know why they're having me do it oh no down the drain sat down had to wait a while sent my friend up there to go get it and we're still waiting these people these women they've been sitting at this bar for a half hour right there in the front and this is your job as a manager to get these people together and faster we have to accomplish this in the next 24 hours and we're screwed screwed two pepperoni pizzas two of everything and two pepperoni pizzas so they're basic big box store pizzas yeah and how long do they take about 10 to 12 minutes with four pizzas and then you'll slice them and send them out let me ask you a question man the man what's wrong with karen's attitude tonight she's still pissed off i think she's really frustrated right now i know she's gonna pick it up if she smiled it would make a big difference it would it would make a huge difference and mean more of the clientele as well say something to her i will so how long have we been open 40 minutes how many cocktails have we gotten out six in 40 minutes are you guys cooking pizza and foodies too yes i have their two pepperonis in right now it's frustrating i'm getting frustrated i know you are too uh we just got to keep smiling and keeping these customers happy and they're gonna love the product we've been here over an hour and we still haven't got a pizza yet joe two pizzas just fell off the back oh hey freaking glassware over there okay you guys are broken all your mixing glasses besides two you got two mixing glasses two bartenders there you go all right so i need two more pepperoni on the fly they've been waiting an hour for a pizza these two okay let me go check on that say something to them smile say something to them i'll go check out them for you serve them do you not want to be here no i ordered i just talked to them a few minutes ago their pizza said i was going to check on him i told him tonight i see her attitude she's working because i'm telling her to there's no change here matt honey could you just go get some pizzas i need sure to miss i wanted you to make shots not i'm i'm i'm trying here i'm gonna try it oh here we go here we go two pepperonis yeah i thought you had a pepper i'm sorry straight from the convenience stores that this is i can't finish the last two pieces he's like do me a favor would you smile once this is the hospitality business smile through this come on karen you can do this i got it i'm speechless dave doesn't know what he's doing matt doesn't know this business he can't hold this place up karen's attitude the attitude's definitely still there that stubbornness is still there we're fighting a losing keep up war steam guys come on russell you are not going to believe this that's your last mixing glass brother that's it we couldn't train and now we're paying the price neither of these bartenders can get drinks out matt is trying but doesn't know what the hell to do he's burning pizzas in the pizza oven karen is back there like this angry she spent more time in her office than she did helping one customer tonight this is a disaster finish up your drinks and call it a night this place is freaking close all right guys that's it no more drinks tonight we gotta close it down i'm sorry i've been waiting for [Music] tonight's our stress test so i have just the right demographic coming 21 to 34 years old be open in 10 minutes guys okay tonight i want to see if this family can really act like business owners so i'm going to have pops coordinate the production between the bar and the kitchen diane is going to be managing the floor and mike will be supporting in the kitchen now we'll see if they can keep it together we got a big line out there let's open this place and let's make this work tonight okay okay okay thank you everybody welcome come on in they're losing pace with everything there's no organization it's a struggle who's waiting for drinks look at this guys all of these people don't have drinks let's go let's go baby let's go susie get through some of those a lot of thirsty people at the bar guys [Music] come on man what's going on i don't understand what you're doing right now you're burning these burgers you haven't even got a goddamn plate out yet all right i've got to pick up the pace here guys you need to expedite for him you need to tell him exactly what he's got on okay because he's already falling behind go let's go let's go let's go let's go so right now zeus is doing a great job all right what else i have here she's making her drinks really fast and she's making them perfect good job good job way to use both your [Music] arms [Music] [Applause] i have two managers back there but they're not working together and now more than half of this room hasn't been served table three chicken wing right here pop tell me out here pops pops is doing everything he can right now he's getting juices dad can you get more cranberry going on the floor save it now take it now it's not blowing off at anybody how are you doing good come on look around let's go playing harvard the last burger came back here but robert how is that burger medium it's burning it's just just get another one off quickly let me get this out move man i need these orders picked up pop corner table six table six both of these no problem is that a fire turn this fryer off immediately we need to pull that off there quickly there you go that's good now we're talking make those drinks six at a time let's go the hell is going on my knee closes down john that's what happens when you don't clean your kitchen you get a grease fire like this you need to starve it of oxygen salt give me a salt a lot of salt go dump it come on guys it's getting worse here we go chef it's inside the bed we got a problem there you go there you go it's just getting worse guys get me a fire extinguisher this is what happens robin this is your fault this is what you did you got to do it extinguish it out do it kill it you're joking me aren't you fire extinguisher's dead your fire extinguisher is dead for christ's sakes give me that thing quickly it's gonna flare up you gotta do it [Applause] look at your kitchen this is what rob did to you and you embrace him for it hi this is john tafra click here to subscribe to paramount network on youtube for more bar rescue
Channel: Bar Rescue
Views: 4,647,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fail compilation, bar rescue fail, best of fails, fail supercut, nasty food, Jon Taffer, Bar Rescue, Bar Rescue Show, bar rescue clip, best of bar rescue, bar rescue best moments, bar rescue best of, Paramount Network, Paramount, bar rescue tv show, bar rescue paramount network, bar rescue paramount tv series, bar rescue jon taffer, best bar rescue, top bar rescue, jon taffer, new season, bar rescue new season, bar rescue new episodes, quarantine, 2021, new, best moments
Id: ZugjRnTcKM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 39sec (3879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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